Now we can all relax

Online Ed: The inevitable end of Arsenal’s title challenge

Now we can all relax

Wenger: Defending – who needs it?

Last season Arsenal conceded 41 goals in 38 Premier League matches, and Arsene Wenger identified this as a key reason in his team’s failure to win the title. After 34 matches so far this time around, 36 is the figure in the goals against column. At the AGM last October I asked the manager how he intended to address this very problem of allowing the opposition to score too many goals. His response was that “We are working very hard”. Hmmm, maybe so, maybe not. But if they are working very hard, then it might suggest that the methods may need improvement. The concept of a specialist defensive coach might be anathema to the manager, but – assuming he is neither about to be sacked or resign – it’s one of the changes that the board need to insist upon this summer. Arsenal have a reputation for being poor at defending set pieces, and once again, it proved the case at the Reebok.

Still, surely, with the manager’s words about not believing he needs to strengthen his squad significantly, at least now the board will seriously have to reconsider the proposed price increases for home matches. The 2.5% rise in VAT has been levied to tickets for silver and red members since the New Year, so will inevitably be added to the price that season ticket holders pay. However, the extra 4% already being asked for club level renewals is taking the p*ss if there is no intention to spend all available money in the player trading account on improving the squad by buying better.

Arsenal lost this match, and finally relinquished what should have been an easy title to win, due to a mix of poor defending at set pieces and their own profligacy in front of goal. They created enough very decent opportunities to have won the game relatively comfortably, but in the end, their failure to net more than once cost them dear. Mind you, I was phlegmatic before the game, the title chucked away for this observer in the trio of draws with Sunderland, West Brom and Blackburn. And when Bolton scored their winner, I simply thought, what’s the difference between a defeat and a draw in the greater scheme of things? And then it came to me. A defeat would be preferable because the manager cannot cling to the statistic of the unbeaten league run as evidence of the quality of his side in post match interviews and press conferences.

So it’s over. Some of my regular correspondents have said they couldn’t wait for the season to end for a while now. They could see the psychological weakness in the team (as opposed to its mental strength) would mean that they would win nothing, even when there were still three trophies still to play for. And there were some – in the comments section to previous editorials – who berated me for suggesting similar. In the aftermath of the Newcastle 4-4, I wrote, “the conclusion of today… is that Arsenal are not resilient enough, and do not have the strength in depth to win the title.” However, as I have not worked half a day in football, Arsene Wenger will tell you my opinion is worth toffee.

However, I will end by responding to ‘Bee Jee Wee Jee’, who, commenting on my thoughts on the 1-1 draw with League One Leyton Orient back in February, wrote, “Why throw stones right now? It's really unbecoming. We just did Barca. We are on our way to Wembley to collect our first trophy. We will win this tie against the O's at home. Finally, the title is in reach. Why don't you sit down and write an ‘Online Ed’ thanking Wenger. That would be a good use of your time.”

So Bee Jee, this is for you. Thanks Arsene, it’s been a hell of a ride. However, can you stop taking me on your journey to the promised land with a young squad that develops together. I want to get off.

The current issue of The Gooner can be bought online here.

Finally, thanks to everyone who got in touch about proofing for the website. I will email you soon if you haven’t heard from me already. Apologies I haven’t had the time to respond to everyone so far.

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  1. Big Dave

    Apr 27, 2011, 17:01 #5902

    Oh for christ sake just get a demo or protest going all you do is just moan moan moan, but do F**k-All

  2. Finsbury van Burger

    Apr 26, 2011, 13:53 #5804

    Sometimes Gooner, I am put off by the negative tone of your editorials, however, in hindsight this season your editorials have (unfortunately) accurately predicted what was going to happen. Good job. I hope that you can now get on with enjoying your life outside of the Arsenal, at least until the release of the fixture list (or the u21's this summer).

