Wenger: The Case for the Defence

Not everyone wants a change in the manager’s office

Wenger: The Case for the Defence

In Wenger I trust

I've never felt the need to write an article for this site before - whilst I don't agree with some of what's written, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and there's nothing wrong with a bit of healthy debate. However, recently there's been a trail of anti-Wenger articles and comments which clearly reflect ever-building sentiment and I've felt compelled to write something. Am I an AKB? Probably, but here's why the guy should be lauded for what he's achieved and not hounded out of his job.

His Record
People have short memories. Yes, we haven't won anything for 6 years and I'd love to see a couple of pots in the trophy cabinets but this is a guy whose won us the double twice - that's more than any team, other than the Mancs, have won ever. The Invincibles will/have gone down in history as one of the best English club sides to play the game. This is a guy who knows what he's doing. Despite what some supporters think, we have no divine right to win trophies every season, and in an era where Chelski and Man City have and spend unlimited funds, winning something becomes more difficult than ever. Wenger has been there and done it for us before and there's no reason to think that we won't be successful in the future - we've hardly fallen through the floor.

Not enough is made of our consistency in qualifying for the Champions League. Yes, it's not a trophy, but it's a success of sorts. The pathetic overreaction to what was an embarrassing 5-0 aggregate defeat that the Spuds suffered to Madrid shows how they much they value qualification, and Harry's bleating that being successful in the Champions League as well as ensuring qualification next year is tough is evidence of what Wenger has achieved over the last decade.

The Current Squad
Yes, we all know that the current squad needs to be overhauled - and Diaby, Denilson, Eboue and Almunia should be on the first train out of town. Frankly, Wenger knows far more about football and spotting a good player than any of us. No-one can seriously think that he doesn't see these players’ weaknesses as well as we all do.

But every team has their clowns - speak to a Man Utd fan and they'll be bemused that John O'Shea has played as many times as he has for the them, and Darren Gibson recently had to close his Twitter account down because of the abuse he was getting from Utd fans telling him how crap he was. My point? No squad is full of superstars - only 11 players can play at a time - no club can cope with 22 superstars, there have to be players that are prepared to be the unused sub, the back up etc. And let's not forget that the players above (well the outfield ones anyway) are a damn sight better than some players that have appeared in an Arsenal shirt. It wasn't too long ago that Messrs Hillier, McGoldrick and Morrow were pulling on the shirt and frankly they'd be lucky to get into my local second XI.

Transfer Record
One word - unrivalled. Wenger has been, and continues to be, constrained by the cost of the new stadium. We all knew that if the Club weren't going to sell out to a sugar daddy it was going to have to balance its books for a few years before and after the stadium move and this is exactly what's happened. The quality he's brought to the Club throughout his tenure should be celebrated.

Clearly there needs to be some movement in the summer, and I'd be as happy as anyone to see the players I've mentioned above cleared out but only if we've got better players to take their place. Yes - we all know we need a goalkeeper, a commanding centre half and a back up holding midfielder but players with the quality we need don't grow on trees. I've seen a clamour for Gary Cahill as the answer to our defensive prayers, but I didn't see too much commanding going on when Bolton shipped five against Stoke at Wembley or when Fulham scored goals from set pieces on Wednesday. A £15m price tag for him is a joke and I'm glad Wenger has got enough backbone not to panic buy players that don't improve what we've got.

The Replacement
Never discussed as it should be by the Wenger Out brigade but it's clearly relevant. Is there anyone out there who'd realistically take the job who is a better manager than Wenger? I think not. Do the Wenger Out brigade think that a new manager would end all our problems and perhaps bring a change of scene to the Club so we can move onto bigger and better things? I have a mate whose a Charlton fan who thought that a few years ago and was keen to see Curbishley leave. He got his wish and now he's looking forward to a visit from Bury next season at the Valley. Be careful what you wish for.

Speak to any Utd, Spuds or Chelski fan and they'll tell you (once they've taken up the rose tinted specs) that they'd be delighted if we got rid of Wenger. They see his record and they know what he brings to our club.

