There are only three things wrong with Arsenal…

…the board, the manager and the players

There are only three things wrong with Arsenal…

Insulting and graceless

The Board
The Board are more concerned with the results on the balance sheet rather than the pitch - no surprises there, after all, they have investments to protect. The move to the E******s has coincided with a collective complacency that finishing 2nd - 4th with a decent cup run is acceptable, as long as the cherished Champions League place is preserved. This way of thinking might have been understandable when only the so-called Big 4 could even think about qualifying. However, the emergence of Man City and Tottenham has moved the goalposts so that there is now genuine competition for a place in the top four.

When the plans for a new stadium were announced, we were told that the increased revenue streams would provide the manager with the necessary resources to compete in the transfer market. The lack of expenditure has since been attributed by some to the manager not being given the funds to buy the players he wants as loans on the new stadium were repaid. Does anyone believe this? Does anyone really believe that a club that generates over £3m ticket income from one match alone cannot afford larger transfer fees? Think about that one the next time you are asked to pay over £100 for a league match. The fact of the matter is that the manager chooses not to spend big because he cannot trust his judgement (more on that below). The money is there, in huge bundles, but the manager will not use it. The policy of nurturing young talent instead of huge transfer splashes would be laudable given that UEFA's fair play rules are on the horizon. But we were not told this when we were asked to pay top dollar for a cushioned seat at the new home.

Notwithstanding the moving and shaking that has been going on in recent years by various parties, there has been a complete absence of a dominant figure since David Dein left. Whatever the rights and wrongs of Dein's activities leading to his departure, the fact is that he was the only person at Board level who could influence the manager, which meant the creation of a power vacuum as soon as he was shown the door. Nobody else on the Board has since been able to pull the manager aside and tell him to pull his socks up or that things on the pitch are not good enough. He might not have been everybody's cup of tea, but Dein's role in working alongside the manager should not be under-estimated. Instead we are left with a manager who is untouchable and completely unaccountable for failings on the pitch.

The Manager
I have yet to refer to him by name as I have got to the point that mere mention of it sends me into an unhealthy mixture of anger and frustation… just like him. But I am allowed to feel this way because I am simply a fan who is suffering. The manager is the single most important representative of the club and yet his increasingly embarrassing antics on the touchline, his negligence in dealing with obvious failings on the pitch and his insulting and graceless attitude displayed in post-match interviews are a disgrace… and he is allowed to get away with it. Some might say that his frustration shows that he cares. But he does not seem to care about the reputation of the club. Yes he has achieved the transformation of the club's reputation from the "boring 1-0/arms in the air for offside" days to the swashbuckling and cosmopolitan reputation of today. However, his constant rantings at referees, his repeated attribution of bad play to bad luck and his demented mantras about "team spirit", "togetherness" and "leadership" reveal a manager who has lost the plot.

His inability to acknowledge in post match interviews that the other team might have played better than his own is galling enough, but his positive characterisation of his team's performances regardless is just insulting to the fans. We know what we have seen. What we need to hear from the manager is that he recognises the faults that we have witnessed and is addressing them. Just repeating the same mantra deludes nobody but himself. Is it asking too much for the manager to come out after a game and say that the other team was better or that the referee got a decision right? This should be a serious issue for the Board to address, but of course they are powerless to act (see above). Do we really want to be represented by ignorance and arrogance?

As for the failings on the pitch, where to start? The lack of meaningful tactics that can overcome the proverbial parked bus in front of the goal. The lack of heart to want to win. The lack of courage to deal with adversity. The lack of character to overcome the odds. The lack of leadership not just from the captain but throughout the team. These are all failings that have not just appeared in the last few games but have been evident since the move to the E******s… yes, five years. The manager's inability to address these failings can only be described as negligent and arrogant. His transfer dealings have been, at best haphazard. Without going through all the ins and outs, his decision to shop at Asda instead of Waitrose has left the squad full of the average and the mediocre.

The Players
Where should we start? The goalkeeper(s) who cannot keep goal, the centre halves who cannot head the ball or talk to each other, the left back who cannot cross a ball, the reserve right back who is just poor, the midfield who cannot defend, the midfield player who cannot tackle, the reserve centre forward being asked to play on the wing, the centre forward with glass ankles who cannot play more than 20 games a season, the captain whose heart is elsewhere. I won't mention all the poor quality players we have had to put up with as there are far too many to go through. Collectively, they have no trophies and therefore (for Arsenal) they are not good enough. I feel sorry for some of them who have been asked to perform to a level they are not capable of. Some are in the comfort zone and do not appear to hurt when they fail.

It has been said recently that it's a pity that Arsenal "have thrown the league away" in a year when Chelsea have gone backwards, Man City have not quite got there and Man Utd have their worst team in living memory. The truth is that Arsenal have not thrown anything away as they simply have not been good enough. The fact that Arsenal are still second (at time of writing) with six games to go only demonstrates the paucity of the Premier League as evidenced by performances in Europe.

The takeover by Stan Kroenke has delivered the message that nothing will change - this is supposed to be the good news. The only message the Board will understand is from the wallet. Not renewing season tickets, not renewing memberships and boycotting merchandise are the only things that fans who want change can do. Otherwise it's more of the same. Anyone got something better to do with their £900?

