Judge me in May…

The verdict is in

Judge me in May…

Wenger: The prosecution rests

Well you did say it Arsene. But let me first thank you for my personal invitation from you to renew my season ticket. Apparently, or so you say in the letter, we have much to celebrate next season, our 125th.

I agree. Let me tell you the things I am looking forward to celebrating:

• The first anniversary of the first four goal lead surrendered in the history of the Premier League; perhaps we could share a glass or two of Newcastle Brown Ale?

• The anniversary of twice surrendering two goal leads against the Spuds: perhaps some chips for that celebration?

• The one I am really looking forward to – the first anniversary after the last games in Arsenal shirts of Messrs Almunia, Eboue, Denilson and Diaby. Try to keep them out of the team for the last two games, as we don’t want to delay this celebration next year!

• Assuming I do accept your invitation to renew my season ticket, that I am no longer contributing to the wage packets of those serial underperformers, Messrs Squillaci, Rosicky and Bendtner.

• The arrival of the replacements for Fabregas and Nasri, as well as some serious competition for Alex Song and some support for RvP (unless of course he flies the nest too).

• The arrival of some proper defenders – you know the type Arsene; they can hold a line, they can head the ball away, they throw themselves in front of shots, they protect hard won leads in the 10th minute of injury time and don’t concede soft goals from free kicks. Of course you know the kind of player I mean, Arsene, so why don’t you buy them? And why don’t you employ a full time defensive coach?

After all that celebration, let me turn to judgement time, as it’s May. Oh but I forgot, we can celebrate something now, and we don’t have to wait until next season. I know it’s not quite the end of the season, but we can of course celebrate the sort of prize I know you value highly. Qualification for the Champions League. I am so looking forward to three riveting home games against some obscure teams from the fringes of Europe. I know I am digressing but even if you sell all the deadwood and let Fabregas go (you know he wants to, we all know he wants to, so let him go and get some money for him before his hamstrings go, as they will), we should be able to beat the might of next season’s visitors from Sweden, Serbia and Greece if we are (un)lucky; and then as always happens, we will draw a big team and go out again, but not before we hear you say how much better we are this year and now is the time to show our mental strength and all that jazz.

So yes, you are right, Arsene: there will be so much to celebrate next year; indeed I am almost tempted to open the bubbly right now. Excuse me while I reach for the wine rack. Don’t worry Arsene, it’s good French stuff, and I’ll make sure it’s nicely chilled before opening it.

But back to judgement time… to be honest Arsene, I think this season has been pretty dire. Project Youth hasn’t really worked has it? True Chesney and Jack have done well and it’s nice to see Rambo back; JD has put in a shift on occasion, but what else have we got to show for Project Youth? A captain whose heart isn’t in the club any more; Theo, who flatters to deceive most of the time, Gibbs who has contracted Clichy-itis alarmingly early in his career, and the self-publicising Great Dane, who showed us in a flash in Barcelona what he has to offer. Not much.

Defensively we were a shambles. One point each against Newcastle, WBA and Spurs, all of whom won at our place. Attacking-wise we were toothless on too many occasions when it mattered: Birmingham at Wembley, Sunderland and Blackburn at home. Creatively, on occasions we were so bereft of ideas it was embarrassing – Orient away, ManU away in the Cup, Leeds and Huddersfield at home in the Cup.

You know that ManU were not an especially good side this year, but they had organisation, a manager who kicked ass and a simple will and desire to win. With some judicious additions to the squad and defensive concentration, we could and should have won the Carling Cup and the League. But we didn’t and the reason we didn’t is because you didn’t manage well enough.

You screwed up royally on the goalkeeping front at the start of the season; then you failed to buy cover when Vermaelen remained injured in January; you played your tallest striker intermittently, and only on the wing; and you continue to play Eboue and Diaby when they are nothing more than liabilities. Tell me this – when did Eboue or Diaby, or for that matter Denilson or Rosicky, make game changing contributions this season? Or for that matter last year? Do tell me.

I have seen your comments after the Stoke game; maybe you will do something about the defence for next year. I will be delighted if what you do makes a difference. Something tells me however that not much will change.

