Game over... You lose again, Arsene!

Remember when Arsenal had a reputation for defending?

Game over... You lose again, Arsene!

Wright: In his day, one goal was enough for three points

What will you all do with your lives after Arsenal win a Premier League and Champions League double? What will you all be saying to each other after Arsene Wenger raises the top two trophies high above his head, knocks them both together, looks out triumphantly at the crowd full of his worst critics and doubters and screams "I WAS right all along and you were ALL wrong! Ha ha, in your faces! O Ye of little faith!" I do not know about the rest of you Gooners but I am simply going to do the sensible thing and save the game, switch off the Playstation and get back to reality.

It is my firmly held and honest opinion that until Arsene Wenger can get his squad to start fighting and defending like champions then all of our collective hopes and dreams of silverware are only going to be realised in the virtual realms of Championship Manager and Pro Evolution Soccer video games. As our annual end of season collapse rumbled ever onwards and downwards with our recent defeat at Bolton, I was left wondering just how much longer can Arsene Wenger and his coaching staff continue to put out sides that concede more goals than all of their main rivals and for the penny to finally drop and Wenger to realise that conceding an average of more than a goal a game means we are never going to see Arsenal win another major trophy under him.

This season, Arsenal have conceded 36 goals in 35 league games which makes them equal with Fulham, who also have conceded 36 goals in 35 league games. Under Arsene Wenger, Arsenal have now officially gone from being lauded as the best defensive side in the country under George Graham to having the same defensive quality of Fulham F.C. (who currently sit in 9th place but were 14th prior to last weekend’s fixtures). It could even be argued that Fulham actually have better defenders and goalkeepers than Arsenal currently do because Fulham do not keep the ball nearly as well as our beloved Arsenal which means that their defence is constantly under even more pressure than our joke of a defence is.

Arsenal have gone backwards defensively under Arsene Wenger and if you are one of the few people reading this and thinking, "Now that can't be true, can it?" then you should consider the fact that Arsenal conceded only 31 goals in the whole of the 2007/08 season and still finished 4 points behind Manchester United, who conceded only 22 goals that season. All of the great managers in the history of the game have known that defending is, indeed, half of the beautiful game (and therefore cannot be ignored) and that a top goalkeeper or centre half should be treated with the same respect as a fantastic winger or sublime centre forward.

When the great Brian Clough was asked which position was the most important on a football pitch he responded, "Centre-forwards, centre-halves and goalkeepers, in that order, or reverse order." Being a prolific goalscorer himself in his playing days, Clough obviously had a bias in favour of the centre forward position but even he recognised the supreme importance of the defensive unit and he even went on to say, "I've never fathomed why top keepers don't cost as much as top strikers. A save can be as important as a goal but a mistake by a keeper is often more costly than a miss by his team mate at the other end of the field." Brian Clough realised that you had to build a successful team by starting from the very back and every successful manager since him (including Wenger himself at one time) has pretty much realised the same thing; so, why oh why then does modern day Wenger seem to think he can get away with neglecting what is essentially 50% of the game?

Now, Arsene Wenger seems only to see defending as the ugly side of ‘The Beautiful Game’. He clearly believes that it should not be worried about too much because of his naively held belief that his team will always - without fail - score at least one more goal than the opposition will manage. Well, Arsene, when you concede an average of more than a goal a game then you are asking an awful lot of your offensive players aren't you? He is effectively telling his players that they better score at least two goals if they want to win a game because, we are all expecting, I repeat, WE ARE ALL EXPECTING the team to concede at some point during the game. Maybe I am a being a little bit nostalgic but when I watched Graham's Famous Back Five, I did not expect them to concede a goal and when they did, it was – almost without fail – a goal deservedly earned by the opposition rather than gifted to them by our own players.

Ian Wright might have scored all of our goals at one time but even his exploits in front of goal were eclipsed by the unbelievable heroics of the defensive unit behind him. When Wrighty put us in front you could bet both your house and your children's inheritance that Adams & Co were not going to throw the game away; it was going to take something very special or lucky to beat them. Under Wenger, we throw games away from winning positions and it is all starting to remind me of Kevin Keegan and his gung-ho all out attacking style of football that never did - and never will win - trophies because it leaves you far too exposed at the back. Keegan held the same naive belief as Wenger now holds that conceding goals does not matter as long as your team scores more than the opposition, therefore, breeding a culture wherein conceding a goal is not seen as the cardinal sin that a Graham, Clough, Ferguson or Mourinho would see it as.

