An open letter to Arsene

Frustrations over the Bolton defeat

An open letter to Arsene

Are you reading this? Thought not…

Arsene, in the faint chance that you will read this blog, here are some words of advice.

For the third time in a week, and for the umpteenth time this season, you have made me feel distraught. I have been a fanatical Gooner for nearly 50 years, right back to the days of “Daisy” Skirton who used to run very quickly down the right wing at Highbury in the 60s and then not have a clue what to do with the ball. (Does this sound familiar?) At least Daisy could head the ball goalwards on occasions.

Sunday’s match was against the Bolton Cloggers, a team of good honest pros and journeymen, born out of Allardyce’s anti-football venom. This lot should not have been a problem. They will kick and hoof ball or player, whatever comes nearer. They will probably only try to score at corners when they will behave in a Wimbledon-esque way to try to bundle the ball in. Arsene, your tactics for this match should have been easy. Don’t let their thuggery impede our progress, and defend their corners properly. And just for good measure, this lot were humbled 5-0 last week by the odious Stoke thugs.

I don’t want to go over old ground. The hoofing of ball and players certainly took place. Messrs Davies and Taylor, you should both be ashamed for your horrific challenges, but you certainly did enough to rattle our players. We only had three corners to defend all afternoon and we were let down yet again. It was embarrassing to watch. What on earth goes on during training sessions? Who is meant to be responsible? Why was Pat Rice just sitting there throughout the match resembling a bored spectator and not engaging in any way?

Let’s now look at your team selection, Arsene. On paper, this team should have been easily capable of doing the business. However, three issues were not addressed at any time during the match. Firstly, the entire back four did themselves no favours today as they just could not defend. Secondly, Wally was totally ineffective again, so why isn’t he being properly coached to behave like a natural winger? Thirdly, with Sagna and Clichy regularly bombing forward, why are they allowed to just sling meaningless crosses into the box, aimed at nobody because Percy as the sole front man was elsewhere on the pitch?

Today’s team should have been good enough. For a number of reasons they weren’t. So let’s think about some of your squad players who are there for your consideration:

Spanish Waiter – needs to be shipped off to a second division Spanish side as he is clearly not good enough;

Ebouseless – if Totterington are genuinely interest in this idiot, then please let him go to them so he can f**k them up as well. What’s more, I will pay the cab fare;

Deckchair Denilson – if possible, sell him to a part time rugby league team where he can enjoy passing the ball backwards for the remainder of his days;

Diabolical – this man has never properly recovered from having his leg broken by another good honest pro, he can’t stay fit for more than five minutes and his constant sloppy play costs us goals;

Rosicky – this man has done nothing positive for us this season and has never properly recovered from his dodgy hamstring injury;

Barry Bender – known by my fellow Gooners as “Thrupenny bit” because every time he tries to trap a ball it bounces off at every angle. He has become a modern day version of The Beast, and like the others, is not good enough to play for The Arsenal.

The solution, Arsene, is in your hands, because nobody else with any power at Ashburton is going to sack you because they are happy trousering the dough. If you are going to stay with us, then please get rid of the muppets who are not doing their jobs working with the first team. Instead, surround yourself with some good people. My fellow Gooners have already come up with some tasty names who could make a difference.

And finally, spare a thought for people like me who earn the same amount of money in a year as you do in a day. Happily paying inflated prices to go along to watch this lot won’t last forever. The fact that your dough trousering mates want us to stump up an extra 6.5% next season may prove to be another great comedy moment when the announcer claims that the attendance is 60,000 plus and there are empty seats all around us.

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  1. Theopants Superstar

    Apr 29, 2011, 9:55 #5995

    PPP, All you seem to do is come on here is slag off the website and accuse any critics of Arsene of being spurs fans or JCL's. You never seem able to come up with any proper defence of Arsene and his players performances beyond hurling insults at those that don't agree with you. Now if you believe that everything Arsenal FC have done is great and all you want to read is people agreeing 100% with the policies of the club and manager, then perhaps this isn't the place for you. Why put yourself through all the anger and angst that you obvious feel when reading something contrary to your opinion when apparently the club have a forum where like-minded people can wax lyrical about the magnificent team to their hearts content and any criticism of the Arsenal players, Board and manager and their 'master plan' is quickly dealt with North Korean stylee?

