Wenger: The Case for the Prosecution

Evidence for a change at the top is overwhelming

Wenger: The Case for the Prosecution

Merci for the memories

Everyone knows what Arsene Wenger has achieved for this club, but it is time for Arsenal fans to stop talking about the past, and to stop believing in the ‘bright future’ continuously promised every year since 2006 but which never actually arrives.

I hear an awful lot of different theories on Arsenal players and Arsene Wenger. One thing that is undeniable is that this Arsenal team is subject to serious mental deficiency, and is psychologically brittle. The evidence is overwhelming and well documented – from repeated frittering of leads against Spurs, Newcastle and Wigan to the infamous recent Liverpool fiasco.

While the players tend to bear the brunt of the criticism, there comes a time when Arsenal fans need to stop blaming individuals for their crass stupidity and patent inability to learn, and start looking at the methodology behind the coaching and continuous selection of these players. Although the names of the players complained about keep changing – Hleb, Silvestre, Squillaci, Denilson, Bendtner – to name but a few - there has been one constant, common denominator - Arsene Wenger. The ingrained loser’s mentality that is now prevalent in the club has been fostered by Wenger’s culture of over-permissiveness, and his refusal to apportion blame where it is due. I have lost count of the number of times I have seen unacceptable behaviour by an Arsenal player, rewarded by the said player walking straight back into the team. As an example: Abou Diaby’s insanity at St James Park. Had Diaby cost any other big club in the manner he cost Arsenal, be sure that he would have been reprimanded in such a manner that he would have been afraid ever to transgress again. Instead, imagine my horror to see Diaby booting the ball away completely needlessly at Blackpool, in a match Arsenal were in total control of.

We subsequently found out that it was Robin van Persie who had to administer some semblance of dressing room discipline to Diaby. We are also informed by Arshavin that after becoming the first team in history to throw away a 4 goal lead at Newcastle, the manager said ‘nothing’ to the players. This constant lack of discipline has been encouraged by Wenger, who is only too willing to blame anyone and everything but his own flawed management and methodology.

I honestly fail to see how anyone can present a fact-based case, based on recent evidence, as to how Arsene Wenger can remain as Arsenal manager. He is the root cause of our malaise. A manager who insists that he would ‘sign up for twenty years’ to second place, has no business calling himself the manager of a club of Arsenal’s standing, and the fans should certainly not accept such a climate of complacency.

The dwindling amount of AKBs who sit on the fence and claim that: ‘I want Arsene to stay, I just want him to change’ are effectively and unwittingly providing a vote of no confidence. This is tantamount to a husband claiming that ‘I want to stay with my wife, I just want her to completely change who she is’. Alternatively, it would be like demanding an entire government cabinet be fired, but for the Prime Minister to remain in situ, despite being the central figure of that cabinet.

Arsene Wenger is incapable of change. He has been indulged for far too long, and Arsenal fans now need to ask themselves whether we can allow ourselves to consider Arsenal a ‘big club’ if the greater concerns of the club are now secondary to the whims of one man. Is Wenger bigger than the club? If we are a small club who would implode under the weight of Wenger’s departure, then yes, Arsenal are a small club whose future depends on one individual.

This is clearly a fictitious notion. Arsenal are a big club, who were in possession of ten league titles long before Arsene Wenger had arrived at this club. There are a number of occurrences that take place at this club that are in my view, patently unacceptable.

We are (mis)informed that Wenger does an excellent job ‘despite the financial constraints he is under’. This is not a fact-based argument and appears rather weak when one considers that Arsenal have a wage bill of over £110 million. Spurs have a reported wage bill of just £67 million. There is a massive financial disparity right there, but this is never mentioned when Wenger’s so-called financial prudence is uttered. The insistence on renewing the contracts of undeserving individuals has created a false economy, and a system that is the polar opposite of a meritocracy. The manager has assured a mediocre group of players that irrespective of performance, they will not be subjected to competition for places as this may ‘kill’ them.

Could you imagine applying such an absurd notion to a real-life working environment?

Wenger’s other faults have little or nothing to do with finances. Coaching a defence to defend set-pieces costs little, and when Alex McLeish is tactically outthinking you in a cup final, you know there is a major issue. Appointing a number 2 to challenge your authority costs very little, yet Jack Wilshere claims that Jens Lehmann at half-time against Blackpool was ‘like an assistant manager’. Oh is that so? So what is Pat Rice?

The most grating problem, and the reason Arsene Wenger in my opinion needs to be thanked and then shown the door, is that the ‘six years no trophies’ is not the main issue. The main issue is that Arsene Wenger has the resources at his disposal to rectify glaring deficiencies in the team, but he continues to show a complete disregard for this, and seems more concerned about bringing his pet ‘project’ to fruition. Wenger makes derisory comments about the fans, yet, these people who ‘have not worked even half a day in football’ seemed to know their stuff about Manuel Almunia, about Denilson’s suitability as a holding midfielder and about playing Van Persie (a number 10) as the focal point of an attack without a number 9 to run the line.

Arsene Wenger cannot, and will not change. It is a forlorn fantasy to expect him to do so. The more Wenger is challenged, the more entrenched he becomes, and this is evidenced by his outrageous comments in press conferences, followed up by the dim-witted Hill-Wood’s ill-advised, crass commentary.

Those that witter on about money fail to note for instance, that despite Laurent Koscielny having cost more than Nemanja Vidic, Vincent Kompany, Patrice Evra and Ivanovic, he has yet to learn that as a defender you simply do not go to ground inside the penalty area. This proves the lack of attention to tactical detail that takes place at Arsenal and this is a managerial issue that has not been rectified.

A further and more grave issue that has disheartened many Arsenal fans is the leadership issue. Again, Wenger has shown a patent disregard for the fans when he claimed that ‘in England you like to focus on fighting qualities a little too much’. He went on to extol the virtues of the ‘collective expression’ they so treasure in France. May I please be reminded at this juncture which country Wenger manages in please?

