Only Arsenal

Reflections on a Sunday afternoon…

Only Arsenal

Eboue: Overpaid cheerleader

Only Arsenal could score a 'winning' goal in the dying seconds of what should be the last of eight additional minutes, and yet still throw it all away. A lead is never enough to mean a win with this Arsenal, no matter the margin or the length of time remaining.

It was another let down of a home performance. The pattern is all to regular. Pass. Pass. Slow. Pass. Around the box, looking for that intricate pass leading to a beautiful goal. When that doesn't work, the change is eventually made. A strong, tall, physical forward is brought on, and Bendtner finds himself stuck out wide, trying to create the cross that he really ought to be in the middle trying to get on the end of. How often has that worked? What sort of home result do we have to endure before Arsene realises that the current formation isn't working there? Fruitless. Firing blanks. We can't score a goal against Blackburn. Sunderland. Van Persie finds himself isolated, there's nobody in the box and it's just all too easy to defend against. Four Four Two.

And yet for all that nothingness, the three points were there. Take them, and this morning’s papers become about how Arsenal battled on to the death to stay in the title race. Papering over the cracks, but f**k it, three points does that very well. But only Arsenal, when gaining such a lead, would find themselves stricken by the panic of losing it, rather than rising to the importance of keeping it. Bottle. See it out. When the ball is in or around our box, someone, anyone in red and white, take responsibility and just clear the ball. The passage of play which precedes the Suarez free kick (which leads to you know what) makes horrific viewing. There's four chances to clear the ball. Four. But we wobble. It's what we do. A simple clearance. Kick the ball as far and as high as you can. Shut your eyes and do it if you like, but do it all the same.

How is the cult of Eboue this morning? I've long grown tired of the adoration the overpaid cheerleader receives, simply by way of an apology for the over the top damnation that went beforehand. He was fantastic in the 2006 Champions League run at full back. He hasn't been since. I wasn't amongst the muggy boo boys, just as I haven't signed up to the cult, which, I assume, is now done?

The free kick hits the wall and spins away from the goal. Away. Don't touch the player, engage brain. Lee Dixon said that someone with the mentality of Nigel Winterburn would never have given that penalty away. At that point, he'd have known the attacker would go down given the slightest opportunity. He'd also realise that the referee wouldn't be too shy about giving one, having done so at the other end. Either neither thought crossed Eboue's mind, or they did and he still ended clumsily falling over an opposing player in the dying seconds of a vital game. I'm not sure what's worse. Perhaps he was already thinking of his personal lap of honour and a hug from Gunnersaurus.

It wasn't all his fault, and he hasn't been around for similarly discouraging results that have gone before. But it was f**kin stupid all the same. In the twelfth of eight additional minutes as well. How does that add up? And how convenient that there was literally a second left for Kuyt to take the penalty, but not one second more? It shouldn't have mattered. Defend properly and it wouldn't have. But we didn't and it does.

Leaving home games disappointed is nothing new, nor is the civil war that again broke out around the ground amongst disgruntled fans. I've lost count of the times I've walked away believing the league to be out of reach, written off. But then this forgiving and poor league sees an average United drop points, and before you know it you're walking back into the ground thinking 'we're back in it'. We never were. Mathematically? Yes. Still are. But I never liked f**king maths so I'm not going to start being mates with it now.

We don't have a chance because we aren't good enough to be crowned Champions. It would be an insult to the Invincible and double winning sides of the not too distant past if we were. Unless Newcastle can take points of Manchester United on Tuesday, and we then win at the Lane? Then we might have yet another chance.

To choke again.

***Follow more of my Arsenal based ramblings over on Twitter @TheArsenal_

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  1. Si Gonner

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:12 #5351

    " In Arsene We Rust "

  2. Harry

    Apr 19, 2011, 11:14 #5341

    How could the ref blow straight after a pen? that's 1 min added on the the 8 so thats 9. But Liverpool counter attacts which means the ref couldnt blow his whistle. Then the free-kick and the pen happened which was still attacking. Only when Liverpool scored could he blow for the end of the game YNWA HAHA nice luck on winning the league

  3. AndyL

    Apr 18, 2011, 21:45 #5303

    We seem to be scared when have a lead late on. Instead of playing confidently and going forward, we are too scared to even clear the ball. If one of our CBs just gets a hold of that ball and kicks it into the stands or the other end of the pitch, Liverpool never get that free kick. From day one, you're taught to play until the whistle blows, so the extra extra added time is no excuse. When we got the pen, I had a feeling the ref would add at least one more minute to the eight. I thought he should have blown the whistle when the ball deflected off the wall after the free kick, but he didn't. Eboue needlessly and carelessly fouled Lucas, who was likely looking for contact. We were our won worst enemy yesterday.

