Why can’t you trust Arsenal to take your dog for a walk?

Online Ed: It’s déjà vu… all over again

Why can’t you trust Arsenal to take your dog for a walk?

Eboue: The joke is expensive, but it ain’t over

It’s a gag I’ve used before, but it bears repeating. Why can’t you trust Arsenal to take your dog for a walk? Because they can’t hold a lead. I doubt many are laughing. Crying, possibly.

Still, let me get something off my chest first. The minute’s silence for Danny Fiszman and the recent anniversary of the Hillsborough Disaster. As you would expect, the players gather around the centre circle for a minute’s silence… where they are joined in tribute to those sadly departed by a man wearing a giant dinosaur costume. I’m sorry, but this just isn’t appropriate. If the fool whose job it is to don the Gunnersaurus outfit does not wish to disappear from view at this juncture, then at least have the basic civility not to make a farce of the minute’s silence by taking centre stage in the middle of the playing surface. Arsenal are supposed to symbolise class, the right way of doing things. Yet you have this clown in a dinosaur costume cheapening what should be a moment of sombre reflection. If you had been unfortunate enough to lose someone in the Hillsborough tragedy, what would you have made of this total misjudgment? Did Gunnersaurus attend Danny Fiszman’s funeral in costume? Of course he didn’t so f**k off the pitch at such moments and show some basic respect. It’s not the first time this has happened, but I do hope someone at the club is reading this, has a word with the man in the costume and that there is no repeat. Basic decency and plain respect demand it. In the event that I encounter the mascot at some future event I will tell him my opinion and no doubt.

Shall we move onto the football? Mental strength. Ah yes. I haven’t seen anything of the manager’s press conference words, but I am sure that, on this occasion, he gave that particular phrase a wide steer. Because the moment Arsenal established a lead, they went to pieces, displaying the solidity and character of a jelly mountain. They haven’t learned. 2006: Gael Clichy rushes into a Villarreal forward in the Champions League semi final second leg, but is let off the hook by Jens Lehmann saving the spot kick. Some of the younger players rush to celebrate with the mad German as the ball goes out for a corner. Jens tells them to f*** right off and concentrate on defending instead of celebrating. Their mindset is gone, and they need to re-focus double quick. An experienced head ensures the players are doing what they should to get the required result. The time for high fives is after the final whistle.

In 2008, at Anfleld, Arsenal score the goal that should ensure passage to a Champions League semi-final against Chelsea. But from the kick off panic ensues, Kolo Toure makes needless contact with a savvy Ryan Babbel and this time the keeper (Almumia) is unable to save the day. 2011, and the Premier League title challenge is given a late lifeline by a Robin van Persie penalty deep into injury time. The celebrations are ecstatic and extended, the focus gone. Now you need a Vieira, a Gilberto, to calm things down and get the team concentrating until the final whistle. Central midfield at this stage consists of Song, Nasri and Fabregas. Pups in the greater scheme of things, with the bulk of their careers ahead of them. No authority, no leadership, no knowhow.

So then you get Eboue ploughing into Lucas with as much sensitivity to what was required at the moment as Gunnersaurus during the minute’s silence. Clichy, Toure, Eboue. Not much football intelligence there really, is there? As Lee Dixon said on ‘Match of the Day 2’, it was a penalty Nigel Winterburn would never have given away. And ultimately, you have to point the finger at the manager. Arsenal conspire to give away winning positions with such frequency because the players are not mentally capable of doing what is required to win football matches they should be good enough to. There have been a number this season, and it isn’t a new trait. It was happening in 1999 for God’s sake. It’s certainly happened a lot since the departure from Highbury and the break-up of the Invincibles. What significance that the one time the team established the ability to see matches through that Martin Keown was helping out the coaching staff? He was supposedly there to learn! What a joke. Wenger has always downplayed Keown’s role in 2006 because he does not want anyone else to take the credit for a fantastic run in Europe. It is the kind of selfish vanity that has brought us the frustrations that Project Wenger has now led us to.

