Forward Arsenal…

Online Ed: How exactly?

Forward Arsenal…

T-shirt available from Goonershirts

The performance at Stoke has me scratching my head. In terms of motivation, surely the visitors had more reason to give their everything in this fixture. A remote, though mathematically possible chance of winning the title, as opposed to Tony Pulis’ team – who had little to play for and a cup final next weekend. And yet, credit to Stoke. They gave everything they had and thoroughly deserved victory.

The word commitment is the key one here for me. Arsenal showed it all too rarely. Sometimes rashly, in the challenges of Jack Wilshere, once in attack when Robin van Persie showed some drive and actually took on the opposition defence instead of trying to play around them. But aside from that, there was little. The players did not seem to play much as a team, some of them lost concentration when defending too easily and some were just anonymous. Just as last weekend’s victory does not make everything right, this defeat, in isolation, should not lead to any sweeping conclusions, but the bottom line this season is that the team has not given as much as might have been expected from it on a consistent basis.

Additionally, there does seem to be a habitual problem over recent years in the final weeks of the season. The players do not seem equipped to play the full nine months the major prizes require winners to. Is this fatigue? Is mental tiredness a reason for some of the poor defending we have seen of late?

An area where Stoke showed up their opponents was team spirit. They seemed to have it in spades, with a willingness to compete that was lacking in Arsene Wenger’s selection. Last season, in the game in which Aaron Ramsey’s leg was broken, the team rallied and showed a spirit that suggested they could go on and seriously challenge for the title. The reaction to the adversity of Ramsey’s injury was highly encouraging, but it proved a rarity. Ultimately, the team lacked the character and depth of squad to push on.

A year on, and I am struggling to see how progress has been made on this front, and a bit of me wonders if some of the players are not really putting in a shift because they are not willing to for the current manager. I have long believed that the same players could achieve more if they were motivated better, coached differently. And sometimes fear is a great motivator, as can be seen in the teams managed by Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho. At Arsenal, underperformers do not always seem to be given the message that the drop in their level is unacceptable. It is difficult to imagine Wenger bollocking any of his players and one gets the feeling that players having a go at one another is discouraged.

Looking back on my writings about this season, I will admit to having been critical of the team and the manager. I asked a non-Arsenal supporting acquaintance if I had been too harsh and he thought I had not, because I had written more in sorrow than anger. And I am sad that once again, presented with a chance to win the league, Arsenal have quietly slipped out of contention when the most pressured part of the campaign has come around. Ultimately, in terms of transfer and wages, Arsenal are the fourth or fifth highest spending club in the country. I am uncertain if Liverpool have spent more, but United, Chelsea and Man City certainly have. And on that basis, Arsene Wenger is achieving pretty much what you would expect.

However, Stoke spend a lot less and you get a game like today’s. Dare I suggest that the money Arsenal are spending could be spent better? Either the players simply are not good enough or they are not being prepared the right way for these games. I suspect it is a bit of both. The poor defending has once again cost dear. In 2008/09, Arsenal conceded 37 goals in 38 league matches, last season 41. With two outstanding fixtures, 39 have been shipped so far, a worrying proportion of them from set pieces. There exists tremendous technical ability if the aim of the game is to enjoy a greater share of possession, but what the Stoke game once again demonstrated is the lack of penetration. But the most pressing question for the manager is why the defence has been found wanting on a continuing basis.

The crest on next season’s shirt features the word ‘Forward’ below the badge. Arsenal can certainly score enough goals to win silverware, but they are not doing so from the bedrock of a solid defence. The players do not seem to defend as a team or really put in the extra effort for the cause as Stoke did. Lacklustre has been a description for too many performances this season. Wilshere is an exception, occasionally you can say the same about some of the others. But overall, this afternoon it felt like I was watching a disparate bunch of individuals rather than a collective. The players do not have to get on with each other socially, but at least have to trust one another to do the right thing. It often feels that someone like Van Persie has given up on utilizing Theo Walcott because he believes he will lose the ball or blaze it high and wide. He will hold up play and wait for Sagna to arrive on the right instead. And in fairness, you can understand why.

Are there deep-rooted problems with a team that will probably finish third in the league? Not if that is the limit of your ambitions. However, given the position Arsenal have got themselves into by February in three of the last four campaigns, it is no wonder that there is a repeated sensation of flatness, anti-climax. It’s frustrating and has made a lot of fans angry when they perceive a lack of desire from the players when the pressure is on.