I don’t think you will get rid of the deadwood. I don’t think you will buy proven defenders and I don’t think you will employ a defensive coach. No, I think you will sign a few more Francophones, possibly a couple of South Americans we haven’t heard of (if you can get work permits for them) and maybe a few more wonderkids.

And if Cesc and Nasri go, I reckon you won’t spend even half the money we get for them on new players. You’ll tell Ivan that Coquelin or Sunu are the future and they deserve six year deals.

But before all that Arsene, I suggest you concentrate on getting the points to secure third place; or is the now traditional end of season collapse a cunning plan to finish fourth and get one of the cup games included in the season tickets used up early? Don’t worry, the champagne’s on ice; and that’s where it will stay.

What’s that I hear you say? You meant May 2012? Or sorry, Arsene I misunderstood. Ah well, I’ll leave my judgement pending till next year.

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  1. harry

    May 10, 2011, 15:29 #6629

    JamesOB - let me guess, you think Arsenal FC was formed in 1996? Prior to that m8 there were plenty of games for you to go and see.

  2. Goonerjon

    May 10, 2011, 15:09 #6627

    Hits all the right buttons...but why leave Walcott down the list of those who have let us down again and again...along with Arshavin - these two were big money buys and have failed us. Wpould we get what we paid for them - not a hope in hell.....oddly I don't mind so much if our youht products don't equal our very high expectations but when AW does spend money I think we are due some sort of return.....

  3. Prashant

    May 10, 2011, 9:29 #6588

    You are Damn right.... We all are just tired of excuses, atractiveness is nowhere. I affraid now that we cannot attract talented players to Arsenal, not anymore...

  4. JamesOB

    May 10, 2011, 4:38 #6581

    It would be nice if all you moaners didn't renew your season tickets and let people who have been queueing for years to this this 'terrible' team actually come to the games. Might have a better atmosphere.

  5. Joe

    May 10, 2011, 1:12 #6580

    Can only rephrase what's already been said above. A truly disastrous season offering no hope for the immediate future. The good players want an exit out and we a stuck with the deadwood because of a spineless, unambitious manager who has lost all sense of perspective and does not have the balls to face up to the realities that he has nurtured a bunch of losers who he needs to cut off and go back to rebuilding a new squad with all the uncertaities that will entail . Come on Arsene get real. Put your job on the line and gamble on a new direction, the fan's will support you, regardless of immediate success if you can convince them that you will not accept the incompetant purposeless drival that your squad has delivered this season.

  6. Mandy dodd

    May 10, 2011, 0:32 #6578

    Looks like there are those on here who are only willing to follow the team if they are successful. Hey ho..... This team frustrate but I have seen worse. Could do better yes, but I am not going to do a Kurt cobain just yet.

  7. Adams

    May 09, 2011, 23:29 #6575

    Its official, Arsenal are worse this season compared to last. Last season - 75 pts, this season we will struggle to 70. Going backwards.

  8. The Happening

    May 09, 2011, 22:29 #6572

    2 scenarios everyone! 1. He clears the dead wood, buys the required replacements and gets in Steve Bould or - 2. We witness yet another summer where our best players leave and no additions to the squad are made to re compense AND Wenger continues with his project until oblivion! The Gooners has an importnat part to play, by stimulating debate, galvanising opinion and presenting a solid referance to the Club in the form of protest or damning literature to it's hierarchy, otherwise it'll just be another website for rants and nothing else! Wenger has no greater right to be manager, just like Graham, Rioch, Terry Neil, they come they go, Arsenal and it's supporters remain ad infinitum!

  9. NC

    May 09, 2011, 21:51 #6570

    Bit harsh. Why pick on Denilson? useless f**ker hardly plays for us these days. With limited resources we are doing alright and remain one of the top 16 sides in the whole of Europe. Of course we would all love to be successful, but so would all the hundreds, indeed thousands of football teams, well and truly behind us.

  10. wenger out

    May 09, 2011, 20:57 #6569

    great article. every word rings true. nothing will change with this man in charge. Get Wenger out!

  11. Nick

    May 09, 2011, 20:45 #6568

    Serial under-performers include Denilson, Diaby, Almunia, Fabianski, Eboue, Walcott, Rosicky, Bendtner, Squillaci, Arshavin and Chamakh (11 out of 28 first-team players or 40%)- all show some brilliance but mostly under-achieved, inconsistent and lacked mental strength. They wouldn't look out of place in Wigan, Birmingham, WBA, Everton, Villa etc. None of them good enough to don the Arsenal shirt. We could have won leage, we should have won Carling Cup. With these 11, we'll win nothing.

