Cesc’s house is up for sale

And he’s not looking to buy anywhere else in this country

Cesc’s house is up for sale

Fabregas: Final six games in a Gunners’ shirt start on Wednesday

No surprises on Sunday for me. We have been ruthlessly exposed time and time again over the past six seasons as having nothing to offer when the going gets tough and so it proved again yesterday. I am no longer surprised by anything that goes on at our club. The 4-4 at Newcastle, the 2-0 up 3-2 down defeat against Spurs, the almighty Manual cock-ups home and away to WBA, the dire ending in the Carling Cup Final, the woeful home performances against Sunderland, Blackburn and now Liverpool. So many times in just one season have we fell well short of the required level and yet still people seem surprised when such things happen as they did again on Sunday afternoon.

What did we learn that we already didn’t know? The answer is nothing. We already knew Eboue was a liability. We already knew under any kind of pressure we are prone to collapse and we already knew if something could go wrong it would. The sad fact of the matter is the only way you can be an Arsenal fan these days is to hope for a result rather than expect one. If you go into any match expecting a win rather than hoping for one the chances are you will be left feeling disappointed to say the least after the 90 minutes are up. We do not deliver on anything like a regular basis, to be honest when do we ever? When was the last time we dominated a league game and won with something to spare? The answer is Wolves at home all the way back when results meant less and we weren’t under the same kind of pressure as we have been in the run-in over the past month or so.

Put simply this current Arsenal squad is the biggest collection of losers and bottlers I have ever seen. There is not one player that I would have any real faith in when the going gets tougher than good. The only real surprise for me against Liverpool was the fact the RVP managed to convert the penalty to put us 1-0 up. That is my true interpretation of our current plight. I have no faith at all in the side that I support. I thought Cesc was his usual poor self in a big game yesterday, he was virtually non-existent in my opinion. Samir has not played well at all for the past two months, I cannot remember the last time he scored and he even managed to miss two sitters in ten seconds in the game up at Blackpool. Let’s face facts if you can’t score against that lot who are you going to score against? Wigan disposed of Blackpool with far more efficiency than what we managed and in every other game in recent memory we have been dire to say the least.

I knew we wouldn’t be winning the title as I walked out of the ground after the Sunderland game. Champions do not play like we did that day when results really matter. We have since then performed horribly at WBA and in the home matches against Blackburn and yesterday against Liverpool. Make no mistake about it Liverpool were there for the taking yesterday. They had many key players missing through injury and had a minimum of five youth team players on show who most people would not have heard of before the game had started. How many saves did Reina have to make? I can only remember one of any real note. That is not good enough at the top level. It is a rather sad state of affairs when true fans are happy year after year when the season ends. I personally have found the last couple of months of every season too frustrating for words over recent years. Who can truly say that they enjoy watching the games that Arsenal serve up come this time of the season? I can just about remember the last time I enjoyed a game, Barcelona at home and in the league it would have been Wolves at home. Both of those matches were a long time ago now and were before the real pressure started to build up.

I personally do not blame Eboue for the two dropped points yesterday. I blame the boss, as he is the one that has continued to pick him for years even though he is clearly not good enough. That in any other line of work would be deemed as negligence and deemed to be a sackable offence, but not at our club. I simply do not understand the mentality of anyone who chooses to renew their season ticket year after year to see the same old thing happening all over again in another twelve months. Going to matches is a choice and it should be a choice made from personal preference not from some kind of brainwashed state where you are almost part of some weird cult. I personally choose to go or not on a seasonal basis and if that means that I don’t get a season ticket for a while then so be it.

Anyone signing up for next season and expecting to still see our current captain plying in his trade at the club should not be holding on to any hope to that dream as he will be sold this summer. Of that you can officially be 100% certain. His property has been put up for sale and he is not buying a new one in this country so read into that what you will. I used to work in the very office where his property is being marketed and I have it on very good authority that he will be leaving the country for good come the summer. This news is of no real surprise value I guess but will we be re-investing the £40m we will probably get for his services? I very much doubt it. We will buy a young winger and try and move Samir into the middle to replace Cesc on the cheap. Is that worth another £1200 for next season? Not in my opinion it isn’t.

To all the oddballs who reply to this article ‘good riddance’ etc I can confirm that I will still be supporting the club I love. I just won’t be in attendance as often as I have no faith in the current regime to bring the kind of team spirit I crave. No ambition and f**k all balls is not my idea of an amazing football team.

Let us hope the rumours of Pat Rice retiring are true and that we get some new faces on the coaching staff that give AW much more of a run for his money where decisions are concerned. Who knows if that does happen we could still yet make the necessary changes to become successful again. I certainly will not be holding my breath but we can but hope.

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  1. 68 guns

    Apr 21, 2011, 20:53 #5565

    please...please...please..ok so its season over but we are all gooners and the season could have been much more...but what i see is negativity everywhere is top 3 that bad. bigger players than Cesc has left this club of ours over the years but at least we arent waiting nearly 50 years like the **** or 20 odd years like the scousers.

  2. Andrew

    Apr 21, 2011, 15:18 #5558

    Ungrateful c*nts, all of your who want Wenger out. Wenger is a genius and is working with what he has. Can you believe some of you were moaning why Wenger didnt but Barry.

  3. Really?

    Apr 21, 2011, 3:35 #5520

    So John, please do tell us once and for all are you or are you not going to renew your season ticket? We are all dying to know the latest developments in this thrilling will he/ won't he saga of yours. Captivating darling, amazing. We do not care about if you are going to renew or not because you are boring now anyway.

  4. Danilel Brian

    Apr 20, 2011, 17:14 #5510

    I think you reacted too much. You know in football sometimes luck gets involved. If you see Man utd. They played many times bad but won albeit to their running speed. But Arsenal never got luck in that aspect. Bad refree goes aginst Arsenal. The Media see Arsenal as a French team. The media only see Man utd, Tottenham, Stoke, Bolton and Newcastle. It is fact we have to accept it. An FA puts Arsenal to play all Sunday's and Man utd all Saturdays... Tell me this is a draw. No It is done purposely to affect the young players psychologically. So Ebuye is a good winger but if you play him as defense, you must tell him not to cry faul and stay on the floor. The problem with Arsenal is simple. When oppenents play defensive, Arsenal hardly win a game. The reason is simple. They are not agressive and clinical finishers. They try ..lose aball and suddenly they do not run to defend. that is the problem. Arsens Problem is simple, He should always play Villa and Walcot as wingers in a defensive game. Two wingers, two attack so that the defensive midfielder can out law the central attacking possition playing as semi midfielders. I do not know why wenger do not do that.