Arsene Knows Best? Probably - he knows a damn sight more than the rest of us anyway. And for that reason - in Wenger I trust.

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  1. El Piresidente

    May 02, 2011, 14:01 #6106

    Nice bit of perspective. I hope Wenger learns from this season what he could have learnt from the season before and takes some action. His flaws are there for all to see but you're right - we shouldn't lose sight of his achievements. And as you point out, who would/could replace him?

  2. Graham Yates

    May 01, 2011, 22:13 #6089

    At least Steve Morrow won us a trophy before TA threw him over his shoulder! Not really a case for the defence here Peter. Cahill may not be the answer @ 15 mill but we have paid the equivalent for Squicielny! If he is constrained by finance then when will that end? My bet playing £8.5m for Kos means he is given licence to throw money down the drain, so he is constraint free wouldn't you say. The Summer ahead will define him and if he wants a decent legacy he has to change his philosophy more than his personnel. The Curbs factor will happen anyway when AW leaves. However that is the risky game the Board have played giving him way too much power over the years. The vacuum will be inevitable.

  3. MCGooner

    Apr 30, 2011, 15:32 #6043

    Why does nearly everyone who is trying to defend Wenger always bring up the ''people have short memories'' argument? Do they seriously think fans have forgotten those great years? For me those years are irrelevant to what Wenger is doing in the present and the reason I think this is because that was a different Wenger (as well as a totally different team in a very different era). The point I am making is that Wenger is now trying to succeed in a different very way to the way he succeeded in the past. And as he has never succeeded doing things this new way in the past, I see no reason to believe he ever will in the future. If he was still trying to do things the way he did in the past I might hold out some hope. But he isnt and we all know he will not change back. And that is the reason that he needs to go. And it is why his past success is irrelevant. It is NOT because ''people have short memories''.

  4. bunch

    Apr 30, 2011, 12:58 #6042

    If he ever had the ability to motivate a team and deliver a tactical coup de grace, then it has gone now. 6 years, no trphies, no progress it is time for him to go. These AKB cultists need to wake up to the laughing stock we have become before they line up to drink the Kool-Aid of another Wenger season of failure.

  5. jayelljay

    Apr 30, 2011, 11:47 #6037

    Totally disagree with this reasoning. After nearly 50 years I am feeling totally let down by the current team. And yes we ALL know the guilty players. Wenger has become too immersed in his own idealology and will not listen to reason or indeed any criticism. I think he has definitely lost the plot and has no tactical awareness or ability to think on his feet. I don't think he ever considers the strengths or weaknesses of opponents or how we can beat them.I ask you....Busquets at centre half for Barca. He even scored our goal for us. Did we load any pressure on him. We had no idea. What's he telling the team ? Where's the coaching ? Where's the thinking ? We keep falling in to the same traps. My concern is just how we get to make sure that Silent Stan GETS TO READ ALL THESE ARTICLES and so is aware of the ever growing groundswell of opinion

  6. L Andreou

    Apr 30, 2011, 3:16 #6035

    Most Arsenal fans are blinkered. Don't you get it, he's only interested in the balance sheet, not the team sheet. The last Arsenal side which was tough contained Flamini. This shovel and spade player who ran his socks off was allowed to move because of what? Ashley Cole went because of...look Wenger is a wheeler dealer economist, who has done some superb things. But his penny pinching, bargain basement, approach is antiquated now in the world of purchase power football his patchwork attempt to create a cohesive defence is a farce. Cech who played for Rennes cost 9m. Rennes my friends is a French club! Presumably his scouts know their keepers from their full backs. Clichy has to be one of the most suspect left backs at a top club. Guess what he only cost 250k! Ashley Cole was allowed to go the same way as Flamini because of wage demands. We got Gallas who destabalised Toure-a link to the Cole/Campbell axis-that we've not recovered from. He shipped out Toure, and Adebayor(proven goal getter) who wanted a rise-like we all do-for circa 40m. Rather than buy a top keeper he's relying on a Celta Vigo discard! Yes, Sol Campbell the last decent(very good) Wenger can claim credit for was FREE! In January he could've/should've got a top keeper (money was not a problem), a top centre back (again money was available), because it would've been prudent to do it after the 5 years previously when we have collapsed, not because we don't score goals, because we ***k**g let them in, late too, just at the end usually. Incidentally, winning a trophy puts money in the bank. But, I suppose that's not as assured as not spending it. WENGER OUT OUT OUT!