Maybe our poor defending would not be highlighted so much if we were actually the best goalscoring side in the Premier league but we are not; Manchester united are. Manchester United have scored 4 more goals than us this season but have conceded four goals less than us in the process of doing so. Last seasons champions, Chelsea, scored 103 goals and conceded 32 and this is the level that Arsenal should be aiming for. Although this season, Chelsea and Manchester United may have not reached the dizzy heights of previous seasons, we would be naive to think that they will not both be back even stronger next season with the likes of Liverpool, Manchester City and Tottenham following hot on their heels. If Arsene really wants to insist on winning the league by purely outscoring the opposition maybe he should think about signing a proven goalscorer to compliment the injury prone Van Persie and score 25 goals a season, otherwise, he will surely have to bite the bullet and get a few top class defenders in?

Then again, maybe, I am just bloody ungrateful and should be pleased that we have the same defensive record as Fulham,; our top goalscorer has only 15 league goals so far; and our manager is correctly described as "tactically naive" by Sam Allardyce... of all the great managers out there on Planet Football.

Maybe I should just remember that I have never worked even half a day in football in my life and should get back to playing my silly little video games but then again, if even I can see the problems with this team then why can't Arsene Wenger or is he so confused by greed and hungry for our money that he refuses to acknowledge the truth?

The truth, Arsene, is that Eboue, Denilson, Almunia, Diaby, Fabianski, Bendtner, Ro-sicky (sorry Tom,) Squillaci and the lazy, unmotivated, overpaid Arshavin are not fit to wear the shirt of Arsenal F.C; that the team is sent out to play in the same formation and with same ‘tactics’ every single game, which has become way too predictable and we are rubbish at the back and lack a 25 goal a season striker.

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  1. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 09, 2011, 15:26 #6545

    That's what I was getting at, Joe....your summation hit nails on heads so I could have skipped to the last paragraph and understood perfectly! Nuthin' personal, geeza...

  2. It was a little bit difficult

    May 09, 2011, 0:46 #6487

    Yeah, about right. I am ...k..g disgusted in Wenger that he's persisted in a fragile, brittle 'backline', it's not the Arsenal way. You forgot to include: Clichy, Djourou, Fabianski, Koscielny. We are now always there 'for the taking'. I have one word for AKB's- w..k..s! In Wenger we rust. Get him out!

  3. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 08, 2011, 16:34 #6454

    GaryFootscrayAustralia- I only quoted Sam Allardyce because he is saying what a lot of people are thinking and he had the balls to say so publically. I still hate the fat c**t though to be honest. As for the last paragraph thing... I was merely summing up.

  4. Bergy

    May 08, 2011, 16:20 #6452

    Yet another demonstration of comical defending against Stoke, we should give them a BIG BIG BOO at the last home game...maybe just maybe some changes will be made

  5. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 08, 2011, 15:07 #6450

    You seemed to be going quite well with this piece, then 2 things happened. 1. You've quoted Sam Allardyce. That guy shouldn't ever be quoted as somebody who contributes something useful to football. 2. You pretty much condensed your whole piece into the last paragraph, so the preceding text became redundant. I wonder if Arsene data edits his copy of Championship Manager to make other teams' forwards less effective? I can't imagine he'd use it to improve his defence...

  6. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 08, 2011, 11:36 #6443

    GoonerRon- nice stats and nice contribution to the debate. I haven't had time to check those stats yet but I'm going to assume they are correct, for now. I'm not disputing the fact that we play some electric football under Wenger at times but would a GG side throw away games in the last minutes and from winning positions quite so easily? Would GG have tolerated some of the players lazy passion free displays? Do not misunderstand me... I am NOT saying sack Wenger yet... Only if he refuses to change and roll with the times.

  7. Mandy Dodd

    May 08, 2011, 11:26 #6441

    Lol - guess at the moment Spurs fans have other things on their minds. Will the Arry loving media describe yesterday as a stroke of tactical genuis in an attempt to avoid the breath of fresh air boys playing in the Europa league in the hope of winning the title next year? Nothing would surprise me.

  8. clockendpaul

    May 07, 2011, 23:12 #6431

    Very true though eh Josh, they say the truth hurts! Mandy dodd will be on here next saying there's spurs fans on this site!