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  1. Ash

    Apr 26, 2011, 15:50 #5822

    There's abosolutley nothing wrong with wanting Wenger to sort out the startlingly obvious and buy some decent defenders. I don't wenger to leave, as that would be a disaster - who else can we get that can make a team attack like Arsenal? Arsenal are inches away from being excellent. The answer is some decent defenders not the average S***t we have now. Vermaelen is the only one who will do the job well, everytime of asking. The same cannot be said for Squallici, Koscienly or Clichy. Djourou and Sanga are good but they are also prone to making silly mistakes. Buying another defender as good as the Verminator and, most importantly, as vocal as him, will do a great deal of good for Arsenal. If we had the equivalent of Ferdinand and Vidic, who the other defenders learn from and listen to, then we would not be 9 points behind united. It could be other way around because United's attack has not been as potent as previous years and Arsenal have scored the most in goals, but we've conceded a lot more than chelsea and united. One wonders how much time they spend on defending in training, particularly set pieces (our downfall at Bolton). The difference between United and us is they have good defenders who actually talk to one another and, significantly, are prepared to give the others a kick up the backside when they make mistakes. Arsenal have no leader: that's been one of their biggest downfalls. It seems as if it's okay for them to repeat the same mistakes because no one will tell them off. The amount of times I see Arsenal playing at a snail's pace in must win games (The last few home games are prime examples) and wenger is there sat back in his chair, whilst the opponent's manager is ranting at his players about the slightest error. That sums it up. They have no winning mentality. No Tony Adams, Henry or Viera. Get some decent defenders and experienced leaders with a winning mentality the others can feed off and we are there, I feel.

  2. Brian Barge

    Apr 26, 2011, 10:15 #5785

    I agree with all you say. I am very worried that Arsenal will not qualify for Champions League next season. I'm surprised the media have not picked up on this.

  3. Moscow Gooner

    Apr 25, 2011, 15:20 #5767

    Everyone on here is complaining about the home support - but if didn t just happen that way: the Board had a deliberate strategy of pricing the hard core old school support out of Highbury (after the demolition of the NB) and then filling the Emirates with the 'corporates' who know f... all about the game and care less. AW seems to regard the fans - home or away - as a necessary evil, nothing more. Maybe a cash cow to be squeezed a bit harder each year. You reap what you sow. Finishing in an ECL spot every year may be good enough for the scum or Chelski but it s not good enough for the Arsenal. Are the AKB crew saying that they re happy to sit through this sort of collapse season after season? What s wrong or disloyal about wanting the team to win something and to progress rather than slide back? What s wrong in wanting AW to adjust his approach and deal with the defensive problems we ve so obviously got?

  4. nugs

    Apr 25, 2011, 13:33 #5760

    rockyrip definately valid reasons why its shameful the bridges were named after who they were, im sure some other fans who know a bit more about both would know what im on about.

  5. millz

    Apr 25, 2011, 3:00 #5721

    man im pissed it bloody true wengers gotta go

  6. loyalirish gooner

    Apr 24, 2011, 23:53 #5717

    great article well said after today thigs have to change nxt week v man utd whats the story then and this stupid phrase we gave everything no no no ye didnt because the team has no heart no git no leader as cesc has given up on this team

  7. notambitiousenough

    Apr 24, 2011, 15:28 #5687

    we seem to have alot of fans who accept 4th every year and a hopeful run until mid feb when the top men step up and the boys crumble and so thats what we get every year. too many fans have been brainwashed into being grateful and you are all so wrong you should be alot more ambititious than that given we were most of the time the best team in the land for so many years and what did we do, we squandered this and did not properly invest in constant team rebuilding and now we are on the verge of a crisis that could see cesc and nasri leave this summer and the club needing to focus on that instead of focusing on getting in 3 or 4 top class players we all know cesc and nasri would have liked as colleagues but now it may be too late

  8. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 24, 2011, 14:05 #5686

    Ever consider that this sort of article is pandering to those whose agenda is certainly not in the interests of AFC. You know , the media who hate Wenger, fans and pundits who support rivla teams who have a vested interest in Wenger not being around to stop their teams getting into the CL. We will probably win nothing this year, but the only teams who have consistantly won trophies in this country have spent a fortune we have not had to do so. Man up, back the team, get over this neurosis afflicting some fans and stop doing the dirty work for those who want to bring this club down.

  9. Marco

    Apr 24, 2011, 13:58 #5685

    You simply cannot just blame the manager for our failings. The whole EPL has turned out to become a total joke. Man UTD, top of the league, don't have a single central midfielder who get into the Arsenal starting X1. People don't seem to realize that this. People say that Arsenal's defense isn't good enough, when we have conceded the 4th least amount of goals in the EPL, whilst playing the most attacking football in the country. Why is nobody criticizing Man city having them spent over 200 million? Why is nobody criticizing Chelsea after they have spent 96 million this season? I simply don't understand, In Arsene we trust, so stop criticizing.

  10. T.boy

    Apr 24, 2011, 13:49 #5684

    Why are we not goin to buy same professional midfilders and finisher

  11. matt braddock

    Apr 24, 2011, 12:59 #5682

    utter over emotional tosh, had two or three decisions gone differently recently this bloke would probably be singing from the tree tops. A lot of people who support afc these days were obviously not around in the mid 80s whne things got really stale - Have chelsea won the CL yet? will their £75m spree win them the league? will spurs , leeds or newcastle ever play in the CL again?

  12. truegunnayazza

    Apr 24, 2011, 12:54 #5681

    bull**** this is all crap, how dare you talk about wenger like that after he's done so much to arsenal, people were saying he better buy chamakh coz hes only worth 15 mil and then wenger got his on a free transfer and you guys are like 'we need a new stiker chamakh is ****! u guys are senseless and stupid. arsenal are still developing, what wrong with waiting for only 1 or two more years when we could be dominating europe for years to come!!! we beat barcelona with a average age of 24 with a 19 year old in midfield c'mon. you guuys are not real arsenal fans, wenger uses less money to unearth diamonds, would rather have that then spend 50 mil or whatever. plus, do you really think that they are great players even avaliable and do you think that they would even come to arsenal just coz you think that we should buy them? we just need to improve the current team buy telling them to shoot when in the box and press much more like barcelona.