  2. Goonergirl

    Apr 28, 2011, 23:21 #5987

    Criticising our players, or indeed our manager, doesn’t make you less of an Arsenal fan as some people seem to be suggesting. Indeed Wenger himself said that if anyone was to blame it’s him! Do you think that Adams et al didn’t take players to one side & give them an honest critique of their performances, and I bet that wasn’t always pretty, let alone fit for publication! Indeed, perhaps we would be in a far better position if everyone with any input or influence in matters on the pitch (be they the manager, players, backroom team etc) took both responsibility & criticism & pushed themselves harder to improve & succeed. As for the players mentioned here, every Arsenal fan I know highlights the exact same players as being surplice to requirements and would be more than happy to see all of them replaced with a mixture of astute summer purchases & products of our youth system. No football club can afford to stand still – you don’t keep obviously substandard players for their entire careers in the hope they may one day morph into the next Henry! Bendtner isn’t fit to lick Henry’s boots – fact. Wenger is still the right manager for us (be realistic fellow Gooners, who else is there that we’d really, really want and that would be prepared to come to Arsenal?). He does, however, need a lot more humility, more challenge from within the hierarchy of the club, the ability to address the weaknesses within his coaching team (with so many outstanding former players now retired & coaching – including some of the most outstanding defenders we’ve ever had at the club - he has a wealth of people to choose from), and to cast a far more critical eye over our squad. You cannot be every player’s friend – sometimes harsh decision have to be made in everyone’s best interests, including the players in question. The situation we are in is neither terrible nor perfect, but it is fixable, so get on & fix it Arsene.

  3. ppp

    Apr 28, 2011, 19:10 #5983

    bognor steve is correct. the constant blaming of the same old squad players is pathetic and completely false. it's hardly bendtner, rosicky, eboue and denilson's fault we haven't won the league is it you anti-arsenal tarts. we haven't won anything this year because we haven't played well enough AS A TEAM. fabregas and van persie are as much to blame as almunia and anyone else who keeps getting blamed by part time johnnies who'd be better off supporting spurs. you win and lose AS A TEAM. That's something all genuine Arsenal fans know - but then those are in short supply on this website it seems - which is a real shame. Any idiot can blame a player who they think isn't good enough or isn't trying hard enough. These are the probably the same morons who screamed abuse at Song for years (they now love him) or spat venom at Gilberto (they now refer to him as an invincible we should never have sold) The anti-wenger brigade fall into two camps. 1) sleeper-spuds. simply tottenham fans indulging in sinister and pre-meditated schadenfraude - designed to make them feel better about themselves and destabilise their classier, better rivals. 2) drooling know nothing hypocrites who need an easy target to vent their childish anger on because we haven't won a trophy for a few years. ah diddums! grow up and support your team - take out your frustrations on THE OPPOSITION or if needs be THE REF!

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2011, 17:53 #5979

    agree some players are not good enough who is doing our defensive coaching if anybody?if rumours are true pat rice retiring what about DB10 as replacement tony adams steve bould or dave oleary who is out of work as defence coach with jens as goalkeeping coach?

  5. Alan

    Apr 28, 2011, 16:31 #5976

    During the 2nd half at Bolton Sky put up the usual stat Arsenal 75% possession.It happens every game except when we play Man Utd Chelsea and of course Barcelona(when we get 25%)But that possession is between the half way line and the penalty box.The chances of the ball being played into the box without 50 short passes are minimal.So by the time the ball does get in the box the opposition have had time to organise themselves and have a cup of tea and a quick fag.Watch the video's of the team from 97 to 05.The quick breakaways from our box to the oppositions in 4 passes.Now its 54 passes.Why our we playing this tippy tap no shoot on sight policy Wenger? This style of football has been developed by Wenger based on Barcelona but they have Messi Iniesta and Xavi.We dont.So change it back to pre 2005 football