  9. The Gun

    May 07, 2011, 22:30 #6430

    if wenger does not win next season arsenal will oficially leave the class of big worldclass teams. my problem with him is that he does not treat our problems with urgency. his transfer policies are not good enough to win trophies because the team lacks the players that can bring success. if every year wenger brings in top players like villa or mexes, arsenal will have one of the best squads by now. i said it before and i will say it again, arsenal cannot win a trophy especially the league with a poor defence if the teams is indeed bankrupt he needs to get his players to hold the ball like barca especially under pressure

  10. GoonerRon

    May 07, 2011, 22:02 #6429

    Don't get me wrong, our back line in the Graham era was immense for a number of reasons and I don't in any way want to undermine the brilliant achievements they had, BUT we should also consider the quality of our offensive football at that time and also the general quality of the opposition. We were clearly a team built and drilled on defensive stability whereas now the core focus is on the quality of the football. Neither is necessarily right or wrong but simply reflect the mantra of the managers in charge at the time. Perhaps a balance between the two ideologies would be preferable. I'd like to throw a few stats in too: 1987-1995 - average goals scored per season 59, average conceded 36. With average games per season being 40 over the period, we scored an average of 1.48 goals per game, conceding 0.9 per game, scoring a ratio of 1.64 goals per goal conceded. 2002-2010 (using 2002 as this was the season most of the famous back five had either retired or played more infrequently). Average goals scored per season 75.13, average conceded 34.88. With average games per season being 38 over the period, we scored an average of 1.98 goals per game, conceding 0.92 per game, scoring a ratio of 2.15 goals per goal conceded. Not a complete science but it suggests Wenger's defensive record isn't as bad as people would have you believe.

  11. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 07, 2011, 20:44 #6426

    Ok so just so we're clear... all of you who disagree with me are saying 1.We do not need to sign any defensive players in the summer. 2.We do not need to get anyone in to help out with the defensive coaching. 3.Arsene Wenger is tactically versatile and makes good use of formation changes and substitutions when games are not going to plan. If that is what you are saying then please explain why you hold these views. Oh and let's try to keep things civil shall we please?

  12. Sim

    May 07, 2011, 18:59 #6423

    Why do you bother spouting this bile?! If it upsets you that much then do something else with your weekend and hand any tickets you may have over to those that want to watch Arsenal. Our manager is still the best thing that ever happened to this club, deny bad luck or officiating-incompetence all you like but w3e have been appallingly hard done by this year. To be in touch at this point rather than winning it is disappointing but we all know Utd haven't been any better than us, neither have Chelsea, but when have you seen us given goals when the ball hasn't crossed the line or borderline offsides go in our favour like Chicarito's last week? In fact the week before Utd were handed 3pts against Everton we were 3-2 up at the Spuds and VP scored a game ending stunner which wa disallowed despite him being onside. Yes we need a couple of new faces and some fringe players could stand to leave but who would want to come to a club where the team's own fans cannot see how fortunate they are to be in an amazing stadium, playing regular Champions League football and challenging for the title each year? Man up and start cheering your side on, you are an embarrassment!

  13. Richard Ansell

    May 07, 2011, 18:19 #6420

    Well said Joe, it seems obvious doesn't it and why Wenger has failed to do anything about our shambolic defending is beyond me. Is his pet project more in important to him then creating the proper defensive platform Arsenal have been crying out for? It would certainly appear that way and it is bordering on criminal negligence to allow defensive failures to undermine our chances season after season. I have given up trying to understand Wenger as he defies all logic. Of course I am just a mere supporter and know nothing about the game so that must be why it all seems so simple to me.

  14. om

    May 07, 2011, 18:14 #6419

    that's why you're stuck playing championship manager and Arsene is getting paid 100k a week. next.

  15. Mandy Dodd

    May 07, 2011, 17:47 #6417

    Well said Gary and Julio, you sum it all up really. As for Big Sam - he has an axe to grind with enger but in reality, he has no right to be mentioned in the same sentence or thread as Arsene Wenger. People who think like Big Sam are why England do not have players technically equipped to win anything and for the most part, our football remains in the dark ages.

  16. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 07, 2011, 17:45 #6415

    Sorry Erik! I mistyped your name as Erin. @CD- again you bring up the elephant in the room and right you are too. I don't dispute Wenger's coaching of some of the attacking aspects of the game but as you rightly point out... Why oh why did he get rid of Keown? Champs league record with Senderos, Toure, Flamini and Eboue! Legend!

  17. Jim

    May 07, 2011, 16:32 #6413

    Joe the author of this sad little inane rant is clueless, in fac he makes those smug know nothinbg hacks on Sky look like geniuses! What a fool to suggest the team have the same formation and tactics every game, how lazy. He has got his opinions from those clods who feel so angry they call in radio phone ins and let the whole country know how thick they are, instead of just their family and friends. How embarrassing this article is. Hahahahahaha!

