The moment when the cruel heartbreak began (and continues to this day)

An exiled Gooner writes

The moment when the cruel heartbreak began (and continues to this day)

Where did it all go wrong?

I’m suffering.

Me and hundreds of thousands of other Gooners from the environs of Ashburton Grove, to Abuja, Anchorage, Auckland and back.

In my 40th year of supporting the club, nearly twenty of those as a season ticket holder (my cousin Tom carries on the family tradition in my absence) with regular attendance before then, I was transferred to New York from my NW London home in March 2010. A promising push for the title was about to derail, another one has bloodied this April.

I’ve worshipped at the altar of Arsene, but think painting people as the AKB brigade or the AMG faction is simplistic. It’s far more complex than that surely, for me and countless others.

I’ve always thought, and I imagine many have shared this feeling, that the only person suffering more than me at the worst moments is Arsene. He does bleed for the club, but he must either change, and by that be influenced by new assistant coaches, experiment with different tactics and spend... or go upstairs.

I’ve watched very single game live (some surreptitiously, going quietly bonkers, at work) for the past year in this exile and the inevitable pain has been no less hellish to take.

I made it back for one match this season, the debacle at Wembley. Feverish thoughts of flying back for the home game against Manure, a possible title-decider, have been shelved with remorse.

After the Liverpool and Spuds matches, thoughts have been swirling around my head back to the halcyon days, and then to when it all turned to sh*t.

That moment was when Thierry missed the golden chance for 2-0 against Barcelona in the Stade de France in 2006. We were on the cusp of a sixth trophy in five years, but the latest installment of the barren years had actually just been born.

Sitting there with my Gooner comrade in arms Greg - we’ve followed the Arsenal faithfully home and abroad - we knew it was a massive turning point, but I just didn’t know it would lay the basis for the coming five years. It wasn’t Jens getting sent off (thanks for coming back and briefly giving the side some bollocks at the seaside.)

And let's face it, it's been one huge blow after another since that moment:

Three lost finals, four lost semis, four major tilts at the title that all imploded.

0 for 10 in major pushes for silverware.

Transfer window after transfer window of disappointment (Arshavin aside).

Best squad?? Mental strength?? Please don't insult my intelligence and love for the club.

We look like a side that can score at random and concede at anytime.

I’m well aware the board, and particularly the new owner, will continue with Le Boss’ self-sustaining model. Great economics, but diabolical for us supporters.

I just cannot countenance the thought of seeing The Three Amigos - Denilson, Eboue and Diaby (a little less so, all the talent, no heart) - in Arsenal colours again.

When Cesc goes in a few weeks - for no more than £25-30 million - and the money isn’t spent again; and we’re told the squad doesn’t need any major new additions, again, it will be simply too much to bear.

And the cruel heartbreak will continue unabated.

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  1. HD

    Apr 26, 2011, 16:49 #5825

    Excellent piece Tamer, agree with every word. "We look like a side that can score at random and concede at anytime." is an outstanding description of our predicament. This is very much the case, Arsene would argue during this season that we were scoring more than anyone else, and statistically he was correct, but every goal for years now has felt like a random event. We don't do the right things required to score goals, what we do is maintain possession for such a long period of time, tiredness in combination with the law of averages ends up with us usually scoring somehow. If you torture anyone for long enough they'll start blubbling. Every game follows the same pattern, with the opposition, our own players and supporters, totally and utterly spent. Every game goes the full 90, at least, with equal measure of last-minute delight and horror. The bottom line is that when Arsenal cannot maintain a superior physical presence on the field, we cannot score. There is no intelligence in our movement, play or tactics, it's just technique applied in order to exhaust the opposition. Ferguson woke up to this years ago, whenever he plays us he doesn't bother thinking about what his best team is, he just picks the 11 fittest, physically imposing players available. Out goes Berbatov, Carrick, Scholes, in comes Park, Fletcher, Anderson, it's not rocket science is it. When the players are exhausted at the end of every match, you end up with injuries and inconsistent performances. There's nothing inconsistent about the injuries, no player can keep up with the demands of our style of play. And when the fans go to watch every match knowing they're in for a marathon, the frustration is building even before the match has kicked off. 90 minutes of pulling teeth. Vastly superior technique applied for no-good-purpose for the period of 90 minutes. We could fail to beat literally anyone, and have done our best to prove the point this season (Ipswitch, Huddersfield, Leeds). For me, we have the best french midfielder, the best english midfielder and the best spanish midfielder, and yet we're still crap. Never has so little, been achieved with so much. And by the way, this failure in coaching didn't just begin in this period of downturn, when you think back to the teams that we had, the players that we had, the failure to achieve any success in Europe was remarkable. The leagues that we failed to win against an inferior Man Utd side. We used to win when our players were three times the quality of the opposition, now our players are merely superior, the gulf is no longer sufficient to disguise the lack of coaching and tactics. Indeed, for my money, the only time we've ever over-achieved under Wenger was when Keown drilled Flamini, Eboue, Senderos and Toure into an effective unit during our run to your described Champions League nightmare. Flamini from that left-back position pushed the entire team forward with crunching tackles not seen since the time of Winterburn. Very little talent, tremendous heart, and we were transformed. We've been made to bask in the mental cowardice that is Gael Cliche, ever since. A little heart can take you a long way in football, Man Utd are still winning Championships on the back of it.

