Outside top 4 finish required to see change!

Drastic solution to the current cul-de-sac

Outside top 4 finish required to see change!

Arsene: More of the same next season

I now actually want Arsenal to fall out of the top 4 next season, because it’s the only way currently that I can foresee a change of direction by the club.

I wrote an article back in March entitled Time to end this ourselves for which I received some pretty hostile reactions from the AKB camp, who were still convinced the club and AW were very much still on course to win the title this year. However I also received various comments from the AMG camp whom agreed that something needed to be done and agreed with me that their was simply no way we would have the “mental strength” to go and win the title (hardly a Mystic Meg moment on my part, so I am not looking for any credit here). The point is it would appear the vast majority of fans from whichever camp simply do not have the stomach to protest, and I can understand why as we are after all still in the top 4. This is why I now think the only way we can take a step forward is to initially take two steps back.

The board and AW in particular have long since lost sight of what we were supposed to be able to achieve once we had moved to the Grove. The money started to roll in and became priority number one, and once the board had ousted David Dein all obstacles had been removed to this end (I also wrote an article approx 2 years ago stating the need to bring back DD). The most important part of achieving this personal financial bonanza for the select few on the board, was the fact they had, and still have a manager in charge who is on a personal crusade to change the game of football. The one where no money is spent on transfers by rearing only kids and to somehow introduce this new brand of tippy tappy football in the vain belief it would be a resounding success, and then all other clubs would somehow follow his lead. The problem is they have already followed his lead by copying the devastatingly effective pre-2006 team with players like Vieira as the role model, and this model is still much more successful than our tippy tappy don’t shoot s***e football (the Stoke fans were sadly spot on, it is boring).

The upshot for the board members has been the coffers started to fill up, despite the ridiculous wage bill of underachieving players and by not spending in the transfer market. In fact making further money from the player trading account as the cash surplus figure now stands at £110 million. This is why the share price has reached astronomic levels, and has enabled the greedy supposed custodians to line their individual pockets by selling out to Stan Kroenke. Not sure how that made them custodians when they sell up without ever investing a penny of their own money but that’s propaganda for you! In addition they rewarded AW with a £6.5 million annual salary for making them all rich, and not for actually winning anything!

This is why I now want Arsenal to fall out of the top 4 because it is crystal clear to me that money is the only thing this club are now interested in. The sudden loss of circa £40 million from Champions League participation would make the board and in particular Kroenke and Gazidis sit up and hopefully wake them up from their comfortable cosy smug self satisfied stupor, and perhaps make them realize that actual real success on the football pitch is the way to really succeed and ironically probably make them more money by doing so. The only other way is for supporters to not renew season tickets to send the message to the board that we have had enough of paying the extortionate prices with no quality experienced players ever being bought in. The reality is that they will sell out all the season tickets despite the fact a very large proportion of these fans are not happy with AW or how we are being short changed - after the promises made about competing for the best players in the world once we had moved to the Grove. The club know our deep life long love and loyalty to our club is such a strong bond that only a few will not renew their season tickets, and hence they again can get away with not investing properly in our squad as on the face of it we are all happy.

If as we are led to believe Kroenke wants to expand the American and far Eastern markets you first of all need a team that actually wins trophies regularly. There is no coincidence that the worldwide fan base of Manure is approx 300 million compared to our approx 20-30 million. Obviously much more astute marketing of the Manure brand has taken place for years now, including pre-season tours and hence they have a huge head start, but their support will continue to grow faster than ours because everybody wants to be associated with teams that win, and win trophies consistently. When people in these countries hear pronouncements by AW that he would be happy to finish second for the next 20 years (even this has not been achieved for six years now) it’s not going to help sell you replica shirts in far away markets compared to Manure or Barcelona!. This is hardly rocket science but has ironically escaped the notice of our money grabbing board, as they have allowed AW to take our pre-season tour to the football crazy backwater of Austria for circa the last decade.