The leadership issue dovetails nicely with the Cesc Fabregas scenario. It has become apparent, through his increasingly vocal and acerbic public outbursts, that Cesc Fabregas is angling for a move away from Arsenal. Fabregas is a superb footballer, who has been badly let down by his manager, who failed to surround him with the requisite quality to make Cesc believe in this team. His desire to leave is understandable. However I, like many others, was extremely disappointed with his shenanigans in the Nou Camp prior to the Barca game when he was canoodling and giggling with his future team-mates.

The past three Arsenal captains have all presented us with evidence of the lack of foresight that has gone into the Arsenal captaincy. The captaincy of Arsenal is important, it is an honour to be bestowed and not a leverage tool to appease want-away star players. Arsene Wenger first did this with Patrick Vieira whom, despite being a superb captain and leader, was desperate to leave Arsenal in our Invincible season. Real Madrid made an official bid of £31 million that was turned down after a protracted saga. After a season of going through the motions, visible through Vieira’s body language, he was sold at a knockdown £14 million to Juventus. So the next time someone mentions Wenger’s ‘constrained finances’, any manager willing to lose out £17 million on a transfer whilst increasing the unhappy player’s contract cannot be in dire straits.

The Cesc situation is a mirror of the Vieira scenario. Now we are hearing the usual howls from some Gooners claiming ‘Sell Cesc for £50 million and use the money to sign such and such’.

As long as Arsene Wenger is in charge, that money will never be used. I am still to this day, waiting with bated breath to see what will happen to the £41 million we received from Manchester City for Kolo Toure and Emmanuel Adebayor.

Arsene Wenger is not doing the Arsenal job out of love and charity. He is remunerated to the tune of £6.5 million per year. He has not won a single trophy in six years and attempts to persuade the world that finishing top four – whilst managing the team with the third/fourth highest wage bill in the league – is an achievement. It is not an achievement. And when a manager is being paid more than Alex Ferguson and Pep Guardiola, you really need to begin to ask yourself what fact-based justification there can be for keeping him in his role. We are often asked by the AKBs ‘who would you replace him with?’

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  1. essex gooner

    May 04, 2011, 16:07 #6194

    some good points but lots of hearsay rubbish too, would others accept he is 1 of the top 4 wage earners well yes actually we have been a persistant top 4 club under him!! You should never muddy the waters by comparing football to other business as a solvent club consistantly making the CL(biggest earner) in any other walk of life this conversation would not be happening, which kind of answers, any question you or anybody else may have for the board of course they love the guy, taking football as a business finance comes 1st trophies are a bonus (**** I know but it is the truth) Take football as a sport and trophies come 1st. If Arsene failed to make us top 4 the board would turn very quickly. He can rightfully suggest he'd take 2nd place for 20 years, its unlikely to happen and on some years if that was our aim someone would slip up and we would win, don't take that too seriously its a bit like those people who swear on their Mothers life its meaningless. Pause 4 thought you are all adding to what is a biased media circus, Spurs lit up the champions league, but who this season broke the record for goals scored in the group stage? Spurs had a wonderful season we didn't yet we are 3rd and hopefully going to win our final games and their chances of getting back in the CL seem to be diminishing. I like you would prefer to be comparing us to someone other than spurs but take Man Utd they bottled it last season and may well do the same this year. I would like to see changes but I feel more tweaking than wholesale changes would be better, we have a stable club and would like to see it stay that way, any player who hasn't held down a 1st team spot but should have done i.e. Denni, Bendy, Rosicky should go. Some more experience should be bought, either way I would give AW at least one more year to turn it around.

  2. dubbledubs71

    May 03, 2011, 23:14 #6149

    i am sick to death of this club being a laughing stock & i know there will be no changes this season. teams like the spuds n ciddy are going to overtake us while arsenal are stuck in reverse same players same result. wenger needs to move upstairs with calculator in hand. wot is wrong with giving steve bould u21 coach n ex defender a shot with someone like ray wilkins as no 2 cuz as far as i can see wenger or pat rice do have a f**king scooby anymore

  3. Luke Whiffen

    May 01, 2011, 23:03 #6090

    Robin van persie injured, Vermaelen injured, Aaron Ramsey injured, Theo Walcott injured. If we had these players available all season things probably would be different. I see Vermaelen as a natural leader and Jack Wilshere has a great deal of the lionheart about him, however I agree we could do with 2 or 3 others that can really boss it. Wenger is relying on brain more than brawn, trouble is sometimes you need warriors who can think AND fight

  4. Nick

    May 01, 2011, 13:22 #6086

    Don't agree with the article. Typical quick fix wanted with no solution. No smoke blown up the authors ass from here.

  5. Ciaran

    May 01, 2011, 13:07 #6085

    Cracking article and pretty much spot on.

  6. Tox Shaw

    May 01, 2011, 11:39 #6083

    Couldn't agree more. But a lot of Arsenal fans become irrational when it comes to Wenger. Its time to shake things up. Wenger has become a polarizing factor among fans too.

  7. Danny

    May 01, 2011, 11:06 #6082

    Fantastic article... Well written and spot on.

  8. wale

    May 01, 2011, 10:40 #6081

    I agree with everything in the post, the only problem is the fact that people think Wenger can bring back the glorious days. Wenger can't do this team any good anymore so the earlier we realize this the better. His tactical approach is zero and to me we are where we are by luck. Even if he buys experience he can't motivate them and his tactics are way off the negative football teams play now. If SAF was managing this team he would be better off Wenger. I feel sorry for the future of this team. We really need to know if we are a club that raise kids or a team that is competing.

