More Pressure Needed

Can recent changes on the ownership front address the stale feeling at the club?

 More Pressure Needed

Will change of ownership turn Arsenal into winners again?

An interesting week both on and off the field has come to an end with the sad news of the demise of one of the main men behind the move to The Grove. It became clear to me upon hearing the news of Mr Fiszman’s death why the recent takeover at our club has come about. One of the main shareholders at our club was on his death bed and the other simply wanted to sell her shares and get out whilst the going was in her own eyes still good. Would Mr Kroenke currently own so many shares in our club if this wasn’t the case? The clear answer would be no. I personally do not see the proposed takeover doing any harm to our club at all. In my own humble opinion we have gone stale in recent years as a club. Don’t get me wrong, in many ways the move of stadium was a move born out of ambition, even though the soul of the club has clearly been damaged if not lost altogether in doing so. It was a positive step up for the club to take at the time and one that should make success on the field of play easier in future times, but it has also been dealt with in a negative manner in my opinion. We have not seen the club remove the shackles to any extent so far since the move and this has meant less transfer funds being used season after season at the precise time that we needed to be investing more funds on the pitch rather than less. The reason for this is simple, our rivals have done so some in spectacular style and therefore we must do similar within our own means to keep up with them. As we have not done so, teams like City, Spurs and Chelsea along with United have caught us up over the past five seasons and in some cases overtaken us.

Spurs being in the Champions League this season has been no fluke. It has come about because ambition as a club has been shown over a period of time and that pretty much boils down to them investing in playing staff in recent seasons and getting improved results on the field of play after doing so. City are clearly too much of an extreme example at one end of the scale and we are too much of an extreme at the opposite end of that same scale. It has to be said that teams like Spurs do seem to be getting that balancing act rather better in recent seasons than ourselves. They buy players that are better than the ones they sell on and through doing so over a period of time have improved their own playing squad dramatically. Have we done the same thing over the past five seasons? I do not think so. I am not for one minute advocating the way City go about things. It goes without saying that we couldn’t maintain such an existence for very long and such a stance in the transfer market would be the demise of our great club. But what I am saying is there is a simple need for a balancing act and at the moment that does not exist within our club. AW has become like an addict in my opinion and his substance of choice is himself and his own ideals (that in actual fact are not required and every bit as extreme as those shown recently at Eastlands).

With Kroenke in charge I hope that the club I support over time shows a little bit more ambition. I do not expect this to be an instant change, it will come over time but it will come at some stage as Kroenke is a businessman. One that wants a good return on his original investment and who knows from his experiences in USA that to get a good return on your investments you need to invest the right money in the right places and maximise what the return will be for yourself. In the case of AFC this means getting the maximum out of marketing on a global scale, something we have been so poor at that we have spent every pre-season in Austria whilst teams like United and Chelsea have toured USA and Asia on a regular basis in recent years. Where is the money going to pour in from in touring Austria? A few skiers on the mountain tops might buy the odd woollen scarf but that would be about it.

With Kroenke at the helm this will not be allowed to continue to happen. We will tour places like Asia and USA on a regular basis, our fan base there will improve over time and our turnover will go up as a result. This improved turnover needs to be re-invested on the field of play every season for us to really see the benefits but most importantly of all it needs to be re-invested on the field of play for Mr Kroenke to see the benefits. If we win trophies rather than being happy with being 2nd, 3rd or 4th every season as is the current state of play at our club we will see continued improvement in turnover, not just from the income from winning the trophies themselves but from the higher levels of global support we would get as a result of those on field successes. United have the highest level of worldwide support for one reason and one reason only, they are successful on the field of play. Young Japenese kids buy United replica shirts not because of the great traditions of the club with past players like George Best etc, they buy the replica jerseys because they have the golden emblem of winners on the sleeve of the shirt most seasons as United are Champions. They want to be recognised as supporting a winning team, not one that prides themselves on simply being in the Champions League season after season but one that actually fancies their chances of lifting the coveted trophy come May.

Once we get to this level - and it is possible - we the fans will be happy as Larry. So will Mr Kroenke as the club shares will have risen sharply as a result of the on and off field improvements and all round the club will be a happier place to visit. Who knows we might start enjoying ourselves again and stop arguing with each other over what constitutes a failure at our club. All the AKBs currently point to the fact that we have been spoilt by results over the Wenger years and that is the reason we can’t be realistic about what a failure really is at our club. But does this point really stand up under scrutiny?

