Mission Accomplished

Point at the Lane effectively ensures top four status once again

Mission Accomplished

Champions League: Another go next season

People can say what they want about the Spurs game but at the end of the day it was mission accomplished for Arsenal FC. The point gained from the derby means we will finish the season yet again in the top four come May 22nd and that is all that matters to the men in charge at our club. A late Spurs goal would have seen us sitting seven points ahead of our North London rivals who would have had a game in hand to reduce that advantage to just four points. A top four spot would not have been a certainty under those circumstances yet the draw we gained keeps us a full ten points clear with one more game played by us than Spurs. Game over on that front as far as I am concerned so in all honesty a point gained rather than two points lost.

Yes Chelsea have over taken us for second in the process of drawing the game but let’s face facts if you are not going to win the title who cares about finishing second or third? The only real difference is the London rivalry we have with Chelsea and a few extra quid in the bin of the directors for the slightly higher finishing spot. As a fan I am not really that bothered about that side of things and that is why the current ‘top four will do’ attitude of the club for me is so disappointing. We have managed to clamber into the Champions League for the past 15 seasons in a row, something to be proud of on certain levels but what aspirations do we as a club harbour of actually winning the damn thing?

In fifteen attempts at success we have won the trophy on zero occasions and have reached the final once. Not exactly the greatest of records and for me the whole group stage of the tournament has got so boring I wouldn’t be overly disappointed if we had a season out of the competition altogether. That way we could concentrate 100% that season on trying to win the Premier League. I for one do not get excited about the prospect of playing teams like Braga or Olympiakos every season. The competition only really gets going at the quarter final stages and by then most seasons we are on our bike anyway. So other than the money the directors of the club receive for taking part in the competition what is the big deal about being in it season after season? We as fans don’t see any of that money being re-invested in the playing squad anyway.

I guess come the end of the season we can laugh at Spurs fans if they fail to qualify and we make it but that really is about it for me. So I can’t accept finishing in the top four every season as a success. It merely indicates our club being at a certain level and not going forward from where they started off at. We finish every season in 3rd or 4th and we always seem to end up with a similar points tally as well. We are not improving at all and we haven’t moved on as club or improved our mentality as a squad of players for a long time now and those are the realities we need to address as a club if we want to improve.

I mentioned in a previous article that we wouldn’t reach 76 points this season as we are a team of bottlers. I have been proved right already on that score on more than one occasion. We currently have 64 points with five games to go. We will struggle to get more than 73 points and from where we were and the games we had left to play two months ago that is poor to say the least. Last season we ended the season with a points tally of 75 so someone please try and explain to me how and where we have improved? The reality is we haven’t. We have been flattered by the relative close proximity to teams like Chelsea and United as they are currently well below par. Chelsea won the title by one point last season with a final tally of 86 and the year before that United won it with 90 points where as we finished that season with a final tally of 72. Every season we finish with a figure in the low seventies and even with the top two teams in the country currently being poor by their own high standards that will never be enough to win the title. We have averaged 74.50 points over the past four completed seasons and we are on target to get around that same figure again this season, we will not better it so therefore we have not improved.

All these figures point to two conclusions in my eyes. We are not improving and we will not win the league unless we start to improve. It is that simple, we need to address the failings and move forward or keep sitting on our hands and pretend that this is good enough. Some people that support our club are happy enough with the current plight and some are not. This split exists simply because it is a game of opinion. If you take into account the money spent by our club compared to our main rivals then where we end up season after season can be deemed as a success. If you look at the bigger picture and judge us purely in terms of where we end up season after season compared to our main rivals who you would have to say currently are Chelsea and United, then you would come to the conclusion that we have failed miserably in recent times and are in need of change. I guess the real truth as always probably lies somewhere in the middle of these two arguments.