To bring balance to this article it has to be acknowledged that the move to the Grove was a huge financial undertaking which the board have navigated very successfully on our behalf. Having now reduced the stadium debt to very manageable levels, after having to cope with the world banking crises when the redevelopment project of Highbury was in full swing, which could have been catastrophic for the club. The board steered us through the choppy waters and we are now in an excellent position financially. Unfortunately they have decided to focus on rewarding themselves for this achievement, by cashing in instead of making statements of intent in the transfer market. This is what makes it all the more frustrating for us mere fans though because we have all understood the need for tightening our belts whilst all this was taking place, but now that we are in a position to flex our financial muscle, and have been for approx two years now, we find our manager has so warmed to his pet project that he now probably believes that were he finally to spend money on a world class player or two it would be like admitting to himself his project has failed, and he is simply way too stubborn to admit to that

Which brings me full circle back to why I want us to fall out of the top 4 because I see no other way of ending this scenario. It does go completely against every fibre in my body to even think what I have written, but I do so because I deeply care about the club and the direction AW has taken us which is a dead end cul de sac. I will admit that I simply can’t help but want to see Arsenal win every game next season as always, but herein lies the conundrum because if they finish top 4 again then we will be back to where we are now with all our frustrations just multiplied further because it will then have then been 7 years of bright tomorrows, with an eighth to look forward to!!. No doubt I will be told to f*** off and go away and support the Spuds as per usual by the AKB brigade, but that’s water off a duck’s back to me, as that is the pathetic viewpoint of people who do not have any argument to put forward about why we should continue to stick with AW, and simply highlights that they have lost the argument when resorting to name calling, or ridiculous suggestions that people like me who are Arsenal through and through for 41 years now should somehow change clubs simply because I don’t trust in Arsene.

Most Gooners who read the comments on this website will know my overall views re: AW anyway, as I write using my initials CD, and yes I just want him out. This is because he has demonstrated his inability to motivate players, any tactical nous, woeful defensive coaching, loyalty to overpaid dross players (no point listing them, as we all know whom I am referring to), refusal to plug gaping holes in this team with quality purchases (which we have been able to see for years now, despite us not having more than half a days experience), shameful blaming of refs or pitches for his own shortcomings, talking utter bollocks like “mental strength” and “my best squad ever”, and just generally because he lives in a fantasy world where he doesn’t understand why other teams have the cheek to compete against us physically, when they should just stand still, roll over and admire our wonderful football. The main reason however is his utter contempt for we the actual fans whom were here long before he came to our club, because he thinks he is so superior to us, that he can brainwash all of us into the Arsene Knows Best cult, and any of us who are not sheep with our heads not firmly implanted up his backside are “silly people” as that dinosaur Hill-Wood so succinctly put it.

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  1. LeePitt

    May 15, 2011, 10:37 #6896

    Problem is you all mention players like eboue, Denilson, Bendtner, Diaby, Djourou, Sqallacci etc etc but these are squad players are the 1st team??? Man Utd have Carrick, Gibbson, O'Shea, Brown, Evans, Anderson are they better???? Squad is 25 players and under 21's but u wanna name 25 stars costing what who are unhappy sitting in the bench??? Our 1st team beat Chelsea, Man Utd and Man City etc etc best away team in the league we hit a drought after cup final yet I said 9 times out of 10 we win that - success and failure is a thin line most made of errors or luck!!! Fickle fickle fans..... How will Birmingham feel if they go down??? Knowing they have to sell all the best players might not come up for years you think they would give up a Lager cup for safety and the financial rewards of being in the perm??? AW never made another defence since the famous back 5 I give you Jens, lauren, toure, Campbell, cole..... Only defence to go undefeated???? We have defenders like TV, BS and Clichy has not been same since away at Birmingham..... But do u not think he hears the cry from fans like get out F off etc we should show support to who ever wears the shirt cos at one time or another their are a hero..... Fickle fans who turn on players is shocking!!! We need experience we all know that we could of had Veira who I see come on against the Spuds BANG 1st tackle then shout, scream point to his head telling them to keep theirs we are 10mins from CL then comes on in FA cup final 1st touch wins header stop Carew scoring and holds a team who ain't won anything together BUT this guy makes 10 appearances 2 starts all season and is on 150k a week MAN CITY can afford that we CAN'T!!!!

  2. stewart

    May 15, 2011, 0:25 #6888

    Lee I wish the manager, players and board had the same passion as you. However football is I agree a different game now but we have to win something when we are being charged so highly. Unfortunately people used to go with the flow but now want to see some of their hard earned cash going to a decent footballer instead of the likes of Eboue,Bendtner, Denilson, the list goes on. I also understand we can't win something every year but when a fan can see what positions we need players in why does the club do nothing. Wenger has said the defence is not good enough, I could have told him that 4 years ago. Change is good it gets you out of a rut and change is what Arsenl needs. pat Rice is even staying on another season we need new blood and ideas, you have to win dirty sometimes and thats why we will continue to fail if we don't act. I love the club but will not wear rose tinted glasses. I'm fed up with the same old Arsenal tag. If you don't strive to be the best you will always fail. Our club plays stupid money to some rubbish players all of them Wenger bought so don't talk about money. Get in the real world,football is not a working mans game anymore it is big business. And if you want to compete you have to invest in players.