  9. Himank

    May 01, 2011, 10:30 #6080

    Fantastic Piece Sir! Agree with each and every word. It is time for a young manager not young players at Arsenal

  10. Mark

    Apr 29, 2011, 9:22 #5994

    mediocre young 2nd ranking players who are loyal to AW for upping their wages and bringing them to a club like Arsenal seems to be the way of things today. so you end up with 15 guys at £80k/week when you would do better with 4 players at £150k/week and 10 players at £60k/week. your stars would lift up the performances of the lower players. however stars come with strong personalities and AW clearly does not like players with strong personalities preferring a bunch of non descript young guys who darent say a word. problem is this shows on the pitch. Berkhamp, Viera, Petit, Adams, Keown, Llungberg used to be shouting at the ref all game just like Man U players do today because their passion and desire was massive. a revved up bunch of amateurs from hackney marshes could frighten the current arsenal squad. Rosicky ? really guys what is this guy doing at Arsenal ? he is the biggest bottler in football, overpaid, underworked, negative, contributes zero. 1 of AW worst ever signings. In fact I believe and you will see that David Dein's input on signings in the past was critical. AW aint so brilliant when left on his own to make decisions

  11. Ronster

    Apr 29, 2011, 8:39 #5993

    Anyone else received the Arsenal email hawking the Emirates Cup tickets....beggars belief...roll up,roll up...watch the mighty Arsenal win their first silverware of the season! Also watch out for Fergie's comments in support of Wenger before Sunday's game....he must be pissing himself laughing!

  12. Rusty

    Apr 29, 2011, 2:52 #5990

    most people i know say that with a decent keeper arsenal would have won the league... i believe that the player who would have most benefited the team is Jamie Carragher, yes he's slow, no he isn't the best defender in the league BUT what he does have is leadership and he is the best defensive organiser in the world. As a Liverpool fan I'm not going to try and cause trouble here by claiming it was or wasn't a penalty but Eboue's challenge on Lucas was pointless and just highlighted how ill disciplined Arsenals defence has been this season, also I really believe that Wenger doesn't inspire teams, what he IS good at though is the technical side of the game hence why his Arsenal's youth set-up is so good and why he did so well reaping the benefits of a very naturally talented but poorly coached Nagoya side but Arsenals first team has technical ability and experience, what they lack is heart the willingness to give 110% for the fans and the shirt, just my opinion though -_-

  13. Unbeaten03/04

    Apr 29, 2011, 1:17 #5989

    I agree with some of the stuffs you have mentioned but removing Arsene and leaving the back stage staffs untouch is worst. It's like the Tory leader wins the election as Prime Minister and have all the labour ministers as back office to support the prime minister. I don't understand where do you get your facts that it's certain that pep guardiola will be the next Arsenal Manager. He is a cheat - all his players do is roll on the floor like little girls having a tantrum. I think Arsene has his fair share of blame but if the board attitude doesn't change then what's the point getting a new manager?

  14. CHGooner

    Apr 28, 2011, 23:54 #5988

    Top notch. I thought it might take longer but eventually the majority of Arsenal fans are realising it. We've been taken for a ride. Change is essential in any organisation, and whilst we have seen plenty of change in the Boardroom, the most important figure at the club has been given free rein to pursue a false agenda for far too long. Change in this area is not just desirable but essential in my view if the fans - who are the ultimate paymasters - can reconnect with the football club we all love and cherish. Thank you Emmanuel for such a lucid and passionate piece.

  15. Juan Alcocer

    Apr 28, 2011, 22:47 #5986

    Simply put, that was the BEST article i have EVER read on what needs to be done and why. The ONLY thing we can do at the moment, is WAIT and see what exactly The new power duo of Kroenke and Gazidis are going to do. Will they sit around and count the profits and enjoy the flowing Don Perignon, or will they ask the Honest questions that need to be asked, and make the difficult decisions that need to be made regarding the current Team management and players. Frankly, i find it appalling that the club have turned down so many opportunities to do lucrative tours around the world simply cause wenger don't want to... I think the biggest decision SO FAR, has been the obvious Over-ruling of Wenger in regards to Commercial tours (Far east tour this summer) and i Hope that that's a sign of things to come.

  16. SilverGooner

    Apr 28, 2011, 21:08 #5985

    How I wish I could dismiss this article like some of the AKB's have. Well observed and representative of an ever-increasing number of Gooner's who are fast losing patience with Arsene Wenger. This season has been the final straw and I cannot see how anyone thinks we are going to win another trophy if things stay as they are. Such is the sad state of affairs that I bet Fergie and his team aren't in the least bit bothered about Sunday's trip to the Emirates. Oh - and weren't we supposed to have a nice easy run-in at the end of the season? Sorry Arsene - the buck stops fairly and squarely with you. Your trophy-winning days are fast becoming a dim and distant memory.

  17. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 28, 2011, 20:06 #5984

    We can foam at the mouth all we like, but he isn't going to go unless we, the fans, do the thing that he doesn't want to happen, and that means loudly calling for his head at a home game in front of Alex Ferguson. He simply refuses to get the basic twopenny halfpenny things right, and that is not acceptable in any manager of our club.

  18. 6ooner Pete

    Apr 28, 2011, 18:36 #5981

    Agree with the article. Unfortunately, even if Arsene did leave ( we live in hope ) it would take a new manager a long time to sort out the mess. Players on inflated wages are unlikely to want to leave for less money than they're on so we may well be stuck with them until their contracts run out. A worrying few years ahead whether Arsene stays or goes.

  19. Aaron

    Apr 28, 2011, 16:40 #5977

    Go on the official website. Wenger "we have closed the gap on United". Facts are Man Utd are about to win their 4th league in 5 years and appear in 3 of the last 4 Champions League finals. This man is seriously deluded

  20. pires' goatee

    Apr 28, 2011, 15:35 #5975

    Sorry, articles such as this are pretty shameful. be careful what you wish for indeed.