  7. kev g

    Apr 30, 2011, 0:17 #6032

    If he doesn't finally supplement the squad in the way everyone can see this summer then enough is enough. Be happy for one more season but if peanuts are spent and nothing added then that is the end of the road. The bloke has done wonders at the club but it is so obvious personnel changes need to be made and if he sticks to.his guns and fails again then his 7m per year needs to be put to better use

  8. Mark

    Apr 29, 2011, 23:49 #6031

    i am done with the experiment, the autocratic power, the not listening to anyone and the morose melancholy leadership and i would prefer if AW would go upstairs to the board and we get a younger more agressive manager

  9. Gman

    Apr 29, 2011, 23:41 #6030

    OK but he did inherit GG’s defence and BR’s star signing Dennis ‘the God’ Bergkamp and has been fortunate with overseas signings but any Premiership manager can pick up a foreigner off the shelf these days with the number of agents in the game . It’s more difficult to get first pickings of a Messi! What really bugs me is Wenger’s inability to take responsibility for the **** performances rather than blame the ref. If you load of mugs still think the sun shines out of his arse then just think of the overriding memory of this season which sums it up in a nut shell – last minute of the Carling Cup with Laurel and Hardy having to deal with a nothing attempt by Birmingham. Thanks for the memory and now leave with some respect Mr Wenger

  10. Gary

    Apr 29, 2011, 22:51 #6029

    This article could have been written any time in the last 6 years.Wenger is the only idiot that didnt think we needed a new keeper going into this season.So for the first 2/3 of the season we had the two clowns in goal.Then we needed a commanding CB he buys Koscielny who had one season in the French ist division.Give me strength.And yes we again relied on a striker who will miss half a season.Why cant the AKB's realise Wenger will not change.He actually thinks he is right.Its all the fault of bad luck we dont win trophies.Its always things will be alright next season.In a few days the season ticket renewals will be hitting the door mat.Our highest tickets in the world are going to be even higher just like our profits the only thing that wont be going up is the money we will be spending on players.And did i add Adios Cesc

  11. Ikechukwu

    Apr 29, 2011, 21:47 #6028

    Totally flawed, spineless article. Apparently there isn't a manager in Europe who could better a record of no trophies in 6 years? Really! I think actually, if you speak to most Chelski, Spuds and Man U fans, they are Delighted to hear that Wenger REMAINS our manager. As for his 'unrivalled' transfer record, I agree. Never has one manager wasted so much in wages on so much dross. Diaby, Denilson, Eboue, Bendtner, Chamakh, Rosicky, Almunia, alll on over £50k a week! This is naive, cowardly and devoid of fact. Classic AKB nonsense. Wenger Out. There are better managers out there. This article is based on the AW of 2004. That was SEVEN years ago!!!

  12. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 29, 2011, 21:24 #6027

    Six years isn't too long to wait for a trophy. It is too long to wait for inherent deficencies in management and coaching to be addressed. We can't defend properly, our midfield has one makeshift enforcer, and our attack wouldn't know how to focus if you stuck them behind a camera. Do any of you believe that Hughes, Fat Sam, Pulis or McLeish wouldn't have our defence tightened up within two weeks tops? Of course we don't want any of them but the point is that expertise to sort out that aspect of problem at least, is readily available and Arsene won't sort it out. He won't kick anyone in the rear and there is no one to do so to him. There is no hope of reform and when that is the case there must be revolution. If the AKB's love him so much then they should see if they can make make him change. Good luck.