We have won the League title three times under AW’s Arsenal reign, three times in 15 years. In the 15 years prior to AW taken over the reigns of the club we won the League title twice. We have won four domestic cups under the guidance of AW over the 15 years and in the previous 15 years we won three. We have failed to win a European trophy under AW’s reign where as we managed to win one in 1994 in the 15 years prior to AW’s taking over. So overall we have won one fewer trophy in the 15 years prior to AW becoming Arsenal manager than we have won in the same time period with him in charge. To me a swing of one trophy over a time period of 15 years is not being spoilt. So for me that argument does not stand up under any scrutiny whatsoever. People no doubt will come back at me with comments about the Invincible season and sure that is something that will always be in the history books and one feat that is unlikely to be repeated ever again. But in 1991 we won the League title and lost only once in the entire league campaign, which from memory may have even included an own goal away to Chelsea in that defeat. So we nearly pulled the Invincible feat off a full five years before we had even heard of the name Arsene Wenger. I am not for one second undermining what AW has done for our club since he has taken over as manager but I do feel we need to get real about the facts and history of our club when people bound around comments that he has made our club etc as the truth is he hasn’t.

I personally hope over time the man in charge of our club feels a little more pressure from the men above him than what he has done over the past five seasons or so. For me the lack of pressure has added to our problems and in my eyes it is never a good thing for anyone in whatever line of work they have to not feel under any pressure to perform. To be reeled in on certain occasions and to have your own beliefs and opinions challenged at times is no bad thing. It is those working factors that make you improve your own performances and also contribute to keeping you on your toes.

Who can argue that AW has not had that in recent times? Is he on his toes? Not in the slightest and it is this reason why we get comments from the man like we did last week where he stated that second is not a failure and he would take that for the next 20 years quite happily now. He pointed to the fact that 18 clubs in the Premier League would gladly have our current plight and in fairness to him they would. But then again we do not start off the season with the same ambitions as teams like Wigan or Blackpool so it is a comment in my opinion made out of desperation to make his own performances seem better than what they actually are, something that seems to have become a regular event with AW in recent times. The more we fail to win things the more second is acceptable in his eyes, whereas the opposite is true in the real world. The more you fail the more you need to succeed next time around in all walks of life. That is reality and that is the real world we all live in, whatever line of work we have. The reason why AW is allowed to air these opinions is the simple fact that he has had no-one in recent times to challenge his own beliefs, no-one to push him on to better things. That is not a positive place to be in any line of work as all it does is add to the feeling of staleness and it also adds to the likelihood of future failure all over again. It is a vicious circle that breeds the very thing we all - including AW himself - surely do not want.

Maybe, just maybe the events of the past week will go some way to changing this staleness at the club we all support over the coming years. I personally feel we should all be hoping so.

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  1. clockendpaul

    Apr 17, 2011, 13:36 #5194

    Great artical mate agree with everything, and charlie george's celebrations is the best comment i think i've read could'nt put it better myself

  2. mark

    Apr 16, 2011, 19:52 #5164

    man city had big players for the big occassion. theres no substitute for that. now in the seedings for next year we are 4th behind city, chelsea and man u with spurs right up our ars and liverpool bound to be better. if we dont change now next year will hurt

  3. wenger out

    Apr 16, 2011, 18:28 #5162

    Excellent article. And the comments from 'Charlie George's Celebrations' were genius, totally spot on. Wenger is a failure, his players are failures, yet their failings are rewarded by an impotent Board. Their is a culture of failure at the Club that would never be tolerated at Moanchester United. Disgrace. Get Wenger out!

  4. HowardL

    Apr 16, 2011, 11:12 #5159

    Superb article John. From what I've heard I doubt Stan will be so silent about AW's meek acceptance of 2nd place. I do however think you need to add the extra style and panache of Henry, Bergkamp et al to the Wenger years for a truly fair balance but otherwise spot on. And can I too add my sympathies to the family of Danny Fiszman for all he did for AFC - like 2nd place 66 years is not anywhere near enough.

  5. crazygooner

    Apr 15, 2011, 22:34 #5154

    why use 100 words when a thousand will do? zzzzzzzzzzzz!

  6. mark

    Apr 15, 2011, 20:49 #5151

    Chris kamara sky sports tonight 7.30pm commenting abt arsenal v blackburn. ''arsenal didnt play with the desperation as if they needed to win''. say no more. we havnt won 1 ''must win'' game this season. aw needs to be put under more pressure to win and so do the players

  7. The Happening

    Apr 15, 2011, 20:06 #5150

    Great fresh opinion methinks, but common sense really, in any other field of work Wenger would have been sacked by now, managing is all about targets, so the math is there for all to see! As for what I've heard about SK, sounds like he understands that success on the pitch is followed by even healthier bank balances, so logically, judging by the prvious 6 seasons, Project Wenger has just been given a kick up the Arse, so to speak! Big up all things Arsenal!