  13. jambo

    Apr 24, 2011, 12:01 #5680

    judging by the number of negative nigels on here who wont be renewing their season tickets next season, i cant wait for next season at the grove where it looks like im instead gonna be surrounded by people who will actually get behind and support the team. up the arsenal!

  14. Rocky RIP

    Apr 24, 2011, 11:17 #5678

    Nugs - I can't see your problem with dedicated the bridges to Fiszman & Friar. DF was a true Gooner who loved the club & dedicated a large part of working life to giving us a new stadium. He worked tirelessly night & day & dragged his feet to keep us near Highbury. So naming a bridge after him is wholly appropriate & re-instilled my faith that our club has still got class. I also agree that Rocky & GA are true legends that need honouring. I've been trying to get other fans to work on some kind of fitting memorial to Rocky. (Not a statue. Where do you draw the line with who deserves a statue?) The roundabout has become ''The Bear's roundabout''. We need to respect our legends. Naming the bridge DR bridge wouldn't have worked as it's irrelevant to DR. Someone should come up with something classy for Rocky to see & inspire us at the stadium. I'd love to hear any ideas.

  15. Vicky

    Apr 24, 2011, 8:18 #5677

    Very well put. Till a few years back I would fight with a manure fan (my very good friend, here in New Delhi, India) how Invinicibles era Arsenal were much better than Manure and how Alex won titles with help of certain pro Manure refs. But no more. Now I am the first one to accept that he has lost the plot. I appeal to the fans in London (stadium going) to buy the tickets but not go inside and rather sit outside and watch the match on giant screen. Let the board be shamed even when they make money by way of ticket sales.

  16. james

    Apr 24, 2011, 7:40 #5675

    People who think the supporters can change the way a football club is run and managed are dilusional and arrogant themselves, the only thing we have control of is the atmosphere on matchdays. Our job is to be the twelfth man on a matchday make our home as intimidating as possible, take stoke for example one of the most emphaticly supported clubs in the premiership and they havnt got a fannys chance of winning the league or qualifying for the champions league but the fans always turn out pay up and sing loud. You don't pay your season ticket fee to have a say on how arsenal is run, you pay to watch one of the most talented skillful squads in the world and support them through thick and thin you my nay saying colleagues have lost your way. You SUPPORT arsenal so start supporting our club the players and the managet no matter who they are and however good or bad our season goes stoke fans make us look average we may have the team but stoke have the heart.

  17. Gunner get sensible

    Apr 24, 2011, 2:01 #5674

    You don't when you've got it good. There's nothing wrong with criticism, but it should be intelligent and informed and maybe, if I dare suggest, original. This is just re-heated moaning that I've read for years. (The 'exclusive' tag is ironic, right?). Changes are needed, no doubt, but are you blind to all the positives at our club? Maybe we need to add a 4th and 5th category to your list: Some fans and a few bloggers.

  18. TeeCee

    Apr 24, 2011, 1:43 #5673

    Best article I have seen for years and I agree 100%. throwing money at this squad is no longer the answer, the manager is so inept at everything but 'gathering potential' the only answer is to replace him. I've had a season ticket for 31 years and will not be renewing it next season, I never thought I would ever say that but I now hate Wenger so much I cannot stand to even see him.

  19. goonerboy

    Apr 24, 2011, 1:38 #5672

    Those Arsene fans who are happy finishing in the top 4 every year, competing in all major competitions but never looking capable of winning any, and happy with the clubs transfer policy-which exists only to sell experienced players-will be watching their beloved manager in a half empty stadium in 5 years time-because our best players will vote with their feet. This Board will never sack Wenger-they dont care enough about the teams results to get rid of a money making machine. If he did go-they would replace him with another over- cautious clone. This club is destined to spend another 20 years in the doldrums with these guys at the helm. Make the most of it now-getting 3rd this year is as good as it is ever going to get.

  20. Josh

    Apr 24, 2011, 1:29 #5671

    Like one of the comments below, I too thought that this article might be interesting based on what the three problems were. Then I saw it was the same old ignorant toss as the next blog. This is why I no longer buy the gooner. How is this supporting your team?

  21. pedro

    Apr 24, 2011, 0:31 #5670

    Arsene won't change, he is convinced he does a grand job . the only way he will is if we dont finish top four ( remember the last serious purchase was Arshavin when the team was threatened by Spurs) The fans should protest, boo,( alla Liverpool with Hodgson) and not renew their season tickets unless serious acquisitions have been purchased ( bought not promised)

  22. Arsene knows

    Apr 23, 2011, 23:39 #5667

    Er.... Wrong on all 3 counts.... The club is now owned by 2 men, but one is now majority shareholder, for the first time in most if not all our lifetimes... It's now stan who is responsible... NOBODY else.. It's now his call on everything, not the 'board' duh!.. From now on it's all stans fault or stans glory.... We all know we need changes, we all know what they are, will stan do them?.... Let's see eh?

  23. Smams_gunner

    Apr 23, 2011, 23:02 #5666

    I just want David Dein back, if he comes back i can breath again for arsenal. Dein and Wenger are a team and when you get rid of one of the duo it won't e long when the other starts to fall. I personally love wenger, but he stubborn when it comes to buying new players. I realize that he is though the last man that truly cares about football, he is a soul manager as if he had to, he would give up his paycheck to stay with arsenal. He wants the best for the club and the best for his players, he rather make them get better under any circumstance then to buy a proven player and feel it is the easy way out. Wenger is great, and I do feel very bad for him, but his philosophy can't run a professional team. We need championships, records, just pure greatness and if he keeps on refusing to change then he will need to be replaced. I say Martin O neal, he has that wenger philosophy but he also believes that his players should be top physical strength and isn't reluctant to buy.