  5. sw6gooner

    Apr 20, 2011, 16:14 #5507

    Who cares about this sulky spaniard anymore?

  6. Oliver Chessis

    Apr 20, 2011, 14:10 #5500

    Theo's Bikini-Line, its the performance of your big players that matters, as it is their performances that effect results. If Diaby, Denilson, Nicky B also had blinders, but RvP had his worst game, we would not win it. If RvP was on form with Cesc and Jack, the performances of the others would not effect the result. Our big players have let us down when it counted.

  7. gat6

    Apr 20, 2011, 9:54 #5475

    Whilst I have as much frustration as yourself, I do not agree with most of the things you are saying. Firstly Eboue played very well in the last two games against Liverpool and Blackpool. To say he is a liability is way off the mark. The officials are to blame. That wasn't a penalty in a million yeras!! Against Sunderland we were denied a clear penalty and a goal that AA rounded the keeper. This is no just lack of luck. It is like there is a conspiracy to fail Arsenal and say 'we told you'. I do not go by the this media hypocricy. Whilst I want this team to win things, I do not understand why the media should sound as if we are fighting relagation. Go and support Tottenham if you are so bitter about Arsenal and find your happiness there.

  8. Gooner

    Apr 20, 2011, 9:19 #5467

    Septimus_red you are very right, this author along with so many Arsenal fans are just the biggest whingers

  9. kasozi Troy

    Apr 20, 2011, 9:02 #5466

    More creativity is still needed in our club and to remain a great club you have to get trophies. we love Arsenal and ever we shall be. Fabregas' going will create more room for Jack so we don't need to worry alot

  10. voiceOFreason

    Apr 20, 2011, 8:50 #5465

    how long did we really expect to hold on to one of the best midfielders in the world? face it peeps, Arsenal is no longer a champion team, its more of a filler team that gets into semifinals of major competitions and gives league champions something to worry about when the matchdays come, but deep down nobody is ever worried that we will actually win the league or the CL. Best of luck Cesc

  11. aged gooner

    Apr 20, 2011, 8:16 #5463

    You saved me writing the same article. My belief is that Wenger has one more season left and if the plan does not come to fruition then a replacement will be on the priority list and I would not be surprised if this is not already in the pipeline. It is not always about trophies for me but about pride and there are not many existing players who have it. I am sure that if good enough then there are many supporters who would play for Arsenal for nothing. If any of us put the same amount of effort in to our daily jobs we would be signing on by now. My big question is why buy players and play them elsewhere Walcott,Nasri,Arshavin etc why not play Allumnia as a striker. You buy or have players to fit the system not square pegs in round holes. Not is alright at the Emirates and has not been since Dein went. If we win the PL then it will either be by default or by sheer luck but it is only papering over the cracks

  12. Jake

    Apr 20, 2011, 8:15 #5462

    I am an arsenal fan and Cesc is amazing, if we could sell him for 45 mil i would be happy

  13. Ayo Jimoh

    Apr 20, 2011, 8:03 #5461

    AW should know that the fans are getting tired of the same old problems. If he thinks his untouchable and have records in gooner, when he will be disgraced out nobody will sympatized with him

  14. Terry

    Apr 20, 2011, 7:20 #5460

    Like the comment about Gallas.He simply was a player driven by a determination to win and he spoke out loud. This phase of Wenger's era is coming to end. Times run out on his 'concept' of developing potential into siverware. It irkes me that the blueprint was sound but the product always failed to deliver, when it mattered most. It's collectivley obvious that a growing number of Arsenal supporters are dissilusioned with Wenger's vision and if the board claim in any way that this season was as success, then I expect a backlash. Fab's latest point is close to the mark: "The club value different things. That the team is always in the Champions League, that we compete until the end, that we have young players, economic stability. But I imagine there will be a moment when you have to decide, do you win things or not?" And therein lies the problem....

  15. Ben

    Apr 20, 2011, 7:16 #5459

    It will be a sad say when he leaves. He has been a great player and it is a shame that the rest of the team aren't as good!

  16. Top Cat

    Apr 20, 2011, 7:09 #5458

    Excellent article I agree with except the part where you hope there will be a decent number 2. Forget it as Wenger will be picking another yes man

  17. goonerjon

    Apr 20, 2011, 6:40 #5456

    You sad sap....a new boy fan obviously because I can recall Arsenal teams that would have never have got to second inthe league, never reached a Wembley final and certainly wouldn't have got to Europe...I'm appalled I read through your entire diatribe of drivel, ill-founded facts and general nonsense....

  18. Gooner 87

    Apr 20, 2011, 6:33 #5455

    I thought we looked comfortable for the whole game at the back until the end, given liverpool weren't attacking us though but we had alot of the ball, so we couldn't. I don't think it's as bad a everyone thinks though and articles like this don't help tbh. I know your frustration, but tbh mate is gunna happen at some point in a clubs history. I can't remember Graham getting this much abuse and in comparison Wenger hasn't done half bad. It's easy for all of us to say what to do, but truly we can't say who will make are team better, take Dzeko for example. I think Wengers done well with the buys this season ( Squallaci is debatable) and we have an advantage in the fact our team is younger in that they'll improve much more than the other teams. Wenger's stubuurnoess however isn't endearing and hasn't helped the cause but he has to keep the faith for the players sake. It is his arrogance he now possesses which when Arsenal lose the media jump on it. the club haven't seen many changes in the backroom technically speaking, and a new no 2 could well be the catalyst for success. However i won't have Pat Rice slandered he's been brilliant for us and deserves to be congratulated on his success. If anyone dares to boo him if he announces his retirement your a disgrace, he has been a great servant to the club and part of our most successful and defining era's. Let's show our support at the emirates for a change. The best atmosphere was against Barca and all the players said how it helped them through it. I know we're gunna get frustrated but we can still cheer our Team on despite all of us this.