  3. Kevin Kong

    Apr 26, 2011, 9:28 #5783

    We keep getting told by the pundits that it would be madness to get rid of Wenger because of `all he has done for the club` and Im inclined to agree, but I think this madness with defending the players through thick and thin and never criticising anyone has gone too far. Its like a classroom full of underperforming pupils who need to get back to the 3 R`s but have some weird headteacher who insists on telling them theyre all doing really well and then they start believing it regardless of results. I really do wonder what goes on in their heads- After the Newcastle game Walcott said `We were all really down on the coach on the way home and then we heard the United result (a draw)-so its looking good.` WHAT?? Concede 4 goals in 20 minutes and things are `Looking good.` What planet is he on. Then we have Nasri talking drivel about `We can smell the Championship` and `United are running scared .` I bet that got pinned up in the dressing room at Old Trafford. I get sick of reading the crap they come out with-I think it was Roy Keane who said the best time to talk is after you`ve won something. Then we have Wenger talking about how going out of the FA Cup and Champions league took the pressure of the players and gave us an advantage because we had less games-this was blatant nonsense-he himself has said many times in the past that players need to be fighting on as many fronts as possible to keep the momentum going. All this nonsense about a `Happy` player being a better player-that theory has gone in the dustbin Arsene. No doubt we`re in for a summer of the usual stuff like "The team are one year older now" (No, its the same team a few weeks later Arsene), And `we have Vermaelen back and its like having a new signing` and after months of stories linking us with a top quality keeper and defender we will have `Yes, we looked at some players but you have to remember we have 3 top quality goalkeepers already at the club.` I think he deserves one more year with the proviso that we must buy some experience. And while Im here I just want to say that we should have bought Felipe Milo when we had the chance. And if Chamakh didnt meet Wengers valuation when he was going for 8 Mil then why did we want him-it doesnt make sense- Wenger waits a whole season to get him but on the other hand is saying he isnt worth 8 million??

  4. Mark

    Apr 26, 2011, 8:43 #5781

    amazes me how some supporters see critiscism of wenger and how afc is run today as disloyalty when it is the opposite, it is about people who care enough to want to affect positive change. in the past you could rely on the board / D Dein to see when things were wrong and make a change. today AW and board are one and closely linked in their pursuit of a profitable CL qualifying club year in year out and that is what we are up against today. the spin is about to start. how brilliant JW will be and how some other youngster is developing and what a season next year will be etc. well for the 1st time i just dont buy into that bull**** and i will go to the games and voice my disapproval as to what is going on. Cesc going cheeses me off as didnt need to happen. all we needed to do last year was bring in a top GK, CH and defensive midfielder and agreed to toughen up but we didnt and now we will be left clinging to 4th place yet again and memories of having capitulated in about 10 matches this season

  5. Mr B

    Apr 25, 2011, 21:34 #5775

    Sadly Kevin is spot on with what he has written. We are no longer a force to be reckoned with as proved yesterday. Wenger goes on about our mental strength but none of us see this on the pitch week in and week out. Where is today's Tony Adams screaming at the back four to get in line or mark their man? Where is today's Patrick Viera charging through everyone in an opposition midfield before setting up a Bergkamp or Henry to burst into the box and score? We don't have anyone who is a leader out on the pitch, just players who only put their foot where it won't get kicked or who pass the ball for a 500th time instead of smashing it towards goal and getting the lucky deflections that Chelski or the Mancs get when they are playing title deciding games? Since 2005 we've watched good player after good player leave and replaced them with what? Eboue, Denilson, Diaby, Bendtner the list goes on and on. Wenger says he knows what he's doing but everyone else knows he doesn't. We need a shake up of coaching staff and playing style as what we have isn't working. Bring in Steve Bould to coach the Defence and Ian Wright to show the strikers what they should be doing outside of the box. As for off the field bring back David Dein who took us to where we were before we turned into what we now are, a poor shadow of a once great team!

  6. Theopants Superstar

    Apr 25, 2011, 18:31 #5771

    Rather than a protest outside/inside the ground, which will probably only get the support of a few hundred fans, perhaps people should send their Season Ticket renewal forms back with the words: 'We might be silly, but we're not stupid!!' written on the envelope?