  24. boss

    Apr 23, 2011, 22:42 #5665

    i've neva agreed more with any piece of writing than i did this one... It almost made me cry.. I feel your pain... Mr Ib... I wish 'the manager could see this'... He has really erred... I watch the team with henry, ljunberg, pires, viera, keown, parlour, campbell, wiltord... That was when i was proud to be a gooner... I'm still proud... But the manager just makes my heart bleed...

  25. nicoman

    Apr 23, 2011, 22:37 #5664

    You are spot on i think this article represents the feelings of the majority of the fans. In short the manager has taken The Arsenal out of Arsenal to the point where we hardly recognise our once proud club. Tradition and principles have been disregarded. There are so many sub standard players that the good players have been dragged down to their level. We need about 10 of this squad to be sold and we all agree on who they are thats how obvious it is. The boards indifference to the fans wishes is insulting.

  26. gooner50

    Apr 23, 2011, 22:29 #5663

    You forgot to mention another problem that the club faces, i.e. negative sites like this one which pretend to support the club when they really undermine it. Support the guys at the coal face or go and support (or similarily undermine) the spuds!

  27. johnnyh

    Apr 23, 2011, 22:21 #5662

    well said pal. this article sums up the current arsenal fc is all about the top 4 finish and the guaranteeing of the extra cash that we receive from the 6 six group games at least. you can just picture the scene in the boardroom each season as soon as we secure fourth spot. it will be drinks all round with that old twat hill-wood doing the pouring. judging by some of the responses to this article some fans are as happy as the board are with the brick wall the team hits at around march each season,or squeaky bum time as old purple nose calls it,just as long as we are in a position that ensures champions league qualification. it really is depressing when each season we get ourselves into position to challenge then go and cock it up and yet no questions are asked of the manager. in my opinion the defeat to birmingham in the carling cup final was unforgivable and really rammed home to me the fact that this current squad are the biggest bunch of unprofessional chokers ever to have worn the red and white shirt and they will never win anything. can you imagine if this lot had to go to anfield on the last day of the season needing to win by 2 clear goals? as for the manager,well what more can you say? this is the man who sits in press conferences preaching to the media like some footballing god then goes and plays our best header of the ball on the right wing!! a clear out is needed at the club to shake it out of its comfort zone and if wenger cant or wont do it then him and the statue that is pat rice should be first out the door.

  28. Mannix

    Apr 23, 2011, 22:21 #5661

    Perfect article that trully touch the problem we have as Arsenal funs. The board that luck football spirit but profit, the manager who do even respect the plight of his customer (funs), the manager who won't win anythng without Viera & Dein's leadership, the manager who don't even know the weaknesses of his team but kept blaming the referee and so on,so forth. I love Arsenal but i have gave up all my hope if we'll ever win anythng with Wenger again..

  29. Steve

    Apr 23, 2011, 22:01 #5660

    I do agree that there are obvious failings within the current squad but how much of an over-reaction is this. How laughable is the description of the players and their faults. How bad must the rest of the league be if our players have that many faults but are still second in the league ?? I would love Arsenal to spend some about £35 million on Andy Carroll and we could teach our back four to completely by-pass the midfield and hoof 60 yard balls up to him. No team has a divine right to win anything but some Arsenal fans think that for some reason we should win everything and its a complete failure when we don't. Will never understand the mentality of some of you !!

  30. FMfan

    Apr 23, 2011, 21:51 #5659

    We should buy this guy Dante who is a centre back, he's wicked on football manager!

  31. Joel

    Apr 23, 2011, 21:06 #5658

    Gooners: the worst fans in the world. Spoiled, bitter and totally deluded.

  32. Ron

    Apr 23, 2011, 19:53 #5656

    The biggest mistake of Mr. Arsene is he is French, if he is an Englishman (British/Scotish/Irish etc), he will be the most successful EPL/BPL Manager. More successful than Mr. Fergie who get a lot of "SUPPORT" around even with the worst team in hand. No wonder English national team can't go far in the World Cup.

  33. Alastair Kerr

    Apr 23, 2011, 19:36 #5655

    The Board are custodians of the club and whilst I'm happy that they don't allow an unrealistic transfer policy that spirals the club into debt (Leeds anyone), they do appear happy with a transfer policy where Arsenal do not compete with Europe's top clubs or indeed many average clubs in the E.P.L. Unfortunately, in these economic hard times, those in charge at the club, don't apply the same considerations to the supporters. Now we have 3 kits and for the 3rd time in about 6 seasons we are going to have a home kit "for one season only". Of course nobody is forced to buy the merchandise, but it is an example of how the club are trying to screw the fans. The ticket prices are one of the highest in Europe and I'm sure many people (especially ones with families) struggle to find the cash to pay for them. Unfortunately, the clubs attitude is bums on seats (and they don't care whose bum it is). I'm sure there are fans born and bred into Arsenal families that no longer go to matches - the real Arsenal fan is being lost and corporate free loaders and those wanting to sample "the premier league experience" turn up at emirates. The players (of nearly all premier lge clubs) have lost touch with reality and the fans. I think many of our squad don't really care. A prime example is the Carling Cup Final. Although some of the players looked upset at the end, the general feeling on the day was that Birmingham wanted to win more, why was that? I would like to have won that cup, it might have springboarded team onto greater things. Why has the team under-performed so badly at home - West Brom, Newcastle, Spurs (2nd half), Blackburn, Sunderland,Liverpool, Leeds, many missed opportunities suggest to me a team short of something...ambition/desire, ability? I'm afraid I don't share the Managers views on what is success and what is not. I don't deny he has kept us at the top end of English football for 15 years, this is no mean feat. A couple of doubles and the invincibles will live long in the memory. However, no football fan, certainly not one supporting a team like Arsenal can dine out in memories. The abiding feeling from many contributors on this site is that there is a lack of hope for the future, no one can see a trophy in the foreseeable future, nobody can see our obvious shortcomings being addressed, and faith in the manager is disapearing fast.