  4. Theopants Superstar

    Apr 18, 2011, 19:41 #5297

    Eboue is quite simply the worst Arsenal Right-Back I have seen in over 40 years of watching the club. Forget the diving and other faults in his game, his positional sense is and always has been none existent and his attempts at tackling a joke. Talking of jokes, it seems he owes his place in the squad due to his ability to make the other players laugh and feel good. Well I for one don't think that the position of entertainment officer deserves a contract of tens of thousands of pounds a week. We could hire a real comedian for a whole lot less!!! Get this clown out of the club!!!

  5. Brett N5 Clockend

    Apr 18, 2011, 19:26 #5293

    Best Writer on this site. Love prose. RE: Arsenal. The ones that seem to get upset are the ones that seemed to think we really had a chance. Me on the other hand, never saw a championship bone in this Arsenal body. Therefore, I have to say... Upset? Not so much.

  6. aaronramseysdad

    Apr 18, 2011, 18:24 #5290

    typically, the frenchman leaves my boy completely out of the squad, then replaces the only two englanders in the team. desire? who needs it? lets just tippytap round and round, then fire in a hopeless cross to no one in particular, jog slowly back, hoping someone else will take responsibility, and wait for a chance to repeat the whole scenario. what did jack w. say last week about jens being like an assistant manager on the field? this week, no leader, on or off the field. lucky to be ahead when we finally did, but no 'mental strength'(sic) to hold it. and then to see and hear the whinings of Le Boss, refusing to shake hands, complaining about time( doesn't he know time is added on for penalties, and the figure shown is tthe MINIMUM extra. the simple fact is, we have NEVER been good enough to follow in the footsteps of previous title winners. In particular, since the British backbone departed.

  7. Mark

    Apr 18, 2011, 18:10 #5287

    Players who should be shown the door this summer.Almunia Comedy Eboue,Squillaci,Denilson.Diaby,Rosicky,Walcott,Bender and Vela.How many do you really think wont be here next season?.2 maybe 3.And thats the ****ing problem.out of the 9 players who should be sold we will have at least 6 still with us and thats why it will be 7 years without a trophy.Remember that when your ST renewal forms fall on your doormat in a few weeks time

  8. paul griffin

    Apr 18, 2011, 17:22 #5284

    by wenger coming out saying it wasnt a penalty he has given an excuse to eboue who thinks he hes done no wrong now. arsene wenger lives in a bubble where he believes his way is the only way and the problem is dat he wants to run the club and not the team. the reason he is so stubborn is dat he knows he will never be sacked. i wonder wud he be so stubborn if he managed madrid barca bayern milan or inter? i guarantee ya he wouldnt because he knows he would"nt get away wit it. dat sort of stubbornness has just costed can gaal his job at bayern

  9. Gman

    Apr 18, 2011, 16:03 #5275

    It’s no good Wenger being enraged at referee Andre Marriner, for pointing to the spot after Eboué appeared to push Lucas and then confront the ref on the pitch demanding to know why he had gone over the stipulated eight minutes of added time. Wenger should have gone 4-4-2 in the first place instead of leaving RVP isolated up front. For god’s sake we were playing at home and we should have had the game dead and buried long before time added on. Take some responsibility man and buck your ideas up and perhaps the team will respond more than they’re doing at the moment.

