Watch the spin?

The story of the season is about to be re-written

Watch the spin?

Arsene: Has a (selective) argument for everything

Watch how, over the next few weeks, Wenger will try and re-write the narrative of the season.

His version will run something like this...

'Last autumn, lots of people wrote us off. They thought we might not even finish in the top four, let alone challenge for the championship. We proved them all wrong with our quality and our mental strength. We were serious contenders for the championship until the very end of April. We lost to Barcelona in the Champions League last 16 only because Van Persie was unjustly sent off in the Nou Camp. We also reached the Carling Cup final and lost only because of a million to one aberration in stoppage time.

We've qualified for the Champions League for the 14th consecutive season - an incredible achievement, given our small transfer outlay when compared with the likes of Chelsea and Manchester City.

We have continued to develop exciting young talent. Wilshere has already become a star and I'm confident Szczesny will too. That shows the strength of our youth policy and why we don't need to spend a lot in the transfer market.

And we have achieved all this despite another season of appalling bad luck with injuries. Losing Vermaelen for nearly all the season was a huge blow. We've also been unfortunate that Fabregas, Nasri, Walcott and Van Persie have rarely played in the same team because of all the knocks we've suffered.

Yet, despite these problems, we've once again achieved a considerable amount. We are still a young side which is improving and we are not far from winning a trophy next season.'

There'll be no mention of his failure to address the obvious problems in goal or at centre back, his refusal to sign cover for Vermaelen in the January window, or his arrogant failure to address defensive problems, especially at dead ball kicks.

Or that Wilshere's emergence, Szczesny's arrival and Djourou's resurgence all happened by injuries and chance, not because of the manager's clever planning.

No mention either of signings - Koscielny, Squillaci and Chamakh - which haven't worked, or his continued support of deadbeats like Denilson, Diaby and the hugely undisciplined Eboue.

Not to mention the lack of experience and 'winners' in the dressing room, the injury crisis which has been ongoing for five seasons (more than just bad luck?) and his own desire to absolve himself and the players of any responsibility by blaming third parties for Arsenal's problems.

I wonder which narrative will survive the summer?

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  1. DomRobinson

    Apr 26, 2011, 22:07 #5850

    Great post - it was as if the great man was speaking himself....oh hang on a minute, hasn't he said something similar to this for the past 4 seasons????

  2. martin

    Apr 26, 2011, 11:45 #5789

    wenger needs to go. he acts like Louis IV and doesnt believe in having strong No 2 or No 3 who might have a diff opinion to his. he shuns away from positive confrontation. he is a weak man and the french do not make good managers anyway and this club now truly reflects the deep influence of his 15 year stay and we must make a change - we have become a bunch of total bottlers throughout the team. get rid of him and stop worrying about the outcome. AFC can attract the best management teams out there if we give a hint that we are at least interested in receiving offers. Louis IV has abused us all long enough

  3. The Happening

    Apr 26, 2011, 11:05 #5788

    Man U fans, Chelsea fans, Liverpool fans and Man City fans' all adore Arsene Wenger, Squillaci, Denilson, Bendtner!

  4. Mark

    Apr 26, 2011, 10:18 #5786

    whatever happens guys lets please agree to be a bit more outspoken please on how our club is run. at Barca and Madrid the season ticket holders / members have a huge say in things and as we know one president after another there panics annually about how to keep the fan base happy. i for one like that set up alot more than being treated like a bunch of idiots AFC style

  5. Steve

    Apr 26, 2011, 9:47 #5784

    It's not just the Wenger spin that needs watching - monitor Pravda (the official website) over the coming weeks. Expect one or all of the following: An interview with one of Denilson/Diaby/Eboue entitled "we have improved". A selection of "classic goals" from the season. The resurection of the laughable "transfer linked" section of the site. An interview with one of the "upcoming stars" of the youth/reserves with commentary from Neil Banfield about how ****-hot they all are, and how they can easily fit into the first team. A "focus" on all our super-star players out on loan setting the lower leagues on fire (along with quotes from said stars on how the owe it all to Arsene).