  34. Jake

    Apr 23, 2011, 19:31 #5654

    What a pathetic article! You obviously have been reading too many Tabloid back pages listening to drivel on TalkSport. If you can't understand where Arsenal is at and what a fantastic model we have, then please do not bother turning up to gams or even whatching us on TV.

  35. Scott R

    Apr 23, 2011, 19:20 #5653

    This article is exactly what is wrong with so many off the people who follow Arsenal these days! What Arsene Wenger and the players have achieved is fantastic, yes it very dissapointing to have not won the league cup and be knocked out of the other two cups, but the reality is that we were expected and predicted to not compete on any fronts and fall out of the top four! What gets me the most is the pathetic home support the the team recieve, yes the stadium is full, but too many fans sit silently until a player does something wrong and then all the groans can be heard! Why not get behind the team during EVERY minute of every match and offer them the encouragement thqt could give them that extra percent that may well see them lift a trophy!

  36. SilverGooner

    Apr 23, 2011, 18:38 #5651

    Interesting that so many people are spilt as to whether this is a good article or not. It just goes to show how bad things have got during the last month. I really find it hard to believe that there are any Gooners that are really happy with the way things are at the moment. Yes, we all want to support our team but most of us know things are not right at the club. Never before has Arsene Wenger been subjected to so much flack from Arsenal fans and the above article highlights the reasons why. I only hope he and the board don't bury their heads in the sand and make a start on putting things right during the summer.

  37. gooner87

    Apr 23, 2011, 18:33 #5650

    Again too much negativity, the premiership is more competitive than ever, Teams like West Brom can beat them all. Utd hadn't scored in more than 4 hours until they did today. I agree with the board stuff, i think its a disgrace that we're paying more than Utd and Chelsea fans especially in this economic climate and i can see people getting annoyed becasue it feels like the board haven't invested in the team. With Wenger he's gotta put on a strong front for the team and takes alot of the blame when he should maybe let the players take some. I think some of the work ethic within in the team is terrible our closing down and tracking back have left us exposed alot, and players losing concentration at vital stages, for example Nasri was at fault for the Huddlestone goal he just wondered away from him before it had been cleared! it is minor faults like this which have cost us again and again. I can only speculate what goes on in the backroom therefore they are only assumptions, however these leads keep slipping to individual errors again and again, in my opinion Wenger needs to be harder on these players instead of himself. As for goalkeepers i think Shez and fab have had a good season. It's just unlucky Almunia played some games but he is 3rd choice ! We're not too far away as most people suggest, looking logically 2-3 good experienced premiership players could be the difference. Parker and Dunne could come at a bargain whilst i think we'd need to spend slightly more on RVP's replacement.

  38. aj

    Apr 23, 2011, 18:24 #5649

    WRONG! There are four. The so-called supporters.

  39. tony wembley

    Apr 23, 2011, 18:24 #5648

    your a ****ing prick mate, i hope you remember this when wengers gone, there's no quarentee the next managers going to win anything he will still have to deal with chelski, man city and man u's spending so £50m aint going to do much and if you remember arsenal were never big spenders

  40. ike

    Apr 23, 2011, 18:14 #5647

    I couldnt agree more with Harry or True supporter. Arsenal have become the laughing stock because of our fans. our fans dont relly support the team at the grove. in the meeting with liverpool the fans could not cheer the team but look at totenham the other day who are worse than us for God knows how long cheering their team. Barcelona went for about six years withour trophy but people are drooling over them. these fan can take their support to chelsea who have almost bought their titles or Man Utd who will find it difficult in years to meet up with their interest payment. What I really wish is for people who have not supported this team through this period to remember their lack of support and when wengers labour starts to bear fruit, then they put their faces in shame. this author should not own a website of this kind. stop publishing any thing arsenal

  41. nugs

    Apr 23, 2011, 18:08 #5646

    harry ill give you credit for being the first akb to not post **** off and support spurs as a response to an anti board, wenger post but no your WRONG m8 imo and i would love to hear your thought process just for entertainment value! why can't you see that the problem is wengers approach on the training pitch and his lack of tatical nous, we cannot defend as a unit and lack mental strength and this is down to him and unless he changes his approach nothing will change, and i think he is far to arrogant and set on proving his way is right for that to happen. by the way i support THE ARSENAL FC not arsene fc.

  42. nugs

    Apr 23, 2011, 17:45 #5645

    the fact our club named two bridges after 2 directors which is being kind to them instead of legends such as geordie armstrong rocky etc says all we need to know about our ONCE great club

  43. PerryG

    Apr 23, 2011, 17:33 #5644

    Another article nailed on the head, the team is in a rut with a deluded manager who wont spend again this summer. The board will love the 30m we get for Cesc but the only way they will do anything is when ticket sales fall. The fans have been more than patient, fans of other big clubs wouldnt have put up with the sh*te we've had to over the last few years

  44. Jon

    Apr 23, 2011, 17:31 #5643

    I think the main question is where is all the money going? Has Wenger got transfer funds or not? You cannot expect to dominate the premier league anymore without buying experienced quality players and it is becoming increasingly hard to find gems shopping in europe's pound shops.1) Are we ever going to make the necessary signings while Wenger remains in charge? 2)Is the source of the problem the manager or the board? We need answers

  45. hitcharider

    Apr 23, 2011, 17:29 #5642

    Hoodwinked and hypnotised by money and profits matters, that's why qualification for CL is a priority, not the carling or FA cups..until the desparation started to show after 5 long barren years. BTW, what's the going rate for ticket prices now?