People are seriously p***ed off, and word from inside the club is that apparently they are bricking it about the planned season ticket price rises. One suspects that they may seriously now consider only levying the 2.5% VAT rise instead of the 6.5% being asked for club level renewals.

Stan Kroenke was in attendance yesterday. I have a memory of his first game at the club being the 1-1 Premier League draw when Liverpool visited Arsenal in April 2008. Not much has changed. A red scarf was draped over Danny Fiszman’s seat in the directors’ box, although someone managed to dislodge it during the interval. It kind of symbolized the afternoon in many ways. Fiszman’s contribution to the club has been immense. In some ways he was as instrumental in the revolution the club has witnessed as the current manager. I have reservations about naming the bridges to the stadium after directors (Ken Friar Bridge does not have the aura of Sir Matt Busby Way) but Fiszman worked very hard to bring about a stadium that puts Arsenal in a position to compete with the top clubs. Granted, the value of his shareholding increased significantly as a consequence, so it was not a thankless task. However, credit is due for his efforts and obviously with his passing, the club has the opportunity to move on from the limbo created by his unfortunate health problems.

The chances of changing the manager are slim for the time being. Kroenke is aware of the bottom line – the balance books – and Arsene Wenger’s current contract means they cannot seriously consider replacing him until 2013 at the earliest. So it’s now up to the board to identify the repeated failings of the team, discuss these with the manager, and leave him in no doubt that change is required. There is unlikely to be a mass clear out of playing personnel in the summer, although that would be a very positive step. However, my argument when putting forward the idea that the club would be better served with a change at managerial level is that a different boss could get more out of the group of players currently contracted, through handling them differently, and critically better coaching methods. George Graham is too old to be taking regular training sessions, but defence needs to be worked on a lot more than it is. With the right approach, even these players could develop a winning mentality. Life is too comfortable for an Arsenal player today. As Myles Palmer has christened it, the ‘Colney Creche’ has created a bubble in which the players are not challenged, where adversity is never seen. Thierry Henry became the player he is because Martin Keown habitually kicked him black and blue in training.

So if Wenger stays, the board needs to insist on an overhaul in the coaching staff to bring in people who are going to make waves and make life a lot less comfortable, people who will hold players to account and challenge the manager in the areas he is getting it wrong, season after season. And if Wenger wants to throw his toys out of the pram and accept a role at a different concern, I won’t be shedding too many tears. There is a glass ceiling at the club now. Their ambitions are limited because the manager has built a side without the character, composure and basic intelligence to obtain the results required. He can get them within sight of the winning post, but as triumph nears, they bottle it, repeatedly. It’s a psychological problem now. Aside from the changes to the coaching staff, a different type of player needs to be brought in, and the tactics changed. Too often attacking moves are both laborious and lack numbers in the box to actually make the most of any balls that come into the centre.

Still, there’s plenty of time to rake over the coals of the changes that need to be made between now and next season. For now, I just want to see the AKB fantasists leave their comments about how Arsenal can still win the title, and that we should not give up yet. From the last 15 available league points, Arsenal have dropped more than they have gained. In that time they have played Sunderland, West Brom, Blackburn, Blackpool and Liverpool. Once the title is gone, and the pressure is off, the team will rally and play some sumptuous entertaining football in meaningless fixtures. Plus ca change, eh?

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  1. Flossy

    Apr 20, 2011, 6:59 #5457

    Glad I've finally found sohmeting I agree with!