  12. nick

    May 09, 2011, 19:47 #6567

    100% correct ! he has been fanatstic but its time to move on now. he makes the same mistakes and quotes every year

  13. havenverworkedhalfadayinfootball

    May 09, 2011, 19:36 #6566

    Hang on everyone I have just read some threads that say that Wenger now knows what to do (only two games left) and that he has plans for the summer. Its a good job that football is played mainly in the winter as it may affect his summer planning. Me, I off to the Norfolk broads for a couple of weeks where have you decided on going then Arsene? hopefully not another French scouting mission.

  14. rash44bel

    May 09, 2011, 19:34 #6565

    You are a true gooner! Absolutely right on all the point you raised. I just hope and pray he listen 'cos we are fed up of his arrogant behaviour and cannot see attitude the obvious. I hope Denilson, Rosicky, Bendtner, Almunia, Eboue, Arshavin and squillaci all leave this summer as this lost are not good enough if Arsenal is going to compete with Man U and Chelsea next season.

  15. Apocalyptic

    May 09, 2011, 18:03 #6559

    Excuse the gros mot Arsene mais tu es con. I also got the 'personal invitation letter', although mine is only for Red membership, and it went straight in the bin. I am going to give what I would have paid for 4 or 5 home matches a season to charity. It is only fans' reaction that can rid our great club of Wenger and his team of complacent also rans. My heart went out to the loyal fans who'd bothered to spend their cash on a ticket for the Stoke game yesterday. I've had enough, merci.

  16. Adrian

    May 09, 2011, 17:54 #6557

    I disagree with one thing - Eboue did make a game changing contribution this season.... against Liverpool.

  17. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 09, 2011, 17:35 #6556

    As Tom Jones recently sang when covering John Lee Hooker "I'm going down...to the crossroads...." well Tom, if you see our Arsene down at those crossroads, can you send him back to us with 4 players that form a solid spine and minus about 40 mil?

  18. agc

    May 09, 2011, 17:30 #6555

    yeah third is terrible, really awful, some of those players wouldn't get in relegation threatened sides throughout europe, yet...they've managed to come third. If the players are so terrible it can only be the manager that has managed to lift them to third in the league, or the manager is terrible has no idea what he is doing and the players have got us to third in the league. I am confused which are rubbish, the players or the manager? How did we come third when we are filled with a team full of losers and a manager that doesn't know what he is doing? Please explain

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 09, 2011, 17:25 #6554

    i have hated picking up the papers every morning for the last three or four months reading all the usual things about my beloved arsenal dodgey keeper cant defend cant break down defence beaten again by second rate opposition the usual journalists taking great delight in slaging us off there has even been times when i have considered not buying the paper ihave read every day for thirty five years but you know what and this is the sadest sadest thing of all its got to the stage where im used to it and expect nothing else. sad sad

  20. Jairo

    May 09, 2011, 17:00 #6552

    This is quite possibly the best summary of my own feelings regarding this dismal season. What an article! Biting, sarcastic, witty and also sadly, probably very prescient of what Wenger's actions over the summer will be - the same old same old. Question, how many people do you know who radically change their way of thinking at the age of 60 and over? I want to eat humble pie and watch Wenger change his ways but for some reason I think I shall go hungry...

  21. AFC14

    May 09, 2011, 16:54 #6550

    The end of season DVD out soon..called "Arsenal 2010-11 Total Collapse"

  22. Jim Bowen

    May 09, 2011, 16:42 #6549

    The manager and players are going to the town hall in an open top dustcart with a cardboard cut out of the premiership and a large cheque for £56m.Then Jim Bowen will bring out a replica of the real premiership trophy and tell Dopey Wenger "Here's what you could have won"

  23. Mark

    May 09, 2011, 16:40 #6548

    have no doubts AW has become a vastly wealthy man from his time at Arsenal and especially since weve been at the Emirates and hes had new deals. french ego's can really be THE worst around if you let them get out of check and often need a good smack. i see more and more why very few managers actually like AW. he never smiles. he has no real confidence yet is full of arrogance. he doesnt like people which is why he cannot motivate them. he doesnt live in the real world so his spats with referees, other managers, the media is increasing. this all leads me to believe he will NEVER willingly leave Arsenal. he wont put his hands up, go to the board and say lets find someone else together because i think that i am offtrack. he wont do that despite thanks to AFC he has a £50M fortune and we took HIM from obscurity in Japan and WE made HIM a household name !