  13. dan

    Apr 29, 2011, 21:18 #6026

    good piece and agree that he is a genius talent spotter second to none. Where I differ from your view is that he will get us success in the future - I don't see any evidence of basic tactical awareness or ability to organise and motivate. Like others I have concluded that his success was built on a fighting spirit he inherited but is incapable of rebuilding. His behaviour has become an embarassment to our club, he cannot address basic tactical issues during games and constantly bull****s the support. He needs replacing

  14. HowardL

    Apr 29, 2011, 20:16 #6023

    First a Case for the Prosecution - now a Case for the Defence. Both excellently constructed, logical, very readable - and I wish I'd had the chance to read both before I penned my own 'Wenger on Trial' article for the new Gooner Issue on sale at the Man U game on Sunday. My own angle on this?...Well, hate to say it guys, but it's going to cost you two quid to find out (but there are lots more excellent articles, so greatvalue!) - file this under even more unashamed promotion of our brilliant fanzine than our esteemed editor can usually muster.

  15. fozzys mate

    Apr 29, 2011, 19:44 #6022

    The problem is that the remaining AKBs say we and he all knows where the deficiencies lay. Unfortunately he has turned the Nelsonian blind eye to the same problems for 5 years. If he addresses them and spends some of that ever growing cash mountain to address these glaringly obvious problems then yes give him more time. And I mean with quality not the sub standard dross he has scraped around for lately. A club with our resources really should not be signing the dross we have. Please Arsene surprise me and all your now growing army of doubters wrong and make us revere you again. The contorted anxious face of recent weeks does not do you justice, un tie your hands and once again use our resources to compete once more with your peers. If your drive to compete at the top table has gone move over and give us a new king to worship.

  16. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 29, 2011, 19:35 #6021

    'I have a mate whose a Charlton fan who thought that a few years ago and was keen to see Curbishley leave. He got his wish and now he's looking forward to a visit from Bury next season at the Valley. Be careful what you wish for'. That's because Charlton fans stupidly thought, they were supporting a bigger than they thought they were. Having said, Curbishley did that club no favours with the constant cup exits to non-Premier League sides and the annunal spring implosion (that rings a bell dosen't it?) where as Tony Pulis at Stoke have embarked on domestic cup runs since 2008 culminating with an FA Cup final against Manchester City on 14th May. Much as loathe the guy, he's got big ambitions for that club just like Bryan Robson at Middlesbrough. Remember, we are The Arsenal. Yes, we DON'T have a devine right to win major trophies but our record in England is only inferior to two massive worldwide football institutions, Liverpool & Manchester United. We should acting like the club we are and not playing paupers to Chelsea & Manchester City, who have rich owners BUT are not rich clubs. 'Wenger has been, and continues to be, constrained by the cost of the new stadium'. Eh, have seen our wage bill since the move to the Grove in 2006. Can we kill this myth that Arsenal FC is a very well run football club. Mediorce players earning what, at least £40k a week? Remember when it emerged in January last year that Jay Emmanuel-Thomas (not that he is mediorce, save that for Denilson, Bendtner & Eboue amongst others) crashed his brand new Mercedes? Why is an unproven then 19-year-old in a position where he can such an expensive item in the first place? Becuase the club put him on a massive fortune in the first place. We make over £200m a season, the mortgage on the stadium has been reduced, our debts have been significantly reduced, so anyone, please spare me the 'Arsene has his hands tied'. Profits are used to top up the contracts of the exisiting players. Much as I want Wenger to change and acknowledge there are flaws in this squad, I can't see it as his foolish pride will sadly be his undoing. He has known for some time that the squad is short in certain areas but has done very little to rectify it because he wants this squad to prove him right and everyone else wrong when it's teh other way round. And let's forget we can't sign some experienced players to help out the squad in case it might 'kill' exisiting members. Mark my words, the only strengthening we'll see this summer will be 19-year-old youth graduate Emmanuel Frimpong to challange Song and not an older and more experienced head. No new commanding centre-back (because the great Arsene Wenger dosen't believe in them, only footballing centre-halves and with Vermaelen soon to regain full fitness), no DM & no new no striker. For The Arsenal in 2011/12, copy and paste 06/07, 07/08, 08/09, 09/10 & 10/11.