  6. Globalhab4Arsenal

    Apr 26, 2011, 3:10 #5780

    Come on. Stop the whining. We are Arsenal, we should be use to not winning anything. Six years is not very long ago. Hey United have only a handful of accomplishments and Chelsh$! a few as well. We have been giving them all a go, year in and year out. But, hey Mr. Wenger when does school end and the real job begin for these 'young' lads? I have to say it's time to cut the chord and face reality. Maybe not this season, because we do see moments of tremendous talent from these players. Mr. Wenger championships are not built around just talent. Almost all EPL players have tremendous talent. What makes championships is team. Tenacity, enthusiasm, ability, and mentality. Add chemistry and you have the invincibles. This team we know has ability. But, they lack tenacity (except for VP). We are told by you that they are putting in a strong effort. However, there seems to be a lack of enthusiasm in the back to stop easy (I mean really easy) free kicks. There is also a lack of enthusiasm to make real strong pushes towards the goal. Too often we see weak crosses toward no one. Or players making a go, only to find no one following at the far post. VP's Goal this weekend was outstanding. He really caught them offguard. Finally, mentality. This team is just not mentally ready to take it to the next level. We need a winner from somewhere to come join our pretty football team and kick them in the ass and lead them to the promise land. A Drogba (Lord forgive me) an Eto'o, a Raul, a Henry (5 years younger), a champion. Along with a defensive coach whose job week after week is to make sure we leave nothing on the pitch. I work with a pro football team here in the states (NFL) and believe me if our defensive coordinator allowed this rubbish on the field .he'd be fired right there on the spot. It's time for all of us to man-up and do our jobs. I believe Mr. Wenger will make the right decisions. He'll face reality and find the right answers. He has done it before. It is a difficult task at hand. But, Mr. Wenger needs to look at the game tapes and see who wants to really wants it. Arshavin's effort the past few weeks surprised me, well done. He was all over the place. VP has been awesome. Wilshere awesome, but needs to start pulling the trigger. Nasri, lump and all was inspiring. The rest of the team I don't know what to say. Here and there fight. Maybe, the final four games we (supporters, players, coaches) can come together and give it our all for the club. No matter what I will support the club, 100 percent. Hopefully, the boys will do the same and not let this ok season go to waste.

  7. Kevin kong

    Apr 26, 2011, 2:06 #5779

    Another one is `next season some of the players will be one year older and more experienced.`

  8. fredster

    Apr 26, 2011, 0:05 #5778

    This is getting pretty dumb. You have listed a ton of reasons why we should have some perspective, why Arsené Wenger isn't such a bad manager, and why our team has got genuine quality and potential - and you make it sound like a bad thing. What's going on with you people? It sounds to me like you want Arsenal to fail, just so it suits your own agenda.

  9. Shropshire Lad

    Apr 25, 2011, 23:18 #5777

    Sadly a perfect parody of what will happen plus the chase for players that end with nothing in August. I don't think he needs to go but he does need the support in his week areas - the Dein role in signing players and the Keown role in training the defence. What the he'll happened after beating Barca with one of his teams best performances at the Emirates? The players are not taking responsibility when they cross the white line particularly the midfield, including Fabregarse and Song. Let's watch the story unfold

  10. Pete

    Apr 25, 2011, 21:06 #5774

    Unfortunately I feel Wenger gas already tarnished his reputation - for me at least. It's not so much what he has or has not achieved but the bare faced lies, distortion of the facts and general arrogant attitude - treating supporters like dumb pieces of meat. He comes across as a hugely dislikable individual - unless you're a beneficiary of the financial surplus he creates every year. Alas, not many of us are, but quite a few of our boardroom have made a killing out of it.

  11. dan

    Apr 25, 2011, 21:03 #5773

    The agenda every year is to make the top 4 anything else is a bonus up to this season the domestic cup's have been treated as fixture distractions.This season saw a policy change on team selection for cups surely it's time now for us to really go out in the summer & invest in two top players the whole club needs a lift.Arsenal are a massive club,massive fan base & potential to only get bigger we have no devine right to win anything but as fans we have every right to question when those resources are not used fully.Some old journalist called Einstien once said the definition of insanity was trying the same thing every time & then expecting a different result!

  12. Rocky RIP

    Apr 25, 2011, 19:25 #5772

    Dear 'Whinger out now', you've just made me furious! - ''Look, these things even out over a season'' - You disgraceful mug. Do you GENUINELY fall for this one? The single biggest fallacy in football. A convenient excuse used for whenever Man U get yet another decision go their way & trotted out by the likes of Rio Ferdinand. Do you seriously think we've had the same rub of the green as Man U this season? Penalties awarded against us for no apparent reason, eg Newcastle away, the disgraceful refereeing at Everton at home causing our capt to quite rightly question the ref's integrity. The list goes on & on it's irrefutably cost us points. (This isn't an excuse, as we've badly let ourselves down in other areas too.)It's probably not a conspiracy, but for whatever reason we don't have the same number of favourable decisions go our way as Man U. It's a fact. (I'll provide a list extending back all season if you like.)To hear one of our own 'fans' dispute it is abysmal stuff. Maybe some people are too easily influenced by a clearly anti-Arsenal media, hence also calling arguably our greatest manager ever Arsene Whinger. How funny. Once again, these aren't excuses. A team that can't defend set pieces doesn't deserve a great deal, but our own fans failing to see we'd have more points on the board/Man U would have fewer if refs got every decision correct this season is infuriating. Whose side are you on?! Bell-end.