  7. moyeen

    Apr 25, 2011, 18:06 #5770

    the board should force wenger to buy at least 3 world class players sp striker like van super persie.or he leaves simple.diaby,denilson,almunia,squlaci,bendtner,vela,chamakh,djoru wont get in to any top 5 teams in europe.

  8. dan

    Apr 25, 2011, 17:44 #5769

    It's sad its come to this i can't see Wenger changing his transfer policy as he would basically be admitting to his youth project failing.The frustration from all of us is that the season has become a real wasted opportunity we were the only club that didn't go out & attempt to improve our squad in january criminal as vermaelen was obviously out for the season.

  9. I am Gooner

    Apr 25, 2011, 14:34 #5766

    The time has come for us supporters to grow some cohones and not let the club brainwash us anymore. We as supporters of Arsenal need to regroup and tell the club that if they decide to increase ticket prices and not strengthen the team then we will not spend either be it in the club shop, the programmes or in the food outlets and show them that will will not take it anymore. We need to do something as they have been taking us for a ride for too long ! This is where the Gooner and all the supporters associations can help by getting the word across to all supporters.

  10. dave m, bromley

    Apr 25, 2011, 14:21 #5763

    its easter monday i sit here reading fans comments along with my own feelings made known often on the gooner, i cant tell you my love for this club is second only to my family iam proberly still paying for 2009 season ticket the windows need replacing (along with lack of holiday ) but now i see a devide between ashburton reds,wkb, and highbury gooners i feel myself its the good and bad on ither shoulder,iam afraid the highbury gooners are being looked apon as the bad side , let me remind you the club put us where we are in there minds top of footballs ladder,the reality is far mor about a team in a poor league, who cant punch above its weight yes iam willing one more year ,but thats it,48years on ,no one has a devine right to win in football,but i do know the diverence between GOOD & BAD PLAYERS who can at least give it a bloody go, i see mental,not strengh, always a gooner

  11. danalovafcxi

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:56 #5757

    Arsene needs to have the mental strength to resign now and keep some dignity at least. His words are empty and hollow to fans and the media god knows what his team talks must sound like. I'll miss cesc thanks for trying mate good luck in the future.

  12. LeoGooner

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:42 #5752

    chrisy boy, he said judge me in May last season too, and the one before . . . .

  13. jetplane

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:11 #5750

    I am looking right back to that day when Bobby Pires (our last truly great architect) got injured against Newcastle - early morning cup game for the beginning of the descent into non-competitive football. Looks like Wenger carries the wrong slice of Frenchness - all theory and no mud!

  14. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Apr 25, 2011, 10:51 #5748

    We can all see what's wrong, we all know what's wrong. Money needs spending, tactical nous is required, a winning at all costs mentality (even if it means ugly football) is desperately needed. These, unfortunately, appear to be anathema to Wenger (or in the case of tactics, simply beyond him). Therefore, there remains only one logical option. Merci Arsene, mais au revoir.

  15. Terry

    Apr 25, 2011, 9:44 #5744

    Kev i was glad as well we lost as i knew he would use the unbeaten run as a justification that things really aint that bad.We gave away a last minute penalty against Liverppol and threw away a two goal lead v Spurs but hey ho we are still unbeaten look how great we are.The title dream died at Newcastle.No team with title aspirations loses a four goal lead in 20 mins.Wenger wont be sacked and things wont change so get used to the same thing happening next season and the year after and year after.Arsenal are no longer a football club who tries to win trophies.Its all about a top 4 finish and once thats achieved they pack up and go on holiday in April

  16. Kevvy

    Apr 25, 2011, 9:32 #5742

    Look at Wengers career, he's had success at a club in the past, then let the momentum slip and been disposed of. He needs to know that he isn't indispensible here. I'd love Arsene to stay but only if he ditches his policy of trying to win the League with a team of children. The team needs some quality experience, and Arsene needs to get rid of the under performing big heads in the team. I couldn't blame Fabregas if he wants to go. Strange how the good players might be looking to leave, but all the wasters want to stay.

