I can’t take the hope fading so slowly

There is endemic failure at the heart of this team

I can’t take the hope fading so slowly

Wenger – A parody of himself

Oh Arsenal, you just teased these words out of me! I have thus far this season, resisted the temptation to write to OnlineGooner. I was close to putting my moans to paper after Newcastle and I’m sure I typed and retyped a letter in my head after the Carling Cup debacle. After Liverpool I practically developed an OCD where I would pace around the room ready to cyber rant, but I resisted. But last night at Spurs was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I guess the AKB brigade will have you believe that the professor knows what he is doing, but I don’t buy it anymore – to be honest, I haven’t for a few years, now. I admire their loyalty, I really do. I wish I was that blinkered. For me though, Wenger is becoming a parody of himself and it’s beyond a joke. He’s become so puritanical, I actually wince when I hear him speak after a game. His talk of “belief” and “spirit” was obviously a smokescreen, a distraction from what is really happening amongst the players – something blown wide open by Fabregas on Tuesday following his damning words aimed at Arsenal.

This season, however, the dynamics have shifted and even the most devoted fans are beginning to question the manager. Rule number one, Arsene, don’t bullsh*t the fans. We are not blind. It is such a simple rule, but so often forgotten by him. Maybe he is trying to convince himself?

There is no point in moaning at the players. Eboue can’t help being Eboue. Players are picked by a guy that sees them day in, day out. He knows them inside out. He knows their limitations. He instructs them how to play. It’s his team. It’s down to the manager, plain and simple. What’s discomforting though is that there is endemic failure at the heart of this team and it won’t go until the manager accepts his ways are flawed. Youth? Fine, but they need to be surrounded by world-class players to supplement and nurture them. Imagine a young Fabregas with an older Vieira, or Djourou with Adams? They start to learn. It’s often said that there was a direct relationship between Henry’s talent developing and Keown kicking his shins day in, day out. You learn to get better. You learn to not let pressure affect you. You learn to want to win. Ask yourselves this? Did you see real desire to win at WHL last night? All I saw was Spurs all over us and us panicking. Like we did against Newcastle or Liverpool. Do you think that Spurs were worried when Bentdner came on? Would United lose a two-goal lead in a key game of the final stages of the Premier League? And if they did, would Fergie come out and say they showed spirit? I very much doubt it…

So what’s the way forward? Well, he won’t leave or get sacked, as the Board love him because he doesn’t stress the profit and loss accounts and guarantees them revenue from Champions League qualification.

Me? I am fed up with second or third or fourth. I am fed up with teams like Spurs taking points off us, seemingly without a care from the players. I am tired of watching a team that takes commanding leads, only to leak like a sieve at the back. I am fed up to the back teeth of watching individual errors cost us important games. More importantly, I am fed up of being fed up with this team.

I just hope United put me out of my misery sooner rather than later. I can’t take the hope fading so slowly.

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  1. E B Joy

    Apr 25, 2011, 1:56 #5719

    A W is incapable of buying players who know how to defend he inhreited the best back four {with options}in the countrhe has never replaced like for like dixon adams bold winterburne were a defence unlike the sive of second raters A V keeps making axcuses for.tony adams was a captain viera was a captain cess is not. Arsenal hav allways had a strong defence since the likes of copimg bernard joy les compton ray danial david Oleary and the stone wall wenger inherited from george graham the last time we won it was tony adams who held the trophies aloft.maybe it is time for wenger and pat rice to stand aside.i no longer wish to wasteI am old enough to have seen ted drakethundering them in and have watched a side that has not done particularly some seasonsbut naver a side that surenders a four goal lead you cannot allways win but at least go down fighting not a trait of your team mr wenger

  2. wenger out

    Apr 22, 2011, 12:39 #5590

    @PPP said "but ask yourself what kind of fan turns on his own football team just because they aren't winning all the time?". How about changing that to "but ask yourself what kind of fan turns on his own football team just because they aren't winning EVER?" I would call them fans who are passionate about the success of the Club, fans that travel home and away, fans that LOVE Arsenal not a manager who has become an idol to many. Sorry that we are not all as loyal, reasoned and level headed as you. Sorry that we care that our great Club is going nowhere fast under this manager (the man who stuck with Almunia for so long and gives new contracts to Eboue and Rosicky). Apologies. Perhaps we should go "down the lane" or "become Chelski fans" and leave Arsenal to the likes of you and the rest of the perfect people.