  13. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Apr 25, 2011, 15:39 #5768

    Mandy Dodd, we have had decisions going against us, but also for us plenty of times the most recent being against BlackPool who really should have won the game with a penalty and us down to 10 but the ref gave us the game. We have had plenty of decisions going our way early on too. Look, these things even out over a season so there's no point in hanging onto a non-issue of an excuse. The real issue yesterday was our inability to take our chances and keep out set pieces - both of which have been i effect for 6 years now. You'll find that to be true in 90% of the games that Whinger and his fans have moaned about refs.

  14. wenger out

    Apr 25, 2011, 14:30 #5764

    Mandy Dodd said, "But don't you think there is a bit of an agenda from officials against this team?". Don't be ridiculous. Now you are sounding as deluded as Wenger. So there is a conspiracy against Arsenal is there? Are we to believe that officials at the top levels of the game have made a deliberate decision to do Arsenal over? Where's your proof? Why would they do that to Arsenal over any other team? Stop being hysterical and dreaming up idiotic theories based on no facts. PS Princess Diana was murdered by Prince Philip, 9/11 was was staged by the American's and Elvis is alive and well, living in Crawley. Idiot! Get Wenger out!

  15. RDT 4

    Apr 25, 2011, 13:49 #5762

    I agree with Adam Ripp. It's heartbreaking to see Wenger at the moment. He was a proud and intelligent man and in his prime he was fantastic for Arsenal. But it's over now. It's so painful listening to him at the end of the last few seasons after losing out time and again to his arch-nemesis, Ferguson. Football is a cruel and unforgiving business. Just look at Brian Clough - he eventually succombed to alcoholism and his team were relegated. But Forest fans don't care about that, they remember the league title and two european Cup sucesses. They named a stand after him and built a statue in Nottingham city centre. I'm sure we could do something similar for Arsene Wenger. So please, Arsene, walk away now and we'll remember the good times.

  16. John the Gooner

    Apr 25, 2011, 12:12 #5759

    I have just seen Arsene Wengers' press conference where he says he is to blame for the annual collapse of our season. As the Manager the buck stops with him,that's the way it works I'm afraid but in this case I have to say that the players should finally strap on a pair and take some responability for the shameful displays of the last few weeks and indeed for certain performances during the season. For too long they have hid behind the managers protective shield and apart from Jack Wilshere on Twitter none have apologised for yet another total surrender of our season. The whole club needs a shake up from the coaching and medical staff to the ridding of the dead wood players we have, and we all know who they are because the same players names crop up all the time. I also think it's time for Cesc to move on as it's plainly obvious he doesn't want to be here at Arsenal and his whole body language is depressing and he just looks in a major sulk all the time. Hopefully Thomas Vermaelen will be fit for august and he should get the armband with Jack as vice captain . I'm starting to fear for Arsenes' health as the guy is really starting to lose it on the touchline and with his behaviour to other managers and officials, someone really needs to tell the guy to calm down or God forbid I fear we might see something tragic pitchside. So now we have given up looking up at the summit of the league we now have to look over our shoulder and fight off a possible attack on our third place spot from Citeh who before their game at Blackburn have two games in hand of us. Fourth place finishes in the Prem have to play a tricky CL qualifying round before the group stages so let's not give up totally just yet. Just to finish off I want to say one last thing and I know some of you won't agree anymore but I will say it anyway. I don't want Arsene to leave, I believe he truly loves the club but I would like someone to take him aside and show him past pics and vids if us winning trophies, of him and our players doing laps of honour around Higbury in the May sunshine and sunday mornings open top bus parades to Islington town hall. He really looked like he was loving it and I'm sure he was. What's happened Arsene? When was your love of getting Arsenal to the top of the English game repaced by this sheer bloody minded stubborness? I want our old Arsene back.

  17. Claude

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:58 #5758

    "His arrogant refusal to practice defence, let alone dead ball moves"... who are you? The bin man at Conley? you seem privy to an awful lot of inside info from the training pitch. This is the problem with knocking off 10 minute blog posts. We get "analysis" like this.

  18. Ramgun

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:47 #5756

    How does the two penalties that should have been given against Koscielny at Blackpool fit in with these ridiculous conspiracy theories?