  17. ellyacht

    Apr 25, 2011, 8:54 #5737

    Great article, it goes without saying that things need to change in the summer and if they do then I'd be happy for AW to stay for the rest of his contract. He deserves the chance to spend the money he has helped earn with the move to the Grove. However, I'm not sure they will, who at the club will challenge him? Not Ivan who is there to run the "business". The existing board? No chance, Wenger is a dream from the business side of things and I can't help feeling that the board are happy to get Champions League football every year and the Wenger is the only person at the Club who believes that this squad is capable of winning anything of note. The one person who might challenge this is Stan and I hope he does as I am sick of seeing the same mistakes being made and no one held to account whether that be the manager or his players. One final thought, it is offensive that Wenger claims this is the best squad he has ever had, the Championship winning teams of 98, 02 and 04 would have beaten this team easily.

  18. Gilbert Murungi

    Apr 25, 2011, 8:22 #5733

    Even arsene knew he wont win anything but leaves in denial like many of us who support him

  19. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Apr 25, 2011, 4:24 #5724

    ex AKB, after reading your comment I'm not sure you ARE an ex AKB, but strangely enough I still understand your point of view. Having said that, I propose that AKB, JCL and every other pointless acronym be dropped from now on and we refer to each other as Arsenal fans or supporters like we did for decades before's really much more civilised.

  20. Joe

    Apr 25, 2011, 3:07 #5722

    Flabegasted at the moronic stupidity of a manager who insists on defending the mental character of his players, regardless of their lack of guts , commitment and professionalism. What are we the fans a bunch of morons? Starting from Cesc down to Deckchair, the need to clear out players without passion or desire is blatently obvious. Where is your hunger to Win Arsene? If you no longer have one, then get out.

  21. Globalhab4arsenal

    Apr 25, 2011, 2:09 #5720

    As a lifelong Boston Red Sox fan, misery was always company. We AFC fans should be thankful for our club, stadium, manager, and players. Top four year in year out is quite an accomplishment. However, 36 years I waited for a title. While the always spending, always demanding Yankees won championships. I am proud of AFC, I am proud to be a Gunner fan. But, we must this summer demand more from Mr. Wenger and management. If we want silverware we need to spend and bring in some heavy guns - in the back most definitely and a violent striker to support our very pretty football. Godspeed AFC.

  22. Danish Gooner

    Apr 24, 2011, 23:36 #5716

    Dont get your hopes to high because if anything learned it is that the egomaniac will raather die then change his crazy ways.He fully believe that his way is the only and that is truly sad.


    Apr 24, 2011, 23:33 #5715

    Well that's it, we've finally been put out of our misery. Death by a thousand cuts, as it has been for these past three or four seasons. Getting so close every season with the 'Premiership' carrot dangled in front of us only for us to fall short yet again. It really is frustrating being an Arsenal supporter during these last few years. Don't get me wrong it's what we want as supporters being involved in all the major trophies, but to keep missing out like we are doing is depressing and, as someone who has supported 'The Arsenal' for nearly fifty years, it still hurts no matter how many times it happens. This season of all seasons, with Utd being a long way below their consistant best, and Chelsea enduring a midseason hiatus,we have still been unable to cross the winning line. For whatever Mr Wenger says about the team and it's quality, and I'm a huge supporter of his, it must be time for him to look at the stats and reassess the team. Defensively we are just not good enough, time and time again we are exposed by set pieces. Are the players not good enough or are the coaching methods suspect? Personally I think it's the latter. We need some co-ordinated defensive strategy. Why doesn't Mr Wenger use the experiences of the old players as coaches. Bould, Keown or Dixon. Who are the backroom staff ? I've never heard of the goalkeeping coach. From what I've seen over the last few seasons he hasn't been earning his salary, as the 'keepers make the same mistakes over and over again. From Chapman to Graham, all the championship winning Arsenal teams were founded on good goalkeeping and a solid defence. As did Wenger's earlier Premiership winning teams, although it has to be said inherited from the previous managers. You do not win Premierships with suspect defending.Period.