And so Arsenal’s season limps on for another fortnight. I doubt very much Fabregas will be risked for the final two matches given his imminent sale and no reason to play him unless Manchester City get too close. The lap of appreciation after the Villa game should be thought about carefully. It might be an idea not to hold it this season as really, I can’t see it being a positive experience for anybody. The Black Scarf March before the game may well have gained a few more in number after today’s performance, even if it seems to be a protest about the board rather than the manager, as I understand it.

As for me, I don’t really see how the team can progress without a serious change of policy by the manager in terms of instilling a new attitude, a fresh approach to coaching and the purchase of a different kind of footballer, and more than one. As Fabregas is going, and probably Nasri too, there will certainly be some new faces arriving. Who they are and what happens at London Colney to change the current malaise will determine whether I am once again writing in sorrow this time next year.

To finish, sometimes I re-produce text messages I received over the course of the game and in the aftermath. I got one from Pete Mountford after each of the Stoke goals…

1-0: Pathetic and predictable. Same every year up there

2-0: Part of me wants them to stick five past us so it might force change

3-1: Even by our standards that was horrific

And some received from others after the game…

TFG: F***ing shocker… mental strength personified.

The Highbury Spy: F***ing Djourou again. God give me strength. How long is RVP going to hang around this shower of sh*t? And don’t get me started on the complete waste of space that is f***ing Wally Walcott. Where the f*** has he been for the last two weeks? F***ing rubbish. Sell the c*** in the summer.

Doktor Schneide: Surely the question to all rational Arsenal fans must be: how can you NOT think a change is necessary.

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  1. pat

    May 12, 2011, 0:18 #6738

    Big club, small fanzine - nice post Dan

  2. AugustusCaesar

    May 10, 2011, 13:57 #6619

    I sort of suspected that quite a few so-called Arsenal fans were actually quite enjoying seeing Wenger suffer and indulging in some tasteless schadenfreude but those t-shirts have confirmed this. They're really quite disgusting and whoever dreamt them up should be deeply ashamed and anyone who buys one is a grade a c*nt. Beyond pathetic. P.S. Dan - Nice post.

  3. woots82

    May 10, 2011, 13:27 #6615

    the chants of "boring boring" hit home for me. Wenger was the advocate of attacking, fluid football, but now all we seem to do is tap tap around the box, with no threat to the opposition. Its a coaching mistake, all our players accept RVP are afraid to shoot. This summer needs to ring big changes, if it doesnt, then we will drop out of the CL places, as all the teams around us, including spuds, will build on what they have already

  4. Gooner S

    May 09, 2011, 23:56 #6576

    Stoke proved on Sunday that u can win matches through desire and attitude. If this Arsenal team had half of what Stoke did in those terms we would be champions! Buy players with character and premier league experience Wenger and we might actually break the trophy drought.

  5. Dan

    May 09, 2011, 12:37 #6527

    Hi Kevin Just a few comments on your editorial. It's hard to disagree with what you've written there, and the problems with the lackadaisical attitude of a fair proportion of the players is probably down to the easy going nature we seem to have at the club in regards to discipline, and also the acceptance of failure as a part of the 'youth project'. The second issue is possibly not having good enough coaches at the club, for sure in the defensive areas. I don't think the players lack experience at all, in fact they pretty much all have tonnes of league and champions league games behind them. The problem must be either in the coaching or the quality of the players in their positions, meaning a talented footballer with excellent control and passing ability does not necessarily make a great defender. This is down to repeated coaching drills and a winning mentality, whether in-built or acquired from other experienced players. I think most supporters would agree that Wenger as a manager is excellent. He does best as an underdog, working with the challenge of competing against the odds and over achieving. If Arsenal spent money like Man City or Chelsea I think he would lose interest in the challenge. Even Arsene will concede now that there needs to be changes in the playing staff as well as coaching staff. This Arsenal side is his worst ever in terms of personality and character and it's driving the supporters and even himself crazy. But don't expect him to critisise players when there are games still left to play, also comments could affect the market value of the players he wishes to offload. I expect dramatic changes in the playing staff soon, it should hopefully be an exciting summer. I totally disagree with not applauding the team after the final game of the season. The players are not stupid (except maybe Diaby) and do, in general, work hard and care about the club and their careers. They know they've let themselves and the fans down but showing them disrespect because they didn't deliver a trophy is a terrible way to act as a supporter. If anything applaud them for the good times this season (Barcelona & Chelsea at home) and for achieving a reasonable league position, if not a winning one. We are still fans after all. Lets keep being a supporter of a football club in perspective. Let's not act like Man U fans - We don't have as many trophies as them but we definately have more class! Up the gunners.