  21. GunnerZim

    Apr 28, 2011, 14:37 #5974

    What a spectacularly naive article! You have spent a lot of time putting forward what needs to happen at Arsenal.DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH! The current board will not sack Wenger. There is no manager on the planet who can do the job that Wenger does. I am convinced that the man is operating under certain financial constraints. I do not buy the 40 million quid transfer kitty nonsense. Whoever told you that Wenger truly has access to these funds. Anyone with even the barest knowledge of finance will tell you that you can create funds or reserves and call them any name you like but there is no obligation to use them. In any case how many players of the stature you require would we buy on that amount. Torres cost 50 mil and Caroll cost 35! 40 million would buy you much! I am as much frustrated about our annual implosions as the next Gooner but my anger is more directed towards the board not Wenger. As a manager he has his own weaknesses but I dont doubt his absolute love for the club and the unbelievable effort that he puts into the job. He has won several trophies in England and certainly knows what it takes. I will forgive him his mistakes as he is only human. He will come good again with a few tweaks here and there. You say he is mismanaging the finances because Arsenal wages are third/fourth in the league? Well I've got news for you buddy ARSENAL ARE THIRD IN THE LEAGUE and the teams which pay more are Manure and Chelski. If we had the third highest wages and were sitting in 10th then there would be a problem. I am disgusted by the endless moaning from Arsenal fans. Its fans like you who contribute to the constipated atmosphere at the stadium. You complain that the team has no mental strength but one wonders where is YOUR mental strength???? We mess up all over the place but we are not totally crap! You don't get as far as we do by being crap. All we need is to be honest with ourselves and address the weaknesses. Stop moaning and get behind the team!!

  22. AWS

    Apr 28, 2011, 14:31 #5972

    I agree with just about every comment in the article but I cannot agree with the general belief that 'we have so much to thank Wenger for in the past'. He took over the best back 5 in Britain (possibly in Europe), the genius that was Bergkampand others like Ian Wright and Parlour (who he always seemed to try desperately not to play even though it was obvious we played better with him than without) added a few, very good, players of his own and had a few great years. But it was not his team. Wenger was basically the coach of the team - not it's manager - and this is the problem, he may be a great coach but he is a useless manager.He does not understand the concept of 'Team', does not understand that you need defenders and strikers, not just midfielders.A final point about the Invincibles - they were not that good - they did not achieve a record number of points, did not score a record number of goals, did not achieve a record fewest goals against, did not have a record number of wins - they just managed not to lose by having a lot of draws. Wenger with his own teams has achieved nothing. The terrible thing is that Wenger will probably decide who takes over from him (what chance a Frenchman) so we can look forward to the next ten years without winning anything.

  23. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 28, 2011, 14:09 #5971

    An exceedingly lazy, boring cliche ridden article. And its too long.

  24. Dan

    Apr 28, 2011, 13:57 #5970

    If you said to any Gooner at the end of last season who needs to be cleared out of the club the names would have been Almunia Fabianski Eboue Rosicky Denilson Diaby and Bendtner.Not one of them went.So what makes anyone believe Wenger will clear them out this summer? they are no worst than they were last summer.And be honest unless we give them free transfers with their huge wages who will buy them?What club other than us will pay Eboue Denilson Diaby Rosicky and Bendtner £50k a week.We are ****ing stuck with them.Well done Wenger you ****

  25. tres

    Apr 28, 2011, 13:44 #5969

    bloody hell - maybe you should go and manage the team

  26. Julio Iglesias

    Apr 28, 2011, 13:42 #5968

    And as for these ridiculous arguments that because some of United's players cost less than ours that somehow means Fergie gets more bargains than Wenger: Bebe - £7m, Tosic - £10m (so add Hernandez to those two and he's signed one good player for £23m, outstanding work), Ferdinand, Rooney and Berbatov all about £30m, Carrick, Valencia and Anderson all around £18m (so the combined fee for those three is more than what we paid for our entire first choice eleven). Get a grip, people.

  27. David

    Apr 28, 2011, 13:31 #5967

    Unfortunately my lunch break simply is not long enough to permit me to respond to the non-fact based opinions of the author. However, I think it fair to remind readers that it was only 3 years ago he wrote on this very website "Arsene Wenger has done more for this club than other player or manager in living memory. He is a man of integrity who has given British football some of the most breathtaking and technical brilliance it has witnessed - in stark contrast to the series of negative boredom the likes of Mourinho and Allardyce have given us. He went a season unbeaten, broke numerous records and turned Arsenal from a good club into one of the biggest and richest in the world. His name will forever be associated with Arsenal and his grace and integrity will always make him the perfect ambassador for Arsenal. A true legend". That is very contradictory to what he now writes!

  28. Ross

    Apr 28, 2011, 13:25 #5966

    Not sure you can criticise the policy of developing youth players, then say 'well, because we do that then it makes sense to get this manager because he is young'. I don't disagree with you with regards to Villas Boas, but your reasoning is pretty flawed. This isn't the only instance of you contradicting yourself over this article. I still think Wenger is the right manager for Arsenal, and his comments in the media since the loss to Bolton indicate that he will finally look to address the problems that have been the cause of our demise in recent seasons. As many people have mentioned, Barcelona went a similar period of time without trophies, and look at them now. And what is the main source of their talent? Their youth system (which we dip into rather frequently). A little more patience, please. It is still a young side, and the quality of our youth system is just beginning to shine through with the likes of Szczesny, Wilshere etc. Frimpong should start to break into the team next season and give a bit of competition for Alex Song. At the end of the day, we were closer to the title this year than last, meaning that only a few tweaks are needed. Vermalen to go next season without injury, a few less poor refereeing decisions against us, and the story may be very different.

  29. SonofaGun

    Apr 28, 2011, 13:21 #5965

    Your analysis is spot on and you are absolutely right that the lack of any control over Wenger is at the root cause of our current problems. Where you and I part company is the conclusion. It looks to me that the penny has dropped for Wenger and he knows change needs to happen. The new owner will put him under more pressure to succeed and obey the laws of wage bill economics. With the right assistant coach - to my mind a proven outsider like Ray Wilkins is what we need - and Gazidis flexing his muscles with Stan's backing we could see a new Wenger this summer and next season. If we fire Wenger we will get change, for sure, but we won't know whether it is for the better. You might find we look back fondly on finishing fourth.

  30. Matt

    Apr 28, 2011, 13:15 #5964

    Agree with most things said, however I concede to knowing very little about the man to tip to succeed Wenger so I wouldn't agree on that point. Personally, I would like to see one of Louis Van Gaal or Frank Rjikaard take the reigns

  31. John Evans

    Apr 28, 2011, 13:09 #5963

    I can not see anyway how we would go any further downhill with a new man at the helm of the club. I do not fear the day AW leaves the club one percent. All good things come to an end and this good thing ended a long time ago in my opinion

  32. Loyal since 1980

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:53 #5962

    I think (I hope!) that AW has learnt from this season, he has admitted that defensivly that have been poor in key areas, so for season 2011/12 AW has to address these problems, if he does not and this time next year we are in the same situation, with the same players, minus Cese and samir (I hope not), then I think he will do the honourable thing and resign with the words ' I have taken this club as far as i can'.