  19. simon

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:47 #5755

    spot on - and wait for the usual - pretend we're gonna sighn someone with the right profile through the summer but not quite get it done scenario.

  20. Rob

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:45 #5754

    You old cynic you !!!!!!! You are perfectly right of course. Wenger, Gazidis and perhaps even Hill-Wood if can stay sober, will all be trotting out the 'Pravda' line. Trouble is no one now believes it. Even Wenger's shrinking 'fan club' can see the reality - just.

  21. Artlee Mhlanga

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:43 #5753

    Exactly the sort of thing Wenger would say.

  22. goonerjake

    Apr 25, 2011, 11:15 #5751

    Trust me my fellow gooners (i will never degrade my fellow fans by pushing them into a AKB or AMG group) One world class centre back, one world class defensive midfielser and one world class striker and we would be unbeatable. Now i think AW has done wonders for the club with his hands tied behind his back, while at the same time being LOYAL to the board, LOYAL to his players and LOYAL to the fans by giving of his best. Now its our turn to be LOYAL. We have no devine right to win anything.

  23. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 25, 2011, 10:42 #5747

    Dont you think he has a right to mention the decisions that are going against us on a weekly basis (denied a clear penalty, yet again yesterday, and Bolton, given one for a blatant dive). See a pattern there? Have a go at Wenger if you must, though preferably after the season. But dont you thing there is a bit of an agenda from officials against this team?

  24. Gordon

    Apr 25, 2011, 10:15 #5746

    He wouldnt get away with what he does at any other top European club other than Arsenal.We even gave him a new contract.As Cesc said in Spain he would have been fired by now.So tas a reward for 6 years of failure.There is no pressure on him.So he can carry on with his failed project to win the title with inexperienced players and cheap buys.Kroenke will love him as he doesnt spend money and he will be too busy back in Denver looking after his other teams there.As long as 60,000 mugs turn up at the Concrete bowl evey week Kroenke will be happy

  25. gunner14

    Apr 25, 2011, 10:06 #5745

    Spot on. The one major point in spin doctor wenger's armoury that you missed out (as colesy pointed out) is that the injured players feel like new signings. So end of july he will come up with " we are working very hard (on signings) but we will sign only if we find the right player at the right price. I do not believe in panic buying. In England that seems to be the solution for everything." I say send this to gazidis and tell them to come up with something better than that.

  26. Oh The Pain

    Apr 25, 2011, 9:39 #5743

    The spin has already begun. Wenger is taking the blame, not his players...he's saying the players are good enough in a round about way. Next will come the line (you know it because you've heard it before) "There is money available if real quality is available". Then we will hear "Its difficult to compete with the spending power of Man City/Chelsea/Man Utd" ignoring that clubs like Liverpool, Spurs and Villa will also spend big. Then as the season begins and transfer window closes "This is the best squad I have ever had, we have matured and have real potential and I believe we will win the title this year". Change the manager and we will change this horrible broken record!!

  27. James muriithi

    Apr 25, 2011, 9:25 #5741

    Iam afraid if no changes are done, we could slide further down.when vieira threatened to quit if no new players are bought, le prof brought 7 players and what followed in 2002/2003 u all know.Time has come for fabregas and others to stand up and be counted.its not wengers duty to make money for the club .his job is a football manager,period.where on earth can he get a world class player for£10m.does he get a bonus everytime he saves.i would be grateful if someone answers my comment.

  28. Gunner since 1975

    Apr 25, 2011, 9:18 #5740

    What a useless team we support. A deaf and dumb manager and blind supporters cum management board. Our team is RUBBISH- NOT JUST ON THE PITCH. The blind supporters should continue backing that wenger guy-they should call me for monetary support when he leaves and we have a very ambitious and good manager who speaks the truth and acts when needed for a club that is not POOR.

  29. fozzys mate

    Apr 25, 2011, 9:17 #5739

    "We have not been stable enough defensively". Did we not hear an almost identical phrase at the end of last season? At the point Silvestre was replaced by Squillaci (like for like) and two seasoned and extremely experienced centre backs in Gallas and Campbell (albeit Sol was past it) were replaced by another relative rookie in Koscielny. He admitted after the window closed that he knew Vermaelen was out for the season and Djourou having missed the whole of last season, "surprisingly" again missed a large part of the season. Anyone who has any knowledge of Arsenal knew after the change of stance in the January window (given the Tommy V position) from we will sign a centre back to we may to we will if somebody top class knocks on my door, would lead to further calamity. We have a self confessed cash reserve of 110 million and criminally have not spent the 35 million proceeds of the sale of Toure (for a long time one of the best centre backs) and Adebayor (now a Real Madrid regular). My only hope is that we are not bemoaning our defensive frailty next April. Surely a lump of that cash must have Gary Cahills name on it?

