A list of changes that need to be made

Enough’s enough with the current methods

A list of changes that need to be made

Wenger: Time to try something different

We don’t deserve to win the title at all. The problem is Wenger. These players do what they do because Wenger wont have a go at them. He always finds excuses like on Sunday…
“Too much injury time”
“Wasn’t a penalty”

If Eboue is told what he did wasn’t a penalty he won’t learn, Wenger has the players in such a comfortable bubble it’s manufactured a culture of “it’s never our fault”. These mistakes are evidence of a bigger issue at the club which stems from Wenger.

This is what we need…

A manager who will tell the players their errors and make sure they aren’t repeated, make subs other times than bang on 70 minutes and who plays players in position (why play Bentdner on the wing?)

A good defensive coach or two

A leader on the pitch who will rally and organise the players (why wasn’t Wenger or Rice on the touchline after our goal screaming instructions and getting two banks of four together?)

A new number 2 who is tactically aware and isn’t a yes man

Someone who can drill into the players that sometimes footballing “principles” need to take second place in favour of points and shots. I counted at least five chances yesterday where a shot gave way to a pass which wasn’t completed

Two centre backs

Right back cover for Sagna who isn’t Eboue

A top quality proven striker who can deliver 25+ goals a season and who isn’t injury prone

Players out – Cesc, Diaby, Eboue, Chamackh, Rosicky, Bendtner, Almunia, Lehmann, Denilson, Song (gives away to many free kicks)

Promote some of the reserves – JET, Lansbury, Miguel, Luke Freeman, Eastmond, Watt, Afobe, Bartley

New medical team – note the LFC medical team and how they used replays to treat Carroll a different way

A new club motto – Can I suggest “STAY.ON.YOUR.FEET”

A ban on the words “Spirit” and “Mental Strength” until there is something other than pound notes in the trophy cabinet

I could go on but my fingers ache – until we do ALL of the above, we’ll win nothing.

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  1. Charlie

    Apr 19, 2011, 19:22 #5410

    You, sir, are an idiot.

  2. jambo

    Apr 19, 2011, 18:40 #5401

    wow! im gonna support..what other have said you are a fool! get rid of song for giving away too many fouls? do me a favour, yeh les get rid of our best, no make that only defensive midfielder of any credit! Then your suggestions of just promoting people like luke freeman, watt etc. yes they may one day make it, but be realistic, ou think bendtners been bad? try afobe, hes hardly been setting the world alight, if we did ALL your suggestions we wont even make europa league next year, Paul, you are a fool!

  3. Ronster

    Apr 19, 2011, 17:45 #5393

    Aaron,yep Campbell and Cole were our only first choice Englishmen in the league campaign of 2003-4,but do not overlook the contributions made by Raymond Parlour ( 16 full league starts and an additional 10 as sub ) and Martin Keown ( 3+7 ).You say we do not have winners or leaders in our squad..agreed...and I would argue that without these four 'Brits' there would have been no Invincible season.Man Utd and Chelsea have shared the premiership since 2005 with a British hardcore spine.Why do you think Fergie has refused to ditch the likes of Scholes,Giggs and the recently retired Neville.I shake my head every time I see Keown,Dixon and Winterburn wasting their time as pundits when they could be sharing their majesty behind the scenes at The Emirates.

  4. a gooner

    Apr 19, 2011, 16:24 #5385

    Complete and utter crap. Please next time do some actual thinking before spouting out points that are as idiotic and ill judged as some of those

  5. Pat

    Apr 19, 2011, 14:14 #5374


  6. paul griffin

    Apr 19, 2011, 13:14 #5364

    You cant promote players for the sake of it they have to be good enough first. We r supposed to be a club dat has ambitions of winning the league and champions league so r u telling me dat lansbury and co r goin to achieve dat. What gets under my skin is dat people critcise wenger for his youth policy but den want him to do a clear out and replace em with more more rubbish young players like eastmond who by the way cant even get in a millwall matchday squad out on loan. You say freeman wat did he do on loan at yeovil? NOTHING. Watt and lansbury r in and out of the leeds and norwich team but they r supposed to be regulars in a championship winning team like arsenal dont make me laugh. JET has lots of talent but from wat i heard his attitude is poor. But i have been impressed with afobe with huddersfield who with another loan spell in the champioship next yr could make the step up. Only bartley could make a step up next year for the simple reason he proved he could play well aginst quality opposition like PSV and S.Lisbon.