  24. johnnyh

    Apr 24, 2011, 23:01 #5714

    you have summed things up perfectly kev,as usual. i have never seen arsene look so down during a post match interview. even though he wouldnt admit it the players let him down badly was typical arsenal,failure to take chances in crucial periods of games combined with unbelievably bad marking from setpieces. you start to wonder if even he believes in this team anymore.

  25. HowardL

    Apr 24, 2011, 22:55 #5713

    I just hope we don't implode completely and lose 4th pace to T*ttenham. The way things are going it's not impossible. Mid you, I've just finished watching the BBC Docudrama about Man Utd and Munich. It sort of puts a defeat at Bolton into perspective.

  26. Hatfield Red

    Apr 24, 2011, 22:24 #5712

    The club should give the option for only buying the 19 premier league games. An extra 2.5% with no guarentee of spending on players and in these economic times, they need to think alternatively. I too am fed up with this season and expect the villa game to be an empty Emi****s. Bring in Keown if wenger stays.

  27. Lucy Van Pelt

    Apr 24, 2011, 22:22 #5711

    AW - hurry up please, it's time.

  28. colesy

    Apr 24, 2011, 21:52 #5707

    I think Wenger has taken the club as far as he can. He has done marvelous stuff in coping with an ageing Invincible's team and starting from scratch again whilst moving the club from Highbury to the Emirates clearly with financial restraints. However, I found this article written in October 2009 and I have chosen a few comments from Wenger he made at the time: "I believe this team, this year, will do it. When I say that, it is not to please [supporters] but because I am really convinced of it. Whether we win the Premier League or the Champions League, there is no choice - we want both. But I know it's vital for a club like ours to fight for the championship. "The championship is every week, every three days and it is vital that we win it. " So 18 months ago Wenger claimed it was VITAL that Arsenal won it (the EPL) but recently he's been saying that coming second isn't all that bad and is still a success and something he would be happy to achieve for the next 20 years! From the same article, he goes on talking about his favourite subject- mental strength, referring to the poor opening few months of the 2008/09 season and that by October of that season, the club were effectively out of the race for the title. Wenger said. "Our mental strength was tested but I could see last season many ingredients in the team and it has a great future. Take everything into perspective and you realise it was not such a bad season. Sounds familiar doesn't it??? 18 months on and he's saying the same old stuff!! Arsenal's poor run, inability to see out games and conceding late/stupid goals has been the focus of many a back page, many radio phone in's and pages and pages of blog comments. People are clearly divided into two camps. "In Arsene We Trust" or "Arsene Out". I don't see why time and time again, people cannot simply have a sensible, adult discussion about this and whether it's time for change- not get personal with each other and name calling, etc. I don't say that Arsenal deserve any right to success. Success is earned. We all crave success as Arsenal fans. We all want trophies. Some would like nice attractive football at times also. But what I want right now is the hope of an Arsenal side capable of mounting a 'serious' challenge for silverware. Lets face it, many media observers acknowledge that this year's EPL isn't of the same quality as previous ones - all claiming that Man U and Chelsea haven't been as good as previous seasons and it's only that reason Arsenal were as close as they were for so long. We are several points worse off that this stage last season and so whilst Wenger may claim that this current team has 'progressed' - the table doesn't lie. I don't see progress. I don't see progress in the likes of Rosicky, Diaby, Denilson, Bendtner. Song too has had a poor season - today''s game a good example of his poor decision making and tackling abilities. Time's Up for Wenger - it's a shame he won't be able to repeat his successes he delivered for the club during his initial first few years. Half of his tenure as manager at this glorious club has been without silverware. His time has come to a natural end and he needs to let someone else try. Who? thats a really interesting but difficult question- I'm sure you all will have your own ideas.