  2. Simon

    Apr 19, 2011, 15:59 #5384

    A good Editorial and a good debate. To chip in my £5,540's worth: 1. When it comes to annual review time, does Ivan ask AW for a report on his players and the team as a whole looking at the games it goes wrong in and why and then asking AW about the common themes/charecters ie the panic, the sharing of blunders around the back 5, the same persistent offenders year in year out. Surely he can't? [question for Ivan in June] 2. We must be doing a lot right in games as we rarely lose by more than one and rarely lose or draw a game we shouldn't have won, so our collective team play from back to front must be consistently good. 3. We all know the huge list of games where individual blunders and the onset of collective panic have cost us games but the list of home games we either failed to score in or relied on a non regular source to get us home in is huge (Everton, Leeds, Huddersfield, Stoke, Sunderland, Blackburn and now Liverpool). When Cesc, Nasri, Walcott and Arshavin are scoring regularly, the lack of goals in Chamakh and Bendtner gets concealed but United having Hernandez to go with their midfield goals and Berbatov is what has separated them from us as much as our love of a banana skin. 4. How many really good games have we had? City Away, Chelsea and Barca at home. The rest have been skin of the teeth affairs but then so too have most other teams' games, even at the top, so maybe this is the new paradigm for EPL games (ie its always close and nerves count a lot). 5 The sheer heartache felt by fans this year and sense of embaressment and ashamedness on occassion should be Arsenl's biggest concern as pride is the bottomline for a fan but is it. There's a growing sense Arsene is getting more and more removed from the reality of how he and his team is perceived.

  3. mike

    Apr 19, 2011, 15:11 #5380

    well first of all DID YOU EVER PLAY FOOTBALL? i mean it is too easy talking talking and talking again . what about if the lads up front would have had scored lets say ... 3 goals out of ... the 10 chances the whole team created on sunday against LIVERPOOL , sure eBOUE S foul wasnt needed , but then it wuld have been 3-1 against a side who played with 2 teenagers at the back surely this result was possible . everyone is talking about arsenal defenders being not good enought or what so ever well we are the second best defence , and please take a closer look at how the midfields players are helping out the defence then you will understand why now and then the defence look short !!!!! you guys only say things that even my grand mother coud tell by listening the tv just try guys to look closer and make your own opinion .

  4. Gooner S

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:48 #5360

    Dan: In 2009 Liverpool scored NINE more goals than the Champions and had the third best defensive record in the league at the end of the season and who won the league?... Man U! You do not get a PL winners medal for conceding less goals than the team that finishes 1st!! PS if you think Arsenal have defended 'excellently' this season can I have some of whatever you're smoking please?

  5. Gooner 72

    Apr 18, 2011, 22:26 #5304

    Quite simply.....I want my Arsenal back.....I can't take any more of this, it's too much to take, AW's naive tactics, brainless substitutions and pass the bucket "after match" interviews, our lack of fighters for the cause, I could go on but won't in fear I'll get told to support that lot down the road. We were once class on the pitch and off and now we are neither. I want my Arsenal back......

  6. johnnyh

    Apr 18, 2011, 20:51 #5301

    well said dan in post 5779. you have summed it up perfectly. i am sick of hearing criticism of our defence,the biggest problem with the team is the lack of a 20-25 goal a season striker. as i have said before a fully fit torres,a drogba,david villa or even darren bent would score a bucketfull in our team. if we had this plus contributions from the likes of nasri,fabregas and walcott we wouldnt have to worry about the defence. regarding yesterdays game i have to ask how much longer have we to put up with eboue?,i am not referring so much to his conceding the penalty as song should have thumped the ball 40 yards into touch instead of 4 yards outside the box, i am referring to his constant diving followed by the rolling around feigning serious injury.i have NEVER disliked an arsenal payer as much as him. the man is an embarassment to our club and should be despatched to the first team that will have him pronto. finally and talking of embarassment arsene wenger should be totally ashamed of himself with his childish and classless behaviour towards kenny dalglish at the final whistle. i can only hope he apologised to the liverpool boss in the tunnel.

  7. Red Fred

    Apr 18, 2011, 19:23 #5292

    I was actually very pleased when i first saw gunnersaurus in the centre circle during minutes silence as i was hoping he was playing instead of eboue or diaby, he would probably be able to pass a ball and could maybe be able to deliver a cross unlike theo.Give gunnersaurus 50 grand a week and a 5 year contract like some of the other clowns!