  2. charliegeorge

    Apr 26, 2011, 10:34 #5787

    If "bleeding" means getting paid 7 million pounds per year, I'll bleed for any cause any day of the year. And if he had no money to spend (bat ****) yet "loves" the club so much, why not take a pay cut? For how on God's green Earth can he justify a pay packet that is greater than the team's top earner? Twitter me that.

  3. Ed enough....

    Apr 26, 2011, 9:00 #5782

    Agree totally....No one but no one can now defend wenger as a winning manager in the modern game. He is a serial runner up and he has now surely out stayed his welcome. Please Stan....Bin this loser

  4. Tamer Fakahany

    Apr 25, 2011, 22:13 #5776

    David, Yes, that's absolutely right. John Duncan (all of people we said) scored the winner for them. We also went to see Brum away - learned quickly to put the colours away after we got an unpleasant greeting at the station - and used to sit West Lower, tickets on the day, at Highbury. Belated thanks for the guidance back then.

  5. David Evans

    Apr 25, 2011, 14:30 #5765

    It's all very sad... but on a slightly different subject, your name rings a bell with me. Didn't I take you to your first away game outside London? Would have been Derby away, September 79, old Baseball Ground. And to maintain the current tone, I seem to recall we were two-up early in the second half and managed to lose 3-2 in the last minute. Plus ca change, eh?

  6. goonerjake

    Apr 25, 2011, 10:54 #5749

    I do not beleive we should polorise ourselves as AKB or AMG fans. Now is the time to be together as one. That being said I do not believe we shold change manager. I truly believe AW is nearly their which makes it all the more painful.3 or 4 more world class replacements would once again make us unbeatable.

  7. Jason

    Apr 25, 2011, 3:54 #5723

    Oh wait, buy Cahill, Jagielka and Parker and we're all set. Oh, might as well go get Owen Coyle as manager, that'll be alot cheaper! Since we're at at, buy Kelvin Davies and Peter Crouch and we'd be able to hoof it upfront, that'll teach'em. Oh, not forgetting Delap.

  8. Pure Top

    Apr 25, 2011, 1:30 #5718

    Guys and Gals, Wake up, Ask yourself a serious question. Would this team win the Premiership if ManuU and Chelski were taken out of the equation. They would struggle to win the Coca Cola - look at games against Leyton Orient, Leeds etc. Massive talent in some respects but give them a challenge in a serious game and they collapse, we all know Birmingham deserved it. I feel sorry for the fans, especially those who travel away.

  9. Ramgun

    Apr 24, 2011, 22:21 #5710

    Wenger is a control freak and would never give up any power. Pushing him "upstairs" would be a terrible mistake. Have the guts to make the break. Wenger has to go. Admit it to yourself.

  10. Tommy

    Apr 24, 2011, 21:56 #5709

    I believe it went wrong when we went unbeaten in 2004.Wenger believed he was untouchable.And has ever since.No other manager in world football is under less pressure to win trophies.That is alright for the manager of Bolton or Stoke but not a team with a 60,000 stadium and who believes it is one of Europes top 8 teams.Can you imagine Fergie or Mourinho saying to their fans finishing 2nd is good and they wouldnt mind finishing 2nd for the next 20 years.Wenger is now adictator and the only way you bring down a dictator is by protest.