  17. willy young

    Apr 29, 2011, 19:09 #6020

    Brilliant blog I agree sod Arsenal its Wenger we love the club and its non Wenger fans can go to hell And 4th is better than 5th so there

  18. Jamie...

    Apr 29, 2011, 18:30 #6019

    The argument about no-one to replace him is as useless as the man himself. By that token we'd wouldn't have employed him in the first place you tools. Arsene Who, remember? As for the comment he's given so much what can you say to that, the bloke's getting paid over six mill a year,proper altruism indeed eh.

  19. 4 EVER GUNNER SINCE 1972

    Apr 29, 2011, 18:10 #6018

    Nobody wants Wenger out per say, we all know he is a good manager- all most fans are asking of him is JUST to be sensible- that is all. There is no point doing the same thing for six years if that thing is not working-only a fool with big ego and a useless pride does not change his mind even when the writing is on the wall. I pity those blind supporters who simply think because he was very good in his first years (ironically with mostly players he inherited) we should wait for ever for his promise to turn things around even though our team is getting poorer by the year. Fans seem to forget that Spurs, Man City are getting better and stronger by the year, not to Talk about Liverpool. If we don’t strategise well, it will take a long time to have a good quality team because the back lock of having so many bad players on long contracts will be too great. Ferguson just brought Hernandez in last year but still their team is very very strong- You need a very very good manager with an eye for winning like Feggie, not just love for good passing football, no goals and no defence. Unfortunately our Wenger is not like Feggie and unless off course he changes his mind and ways or he is pressured by us the fans or his bosses on the board WE WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR LONG TIME TO SEE A BRIGHTER FUTURE.

  20. k eloquence

    Apr 29, 2011, 17:54 #6017

    Very much in agreement with this article. Wenger is still the best man for the job of being our manager. Frustrations and disappointment at the moment is understandable but some of the cry baby hysterics of those who want Wenger out are shameful towards someone who has given so much. The suggestions of who they would like to replace Wenger show how unknowledgable they actually are. We also need to look at our support, if we are the twelfth man at home then we have let the team on the pitch down!It hurts to say it but every game I've been to this season the away support is always better.

  21. Carlos

    Apr 29, 2011, 17:03 #6015

    "No-one can seriously think that he doesn't see these players’ weaknesses as well as we all do". Really? Reming me how many games they have played for Arsenal between them? I venture that they haven't played their last either. "Wenger has been, and continues to be, constrained by the cost of the new stadium". You need to check out our wage bill, not exactly a model of restraint and even less one of value for money. More a testament to total mismanagement. Cab for Arsene.

  22. Jamie...

    Apr 29, 2011, 16:44 #6014

    Don't believe a word of it, you have a mate?

  23. Charles E.

    Apr 29, 2011, 16:41 #6013

    Peter Simmons, this is a well written piece and I can't but agree with you. So spot on.

  24. 6ooner Pete

    Apr 29, 2011, 16:41 #6012

    I disagree with the article. Wenger has given us some great times but all good things come to an end.Over 40 years of attending matches I have seen other successful managers come and go. As a club we need to move on. As a fan I want again to have a club that I am proud to support. A start would be a manager who has some tactical ability instead of our one dimensional tippy tappy stuff.We also need a salary structure that rewards quality (there are at least ten players who should be nowhere near an Arsenal shirt!) It is not too much to ask for team weaknesses to be addressed with the amount of money we are paying. I have not got a problem with not winning trophies (Chelski and City have made football an unfair playing field anyway) BUT I do have a problem with having a team that are not close to winning a trophy because of lack of quality and no tactical ability.This Groundhog Day has been going on too long and even in the film, Bill Murray learns from his mistakes. Arsene Wenger doesn't and it's us, the fans,who suffer. Taxi for Arsene!

  25. dan

    Apr 29, 2011, 16:32 #6011

    get your head out of his arse,he's a spent force and so are we,next year with him incharge we will fall even further behind,in arsene we rust.