  18. ITG

    May 07, 2011, 16:24 #6412

    No I cannot agree with your article. The comparators used are not valid. Arsenal play a very high defensive line which makes them more vulnerable but makes them a more offensive team. Man U defend deep - much easier to defend facing attackers - even our much vilified defence should have gone in at the Nou Camp at half time without conceding as we for once defended deep and did a very good job of it (until Fab and Wilshire got into a tangle) - not our defenders fault. Of course this meant that we did not create much. Man U scored seven against Blackburn with Berbatov (now surplus to requirements) scoring five - this is the goal difference - one game. They have to defend deep as Vidic and Ferdinand are now too slow to play further forward and therefore use the long ball most of the time - they have good attackers which means that they do take advantage of this at times, but they have been lucky this year on a great number of occasions. As for poor squad players - would you rather have Bebe, Obertan, Evans and a few other expensive understudy players instead? As you might have missed our midfield of Ramsay, Wilshire and Song made 35 million pounds of Anderson and Carrick look pretty stupid last week. Would you rather swap them? Sadly squad players in all EPL clubs do not get enough playing time (in Spain they play in a lower league) and because of this their development is poor and the fans expectation high - they come on after 70 minutes when they haven't played for weeks and are expected to perform - a hopeless situation. We need to buy but not if it means reverting to parking the bus - if we do we might frustrate others but we will revert to 0-0 Arsenal being a good result! Last week Song man marked Rooney very successfully - this surely showed that Wenger still understands a little about tactics as Rooney had his quietest game for some time and because of that Chicherito didn't have a kick.

  19. Dan

    May 07, 2011, 16:04 #6411

    Have you got no perspective? Are you that eaten up with hate and jealoust sprurred on by lazy hacks, thick ex-pros and hit and listener seeking volatile sensationalist blogs and radio phone ins? To almost any other football clubs fans the position Arsenal find themselves in would be something to be proud of, or even praised (yeah right with our spoilt brat whiny non-support) and to EVERY other football clus fans we are a laughing stock thanks to those pathetic Gooners who lead by blogs and sites like this might-as-well-be-a-spud-publication. I despair of you lot, those who do nothing but whinge and whine. And before you suggest otherwise, I go home and away and I think away is where I will only be going next season thanks to the garbage spouted by sections of the home "support" Thanks a&seholes, way to kill the club.

  20. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 07, 2011, 14:50 #6408

    Erin- I'd be happy with 25 goals in all competitions, not just league goals. That is a world class strikers numbers and just because Rooney, Drogba, Tevez and Torres haven't had their usual free scoring seasons this year doesn't mean that Arsenal shouldn't be reaching for the stars. I compare our defence to Fulham to make a point and we should remember that while we have missed the Verminator, Manchester united have been missing Ferdinand, Vidic and Evans for large parts of the season too but still do not throw games away from a winning position like we sadly do. Wenger knew that Tommy V would be out for the season and wouldn't even spring for Cris Samba in jan. If you are going to sign two centre halves in the summer would it not have been a good idea to buy guys with proven track records in the premiership rather than having to write off this season while the new boys adapt? Sam Allardyce only felt comfortable to describe Wenger as "Tactically naive" because it is now the majority view in the world of football and home losses to newly promoted Newcastle and West Brom bear out this theory. We struggled against inferior competion in the domestic cups and champions league because of poor team selection, poor tactics and Wengers inability to motivate his players. If we go 10 years without a trophy it will not be because we were financially constrained it will be because we do not do defending, at all. Portsmouth won the F.A.cup and Stoke are in the F.A. Cup final. Arsenal are still looking at an empty Ashburton Grove trophy cabinet. Oh no! I forgot the Emirates cup!! Arshavin is a great player but his work rate and commitment and fitness are not good enough, he has the ability to be a world beater but all he seems to do is sulk most of the time. Better defensive performance against Man U from him and I cheered him just as many others did at the ground. I don't hate Arsene or even the worse Arsenal players but I do hate the mistakes that they make. Hate the sin but love the sinner? We all need the patience of a Saint as Arsenal fans.