  3. ppp

    Apr 22, 2011, 6:54 #5578

    Most of these anti-arsenal articles and responses are coming from the same few people. If you go to the ground you hear a lot more support for wenger than you do dissent. Of course it's another frustrating season - but ask yourself what kind of fan turns on his own football team just because they aren't winning all the time?

  4. Bergy

    Apr 22, 2011, 2:53 #5576

    WestUpperRed, We expect what the manager tells us every year - "We are ready to win this year" even though no-one really believes him. He also has said more than once that simply a CL place is not good enough for a club like Arsenal. And when things go pear-shaped, he then says " we are have over-achieved by finishing 4th"! At the start of the season, like in all of the previous 3 seasons, I felt that we would end up pot-less and so it would more than likely prove. It would be the same next year I dare say until there is a change in policy. I read a response from post here recently that Arsenal do not have history in English football therefore we have no right to expect success. I find this astonishing. If we continue to see Arsenal as a small club then we will never progress and continue to regard token achievements as "over-achievements". Arsenal are an elite club in world football and I think it's time we act like one. And when the manager goes on about "outstanding mental strength" and "great attitude" after yeat another capitulation, you wonder if he is right up there.

  5. wenger out

    Apr 22, 2011, 2:19 #5574

    Wenger "a class act"? Yeah right! He showed real class at the end of the game against Liverpool, not too mention the 'class' he has shown in his private life recently. He brings shame on the Club. Get Wenger out!

  6. Bergy

    Apr 22, 2011, 1:08 #5573

    WestUpperRed: Like me, most people didn't really believe we would win this year at the beginning, in fact, given how Wenger's policy is, I was expecting what is happening - no silverware again. And I dare say, if nothing changes in his policy, we will end up with nothing again next year. It is WENGER who says that we will win. We don't crank up the expectations, he does. And when things inevitably go pear-shaped, he says it's OK to finish 2nd or 3rd and that as you say, we overachieved. What the hell is that? Frankly, when he goes on about "outstanding mental strength" and "great attitude" when the team has capitulated for the Xth time and then justifies failure, I'm beginning to think he's not quite right up there somewhere. The point is why should a club like Arsenal go into every season only realistically expecting 4th place? Is this good enough? Wenger says it's not good enough but yet why does he say the team has done well just to achieve that? I read a reply to post here recently that Arsenal don't have history and that we have no right to expect success. I find that point of view incredible. If we continue to see ourselves as a small club and have a town club mentality, we will never progress and forever see minor achievements as major ones.

  7. GoonerBoy

    Apr 22, 2011, 0:58 #5572

    I think Arsene is a great manager, what he's done for the club on a very limited budget has been immense. However, his one flaw, is that he doesn't seem able to spot and purchase defenders. The attacking mentality is great, but we also need defenders. With the exception of mentally ill Gallas and unlucky (this year) Vermalen has Wenger ever signed a decent defender? No!

  8. Ian Barrett

    Apr 22, 2011, 0:14 #5570

    yes this team are over achieving but the bottom line is they could have won the title if wenger had bought a couple of world class players to compliment the younger players. Wenger would want to take a step back and be realistic and see just what could have been achieved this season if looked at this team like a fan and seen the obvious weaknesses - and we aren't paid a kings ransom to see those weaknesses. AKB - my arse.

  9. Supermaxiboy

    Apr 21, 2011, 17:49 #5563

    Whilst I agree listening to Arsene talking about 'spirit and belief' at the moment is wearing thin, I happen to think that Wenger is the best football manager in the world and would walk into any job if he left Arsenal. I also think the latest move from Kronke spells the end of the frugal period we've had to endure on the transfer market due to building The Grove. I'm not saying we'll go mad, but I think the dead wood will be shown the door and the holes plugged with class and experience this summer... ...and when the UEFA financial restrictions take hold? Wenger will be looking down on a lot of those so called big clubs....and say nothing, because the man is a class act.

  10. mark from Aylesbury

    Apr 21, 2011, 14:29 #5554

    Really is it going to be any loss if we finish 3rd or 4th? That's better than a cup for Wenger anyhow. I'm finished with Wenger, the sooner he goes the better, sounds nasty doesn't it but it is how I feel. We will never win anything again with him charge. Will anyone disagree with that comment? Sadly his blatant bull**** is being increasingly exposed, he looks like he has lost the plot. I think the time for a controlled management change was 2 years ago, I would have happily seen him go upstairs at that point. Now I want him to go as far away as possible, simply so that we do not have an overhanging Busby effect like UTD had throughout the 70's. Pass the management over to a new ambitious manager and bring in Keown or Bould as coaching staff. Simply bring back an edge of Arsenal grit. Whatever our views in the Arsenal family, it is pretty obvious that internet chatter is spilling over into the mainstream media, the players i.e Cesc are picking up on it to and Wenger is looking like a busted flush. Empty seats next year could spell the end for him anyway. If I was him I reach an agreement with present board and take a pay-off and walk.

