The real world

Time to start living in it...

The real world

Einstein: Insanity at Arsenal by his definition

A few statements that would do you no harm to keep in mind in your journey through the near future as an Arsenal fan…

(I will, at times be playing the role of Captain Obvious, since it seems like some of us live in an alternate universe)

• Arsène Charles Ernest Wenger will not be fired at the end of this season. Nor will he resign. It's just the reality.

• The same Mr Wenger will not be making any “big-name” signings during the off-season, and will not be clearing out a mass of players (we know their names well) to make room for a number of new signings (we’ve all made our mental lists). People don’t change drastically overnight. And, if you don’t believe that, he has already publicly stated that he won’t be making big-name signings… so there!

• Stan Kroenke will not be “shaking things up" at the Arsenal. He has not done so thus far at the Arsenal, despite his large shareholding and being on the board of directors. Plus, a recent article posted here has shown that this is not his modus operandi in the other sport franchises he owns. So don't get your hopes up for nothing.

• The Arsenal shareholders and board have no preference to winning trophies over making money. Oh, of course they want to win like every other person, but they’re not football fans like you or I (or Roman Chelskovich for that matter), so they’d be just as happy “winning” the booming increases in their share value as they would winning the Champions League. Thing is, they own and control the club, not us. And, unless a significant number of them suddenly take ill (or get on board Oceanic Flight 815) and are in need of replacement, or unless they start to see the financial benefit in making the Arsenal a winning club, this approach will not be changing at the Arsenal.

And now a word to our beloved team, manager, board and owners…

• To Messers Almunia, Denilson, Eboue, Rosicky, Squillaci, Koscienly, Diaby, Vela and Bendtner… at this moment in time, you’re not good enough to take the Arsenal to the heights that we fans want to see it at. But you can be better if you try harder. All through history, the greatest achievers in any given profession will tell you that the biggest part of their success was the amount of time, effort, and passion they put into the quest for the improvement of themselves. Try harder and you will be better, and we (the fans) will love you for it. Wouldn’t you love to hear the fans call out your name every week with passion and belief? Come on, guys… Do it for yourselves. Come on Arsenal!

• To Mr Wenger … Albert Einstein said that the definition of Insanity was to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. I admire your imagined word where justice prevails, and the opponents don’t cheat by having billionaire owners that can throw millions at new signings faster than your boys can concede a goal after scoring, and the opponent treat you with respect rather than kicking you off the park, and referees don’t always blow in ManU’s favour, and the game is perpetually a beautiful. I admire this world you have imagined and perhaps in time you can play a role in creating it, but today, right now, this is the real world we have to live in, and it’s time for you to live in it and try something different. I, myself, have never worked half a day in football, but you've put in a fair shift and I’m sure you have an idea or two … something different to try out. Might I suggest two little old things called “tough love” and “performance based selection”?… in the real world I live in, that seems to work quite well. Just a thought … use it / don’t use it.

• To the board and shareholders … we understand that the primary focus of your attentions is to make the club self-sustaining and profitable. In these tough economic times, and especially with the move to Ashburton Grove, you’ve done a terrific job and not just succeeded at that objective but over-achieved. Well done! But spare a thought for the fans… those who make this club what it is. All of this richness (money and otherwise) that is the Arsenal Football Club can only exist because of the returning masses of fans that love the Arsenal and pay hard earned money to fill the stadium each week, and people like me who are thousands of miles away and have never even seen shores other than our own, but who love the football of The Arsenal and so we fork out our money to pay the satellite-tv subscription fees and sit on our couches every week with our Arsenal kit on, watching the Arsenal playing live and singing the songs from our lounges across the world. But don’t just spare that thought for us for the sake of sentimentality… No, no... this is the real world we live in, so look closely at how much more you could make the Arsenal (as a brand, and as a self-sustaining, profitable entity) if only a little more focus and effort was placed on making the Arsenal a team of winners. In this real world we live in, only you can be the tools of change.

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  1. NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa

    May 03, 2011, 13:22 #6135

    Errr, actually ... There' an advert right now on the official website where it says "THE Arsenal"

  2. m

    May 02, 2011, 18:58 #6122

    never in the history of Arsenal fc has it ever been officially called THE ARSENAL so dont start now.

  3. Northbank1969

    May 02, 2011, 10:28 #6096

    @chelskVspuds Both benches were so strong? Yep, and spuds will finish 6th and Chelsea may, only may, retain the title! The gunners with what I assume you think are 2nd rate.... have challenged for the title strongly this season accept for the recent poor performances. And Fergie does his homework does he? He was in London for the weekend and perhaps it was a good idea to go to a match! All the arsenal fans who think it's time to give up your ST's, do so! There are plenty of fans who will snap them up! Arsene still has aplan and has definately not lost the plot, he has acheived ****ing miracles over the last 5 years with little money to spend in the transfer market. This coming summer he will strengthen the side without going over the top with outrageous transfer fees. Arsene is still the best manager to keep the gunners in CL and win trophies.

  4. Shropshire Lad

    May 02, 2011, 1:51 #6092

    Brilliant piece and a joy to read. Thank you Hamza, it has brightened my day. Insightful and intelligent. Unfortunately, I read the comments and read the cretinous 'piece' by ataf who is a complete ' see you next Tesday'. When will these sheep following tossers, epitomized by 'ataf' piss off and support whoever sycophants support.