  8. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 18, 2011, 19:02 #5291

    The only good thing to come out of this is more pressure on wenger. The anger is going mainstream now so it cant be covered up. I still think Kronke wont want a situation with rebellious fans. I live in hope that he pulls the plug or wenger walks

  9. Dan

    Apr 18, 2011, 17:14 #5282

    My God! WHY do people keep drinking the kool-aid about our "poor defending"?!? Arsenal's defence has been excellent this season. The least shots on goal allowed, third least goals conceded in the league. The problem is that we are no longer doing what we need to do to break down disciplined defences. Remember the Chelsea game boxing day? One-twos, forward runs and runners from deep. None of which we have been doing in recent games. THIS is why we are drawing games we should win, NOT because we defend poorly. we had 2 goalless draws recently and couldn't kill off Stoke. Our big stars (RvP, Nasri, Cesc & AA) are not firing. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  10. Website Editor

    Apr 18, 2011, 15:55 #5274

    ppp (5731) - i think kids can learn from the behaviour of those around them more than seeing someone wearing an oversized dinosaur costume in the centre circle with the players. you think kids can't relate to the actions of fabregas and their other heroes and follow suit without the need to see the mascot doing so too? it just makes a mockery of the attempted tribute in my book.

  11. Steve

    Apr 18, 2011, 15:19 #5270

    Two points: 1. I have no doubt that the attacking players in the squad can score at will in practice. Then, when they encounter a REAL defense on match day, they have a very difficult time breaking it down. In other words, improving the defense would help on two fronts, defense (obviously), and attack. 2. I know that there is absolutely no chance of Jose Mourinhou ever managing Arsenal. However, for discussion purposes, if Jose were to come, who of the current squad do you think he would actually keep?

  12. lauren

    Apr 18, 2011, 15:17 #5269

    I'm just sick to death of this team. I can't watch them anymore, even when they play well. I can't watch AW's interviews anymore, I can't stomach any of it anymore.

  13. Adam K

    Apr 18, 2011, 14:19 #5265

    Do I want still want Wenger as our manager....Yes Do I think an overhaul needs to take place before we win the title again......Yes Do I think that our stubborn manager will have the gumption to carry out this overhaul.....NO Confused....YEP!!

  14. Mungo

    Apr 18, 2011, 14:03 #5264

    I have written to the club following the embarrising scenes for the minutes silence. We should have come on with flowers like at Anfield 89, where we showed true class.

  15. Bodega

    Apr 18, 2011, 13:55 #5263

    agree with all of the above. Just hope Arshavin isn't offloaded because I think he has a directness and will to win in him that some of the others don't, even if he's struggled a bit with his form this season. Dear Lord in Heaven, Diaby was the best midfielder yesterday, which says it all. Cesc was awful and strolled around with his head down for most of the game

  16. Richard Ansell

    Apr 18, 2011, 12:45 #5253

    I am completely tired of it all now and I could hardly be bothered to find out the score on Sunday. When I did and saw that 0-0 had turned in to 1-1 and that we again threw away a stonewall winning position I almost laughed. The only thing that 'Project Wenger' has done for me is to virtually get me to the point where I just don't care anymore. It has taken over forty years to achieve this, but he has done it. Obviously my 'mental strength' is not good enough to endure more of this torture.

  17. vonMelonkampf

    Apr 18, 2011, 12:23 #5251

    Our only hope is that Pat Rice retires this summer and we get someone with some tactical nous as Wenger has none. I'm hoping that Steve Bould will be number two next season but we will probably get another yes man.

  18. Gooner S

    Apr 18, 2011, 12:11 #5247

    Eboue's challenge on Lucas was brainless and cost us two vital points but we should have been saved by the referee's whistle. Eight minutes added time, one more for the celebrations after Van Persie's penalty equal 99 but Liverpool's penalty was awarded in the 101st minute!! Unbelievable! Wenger does need to change though, the lack of chances created against struggling teams like Sunderland and Blackburn and yesterday against Liverpool is very worrying! We can't even use the excuse that we are without creative players such as Nasri and Fabregas (although I believe the later is playing with an injury). Get in Lucio from Internazionale and Scott Parker from West Ham and if Wenger has to sell Eboue, Diaby, Bentner, Rosicky and Denilson get near a net profit so be it.

