Arsenal: the only team to finish third in a two horse race

But it wouldn’t take a lot to turn things around

Arsenal: the only team to finish third in a two horse race

Vermaelen – Only natural leader at the club

I came across the Facebook status: “Arsenal: the only team to finish third in a two horse race.” Considering this came from an Aston Villa supporter it has confirmed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, an embarrassing reality for all loyal gooners. That is Arsenal are the laughing stock of the Premier League.

Status after status about Arsenal were littered all over my Facebook, ‘Typical Arsenal, Same old Arsenal can’t win anything.’ As much as this angered me, l could not defend the one time invincible team. We may consider Wenger highly but what sort of a reputation has he bestowed on the Arsenal?

It hardly becomes a surprise nor does it turn an eye when Arsenal get a bad result. Petr Cech went on record to state how Arsenal have blown it, so did Redknapp and Ferguson. The fact that our potential success is consistently superceded by our failure to stay focused when it counts is there for all to see. Arsenal are far from being a feared super power but more like an ‘almost’ all conquering team.

Everyone has their own solution and Wenger is right, there are only a few things that need altering. We need voices in the team, that is clear. Fabregas and RVP are all subdued personalities. I cannot picture either of them at half time in the changing rooms motivating their fellow players to stay focused and fight for the next goal and fight to protect the goal. Vermaelen is our best bet, but let’s say February next season he gets injured. Then what?

A superstar name would do some good for the team. Nasri is not quite there as he glitters some of the time and shimmers at others. A more flamboyant character, Alexis Sanchez or Aguerro (as far-fetched as it maybe) may provide Arsenal with the cutting edge. Can anyone remember the last time Arsenal had player in the top 10 of the Castrol rankings? Top 20?

Wenger’s philosophy and principles are not entirely wrong. I do hope… pray, that he realises the few figures the team needs in the dressing room and on the pitch. If someone will straighten out some of the players who seem to only have eyes for going forward then hopefully we can restore the reputation we once had.

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  1. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 30, 2011, 10:12 #6036

    According to the castrol rankings Arshavin is more influential than Both Nasri and Walcott. What a joke, Arshavin is even rated above Iniesta and Ozil too. Wenger needs to stop basing so many of his decisions on stats and get some laser surgery on his dodgy peepers!

  2. barry

    Apr 30, 2011, 0:47 #6034

    sorry but those castrol ranking are a joke. had click down a load of times to find imo 3rd best player in the world Xavi. lots more to be honest

  3. Danish Gooner

    Apr 29, 2011, 20:24 #6025

    None sane enough is listening to Wenger.If i may refer to seasons gone by he have said exactly the same drivel over and over again and you my friend is falling for it.He is like some serial cheater asking for another chance and when he gets it completely ignores that he is in last chance salloon.Wenger simply put cant be trusted to change Arsenal enough to the degree that we can match Manure etc.He will spin and spin and tell porkies just to save his own skin and reputation his latest comment of "subconcious belief" just goes to show how delusional he have become,if he isnt removed now it is gonna end in serious riot next season when nothing have changed.

  4. deejaybee

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:58 #6008

    I find it faintly amusing the amount of stick arsenal get. They are the second most successful team in the premiership era. People go on about recent history regarding arsenals lack of trophies. Yet they ignore their own teams failings over a 10, 20, 30 year period and in the spuds case FIFTY years. Chelsea have only been a "big" club since the russian needed a new toy. I would prefer to see man City finish in the champions league. It is inevitable they will and in the not too distant future, win the league. better the tots go back to mid table mediocrity. We can afford hazard and benzema (and offload (unfortunately) our two under-performing forwards and arshavin for a nett spend of 25m plus 15m available for a top class central defender. that takes care of the GBP40m budget.

  5. MAICH

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:51 #6007

    Pure nonsense an astonvilla fan? As much as we maybe in a crisis any fan of a team lower than us in the league standings should be outta his feeble mind totally stuck in mediocracy. Wen did astonvilla last win a trophy? to find out just visit the archives! Its a shame that fans like you cant defend the team. GOONER TILL I DIE

  6. Goon but not forgotten

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:41 #6005

    Exactly and deftly put,where are the players that can mix it with the rest?,Mkeown,Viera,Camp bell,Lehmann? Stubborn,Stubborn Arsene,you have personally changed the face of british football for the best and better but conceit may bring you down and you will be forgotten.

  7. m

    Apr 29, 2011, 15:34 #6004

    Theo is our highest player in the Castrol rankings at nu.38.