One vital thing to consider though if you are currently sat squarely in the happy brigade camp. We have managed to finish 15 seasons in a row in the Champions League and that is a record to be proud of but if as a club that is the limit of your ambitions you over time fail to hold on to the likes of Cesc Fabregas. If we had shown greater ambition over the past few seasons would our current captain be quite so eager to leave for pastures new? Surely all that really matters is the best for the club we all support. That for me must be to find a way forward that brings a greater chance of success than what we have got over the past six seasons, but also one that doesn’t put the longer term health of the club at genuine risk. We have in my opinion been far too cautious in this regard for the past three seasons and it is time to start shooting a few fifty pound notes around with a little more freedom than what we have done recently. I do not mean in a completely carefree attitude but surely we can do more than bring in the likes of Chamakh on a free transfer? We need higher ambition than that to keep the belief going and we also need better signings at the back than Squillaci when a few quid does get spent. The likes of those two signings from last summer mean you end another campaign empty handed. You simply have to show greater ambition than that in order to genuinely compete at the top level.

Cesc will be gone from our club by the middle of June and his words reported this week were those spoken by a man that feels he has been let down. He has put all his faith in Arsene Wenger’s philosophies over the past five or six seasons and has not won a single domestic trophy in that period of time because of it. He will go on to pastures new and he will be a better player for that move. I wish him every success in the future as he deserves better than the mediocrity he has been served up during his time at our club. He is a cut above a very average bunch of players in my opinion. I do not see him as a great, but I do see him as a very good player in a very ordinary side. AW goes on about the 15 years in the Champions League record with pride. He should thank the man leaving for pastures new this summer for this record as it has been Cesc that has kept AW in a job over the past few seasons. In my opinion without his talent AW would not have the 15 years in the Champions League record to use as protection against his doubters. Without him we would have been outside the top four on a number of occasions as we simply do not create enough chances when he isn’t playing.

This summer for me is a time that as a club we need to re-group and come back with a few new ideas. A bit of freshness in the approach is what is required. We need to clear out some dead wood, replace them with a sprinkling of class and then go again in August. We will be minus Cesc unfortunately but that has come about due to a very limited approach in terms of genuine ambition. We need to make sure that the next time we have a Cesc in our squad we do not lose them all over again due to a lack of ambition. We need to be a club where this calibre of player can fulfil their potential. We also need to be able to give them a platform to fill up their own trophy cabinet for us to be able to keep them happy in the future. We have failed Cesc in this regard this time round. Let us make sure we do not make the same mistakes again in the future.

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  1. HowardL

    Apr 24, 2011, 20:03 #5695

    Are you certain about 4th place?

  2. pookins

    Apr 24, 2011, 13:13 #5683

    Cesc was always leaving, regardless of how much we won. Everybody knows he was always going back to barca at some point, so dont blame wenger or our failure to win a trophy. He might want to use it as an excuse but dont fall for it. As for our total points average, with so many of the teams below us improving, surely our points tally staying at a similar level and us staying ahead of those teams shows we are indded getting better?

  3. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 24, 2011, 7:42 #5676

    Our disappointment has little to do with the comparative competence of the team. It is to do with the death of hope. The hope that things can develop and improve. There is a moment in the film "Cromwell", where he is trying to achieve a deal with King Charles I, and realises that the King will never compromise or reform - with unhilarious consequences. The affair of the Fabregas interview is, in my view, a similar moment.

  4. Kev

    Apr 24, 2011, 0:11 #5668

    Bedy man have a day off and read the article!!! John has said that in the past few seasons that if we did'nt have a player like Fab in our team, Arsenal could of struggled to qualify for the competition. I know its not a 1 man show, but he has helped big time. Take Huddersfield at home this season, one of the most tedious games ive ever witnessed, every player looked like the crowd at 12pm on a sunday morning...hungover!!! Cesc came on and suddenly every player found an extra couple of yards of pace. He has not been our most inspiritional captain but the average bunch we have now, look up to him, Wenger knows that without him we have problems. We need to put a spine into this side, our great sides had it, with or without Cesc, we need a commanding centre half, a defensive ball winning midfielder and someone to put it in the net at the first time of asking instead of pussy footing around with 30 passes that gets us nowhere. Bedy no offense either, the joys of opinion

  5. HowardL

    Apr 23, 2011, 20:46 #5657

    I agree with John. Wenger owes his job to Cesc - without Cesc we would not have made the Champions League every year. If Wenger could change it would be worth another year as I've loved the style for most of his era. However, It has become clearer and clearer that he will not change and I think Silent Stan has no option if he wants a profit on his investment in AFC.