  19. dan

    Apr 18, 2011, 11:59 #5245

    keep the faith.you will win the lottery one day

  20. Mike

    Apr 18, 2011, 11:08 #5238

    Just like to point out to Rob that it as infact Kenny who swore at Wenger and not the other way round. Secondly you can't hold the manager responsible for the choices he has made as pressure from outside the club is forcing him to pick more 'experienced' players like Eboue. As Sagna is injured, there is a whole list of players he is dying to try out in the right back position but if he were to, eyebrows would once again be raised. As a result he has to pick players like Eboue, Denilson, Diaby...Players that everyone is already familiar with but who aren't good enough. I think Wenger should truly stand up for what he believes in and start promoting youth again. Wilshere, Fabregas, Djourou and Szczensy are prime examples of the great mental strength that has come through the ranks at Arsenal. I for one would like to see more players from the reserve team contribute to the first team and challenge for places. Finally what more can you ask from your captain? 97th minute, things aren't going his way and yet he still wins you a penalty to put the game to bed. His attitude has seemed lethargic lately but I feel the strain of the world cup and the entire season contributing to constant injury problems has left him a bit demotivated. He needs a break, if he decides to stay, I'm sure he will continue to play his heart out

  21. ppp

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:55 #5236

    Mascots are a part of football - their presence during a minute's silence is important to help kids understand the need to be respectful. Just because the mascot doesn't mean anything to you - don't assume it doesn't mean anything to others.

  22. Terry

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:28 #5229

    Kevin that clown in the green suit did the same for the minutes silence the day Rocky died.I'm surprised he didnt start firing t-shirts into the crowd.A total lack of class.Welcome to Arsenal 2011.Now onto the clowns on the pitch.Eboue is rightly getting hammered for his idiotic push but before that in the incident leading up to the free kick Song had 3 attempts to clear the ball then gave away the free kick that could easily have been given as a penalty.It was defending of a headless chicken.He is not a good enough DM.When Gooners list players who should be shown the door in the summer there is one player who is missing that is Walcott.He is just a show pony loved by the english press who dont have to watch him every week .He has a good 10-15 mins at the start of every game then the LB susses him out a for the rest of the game he has him in his pocket.He was against a 17 year old who was playing his 2nd ever game yet the youngster wasnt troubled and Walcott was subbed as usual.I have always said a team that has Eboue playing in it will never win anything.All he is is a diving cheat.We will never get a better chance to win the title.Man Utd have been average Chelsea poor but because stubborn Wenger will not spend money on quality experienced winners prefering crap inexperienced losers.Arsenal are now a business not a football club who judge success on profits off the pitch rather than trophies on it.A season ticket renewal is a vote of confidence in Wenger.The only way things will change is if the fans say enough is enough

  23. Fedupwithit

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:25 #5228

    AW is a marketing genius guys so he redirected the boos onto the ref. he is not stupid. he is the top employee at Arsene PLC and he wants another good bonus and will use all his cunning ways to get it. if you really think AW is a winner then crikey you are seriously deluded. he will be more happy that JW got player of the year as that means his value went from £0 to £25m and AW gets a cut in the takings. lovely stadium, lovely nice players, loveliness everywhere but the people in this club today will come 2nd to people who want to win every day of the week !

  24. Ian McCarthy

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:14 #5227

    At the moment we are children with frailties and fragility being led by an over indulgent parent. We don't just need one or two changes we need five or six. Sunderland have managed 1 point in their last 9 games and that was against us at our place, says it all really. That was very close to our best side yesterday against a team with 2 teenage full backs, forced to make a change at CB, we were at home and still couldn't break them down. There was blind panic after we scored with no idea how to get over the finish line. Same old same old.