  46. Danny

    Apr 23, 2011, 16:54 #5641

    good article. well done. there are too mang AKB idiots around who are contented with 2nd-4th best. Yes i agree the wrong guys took over the Arsenal. should have bben the Russian The problem is we need someone, on the board , media , fan etc, need tell the stupid coach, his utilmate goal is to win. He should not be concerned about finances and should stop talking about it. He is the manager not CEO. We had a guy called David Dein who changelled him, but the other board member got rid of him. This stupid american is wengers puppet, so no change there Utill this happens it is status QUO , i afraid!

  47. Lucy Van Pelt

    Apr 23, 2011, 16:34 #5639

    Dear 'true supporter', hate to burst your little Wenger-loving bubble but come august you will find that Cesc Fabregas will not be donning an Arsenal shirt because, like a large proportion of fans, he's had enough of the manager's empty promises and incompetence but unlike the fans, he is actually in a position to do something about it. Agree with Dave, someone has to come up with some organised protest which will hopefully attract media coverage before season's end or we'll all be whinging about the same stuff for the whole of next year and beyond.

  48. Reggie

    Apr 23, 2011, 16:25 #5637

    As long as we still have idiots who back our Gadaffi nothing will never change.Is Wenger really paid £7m just to get us in the CL? This season we have seen the poorest Man Utd team under Fergie but they have a manager who wont except 2nd best.When did Fergie ever come out and say he wouldnt care if Utd finished 2nd for the next 20 years.Wenger is tactically bankrupt.Bendtner on the wing,you couldnt make it up.Well at least we will be in the CL next seaon till Wenger throws away the group and we get drawn against Barca and Cesc

  49. jambo

    Apr 23, 2011, 16:22 #5636

    well then it must be a certainty mark if you met the friend of his agent! and he even managed to narrow it down to two clubs?! wow! il go stick my life savings on it in that case! sounds a sure-thing with connections like that!!!! hahaha

  50. there are only 3 things wrong with this article

    Apr 23, 2011, 16:19 #5635

    1. It's unoriginal 2. It's tedious 3. It's written by someone who displays all the attributes of a plastic, a deserter, a JCL and a mole placed in our stadium by Spurs to spread negativity. There are too many people like you in our stadium who have no grasp of support or loyalty. If you're not happy, move aside & let the real fans back. The ones that went home & away to some abominable toilets, but didn't once question their love of Arsenal. Spurs have had a triffic season haven't they? Harry's have a go heroes. No calls for his head. Imagine if we were 5th the moaners on here would be astonishing.

  51. Cally

    Apr 23, 2011, 16:13 #5634

    Harry- Here's my thought process. Before the stadium was built we were told it wouldn't impact on our ability in the transfer market. That wasn't true, but any sensible fan knew that would be the case anyway and accepted it. During that time Wenger embarked on a project of building a team around kids and doing things on the cheap, and did an incredible job of keeping Arsenal competitive every year and in the champions league. The problem is that for the last two, maybe three years the club have known that Emirates/Highbury Square were going to be a financial success and tens of millions of pounds have been available to bring new players. Unfortunately Wenger refuses to budge from his grand plan and persists with sub-standard players such as Denilson, Diaby, Walcott, Bendtner and Almunia. Tranfer window after transfer window we hope that he will buy top quality defensive players or a top quality goalkeeper but it never happens. The frustration is that at a time when utd and chelsea aren't as strong as they were, and the city money hasn't kicked in yet, Arsenal have missed numerous opportunities to win trophies due to Wengers intransigence. Third place would be great if we were utilising all the weapons at our disposal but we're clearly not, and that's why fans get angry. And for most people £1,000 plus for a season ticket is a lot of money when it seems that the club are spending it on the wages of players who aren't good enough for Arsenal. Get it now?

  52. Not very bright either

    Apr 23, 2011, 15:26 #5633

    You've really cracked it, haven't you? You've seen through what all of us have missed & come up with a rational answer to all the ills that have befallen the mighty Arsenal. If only you were our manager, on the board, club captain, and there were 57,000 of you at our home games. The diabolical 'disgrace' at Arsenal would be cleared up in an instant. It's a shambles. Just imagine the positivity & die hard support transmiting to the pitch. You are the very quintessence of the 12th man. A credit to your club. Well done.

  53. Rocky RIP

    Apr 23, 2011, 15:09 #5632

    How original. Not a very bright article. Some of what you say is so screamingly obvious, it barely needs pointing out. However, you also talk like a JCL without a Danny.''his insulting and graceless attitude displayed in post-match interviews are a disgrace'' - really? An example please? Atleast he has the decency to always give an interview (unlike certain managers who have been knighted), even after being told to f off by the likes of Mark Hughes & King Kenny, having seen players have their legs snapped in half, being called a peadophile, and when refs have given scandalous decisions against us. That's not whinging, it's a fact. I think he holds it together quite well considering. ''The goalkeeper(s) who cannot keep goal'' - anyone with a footballing brain recognises Szezsny is an Arsenal legend in the making. Don't confuse him with Almunia. You sound like the sort of 'fan' that argued that Pires was surplus to requirements after his first season (there were many people out there who couldn't recognise the talent of the guy, but will now deny they made such claims.)Some of our players aren't good enough - WE ALL KNOW THIS. WE KNOW WHO THEY ARE. STOP POINTING IT OUT! It's bad enough having an anti-Arsenal media on our backs, and other clubs' fans, let alone our own fans sticking the boot in. Things are nowhere near perfect - but if you want to do us down (great support) offer some positive suggestions for ways to improve as a club, otherwise you might as well say ''it's all rubbish''and post that instead. I'm so bored of these articles saying the same thing by our own fans.