  30. EborGooner

    Apr 25, 2011, 9:09 #5738

    Good article and pretty much spot on. I used to think that AW had an exceptionally clever footballing brain and "spin" was merely used not to undermine his own team. However, I'm now thinking that the problem is that Arsene really believes it! Until someone at the club is strong enough to point out the obvious failings and deficincies then NOTHING will change. Let's hope Kroenke does shake things up again or next season will be just like the last few (but without Cesc, probably)

  31. Bergy

    Apr 25, 2011, 8:52 #5736

    I think that's exactly what we'll hear from Wenger, even if we end up 4th.

  32. Goonergetyou

    Apr 25, 2011, 8:45 #5735

    So so negative. The man isn't perfect, no manager is, however what does he have to do to get credit for the great job he performs year in year out despite the unjustly critical barrage he gets from spoilt fans. When will people realise that we are not Real Madrid? And I for one am thankful of that.

  33. mad_gooner

    Apr 25, 2011, 8:25 #5734

    sadly its gonna pan out exactly like that...really hope wenger changes.. which he wont at dat age one cant expect that..what is needed is change either at the top or in the backroom and some signings...though the inevitable will be hard to swallow wenger being kicked out but that is something that must be pursued no man is bigger then the luks very much like dat right now...

  34. alan

    Apr 25, 2011, 8:18 #5732

    Would Manure have allowed Red Nose to stay had he not won anything for the last 4 years let alone 6 ?

  35. HowardL

    Apr 25, 2011, 8:06 #5731

    The man has strengths but also weaknesses. A bit like most of us really. I agree he has to change some fundamentals - buy players, practice shooting, focus more on defence - otherwise Arsenal will continue to be outmuscled and win nothing. The funny thing though is that, in your attempt to criticise Wenger you've actually made some good points in his favour. And you omitted the appalling refereeing decisions - Saha offside, 2 non-existent penalties at Newcastle, 3 minutes extra extra time. Finally this weekend: Anichebe is dragged down by Ferdinand (also last man) but no penalty or Red Card - as it's Man Utd and Old Trafford. Sturridge dives against Arsenal: penalty instead of a yellow card. Maybe the ref is unsighted (or maybe not) but Sky cameras capture it all... and ... Sturridge is awarded Man of the Match! FH! Conspiracy theory is alive and well.

  36. bergkampdude

    Apr 25, 2011, 7:42 #5730

    I tried to picture Arsene say all that in his characteristic French accented English and a straight face. Really funny!

  37. Green Lane Gooner

    Apr 25, 2011, 7:36 #5729

    I watched the Bolton debacle with my 8 year old daughter yesterday and she noticed the possession stat appear on the screen: Bolton 25% - Arsenal 75% she said "wow that's a lot, that's good right?" I told her it would be if it actually meant anything, 10 mins later Bolton got their second goal... AW is not ever going to instill a winning mentality into our team as it needs to be instilled in the defenders and he has no track record of that, he inherited Adams et al who already had it and sadly it went with them.

  38. Adam ripp

    Apr 25, 2011, 7:35 #5728

    I watched mr wenger yesterday and he looked absolutely broken. The man is trying so hard to do things his way. With a rock solid belief it's the right way. It's so sad seeing him do this to himself. He really is a fantastic human being. He does so much for sick kids and charity. Something you will never hear him talk about. Yet I can't help but think he is starting to damage his health and reputation. I would hate to see the man publicly betrayed by the arsenal supporters. For his own sake he should call it a day. Then we can all remember him for the great man he is.

  39. colesy

    Apr 25, 2011, 7:27 #5727

    you've forgotten one of Wenger's favourites about injured players returning to training - being "like a new signing"!

  40. JamesLT

    Apr 25, 2011, 7:26 #5726

    Exactly right - took the words out of my mouth. The one area of expertise where his powers haven't waned is in spin, although many Gooners at least are now wise to it. A couple of weeks ago we were hearing how our defence was better than United's, then last week the focus was on our unbeaten run. Yesterday, after yet another disastrous result and performance, he distracts the media with the announcement that he should be to blame if anyone is to blame, then subtly adds that the strategy for the club is the right one and hints that he will not change it.

  41. Martin Warne

    Apr 25, 2011, 7:06 #5725

    Totally spot on. Maybe we should run a poll on Should Wenger Change or Be Changed or not?