  25. CD

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:14 #5226

    Plenty of "Mental Strength" displayed in those last few minutes, especially by Eboue who is part of our "Best Squad Ever"!!! It is now looking highly likely that Manure will win the title at the Grove in a fortnight, where one team will indeed display "Mental Strength", shame it's not ours!!! Were that to happen, it would be the final nail in the coffin for AW's vanity fantasist project. Or would it? As we would also have a trophy to celebrate that day, a top 4 finish!!!

  26. Tom

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:02 #5223

    You're right. I have said this longer than Myles Palmer. I uncovered Wenger's flaws when he persistently played Gilberto over Edu. When we last won anything, Edu starred in difficult away games, and also provided creativity alongside Vieira at home. Gilberto is overrated amongst fans. He was a dimwit like the current crop, but arrived just in time to get a couple of trophies under his belt with the good, old team. When Wenger failed to win the Champions League with his superteam, he panicked. To this french mathematician, it didn't add up. Injuries and an ever weakening squad, meant he had to go 4-5-1 in the premium competition and on the first try, that lesser Arsenal team made it to the final. Since, he's been playing 4-5-1/4-3-3, but by his own admission - stated regularly in his first 6-7 years - he is a 4-4-2 guy through and through. Playing a 4-3-3 requires drill, practice, patterns and intelligent movement. I don't know which british sport to compare it to, but if we take a look at Am. Football, they have "plays". In this situation, we do this and that etc. Wenger does not master this aspect of the game. Therefore Arsenal is a boring, one-dimensional pass-pass team with zero penetration power. Also, by having the most passing-minded players in the league, they keep the ball too much. If they were stronger and more aggressive in the centre, they're benefit from having the ball less and catch their opponents off guard. The current tactics allows the opponents to jog back and take their positions time and again. I was banned at Arsenal-Land Forum six years ago for telling the truth. To me, football is a language I master. It's chess. It's moves and counter-moves. 99,9% of fans lack my insight. I'm not trying to be arrogant. I have many flaws in me, but I know what I'm talking about when it comes to football. Seeing something years before the "public" picks up on it, makes you a traitor.

  27. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:55 #5221

    Over the course of 38 games you get found out and so do bad players. I am sick of listening to excuses from the manager and blaming everyone else. "The ref played more time than he said he would". So what, deal with it. Just because he played a couple of extra minutes doesn't mean you have to go charging through the back of a player when the ball is going away from goal and out of play. The fact that Eboue is still at the club is a fine example of what is wrong with the manager. When Wenger makes a mistake he then compounds them by not being big enough to admit the mistake and move the players on. Hence we are left with the likes of Eboue, Diaby, the goalkeeepers, the defenders, Rosiky, Denilson etc.. He is so desperate to be proved right with this group of players that he can't see the woods through the trees. The real problem yesterday was we couldnt score against a back 4 the consisted of two school children, a very over the hill Carrager who was then replaced by a Greek waiter. The reason for this is we are so one dimensional and predictable. We seriously lack a proper centre forward who wants to play in the penalty area and score goals, like an Henandez or even a Darren Bent. Teams know they can defend deep and narrow and keep us in front of them. Too easy by far. But we all know that it was the refs fault really, again!!!

