At Least My Boss Won £70

Hospitality tale from last Wednesday’s derby

At Least My Boss Won £70

Grub up at the Lane

It’s not very often I get opportunities to do the whole ‘corporate hospitality’ thing. So when work got offered a night out in the Executive Suite at Spurs by our lawyers for the North London Derby I jumped at the chance. Woo, and indeed ha.

I clocked off early to make the epic journey to N17 (we might complain about getting home from the Arsenal, but you have to pity those who have to schlep to WHL every week – their journey is epic and you end up arriving in the Crimea), and as I got closer to Spurs territory I realised that I was the only person left on the train who didn't look like an Orc. I felt like Viggo f***ing Mortenson in Lord of the Rings.

On arrival at ‘The Oak Room’, a thoroughly nice lady showed me to my table. I was the first one there from my party so sat down to delve through my Spurs’ goody bag (complimentary programme and a Spurs-branded chequebook holder. That’ll come in handy when I go back to 1988) as Ken Friar walked past me followed shortly afterwards by David Dein. The two did not talk and seemed to be avoiding each other, so read into that what you will…

In fairness to the enemy, they put on a decent show. Champagne and canapé reception as a specially recorded video of ‘arry and a bunch of Spurs players welcoming you to WHL played in the background, followed by highlights of their Club’s apparently ‘glorious’ history. Most of it in black & white.

Dinner was a salmon terrine followed by a nice cut of sirloin steak and a cracking bit of pudding, all accompanied by free bevvies. Absolutely no complaints from your correspondent in red tie (as was my boss, also a Gooner) at this stage… until we had to make our way to our seats. Spurs have three executive boxes by the looks of it, and they were on the opposite side of the ground, so we made our way along a couple of carpeted, oak panelled corridors before finding ourselves in a fire escape, and then in the West Upper concourse where we were surrounded by skinheads

Our seats were decent, halfway up the West Upper and next to the travelling Gooners (safety in numbers), although I nearly did for myself when Theo opened the scoring and I couldn’t help but do a fist bump. There was a 24 stone Spud in front of me who caught me celebrating and I very quickly turned my joy into a suppressed yawn. No Oscar nomination for me, but dear GOD, I deserved one!

The less said about the game the better, but having to stand up and politely applaud when Spurs scored on three separate occasions was as humiliating an experience as I can remember.

The final whistle blew, and although I thought I has just seen a 3-3 draw, it turned out I had seen Spurs win the League, the Ryder Cup, the General Election and the X-Factor in one go judging by their celebrations. My fellow Gooners and I were then invited to ‘f*** off back to Woolwich’ because ‘North London is [theirs]’. Quite.

We made it back to our suite where there was thankfully more free booze, and I could at least whinge about the game with the other Gooners in our party, including my boss who put a fiver on 3-3 in the hope of jinxing the result and who was now ruing the £70 he now had to take home and which he would have swapped a hundred times over for three points.

Then, there was a nice touch. Rafael van der Vaart appeared and did a 15-minute Q&A and walk-around with the 50 or so people in our suite and was presented with his MotM award by a fan before posing for photos. When asked what was going through his mind when he stepped up to take the equalising penalty he answered “I was s***ting my pants”. Fair play to him! Can you imagine Lord Wenger allowing his precious babies an opportunity to interact with the scumbag proletariat who keep him and his perennial underachievers in iced Evian?

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  1. Steve 1967

    Apr 28, 2011, 14:37 #5973

    Who was it that walked out of WHL saying "there used to be a football club in there"? Err....Keith Burkinshaw referring to how THFC had sold out to the corporate dollar in the 80s by cutting your ground capacity to pathetic levels even before all seater stadia. We took over the town the night we knocked you out in the League Cup semi in '87 with another young side that cost nothing and we've been mugging you lot off ever since. Hurts doesn't it? Proper football club my Aunt Fanny. Up the Gunners.

  2. Stevesam

    Apr 28, 2011, 0:04 #5914

    Are you related to Eboue you gutless clown.

  3. pat lambe

    Apr 27, 2011, 21:52 #5913

    14-1 for a 3-3 draw,yeah right

  4. wenger out

    Apr 27, 2011, 20:44 #5912

    Sorry, I could never, ever applaud that lot (or any other team for that matter). Get Wenger out!

  5. Mark

    Apr 27, 2011, 18:23 #5907

    there is potentially some truth to what you say about arsenal potentially having lost the common touch / link with the fans compared to other clubs. when arsenal were building the emirates they heavily focused on chasing the corporate types rather than the everyday fan but that will happen to spurs also if they eventually can afford a move to a proper stadium

  6. Mick

    Apr 27, 2011, 18:06 #5906

    What a complete and utter knobhead. You and 'your boss' are just the kind of chinless pratts that are ruining our football club. I cant believe the gooner belittled itself in including this pretentious drivel. Clear off and follow Chelski.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2011, 17:51 #5905

    good piece thanks for making me laugh in these difficult times.

  8. Gman

    Apr 27, 2011, 15:59 #5898

    Amusing piece and Alan you're a typical smelly cock living in the past, getting nostalgic with the distant memories of mythical glory. Hope you enjoyed your holiday in Europe this year because you’ll be staying home next season!.

  9. bunch

    Apr 27, 2011, 14:00 #5891

    Whoa, Alan mate chill out. Yer man gets a free ticket to NLD with free food and tells his tale on here. No need to call him a pomous git. I don't like what Corporate Hostility has done to the atmosphere at football but if I was given an invite I think I'd go. Not too proud to turn down a free meal and beer. Undercover Gooner needs to change lawyers though.

  10. Big Fish

    Apr 27, 2011, 13:43 #5888

    The Emirates tries to provide an all encompassing corporate feel. All I hear from Arsenal fans is about their better leg room and superior grub. Well, excuse me for stating the bleeding obvious, but that's not what football's about is it? And that's why nearly double the number of fans at the Emirates make half the noise of White Hart Lane. Regarding the 3-3, a great game for sure, but most Spurs fans I know were actually gutted that we didn't win it, such was our 2nd half domination.

  11. frontwheel

    Apr 27, 2011, 13:34 #5886

    spot on Alan,and he,s lying about the bet it would have been at least 40-1 not 14-1,and tottenham fans would have supported their team,were you really there ? i doubt it

  12. baggyshorts

    Apr 27, 2011, 12:31 #5879

    What another blinkered non-footy fan? I was also at the said reception and spoke to several of the players after the game, Vdv being one of them. we spoke of the penalty and he said, "you do your best and hope its good enough." It was said in his usual matter of fact way and there was absolutely no question of your dreamed-up pant s***ting. Having spoken to him on several occasions I dont believe he even thought too much about it. I also believe that specsavers do hearing aids. As for the remainder of you ramblings you might recall the last two years, even at the Emerates. Regards Baggyshorts

  13. Alan

    Apr 27, 2011, 10:58 #5873

    In other words Spurs are proper football club whilst Arsenal are a bunch of corporate stiffs like yourself. Turning up your nose at anything that isn't wrapped in leather. What has football come to when people do reviews on the corporate hospitality facilities and bet against their own club whilst also allowing themselves to be put in a position whereby they are applauding the rival team. No doubt you won't publish this post as you prefer to have a view without ever being challenged on it. Pompous git.