  33. no. 1 is perry groves

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:49 #5960

    not a bad article, the "poor old cesc" comments do not sit well with me. He is the captain of our club and is paid hansomely for being so. Yes its down to wenger to coach the players and their mentality up to the point they enter the pitch, then surely its down to the captain to carry this on during the game. Not once have a seen cesc do any of this. You could argue wenger (with good reason) should not have picked him as captain but he must have known what being captain entails when he accepted. Also, lets not forget we play the way we do now i.e 4-5-1/4-3-3 to suit fabregas beacuse its the way barca play. There are glaring problems with the team and with the way they have been managed by wenger but you must also look at the players and particularly the captain to shoulder some of the blame with some of the inept performances we have seen recently.

  34. Julio Iglesias

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:42 #5958

    Transfer spending plus wage spending since May 2004: Chelsea - £1,570m Man City - £1,020m Man Utd - £970m Liverpool - £860m Arsenal - £720m Tottenham - £660m The fact that we apparently bid £25m for Pepe Reina last summer would suggest there is now that kind of money to spend on a player if we can get them for that. But Chelsea, City, United, Barca and Real all pay higher wages than us, so we pretty much have to sign people either none of them want or none of them know about. Yet we've come very close to winning the league. Yes, there's a nervousness and a lack of a winning mentality (which comes with winning things...), but the fact that he's built a team where that is the only thing holding us back from winning the title on the funds at his disposal since the move began to be accounted for (making a £10m profit on transfer dealings) is nothing short of miraculous. Obviously it's massively frustrating to see us cock it up when we look easily technically good enough to be winning this league fairly comfortably. But to say we "just need a few players who are better and more experienced in the key positions" [you haven't here, but many people do elsewhere] seems far too flippant to me. A) Can we afford to persuade people to sell these players? B) Even if we can, will richer clubs not nip in and buy them instead of us? (Critiano Ronaldo was close to signing before United stepped in, remember.) And obviously the club being based in a relatively affluent area and ticket prices being what they are is a big boon for our finances, and enables us to compete on wages to the extent that we do. But if we could muster some more noise and encouragement then our home record (joint 6th best in the league with Spurs and Bolton) would be a lot more likely to match our away record (the best in the league).

  35. Trev Heff

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:41 #5957

    I've long been a loyal supporter of Arsene. But I sadly agree whole heartedly with the article. 6 seasons without a trophy and 7 without a title is just a bi-product (a big one at that) of the real problems infecting the club. To name but one, defenders who can't defend is always going to be an issue isn't it? We need to sweep a broom through the club and drastic change is now needed. I use to sign up to the theory that we're not far away, just two decent signings. But as things have been allowed to drift we are now further away than ever. We all know about the keeping situation & the defence, the lack of cover for Song, but we are also short of a genuine goal scorer, the squad is now littered with mediocrity, lacks variety and the coaching set up ineffective. The changes needed may well come with a slump, but if you offered me 4 more years of top 4 but no genuine challenge or a season out of the top 4 and the CL but followed by genuine tilts at the major trophies then I'd bite your hand off for the short term pain for the long term gain. This isn't a fickle finger up to not winning a trophy, it's a reluctant realisation over a long painful period that are problems are deepening under Arsene rather than being eased. The evidence as Emmanuel points out is now overwhelming and I am amazed that the call for change from the fans is not deafening to the extreme.

  36. H D

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:40 #5956

    Emmanuel, brilliant piece, agree with pretty much every word. What I perhaps don't agree with is the dwindling numbers you mention of the AKB, I would say the opposite is true, at least on blog sites. I don't know of any normal fan personally that isn't completely sick of the current situation, but in terms of blog sites you can't move for apologists, and like "True Arsenal Fan" has said already in response to your piece, "Be careful what you wish for". Because only a true Arsenal fan could say that you see, for being unhappy, you're not a true fan. I read on a blog site this week that we need less "fanatics" and more true supporters. Have you ever heard anything like it? I've been an Arsenal fanatic for the last 30 years, and now I'm supposed to apologise for it. Instead, a mild, thoughtful analysis is required. Perhaps each fan should be made to draw up a proposal for the smooth running of football operations in the short, medium and long term. The fans have got tied into areas of football for which they have no useful purpose. There's more pride taken in the financial results than the football. They need to get a grip. It's lovely that we're being run properly, but that's something that should be going on in the background, and it should be presumed rather than applauded. That's what the board are there to do. Our job is to be fans, fans of football that enjoy watching football matches, and most of all, enjoy winning football matches. I've seen numerous blog entries where people complain at the fans for turning up and expecting entertainment, well blow me down, what a wicked thing to expect for a grand a year. Perhaps pokers could be provided rather than comfy seats to complete the entire picture for being a true supporter. I applaud patience, and I applaud bringing young players through, but even young players and patience should bring some rewards. ie. Gradual improvement. No-one could say we're improving. We're just seeing the same mistakes made over and over again. We're seeing the young players wanting to move on once they've reached an appropriate level of grooming, to pastures new where they might win something. They're not mugs, why do we have to be? I don't necessarily want Arsene to go, they're hard words to say to someone you appreciate so much, but he needs to communicate to the fans "one more chance, please" and there's the magic word, "please", some acceptance that we've been patient, some acceptance that he's made mistakes, some acceptance that he understands what has been going wrong. I think all the fans will buy that, make a case to us, simply crawling under a rock for the summer and re-emerging with a happy face and meteoric predications of our success will no longer do. You can't say "Wait until the end of the season and see where we are", and then not answer to the fans when it's failed. We're overdue the answers now, we waited until the end, again and again and again.

