A smidgen of pride…and plenty of regret!

Teasing victory over United and just what could have been…

A smidgen of pride…and plenty of regret!

Ramsey: Masterfully talented cheeky schemer

Well, it just was meant to be, wasn’t it? A victory against Manchester United is welcome in any form at any time. But this is just way too teasing, isn’t it? Bittersweet takes a whole new meaning here. And the thing is, this was a win every bit as deserved as our form had been disastrous over the past two months.

With my brother sat next to me watching pensively on as the United pressure came to the boil in the dying moments, I told him that those Arsenal boys have done themselves and their great Club and supporters proud for once, and that each and every one of them would be exempt from blame had United equalised, given the situation (barring an obvious individual cock-up, of course).

Fight, bite, grit, strength and confidence on the ball against the champions-elect in what was essentially a dead rubber of a contest. Okay, is there ever such a thing as an Arsenal-United, Wenger-Fergie dead-rubber? But you get my drift.

Just where, WHERE, was all of that against Sunderland, Blackburn, West Brom, Bolton for God’s sake? Where? Someone tell me where! A malingering thought as the clock ticked down on a solid, richly resourceful win, and a thought that is bound to continue as the curtains are drawn on yet another failed effort of a season.

Even the likes of subs Andrey Arshavin and Emmanuel Eboué looked interested and with half a brain on them for once, the Russian making not one, nor two, but three tackles in obstructing potential United counterattacks! A tad late, Andrey, a tad late! Set pieces, no problem. The fleet-of-foot assassin in Hernandez, no problem! It all clicked in such a manner that must have had Arsène Wenger, as it had thousands other in the ground, wondering, just what could have been this season. It is as I say, in a word, teasing!

Even Cesc Fàbregas’ last minute pre-match withdrawal (Not sure it was last minute. He arrived at the ground in his own car rather than on the team coach which suggests it was known he would not be playing yesterday – Ed), the latest in the wheel of misfortune, failed to dampen the spirit or, crucially, to lessen the performance. Since when has Cesc been available for a clash against Manchester United, I ask myself, anyway? Time to get used to being without him forever more one feels anyway. And who needs him, when, at this rate, you have a masterfully talented cheeky schemer in the shape of one Aaron Ramsey, who, with Jack Wilshere alongside, and with Alex Song sitting deep, turned in arguably the best midfield performance of 2011?! It was only fitting that the young Wales skipper hit the winner early in the second half; an accurate finish following a sweeping move led by the ever-passionate Robin van Persie.

Not so much a backs-to-the-wall effort here on in following Ramsey’s deserved opener, but we were tested alright! And it is the manner in which each and every one of them stood tall (barring sub Sébastien Squillaci’s customary slip letting Wayne Rooney release Nani through on goal), that just adds to the whole chagrin that is this most unfulfilling of football seasons in 2010-2011.

Expectedly, the gaffer has come out with all his usual shiz: the pride, the team spirit, the “giving everything”, you know the lot. Inevitably though, you could just smell the regret and sorrow in his voice as he reflected on what could have been. Those players will no doubt be hurting too, a good few of them looking themselves in the mirror and asking themselves, just why not do it when it truly matters?!

Not least with the talk now on the supposedly wide open title race once again… for Chelsea! With three points separating the top two and with identical goal difference, the spectacle at Old Trafford next Sunday promises to be one of the most significant title deciders in years. Not that I will care that much, a sentiment shared by many of you, I suspect, although I must admit, I’d personally much rather United hold their nerve and clinch it now that we are out of the picture. Arguments for and against who Gooners would rather succeed out of those two bains of our very existence, but this is neither the time nor the place for it.

For now, we can celebrate victory, a very hollow one mind, in the knowledge that whoever it is that triumphs on May 22nd, it won’t, sadly, be Arsenal.