  28. EborGooner

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:50 #5220

    Like the rest of the Gooner nation I too watched in horror as we played our "Get out of jail free" card and then somehow, still found a way not to win. As you rightly point out, despite AW's continued insistence on "mental strength", this group bottles it whenever pressure is applied. Your article is spot on as we were the better footballing side, had our usual loads of possession, played pass after pass in front of their back four, and didn't get into their box, or at the defenders with sufficient speed and directness. Even with only seconds to go we were panicking and I'm not sure we can even blame Ebouseless too much. He was merely infected with the team malaise. Once in front, with the possibility of the prize, the entire side goes to pieces. Arsenal are like a team who doesn't actually know the score. At 0-0 we play possession football, without really threatening the opposition goal (as though we have a 2 or 3 goal cushion) and when we have a lead,and should be taking the sting out of the game with possession football we charge around like headless chickens, give away silly free kicks, and barge into players in our own box. We can still win the Premiership BUT it would take a major change in attitude in our team, and more importantly, in the ManUre side. They don't look afraid of winning like we do! A final thought about mental toughness. To my mind the title was really lost in the two games this season where Arsenal utterly capitulated from positions of seeming impregnability. Newcastle away (4 up and only drew)and Spuds at home (2 up at half time and cruising and somehow lost). Those 5 points would have had us now within 1 point of ManUre with them still to come to the Emirates. However, had we got those points this team would have contrived to drop points elsewhere because, deep down in their sub concsious, they do not want the pressure of challenging for the title. Is that "mental toughness"?

  29. Bob

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:50 #5219

    While I take the point about how inappropriate Gunnersaurus's appearance in the centre-circle was during the minute's silence, I do think there is something wonderfully fitting about having a dinosaur as our mascot. Instead of parading around on the pitch, perhaps he might find himself more at home in the boardroom among his distant relatives the nearly-extinct HillWoodasaurus and Wengerdactyl, relics who believe that you can seriously expect to win trophies without significant investment in the playing squad in this day and age.

  30. Rob

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:46 #5218

    All very true Kev. But Wenger won't change - will he ! Too stubborn, too arrogant, too boneheaded and too far into his own ego to see the truth. His reaction to Dalglish yesterday was frankly an embarrassment and a disgrace. Credit Kenny for not rising to the bait afterwards. It's sad to see it really is, as he - Wenger - is destroying his own legacy right in front of the supporters eyes. But can you really see him getting Keown back ? Or someone like that ? Only if Kronke tells him to get real or leave will the light of reality shine through. And even then I have my doubts.

  31. BigCockerel

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:45 #5217

    Quadruple still on is it?

  32. tippytappynevershooty

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:36 #5216

    Spot on article and yesterday was utterly predictable - same old ****ty football, same old impotent formation, same old classless reaction from our great leader, same old collapse at moment of reckoning. I am just concerned that after all the recent change and drama Wenger wil be allowed to piss away one more season pursuing his ego trip of Wengerball World Domination Telepathic Tippytappynevershooty

  33. Oliver Chessis

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:29 #5215

    I agree on the whole, but in fairness to Cesc, he did make the point of telling the lads to concentrate. Sometimes you just have to hold your hands up, and admit Eboue is a bit of a clown. Title is gone, but, was it really ever there?

  34. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:24 #5214

    Another game, another disappointment. Where once there was joy and exhilaration of watching the Arsenal play in that wonderfully buccaneering style that raised the hairs on the back of your neck, there is now nervousness, frustration and an awful acceptance that we’re just not good enough. Where once there was satisfaction of witnessing a masterful display of assured professionals, there is now only a dreadful wait for that horrible moment when this bunch of inadequate misfits conspire amongst themselves in allowing it all to go titz up. I don’t know if Mr Kroenke fully understands the rules and nuances of Soccerball, but I have no doubt that as someone familiar and knowledgeable with other sports, he can spot a team who has just snatched a draw from the jaws of victory when he sees it. Perhaps this is what initiated Wenger’s rather graceless display at the final whistle where he assumed the role of the poor innocent that’s just been terribly wronged. It may be that the spur for this behaviour stemmed from the realisation that the form of Stan Kroenke, looking down upon him from the gods, suddenly now represents a boss-like individual who has a massive say in his future employability. If Wenger now exists in a work environment similar to everyone else on the planet – then good. Perhaps now there may be some resistance to his continued expensive indulgencies that are as fruitless as they are pointless. Finally, may I offer some clarification to Mr Wenger if he were under any impression that all the booing and jeering at the end of the match was directed solely upon the referee. May I respectfully point out – as someone who was at the game – that you are mistaken.