  19. hec

    Apr 20, 2011, 4:48 #5454

    Well its harsh ,but exactly how a lot of Arsenal supporters feel, difficult to keep the faith after now 6 years of Wengers optimistic words and a potless cabinet, judge me in 2 years , judge me in 10 years , its now 6 years of emptiness, we`ve had enough of it ,sounds of it so has Cesc,difficult for the supporters to move unlike players we`re satuck with our bunch of shrinking violets, even after Uniteds draw who amongst us really believe we can win this league , who believes we`ll even beat Spurs , not many believers left and that is NOT the fault of the Arsenal supporters.

  20. nostradamus gooner

    Apr 20, 2011, 3:10 #5453

    do not worry guys. you heard it from me first. Kaka is arriving instead for bigger lum sum. Kaka is going to be an arsenal player if cesc leaves.

  21. SZE

    Apr 20, 2011, 2:57 #5452


  22. Con Gooner

    Apr 20, 2011, 2:49 #5451

    Great article mate, EXACTLEY HOW I FEEL!

  23. @iamozgooner

    Apr 20, 2011, 2:44 #5450

    Hopefully your connections in real estate stumble upon other houses for sale, notably Bendtners, Arshavin's, Squilly's, Almuniaaarrghs and Denilsons.

  24. Thegame24

    Apr 20, 2011, 2:23 #5449

    And everyone used to blame gallas ade etc etc but at least they were not bottle jobs

  25. Gunnersaurus

    Apr 20, 2011, 1:46 #5447

    Lmao "I use to work in the office that is selling his property?" is that seriously the best you can do? What next? I know a guy who has a cousin, who's brother's mother's sister's cat told her that Cesc was selling his house. Terrible article, it reeks of BS.

  26. epex2000

    Apr 20, 2011, 1:31 #5446

    why oh why oh why???? dont you just go and support another team.Blame the players not AW. Next year you are all going to be watching Arsenal play in Europe who cares if Cesc's goes I will still be an Arsenal supporter.even if we are relegated I will still be a Gooner. I cant even hear fans chanting like we used to great dont buy a season ticket it will be easier for me to get a good one

  27. richard barnes

    Apr 20, 2011, 0:31 #5445

    i hope fab goes but 4 what we want 4 him if he wants 2 leave fine let him go doing nothing much all season so no lose 50 mill good deal then buy players who want 2 play 4 the club plus get rid of rosskiy eboure and dennlsion plus a few more who have not pulled there weight 4 the money they are on and awenger needs 2 splash the cash and turn this team around and make us great again not second best we are better than that

  28. Jack Kelsey

    Apr 20, 2011, 0:17 #5444

    I trust that you are going to rename 'The Gooner' to 'The Moaner'. And why the keep repeating the same boring story about John Evans not renewing his season ticket? I've got the message - YOUR NOT RENEWING YOUR SEASON TICKET. Now unless you've got something new to say please hand over to someone else. Oh for the good old days when The Gooner was a fine read - witty, humorous, with a different angle on things, and non-repetitive.

  29. Geordie Armstrong on the wing

    Apr 19, 2011, 23:55 #5442

    It appears that some are losing their bottle quicker than the players that they are accusing of doing the same. If you going to renew then renew, if not then don't renew.Just save us from all the old spiel.Theres a good lad.

  30. A .o. Stephen

    Apr 19, 2011, 23:42 #5441

    Wenger should buy, we have nothing to lose exept our shame. We can not win trophies by selling "our stars" but we can by buying "BIG BIG STARS".

  31. Gooner Jock

    Apr 19, 2011, 23:37 #5440

    So you wont buy a season ticket because we are selling NO scrub that we MIGHT be selling Cesc what are you a Cesc fan or an Arsenal fan ? with that attitude you might as well be a Chavski or a citeh fan add to that the fact that you want us to get rid of Pat Rice i have to wonder if your a season ticket holder at all ? the one people on here should be saying good riddance to is you as you will be one less negative mug at the game every second saturday !!!!

  32. Tony

    Apr 19, 2011, 23:21 #5439

    Spot on, I agree with all you said, WEnger is only Good for the share holders as they must by raking it in cos he is spending sweet FA, Fab needs to be gone now its pitiful to see him on the pitch, he is telling us he doesn't want to be at Arsenal so off you go Fab. WEnger is to blame for theses bunch of bottlers he picks the team and buys the players.

  33. fred street

    Apr 19, 2011, 23:13 #5438

    Spot on mate. We as fans are not asking for man city style investment in the team but the type of spending that will give us a fighting chance when the pressure is on.I have had my season ticket since summer of 1984 and if, as i expect, we don't do anything in the summer i'll be demanding a refund on the 1st of september.

  34. s j little

    Apr 19, 2011, 23:02 #5437

    A pity there is not an arsenal season tickets association able to botcott paying a year in advance for players on £2599999 plus a year! Players are not even efficent professionals. Players with no character,no resolve,no pride. A coaching staff who seems unable to teach them to correct their defects. How many more clumsy tackles from Song, How many more rotten crosses and on and on.

  35. Connor

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:53 #5436

    I suggest this is taken off the site as, if the media gets wind off this and it turns out to be true it will be blown to huge proportions as always and this kind of attention isn't going to exactly help our already feeble title challenge. Everyone knows Fabregas is off and I know the article is saying much more than this but we don't really need more negativity from the bloody media. Quite glad he is off anyway, can't remember his last good game for arsenal, will never forgive him for that back heel against Barcelona and what other club in world football has a captain who everyone knows would far rather be at another club? Keep the faith...?

  36. Gareth Greenidge

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:51 #5435

    Remember when Gallas actually showed a bit of passion and went mad at Clichy at Birmingham for making one of many future IDIOTIC Ebouesque mistake. Looking back, Gallas was one of the few players (also not developed by Wenger) that showed passion and commitment. I reckon us fans would give anything to have a few warriors with that kind of attitude in this current team. No passion, no tactical awareness, no old experienced heads, sorry but thi entire team Wenger has buillt and it has failed. He wanted the accolades of winning the trophy with unknown young players and it will fail like he did with Monaco

  37. Nayan

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:42 #5434

    Good riddance.. Not you the supporter but our wAntaway 'captain.' Every failure over the past five years has featured us desperately hoping he was the future. He isn't.