  6. Oliver Chessis

    May 09, 2011, 12:18 #6524

    Kevin, another great year at The Gooner for which you are to me commended. The time and effort you put in are clear for all to see. However I never thought I would see the advertising of such tee-shirts in one of your editorials. I know I would, and I think you would be embarrassed if people starting wearing those to the game.

  7. chris dee

    May 09, 2011, 10:14 #6498

    Arsene states he will have to look at the reason why we have conceded so many goals from set pieces this season. Fantastic!Well spoted Arsene, after all we've only been conceding goals from set pieces for the last 5 years. We weren't 'up for the fight' when the going gets tough? Well spoted Arsene,after all it's only been five years that we haven't been 'up for the fight for the fight' when the going gets tough. Careless,indifferent,non motivated players lacking in team spirit? We have them in bucket loads. Defensive organisation,physical courage? Yeah sure. If we want to win trophies talent alone is not enough to take you over the finishing line and that's not rocket science. One more thing,if we go into the next season with 21 year old Chesney as first team goalie,no matter how talented, we are going to have a similar season as this one.

  8. Mark

    May 09, 2011, 10:00 #6497

    lets not be frightened of change. we just need to pick the right guy who takes all that is good at Arsenal today and adds a more competitive culture throughout the players. lets forget about being a feeder club and conveyor belt of overpaid young potential and start being a trophy hunting club again

  9. Steve R

    May 09, 2011, 9:58 #6496

    When Wenger makes disparaging remarks about other PL teams he really should make sure that his team are going to back up his chat. I don't like Stoke, or their manager, but that rugby jibe has really come back to bite him. The most poignant moments for me during yesterday's pathetic performance were the Stoke fans' "boring, boring" chants when we pit patting the ball around in front of them and getting absolutely nowhere. I've been thinking the same thing myself now for a while. Yawn.

  10. HowardL

    May 09, 2011, 8:51 #6493

    Your comments reflect entirely my own feelings. There are still two sides to the AKB-WMG argument, but one thing is absolutely certain. There has to be change: tactics or manager - or both. Despite supporting Arsenal being in my DNA, I cannot face the continuing disappointment and humiliation of following a team whose aspirations are to be second best. Our teams of the 1960s were not all great players, but boy they tried and made it - close in 68/69, Fairs Cup in 70 and top dogs in 1970/71. Fantastic to experience! Always next season? What is there to look forward to? One last observation: it was interesting also that MOTD's Goal of the Month were nearly all shots from outside the box. Another area of the game where Arsenal have failed to move forward.

  11. Steve

    May 09, 2011, 8:06 #6492

    We somehow must get the message through to the manager that this season has not been good enough and he must make the changes we are all demanding. It is all well and good to say that anti Wenger chants during the game are unacceptable, but there is an opportunity to make things cystal clear next weekend. It is a simple enough protest - walk out of the ground at the final whistle and do not stay in your seat for the lap of appreciation. If Ashburton is virtually empty when Wenger and the players come out, he must surely understand how unhappy the vast majority of the fans are.

  12. James OB

    May 09, 2011, 7:14 #6490

    Come on! The only reason RVP didn't use Walcott is because he was marked! But it it true that some players were walking around with a pina collada in their hand during the first half. A couple of additions of real quality are needed to the squad (and that will not be easy)

  13. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 09, 2011, 2:25 #6489

    ED-"Dare I suggest that the money Arsenal are spending could be spent better? Either the players simply are not good enough or they are not being prepared the right way for these games. I suspect it is a bit of both." Strikingly well put Kevin. How much was Koscielny and Squillaci? what wages are Denilson, Eboue and Almunia on for example? leading me to my question for both you and all Gooners out there who may care to answer, which is....How much more money could we potentially we generate AS A WORLDWIDE BRAND from increased sponsorship and advertising due to ACTUALLY WINNING A MAJOR TROPHY? ball park figure? but would be particularly interested to read your thoughts Kevin.