  37. Nelson McConnell

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:37 #5955

    'I fail to see how anyone can present a fact-based case...as to how Arsene Wenger can remain as Arsenal Manager'. Get over yourself. But since you ask: Consistently high league finishes, and Champions League qualification. Fact. Trophy winning with style. Fact. Vision to create state of the art training ground and stadium. Fact. Attractive football. Fact. Great youth policy. Fact. Long term planning. Fact. Imperfect. Fact. Needs support. Fact. Ungracious loser. Fact. Better than 99% of realistic options. Fact. It's only a game. Fact.

  38. HumpJ

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:35 #5954

    The most successful football clubs and companies renew their leadership on a regular basis to avoid stagnation and see renewal more of an opportunity than a threat. There are clearly always exceptions to the rule, Fergie for one in football and Steve Jobs at Apple spring to mind, and their times will come. But by and large, renewal of leadership on a regular basis works. In the case of some organisations which seek to retain exceptional individuals, they create space to accommodate them – in football that is often termed “moving upstairs” a la Beckenbauer. I’m not suggesting that Arsenal should do this with Wenger or not, but the point is that Arsenal’s board and fans shouldn’t see this type of change as negative. The irony in this whole affair (somewhat sadly) is that Arsene’s been a big proponent of change – he dismantled a proven, winning formula and strategy which peaked in 2004 and replaced it – partly because he was financially obliged to do with the stadium, transfer/wage inflation etc but also because he is quite visionary and was given the freedom to do so. It is simply that in this case his vision hasn’t worked – the facts speak for themselves and reasons discussed ad nauseum. But what is sad is that we’re seeing a great man and good person becoming stitched up in his own rhetoric and defence the indefensible and I’d hate to see him go on a bitter, fan-divisive note. But that mustn’t be mistaken for saying he shouldn’t go.

  39. bharani bharadwaj

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:21 #5951

    u are a psycho what do u think do u expect arsenal to beat barca and manchester united yes there have been some mistakes i do not appreciate 4-4 draw with newcastle but if we let wenger go it means u let cesc,samir,robin,gael all gou just have to keep waiting during 1980's barca struggled to change the formation to 4-3-3 but their coach ordered them to stick to that formation and u are able to see the results now u ll see give him a year more and by the way u must be shameful to comment on wenger like that and u call urself an arsenal fan arsenal never would have come out as a top club if it not had been for wenger there is a way to send a gentleman out of a job and there is a way to send a creep like u out of a job know the difference and at the bernabau madrid produced 1 shot on target ie a long range shot from raonaldo

  40. GoonerS

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:10 #5950

    Let me summarise - we haven't won the league since 2004 or a trophy since 2005. Our players are poor and mentally weak and the coach is poor. We are third in the league, not third from bottom! There isn't that much wrong with the team, in fact our first 11 is pretty good. The squad players need improving a little. Is this team frustrating? Hell yes, but that is because there is a lot of talent that isn't being realised. I think Arsenal will buy a top quality centre back, a top quality defensive mid field player and a top quality centre forward. If Cesc leaves add another mid field player to that list. Arsene wenger isn't stupid he knows what is wrong with the team, better than you or I. No club can win something every year. I don't understand where these unrealistic expectations, in our fan base, come from unless you're a sucker for the Talksport mentality of journalism. In my time of supporting Arsenal(over 40 years) we have had 12 winning seasons, most seasons we didn't win anything. During this time we have had two separate stretches of 7 years without winning anything. So this is pretty normal if you're an older supporter, in fact it's better than normal given our league placings. "Not a big club" - We haven't finished outstide the top 4 for years, in a recent Forbes list we are third in ranking in terms of wealth in the world, admitidly we have to be careful with those lists but tell me on what basis are you judging Arsenal? We sell out 60,0000 most weeks, we are competitive in the league, we have been in the Champions league for years on end etc etc. So you're not happy with Wenger? You want a change, be careful what you wish for . In years to come when we really are going through a slump (it will happen) we will all look back on this current period with a sense of proportion unfortunately there isn't much of that about at the moment.

  41. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:56 #5949

    Great article and bang on. Clubs do change managers and are succesful. Mourinho coming into Chelsea worked, as did Ancelotti. Hodgson at Fulham, Rafa at first at Liverpool. Coyle at Bolton, Twitcher at Spurs. All different examples of clubs changing the manager and working on various levels. And anyway we don't win trophies and all our best always want to leave so its hardly working now is it.

  42. NorthBanker

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:36 #5947

    I equate the Wenger situation to going out with a beautiful girl - incredible to start with but as things fall apart, you don't want to split just in case it gets better again. The evidence is damning and Wenger's attitude, let alone actions leave a lot of fans with no confidence it's going to change. First and foremost I support Arsenal, not Wenger and to me it's been all about Wenger for far too long. Glaringly obvious problems not attended, fans referred to with distain and players wrapped in cotton wool and not criticised as they should be. It should be in public, the offences are committed in public for us all to see so why the pointless defence? Eboue still seems to think it wasn't a penalty against Liverpool yet I could see it was from the other end of the ground. Clumsy and soft, but a penalty. I fear this philosophy is too far ingrained in this squad for things to change with AW at the helm. Arsene knows???

  43. Sheriff

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:35 #5946

    I agree with you! Wenger is not going to change..Hes going to say things but hes not only shortsighted but hes very forgetful as well as he never acts on it....Last Season our problem was in defence, Manager promise to rectify it..13M down on 2 mediocre players (who I can not think of any other reason to get them apart from been French) and the season after, our defence has been quite sh*t...