  38. Chicago gooners

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:35 #5433

    Well said Sid,what a load of wankers our own supporters coming on our own websites slagging off our own players and managers pathetic.this author is a fair-weather fan along with some of his followers and have been spoilt over the years,they just don't know it

  39. wandaroo

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:34 #5432

    You're kidding me, we're second in the league - still believe it or not, in with a chance of winning it. I'll never understand why that is, but here we are. And instead of pushing this broken, tired, and frequently suicidal team over the finish line - you're more interested in cutting them loose. So you can cry.

  40. thick and thin

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:29 #5431

    So you'll be supporting them by not supporting them? We're so lucky to have fans like you. Will you still be giving up the season ticket if United collapse and we fluke the league? Yeah, sure you will...

  41. Paul

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:26 #5430

    You have written the feelings I have been denying, I too fear defeat or humiliation every game and was relieved after we beat Blackpool for God's sake. I too expected RVP to miss on Saturday and said to the person next to me at the game that we could still throw this away before the free kick that led to their penalty. The team needs a major revamp with more experienced players this summer.

  42. james collins

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:22 #5429

    if we sell cesc for 40 million wenger will look for 40 players to buy with that. He needs to spend big money on big players if we wanna get anywere

  43. thundertinygooner

    Apr 19, 2011, 22:11 #5428

    A very heartfelt and well-constructed analysis. It is strange that 80% of fans in the Premier League would swap places with us in a stroke and yet the level of discontent among our fans has only been equalled in the last days of Billy Wright and Terry Neill.Why? I think it is because we are so near and yet so far from glory.In three of the last four years we have threatened to challenge for the title only to fall apart when the pressure became intense.In this regard I think the contention that we are bottlers is sadly true (Wilshere and Nasri are I think notable exceptions)and the other major criticism is Wenger's pathological dislike of spending money (other than on exotic youth players we may never see).We could have used the transfer window wisely to bolster the squad especially to provide leadership and experience.As I write United have drawn in rather different circumstances to our draw at Newcastle! The title is theoretically very possible still but to win it we must win at Spurs and beat United at home.I have little faith that these players have the bottle to do this.They have the skill but under pressure they show every sign of choking.Sad but unpleasantly true.

  44. Mark

    Apr 19, 2011, 21:38 #5427

    if you have played football then you will know how down cesc feels and its now affecting him the hope is gone. how many times has he had to watch stupid defensive errors cost us a game we would have won or drawn ? what is he supposed to do he gives his all and hes been let down once too often he has now lost the fight. all he wants to do now is have a couple of decent games see us in the CL and leave peacefully the love has gone and it is only AW's fault for not building a proper team around what is a great player

  45. Shropshire Lad

    Apr 19, 2011, 21:27 #5426

    Spot on Johnny boy! Never understood why Fabregarse wasn't stripped of the captaincy after his blatant plea to Barca. Rice is a yes man and that is not a reflection on his outstanding performances as a player. It's a reflection on the job he does ( or doesn't) do now. Wenger and the Board will talk all through the summer about signings and then go for two bob replacements. It's not so bad though. History reveals such travesties as the Billy Wright era, the Terry Neil fiasco at our fine Club. The pressure will mount if defeats come tomorrow and against Manure and change will happen. One thing common to Boards - they cannot deal with pressure. Heads will have to roll. question will be, whose? Keep the Faith!

  46. Tom James

    Apr 19, 2011, 21:17 #5424

    I'm caught in two minds about what should happen at Arsenal over the coming summer months. On one hand I would like Wenger to stay because he has done some amazing things for the club & it would be great to see him turn this around to finally win us some silverware. I wouldn't want Arsenal to become like Chelsea or Man City where they just sack manager after manager, there is no loyalty at clubs like that. There needs to be some big changes within the club. We now have a new owner which is a good start, he's obviously a very successful business man who nows how to generate revenue which means AW can concentrate on being a manager. The summer clearout which has been reported over the last few days is the next step, there are plenty of players who need to go Bendtner, Squillaci, Almunia, Denilson etc..... If Fabregas wants to go then let him, he's good but he's not irreplaceable we just have to make sure we replace him unlike when Viera & Henry left. Pat Rice should be replaced by Viera, who knows more about Arsenal having the killer instinct than him! He was our killer instinct for years! He was our plan B, if the beautiful approach didn't work he stepped up, grabbed the game by the scruff of the neck & got us the points not even Henry managed that! The last thing that has to change is AW's approach, we need better, experienced players, we need a plan B & he needs to admit his approach is wrong in order for this to change, is he man enough to do that? I don't think he will change which brings me to my other hand. If he cant see there needs to be a change then he needs to go. A big thank you for what you have done for us but Arsenal are too big & too great to carry on in this way. We the fans deserve so much more!

  47. Sid

    Apr 19, 2011, 21:07 #5422

    Pathetic fair weather twatty fans make me vomit. Thehome support is a joke, you sit there and moan, boo your own or just sit in silence and becasue you've bought a ticket that means you can vent your spleen like 5 year old spoilt kids all the time does it? You are an embarrssment. The team have crumbled every year foir just the 6 seasons is it? Oh you mean since we last won something? Are you a tabloid hack? Simply counting the time frame since we won a trophy? pathetic, childiosh, media fed simpletons like the author are a joke and could easily be spuds for all the sense they make. Look at the state of the home "support" It is non existent I am ashamed to go to home games, yet all these sad plastics attending the home games are the worst in the league, non existent support. You lot are bi-polar. F*ck off and give up your seats. And as for the Gooner???? What level are you on now? I didnt realise there was something below scraping the barrell.

  48. Tired of Cesc rumours.

    Apr 19, 2011, 21:01 #5421

    dude, we had this last year only last year it was his flat was up for sale. Can we give the Cesc is leaving rumours a rest until the transfer window opens

  49. Andrew

    Apr 19, 2011, 20:55 #5420

    Your opening paragraph sums up how I have felt for sometime. I'm numb to our results and thanks ourselves lucky that we have won NOTHING as it exposes how bad squad is. I don't blame Cesc for leaving. He has the option of leaving...as fans we don't.

