All Arsenal players are officially relieved of all dog-walking duties until further notice, ‘Young Man’

There is no defence for Wenger’s Arsenal

All Arsenal players are officially relieved of all dog-walking duties until further notice, ‘Young Man’

Cloughy: Combined possession football with good defending

I get that same old strange familiar feeling that I've been here more than once before, that I've sat here at my keyboard with the same quizzical expression on my face wondering how on earth Arsenal can keep on making the same tired old mistakes game after game after game.

It feels like a case of déjà vu all over again whilst travelling in a time machine on Groundhog Day to me (and my future self too) and it's far and away from the most pleasant place in the universe to be, let me tell you.

Arsenal were widely expected to fail to grab onto the lifeline that Manchester United had so generously tossed their way after their 0-0 draw at Newcastle and they once again did not fail disappoint their slimy smiling media critics or their nearly man of a manager.

Teddy Sheringham's Cheshire cat style grin at Alan Smith on Sky Sports while discussing Wenger's quotes about being happy to finish second for the next 20 years put a downer on my expectations before a ball was even kicked. Failure has officially now been accepted by Arsene Wenger and his beloved young players were going to live up to their manager's much publicised billing by throwing away first a one goal and then a two goal lead!

While Arsenal were playing some excellent flowing football and were good value for their 5th minute 0-1 lead at White Hart Lane, they soon found out that they would yet again let both a one goal and then a two goal lead, slip from their collective buttery fingered grasp. Was it because that horrible familiar feeling started to creep into the hearts and minds of Arsenal fans and players alike as all of Wenger's quotes on mental strength and fighting spirit came back to haunt us all once again?

How gutting must it be for Arsenal's attacking players that the defensive players cannot ensure that they can hold a lead for more than two minutes? How gutting is it for us as fans that our attacking players are not doing enough to help out our motley crew at the back by closing down and pressing from the front?

Legend has it that the late great Brian Clough used to famously make his players and coaching staff take his beloved dog for a walk to ensure that they harboured no doubts as to just who the boss man was. I get the funny feeling that if he was managing this current Arsenal side he might well just do it for himself, because Arsenal players simply cannot grasp how to hold on to any sort of lead!

Arsenal went on to (Oh God this is difficult to write) go 1-3 up after 40 minutes, only to screw it all up again and concede two goals, again letting a two goal lead slip away! After doing the same thing at the E******s! This makes finishing in second place, let alone winning the title, seem increasingly unlikely.

Our attacking play is no doubt very, very good at times and scoring three at the Lane should normally see a side home and hosed for a nailed on win but sadly, not the Arsenal. Yes - I agree that Tom Huddlestone struck the ball exceptionally well for his wonder strike goal but it's not like he hasn't done it before, now is it? Who is closing him down? Ekotto was allowed way too much room to whip in a dangerous ball to the obvious threat of Crouch - hardly bloody inconspicuous is he – and Fabregas then scuffs the clearance straight to the feet of the oncoming, unmarked Huddlestone, giving away a great but oh so very avoidable goal.

Szczesny correctly got away with a couple of strong challenges on Bale and friends but was obviously really over-excited and pumped up by the atmosphere and needed to calm down as it was crystal clear to me that he was at some stage going to concede a penalty. All I'm saying is that someone should have had a word with him to get him to calm it down a notch or two, that's all.

All throughout the 3-3 draw with Tottenham and our last three draws at home I've been imagining what it would be like to have a young Brian Clough as our manager, if only to amuse myself and dull the pain of disappointment by focusing my mind on the absurd as opposed to this harsh reality. It goes something like this..

“Clichy! Gael! Now, now young man, you're not doing your job! If he gets the f***ing cross in, then, young man you can't be doing your f***ing job now can you?

Sczc..Schni. Aww bugger it, CHESNEY!! Calm down young man, take a deep breath, come on! That's more like it! Keep your wits about you young man! Don't panic! Good lad!

Great potential that lad but a bit on the bloody cocky side, mind you. Needs to sort his kicking out.

Kos! Jurr-oo!! Talk to each other lads!! You're not f***ing both deaf are ya? No? Well bloody well help each other out a bit more then, shout at him! He won't bite you, will you young man?”

What is Arsene Wenger coaching into his players? To literally go to pieces just after we score a goal? To in effect not teach them how to defend a lead?

In Sunday's Liverpool match Szczesny’s poor distribution did indeed cost us dearly in the end, as retaining possession could have won us the game. In the Tottenham game he seemed to be shanking a few of his long kicks and over hitting a few of them as well but I was wondering just who he is aiming for with those kicks? Van Persie? - He is no Andy Carroll and neither is Abou Diaby. Arsenal should be playing it out from the back unless they're going to kick it accurately to either Chamakh or Bendtner and getting bloody bodies into the bloody damn box! What they are doing at the moment is half-hearted and illogical because if they are not going to set up properly and really try to contest the aerial battle then they shouldn't be giving the ball away every five minutes.