  21. Julio Iglesias

    May 07, 2011, 14:42 #6407

    This squad is only 6 points adrift of the Champions League finalists, 3 points adrift of another team that has far more money to spend than us, and two points ahead of another team that has far more money to spend than us. Take away a couple of Almunia howlers (both West Brom games) and a few refereeing howlers (Sunderland, Wigan, Newcastle) and they could easily top. It's a very fine margin. To call our players USELESS is cretinous. To say we have a similar defensive record to Fulham without mentioning that it's also a very similar defensive record to Man Utd's (we've conceded 36, they've conceded 33) is simply ridiculous. And this was despite the fact that our best defender was out for almost the entire season with an injury that the medical staff seemed to be constantly saying should be back before long. Yes two or three experienced world class players would improve us. But how many of these are there out there who we could afford to buy and pay? And then how many of them would Barcelona, Real Madrid, Chelsea, Man City and Man United have passed up the opportunity of getting instead of us (they all have more money to spend)? Liverpool wouldn't sell Reina. Carvalho went to Real Madrid. Mascherano went to Barcelona. You all seem to know so much better than the greatest manager in our club's history (who won 3 leagues in 7 seasons on a markedly smaller budget than United, then kept us constantly finishing in the top four whilst making a profit on transfer dealings as we were going through the toughest years of paying for our new stadium that is now beginning to place us in a position to compete financially with the world's biggest clubs, and all while playing a brand of football that was simply unimaginable before he came and nurturing the talents of kids like Wilshere, Lansbury, JET, Henderson and Frimpong), so... Let's say we had a £40m transfer budget last summer: Who exactly should we have signed? How would we have got them ahead of richer clubs? Could we afford to pay their fees and wages?... We have less money to spend than our competitors. To carve out a niche as being great at developing young talent is possibly the only way we could ever have come to challenge consistently for the top honours in the long term (a lot of the best young players come to us, so years down the line we'll have a lot of the best players full stop). I'd have thought the fact that the youngest starting eleven named by any club in the Premier League this year just beat the league leaders for us should be a massive source of encouragement. Yes it's massively frustrating to be so near yet so far from the title. But we don't have a God-given right to win it. We're competing against teams with more money to spend than us. I feel massively privileged to have been born a mile away from The Arsenal Stadium 13 years before Wenger took over. You people seem to lack any sort of perspective. I'm genuinely disgusted by most of what you have to say.

  22. Gary

    May 07, 2011, 14:34 #6406

    Thank you Erik, and Josh. Someone has to tell these idiots with keyboards how wrong they are. Three goals more conceded than Manure and they make out as if we have the worst defensive record in the league. Has anyone ever said manure has a weak or leaky or crap defense? All these twats just blindly follow the likes of fat sam (of all people) - who is not even good enough to manage blackburn but they allow him to criticise Mr Wenger. Talking about Arshavin, they want to get rid of him but hero-worship Bale, yet our man has a better record in goal involvement (scores plus assists) this year than the spud. I just wish all these critics will f-off and go and support the spuds who seem to be spending enought on new players every year to keep them all happy. The fact that they spend all this money and keep ending up below us should be telling you something - but it does not seem to penetrate your thick skulls. In stead of telling us how wrong Wenger is, why don't you rather tell the club which better manager out there we should get, who will guarantee us the league and CL titles. (And then watch RM or some other big club laugh as they snap up Wenger) And tell us which players out there are better than those we have - and ffs please don't say Jones or Cahill or Samba, because they are not - and confirm that these better players are available and affordable. Stop trying to be so ffing clever or just eff off to whl.

  23. Zeba

    May 07, 2011, 14:29 #6405

    Arsenal should sack wenger of his wrong doing

  24. BNG

    May 07, 2011, 14:11 #6404

    spot on Joe,but why on earth would our glorious leader ever admit he's wrong though ? he's paid a shed load of monies and has surrounded himself with yes men and followers of his cult are terrified of change and if he took a dump on the halfway line during a match would find a way to defend his actions........we need another 5 year plan from him !

  25. Mandy Dodd

    May 07, 2011, 14:10 #6403

    The main difference between us and Utd this year Fergie. He has half the refs in hispocket(Howard Webb at home to us, Chelsea and Liverpool this season FFS!) . and once more, he has the majority of the LMA in his pocket - witness the likes of Stoke and Brum, physical teams going to OT and not putting a tackle in. His successor - next season? will not have so many friends in high places. Arsenal mhave had their flaws but overall, refs have robbed us when on the brink and helped Utd when they were stalling. If you do not believe me, just watch Webb in action tomorrow should anything go wrong for Utd. Wonder why?