  7. Kev G

    Apr 19, 2011, 13:11 #5363

    Crikey the lsat thing we need is to promote ALL of those youth/reserve players. Granted someone like Lansbury now is either drafted into out 1st team or sold. Of all the loanees who is of a reasonable age (not too young) he is doing the best by far. Afobe is doing very well at Huddersfield but has just turned 18. We don't want wholesale changes where we draft in more teens. That would be suicide

  8. Matt

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:46 #5359

    Since when was Ray Wilkin's writing for 'The Gooner'? The point of selling Song 'because he gives away too many free-kicks' is a laughable one

  9. Aaron

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:37 #5358

    The Invincibles starting XI had 2 Englishmen. One of those was Ashley Cole who showed zero loyalty. Foreigners are not the problem, it is the mentality of players Wenger buys and the lack of senior leaders to educate our youngsters. Patrick Vieira was no less hungry and disciplined than any local lad English counterpart. However, Koscielny got battered by Drogba at the Bridge and walked off the pitch laughing with him after a 2-0 defeat. Watch any champions in any sport and they do not walk off laughing after a defeat to huge rivals. Koscielny also waived the Arsenal fans off after we threw away a 4-0 lead at Newcastle. He should have been fuming, straight down the tunnel. We do not have winners or leaders in our squad. Promoting all those youngsters is a recipe for diaster. They are worse than the Chelsea kids they don't trust. Jay Emmanuel Thomas walks around like he's some sort of big cheese. He is 20 years old and hasn't got a sniff of the first team. A championship career awaits that arrogant pr*ck. Miguel has potential but was exposed by a Leyton Orient sub. The other names (other than Lansbury) are not as talented as the likes of Barazite, Randall, Larsson etc. who quite rightly have not made the Arsenal grade. Nothing will change until Wenger is gone. Don't hold your breath. There will be at least 3 more seasons of this groundhog day

  10. dan

    Apr 19, 2011, 12:26 #5356

    Agree with all the sentiment yo uexpress so concisely, but would keep Diaby (still needs a run without injury), Chamakh (did more than most to get us in contention for the first part of the season then unceremoniously dropped and never used again - great motivational skills Wenger) , Bendtner (looks good when played in position and given a run) and Song just to see what a decent tactician and motivator could get out of them. The rest are utter gargage and writing the names Rosicky, Denilson, Fabianski (world class)and Almunia make me fill with rage. Wenger is a blinkered stubborn charlatan who has now been found out and I for one hope the fans hound this egomaniac out, because the loyalists will feel like I do one day soon - it is a clear as day

  11. Paul

    Apr 19, 2011, 11:29 #5344

    You're playing Football Manager aren't you!! We're trying to push forward.. what you're suggesting will see us lower than Spurs. Szczesny, Fabianski, Mannone as your keepers, Sagna and new RB cover, let Squillachi go, promote Bartley to go with Vermaelen, Djourou and Koscielny. Clichy and Gibbs at LB. Yes, let Cesc go.. his heart has gone and his head with it.. move Nasri inside with Wilshere, Song, Ramsey, Frimpong and Lansbury. Keep Diaby for something different, but let Denilson go, he brings nothing to the table. AND FFS, DO NOT LET EASTMOND ANYWHERE NEAR THE 1ST ELEVEN. He reminds me of when I had to watch Eddie McGoldrick marauding down the right wing. Painful to watch. Up front is our issue, when things go right, when they get space, everything is dandy. Walcott is hit and miss, when the game is stretched he's wonderful, but can't beat a mannequin when it's tight. JET needs to come in there, or move RVP out there because he's never in the middle where we need him. Arshavin can make things come out of nothing so keep him and if we can get a work permit, get Miachi in there.. god that boy looks special. Would love Hazard but Man City will be throwing £30m at him, so no contest. Through the middle is where our money should go.. the dream is Benzema, pace, power, two scoring feet.. the perfect Arsenal player. Not many other big names would make an improvement on RVP.. none that we could afford or would be available. The only other option is a left field, Eduardo type buy.. someone like Falcao from Porto.. tricky, Suarez type player, good in tight spaces which happens when we play 8 defenders. Would he suit the Prem, who knows.. could be a Hernandez player for us. Afobe needs another season on loan. Don't know enough about the medical staff to comment.