  50. El Cid

    Apr 19, 2011, 20:54 #5419

    And before any one slavishly dismisses me as a bandwagon jumper, I have been a Gooner since 1971. My dad was also a Gooner as far back as the 1930s.

  51. kole

    Apr 19, 2011, 20:51 #5418

    braliant article. we are sick and tired of the sort of unserious people we are having in the club at present. AW himself does not know the definition of success again. pertaining to cesc issue i feel the time is now for him to be sold but my fear is that we the fund raise from his sale be re invested in the squad

  52. david melluish

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:59 #5414

    the views of john evens are the ones any real gooner will be thinking about this close season, not can i afford my season ticket, or is it worth it,lisning to those bloody ashburton gooners, and missing 10 min of the second half trying to by a coffee ,?????

  53. El Cid

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:58 #5413

    Hmm. I'm a season ticket holder too (make that a holder of two tickets). I don't really fancy it next year either. It's not that we haven't won anything - it's that we don't seem to have ambition any more. This club seems increasingly to be about balancing the books not winning stuff and fans who are disgruntled are dismissed as silly. And them our manager says being 2nd for the next 20 years is ok. Hope you realise what you have done with those comments Mr Hill-Wood and Mr Wenger. I assume you think that you know best unlike us mere mortals. Arrogant XXXXX.

  54. Plymouth Gooner

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:49 #5412

    Great article, and it's also nice to read most fans comments agreeing and not getting on the 'in Wenger we trust' train. I think the fans have been deceived for a few years now where the clubs finances are concerned. I'm sure in Wenger had £50m each pre-season to spend he would do. He must see the problems that we all see, but is obviously working with the board to bring in more each season in sales than he spends. The club won't tell the fans this though in fear of the loyal season ticket holder NOT renewing their tickets. Perhaps our finances will change with Kronke now putting his Billions in to the club, or maybe he will start charging £10M in administration fees like the Man Ure lot !!!! Anyway, as we all know the squad needs a major overhall, Almunia Eboue Squillaci Rosicky Diaby Denilson Bendtner would get nowhere near the Utd or Chelsea squad, so why are they good enough for Arsenal ????

  55. Gooner**TIL I DIE**

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:43 #5411

    I've been a season ticket holder for ten years, and I HAVE renewed my ticket for next year. Frustrations are part and parcel of the game, and we are fantastically lucky to have been so consistently watchable (having collected a tidy amount of silverware) under Wenger. For those of you who think I'm just buying the propaganda Gazidis and Wenger are selling, see Septimus_Red's comment on the 19th April - Liverpool used to be a silverware-machine, but got carried away with spending on players rather than creating their own. Result: no silverware in 15 years. Stability is the best thing that can be instilled in a football club, and it costs nothing. Our time will come, and I think I speak for the other frustrated but TRULY loyal season-ticket holders when I say that when it does we will be infinitely more grateful than the moaners who jump on the bandwagon and demand heads roll every time we are pipped to the post by free-spending teams of the United/Chelski ilk.

  56. Mark

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:16 #5408

    It is garbage. Cesc lives in a flat. And to all this crap about Cesc not doing it in the big games. Cesc has always done it in big games. That was obvious from his first high profile game against Real Madrid. or how about the world cup final? Who won the penalty? The fact is that backups have been royal **** ups. Denilson, Bendtner, Rosicky, Eboue. Joined by Almunia and Clichy - the bottlers.

  57. James

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:11 #5407

    Fabregas is leaving. I just bumped into him in the street and he told me. What a coincidence eh?

  58. Bob

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:10 #5406

    Weird that this team filled with the "biggest losers and bottlers" you've ever seen is in second place in the EPL and the knockout stages of the Champions League. Geez, what would you call them if they dropped out of the top 4?

  59. CD

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:08 #5405

    @ Arsene Knows. Do you seriously think that Fabregas would be so thick as to put a for sale sign outside his residence with the most forensic British media waiting in the wings for such an exclusive? I don't know whether or not this rumour is true, but the author was using the word house figuratively and not as an actual description of the type of property in which he lives! Please engage your brain before criticising the author.

  60. Am

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:04 #5404

    well on this form since January he would not get anywhere near the barca or Madrid team. I dont think he would make the bench at Barca.

  61. mark

    Apr 19, 2011, 18:56 #5402

    Cesc comments today is preparing the ground. he is gone. its inter or barca but its all been done behind the scenes. all you AKB out there you are going to get the shock of your life if you really are an AKB. arsenal need to get rid of 8 players or come 6th next season and they need AW to change tact immediately or AW needs to leave

  62. Jay

    Apr 19, 2011, 18:30 #5400

    I agree too, and now we have to go to Spurs who are going to be buzzing at WHL, a place they dont lose at in the league with a Bale against Eboue match up.....I just prey he starts Walcott for protection and not Arshavin as he usually goes with the person who played better last game and of course Walcott was taken off.

  63. Lewis

    Apr 19, 2011, 18:28 #5399

    ok you say his house is up for sale etc... So if next season he is still at arsenal what will you do? Ignore the statements you make or write a piece how you were wrong? It's nothing personal to you but people write blogs and then whenever they are wrong, they move on to another issue. They are only ever write...like the media. If Cesc goes then there is nothing we can do and I will still support arsenal no matter what, it is a way of life. It has been a joy to watch him grow from 16-23year old and to have seen the class he blessed the team with. FF4

  64. julius tandui

    Apr 19, 2011, 18:12 #5397

    i personaly blame wenger for not carring about the dept in the sqaurd and letting players continue making same blunders every game without caution and not worring of results even claiming no.2 is ok as a fan am always heartbroken'

  65. clockendpaul

    Apr 19, 2011, 18:08 #5396

    For sale or not his house is not the point, this manager has run out of ideas, he's been found out and he dos'nt like it. The experiment has failed and we've all paid for it big time,i've have had enough of the tantrums, inept tactics and bull**** excuses, if he has any dignity he'll go at the end of this groundhog season.