  24. Steve P

    May 09, 2011, 16:30 #6547

    The most eloquent summing up of the frustrations of at least 50,000 gooners.Am sick of hearing "the boys gave everything"....it's just not good enough, somethings missing.

  25. dan

    May 09, 2011, 16:05 #6546

    we have found the defendant guilty on all charges of being a major ****,Your sentence is to now **** off from arsenal football club and take the whole lot of this team with you.....in arsene we rust

  26. CD

    May 09, 2011, 15:23 #6544

    Verdict. Guilty as charged. Sentence P45.

  27. Mark

    May 09, 2011, 14:02 #6541

    Sami please dont sign unless the club give you assurances that they will bring in 3 senior players and not any more just promising teenagers. senior players with CL experience who can fit into the ENGLISH Premier league which means turning up at places like Stoke, Blackburn, Wigan and Bolton

  28. jayanta

    May 09, 2011, 13:45 #6540

    It can happen on two circumstances from Arsene Wenger: 1) Stupid over confidence and massive miscalculation. 2) Possibly somehow he gains financially big way at the expense of Arsenal. I think its the combination of both and he won't get away with this next time for sure.

  29. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 09, 2011, 13:36 #6539

    Top stuff Ian! Excellent verdict and I'm glad that, for you, champions league qualification is the bare minimum expected from AFC. We as fans should be calling for trophies as we have been patient and loyal enough already and as supporters we have to have at least something to hope for , a goal, a dream. otherwise we could find ourselves so downtrodden that we only dream of champions league qualification as our target for the season just like the Scum and Tony Potters rugby team!

  30. mark

    May 09, 2011, 13:35 #6538

    Owen Coyle did as much for jack W's development as AW did

  31. Gman

    May 09, 2011, 13:34 #6537

    Enough is enough. WENGER MUST GO. I would suggest that we have a massed demonstration of our anger at Mr Wengers delusional obstinacy at making our football team look like a bunch of fools. We have to let him know at the last home game of the season that we are not satisfied or he will go on regardless. WENGER OUT, WENGER OUT. "Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Wenger? If you think we're having fun, We are the boys who will stop your little game. We are the boys who will make you think again. 'Cus who do you think you are kidding Mr. Wenger? If you think old Arsenal's done?"

  32. north bank 71

    May 09, 2011, 13:18 #6535

    organise a demo that is against the 6.5% increase and also against the board and the manager. Where is all the money going?? not on the team. 52 years of supporting the TEAM can i stand another year of lies?

  33. Danny

    May 09, 2011, 13:03 #6534

    Spot on Ian.The United players fear Ferguson.Look at how Fergie dealt with Beckham Stam and Van Horseface.Do you think our players fear Wenger?.Szczesny even said at half time at Blackpool Lehmann did the team talk!!.Two years ago United lost Ronaldo last season they lost the title by a point this year they have won it.That is great management.United have replaced the likes of Stam Keane and Ronaldo we havent replaced Campbell Vieira and Henry.When it comes to management Fergie pisses all over Wenger.Fergie was not afraid to have a 41 year old quality keeper in goal while Wenger started the first fours months of the season with two clowns in goal.Since we last won a trophy Utd have won EIGHT

  34. Richard Ansell

    May 09, 2011, 13:00 #6533

    Ian - great article and I just wish it was not true, but we all know it is. CL qualification box ticked so Wenger will be at the helm next season whatever we think. I am not even allowing myself any hope for meaningful changes / additions to our squad during the summer as Wenger will never abandon his 'principles' despite the fact that change is needed more than ever after this season's capitulations. Why can he not see it? You just feel so helpless as a supporter and I would love to shake him warmly by the throat to find out what he really makes of it all. His usual ridiculous post match remarks surely are just waffle to hide his true feelings - but I am beginning to wonder!