  11. Rich

    Apr 24, 2011, 21:53 #5708

    As a fellow exiled gooner (I Iive in NC) I must say that you have more than hit the nail on the head. I find it hard to even contemplate next season with 'THIS' team, BTW, Clichy needs to be moved on too, as much as it hurts to say, he is no Ashley Cole!!

  12. Unbeaten03/04

    Apr 24, 2011, 20:52 #5700

    Well the funny thing is that I didn't want to be negative and I believe the above article's author kept belieing and that doesn't mean I will not carry on supporting Arsenal, but I have said a while back around mid January that we will fight to be in the top four let alone being top of the league. For me this season is over although I will keep following Arsenal and as to New proper players I'll believe it when I see it. The funny thing is that only today Arsene acknowledged that our defence haven't been stable. I wonder what planet Arsene and board have been living!!!

  13. BK

    Apr 24, 2011, 20:26 #5697

    life goes on, this did not work out, but there is always next season, and we might just win something big, who knows...personally i would like to see a combination of Martin Keown and Steve Bould more involved along with Arsene, Stan Kronke has taken control of the club, the new statium has been completed and is well on the way to being paid, we have not dropped too far off the pace during an extemely demainding financial period, where team investment was limited, i think that arsene still has it in him to recognise a new viera, cambell, henry, petit, viera, petit, nasri, etc, etc, ......things are looking up and with enough money, MK & SB with Arsene the sky is the limit, stay positive, who knows what can happen...

  14. Liam

    Apr 24, 2011, 20:18 #5696

    Great article. The last paragraph had particular permeance with me - I'm entirely frustrated with our policy of selling a player for decent money then not using those funds to buy another. We're the 3rd richest club in the world after Man U and Real Madrid, all the major shareholders of Aresenal are sitting in their mansions smoking fat cubans, while the true supporters are being given countless excuse after excuse for the club winning nothing. At the end of my tether with Arsenal and Arsene Wenger right now...

  15. jack

    Apr 24, 2011, 18:40 #5694

    It appears you are spot on. todays match just confirmed it.

  16. Billsf

    Apr 24, 2011, 18:18 #5692

    The cross from eboue. Controlled with the studs and poked @ keeper

  17. tim , london

    Apr 24, 2011, 18:12 #5691

    i am tired, is that enough for the lot of you? i hate this game , is that enough for you. I wish i never liked football , is that clear enough. i ****ing hate watching a game with 3 corners and conceding 2 goals out of them, does that make any sense? for **** s sake , BUY SOME DEFENDERS, NOT VERY GOOD ONES, JUST BUY SOME DEFENDERS, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK , BUY SOME DEFENDERS, DEFENDERS that can defend , that can kick a ball away, that when the ball comes in, they kick it away safely, basically by heading it away or kicking it. Apologies, cos i am not a proffessional but you know what I mean , some defender that don t give fans a heart attack every time there is a corner, any suggestion? just go to the championship, buy anyone, that will do, believe it will make improvements. For now? well i will go to sleep, use the same tricks like i have for every ruined weekend for the last 6 years and just hope that nothing lasts forever , even the **** times

  18. Siicelo

    Apr 24, 2011, 18:08 #5690

    What Wenger is doing to Arsenal is painful. I cannot assume he knows anymore. I wonder if he ever thinks about his track record. I am grateful for what he did to Arsenal FC over the years but what is happening now is erasing all those memories from me. Anyway may be it is leading to something better. Arsenal will be playing in the small version of the champions league next year courtesy of Arsene's smart economics. It does not make sense to me. How much would simple defenders with steel cost rather than these things Djorou, Koscienly, clichy and sagna not to mension denilson and his the other baby chicken midfielders. stupid arsene wenger

  19. Shropshire Lad

    Apr 24, 2011, 17:09 #5689

    Absolutely spot on I was in South Africa when we blew the chance of European Cup victory and it felt like the end of an era.

  20. yozza

    Apr 24, 2011, 17:02 #5688

    spot on every word but the AKBs will still not hear a word of it!6 years trophyless has really all just been down to poor refereeing decisions or simple bad luck....nothing to do with tactics or not up to standard players.....