  5. Northbank1969

    May 01, 2011, 9:53 #6079

    @chelskVspuds... you think they were quality on the bench, Chelsea won't regain the title this year and spuds are 5th and after Liverpools game today they will be 6th. Despite not having the quality (which you suggest) we still have CL football next season. Fergie was at the match yes, but he left after 60 minutes. What do you expect, he's in London this weekend, why not go to a match! All those supporters thinking of giving up their ST's, do it, there are plenty of other supporters waiting to snap them up.

  6. bunch

    Apr 30, 2011, 21:44 #6072

    Good post. The picture you paint is the the probable reality we face. And for those of us who directly fund the club through ticket purchases, need to decide whether to continue to part with £1000 plus a year, or move to the sofa at home or pub satellite feed.

  7. Alastair Kerr

    Apr 30, 2011, 20:38 #6069

    Great article, very constructive and above all TRUE.Atif, I'm afraid your comment makes you the idiot. The fact that an increasing number of fans are totally frustrated by the shortcomings of our team over the last couple of seasons, doesn't mean we are not loyal fans. If we didn't care about the club, we wouldn't spend time on sites such as The Gooner. I recall an article in The Gooner about 4 seasons ago, where the writer predicted that Wenger's tenure as manager would be viewed as one of 2 halves. The first half - trophy wiining teams and the second the move to the new stadium with a team relying on youth and bargain buys. How prophetic that article was (I didn't believe or want to believe in its content at the time). However, sadly that is what is happening The teams shortcomings (defence/set pieces, goalkeepers, tippy tappy football often without an end product, failure to hold onto leads, mental strenght etc) have been debated here, there and everywhere for the past 3 seasons and nothing has changed. We all know what type of players we'd like at the club, that MAY make the difference (and who we don't want to see in an Arsenal shirt again) but I can see no change in Wenger's transfer policy this summer or any other for that matter. After being defeated and quite frankly humiliated by Birmingham in the Carling Cup Final, Wenger came out and defiantly told the fans that this defeat would not derail our season - fighting talk, with no substance. On the official web site, on Friday, he has now admitted that this defeat WAS the turning point of the season. Unfortunately, that defeat has blown out of the water any arguement that this squad has mental strength, in fact quite the opposite. Wenger goes on to say " I feel that the team gave a lot in the last 2 months" - yes, they did GIVE A LOT OF POINTS AWAY - L'pool, Spurs, West Brom, Blackburn, Sunderland and Bolton not to mention Man.U (f.a.cup). They have given the supporters A LOT of misery and frustration. He also says "the team fought very well and has a fantastic attitude" NO THEY HAVEN'T FOUGHT AT ALL - THE SPINELESS COWARDS SIMPLY CAPITULATED AND FELL APART AFTER THE CARLING CUP FINAL - AS FOR THEIR FANTASTIC ATTITUDE? I'm afraid comments such as these just rub more salt into the supporters wounds.

  8. fozzys mater

    Apr 30, 2011, 20:23 #6067

    Ataf you odious charmless Wenger brainwashed AKB drone. Take your head out of his ass and understand Arsenal and life existed pre Wenger. Like Wenger and his mate Hill wood you don'th think anyone else is entitled to an opinion. Now go back to bowing at the feat of your Wenger statue. Until you can have a sensible adult debate why bother?

  9. ataf

    Apr 30, 2011, 20:16 #6066

    Ataf - without googling, can u name the two previous managers prior to Wenger? Yes

  10. chelskVspuds

    Apr 30, 2011, 19:32 #6061

    both benches were so strong. dafoe, crouch, jenas, piennar. Ramirez, anelka, kalou, zhirvok. our 2nd tier hasnt been strong enough for years. Fergy sitting in the crowd doin his homework. when was last time you saw AW at another match ?? the man is the awkward outsider and thats what he has made our team into

  11. gooner4life

    Apr 30, 2011, 18:46 #6060

    I'm with Jim, Ataf your a follower and you will follow Wenger to medorocity our team may not of been top 4 every season before AW but with the likes of Adams, Dixon, Wright, Parlour, Smith, Seaman and many more they played there hearts out its funny vieria said the other day "some of the arsenal players today would not put there foot where the old lot would put there heads" and that is so true there a bunch of bottlers.

  12. Jim

    Apr 30, 2011, 17:41 #6059

    Ataf - without googling, can u name the two previous managers prior to Wenger? Dickheads like you have completely ruined the matchday experience. You're a sheep, you're a bore, you're charmless, humourless and devoid of any capability of original thought. Now sit down and shut up, there's a good lad.

  13. ataf

    Apr 30, 2011, 16:35 #6051

    your a ****ing idiot, this article is for idiots. stop moaning and support your club.

  14. highaimer

    Apr 30, 2011, 16:01 #6045

    brilliant post. A calm, collected and controlled piece of writing sir! As you rightly said, drastic change will not happen over night. We, as Arsenal fans, need to look at it from a "real world" perspective as do those professionally bound to the club. Those who are the powers that be at Arsenal only need that slight shift in focus towards having a WINNING team. "Real world" to me is that the two most important things are the fans and the football team(playing squad). Without the fans the team is nothing. But without the football team the club is nothing - it is merely a business and nothing more.