What is the reason behind Arsenal’s ticket price increase?

Online Ed: It’s all about the Benjamins

What is the reason behind Arsenal’s ticket price increase?

Stan: Does he need the £4.5m that badly?

Arsenal will make approximately £4.5 million net profit over the next 12 months from the decision to raise admission prices by 6.5%.

I will keep this brief, but the club are asking for more money because they are able to get it on a simple supply and demand principle, not because they need it for their much vaunted self sustainability model. To clarify, Arsene Wenger has between £35 and £40 million untouched in his player trading account. That is money for use on transfers and wages. It could have been used on the pitch in the 2010/11 season, but the squad was good enough to win trophies without the money being spent. That’s what the manager reckons and the club pay him £6.5 million or so a year for his wisdom. I am paid nothing by the club and my opinion is worthless because I have not worked half a day in football according to M. Wenger. But the decision to play Manuel Almunia as the first choice keeper after 1st September 2010 made me believe Arsenal would end the season potless. And for all those who hate me with a vengeance for stating an opinion on the football team I support, I am totally gutted that the manager did not know better than me (and thousands of other Gooners, I am not claiming any unique insight here).

The amount in the player trading account will rise this summer without the ticket price increases. An extra £4.5 million is not going to make much difference given the manager’s reluctance to spend it. He’d rather pursue the long-running vanity project that keeps the average age of his team too young to actually win any silverware.

So what’s the £4.5 million going to be used for? There is this delightful category the club declare in their annual accounts called ‘other operating expenses’. It’s invariably over £50 million and about a quarter of the club’s total expenditure. And frankly, we can only hazard a guess what ‘other operating expenses’ mean. The club have been asked to break them down by supporters’ organisations in the past but have steadfastly refused to do so. And the reasons for the lack of transparency? The club don’t have to reveal the information legally and they know damn well there would be uproar if we found out how some of this money was being used. I asked Ken Friar directly about what this money was used for at a supporters’ q&a when he was managing director after Keith Edelman’s departure and he wouldn’t give me a straight answer. So the man in charge of running the club did not know what a quarter of its income is used for. He said he would report back to the Trust on the matter but they heard nothing subsequently. The club have named a bridge after Ken. He’s sold his shares to Stan Kroenke. A real club man, in all senses of the word.

Arsenal do not need the extra money they are asking of supporters. But they can get it. What it will be used for is open to debate. If not directly assisting to pay for Stan Kroenke’s purchase of the club, who will know if it is not being filtered out in other ways. Other operating costs? £50 million is one hell of an electricity bill and no mistake.

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  1. Gooner S

    May 04, 2011, 23:39 #6210

    I'm not a season ticket holder but the price increase is ridiculous. Maybe supporters could stomach it if Arsenal had been successful but 6% more to watch average players like diaby, eboue and rosicky to probably win f*ck all for a EIGHTH successive year under a manager who won't spend the extra money on a decent experienced centre back and central defensive midfielder is taking the piss! Away club membership is surely the more cost effective way to go?

  2. Judge Me in May

    May 04, 2011, 22:59 #6209

    Ooooh silent Stan, you utter twerp. Way to introduce yourself to the fans. Instead of trimming an extra £4.5 mil out of the pockets of the hard-working fans, how about you nactually boot out Diaby and Denilson? That would actually net you a little over £4.6 million! Nope, scam the fans. Mug. The price rise is indefensible. Arsenal have one of the largest squads in the Premier League and some of the sh***est players in that squad: Diaby, Denilson, Eboue, Almunia etc. There is SO much overpaid garbage in there to sift through. What will be interesting this summer, will be to see how the club justifies this disgraceful price hike. 6.5% extra on top of rip-off tickets. For mug punters to pay their monies to watch the likes of Chamakh. Do you know that Sebastien Squillaci is reportedly on £60k a week??!!! This summer, the ONLY justification for that price hike will be to see TOP CLASS players being signed. Not French muppets, not kids, not 'potential' but a statement or two of intent. However it won't happen. And Wenger will mug you all off for another year. I remember when those board members were defended by AKBs 'They are custodians of the club'. Bla bla. Nope. What they are, are greedy businessmen who scammed a torpid and unsuspecting bunch of clueless easily-fooled fans. The plan all along was to boost their share price, without investing a single penny of their own cash. They asset-strip by selling off the best players and hoarding the cash in the reserve account, meaning their shares are boosted. 'We don't want Kroenke's sort'. Unless he is offering us stacks of cash then we'll sell the club down the river. 'The Arsenal way'. What is that then? A charmless manager who disrespects the fans in public though he's won nothing in six years? Or a retarded chairman who is rude about shareholders and threatens them? 'We are English owned'. Yup, fine Arsenal traditions there. Businessmen are just that. Greedy money-hungry hippoes and the fleeced the public. Some have opened their eyes and seen sense. Others, think Wenger is a great manager and that this is justifiable! Enjoy the brainwashing. SHEEP.