  26. WestUpperRed

    Apr 29, 2011, 16:24 #6010

    Peter what you miss is that Wenger does not agree with you that the squad needs overhauling and the changes you mention that seem so obvious have been the same changes we have needed for years but WONT HAPPEN. This is the point for people who have lost all patience with him. How long have you acknowledged Eboue, Diaby, Denilson (and lots more) are not good enough? You want to believe that Wenger see's it too but he doesn’t and they will all be playing next year undermining our ambitions in the same calamitous fashion. Combine that with Wengers insistence for lauding our squads mental strength and desire to win and you start realising he is no longer acting in a way that is best for Arsenal Football Club. It’s not realistic to cling on so hard to the good times under Wenger because the club is undeniably drifting NOW and changes need to be forced through without misplaced sentiment or loyalty.

  27. Goonergoose

    Apr 29, 2011, 16:07 #6009

    Hear hear, a voice of reason and sense, I could not agree with this point more. Can we all please just have a little more patience,just a little!

  28. Monk

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:44 #6006

    Thankfully a well though out & written piece. My compliments. This team was good enough to get us within touching distance but admittedly fell short because of specific weaknesses. As a fan I love Wenger & all he has done for our great club but he MUST address the weaknesses that everyone sees. That what rankles me.

  29. peter pekanson

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:30 #6003

    in wenger i trust

  30. Gbenga

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:28 #6002

    Well written article, Wenger is indeed a genius. However we have competed in 24 competitions in 6 years, gotten to 3 finals and lost all + we have also lost out of the league at the final quarter of the season....in the same way (poor defense, lack of drive, injury(prob due to our training)..yet no changes....the same players he sacrifices trophies to build want to leave after a couple of years...Change is needed...The time is now.

  31. Iano

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:26 #6001

    Finally some sense !! Brilliant article

  32. mgaba

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:22 #6000

    Well yousaid it well, but you still fall to the issue of "when do you expect this success?" i dont see you answering that question in anyway. Carlo Anccelloti won the double in the first year? didnt he? Wenger is a good coach but he needs to be aware that these Wenger out brigade are just looking out for Arseanl as much as he is and you are. Surely you aware Wenger made a lot off the sale of Ade,Kolo,Helb and he rightfully could have demanded to reinvest that in the squad. But he did not, meaning he sees something in the players you mentioned that we dont.

  33. john leonardi

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:22 #5999

    The defensive problems we have are not confined to the keeper and back 4 but the fact that unlike barcelona who play 4-3-3 with busquets, xavi and iniesta all capable of tackling and protecting the defense, whereas we in a 4-2-3-1 have song and wilshere who continually attack and leave gaping holes with the defense unprotected. Wenger needs to move wilshere further forward and have 2 defensive minded midfield players protecting the defense, only then will we have back a solid feel to our game. I am not in the AKB club however i would only replace him with a known winner such as guardiola or mourinho anything would be too risky to the future of the club.

  34. Ade Jimoh

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:20 #5998

    Your analysis is first class but fans wants to see trophies not living in our shadows. We need couple of players to make that difference and these players must be experienced and must have won major trophy.

  35. Rob

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:19 #5997

    Errr......... No ! His record : Brilliant for the first ten years - no denying that. But the last six have been an accumulation of one wrong call after another, with a wilful refusal to learn from each error and a cretinous desire to repeat it. Current squad : Full of overpaid undermotivated 'wussies' who take the money but don't work for the cause. Transfer record : Used to be brilliant. Now highly dubious. For every Vermallen there is Squllaci or Eboue or Rosicky. The Replacement : Quite frankly I'd take Steve Bould. It doesn't have to be a 'name'. Who had heard of Wenger in 1996 ? Or Bertie Mee in 1966 for that matter ? There are plenty of alternatives. The Manager's job at Arsenal is a leasehold not a freehold, as some of Wenger's more over enthusiastic devotees seem to think.

  36. Raoul Hirani

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:13 #5996

    We need more of us speaking out, this anti Wenger campaign is run by drunks and teenagers who want to believe that it is ver big clubs right to win (read buy) trophies