If Wenger wants us to play like Barcelona he should notice the fact that Barcelona don't shank the ball into Messi's general direction at all, ever, as they try and keep possession even at goal kicks. And they do it well too, don't they? If Arsene Wenger really wants us to be like Barcelona now or the Dutch team of the 1970's then he should look at the defensive qualities those sides have/had in their lockers as well as the silky smooth passing.

What Arsenal do is silly fouls, positional errors, lack of communication, especially at the back, and giving away possession needlessly way too often without finishing enough moves with a shot on target! Phew! Well, that's most of it anyway! Arsene Wenger should be coaching these mistakes out of his team but after the last few years it seems like he and his coaching staff are ingraining defensive errors into certain players rather than working on them. Wenger will think after the game "if only we scored that chance..." - his stupid comments after the game bear out that theory - whereas someone like Jose Mourinho or Alex Ferguson or Brian Clough might say, "if only you defended more intelligently..."

If Wenger doesn't want to teach these boys how to defend he should get someone else to do it, literally anyone else but him. Tony Adams, Martin Keown, Lee Dixon, Steve Bould, I don't care who it is, we just need someone to sort it out! Wenger is not doing his defensive players any service whatsoever by not correcting their flaws. By not giving Clichy a good bollocking for always either being caught in possession or playing everyone onside Wenger has allowed Clichy to become a worse defender. Has Eboue also gone backwards under Wenger? You could easily make a case for that too in my opinion as he seems to be even more error prone lately and diving more than usual too.

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  1. fozzys mate

    Apr 22, 2011, 10:20 #5586

    Joe - I do sympathise but have been sceptical since 2006/7 champions league tie v PSV at home when to accommodate your friend Denilson he moved Gilberto to centre half and Toure to right back. It was just before that after the sale of Vieira and after following the sale of Henry that the dreaded phrase "internal solutions" was bandied around. Simply he thinks he can buy players for nothing and play them out of position and succeed. By not spending even though the money is now clearly available he has his usual excuse of nobody expected us to be in the top 4. I admit my faith wavered too early and he deserved more leeway but his bloated ego has been fed to the extent that all other managers, pundits and even his own supporters are considered dullards. The man is a law to himself and is in a way like his favourite 'right winger' Bendtner, in his own world the best manager in the world, as he qualifies for the champions league despite tying both hands behind his back. You mention us being behind spuds, scousers and mackems in the market, some years ago we were outbid by Everton, Wigan, Stoke and Bolton for Andy Johnson, who is a mediocre player not good enough for Arsenal. Everton who are acknowledged as skint are far more ambitious in the trasnfer market in recent years.

  2. charliegeorge

    Apr 22, 2011, 2:59 #5577

    In hindsight, the worst thing that ever happened to Arsenal (sacrilegious perhaps) was that unbeaten season. It emboldened our Gadaffi clone, gave hime a sense of literally, invincibility, whilst inflating his already somewhat egregious ego.

  3. Shropshire Lad

    Apr 22, 2011, 2:43 #5575

    Clichy always a train wreck waiting to happen. Top four looks a fne achievement currently. Chesney needs to shut the F''ck up in the press and cocentrate on his potential to become of our greatest keepers. Will the backroom staff be changed? Will Wenger spend the money - the same money he had alledgedley last year. It's the pub for me until next season when I expect to see the same old same old. Gooneresque

  4. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 22, 2011, 0:13 #5569

    @Fozzy's mate- The problem for a lot of people was that we were prepared to a certain amount of years without success after the move to Ashburton Grove but no one realised that it would be 2011 and we would being outdone in the Transfer Market by teams like Tottenham and Liverpool and Sunderland

  5. johnnyh

    Apr 21, 2011, 21:55 #5566

    had to check the date to make sure it wasnt april 1st after reading mikes post. clichy is an absolute liability. constantly out of position,weak in the tackle and unable to cross a ball even if his life depended on it. he should be one of the first kicked out in the summer. evra,ashley cole and even leighton baines are light years ahead of him.

  6. fozzys mate

    Apr 21, 2011, 18:44 #5564

    Oh how the AKBs are changing their stuck record like riposte. No more excuses this manager and his supine bosses treat long standing fans that have been with the club a lot longer than him like fools. How many times have we given away a two or more goal lead in the wenger era. I am afraid Arsene FC have no bottle in the transfer market or on the pitch. If the propaganda driven AKBs had used their brains properly earlier the ego maniacal Wenger may have been reigned in earlier. The professor has become the nutty professor spouting dross and no doubt congratulating himself in the mirror at how clever he is and how stupid managers who think their job is to win trophies are. Where he was like the pied paper with his AKB drones trailing behind, only his bag carrier Pat Rice now follows. When staunch AKBs like you Joe and Mr Exley jump on the case surely we can all now admit that the emperor has no clothes or any he has have been purchased for free or in the bargain basement like his purchases of players. We are all for self sustainability but that means using the resources at your disposal to make improvements. Our dictator refuses to do that. Any meaningful board would instruct him to do so!

