The multi ownership/trousering model part 2

Why Arsene was a better fit for Highbury

The multi ownership/trousering model part 2

Is there a growing gap between fans and the Arsenal establishment?

Some time ago in my article The multi ownership/trousering model, I attempted to analyse the actual position taken by the board in contrast to the publicised policies. I paid particular emphasis on the genesis of and actual move to the bowl. Anyone reading that article would have sensed my contempt for the board and their dough-trousering disregard for those who actually are the club: the fans.

The article was well received and this week’s announcement confirming the gutless increase in ticket prices has spurred me to write a follow-up article. This announcement was accompanied by an "explanation" of the rationale by Mr. Ivan "Puppet" Gazidis. The statement was more or less confined to - "we have thought long and hard about this" and "we haven't raised ticket prices for three years".

As in my last article, I try to avoid placing all the blame at Mr. Wenger’s door as there are enough well thought out articles doing that already. I seek to find a rational explanation for the club’s failure to utilise the huge cash reserve it has built since the move to the new ground.

The intention of the former major shareholders to bolster the share price prior to selling out now appears clear. However, even they, no matter how supine and greedy, could never have envisaged such a gaping gap in the announced reason for moving ("to compete at the top level in the transfer market”) and the reality of us behaving like a mid-table team - scraping about for kids, has-beens or mediocre players, while selling proven world-class performers, who are slightly past their brilliant best.

My take on this is that the all-powerful Arsene is firmly ensconced in his comfort zone, keeping his buffer intact despite ever increasing pressure from the fleeced Gooner nation. While at the Highbury, we all accepted the mix of kids, unpolished gems, and former stars who had been on the ropes - such as Henry and Overmars. We even accepted the letter received in summer 2001 from the board explaining that an increase of 25% was required to fund the acquisitions of Campbell, Jeffers, Wright and Van Bronckhorst. Announcements of the move to the E*******s made us dream of seeing us go head-to-head for the world’s big names with Chelski, Manure and others.

In the early years at the bowl, we accepted the restrictions, but this acceptance can only go so far when the CEO admits to a cash reserve of £110 million. The £40 million fees received for Toure and Idolbarndoor sit almost untouched in the transfer account. I have recently read the opinions of some top managers that Mr Wenger will not spend the kitty at his disposal because it makes trophies compulsory and second place for twenty years unacceptable.

We now reach an interesting crossroads: Stan "Stick-On Tache" Kroenke has assumed control, we have not won a trophy for six years having collapsed again, and the highest prices in world football have been forced yet higher. In a few years, the stadium debt will be gone and the bowl will be an even bigger cash cow than it is today. Will Mr. Wenger still refuse to spend?

If this is the case, as one regular contributor to this site asked, "What was the point in leaving Highbury?" We now have the opportunity to reach for the stars and hope that Wenger is the man to take us in a vertiginous direction. However, if the dough is trousered by Kroenke and Usmanov either by design or by ongoing support of Arsene’s refusal to use the resources at his disposal, the rift between club and fans can only deepen.

Any scaremongering regarding Arsenal going bust must surely end now as 90% of the club is owned by two foreign billionaires with a combined fortune of around £10 - £15 billion.

We have no choice, but to pay up and smile. Not watching our team is no more an option than choosing not to breathe.

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  1. Graham Yates

    May 06, 2011, 10:25 #6303

    "In a few years, the stadium debt will be gone" @ Fozzy's Mate: I was sure that the debt is more or less "paid up". If not, how much more needs to be paid, after all, all of Highbury Sq. profit has been taken into consideration?

  2. kev g

    May 06, 2011, 8:20 #6274

    This increase equates to 4.5m per annum extra. If we'd have won our cl group we would have most likely have made the qf and pocketed the same money. This in itself tells the board that on pitch success equates to off pitch success. If we lose cesc nasri arshavin and clichy in the summer the board can forget out making a penny as no one will be interested in throwing money at a second rate selling club

  3. Marky

    May 05, 2011, 21:38 #6269

    not enough passion within the club, board, management has finally spilt over to the players hence 90% of them are gutless, overpaid, careless, laid back about playing for arsenal. but all clean cut youthful and obey aw every word. didnt you prefer Adams, Merson et al down the pub on sat night but this place used to brim with passion and commitment and we used to kick ars. now we have a bunch of chinless personalityless players

  4. GoonerRon

    May 05, 2011, 20:18 #6266

    Fozzys mate, thanks for the info. I see what you're saying but our season tickets come with 7 cup games so is it a like for like comparison? Plus I think (and please do correct me if I'm wrong) man u insist that all season ticket holders HAVE to buy cup tickets without being able to opt out.

