Money is power and emotional blackmail is still a form of blackmail

Highway Robbery at its finest

Money is power and emotional blackmail is still a form of blackmail

Are you feeling a bit under-valued as customers, erm… I mean, fans?

I'm really unhappy. Really ticked off. I guess you could say I'm a little bit upset, hurt even with a sense of injustice. But enough about me, how about you?

How did you feel when they announced the ticket price rise? How did you feel when you realised that the cheeky money grabbing bastards at Arsenal F.C. were actually going to go through with asking for even more bloody money to watch an inferior team play, playing with less intensity, less passion and with far less talent, guts and ability than we had when we last won a trophy six long years ago and counting. Oh Sweet my sweet Lord, are we counting.

Sorry - my fellow Gooners, but I've just gone and made the classic mistake, haven't I? The schoolboy error. The cardinal sin. I've only gone and done the stupidest thing I could ever have done and how I wish I could undo what I have just only gone and done, but I can't.

Have you ever sneaked a look at a photo of an old flame of yours? Maybe she’d left you and you were lonely? Maybe you just couldn't make it work? Maybe the missus was giving you a bit of aggravation? Or maybe she was just really, really fit! Whatever the reason is for doing it, we have all done it, haven't we lads? And I suspect one or two of you ladies out there been guilty of doing the exact same thing as us. It's just human nature, that's all it is.

Now, I know why they say that you should never compare ex-girlfriends with your current partner.

Yes, you've guessed it. I only went and put on the 2003- 2004 season review DVD didn't I?

I know I'm a stupid, silly, naughty boy. I had a malfunction in my brain and I somehow thought it was going to cheer me up. It didn't. If you haven't got the DVD then whatever you do - please, for the Love of God, do not, under any circumstances log on to youtube and search for "Arsenal end of season review 2003/2004". If not for your own sake then please, think of your own wife’s and children’s.

Once you've watched that video at some point in the future (and trust me - you will), you will be feeling what I am feeling when looking at this stinking letter from Arsenal F.C. demanding even more money with emotional menaces like a bunch of gangsters of the very heart and soul.

We used to have some of the very top players in the world at Arsenal F.C. (I've got video evidence if you don't believe me, honest) and now we are being asked to hand over a lot more cash for a whole lot less of a football team. It's infuriating because it doesn't have to be that way and we know it doesn't. Money has been available for players which hasn’t (it’s criminal, I know) been spent by our miserly manager and our money grabbing board. Recent articles and blogs should have opened all of your eyes to the fact that Arsenal have in excess of £30 million sitting unused in their player trading account.

Why should we be happy to hand over even more of our hard earned cash if it is not going to be used to significantly strengthen the team? Why not give us a reason first, Mr. Kroenke? Or is this how all folks from where you're from say "howdy neighbour"? Well Mr. Kroenke, may I be the first to say, “Hello to you too... and f*** you very much.” You disgust me. You think that just because we are all in love with this club you can continue to avoid investing in the playing squad? You’d better think again, Mister Fancy Tache.

The only way for you to make serious money out of “Soccerball” is to keep the fans happy and spending money. If you keep up your current methods you might lose some fans (customers to you, I guess) and you sure as hell won't be attracting many new ones to the club. I see we now have the word "Forward" on our new kit. That better be the direction you plan to take us in and not just be the position of the player who happens to own that particular shirt. We would like to see a few new shirts arrive in stock actually with all different positions embroidered on them like, "Centre Half", "Left Back", "Centre Forward" and "Midfielder". Ha Ha bloody Ha. Get it?

If you don't start playing the game a bit more and break your silence on what your intentions really are, I can conclusively predict that you will face some kind of backlash eventually. People do not like to be fleeced, scammed, hoodwinked or conned and if you don't start to speculate to accumulate, you will sell less overpriced tickets, less overpriced beer, food and less overpriced merchandise.