  10. Loyal since 1980

    Apr 18, 2011, 15:12 #5268

    I remember Terry Neill in 1983 and there was rumblings in the North Bank, one side wanted Neill out and the others to stay. There was a big demo after one game outside the main entrance. I know things are not that bad, yet ( Neill took us to 3 cup finals, 78, 79 (winners), 80, CWC final 1980 and FA semi final in 1983) but things were ****e on the pitch and supporters were getting restless. I just have a funny feeling that if this time next year, we are playing the same tippy tappy football, we have the same personell (minus El capitaino and nasir (one year left on his contract and his stalling)then I believe we could hear the first chants of Wenger out! And for me that would be a shame, beacause he is a great manager, but is just so blinkered, it is his way and no one else. Arsene, please listen to us, we are Arsenal, we are a big club, we want to the see the return of the football of 2001 - 2006, we want throphies and we want Champions league football, it is possible Arsene, just admit your project did not work and rebuild! If not, then to save your honour please resign with the words' i have taken this club as far as I can' and you will be able to walk out with your head held high! Please Arsene, please listen!

  11. AugustusCaesar

    Apr 18, 2011, 13:51 #5262

    I don't rate Eboue at all and the vast majority of the time he's about as gormless as they come but I have a fair bit of sympathy for him in this instance. To me that was never a pen in a million years. Harsh doesn't even begin to describe it. If you watch the replay Eboue's eyes are skyward, looking at the ball. I'm not sure even saw Lucas. Lucas manufactured the situation so they'd collide and crumple in a heap and the ref bought it. Unfortunately Eboue wasn't quite savvy enough to see what was about to unfold. Can you give a pen against a player for being a bit dim?

  12. mark

    Apr 18, 2011, 13:44 #5261

    you should all notice how quiet Cesc is. plus he didnt have a great game on sunday and did not look to me like his heart was in it. i think his spirit has left the building and soon his body will follow. Either Barca or Inter either way he moves on and it was all unavoidable we just had to put 5 guys behind him who knew how to defend and 1 or 2 in front of him who knew how to score and he would have done the rest ! as it is he is totally fed up with ''Le Project''

  13. Txakoli

    Apr 18, 2011, 13:43 #5260

    Note for M. Wenger "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"....Einstein. I think it's time for more Germans in the side. Mentally strong as a rule and technically good and play the right way. My feeling on AW is that, like a once good marriage, it's gone sour. His verbal assault on the ref and Dalglish were just embarrassing as well. It's his fault and his team's fault that it finished 1-1. Wish I believed Uncle Stan thought it was time for a change, but I don't. Money in the bank etc etc.

  14. EQ

    Apr 18, 2011, 12:58 #5256

    Its obvious the ref added time on for the penalty, and the celebration. For Liverpools pen the ref has to let it be taken. As much as Eboue was at fault on this occasion it has gone round the team through the season. We could have won the league this season, with these players if we had defended as a team...

  15. Richard Ansell

    Apr 18, 2011, 12:56 #5255

    I have never felt such anger and frustration with an Arsenal manager. In the name of God go before we have to suffer more of these pathetic displays from your 'best squad ever'

  16. mark

    Apr 18, 2011, 12:49 #5254

    aw talks abt a 15 game unbeaten run. marketing again ! do me a favour and beam me up scotty what utter BS ! it would have been a better points haul to have lost a few in trying anything to win matches !

  17. irisheyes

    Apr 18, 2011, 12:17 #5249

    Wenger is right - Mental strength is a vital ingredient in any side with ambitions to be champions. Wenger is wrong - this current side doesn't have the mental strength to even be in with a shout of the title. Having been handed the game on a plate, a team with real mental strength would have battened down the hatches and seen the game out for a jammy 1-0. Instead the team engaged "headless chicken" mode and did everything they could to throw it away....and succeeded! I was at work and listening on the radio and had to turn it off before their penalty was taken - I half expected -Liverpool to have won 2-1 when I could bring myself to turn it back on. It still hurts but I'm now fatalistic about it all - you just know it is all going to go wrong.

  18. Vishal J

    Apr 18, 2011, 11:56 #5243

    As an arsenal fan i was gutted, not so much with the blatant penalty arsenal gave away but the fact that we could create a chance to score a goal at home AGAIN. I mean aprt from that pen which liverpool were unlucky in giving away after their brilliant defensive play, we just cant create chances. We dont get enough people into the box when we attack and no one is running into near or far post when crosses go in. Arsenal set up is frankly rubbish. Also Ive nver managed a team b4 in my life but give me even wigan and i will get you a point at the emirates. All u have to do to get a point at emirates is 10 men behind the ball and a tall centre forward who can hold the ball up. Arsenal cannot deal with that as it has been shown time and again this season.