  14. Ikechukwu

    May 09, 2011, 1:01 #6488

    Wenger is a joke. The club is now Arsene FC apparently. I have no interest in this any longer, I don't want to be associated with a Loser club where the manager glorifies second place and has no class. I detest most of the players, they are the true mercenaries in football, happy to pick up their fat wages and produce sod all. No pride, no desire and no heart or courage. A spineless club, run by a gutless, deceitful manager who is overpaid and achieves nothing, and a shocking, greedy Yank conman. In a soulless concrete bowl with bland overpriced grub and a brainwashed Cult following one Dear Leader. I no longer wish to be associated with this club under Wenger. He doesn't represent me at all, he is a stain on this club now. It's a great club and it will be a better place once Wenger is long gone. The first step is to remove Wenger. The next step, will be to confront the board as to why he was allowed for so long, to be rewarded so handsomely for achieving nothing. We all secretly know the answer: he makes them cash. He is a businessman, not a football man. Time to bugger off and go run a bank in France.

  15. Website Editor

    May 08, 2011, 23:23 #6486

    Dave (7091) - The Gooner is a platform for opinion for the most part rather than a campaigning vehicle, although we signed up to the statement condemning the price rises because that's a no brainer that everyone agrees on. As for organising campaigns, I would be more inclined if I thought they could achieve anything, but in fairness to the march on the 15th, it will get publicity but achieve nothing else. the manager won't be sacked and the board are not going to do anything but attempt to increase profits, which is why they are not bothered about protests as long as the stadium is selling out. Joe (7094) - 1, yes & 2, no.

  16. Joolz The Gooner

    May 08, 2011, 23:14 #6485

    God Arsene Wenger and his apologists are boring. He needs to go. If anyone reckons he can change his ways then they are as deluded as he is.

  17. Guv

    May 08, 2011, 22:47 #6484

    The deluded one after today's shambles: "It could have been a lot more, but we have still qualified for the Champions League so to say that we have achieved nothing this season is to go overboard. The Premier League is the toughest league in the world and we were very close." It is pathetic, laughable and embarrassing. I will not be attending another game until the man is removed from the club. It is high time people starting voting with their feet. The general feeling of smugness on the board will soon alter if more had the same attitude. There used to be a football club called in N5 called Arsenal, I'm sure its been renamed Arsene Football Club. Lap of honour next week should be fun... what exactly are we supposed to honour? Oh yes thats right another season of failure.

  18. david bromley

    May 08, 2011, 22:25 #6482

    where is sid this week cant wait for next weeks prog notes?????

  19. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 08, 2011, 22:01 #6480

    ED- When you say a "different type of footballer" I assume you mean Attacking players who will actually shoot and defenders who can actually defend. Two questions for you... 1. Do you think that Nasri will really leave this summer? 2.Can you ever really envision a situation where Wenger will accept a real defensive coach to come in or would that be too much for his fragile ego?

  20. derby gooner

    May 08, 2011, 22:01 #6479

    When I commented on an earlier post following the Wembly debacle, I suggested waving white hankies at a home match just like Real & Barca...what better time when we are treated to the patronising 'lap of appreciation'. We can salute the achievements of the team and cough up and smile for next season's thrilling installment.

  21. johnnyh

    May 08, 2011, 21:57 #6478

    the manager must take huge responsibility for this season as his declaration that second place is acceptable has clearly got through to the players and it appears that with a top 4 finish secured they believe that their job for the season is done. wengers loyalty to players who are picking up a tidy wage for doing the bare minimum is really hampering the club. arshavins display today was nothing short of a disgrace. no leadership,no tactics,no spirit and no accountability,we wont win another trophy under this manager.

  22. Dave

    May 08, 2011, 21:48 #6477

    At least the Black Scarf March are doing somthing instead of your habitual moaning and lets just do nothing and write about it B.S. If any of you at the Gooner had spine you would be organizing at least somthing.