  35. Highbury Boy

    May 09, 2011, 12:37 #6526

    All true and the big problem is that with the exception of Vermaelen coming in at the back for either Djourou or Koscielny the team yesterday is the likely one for next season as Nasri and Clichy are refusing to sign new contracts and we all know our star player wants to follow his dream. Comments in the media about "too much reliance on Fabregas spoiling the development of players like Wilshere and Ramsey" are very much like the comments seen before Henry was sold. Looks like the ground is being prepared or us to lose our only class player. Wenger will never buy more than 3 players in one transfer window as it will disrupt his squad and we know that the wages of Eboue, Denilson,etc are so high and their contracts so long that it is doubtful that any transfer fees will compensate for getting them off the wage bill. You can be sure that transfer fees will be "undisclosed" meaning that we will probably have to compensate the buying clubs. Don't forget the 17 on loan such as Traore who are also on big wages.

  36. BNG

    May 09, 2011, 12:30 #6525

    He either goes with dignity or kicking and screaming.........and frankly I couldn't care less now, just go

  37. shantos

    May 09, 2011, 12:11 #6523

    absolutely spot on ... and id vote for this to be printed up and literally littered all over the stadium next home game ... it would get to Wenger then ... btw, i like Wenger, but he has had way too much power for way too long.

  38. tippytappynevershooty

    May 09, 2011, 11:57 #6521

    Wenger will not change anything and I agree with "rc" as all the crap wasn't playing yesterday apart from Walcott and we were still dire. You can swap all the names in the summer but if you remain with a manager who cannot organise or motivate a team in the most basic manner, it will be same crap different faces. For me he just has to go

  39. clockenepaul

    May 09, 2011, 11:57 #6520

    rc..We had samba here in january was put up in a hotel, did a trial, agreed personal terms, terma agreed with blackburn only for a the last minute they wanted another million and we refused! Now i know that blackburn were out order but sometimes you have to play the game!! Samba is the type of player we once had, when we used to bully teams and win things, now we have the mild and the meek.

  40. Gunnerman

    May 09, 2011, 11:56 #6519

    I don’t think there is a person that gets me so frustrated than our egotistic brainless visionless Wenger. The problem is that the frustration will continue for a longer time as I know he will not change and will also not be kicked out. Unless we the supporters stop patronising the big men with cheap money that we worked hard to earn then this nonsense will continue. WE HAVE TO SHOW OUR DESPLEASURE AT THE STANDS SO THAT SOMEONE AT THE HELM OF AFFIRS SITS UP-PERIOD. The way things are going there is no doubt in my mind that next year will be tougher - 5th position will even be tough to get

  41. Stevo

    May 09, 2011, 11:42 #6517

    Spot on. I just hope Wenger reads it.

  42. jjetplane

    May 09, 2011, 11:39 #6516

    Brilliant article - listening to Wenger after Stoke he sounds less credible than any manager in the premier. He has become an embarrassment. Jermaine Pennant certainly put the record straight!

  43. Tony Jerome

    May 09, 2011, 11:29 #6515

    Spot on mate.... oh, you forgot to mention that the price of tickets are going up by 6%! I would guess the price of beers, food and programmes will also rise! Probably a result of all the success we have had over the last 6 years! Joke!

  44. Bamse

    May 09, 2011, 11:28 #6514

    Brilliant. Wenger has NO business managing Arsenal. Ferguson is a winner. Wenger is a born Loser. Period.

  45. Qudzy

    May 09, 2011, 11:25 #6513

    Couldnt have said it better mate! I know I'm miles away from the Emirates & can only dream of watching a live game in there but I wdnt pay a dime to watch these boneless idiots play a game of chess!

  46. Big J of North London

    May 09, 2011, 11:16 #6512

    I cant wait for the apologists to come out and berate you as I need a laugh this morning. That is however if there is anyone left who supports the loser of Strasbourg. How anyone can think that Wenger can still do the business is beyond me. An abject failure in all his dealings and on top of that he tells us that the price hike is necessary. What a joker. Get rid.