The power each and every one of you have over Arsenal F.C. is the power of your wallet or purse or credit card. I suggest that you at least make Arsenal sweat over your season ticket renewals and yet another replica kit that we had very little say in the design of. You never know, they might surprise us all. I very much doubt that they will, but come on; let's work as a team and "put 'em under”!

I will be. Will you? Or do you enjoy being mugged off in a harsh economic climate?

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  1. Stewart Sharp

    May 09, 2011, 9:03 #6494

    Will this season give up my season ticket. Mainly due to the fact I can't watch idiots like Bendtner and the like getting at least £50 a week. I want my Arsenal back but those days have long gone since the money men are more and more in charge of the club. They do not love the club like we do. I cannot take being fleeced for the dearest tickets in world football only to be told we have limited resources to buy players. Only now after all this time Wenger has now said our defence needs work, is he blind or just arrogant. No one is bigger than Arsenal so lets get shot whilst we have the chance. Playing fancy football doesn't always work and sometimes you have to change your game plan, Wenger is not capable of this anymore.I will drop to Silver Membership and choose my games wisely.I will say it again in finishing I WANT MY ARSENAL BACK!!!!

  2. Mike Knapp

    May 08, 2011, 17:36 #6459

    I was unsure when I refused to renew my season ticket three seasons ago after 15 years and thirty or more years before that on the terraces. Stoke 3 Arsenal 1. How much more does it take for Arsenal supporters to realise they are being swindled big time. The supprters have been had and I can't see it changing anytime soon. If you are one of the thousands who are about to renew their season tickets, you deserve everything you get.

  3. fozzy's mate

    May 08, 2011, 12:29 #6444

    In a way I admire your optimism as my glass has been half full since the end of the 2007/8 season. I hope it turns out to be well placed even though your glass now appears to make my quarter full glass look overflowing.

  4. Tony B

    May 08, 2011, 11:30 #6442

    The club know they can put the already Highest ticket prices in the world up again because there are 60,000 mugs who will buy them.As long as our fans fill the clubs bank account with no protest and just bend over and take it up the Arsenal Nothing will ever change.We are no longer a football club but a business.Kroenke has owned the club less than a month and the first thing he does is raise the prices.Welcome Stan next time wear a mask when you are robbing us

  5. Clueless

    May 08, 2011, 11:11 #6440

    If you renew, you're part of the problem. End of. How you can talk of disgust at the club and overpaid trophyless manager's shocking policies...and then renew! You're exactly proof that AW, Gazidis and Kroenke were right to raise prices! They rely on the lack of balls our fans have. A renewal is effectively a vote of confidence in Krienke and you saying you're satisfied how this now joke club, is being run.

  6. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 08, 2011, 10:36 #6437

    Fozzys mate- better late than never I suppose? I have no regrets. I was patient I went along with the plan for all these Years like a good little loyal fan and it's taken me a bit too long to clock that to them I'm just a customer now. there is an archive of my articles on this website that show my transformation from the last (rational) AKB to someone who has opened their eyes to the broken promises and lies coming from AFC

  7. Fozzy's mate

    May 08, 2011, 10:19 #6435

    Joe, you relentless stream of anti-board and Wenger articles are in danger of becoming a raging torrent. The only reason is your outpouring after years of swallowing in the club propoganda and sublimal instructions from Wenger and the board to attack anyone who dare question their doing of "gods work" in trying to win by buying cheap and selling dear, against Chelskis methods of buying dear and selling cheap. I too swallowed this for a short while until about 3 years ago when I realised we were all being misled and conned to some level, my leading complaint the misleading statements regarding the reasons behin our stadium move. The penny has now dropped for you and almost all those previoulsy vociferous defenders of AW and PHW. We will all renew as we love the club, just not the current MO. I believe that as the cash mountain increases and share price shoots ever higher the current policy cannot be sustained. My disapointment is that it took so many grown men so long to realise what they were being fed.