  19. David

    Apr 18, 2011, 11:39 #5241

    I know, I know...

  20. adetrugoon

    Apr 18, 2011, 11:23 #5240

    your talking crap mate that was never a pen!

  21. John

    Apr 18, 2011, 11:00 #5237

    One goal in 3 home games for a team supposedly chasing the title.And that was a penalty!!! We needed to win the game so once again Wenger plays one up front at home.Yes Arsene really does know.Then when we our chasing a goal he brings on 6ft 5in Bendtner and plays him on the wing and for his final substitution he leave Chamakh a striker on the bench and brings on Song.And who was it who gave Liverpool that free kick on the edge of the box?yes good old Song.I just hope the members of the cult of Eboue are happy this morning.This clown gets his name sung by you every game.Even though as a footballer he is a pile of horse ****.I suppose you also sing "1 Arsene Wenger".To hear Arsenal fans sing his name after he dives and rolls about as though he has been shot tells you a lot about our new breed of fans.If you want to see a clown in action go to the circus

  22. Sarge

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:49 #5235

    Tom, The 8 minutes indicated is the minimum period added. The referee has further discretion to add time. Let's face it if he hadn't then we wouldn't have scored the penalty. So no, we weren't cheated. We failed in the fundamental basics of trying to kill off the time until the final whistle and invited unnecessary pressure by giving away a cheap free-kick. Don't be suckered into Wenger's efforts to deflect blame away from his and his team's obvious shortcomings by believing the referee diddled us and we were yet again unlucky. Wenger's recent rhetoric and behaviour are becoming increasingly bizarre. For the first he is facing criticism on a mass scale and so close to home and he can't handle it. Classic symptoms of chronic narcisism

  23. Vicky

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:45 #5234

    Saw on the other website that AW says the game will continue in the same way even with change in owners. God save us!!! Another display of the famed Arsenal (this current squad of jokers) team spirit, bonding, ability, and what not ... Kick AW out with 9-10 of his jokers We are condemned to bear this nonsense. These days no big Club will take Wenger since he has become too stubborn and AFC will not let him go since he makes profit for them...

  24. The Happening

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:41 #5233

    With the players we had there on sunday we should have brokem Liverpool down, credit to them, they were setup like a brick wall, and it is so easy for teams to do that against us as we haven't changed our style of play to suit the defensive walls that we are sometimes up against, blame the Manager, not the players, there is and never has been this eyar a plan B! At times watching us this year it's been breathtaking, even if it is Barca' lite! AW needs to clear some memebrs of this squad in the summer for sure, and who knows with Pat Rice leaving anyway it may herald a few new faces, we gave UTD 2 points yesterday, simple!

  25. afc callum

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:40 #5232

    We have been papering over the cracks for a few years now. We have been saying we are only 2 players short but I believe it's more like 5 or 6 now. We don't play lovely football anymore, it's possession football that teams allow us to have in areas that won't hurt them. When we reach the final 3rd we run out of ideas. Manager tactically inept with off the cuff football.

  26. Paul Williams

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:32 #5231

    It was not the refs fault, he had no real opportunity to blow the whistle. It was our players fault for having no mental stregnth or intelligence

  27. mark

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:10 #5225

    were now considering buying back Hleb. why not just get Flamini while we are at it and admit we made huge errors in the past in letting certain players ago and not buying certain players when they were available for us (Cahill, Schwarzer). Cesc is so fed up at us giving away stupid goals that he is off in the summer and the club faces an uneasy summer again because we did not make the right moves last summer or in January. i told you all when we lost to birmingham that well do well to qualify for CL this year as we will capitulate and i am not changing my view. we played some nice stuff against liverpool but we were wasteful again instead of ruthless and its getting boring

  28. tom

    Apr 18, 2011, 10:03 #5224

    I don't understand how the ref can get away with playing 12 mins of injury time when there was only 8. we've been cheated again

  29. truthhurts

    Apr 18, 2011, 9:56 #5222

    just my thoughts. AW is destroying all the respect some of us have for him with his stubborn and needless vanity. Someone please save him and save our dear Arsenal football club!!!!