  66. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Apr 19, 2011, 18:07 #5395

    Oliver Chessis, It's not Cesc and RVP that have failed to step up to the plate, it's all the **** that's around them that have - Jack Wilshere excluded, of course.

  67. Auni

    Apr 19, 2011, 18:03 #5394

    As James Hetfield put it, "Sad but true"

  68. Arsenalisto

    Apr 19, 2011, 17:39 #5391

    Things are getting more complicated as time goes buy, BUT is there ANY way that the energy stored from these experiences can be released the opposite way towards our opponents????? What I mean is that through those events isn't the team gaining experience?? The answer imo is yes but we can argue that things that happened in the past have happened again however the Manuel cock-ups we can easily get rid off by sending him back to Spain and that should be fees-able since we have 3 outstanding young keepers but we can always replace him with an experienced one. What I wanto to really say is that the team don't need a major change, just some tweaks here and there that some have been suggesting and with the experience this team has gained, it can be turned into a monster we just need a 2 or more players with the confidence of Wilshere, Sczesny and Bendy-lol-to see us through moments like the minute against Liverpool and it's true the team lacks leadership, where was Cesc when all that happened?? Song was also at fault, it's not just Eboue, it all started because Song didn't wanna give that extra bit to take responsibility and just clear the f-ing ball away when it came from the cross in first place. This article very well states true facts but the resolutions weren't all true like blaming Wenger for what happened instead of the players..etc. Sakho to replace Squid, a goal scorer to replace one of our strikers, a midfielder to replace Denilson/Rosicky and maybe a goalkeeper and we should be set. Keep Fabregas til yr before his contracts ends and get some millions for him....

  69. Olly Olly Oxenfree

    Apr 19, 2011, 17:36 #5390

    Wow, you have redefined the standards on how to make a losing argument, calling your readers oddballs who dare to disagree. This overreactive, hyperbolic, emotional rant is not indicative of the current state of affairs at Arsenal FC.

  70. Paul C

    Apr 19, 2011, 17:32 #5389

    I love the way its Pat Rice's fault, been a great servant to the club, doesn't deserve to be disrespected like that.

  71. clockendrider

    Apr 19, 2011, 17:31 #5388

    Quotes from the authors piece above. "The sad fact is the only way you can be an Arsenal fan these days is to hope for a result rather than expect one". "Cesc was his usual poor self in a big game yesterday....". "I simply do not understand the mentality of someone who renews their season ticket year after year...."."To all the oddballs who reply to this article "good riddance....."". Take a ****ing look at yourself in the mirror, man. Who's the oddball? A man who is outraged that he can't expect his team to win. Who has never seen, or whose memory is so damaged or selective that he cannot remember Cesc playing well in a big game. Who cannot understand why fans renew season tickets. Really, get some medical help or **** off somewhere else on a Saturday. I can't remember hearing from such a self pitying, self indulgent self obsessed ****wit. Here's the truth for grown ups. It's only a game. We are fans who irrationally choose to support a club. We have no divine right to win. Neither does anyone else. If you have finally grown up and seen that football is not for you, fine. Many of us of more advanced years than you who have the benefit of experience and hindsight have chosen not to break with the irrationality of youth. By all means do so. But for crying out loud, do your growing up in the sanctity of your bedroom with your walls painted black while turning up your stereo to 11. Man-child angst and self-obsession are the height of tedium for everyone else. Now go and grow up.

  72. John Evans

    Apr 19, 2011, 16:57 #5386

    I used to work for the same company that is marketing Cesc's house for £1.65m and there is no chain to the sale, as he is not buying another property in this country. I am also good friends with his mortgage advisor as I have my own mortgage brokerage and believe me he is 100% on his bike. He has even moved his stuff out already. I kind of feel like organising a viewing of his property and leaving a Barcelona 4ever t-shirt on his sideboard! Good luck to him but to be honest he might as well have gone last summer as this season has been a waste of time in my eyes.

  73. sean

    Apr 19, 2011, 15:36 #5382

    I am beginning to think of reasons why i should support arsenal anymore. Have ye got any??

  74. Arsene Knows

    Apr 19, 2011, 14:52 #5379

    This is garbage. For one he doesnt even own a house. Its an apartment and funnily enough going passed it today there is 100% NO FOR SALE SIGN up.

  75. Jan

    Apr 19, 2011, 14:45 #5377

    Good and fair points from you, Scouser-Septimus: If Arsene go, who shall replace him? Its not that easy. On the other hand John B. is right in stating that AW is seemingly lacking the ability to instill the much needed winning mentality at Arsenal. In fact he INHERITED it from Graham - eg. the back four - but have failed to create it himself among the new players. Maybe the solution can be found with Pat Rice´s successor who could be an apprentice for the managing job in a season or two and be giving steadily more competence. The board should appoint the asisstant, not AW.

  76. Oliver Chessis

    Apr 19, 2011, 14:44 #5376

    Nick Oakleigh, I don't go to all games (missed 3 away in the league this year), but on the whole I am disgusted by our fans, home and away. The dedication shown by travelling support does not give them the right to victimise certain players in the way they have. Lets be honest, if Cesc or RvP stepped up to the plate in our last few home games, we would be closer to United than we are now.

  77. Gavin

    Apr 19, 2011, 14:29 #5375

    Cant say I blame Cesc for wanting out, its Deja Vu every year. Wenger is too stubborn to admit he has failed so we will keep this loop. I am suprised Cesc has put his house up for sale before the end of the season, Surely the media would be all over that if it were true?

  78. Gman

    Apr 19, 2011, 14:03 #5373

    This ole house is afraid of thunder This ole house is afraid of storms This ole house just groans and trembles When the night wind flings its arms This ole house is a-gettin' feeble This old house is a-needin' paint Just like him it's tuckered out But he's a-gettin' ready to meet the saints

  79. Balanced View

    Apr 19, 2011, 13:38 #5370

    Look the way spend money we should be a mid table team. The club are doing brilliantly what we need is a cash injection to go and buy a couple of top quality players to get us over the final hurdle. £50M please Mr. Kroenke.