  44. Mark

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:28 #5945

    Totally agree.When i hear Gooners say we cant spend big money on players ask yourself how much United paid for Van Der Saar?£2m.Vidic £7m Hernandez £7m.They have been Uniteds best players this season.How much did the Spuds pay for Van Der Vaart?£8m.How the **** are the Spuds signing a player of his quality and we are not?This bull**** we keep hearing from Wenger and the AKB's that we would have to pay £20m plus for quality is a sick joke.We paid £10m for Koscielny a 4th choice CB at best who played one season in the french 1st division.Yes he cost more than Vidic!!.We wouldnt pay £1m for Schwarzer so we ended up starting the season with that clown Almunia in goal then when he got injured we brought the other clown in.For the saving of £1m we had to play two clowns in goal for more than half the season.What a joke.But the joke isnt funny any more

  45. EdinGooner

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:24 #5944

    : "True Arsenal Fan" - Post 6459 Thank goodness we have supporters like you willing to offer such passionate defence of your point of view .... which is ??? Sitting watching a sinking ship helps no-one. Wenger will EITHER Change - and will get us back into teh force we deserve to be Stay the Same - and will go eventually and we will be out of Champoions League / Top Season Tickets $ Boxes sales will be down and the board will panic / Players will move on and new ones will not be attracted There are no alternatives and I hope he takes the first option otherwise he will be remembered as a failure

  46. LA

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:14 #5943

    You clearly have no perspective on what Arsenal where before Wenger, successful at times but never maintaining for an era like Man U or Liverpool. If you truly think Arsenal would be better off without Wenger then maybe Arsenal would be better off without you

  47. Frank

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:07 #5942

    Excellent post.We are only 9 pts behind Man Utd at the moment because this is the worst Utd team under Fergie.Not because we are any good.We have no leaders on or off the pitch.Wenger is clueless when it comes to tactics and substitutions.At Newcastle we were down to 10 men and he brings on Eboue and Rosicky.Is it any wonder Newcastle came back?We have too many **** players at the club not average they are ****.Eboue Denilson Diaby Song Rosicky Squillaci Bendtner and the two clowns in goal Almunia and Flappy wouldnt get into Utd's under 15 team.But not only does clueless Wenger love them he gives them long term contracts.When i hear some Gooners say we only need 2 or 3 new players i cringe.We need 7 or 8.We need a number 2 who is not scared of Wenger,A keeping coach to tell him Almunia and Flappy are **** and a defensive coach brought in because Wenger knows f**k all about defence(54% goal conceded from corners or free kicks!!!).But none of that will happen.And if you are thinking shall i renew my season ticket?Dont.I will tell you now we wont sign the quality players we need and we wont win nothing again next season.How do i know?i know because Wenger will still be the manager

  48. cliff toni

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:04 #5941

    wenger should not be sacked, but thrown out of ARSENAL regardless of the so called achievements he claims of not delivering, not even the shame of not making us the KING of North London we use to be, shame on wenger, he does not deserve to be in Arsenal fc anymore.

  49. The Happening

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:00 #5940

    Agree with all of the above, but not going to judge yet, I'll wait 'till the end of the season, hopefuly we'll get Champions League, it's hard I know, feels like groundhog day, but these boys can do it! I have a feeling Wenger might walk!

  50. lars

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:59 #5939

    Good analyses, I agree with almost everything. I don't know whether to be angry or just deeply disappointed as every year. :( I guess I will go for being angry. I've got this really bad feeling that playing Jens Lehmann for the rest of the season could have made the difference. The only game we won in weeks (months?) and he was in goal, some of the youngsters hailed him for being a good leader/something like and assistent coach. This is not even about making great saves, it is about instilling confidence and winning mentality, keeping calm, not being over confident like our no doubtly very talented pole, about organising the defense to avoid most good chances for the opposition in the first place. Both Almunia (at least five points) and Sneezy (at least two points) have cost us badly. I'm not blaming them, though, I am blaming Wenger for his awful decision making.

  51. D Parkes

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:53 #5937

    I agree with everything you said i believe its time for a change at the top. He has done a brilliant job but its time for us to become Great and we wont acheive this with wenger

  52. Matthew Lyons

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:41 #5936

    I'm sorry but NO, your argument is flawed and naive, you even go so far as to contradict yourself, by using what is currently done as reason to argue against what is currently done, "The fact that he is unproven strikes an ironic chord, since unproven players seem to be order of the day at Arsenal, and the club has no problem playing and paying a bunch of unproven players." I think you need to calm down get some perspective and be careful what you wish for.

  53. CD

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:37 #5935

    Totally agree with every word written. For the life of me I can not understand the mentality of the few remaining AKB's who want AW to remain, or as they say change his ways. When is the penny going to drop with these AKB's that AW will never ever change, isn't 6 years enough proof of that fact? He is already stating that he wants to continue with his project for next season, but will probably be without two of his best players Fabregas & Nasri. Can any of you AKB's genuinly see us getting any closer next season with AW at the helm? I can't in fact I can only see us sliding backwards if AW remains in charge, as everyone has sussed how to play against our one dimensional tactic, coupled with AW total neglect of any concentrated effective coaching of 50% of the game of football-DEFENCE. The list of other faults are so big now that to repeat them all here is becoming boring, as we all know what these are and all are 100% down to AW. The club has stagnated and is desperate for fresh ideas, players, tactics and direction and this will only come by employing a new younger hungry manager, whom should feel under pressure to deliver as that is how it should be, rather than a man content to be second best for the next 20 years. I would rather finish fifth if it meant that we would also finish first occasionaly rather than accept to be second (or even win a domestic cup). Even this he has not been achieved now for six years, despite claiming he would be happy to do so (finishing second), and that is probably why he said it!!! We just seem to be going round and round in circles with article after article expressing the same things. We need to do something constructive to get AW out, as otherwise we have another 3 years of this groundhog experience to look forward too. In the remaining two home games it should be made crystal clear to AW and the board that we have had enough of this project, and want change. In summary AW time is up, the game has moved on and his project has failed, and it's time for change across the board with no subservient yes men (Pat Rice etc) to remain either.

  54. L Andreou

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:29 #5934

    Excellent appraisal. Damning, concise, and insightful. I have felt for a few years now, that Wenger has not addressed properly very important deficiencies in our side. The 'backline' if you can call it that, is ****! I'm fed up watching us get ...k..g turned over from kamikaze keystone cop defending! Almunia, Flapihandski, Clichy, Koscielny, secret squirrel, Cyborg/gan, Stepover-novs, Sen-Blunderos Djourou, all rubbish. Al below par players he Wenger has shackled my club with. Stop paying transfers to French clubs too, we're seen as a dumping ground! Funny the best players from across the channel go to Man Utd and Chelsea and elsewhere. Give it up Wenger and retire please!