  7. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 21, 2011, 14:36 #5555

    @Mike, Clichy is a top class defender? Really? We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one then.

  8. Gman

    Apr 21, 2011, 14:00 #5553

    I also actually think we put in a good performance, with Szczesny putting in a good shift, although giving away a penalty. Apart from this mistake he was otherwise brilliant. However it galls me to say it but the Spuds put in an equally good performance. Unfortunately our defence again was not steadfast and the lack of 2 decent commanding centre backs speak volumes of the lack foresight by Wenger. Yet again exposing the fact that he failed to invest in the right personnel to win the league. It took van der t--t to expose this brittleness. When the dust settles after the thrill of this spectacle, the realisation is that we still can’t hold a lead. How many goals do we need to score before we are confident of maintaining a lead? The season condensed into 90 minutes, at times brilliant, at times desperate, begs the question why couldn’t we have shown the same enthusiasm against teams like West Brom, Newcastle, Sunderland and Blackburn. The Spuds had only scored a mere 22 Premier League goals on their ground before this game. If they were at times irrepressible, it was because we permitted them to be so. Bale was replaced at half-time by Aaron Lennon and they carried on seamlessly, which can’t be said about our subs Bendtner and Arshavin only having 10 minutes to make an impact? Wenger after the game used that old chestnut about playing 2 difficult games in 3 days, isn’t that what a squad is for! Lets see how Manure deal with playing us in between 2 legs of a CL semi final, I bet they’ll be able to cope. Wenger is still in denial under the belief that all is well and may yet go his way, but the rest of us can see “the King is in the altogether”! I like a lot of Gooners, I’m sure, am feeling sick to the pit of my stomach with every game we play, and can’t wait ‘til this season ends and the next season to begin, to get a shot of hope, enthusiasm and fall back in love with the club again.

  9. AlanAlan Sunderland

    Apr 21, 2011, 13:48 #5551

    We've gone from being masters of defending a 1-0 lead catennacio style to being incapable of defending any lead whatsoever. I barely cheer when we score now as I know they'll give us a painful spell of desperately holding on to a lead, and normally failing. I've aged because of it. Oh for a defender of Dixon's intelligence. Not technically the greatest, but a master of playing percentages & running down the clock. Where is the 'over my dead body' spirit? Seeing players grinning at the end?! Words fail me. The team clearly put in a great effort, but there's something missing in there. It's the collective work ethic. Ferguson often puts out fairly weak teams, but their work ethic is so much better than ours. Everyone is so well drilled & sticks to their role. When we take a lead we carry on playing the same way. There's no adjusting. It's exciting to watch, but just not for us at the moment. (Spurs play like us and are called 'Have a go heroes' - what a joke! 'arry is applauded for a draw, AW sent to the tower.) Tony Adams would have pinned most of our team against the dressing room wall by now. Comfortably the most frustrating season ever.

  10. Mike

    Apr 21, 2011, 13:21 #5548

    This article is ridiculous where did you see clichy not closing down his man yesterday ? Ok on the first challenge on corluka the rest of the game we didn't concede crosses from his side . You have to give sticks to the players rightly and also credit and for the last 5 months clichy has been top class !!!!!

  11. Mark

    Apr 21, 2011, 11:36 #5545

    I thought we played well and it was a game that was never going to be closed down. The first two Spurs goals were excellent strikes and not down to us throwing it away. The only error came from Chesney and he did more than enough to make amends. A point isn't a disaster, we're still in the title race but a defeat would have left Spurs seven points behind us with a game in hand.

  12. Sam

    Apr 21, 2011, 11:27 #5544

    Great read mate,cheers

  13. gunner14

    Apr 21, 2011, 11:23 #5543

    you are right about the defensive nuances not being coached into the players, but what is even more baffling is the substitutions. I'd rather have nasri on one leg than bendtner on the right and why remove walcott when the game is stretched and both teams are looking for a win. He has his flaws but once he runs into space it is difficult to catch him. Now clichy is a bundle of nerves at the best of times and putting arshavin infront of him in a high tempo game with lennon to deal with was playing with suicide. That was the point where any hopes of winning 4-3 were taken away. btw van der vaart is as big a c*** as dani alves

  14. GunnerZim

    Apr 21, 2011, 11:18 #5541

    Great piece. These are frustrating times indeed. My wife is no football fan but she decided to watch the Liverpool game with me on television and celebrated like mad when RVP scored only to be devastated when Kuyt equalised. Imagine her pain again when the trick was repeated last night. She was absolutely at a loss as to how the same set of players can fail to learn the same lessons over and over again. She says following Arsenal seems to be too painful an effort. She's not watching again.

  15. Tim

    Apr 21, 2011, 11:08 #5539

    You were lucky to get the draw in the end. Spurs should of won the game.