  80. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Apr 19, 2011, 13:27 #5367

    Amazing and sad to see that some fans are blaming Cesc, the one truely proven world class player we have, and saying they'll be glad his gone - based ridiculously mainly on the pre-Barca hug with his mates. If the other muppets in the team/squad and the ones in charge of spending had shown half the effort and commitment to winning as he has during his time at the club, this wouldn't even be a topic for discussion!!

  81. Nick Oakleigh

    Apr 19, 2011, 13:19 #5366

    Oliver Chessis 12:12pm 19th Apr 2011 Is this the long-winded version of "i will not go and watch a team every week unless they can win the league"? The only REAL reasons to give up a season ticket are affordability, and value for money. --------------- And being surrounded by plastic Johnny Come Latelys in a horrible concrete soulless bowl. I also cant stand home games anymore. Give me 3,000 real fans away from home any day.

  82. Kev G

    Apr 19, 2011, 13:17 #5365

    I honestly do not think a new assistant manager would make any difference. Wenger is in total control of the team from putting out the cones in training to picking the side. Seriously he won't listen to whoever his assistant manager may end up being.

  83. Richard Ansell

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:33 #5357

    How has it come to this John? I love the club but have been reduced to total indifference by Wenger and his clueless style of management. We just seem to be going round and round in circles, nothing is learnt from past mistakes and like you my expectation level at the start of any match is zero. How often have we seen a truly great performance from this squad of spineless losers? The odd one here or there, but quickly followed by more pathetic performances. Contenders for the title? Do me a favour!

  84. John B

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:26 #5355

    To Septimus_red(Liverpool fan), A lot of non-gooners say the Arsenal fan's should be grateful that Arsenal spend within their means and have a good manager and are consistenly up at the top of the league. The lack of spending is not, I would say, the main reason for the current Arsenal fan's discontent. Although the cost of going to a game is ridiculously high and to say you are skint to fans is a kick in the teeth. I'd say the real issue for Arsenal fans is that we keep making the same mistakes and doing the same things that don't work over and over again, match after match, season after season. We keep hearing the same excuses. We keep seeing players woefully underperform and nothing happens. There is no other manager who would persist with players who continually make mistakes and underperform. On top of that people are being asked to pay 1000s for a Season ticket to put up with it. You wouldn't put up with it at Liverpool and no other team would especially when you are paying a fortune.

  85. Oliver Chessis

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:12 #5352

    Is this the long-winded version of "i will not go and watch a team every week unless they can win the league"? The only REAL reasons to give up a season ticket are affordability, and value for money.

  86. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:06 #5350

    Cesc goes, a young wide player comes in - I guess Eden Hazard springs initially to mind if available. BUT Hleb has been chirping rather a lot about returning to Arsenal lately. Dont want to scare anybody but does this still Barca registered player know something we dont? He would come cheap! On the replacement for Pat Rice do you think Dragan Stojkovic could be the man? He has by all accounts similar philosophies to Wenger, not sure this would lead to many creative tensions that some believe our coaching set up need though.

  87. Irishgooner

    Apr 19, 2011, 11:44 #5348

    Cesc realises that the Emperor has no clothes. He's been "spun" a line by Wenger once too often. The final straw for him was probably Wenger saying that 2nd and 3rd was success. Not for a winner like Cesc it ain't. LEadership starts and ends with the manager. Ambition is taken from the lead given by your manager. Cesc realises that Wenger is not interested in footballing success, only financial and Arsenal plc success. Adios y muchas gracias Cesc, con amor!!

  88. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 19, 2011, 11:41 #5347

    So cesc is 100% leaving? Is he? Please do elaborate as we wanna know if this checks out

  89. tommy

    Apr 19, 2011, 11:38 #5346

    well said. If Cesc does go you can bet your bottom dollar we'll rollover and sell for around the 25m mark when a club like Manure will hold out for at least 50-60.

  90. Janno

    Apr 19, 2011, 11:36 #5345

    Well said John. Mental frailty has always been an issue for AW. He is not ruthless enough, nor does that translate to the team in games or in training. When Viera moved to Juventus, he commented on the highly professional atmosphere and winning mentality in training. The contrast struck him as vivid. After the first championship under AW, Ferguson challenged us to win back-to-back championships as the true test of great teams. We never did. We've been badly beaten by the top teams at times, especially recently, and only rarely have we mashed them back. AW needs to consider finding an assitant who can challenge him constructively, with real tactical nous and who elicits the respect of players as well as of AW himself. That's a tough call for someone as prickly as AW, who seems unable to deal with tough questions, as evidenced by his recent media displays.

  91. Evadztif

    Apr 19, 2011, 11:22 #5342

    While I agree with alot of what's been said again what kills me is the blanket of invisibilty the club puts up around everything and treats us like mugs...high price tickets - no tv station, poor website and even awful twitter updates!!! 0-0 report on pool game!!! New training ground - who knows what it looks like or what happens there,reserves play behind closed doors, injuries are like a black hole...transfers that take forever...prices paid - always undisclosed...Cesc is leaving...bet nobody is selling their house with a view to moving to London to replace him...if we could be allowed see or be made feel part of this club it would really help but the club is a closed door...and needs to create a siege mentality, a one for all and all for one mentality...but sadly I don't think they even see this as a problem....

  92. mark

    Apr 19, 2011, 10:05 #5333

    Cesc is leaving because he wants to play in a team surrounded by top class players. that is the team he joined when first came to arsenal and steadily it has been dismantled. i dont blame him the guy has given everything but the club didnt put the right players around him and he knows he will never win the CL or the EPL with us as we are today

  93. Gordon

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:56 #5332

    No need to spend your hard-earned dough to a joke club Arsenal is trying to become. I'm doing one better by cancelling my yearly subscription cable and switching to online free streaming. Why watch Arsenal in HD? Suffer the agony in full effects? Their matches should be free and in resolution good enough to spell "Doofus" at the back of every player.

  94. Dave

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:53 #5330

    Good observations here. Knowing that Arsenal can't hold onto a lead, what would any Arsenal fan ask for? Taking the lead in the 98th minute? Hmm........even that doesn't work.