  55. Bobby

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:26 #5933

    Well said.I want my fellow Gooners to talk about Wenger now and not the Wenger of 6 years ago.There can be no arguement that the title was on a plate for us to win and we blew it.Just like we did in 08 and last season.Stop talking about the Invincibles team and talk about this one.Almunia 1st choice keeper at the start of the season,an unbelivable decision.No commanding CB brought in again.No DM and relying on a striker who will not give you more than 15 games a season.And that was before the season started.Its been the same old story no set of fans gets more nervous when we are 2-0 up than us.54% of our goals conceded have been set pieces.But Wenger will not change.He is a dictator with two much power with no one at the club to tell him he is wrong.And anyone who believes it will change under Kroenke is mistaken.We are told Wenger is a man of honour if he was he would resign at the end of the season and say he has taken the team as far as he can.Because every season that goes by his reputation gets more tarnished

  56. wenger out

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:20 #5932

    Fantastic piece, well written, well argued and correct in every aspect. If this is the case for the prosecution, then "guilty as charged" on every count. Even the AKB crowd are finding it impossible to defend their leader anymore, as evidenced by @True Arsenal Fan who could simply reply with "Be careful of what you wish for" - fantastic, intelligent and lucid argument there then! Get Wenger out!

  57. BigL

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:15 #5931

    @David, why do you say we will not get a CL spot next season if Wenger leaves? What evidence can you produce that says a new manager would be incapable of finishing in the top 4? Its all irrelevant anyway, there is (sadly) no chance of Wenger going anywhere

  58. Mark

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:09 #5930

    i would like to go for an ex-player as manager i.e. someone who has really played the game or the game is in his blood (mourinho's dad was a GK and he lived and breathed football as a boy). i think ex players build better bridges with players and are better man-managers. AW is an awful awful man manager, more of a distant judgemental professor, never a laugh or smile on the training ground a la jose, harry, fergy, coyle, kenny, etc. this starts to tell when the going gets tough as AW has now lost the players completely whereas others would have them running through a brick wall for them now to end this recent crisis of results/performances. AW is for me just too much pomp university lecturer type and not enough man of the people and thats why we are all fed up with him. Louis IV was french.

  59. BarcaForLife

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:06 #5929

    It also has a lot to do with fabregas. He has also been the common denominator along with Wenger. Don't get me wrong. Fabregas is a world class player. Brilliant. But he is no leader. This problem of being mentally weak is a major way down to the lack of leadership. Think about it. How many times have you seen fabregas shout at his players, motivate them, or for that matter, even open his mouth in a game. He is not a captain, not a leader. A great player need not necessarily be a good leader. To show you the importance and truth of what I am saying, just think about Manchester United and Barcelona. How many times have they suffered when Ferdinand or Puyol are missing. They are the 2 real leaders of that team, motivating their players every second of the 90 minutes. They never keep their mouth shut on the pitch, constantly shouting at their players. To an extent, you can say that their players are even afraid of them. They are afraid to make a single mistake and as a result are giving it their all. For Arsenal to win anything, they have to take Fabregas down from captaincy and buy a true leader. Remember the invincibles and Viera anyone? Again, dont think that I am saying this to facilitate Fabregas's move to Barcelona. I DO NOT WANT HIM THERE. HE HAS NO PLACE IN THAT TEAM, and a player who chose to leave Barcelona should not be rewarded by being chased and bought and given a hero's welcome. YOU CAN KEEP HIM. We will produce more (THIAGO).

  60. David

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:58 #5927

    Ah hello. Nice to meet you "True Arsenal Fan". I was wondering where you were - I'm so bored of hanging out with my fellow "Fake Arsenal Fans" friends it's nice to meet a genuine one. Congratulations. How is it that you became a "True Arsenal Fan"? It must be your insightful analytical skills as you managed to argue your view with such clarity in just 6 words. Impressive. I wish I was a "True Arsenal Fan". Or maybe I wish that "True Arsenal Fans" would drop their utterly pathetic and ludicrous belief that anyone that doesn't share their view must be a "Fake Arsenal Fan". I suppose I should just f*** off and support Man City or Chelsea now should I?

  61. Pascal Heaney

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:50 #5925

    I am going to say exactly what I said aprox a year ago when last season just died with a whimper too. Clear out the deadwood in the squad (Almunia, Diaby, Denilson & Rosicky) and add to that list Cesc & Arshavin after this seasons showing. Players to bring in, not at a great cost, Scott Parker, Gary Cahill, Charles N'Zogbia and Darren Bent. Whoever the manager is, when 3-1 up or 4-0 up they need to know how to change our shape and see a game out. go from 4-3-3 (which is basically 4-2-4 because Cesc plays in the "number 10" role) and switch to a solid 4-4-2 or 4-5-1 and dont sit too deep. Bring on a decent centre forward to play next to RvP and hold it up. i also said many years ago when Ajax came to Highbury and played out a 0-0 draw or it may have been 1-1, we should try to sign De Jong, and Heitinga. A new left back must also be high on the list. lets bring in some of these players on loan and give them a go. football is not a complicated game. we just try to make it that way!

  62. True Arsenal Fan

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:36 #5923

    Be careful what you wish for

  63. dj

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:33 #5922

    this is well contrusted memoires.

  64. bunch

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:16 #5919

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

  65. David Humunah

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:14 #5918

    I nearly agree with what your saying. I am pretty much finished with wenger. The only thing is loosing him now will mean we wont get a CL spot next season. Arsenal have to play their cards carefully when it comes to ofloading wenger. It might be too costly. At the least we have to change our style and bring in some physically strong possibly british players at the back, in midfield and a proven goal scorer. By changing the way wee play i mean dont pass the ball a hundred times, if ure in and around the box just shoot. The number of times we try to pass the ball into the net makes me want to strike an anvil across wengers head. Does'nt he see how unefficient we are infront of goal? He never see's it! Never see's anything.