  54. A true supporter

    Apr 23, 2011, 14:13 #5631

    This is ridiculous. I would expect to see a blog like this on a tottenham based website. If you don't want your season ticket please get in touch with me as i am more than happy to take your place and spend £900 to watch the club that i truly support. In a 60000 seat stadium on derby day the only noise came from the tottenham fans. I agree completely with posters such as Harry as the atmosphere in the stadium is dead thanks to fans like you who do nothing but damage the club and its reputation. We may not have won anything for 6 years but it isn't for the lack of trying. What more can you ask from your team than to give their all. I understand that there are players who appear lacklustre but they still perform week in week out. Finally what players would you like the coach to buy? The players you've spent your pathetic lives developing in FM? Heres a slap of reality for you. Your interpretation of player development has come from a game in which everything is predetermined. Just because players like Sakho become excellent in the game won't mean they will thrive at Arsenal. How many of you actually watch the players that you have recommended the coach to buy with all of your scouting experience? The writer of this article is as confused as Kenny Dalglish about what he said on the touchline. VIVA CESC FABGREGAS, VIVE ARSENE WENGER and COME ON ARSENAL!!

  55. Dave

    Apr 23, 2011, 12:38 #5629

    I agree with most things said on this website but when is someone going to take the lead and make some kind of protest, We can moan on here all we like but untill someone organizes some demonstration of fan anger then nothing will change

  56. mark

    Apr 23, 2011, 12:24 #5628

    on holiday in italy met friend of darren dein who is agent to cesc who confirmed cesc will go to madrid or barca this summer. dear akb this is the result of aw project and is another sad day for afc. we are so far off course its not funny

  57. wenger out

    Apr 23, 2011, 11:34 #5625

    great article. sums up perfectly what is wrong with the Club - which is just about everything. A board who has shown no ambition since the departure of David Dein, a manager who has lost the dressing room (remember when the wenger apologists used to say "if Arsene goes the best players will follow him out the door". Well now we can see that one for the busted flush that it always was as Fabregas clearly wants out because of Wengers failings) and players who, quite simply, are not good enough and would not even get near the bench of the other top 4/5 clubs. Yet we see responses on here from people saying "if you dont like it go a support another team". No thanks, we are here to stay becuase we love Arsenal, follow them home and away and we want what is best for the Club. It's the AKB lot that are as deluded as their dear leader. Start supporting your Club and end the worship of Wenger. Arsenal FC, not Arsene FC. Get Wenger out!

  58. LOL

    Apr 23, 2011, 11:21 #5624

    haha, I read your headline and before I clicked on it I thought, if he's an idiot hes going to say: board, players, manager.... if he says something else it might be worth reading... Needless to say after barely reading your article it is obvious that you should quit blogging and maybe sell lemonade in the summer.

  59. fozzys mate

    Apr 23, 2011, 11:19 #5623

    I agree in part but believe that the current discontent has been fuelled by the blatant lies told by the club regarding the reasons for moving grounds, to compete in the transfer market rather than make money. As such fans were happy to wait a few years to win silverware again. But AWs refusal to use the resources at his disposal to plug glaring and gaping holes combined with the astonishing arrogance towards the fans supplemented by that of the Old fart supine chairman, whilst charging world record prices is I am afraid tearing a huge hole between the club and fans. Only a change of attitude from the club will stop civil ware developing.

  60. Abubakar hussain

    Apr 23, 2011, 10:17 #5622

    Please boss is better to change your character for investing with young players.if you want arsenal to win a silver wear you have to buy a big players.

  61. Bergy

    Apr 23, 2011, 10:17 #5621

    If ever we need evidence that the split within Arsenal are not just between the AKB and AMG fans but also in the dressing room, this is it. Cesc has said what he said, Don Balon proved it by publishing the audio recording. Wenger tried to say , no doubt forced Cesc to say so too, that Cesc's words were twisted. Now that that has been blown out of the water, he rants about the magazine not honouring their agreement to show Arsenal the article first but "will not discuss its contents". If your captain doesn't believe in you anymore, and I suspect most of the players, how can you expect the fans to be? If this is not losing the plot, then what is?

  62. nameles

    Apr 23, 2011, 10:10 #5620

    Robert mugabe,Hitler and stalin wd b very proud of this load of propaganda. Go sing and cheer the boys on when we are a goal up with 10 min to go instead of remaining silent and awaiting the screw up. What do you expect that to do to their nerves? And to say that the team is rubbish is,frankly,rubbish. These are hard times for the club and people like you are a part of the problem and not the solution. Your entire article is fueled by emotion and lacks basic logic and factual backing. You'd b a great story teller though. Leave blogging to those that can right on such matters. Its articles like these that have the emirates quiet when the lads need us most. What a batch of spoiled brats. Will the real gunners step forward and help carry our lads to the finnish line! Rather have a half full radiant and vocal emirates than a capacity crowd that only serves to give the boys the jitters. Grow up!