  95. Tommi Gooner

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:51 #5329

    Top article once again. 100% agree with everything stated here. I believe (as Wenger starts every press interview..) the board think that fans will renew their season tickets blindly EVERY season. However for the past 5 or 6 seasons we live in hope that some big name will be signed, not necessarily a 'big name' but someone better than what we have in certain positions - I don't need to spell it out - it's the same names on just about everybody's list. The only way the board & Wenger will take note is with fans speaking with their hard earned cash and not renewing their season tickets. What incentive is there to renew & to be served up the same old sh*t every summer transfer window.. some unknown from the French 4th division or some 16 year old starlet. If the plan to put a price hike on season tickets int he summer is going to happen - I hope The Arsenal are in for a shock and people think twice to renew blindly. I can't blame Cesc for wanting to leave. Wenger knew we had to win something in order to keep a star player and has done f*ck all. The same way I couldn't blame TH14 for wanting to go and actually win something.

  96. Ian Henry

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:46 #5328

    Cesc moved out of his Hampstead house a few months ago - when his Porsche Cayenne, reg AFC4, disappeared to be replaced by a Toyota Prius and a Yaris.

  97. D

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:26 #5326

    Let's hope Arsene steps up his game in the summer. Cesc should be allowed to leave but only if we spend the transfer money on 2 experienced players. Having a half-hearted captain really d****ues the club and the fans, much as we admire Cesc's playing ability, an unsettled captain is an insult. With selling Denilson, Diaby, Rosicky, clichy and one or 2 keepers that would give the manager quite a bit more to spend on transfers whilst staying in profit. With 4 or 5 new additions + recallling Miyaichi, we could see a re-shaped team that can compete all the way. Or we could see not much change and another predictable season such as this one. Going to watch Arsenal these days is a mixture of excitement and sadness. Excitement at the talent of some of the players but so disappointing how they fold under minimal pressure. The very least to expect from an Arsenal team is that it's resolute, tough and have fight, that should have priority over inexperienced talent. Hopefully the boss will get the blend right in pre-season. If he doesn't then maybe it's time he found a smaller club to experiment with.

  98. bergie2016

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:22 #5325

    buddy i doubt that u will be the only one .

  99. Nick the greek

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:21 #5324

    Good post - hope the news of Cesc is not true - but agree with you on every other point.

  100. Gordon

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:15 #5323

    1st. Good post once again. We are selling our captains like hot cakes since Vieira. What kind of a club are we seriously?

  101. Rob

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:15 #5322

    Great article. No surprise about Cesc. Wenger knew that if we did not deliver this season, our Captain would have no further reason to prolong the stay. So what did he do ? Wave Senderous, Sol and Silvestre 'Goodbye' and sign Kos and Squilachi - oh and Chamak on a Bosman. Meanwhile on we go with Almunia, Eboue, Denielson, Diaby, Rosicky, Bendtner et al. All those "top top players" as Wenger describes them. All part of "the best squad I have ever had" - Wenger again. Fabregas looks shot. His heart's not in it and it's best for both parties that he goes. But as you say, they'll be no attempt to bring any sort of quality in. Last season I did what you are now about to do and gave up my ticket as I could think of better things to spend £3,400 on (that was the CL price). It will be interesting to see the state of renewals this summer. Arsenal might just get the nasty surprise, their total lack of courage and ambition deserves.

  102. Septimus_red

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:00 #5315

    Firstly, I should point out that I am a Liverpool fan and that I am not here to wind Arsenal fans up or make silly comments. In fact, I was secretly hoping that we would lose so that Arsenal could deny Manchester United there 19th league for obvious reasons. Having said all that,and listen to my Gooner friends lament Sundays game, you cannot expect to win everything. At least you have won the Premier League and competed consistently for the title. In my opinion, you should be thankful that you have a Manager whose has provided stability and a philosophy which has seen your team produce players and performances over the years. Yes I know you want to win the Champions League or the Premier League but be frank here, no one is going to beat this Barcelona team. In years to come people will reflect on them and there squad as the high point so don't feel cheated on that front. The only criticism that can be levelled at Arsne Wenger is his refusal or reluctance to pay the going rate for players he clearly needs. For example you could have bought Alonso from us in 2008 but refused to pay the asking price and again with Reina last season. You clearly need a commanding centre half and a established goal keeper. Above all the frustration of Wenger, bare in mind what it would be like not to have him as your manager. Who would replace him ? The only person I can see that would fit the Arsenal mould would be Guardiola or prehaps Boas. If you all feel that Wenger has stagnated the club then you should target them.

  103. South London Gooner

    Apr 19, 2011, 8:59 #5314

    I understand your position 100%. Have this year not renewed our two Club Level season tickets for the same reasons: I just don't enjoy going anymore, watching the same mistakes happen time and again as the same poor players are indulged time and again. Like you, I will continue to support the team but just not by contributing £8,000 of my hard-earned, taxed income to pay the salaries of players I loathe.

  104. Bob

    Apr 19, 2011, 8:51 #5312

    Fantastic article. The kind I would right if I could articulate my feelings. Totally agree with everything you say. Cesc is going through the 'one last year' syndrome we have seen with so many other greats at our club. What pisses me off is the lies that come out from the manager about buying players, and that is why I choose not to spend any of my hard earned cash on the club I love. And if people want to call me names, that's fine. My first game was 1978 and I went every weekend in the eighties when a season ticket wasn't used as a beacon of how much you love your club and you could pay on the door. Lets be clear, if Wenger doesnt break this team up and continues then he must be sacked, however I think he deserves one more season after spending money, to see if he can reignite his winning mentality, after that, get Pep.

  105. Karl Fenech

    Apr 19, 2011, 8:45 #5310

    As much as I hate being pessimistic, I tend to agree with everything you said.

  106. Steve

    Apr 19, 2011, 8:45 #5309

    £40m for Cesc? You're dreaming! Knowing the way this club operates if we get £25m we will have been doing very, very well indeed. Good riddance to him though IMO. He's been dead to me since that spanish love-in in the tunnell pre-match at Barcelona.

  107. Blindside

    Apr 19, 2011, 8:39 #5306

    You haven't seen it yet but Cesc is "doing a Torres" on Arsenal and after a few more lacklustre games will depart the coop!