  11. Goongoonergone

    Apr 21, 2011, 13:56 #5552

    "Players are picked by a guy who sees them day in and day out... He knows their limitations." We hear this stupid manager of ours day in and day out - we know his limitations. Sadly, the old fool doesn't know his.

  12. WestUpperRed

    Apr 21, 2011, 13:39 #5550

    A lot of these types of articles are being writen by the same people who didnt give us a chance at the start of the season anyway. Marco did you think we had a shout for the title this year or were you expecting a dog fight for 3rd/4th with Citeh, Liverpool & the Spuds? We are over acheiving this year being second in the league with this team and a lot of the dispair felt at present is born out of not knowing what to reaslistically expect. A league title is not it for obvious reasons. Pride, courage and guts is all im expecting from ANY Arsenal team which is presently being supressed by pressure i dont think was realistic in the players minds. Back to basics EVERYONE as Wenger, the players and the fans are on the wrong wavelength right now and i think a title shout landing on our laps is the problem. With no goaliee or established CB pairing we are learning now what long-shots feel like when everyone holds on too tight. Is everyone happy with Third realistically?

  13. Stuart

    Apr 21, 2011, 10:57 #5537

    You make some interesting points, mate. To be fair football is about sticking it through thick and thin and as I keep telling myself, these last few years will only make the next trophy all the sweeter. However, there does come a point when fans know that what they are watching is the end of an era and at the moment, it does feel like this at Arsenal. There seems to have been an end-of-the-school-year feel about the side for the last few weeks- probably since that game at Newcastle and it looks as though a number of the players are off in the summer either by choice or by force. What has shocked me this season is that Wenger doesn't look like he's the leader of a title wining side that actually believes they have the ability to win the major games. People may loath them but Fergie and Cloughie knew how to win big matches, knew how to get the best out of players and knew when to scare the sh1t out of their teams. At Arsenal, it looks too comfortable, a bit like Liverpool of the mid 90s or Chavsea of the late 90s and either 2000s before the money came in. I was probably a good laugh playing for those teams, you probably made very good money, won a couple of games here and there, got yourselves in with a shout but regulalry fell away because the talent, leadrship and determination to win were missing. Sadly, that's us today and on the surface of things, we need a manager whether it be Wenger or anyone else that comes to training in July and asks the team whether they want to win things, whether they want to be league Champions or whether they're happy to earn a few quid, play about on a Saturday afternoon and settle for second or third every year. Unitl that day arrives, it seems that we are destined for average most seasons- slightly better than the rest but just not good enough in the end.

  14. GunZ

    Apr 21, 2011, 10:35 #5536

    Let's face it, arsene is a poor man mourinho. They both inherit great teams and build a little bit upon it to make it great. But when arsene rebuilds the whole team they are just failures

  15. RED FRED

    Apr 21, 2011, 10:34 #5535

    Yeah i with you on this one,every time there is a glimmer of hope, they blow it,my nerves have been shot to bits this season,dont mind losing or drawing games but to keep dropping points from a winning position is becoming a joke! Sort it out mr Wenger, am still an AKB, but am starting to open my ears a little to the AMG,s..

  16. John

    Apr 21, 2011, 10:29 #5534

    I put up something similar on AWIMB earlier. I got the usual "your not a real fan" stuff. To be honest I only go their to upset the AKB's on their. I loved Highbury, a team that didn't know when it was beaten and players who mixed skill and aggression. I can't love a faceless corporation, managed by French bureaucrat staffed by people who just don't care as much as I do.

  17. Rob

    Apr 21, 2011, 9:59 #5532

    100% agree with this article. The worst thing is Wenger and the board think its acceptable to ignore the fans of Arsenal football club. The real fans are not expecting hundreds of millions to be spent on transfer fees - Just for Wenger to go back to the ways when he invested in transfers like Petit, Overmars, Henry, Edu, Gilberto.... Experienced players which didn't break the bank.

  18. cambsgooner

    Apr 21, 2011, 9:56 #5529

    luv the club but this team lacks in many areas you know your **** when you cant beat spuds