  6. bedy

    Apr 23, 2011, 13:14 #5630

    Had i known that your articule is about Cesc i might not have bothered myself to read it.I beleived in starts,we've won more games this season while Cesc was out injured than when he is playing,this same Cesc was selecting games he will play for us just because of playing Barca match.This same Cesc gave back pass in our box to allow Barca to score in the first leg at Emirates,this same Cesc gave cheap penality to Spurs at Emirates by blocking a freeckick with his hand at crutial moment,this same Cesc gave loose ball to Hurdlestone at the Lane for the second goal that gave spurs beleive they can come back in the game. Am not Cesc bandwagon but this same Cesc was ochestrating a move to barca in last summer,do you think if barca beleive Cesc will be great as he is now they will allow him to go for 250k while they went to court and take 3.5m for Merida,the point is they thought he is not needed much so they allow him to go for cheap but seeing what Arsenal turn him to they want him back,he should be greatful to Arsene and Arsenal.Cesc is not Godly player as you might want to project him to be just like Van-Persey wasting tons of goal in our last 6matches and nobody ever mentioned it even the manager is so deluded that he is afraid to take him off and put another striker in his place at least from 70mins but instead he brought on striker and place him on the wing to waste,can u justfy Walcot and Nasir been off at the lane last week,they were the most two lethal players we had upfront that day but were taken off just because some players are untourchable.Man U bench Rooney at the right time,Chealsea benched Drogba at the right time but they can not bench Torres see what happened to them and see what happened to them now that they have the guts to bench him,they stated wining. The problem is that some players are untochable in our team and some time they perfom below per and the manager can not take them off for someone else. Let it be known Cesc is not bigger than Arsenal and he has cost us some valuable points this season more than Eboue,Chezney,Kochezley e.t.c. No matter whom we have we will not progress untill the manager see all the players equal and he can take the decision of effecting positive changes in the field of play.

  7. Rob

    Apr 23, 2011, 12:18 #5627

    Really good article John. Balanced and to the point. I am pretty much at the end of my tether with Wenger but even those who still back him must surely see the reasoning behind what you say.

  8. wenger out

    Apr 23, 2011, 11:52 #5626

    Unfortunately the clear out that you so rightly mentioned is needed will not happen. In his most recent embarrassing press conference yesterday, Wenger said that the opposite would happen - something along the lines of "the average age of the team is 23, why do we need a clear out"? More evidence, if it were needed, that this man has lost the plot. What has the average age got to do with it? Isn’t it more about whether the players are good enough, rather than when they were born? It is was exactly the same when, in the past, he was asked about buying a midfielder. His response was "I have many midfielders, I cannot play them all". Again proof of how deluded he has become - surely it is about quality not quantity?! Sadly nothing will change with this man at the helm of our Club. He is past it, he can no longer motivate the players, he is hopeless tactically BUT we have a Board who have been sucked into the cult of Wenger personality, just like so many others. Prepare for more failure from a manager who is a loser, leading a team full of losers. Get Wenger out!

  9. stevus

    Apr 23, 2011, 9:59 #5618

    You're right about the CL games - they are so uninviting and usually boring affairs, preceded by that god awful piece of prescribed classical music that has annoyed all and sundry for 20 odd years. All we aspire to is perpetually achieving the UEFA and TV monies that come with qualification - it's become our trophy. You can't even have a damn beer at those games to anaesthetise the dullness, because we aren't allowed to be sold Fosters in case we prefer it to the Heineken that isn't for sale anyway. Let's just hope that this summer is more interesting than the last 10. in many fans' formative years, some of the excitement of football was founded on player transfers, especially in the close season. The signing of Bergkamp was as good as the feeling of winning a trophy.

  10. dan

    Apr 23, 2011, 8:54 #5610

    Good article and whilst I agree with what needs changing (I think most fans have a pretty good idea of our failings) I have zero faith in Wenger changing his philosophy and moulding a new winning sprit and tactical approach. His only tactical approach is 4-6-0 tippy tappy then chuck Bendtner on the wing - the man is a berk!