  6. Bognor Steve

    Apr 28, 2011, 12:33 #5952

    Mate, your diagnosis is as out of touch as all the other sheep that write in blaming the same players over and over again. I will grant you that Almunia is not good enough and never has been. The others in terms of Premier League starts this season are Bendtner (3), Denilson (6), Rosicky (8), Eboue (7) and Diaby (10). There are 14 players who have made more starts than those you mention. If you have to proportion blame to players, try and direct it to the players who are actually playing and not those who are not in the team. My figures are up to and not including the Liverpool home game. Bendtner, Denilson and Rosicky did not play at Bolton but Song, Clichy, Nasri and Fabregas did and Arshavin came on as substitute. Loss of form has affected all of these players for large periods of the season and this is the true reason we have run out of steam. Squad players are rarely as good as the first choice players otherwise they would not be happy to sit on the bench unless they are getting ManCity or Chelsea wages which Arsenal will never pay. Most of these players that are regularly criticised by the likes of you have tried their best when they have played but it is difficult to hit top form when you are not getting a run of games. Rosicky, Diaby and Denilson have all had bad injuries over the last two seasons and it is hard getting back form a long absence. Look at Eduardo as an example. Two years ago Denilson was one of our best performers when he was being played in his correct position. Our main problems are lack of tactical nouse on the part of the manager and other faults relating to our manager and back room staff that have already been well documented.

  7. Lanesra99x

    Apr 28, 2011, 11:51 #5948

    Hec say "get back to roast beef and veg footy" I remember the days before Wenger when we played dire football and looked capable of winning nothing. Be careful what you wish for m8. We dont have a devine right to win. What Wenger has done on a shoestring is play a brand of football the like of which i have not seen at Highbury in the 40 years i have been a fan of this club. It grieves me to see the vultures circling, feeding the turmoil hungry media that we love to us the mighty Arsenal in turmoil. Wenger said in the late 90's that it would take 10 years for the youth system to start to churn out good quality young players, no offence to those to came before but if you have been around awhile you will know where i'm coming from. I am almost certain that had we not had Wenger at the club during these transition years we would not be crying out that we failed in the last month of the season. Arsenal have developed it's players. It has taken a while for them to come through and it may take a while longer for silverwear to fill the trophy room but support your team and be proud of their achievements. What over club can claim to have lived within their means and achieved a degree of sucess in the last 20 years consistantly. If Chelsea were not making an 80 million pound loss every year, surpassed now by Man City, where would they be now. We should not be able to keep up with those teams given the amount of money at Arsenal's disposal. Look at the teams that have moved to a new stadium in order to build for the future and where are they now without a financial benefactor? Derby, Sunderland, Leicester, Stoke even Valencia and Ajax all have faced financial meltdown. We could quite easily have faced the doom and crisis that enormous change brings. If Wenger stays at the club for another 5 years and nutures the young players we will be not only a financial powerhouse, but will bring the success that so many fans crave. If he is driven out and replaced with a manager who spends a fortune, wins nothing, and is sacked, we will need to bring in someone else who will spend even more money, we could face ruin. Did anyone think that Liverpool could be an average team back in the 70's and 80's. Dont risk the house on a few decorations, it would be madness. A few tweaks and abit of luck, we dont need much more. Cheer the boys on and be proud to call yourselves Gooners or go chase the glory at the Chaffs or Manc City. Wenger has done and is doing, a great job, come on you reds!

  8. Jacko

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:58 #5938

    Cynical, humorless and really quite, quite stupid.

  9. bunch

    Apr 28, 2011, 10:04 #5928

    A little bit unfair on Coyle's Bolton, who have looked decent at times this season. That said, victory against us came between thrasings by Stoke and Fulham. What are these mid-low level teams getting right that we aren't? Probably disciplined defending.

  10. Franny

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:53 #5926

    Agree with your first half but calling for players heads is not on at all. Is it their fault they get picked ? Is it their fault they keep making the same mistakes? Probably not - the training is just tippy tappy passing all day. No training for crossing, corners, defending or shooting.

  11. RAF

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:48 #5924

    Well said. We are tired of being told the same thing over and over again. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The team is not a team but a bunch of young boys you have put together - totally gutless and unable to deliver. Listen, please listen to the fans.Change your ways and stop acting stubborn,

  12. Rezaul

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:30 #5921

    This speech is the truest thing that every fans' hearts say. Pl. listen to fans, Arsene because we dont want Arsenal this coward way and we cannot convert to any other clubs, if the same thing happens every year - maximum we can do is to stop watching any football.

  13. hec

    Apr 28, 2011, 9:28 #5920

    All the stastistics we see week in week out , the percentage of possession we have , the corners we had , etc etc . dont mean a pile of beans , remember the last FA cup final we were in , we got outplayed from firts to last minute , but who went home singing , who gives a flying fox how many passes we made compared to them , get back to roast beef and veg footie, get away from duck le`orange pansy froggy footie.