  3. Barry

    May 04, 2011, 22:08 #6205

    Give up your ticket then, there's thousands of others willing to pay the money. All you season ticket holders bleating about the price rises, give up your seat then, the club will fill it within 3 hours.

  4. john

    May 04, 2011, 19:47 #6202

    manures dearest season ticket over £900. Arsenals around £1900. Absolute joke. Arsenals true fans getting more isolated and unable to support the club they love at the Emirates. we are a financial business now not a genuine football club. Football spectators may attend the Emirates but not true Arsenal fans. As far as i am concerned the Arsenal board can p*** off.

  5. Rob

    May 04, 2011, 18:24 #6198

    This is now the sixty four thousand dollar question. I must say I have never seen a copy of the Accounts so I was not fully aware of this 'contingency'. But a cynic might suggest that such large cash reserves are kept at the Club at the behest of Hill-Wood, Friar et al, to cover any possibility of a future 'leveraged buyout' for any of the then existing shareholders holdings, thus ensuring said shareholders were paid on the dot. And with Kronke's arrival via the purchase - allegedly - of Danny Fiszman's and Nina's holdings, the future is now the present. It wasn't so long ago - about 18 months or so - that Kronke was short of cash. Asset rich but cash poor. Has he really come through with the money for both the above Directors of his own account ? Or has partly funded this move with Club money ? Utd pay for the Glaziers with financial charges. We might just be paying for all this with minimal on field investment which translates into no trophies. Certainly until there is proof positive that this has not happened the cynic might be forgiven for thinking it otherwise.

  6. Ron

    May 04, 2011, 16:33 #6197

    Ticket price rises are as a result of the Clubs overheads having risen just like every other business bar none. In fairness the prices have been pegged quite well over the last few years and the saving grace maybe is the prices now are really at a point of not being able to be raised further, if they werent already. There must come a time when 90 minutes of football just isnt worth what they charge? In many ways the price rises are both cynical and clever. Cynical in the sense that the team has once again shown itself to have a greater bottling capacity than Coca Cola, yet the cost of seeing them bottle it goes up. Clever, in the sense that the Club are aware that team investment is vital and that the existing creche mentality hitherto fostered by Wenger needs ditching as they hear the fans say it now repeatedly, hence their justification for the rises is that new players calls for more money and lots of it.

  7. Christof

    May 04, 2011, 16:13 #6195

    @Steve - the relevant stat shouldn't be CPI but rather core inflation which is much lower. Or how about wage inflation which is negligible.

  8. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 04, 2011, 15:50 #6192

    Stuart- now I hope the supporters trust read your comment. Excellent point and one a lot of supporters would agree with you on.

  9. CD

    May 04, 2011, 15:27 #6191

    We have simply ceased to be a football club, and have become a cash cow for the sole benefit of the few greedy self interested board members and AW. I really have had enough now, of being squeezed for every penny we have with no return. The relationship between the club and it's loyal fans has now crossed the line where sheer greed and ripping off the hand that feeds it is the order of the day. What the hell has happened to the club I fell in love with back in 1970? Money is the short answer, and lots of it and sod the unwashed masses whom have never even worked half a day in football anyway, and hence deserve to be fleeced for simply being loyal. The club now treats us with contempt, it's high time we reciprocated by keeping our wallets firmly shut!