  47. wenger is finished

    May 09, 2011, 11:16 #6511

    Excellent article. I was trying hard to find some good points about Arsene the other day but the Stoke result has finished any sense of faith in him. Wenger is a man devoid of ideas now, a spent force, deluded, concerned only with his vanity project and without any leadership skills or tactical know how. Wenger wont change and niether will the board who blindly back him and couldnt give a **** just as long as we get the champions league spot year in year out. So now its time for us fans to save Arsenal from medicority by kicking Wenger out and letting the board know. For ****s sake let Wenger and the board know hes not wanted and **** all the AKBs let them know too.

  48. aash

    May 09, 2011, 11:10 #6510

    what sad is regardless of all the lies he'll come up with as soon as the Transfer market kicks in you know zip will change. We'll continue being the laughing stock of the premier league and pretty much the whole world. My God Stoke of all people outplayed us. Then the old guy has the bollocks to come out with his Mental Strenzth speeches. Am just wondering,is there a chance the whole world could be blind and Arsene is right? You know you are in deep sh*t when Sam Alardyce of all people points out your weaknesses.

  49. Martyn

    May 09, 2011, 11:02 #6509

    Brilliant article! I turned the TV off after Stoke scored their first goal because I just can't take it anymore. I was even reduced to thinking that if Arsenal get really thrashed by Stoke then someone in the boardroom will finally wake up and smell the coffee. Ironically the last time we got thrashed at Stoke was during the double winning season of 1970-71, 5-0 if my memory serves me correct. That Arsenal side however was a side with real mental strength and leadership throughout the team. Perhaps Pat Rice can remind Arsene of this before the start of next season.

  50. Eric Mgbe

    May 09, 2011, 10:58 #6508

    The crux of the matter is that the people Wenger is answerable to(his employers) don't see the need for the club to win trophies so why are we bothering ourselves. It's either the Uk fans boycott Arsenal matches or stop supporting the club. A good number of first team players(denilson, diaby,almunia,ebue,walcott,rosicky,bendtner,chamakh,djorou,squillaci). at our club are not consistent/good enough to play in any relegation bound team in any european leagues. So you could see how terrible a coach Wenger is. It's quite a ridiculous situation.


    May 09, 2011, 10:56 #6507

    A true gunner he is.He has exposed the truth and the excuses which Wenger normally says. Not much will there be a difference.Stan Kroenke has nodded to Arsene.The same old trophyless tactics will used.

  52. Jekyll

    May 09, 2011, 10:56 #6506

    Wenger will judge himself at the end of the season and declare it a success, as they have qualified for the CL. And we as fans should all be grateful, even though we don't see the money they make from it invested in the squad and have no chance of winning it. He said yesterday 'overall the team has done well this season'. So there you go.

  53. Haider

    May 09, 2011, 10:46 #6504

    We're 3rd in the leaugue above Citeh. Chavski and their billions have just about overtaken us. Manure and the loand sharks are 1st but they didn't have to get rid of the old players to trim the salary bill so we could build a stadium. That transition has helped Man U and hampered over boys. Get things into context I'd love to Silva, essien playing in our colours but we ain't got that kind of wonga so wake up and smell the coffee...

  54. rc

    May 09, 2011, 10:41 #6503

    hey mate great rant and agree with all that you say, please remember that all the deadwood you named were not playing yesterday, so do you want them all sold as well ..... seen the comments about samba this morning, he would have been worth a punt even if TV was coming back in February, agree that we could lose nasri and cesc and as long as we replace with experiance we will be ok as the future is jack and rambo, in a a 4132 formation, players yet to be brought to suit the system, i agree we should have started with the 3 big guys up front, if we need to win games we need goal scorers on the pitch not the tippy tappy players, bring in TWO new c/halves new left back and sorry to say but an experianced goalie as chesney not quite ready YET, striker to help RVP up front and a bully in midfield, daft as it may be and i know they are close to relegation but why not sign samba-jones and n'zonzi from blackburn to give us some steele, with premiership experiance of SCRAPPING for the right to win, backed up with the tippy tappers we may have a platform to work on, stick TV to left back if need be, or even midfield alongside n'zonzi to give us the new "petit & Vieira........

  55. DK

    May 09, 2011, 10:35 #6501

    Brilliant piece

  56. Bergmars

    May 09, 2011, 10:29 #6500

    Damn right!

  57. Rob

    May 09, 2011, 10:20 #6499

    I'd love to see his face if he was made to sit down and read that. All true of course. But will it change whilst he's there ?