  63. jambo

    Apr 23, 2011, 10:01 #5619

    yawn, same old negative guff, whine, whine, whine. I don't like not winning as much as the next guy but seriously, can we wait til the end of the season for all this self-pity and instead, i dunno, try SUPPORTING our team rather than just moaning, honestly, even when we were in 4 cups people like you were saying "just wait for the collapse", i'm starting to wonder if people like you actually enjoy seeing the team fail just so they can have a moan! get over it and SUPPORT the boys or like you say, don't renew your season ticket and perhaps we can fill our ground with fans who are going to support the team cos if that happens, i wouldnt be surprised to see our home form pick up!

  64. paddythegunner

    Apr 23, 2011, 9:53 #5617


  65. Charlie

    Apr 23, 2011, 9:45 #5616

    Unforunately it is all too evident that Wenger is becoming an embaressment to Arsenal FC. If he spent less time moaning at the 4th official and more time motivating and directing play on the pitch then we might again win something.

  66. Paul

    Apr 23, 2011, 9:42 #5615

    You so called arsenal fans make me sick. I am as dissapointed with this season as you are, but to say arsene wenger is a disgrace for not saying in his interviews that the other team was better or blaming a ref is quite frankly ridiculous. I have no doubt that you, me and many more gooners over the years have slagged off allardyce, mourinho and ferguson who IMO is the worst and most disrespectful loser in the game, yet when wenger(our manager) does the same he is a disgrace, then You the writer of this article are a disgrace.

  67. Guy

    Apr 23, 2011, 9:23 #5614

    Absolute mindless drivel. Well said is this sort of lazy, immature blog writing (where author makes statements totally bereft of any fact or real understanding) that perpetuates this anti wenger anti board anti arsenal movement. Go spend your £900 somewhere else and let a real fan have your seat. You and your moaning will not be missed.

  68. Arsenal fan

    Apr 23, 2011, 9:22 #5613

    good piece, good piece. only the supporters can make things change at arsenal and until the board is made to understand that we are the altimate bosses they and our good but visionless and frustating manager will not change. We have to let the wallet do the talking anfd to make them SIT UP.

  69. shedzy

    Apr 23, 2011, 9:12 #5612

    .......simply put, you want to go and support a different club.....

  70. Richie

    Apr 23, 2011, 9:08 #5611

    What we need is a team that can qualify for the Champions league evry year, compete for the title and champions league, with maybe the bonus of a domestic cup final. Hang on a minute we've already got all that, yet you want to sack the manager, and half the team!! Biggest problem we have is the 20,000 new younger fans we took to the emirates!!! Brought up and spoilt and expecting it all the time. Their impatience is effecting us more than anything. We were one kick away from knocking out the best team in europe, and have been competing with the second best in our own league. We are close without having invested an extra half billion pounds like Man City, Real Madrid or Chelsea. Would you prefer Mancini at Arsenal? Do you want to watch the sterile crap he and Mourinho play? Try backing your club top to bottom and see what happens. We all have opinions that are bound to differ, re players and tactics, but let me tell you the day Wenger goes will be a sad one for this club.

  71. Cyrus kandie

    Apr 23, 2011, 8:39 #5609

    Guys as a club dont give up,jst keep up and work in team work.

  72. John

    Apr 23, 2011, 8:38 #5608

    This and the previous article just sum everything up. A football club run via an XL spreadsheet. When things go wrong blame everyone else because, according to the spreadsheet, we should be champions of Europe and the Premier League. Maybe one day someone will look up from the spreadsheet and wonder where the people who made it all happen, the fans and their money, have gone.

  73. Jimmy

    Apr 23, 2011, 8:26 #5607

    Well said mate. I couldn't agree more.We have really become a laughing stock. No bottle,no leadership, no desire...nothing!!!

  74. Spike

    Apr 23, 2011, 8:12 #5606

    The other important aspect of David Dein's role at the club was in taking care of transfer dealings - something else that is not up to standard these days. Last minute risible offers for players who are not much better than what we have, trying to push through cut-price deals that insult the selling club. AW and the board are not in the same league as DD when it comes to sealing these deals. Unfortunately, a lot of things add up to us standing still when we should be improving - transfers, medical staff (used to be the best in the league!) and worst of all the basic defensive coaching and organisation. Let's hope this season is finally the watershed and we look to address our failings.

  75. Harry

    Apr 23, 2011, 8:02 #5605

    Over generalisation and misunderstanding of a situation that is fed by the negativity of the disgruntled fans, who cannot see the wood for the trees... Mistakes have been made, granted, Wenger is not perfect, far from it, his persona is again misunderstood, people need to think for themselves and actually see what is happening and truly been said...... The board is concerned with sustainable development, the issue is? Lets call Peter Risadale or Gillette/ Hicks for advice? I would agree some players need to move on, their efforts can certainly be questioned...... But you have missed an extensive part of the jigsaw that makes up a club and the very real affect that it has on the club, the team. The Fans............. This very real split we have in our ranks is now destroying this club from within, the atmosphere on match day is dreadful, it is uninspiring and negative, thats why our away form is so much better, our awayfans our awesome. We all claim to love this club, but cannot see just how we damaging it with our own hands.... Whether you publish this is or not is immaterial to me (i'll post it on another site), i am sure you wont listen and understand, just as to why your wrong in so many ways....... Would love to sit down for a beer and have a chat on this subject with supporters like you....To try and understand your thought process.....

  76. marc

    Apr 23, 2011, 7:59 #5604

    you're completely right, the main problem is that the whole club has been brainwashed by AW and that the board is more concerned about money than the passion of football, but they forget that the football lives from passion, we have to wait and see, and the day will come they finally admit that top 4 isn't good enough

  77. JOEL

    Apr 23, 2011, 7:46 #5603

    Unfortunately- I find myself agreeing with much that you have to say!And- given current form and the remaining fixtures don't be surprised to see the team having to scap in order to hold on to forth place!