  10. Seven Kings Gunner

    May 04, 2011, 14:58 #6185

    The extra revenue raised should be ear marked for a "war chest" to purchase at least one real world class player. However as already stated by Carlos, buying expensive new players will mean AW will be expected to win trophies and he clearly does not have the "mental strength" to withstand that expectation.

  11. Dan

    May 04, 2011, 14:34 #6184

    What a surprise! You are more than happy to post a stupid brattish comment from one of those idots who are planning to demo at the Villa game. I thought some of our fans were rubbish - stoney silent statues at the Grove, now they are becoming a laughing stock. i will be sticking to away games solely next season. Thanks alot you fools. The grove will soon be just like an away game for our players soon enough. Well done. BTW The price hike is pathetic, i dont agree with it, but as usual the knee jerk childish over reaction by some Gooners beggars belief. And I am a 4th generation Gooner, before you suggest I'm a jonnycomelately, or even an AKB, whatever the f*ck that means (That in itself is a puerile nonsensical term used by mindless tabloid fed sheep.)

  12. Stuart

    May 04, 2011, 13:49 #6182

    This price hike is ridiculous. Rather than the club come after my hard earnt money. Why don't they ask Fabregas, Van Persie and Co. to take home 6.5% less. That way they could earn £131k a week instead of £140k. A figure that would take me several years to earn. Also, if they expect this to only raise £4.5m or £86k a week, why don't we just get rid of rosicky and denilson and by magic theres your £86k a week and keep the prices frozen!!!

  13. Website Editor

    May 04, 2011, 13:38 #6181

    Joe (6728) - well the maths suggests that a couple of £15 million players or a £20m and a £10m player could have been bought last summer without compromising the club. and if they took a reasonable speculate to accumulate approach, further progress in the CL would have paid for any further players bought that improved their chances of getting past the last 16 stage (winning the group stage would have helped for starters!)

  14. Jimmy

    May 04, 2011, 13:04 #6177

    I'd read the speculation but didn't really think the club would go through with this increase. I should have known! Of course the only way to make them listen to us is to hit them where it hurts by not stumping up the money and I know there have been plenty of people on this website who have said they have every intention of now renewing for another year. However, my problem (and I'm sure countless others) is that I do want to renew and will therefore hand over the money at some stage, but thats the key phrase... "at some stage". Strictly we've got until 1st June so firstly I'd suggest everyone who is renewing waits until the last possible moment to cough up the readies. Better still is ring the Box Office on the 1st June, tell them you've got every intention of renewing, but have got a few short term financial issues (plead health care costs or a new care or divorce or whatever other excuse takes your fancy) and therefore will it be alright if you don't send them the money until 1st July. At least this will make them sweat a bit about what the renewal levels are going to be because whatever they may claim, the waiting list is not as long as it once was and a fair percentage of the people who are sitll on it, have either already turned down the opportunity of getting a ticket or will do so.

  15. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    May 04, 2011, 11:52 #6170

    For those that are sick of the way OUR club is and has been run over the last 6-7 years there is a demo planned at the Villa game. If your interested put yourself about to find out where and when. I wonder, could £4.5M have anything to do with the yanks loan repayments for buying up the shares? We already have the highest gate reciepts in the world. If you pay top price for a car you don't expect a Ford. Why aren't the top players in the world coming to Arsenal like we were promised? The move to Ashburton has suited a very small group of people indeed, namely Shareholders who have cashed in without ever putting a penny into the club and the Jonny Come Latelys(who are mainly AKB aswell) who couldnt care less it's just a nice day out.

  16. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 04, 2011, 11:46 #6169

    Wow ED now that was something that I did not know. In your opinion how much could have been spent on transfers in the last two seasons without putting the club in financial danger?

  17. scorp

    May 04, 2011, 11:12 #6165

    this is disgusting..ur every article sounds apologetic these days before u condemn wenger and the club.. why hold back..u do not need to consider the AKB brigade everytime u write..if they dont like the harsh reality they can keep away from the gooner.. u r spot on as always..

  18. Carlos

    May 04, 2011, 11:11 #6164

    Totally agree. Why do they put prices up? Because they can, simple as. For my sins I watched the "Sunday Supplement" the other day, with the usual superficial analysis regarding Arsenal's money. One of them did make an interesting point regarding the Manager's lack of spending, i.e. if he did spend a load of cash he would be under pressure to win - we can't have that now, can we? My view is, more of the same, a couple of signing from the French league, some kids from overseas, and the captain to say "enough is enough".