  23. Len

    May 08, 2011, 21:32 #6476

    The sound of "Boring Boring" ringing around the ground as we passed our 50th sideways pass was music to the ears of every Gooner who is fed up with Wenger's tippy tappy no shooting brand of football.We had 2 shots on target all game.In the 2nd half he brought on Bendtner and Chamakh he might as well have brought on two statues.Ashavin was his usual lazy self and the over hyped Walcott was absolute ****e as for Gibbs he makes Clichy look good which he isnt.And some fans still ask the question"Why would Cesc and Nasri want to go?" I will say it now if Wenger stays at the club we will not finish in the top 4 next season

  24. dan

    May 08, 2011, 21:20 #6475

    agree with the texts - wenger is a blinkered tit and needs to go

  25. Tony

    May 08, 2011, 20:49 #6473

    Many things must change. Formation, tactics, Players

  26. ARC

    May 08, 2011, 20:46 #6472

    Very disappointing result. The same feeling as Wigan (A) from last year. Don't get me wrong, finishing 3rd (hopefully!) would be seen as very successful for the majority of teams but when you're paying by far and away the highest season ticket prices in the country you can't but help feel short changed some what. Arsene has stated that to stay in the Champions League places whilst financing/building a new stadium is a great achievement and he is correct, only now though the money is available and it obviously needs to be spent. With Fabregas leaving this summer it will need big changes in order not regress from our current position. These being in the way of tactics/formation and in terms of player transactions (Another summer of 2001 is required). You can't help but feel that something has got to give this summer and in one way or another it is likely there'll be big changes.

  27. I gave up on Wenger after the Chelsea Semi Final in 2009. The team that day

    May 08, 2011, 20:43 #6471

    Fabianski, Eboue, Toure, Silvestre, Gibbs, Walcott, Fabregas, Diaby, Denilson, Van Persie, Adebayor. Subs: Mannone, Nasri, Vela, Ramsey, Song Billong, Arshavin, Bendtner. Two years later the only difference is we've replaced two indifferent players (Toure and Adebayor. I won't ever count a Manc reject, Silvestre, as an Arsenal player) with two worse defenders in Koscielny and Squillaci and a half season excuse for a striker,Chamakh. Cesc and Nasri may leave in the summer to further their careers. You can't blame them Sol Campbell did the same and we welcomed him. Two years and F-all progress. But ticket prices are up 6.5%. On what basis?

  28. Jekyll

    May 08, 2011, 20:36 #6470

    What can one add really? This is the season when these kind of performances went from now and then to a regular thing. Wenger seems incapable of doing anything about the years old flaws in the team. It almost seems as if he is wilfully neglecting issues of leadership, organisation and defence as part of some bizarre solo mission to reinvent the game of football. A terribly unbalanced squad pays testament to years of self-indulgence. And board indulgence.

  29. selsdon

    May 08, 2011, 20:30 #6469

    how can you NOT think a change is necessary? - To quote Martin Tyler - that sums it all up

  30. Rob

    May 08, 2011, 20:28 #6467

    I think 'Doktor Schneide' has it Kev. The only light I see is that Cesc, Nasri and Cliche going - as I'm pretty sure they will, must force our woeful Manager to do something drastic - like sign some new players. But even here I'm not holding my breath. At the end of last season I just couldn't take any more and declined to renew my seasonticket. What's happened this time around justifies that decision as I have seen it all 3 or 4 times already. Will it be any different next year ? I wish I could be certain it will. But if Wenger stays, I doubt it, even with some new faces.

  31. Danish Gooner

    May 08, 2011, 20:23 #6466

    Only a wrecking ball will suffice.

  32. Proudtosaythatname

    Dec 11, 2010, 8:01 #168

    Too tense for me. It's about time we scored from all that early pressure. So. 0-2 at half time (Chamakh 6, 25) then 0-3 (Theo 70) followed by the ludicrous Ole's, 2 late goals for United (both Berbatov penalties for nothing, Clichy red card) and a nail-biting 3-2 to the Gunners - after 15 minutes of 'Fergie time'. Then again...

  33. Pradeep kachhala

    Dec 10, 2010, 22:36 #167

    Are you going to manchester to watch us stuff them or to stuff your face? Jokes aside tough game on Monday - our strengths will be based upon how they cope with a deep lying RVP - watch out for park nani and Rooney who always play well against us- dead set on an arshavin double by the way

  34. Paul

    Dec 10, 2010, 17:19 #166

    I bet we go up there and willshire gets kicked off the park by Scholes and the others,just like reyes did in 2004. The referee will bottle it and give united everything as they usually do when we go up there. we are without our 2 best players especially vermalen will be missed. prediction 2-0 arsenal come on you reds