  29. chrisy boy

    Apr 24, 2011, 21:51 #5706

    you only had to look at paul mersons face after the game in the sky box to know how a true fan feels right now, according to merse all we need is a bit of tinkering here and there for next season, sorry merse but i think we need a lot more than that, but after what wenger said in his press conference friday it looks like its going to be the same old rubbish next season. Im going hold fire on what i think of wenger because to be fair to him he did say at the start of the current season judge me in may ! Next week cant come quick enough for me.

  30. Alastair Kerr

    Apr 24, 2011, 21:18 #5705

    Spot on article, Kevin. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, including AKB's. Unfortunately, many have seen the flaws of Wenger's policy for some time now. Everyone was understanding when we moved to the new stadium that we wouldn't be able to splash the cash for a few years. However, this would appear now to be a permanent policy. I'm afraid this annual capitulation at the business end of the season has made our great club a laughing stock. Wenger's antics on the touchline and blaming everyone/everything for the teams failings except himself and his players....the referee, the pitch, tiredness, the international break, tv fixture schedule just adds to the embarrassment. His reluctance/inability to rectify the weaknesses in the team frustrates the life out of me. The team are full of lily livered don't start about mental strength and spirit And before the AKB's start to tell me what Wenger has done for the club, I'm well aware, in fact that makes it all the more depressing how things have turned out and how the admiration and respect for Wenger is diminishing rapidly. Nevertheless,the one thing that unites AKB's and those who now think he doesn't, is our love for Arsenal. That will never change.

  31. ex AKB

    Apr 24, 2011, 21:09 #5704

    I really thought the gooner would be above this. You are going to get criticism same as Arsene wenger. thats the beauty of the internet. everyone has an opinion right or wrong. At least bee jee has taken a hit for the team. Any pro wenger posts. dont bother. the gooner has now become prada as they claim the club has. Arsenal is a journey I will continue even if its the championship or worse

  32. John Record

    Apr 24, 2011, 21:03 #5702

    Totally agree with the article.The whole problem at Arsenal is a board one. Arsene has managed to make himself untouchable, whatever the results, which is a bad one for the club. No other top club would still have the same manager having won nothing for six years, if its not working after three its time for a change. I've supporter Arsenal since the 60's and without doubt the problem lies defensively. Wenger got "lucky" when he arrived at Highbury with the best defence for a generation in tact, marshalled bt Adams, Wenger has failed to maintain that quality buying some real no hopers (Cyan, Stephanos,Senderos) apart from Toure and possibly Vermalen our defence has remain weak for years. Yes, Wenger HAS acheived great things for Arsenal, but should he be able to carry on simply on pass successes. The question is of course would Wenger still be Arsenal's manager had his first six years mirrored his last six?

  33. Ivan Merc

    Apr 24, 2011, 20:53 #5701

    We cant relax as Citeh is only 2 points behind.

  34. Gareth

    Apr 24, 2011, 20:46 #5699

    This is not rocket science. The better players you have the better you will do in the long term. To charge M&S prices and then shop at Aldi is taking the you know what. I'm afraid Arsene needs somebody upstairs to answer to, as he does not believe the fans, who pay hard earned money to watch and listen to his excuses,desreve straight answers to straight questions. Mental strength, spirit, unlucky, officials just do not cut it any more. That said, I would like to give him one more season having purchased three or four world class players and then see where we are at, maybe I am wrong however maybe i'm not!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Gerry

    Apr 24, 2011, 20:45 #5698

    Spot on kev, enough heads buried in the sand. Wenger has to either go or rethink his tactics. Cant take anymore of these dramatic last minute surrenders. Even sunday league teams would be ashamed if they conceded goals like us, awful defending. 34 years a gooner but i have never felt as bad as i do today. We could even lose out on 4th, cant see us getting another win this season, dead in the water.