Oh well, I suppose there’s always next year. Or so goes the joke anyway…

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  1. ckl

    May 03, 2011, 16:00 #6140

    Dear Mark, as a fellow arsenal devotee, i can assure you that the teams implosion at the business end of the season for the last number of years combined with the lack of a top goalkeeper being signed has left me as traumatised as much as any arsenal supporter. We have not had the keeper that we all know had been needed but Eduardo, Bacary Sagna, Arron Ramsey, Samir Nasri, Andrey Arshavin (his four goals against liverpool when we were at perhaps our lowest ebb of the last six trophylyess seasons?) and Thomas Vermaelen? I still think Wenger has something when it comes to identifying talent. But i am convinced that when put into perspective we have done well even to achieve as much as we have even though it falls heartbreakingly short of what we aspire to. Like most things in life circumstances dictate, please consider the following; When it was announced that arsenal would be building a new stadium the following happened 1. Arsene Wenger publicly stated that he would be pursuing a policy of introducing players from the youth program due to the financial constraints of building a new stadium. 2. David Dein had a disagreement with his fellow board of directors on the decision to build a new statium, he felt that a new financial patron would be required in order to keep the team competitive. Dein had never enjoyed a great reputation amongst the boards of other teams, the accusation of being biased (and suggestions of underhandedness in his dealings) towards arsenal was often aimed at him. When he (allegedly) went behind the boards back to recruit Stan Kronke, the board threw him out. Wenger offered to resign in support of Dein, but Dein insisted that he stay - he is quoted as saying something to the effect that wenger leaving was not in the interests of the club. Wenger had lost a vitally important part of his team. 3. The decison to develop highbury rather than sell it to a developer put an extra burden on finances which coupled with the property market collapsing put the entire project in a perilous state (Andrey Arshavin was bought in Jan 2009 with money not due to be available until the summer of 2009, at wengers insistence). Wenger is reported to have clashed repeatedly with Keith Edelman over the finances available to the team due to financial requirements needed to complete the highbury property development project. 4. The statium and shirt sponsorship deals were made when the club needed cash to build the stadium, as a result these deals were heavily in favour of the sponsors but the club, having made the decision they did, had little choice. Even now there is only a reported £40M budget for new players and wages (including new contracts for Nasri etc) available to Wenger from a cash surplus of around £100M. It is no secret that a large proportion of this money has been set aside as collateral against loads insisted upon by the banks etc who hold these loans. Watching Arsene Wenger on the sidelines for the last month has been painful, he has looked dreadful as things have gone from bad to worse. At the Totenham game a member of the spurs bench got up and told wenger to sit down when he was complaining about a decision, i am not sure who this brave individual was but i would put good money on him not attempting the same to Alex Ferguson. Martin O'Neill had rejuvenated Aston Villa over the course of three seasons but felt compelled to resign days before the start of this season due to restrictions placed on him by the owner, and who could blame him. Arsene Wenger was placed under similar (not the same) restictions but chose to stay and, in my opinion (and that of David Dein's) attempted the impossible. Was he foolish to do this? I am not sure, but as an arsenal supporter i am glad he made the decision he did. The guy (wenger) has been at his wits ends and it shows, and what does he have to look forward to? calls for him to be removed at the end of the season? If ever he needed some support himself it is now. Come on the gunners!

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2011, 15:11 #6139

    agree with your piece but you forgot to mention usual sucide moment clichy tackle on owen at old trafford pen given and we mess up again.

  3. Lewis

    May 03, 2011, 13:40 #6136

    Mark - Is Cesc really leaving because Wenger has supplied him with players he can't rely upon in a dog fight?! Given Cesc's football ethos and the fact he wants to go to Barca I can't imagine he is too bothered about not having Karl Henry in his team... One point I would make is that if Wenger goes so will half the squad. Some of you may say good, but it wont just be Denilson etc who will leave. Sagna, Nasri and Ramsey are only here due to Wenger and could easily follow him to any other club in europe, because believe me Wenger would have his pick.