  5. Fozzys mate

    May 05, 2011, 18:13 #6264

    RJ - to explain, when the club have a self confessed cash reserve exceeding 100 million and a self confessed untouched transfer fund of circa £40 million from the sales of Adebayor and Toure, Gazidis words and not mine, in my opinion (only an opinion) the club should use it not raise prices because they can. Gooner Ron last night a stat taken from the clubs website showed the effect of our 6.5% rise and manures £1 per ticket rise. Manures most expensive season ticket was a pound dearer than our cheapest!

  6. Grarini

    May 05, 2011, 16:54 #6261

    Great article. There really is NO excuse to raise ticket prices when the club never spends and we are forced to watch dross. Wenger is a Charlatan, who detests pressure which is why he won't spend. The future that's always five years away! He should go manage Villa or Spurs perhaps but not my Arsenal. It's hilarious cos by booting out Diaby, Denilson and Eboue, Arsenal would have covered the ticket price rise with over £1 mil to spare. But we need the extra cash to fund the transfers we never make! Just like we moved to the Bowl to compete with United and Barca by signing Squillaci, Silvestre and Chamakh (or any other rubbish French tool). There really is NO EXCUSE for this disgusting scam. Wenger and the board are taking the p*** colluding to rip off fans and then AW dares insult them? Loser in every sense ofthe word. Arsenal used to stand for class. Looking at it now, it stands for dishonesty, lies and losing. And excuse-making. Wenger and Hill-Wood and Gazidis can all do one, charmless swindlers. What's more worrying is the army of brainwashed, braindead fools ready to follow blindly! David Dein had the wrong idea. He was too concerned about Arsenal succeeding ON the pitch so was booted out.

  7. Harold

    May 05, 2011, 16:06 #6260

    consigliere the point is that for 2 maybe 3 years wenger HAS had big money to spend but has chosen not to spend most of it and persevere with sub standard weak minded players who let us down when needed time and again. With the same board and manager in 5 years we will rival aston villa if we're lucky.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 05, 2011, 15:36 #6258

    would it be fair to say that after this rise in ticket prices there will not be another one for two maybe three years.

  9. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 05, 2011, 14:31 #6252

    The money men at Arsenal think they have us by the balls and to a certain degree they do but, for how much longer can they push us to the very limit of our loyalty? I hope everyone keeps them sweating over the season ticket renewals the greedy swines.

  10. BNG

    May 05, 2011, 13:18 #6248

    oooh good consigliere another 5 year plan

  11. RJ

    May 05, 2011, 13:11 #6244

    I have read some ****e recently on the Gooner, but did you really write "gutless increase in ticket prices" per-lease - you can't have it both ways - "gutless" would have been giving in to "fans" that don't want to pay more for a product that they want to improve. Having the "guts" to increase prices - and have more cash to put into the team (whether this is done or not is a different matter) with the potential for people to walk is NOT gutless. Misguided, inappropriate, uncaring yes, but gutless - no. "What was the point of leaving Highbury" - how about a modern, purpose built, comfortable stadium with great viewing from every seat in the ground. Have you been to Old Trafford? Theatre of Dreams? - it's ****e.

  12. GoonerRon

    May 05, 2011, 12:39 #6233

    Has anyone ever done some analysis on whether our tickets are in fact 'the highest in world football?' I'm not denying it is true but I see the line trotted out regularly yet I've never seen the results of a like-for-like comparision against every other club on the planet.

  13. Beast

    May 05, 2011, 11:19 #6227

    Why not just refuse to go? I gave up on the Emirates years ago - I hate watching games there with its sterile atmosphere and nazi steward, not tom mention the ridiculous prices. Pubs have a better atmosphere. Give me the terraces anyday.

  14. Mystic

    May 05, 2011, 11:01 #6226

    Arsenal claim to be a well run club.If that is the case why do we have one of the lowest commercial deals of the supposed top 6 clubs? Arsene 's ****ive is to get the club champions league football at the expense of the lesser competitions. Gazidis has decided to market the Arsenal brand more vigorously in asia and America by tours.Is he aware that the biggest marketing tool for the club is our captain being broadcast across the globe lifting a trophy above his head.It doesn't matter to the people who are watching wether its the carling cup or the Champions league.All they see is winners! Everyone wants to be associated with winners.# If the club had been more succesful in recent times,sponsores would be queing up to give us money and more importantly ticket prices would still be affordable for the ordinary fan. I envisage ticket prices going the same way as the carling cup games because at this rate the stadium will be very hard to fill.

  15. consigliere

    May 05, 2011, 10:54 #6224

    The club is first and foremost a business venture that is why bankrupt clubs are relegated. Wenger has done well and will be forced to have a rethink of the transfer market, increase in ticket prices may seem harsh given we have not won a trophy in six years but it is necessary. In five years to come this club wil rival Manchester United and Real Madrid.