  19. Ziggy

    May 04, 2011, 10:54 #6162

    Wow, quite an eye opener so thanks for sharing this info. I think you are absolutely right demanding some transparency on this matter. Do you know if other clubs do that too? Not that it would matter so much here. I don't like our bridge bearing Ken's name either and it shows money matter more than loyalty. I'm not sure Arsene should be blamed for all that goes wrong with the club though. I know you are not saying that and the player's age issue is a valid one but it needs to be taken in perspective of our ethos, finacial strength, new stadium etc. All this IS more important than a couple of trophies IMHO. I think the youth project is taking longer than anticipated by Wenger himself but I have a feeling we are sooo close. Next season they will all be a bit older and more experienced so 2012 our season? I can see that happening...

  20. Steve

    May 04, 2011, 10:38 #6160

    One question.....what has the CPI rise been over the last 3 years...if in total it is more than 6.5% then Gooner fans are getting a good deal right?

  21. SilverGooner

    Dec 09, 2010, 21:05 #158

    That pretty well sums up things as they are Simon. Yes we can be great going forward but our defensive frailties continue to be our achilles heel. The other teams in our group were average but even they managed to exploit our fragile defence. The standard of opposition in the CL is about to ramp up significantly and unless Wenger acknowledges and addresses our defensive problems we have absolutley no chance of winning the trophy. Not a hope in hell. As for the Premiership, while I'm delighted we are top of the table, we are currently conceeding a goal a game and are thefore on course to rack up 38 goals in our against column. That's only 3 less than last season, 1 more than the season before and 7 more than the one before that. In neither of those three seasons did we win the title, so on current defensive form what chance have we of doing it this year? It is so obvious I can't believe that Wenger is doing nothing about it!

  22. Jack

    Dec 09, 2010, 20:42 #157

    Steve Bould became youth coach in 2001, Ashley Cole made his debut in 2000.

  23. SilverGooner

    Dec 09, 2010, 17:47 #155

    That pretty well sums up things as they are Simon. Yes we can be great going forward but our defensive frailties continue to be our achilles heel. The other teams in our group were average but even they managed to exploit our fragile defence. The standard of opposition in the CL is about to ramp up significantly and unless Wenger acknowledges and addresses our defensive problems we have absolutley no chance of winning the trophy. Not a hope in hell. As for the Premiership, while I'm delighted we are top of the table, we are currently conceeding a goal a game and are thefore on course to rack up 38 goals in our against column. That's only 3 less than last season, 1 more than the season before and 7 more than the one before that. In neither of those three seasons did we win the title, so on current defensive form what chance have we of doing it this year? It is so obvious I can't believe that Wenger is doing nothing about it!

  24. DBergkamp19

    Dec 09, 2010, 15:37 #152

    How does having Steve Bould as no. 2 help? He's been with the youth team for years now and has produced no defenders other than Cole. The less said about the numerous CB's that he and Wenger have unleashed on us, the better. There is no point in promoting anyone we have currently at various coaching levels. Collectively, they've been unable to drill defense for 6 years now. To be fair, you can't teach a cow to jump through hoops, so I can understand their hands are sorta tied when Wenger brings in second division trash like Koscielny and expects Primorac and Co. to teach him defense. Still, we need to look elsewhere for a no. 2. Can Keown be convinced to give up his media career? He was taking his coaching certifications, I believe? Can Wenger get over his ego and bring in Tony Adams who, at the moment, will be far better off as no.2 than managing some unheard of team somewhere in the bowels of the earth. How about Winterburn? Would he give up his media career? or..brace yourself for this...O'leary? His defensive coaching skills cannot be denied and he did take them to the CL semis before financial dealings took them down but that was more due to that twat of a CEO they had.

  25. Tom

    Dec 09, 2010, 14:23 #150

    Have to disagree with your assessment of Bayern. They have been pretty bad in the Bundesliga this year. 7th in the league and 17 points off the leaders. They would be tough, but I actually think we would be slight favourites.