  4. Mark

    May 03, 2011, 11:30 #6134

    Dear CKL, i for one did not know it was either a new stadium or win trophies did you ? i remember being told moving to a new stadium meant we would compete with the very best financially hence i invested and i bought club tickets with friends and was alround gun ho. anyway put that to 1 side what about quality of the players AW has been bringing in last 4 years. do you honestly think they are the same standard as the team from 2005/6 or would you say he has definitely gone down a notch or 2 in terms of player quality and would you say that we have paid a heavy price for that policy ? and meanwhile there is ample evidence to confirm that we could have easily spent lets conservatively say £20M more on players during each of the last 4 years. would you not have been happier with a decent known goalkeeper and centre half just for example ? if we had imploded then last 2 months of the season we would have all accepted it alot easier but when aw insists on keep playing players that have let us all down several times then in my book he deserves all the critiscism he is currently getting. let him push the board to win things and let someone push him back about the clubs finances. i dont want our manager talking about finances anymore its not his job

  5. Mark

    May 03, 2011, 8:31 #6133

    gooner 48, AW is THE reason Cesc is leaving dont you get it ? top players want to play with top players why didnt AW surround Cesc with at least 4 or 5 guys he knew he could rely on in a dogfight match ?? i feel sorry for Cesc he gave everything and more to Arsenal and in the end he was let down

  6. ckl

    May 03, 2011, 3:35 #6131

    Dear Mark, since 2005 and the last trophy, Arsenal have built a new state of the art statium (without the benefit of a billionaire patron), managed to pay the most of it off, managed to torture us supporters by coming so close several times to winning the league title and all the while allowing their youth project to get the experience of playing in the champions league, this is a recipe for success which has not come quickly enough for any of us but please, at the risk of sounding patronising, lets keep a little perspective and lets give the manager a little recognition for the consistently excellent work he has been doing, when (not if) they win the league and the champions league all this will have seemed worthwhile, remember Alex Ferguson had to wait on his first league title but when it came the floodgates opened, keep the faith, all the top teams in Europe would not like Wenger as their manager because he is a fool.

  7. Gooner 48

    May 02, 2011, 23:58 #6129

    Bleat, bleat, bleat go the anti-Wenger sheep. Yet again. Why would any team in the world get rid of Cesc? If you want to improve the squad, which we surely all do, you really don't do so by ditching the best players FFS. You find better players and make them fight for a place.

  8. dave bromley

    May 02, 2011, 23:11 #6128

    sid the ashburton red you must have edited the programme yesterday ?? loved the foot notes of how lucky we are as fans are you russian he he well done arsenal media good plant,....

  9. tom

    May 02, 2011, 22:58 #6127

    We have to keep Fabregas, otherwise it will be one step forward, two back. Ramsey and Wilshere are quality, but if they get injusred for 3 months next year, who will replace them? Denilson?

  10. Mark

    May 02, 2011, 20:54 #6125

    dear ckl, since 2005 and our last trophy man u have won 8 trophies and chelsea 5 trophies. thats the comparison that matters the most. stop being so easily pleased !

  11. Mark

    May 02, 2011, 18:54 #6121

    aw should still carry the cam because what sunday proved was that with some investment last year and again in January this year we could be a team. instead aw and the club went for trying to do it on the cheap while continuing to rape their supporters for as much income as possible. i dont mind paying up but i want to see more of my money on the pitch and less in directors backpockets

  12. k eloquence

    May 02, 2011, 17:57 #6119

    I agree with Sid, one of the more insightful contributions from "gooners" in response to articles such as these.