  36. mariano gerardo

    Dec 27, 2010, 14:47 #502

    I wouldnt be to hard on wenger and the board ,we almost out of debt and we do get better every year ,If you think about it from fourth in the pl ,to third and and now we are currently second ,and close to silver even if it is the carling cup .look how liverpool has fallen ,and chelsea and man u will have to fave there debt sooner or later .just watch hard honest work pays off in the lond run ,the emirates stadium is a investment that would reep benefits for years to come

  37. Tom

    Dec 07, 2010, 15:35 #138

    What next a parade for winning the E****** cup.The carling is not much harder to win .In 2003 and 2005 the club couldnt be bothered to even have a parade for winning the FA cup

  38. thatsimonrose

    Dec 07, 2010, 15:09 #137

    No problem Steve, although I'm not clear how my personal experience of West Ham fans would depend on how long I've been going to Arsenal, or how it would denote that I "clearly haven't a clue". Seems a bit harsh Steve! I didn't say that 'all' West Ham hate Arsenal, just 'many'. Most West Ham fans I know are rabidly crazily anti-Arsenal. Pointlessly so really, they don't gain anything by it. Frankly I wonder about their health over it. My life-long best friend Robert Austin on the other hand, who was 'Gianni' on the West Ham forum (cos I was 'Beppe' when I ran Arsenal TEAMtalk), the one who died suddenly aged 39 in Jan 09, was always brilliant towards Arsenal, because of me and I've always liked to see West Ham do well (as long as it's not against Arsenal), because of him. Our mutual mate Dave though is a Hammer and absolutely ravingly detests Arsenal! I guess it's who you know.

  39. Gus

    Dec 07, 2010, 0:01 #126

    I reckon that Fabregas can play Denilson/Wilshere's role and Nasri in the hole. So like this arshavin van persie theo/rossicsky nasri cesc song Sanga Kos Vermalen Gibbs/Clichy fabianski This allows Nasri freedom to play in his best position and have our captain and star player on the field. Alternatively we have Fabregas back in the hole, Denilson/Wilshere back in DM, Nasri on the wing, dropping Rossicksy/Arshavin/Walcott. We can also play 442 with Chamackh and van persie up front. We have a plethora of options which will make sure we arn't too predictable. Incredibly, I haven't even mentioned world class players like: diaby, Ramsey, Vela, Squill, Djourou, JET, Bendtner and Eboue!!!

  40. Steve

    Dec 06, 2010, 18:21 #125

    West Ham are not very good and, bar Scott Parker, they carry little obvious threat, but that never stops Arsenal always managing to have a hard time with the Hammers. They seem to get under our skin and many of their fans have an incredibly livid hatred of Arsenal. I can’t quite work out why. You’d think Weshaaaam fans would like Arsenal, seeing us we still afford them their latest moment of significance, albeit 30 years on. ------------------------------------------------ Simon I don't know how long you've been going pal, but you clearly haven't a clue. West Ham fans haven't got an incredibly livid hatred of Arsenal, anything but. Don't like Spurs, yes. Chelsea, yes. Millwall, yes. But Arsenal, bit of friction occasionally, but nothing like the others at all. It's just a London derby, apart from in the 80s when you had a good 'firm'. If we hated you, we'd hardly drink in the same pubs when we come over there would we? Gawd!!

  41. Proudtosaythatname

    Dec 06, 2010, 16:19 #124

    Well put Simon. Of course we should win the Carling Cup, as we should have won the League Cup in '69 and the FA Cup in '78 and '80. Swindon Town, Ipswich and West Ham respectively. Didn't I see those last 2 names in your article. Yep, Ipswich and West Ham, two soft touches are still in the Carling Cup. We should win, I agree, but the team need to be reminded of the past, before most of them were born and let's not relive it!

  42. Theopants

    Dec 06, 2010, 13:56 #122

    A parade if we win the Carling Cup? If that doesn't tell you how far standards have fallen at our club, nothing will. Even more shocking is some Arsenal fans' willingness to accept it as sufficient reward this season, as if it was finally some sort of justification for Wenger's policy of not buying quality! Oh how the mighty have fallen.

  43. Paul Carlson

    Dec 06, 2010, 13:52 #121

    The botttom line is that fabregas is not arsed for Arsenal at present! Total lack of effort and more so, comittment.