  8. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 15, 2011, 18:52 #5146

    Great article John. Spot on with every word. Hopefully a change of ownership would see a change of tack (hopefully!). We have indeed gone stale and only people like you & me amongst thousands of Gooners can see it. For all the AKB's, The Arsenal have always been a big club, not since 1996. Until Liverpool took over in the 1970s, we boasted more league titles can any other club in England, FACT. We even won a European trophy before them for God's sake. Unlike Wenger, I don't think Kronke would happily settle for 2nd-4th place in the Premier League over the next 5 years let alone 20 and not even a sniff of domestic cup and European glory. You don't spend hundreds of millions of pounds to buy a football club and see that club win naff all. You would want a proper return of your investment. And I like to think that's what Kronke wants. I'm already prepared for failiure again next season. @Charlie George's Celebrations, agreed with you mate. Get Guardiola in next year. If a smaller club like Chelsea can attract world-class coaches like Hiddink & Ancelotti, then we too can do the same. And our current manager gets a hefty wedge too, so for the AKB's, money is NOT the issue. But if we can't get him, you're right on Villa Boas, Mourinho Mk II with better football.

  9. Richard Ansell

    Apr 15, 2011, 18:06 #5145

    Really enjoyed reading your article, John, and you are absolutely correct in all you have written.

  10. bob

    Apr 15, 2011, 17:50 #5144

    i completely disagree with this article,it is all wrong and rather stupid,it is all wrong i'm afraid to say john

  11. Charlie George's Celebrations

    Apr 15, 2011, 16:57 #5143

    Superb article. STALE is the word! Stale management, stale tactics. It makes me giggle to hear AW has 'spoilt us'? SPOILT? On what? Those Zero CL trophies? No back to back league titles? 3 league titles in FIfteen years? No trophies in coming up seven years now? Diaby? Denilson? Eboue? Chamakh? Song? Bendtner? Almunia? Flapianski? Ro****ty? Clichy? Silvestre? Retired Jens Lehmann!!! SERIOUSLY! Spoilt? All for the princely sum of £1200 a season ticket!!! Leave off! The man is challenged from no one. Success breeds success. It is high time Arsenal fans ask themselves whether we have any right to call ourselves a 'big club' anymore? Because I no longer feel we are. No big club would EVER let a manager get away with claiming '4th is a trophy' and 'I sign up to 2nd for the next 20 years'. You'd be put the door. No big club would extend a manager's contract off the back of winning naff all in five years. No big club would let Hill-Wood get away with the type of comments he made about the AST. No big club extends the contracts of non-performing players etc.... AW lives in his own bubble. The funniest thing about him calling UEFA a 'dictatorship' was that of course, he WOULD know all about Dictatorships, since he runs one where the minute you question him, they shut off communication and vet questions at the AGM, Hill-Wood makes threats, AW insults the fans etc.... But yeah I forgot. Arsene is 'the best manager i the world' (who's never won a CL or back to back titles). And he is 'doing a great job under financial constraints' (no constraints of his own though as he picks up his £6.5 mil a year!!!!). How anyone could give two sh**s about a manager who has made it clear he doesn't give a toss what the fans think, is beyond me. Actually no it isn''s called Brainwashing and the Cult of Personality! Wenger Out. I'd take a punt on Villas Boas, looks like the new Mourinho to me. Or else Guus Hiddink who leaves Turkey this summer. Or let AW have his one final season of failure next year (Arsenal will go trophyless again next season mark my words), and PEP GUARDIOLA can come in summer of 2012 and show him how it's done!!!!

  12. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Apr 15, 2011, 16:41 #5142

    Firstly - RIP Mr Fiszman. My sympathies to his family. A very good article that further puts Wenger's position in context. 3 titles in 15 years and no euro success hardly qualifies him to be installed into the pantheon of manager greats. The annoying thing, of course, is that his record of relatively stunted success is due to his own making. Let's hope Wenger now will answer to a boss and we see the end of rewarding the mediocre.

  13. allybear

    Apr 15, 2011, 15:27 #5140

    Very good and certainly you make great sense to me.Unless something changes with AW then i cant see the club doing any better in future.As stated Mr Kroenke will want a return on his investment and lets all hope its the beginning of a new era for the club. So out with the average and overrated players and also time for AW to move on.

  14. CD

    Apr 15, 2011, 15:07 #5139

    Great article John, and 100% spot on. It is the lack of accountability which has made AW so complacent, and being under no pressure whatsoever to win something other than a top 4 place, which has allowed him to redifine about what he constitutes as success. To me and a lot fellow Gooners success means striving to be No1 and not to be content with being No2!!! This is why we have indeed become stale and explains our annual capitulation act as the players now know it's ok to only be No2. What a disasterous admission that was from AW, and simply confirms the thrust of your article that he is not under pressure to win trophies, and this must change under the new ownership.