  12. Swanny

    Apr 19, 2011, 11:28 #5343

    Agree with a few of your points, but what is the point in promoting youngsters who simply are not good enough for the first team. I believe that Miyaichi is probably the only one that has shone while on loan, the others are in and out of the team. I believe that Wenger needs to do one of two things, 1. buy and buy quality, just for one season that is all that is needed, buy a goaly, a left back, another winger, holding player and striker but all of quality, and ditch the driftwood of Almunia, Lehman, Squallaci, Denilson, Bendnter, Chamakh, and even Fabregas if he wants to go - that will accumulate to a few quid and with that money plus spending some of our own money (gasp!!!) then we can quite easily bring in 4 or 5 quality players that will make a difference. I suggest: Hazard, Cahill, Neuar, Benzema, mascherano just as a few but there are many possible suiters for Arsenal. Buy big just one season, and develop the youth team properly rather than sending them all out on loan - develop them the Arsenal way teach them from grass roots the importance of looking after the ball, closing down from the front and earning the right to play. With success again on the pitch we will again attract the best young players wanting to emulate the Arsenal greats this will take just one season, and hopefully it will be next year. But if Wenger cannot do this he must go, and someone that is not afraid to knock on the owners door and ask for money should be installed, someone that can say some of his players make mistakes, blame himself from time to time if tactics not right - there is only so much Wenger can blame on referees, bad luck and teams parking the bus - he should be able to get past all of that - teams park the bus at Emirates often enough - surely by now a top coach would be able to work around that?? Or am I wrong?? #I could go on for ages but what needs to change at Arsenal we have a good structure in place, and financially we are solid thanks to Wenger but the fans deserve the success that Arsenal are used to - our spine of Shezny, Djorou, Wilshere and VP (injury permitted) is very strong and keeping players like Vermaelen, Sagna, Nasri, Walcott, Arshevin, Song is very important add another 4 or 5 quality players and Arsenal are set for years to come !! It just needs Wenger to swallow his pride because no Mr Wenger this group of players do not have the mental strength to win the league proof is in the pudding when it matters most they choke - the carling cup was handed to us on a plate and we blew it - from 4 trophies to none in a month is terrible - swallow the pride and do the right thing for us loyal supporters FFS

  13. Wylie

    Apr 19, 2011, 10:45 #5338

    Absolute rubbish article. We go on about needing experience and winners etc yet you're suggesting promoting players who have been on loan at Huddersfield etc this season. You owe me 3 minutes of my life for reading this tripe!

  14. franco

    Apr 19, 2011, 10:24 #5337

    i thought i'll read some sense in this article. what a load of bull...sell half the team,get rid of the manager, promote even more kids...Eastmond,Watt...lol.listen keep your thoughts for the pub.

  15. Paul Gardiner

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:55 #5331

    Steve - How do we know Freeman etc arent 1st team players unless we give them a chance? Some failed to an extent - Aliadiere, Merida, some flourished - Jack being a great example, Lets face it they'll at least try their best which im not convinced is the case for some of our 1st team at the moment.

  16. Musa gunner

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:13 #5321

    I agree wit u,but i think d problem is d coach & managment,how can dey give wenger such a power?he's a coach,a scout,a player bargainer & a team director,mr.kroenke should do something very fast to save dis team from embarasment.

  17. John Pickford Senior

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:13 #5320

    Wenger should go with Rice, simple as that. Wonder what his excuse will be when we fail against Man Utd and Spurs in the coming weeks?

  18. steve

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:10 #5319

    u kidding me miguel eastmond freeman watt are not first team henderson frimpong coquelen & the jap maybe, agree with getting rid of the players who don't won't to be hear the russian is one cesc is in barca & if we can get good money on the rest bring in a capt a propper capt & top striker

  19. Howard

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:06 #5318

    Too many foreign players in the team who has no real desire other than the money. Wenger's penchant for recruiting only foreign players, especially French players has killed the Arsenal spirit as we know of.

  20. hec

    Apr 19, 2011, 9:01 #5316

    The number 2 should be the number 1. Pat Rice when he took charge of the team prior to Wenger taking over had a fantastic record, Pat been around and knows what the team need ,he loves Arsenal more than anyone,he`s a proper British tough footballer , give him the reins and sack Inspector Closeou.

  21. erick

    Apr 19, 2011, 8:52 #5313

    you are a fool

  22. ty gunner

    Apr 19, 2011, 8:50 #5311

    makes a lot of good points