  26. CD

    May 07, 2011, 13:54 #6400

    Ever since AW hastily dismantled the "invincibles" I have had kittens every time the ball goes anywhere near our final third of the pitch. When you consider that for circa 20 years odd prior to this it did not bother me in the least if the ball was anywhere near our penalty area, it highlights how dreadful our current defensive set up is. That is an inditement of AW's pet project, because as we all know to our cost he has completly ignored this aspect of the game which as you say Joe is after all 50% of the game of football. At the very least he should have delegated this part of the game to someone who knows what they are doing eg Keown, Adams or Bould etc and in addition a goalkeeping coach of either Lehman or Seaman to help instill the "we will not concede today" mentality in the defensive unit. However as we know AW is simply way to stubborn to do this, as he only wants yes men whom would not challenge him to do things differently. Whilst AW remains in charge we will continue to concede soft goals especially from set pieces, and hence we will not be needing any silver polish any time soon!!

  27. b

    May 07, 2011, 13:33 #6399

    very true wenger is just too naive he insist on the same formation every single week and when wengers brand of so called total football fails to break down a piss poor team like blackburn, he simply does not know what to do, so he reverts to throwing bendtner on the wing for walcott, what is blatenly obvious to every single arsenal fan is that bendtner will never be a winger, i feel sorry for him when he is expected to perform some heroic, which he simply can't. what is also blatently obvious is that crap players liek eboue, squilaci, denilson and almunia will never win a premier league title, wenger at least 3 quality signings in the summer in the mould of cahill, parker and falcoa to compliment van perise. if wenger fails to add to this squad and ship out the crap then unforutnately it will be 8 long barren years before we have a trophy and it was also will signal the end of wengers tenure at this once great club, wenger must change or he must go

  28. FrenchChloe

    May 07, 2011, 13:25 #6397

    The same names keep appearing "Eboue, Denilson, Almunia, Diaby, Fabianski, Bendtner, Ro-sicky (sorry Tom,) Squillaci and the lazy, unmotivated, overpaid Arshavin" and yet there is a good chance all will still be with us in mid August, a great manager would be clearing this dead-wood from the books, taking a financial hit if needs be. Replacements will i'm sure be debated until the cows come home, but until the useless core are gone we are going nowhere.

  29. Mandy Dodd

    May 07, 2011, 13:24 #6396

    A change of assistant manager ie Steve Bould coming in can and will rectify some of these defensive problems. Remember we have been without our top defender all season, whether Wenger should have signed a replacement is another arguement. We now have a top keeper in place, next season we will have a top defence. Wenger has his flaws but he is not stupid, if as many believe a top 4 place is the limit of his ambition, well Liverpool will now seeto it that he has to work a lot harder to maintain the status quo. Diaby and Rosicky are not lazy, just hit by injury. The former is one of the most targeted players in the EPL and the refs in this country do not have the spine to deal with the sort of tackling he endures whenever he plays, unlike their colleagues in Europe.

  30. Erik

    May 07, 2011, 13:15 #6394

    Sorry dude but you are sooo wrong and unfair. The difference between us and Man Utd is just 3 goals conceeded but you choose Fulham to compare defences. We have conceeded the least amount of goals from open play, we virtually had new CB partnerships all season, DJ was out a whole season before, Kos is new at this level and Squillaci needed adaptation time because France/Spain leagues are not as fast and physical. I think when you take this in consideration you realise that even without any new signings this defence will be better next season. Apart from Almunia and Denilson once again you are being incredibly unfair with the team you support, considering their skill and the fact they are cover they are more than decent enough to continue. Arshavin out? yes, poor season and yes he is kinda lazy but he still our top assist and has a fair amount of goals, why would you want to get rid of him? Fabianski? wtf? he was doing well before his injury. 25 goal a season striker? oh yes, like Man U, Chelsea, Liverpool and Man City have? oh wait... none of them will have a striker score 25 by the end of the season either. Is so easy to sit down and imagine what we need.... Let me do your job for a paragraph. We suck, we are rubbish, we need to get rid of half the squad and replace them with world stars... seems fairly simple, why is Wenger so stupid and doesnt see this? doh. And if you believe what a sports panel says then sir you should simply retire as a football fan, the amount of relegation or fired managers on there pretending to know better than Wenger/Fergie/Mourinho is amazing, is like... why arent these guys managing the best sides if they are that good? well... because they arent.

  31. Brian's Brown Branded Brush

    May 07, 2011, 13:09 #6393

    Here here. Absolutely spot on. But alas nothing will change I'm afraid.

  32. Josh

    May 07, 2011, 13:04 #6392

    What a horrible and nasty little piece this is.