  13. Northbank1969

    May 02, 2011, 17:32 #6118

    I am with you Sid, all the way! I just don't understand Arsenal fans who berate and try to ridicule one of the greatest managers the Gunners have ever had. Arsène Wengers loves this club and has, over 15 years, brought silverware and developed one of the best teams in Europe. I look into Online Gooner just occasionally, but everytime I do I see negativity and what can only be described as 'anti-arsenal' views! And everytime I see the crap written and the posts that support it, just strengthens my own belief in the club, the players and the manager. I'm now at the age where I've mellowed somewhat, but over my lifetime I have been privelaged to see the Arsenal go through some great periods, Bertie Mee, George Graham and now Arsène Wenger, enough glory to enable me to say, what's another year or two without silverware, when a man like Wenger is putting hi heart and soul into building what in all likelihood, will be the greatest team in Europe come 2012/13. The new breed of fan (not all) seems to me to have experienced success and now expects it all the time. In my experience that is impossible and unrealistic. Wenger has produced a minor miracle over the past 5 years, lacking funds, moving to a new stadium, developing a youth programme and bringing that youth through to the first team. We saw the result yesterday with Chezzers, Jack and Rambo! Totally outplayed the United midfield.... this is the future of Arsenal. Next season we will see even more with Afobe, Lansbury, JET, Traore and Mannone. But say that on Online Gooner... and you just get told that you're an idiot. Oh well...... I've put forward my opinion and await the negativity. :0))

  14. ckl

    May 02, 2011, 16:59 #6116

    the only change the club need to make is rather than raise the ticket price by 6.5% they should raise it to 12.5%, then sad bastards like you could complain about something else rather than how bitter they are about arsenal. Get your head out of your a**; Barcelona, Chelsea and now Man UTD all beaten at home in one season and you think this team with an average age of 23 has to be dismantled?

  15. fozzy's mate

    May 02, 2011, 16:08 #6115

    Sid - as ever I respect your and anyone's opinion. However when such sites are set up with the purpose of encouraging diverse debate and opinion why do you and a number of others slate any opinion not in accord with their own? The major reason why so many now criticise the clubs directors and manager is their arrogance and disdain in disregarding any opinion not totally aligned to their own. Most fans are intelligent adults who are used to in their everyday life expressing opinion and entering into lively debate. However Hillwood and Wenger rear up at any polite challenge or critique to a childish and petulant level. If they had shown even the slightest level of humility towards those filling their bulging pockets and not baulked when being asked polite and relevant questions while telling blatant lies about the clubs ****ives and stratagem feelings would not be running so high. You advocate blind faith and a lemming like culture. I am afraid if that is what the club want they are charging far too much and should in fact be touring the job centres for supporters who will blindly applaud whatever they do in achieving their underlying aim of the highest share price in the history of football aligned to the biggest ever cash reserve! What greedy football clubs failed to realise is that when you pay prices that are at a world high level as of 2011 your demands and expectations will inevitably exceed those when you pay £25 for a junior gunners season ticket in 2011.

  16. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 02, 2011, 14:41 #6108

    Maybe try one less sugar in your tea, Sid....

  17. BigNoseGooner

    May 02, 2011, 13:59 #6105

    Instead of complaining Sid why don't you submit your own piece of wisdom on how our club is being managed perfectly ?

  18. Sid

    May 02, 2011, 11:48 #6101

    They havent got the stomach for the fight, they bottle it each and every time. The players? No, the so-called SUPPORT of this great club are rubbish and pathetic. Man up or clear out. I am sick of the cr*p put out by the Gooner. You shouldnt be allowed to call yourself that. You are a disgrace. Just because you occassionally put out a reasonable piece, that hardly registers compared with the tons of abusive, petulant, doom mongering garbage.

  19. matt

    May 02, 2011, 11:32 #6100

    personally I think that we don't beat teams like Bolton etc is because they battle more than Utd did yesterday. Carrick, Nani, Park etc., hardy put it about like Boltons midfield, & Forwards (Davies) do..... You can almost see our players wilt against the sides who tackle hard. Utd without the likes of Scholes & Fletcher were soft. And surprisingly Utd were very lethargic going forward yesterday. Hardly any pressure was put on our shaky defence who tend to crack at the mearest sign of pressure. Yesterday only papered over all the fundemental problems that has been so obvious all season, and Wenger is already using it to argue his - no purchase policy with his usual "it stops youngsters from being able to be played!" I am sick of his b*llsh*t, young players do not win trophies, class and experience do, and until he sorts out the crap average players out of the squad and replaces them with quality then it is always "oh well next season will be the one!" I still hope for a new manager as I did last season and the season before, but I am sure that all we will see and hear is more Wenger crap!