  3. nugs

    May 14, 2011, 20:29 #6886

    @stewart got to agree that the lack of bottle shown by our players is down to wengers mollycoddling of them, you know everytime certain players make big mistakes they pick up mysterious injurys to keep them out of the limelight, also tv's injury might be down to bad luck but wengers refusal to tackle our ongoing defensive problems on the training pitch are not. since the legendry back 4/5 have gone i cannot name a defender that has improved under wenger to a decent level i can name plenty that have gone backwards or just can't defend. no other top coach/manager would neglect these areas like he has done especially if its the difference between winning trophies or not.

  4. LeePitt

    May 14, 2011, 19:18 #6885

    @Stewart 2nd best to Fergie isn't bad since it took Fergie 6 yrs to win won trophy???? Would we replace Wenger with Moyes and let him go into his 7th season not winning a trophy??? Not only not winning a trophy but nearly getting man Utd relegated yet AW has finished outside top four...... @nugs I appreciate what your saying being going Arsenal since the 80's and don't miss many games either.... But with your attitude maybe we should sell our shares to Stan and not have a Fans voices at the AGM??? We ALL want to win but when you all reliase only ONE team can win a league and someone has to come 2nd 3rd 4th and so on..... And we don't have a right to finish 1st and finishing top 4 when other teams spend huge huge money around us I think we do amazing!!!! Cos trust me Chelsea, Man City, Utd and Liverpool are gonna spend massive again and tell me what MANAGER will compete against that with our 25/30m kitty cos u all say we need a keeper a CB a holding mid and striker??? Yet Benzema went to Madrid for 35m and hardly kicks a ball??? Torres goes for 50m in jan and scores 1 goal??? Tell me where you see our singings cos everyone AW wants so do others and they offer triple what we can??? This ain't Football Manager on your home PC if we don't want Bendtner who does??? You really think if we had a 10m offer we wouldn't sell rather than play him right wing??? You don't want Eboue so tell me who does so we may as well offer new contract or lose him on a free??? Sell Almunia to Who no one wants don't worry buy another keeper Wenger have 5 keepers in the sqaud LOL AW we need a striker I know we have RVP, Chamack, Arshavin, Bendtner, Vela and Walcott but we need another so just buy one!!!! WE AIN'T MAN CITY WHO CAN PUT ROQUE SANTA, JO AND BELLEMY IN THE RESERVES or on loan and still pay their wages!!!! Also your 30yrs or 40rs where have you seen us compete every year like we do now???? And if you don't think football has changed since 2005 you gotta be kidding LOL I'm not fighting Wengers corner I'm supporting The Arsenal cos I'm Arsenal till I die!!!!

  5. stewart

    May 14, 2011, 17:37 #6882

    And as Lee Pitt quite rightly stated Wenger is second best to Fergie. Second best is where he'll stay until someone challenges him more. I dont care if the club has finance probs because when we are charged stupid prices we become customers and not supporters any more. Don't go on about the good old Wenger days because the face of football today and Arsenal don't care about us until supporters agree or refuse to pay the prices this crap will continue. We lost our Arsenal when we moved to the White Elephant called Emirates, to be up there with the big boys (Don't make me laugh ). If the club is broke tell the supporters so we know the truth, no hope of that you know what they say with regard mushrooms.

  6. stewart

    May 14, 2011, 17:26 #6881

    What amazes me is Man City have just won the FA Cup after their players have just been together for a short time compared to ours. I know money helps but it does not guarantee success a mental attitude and winning belief needs to come from the manager and at this minute Wenger cannot get this to our team. He has been allowed to get away with it for too long due to people having those rose tinted glasses on. Ferguson lost the league last year but with a few shrewd deals he won it back today. As George Graham said he was told to put silverware on the shelf and he did that. I think 6 cups in 8 seasons. Wenger has delivered 7 in 15 and none in the last 6 years. No matter what the football was like at the time of Graham we had a side who identified with the supporters and gave it all for the Arsenal. The majority of this squad are not fit to wear the shirt and this will go on until we get our Arsenal back. We moaned how Man Utd are run but we are no better now. How can we be asked to pay the dearest prices in world football and yet still win nothing. The football world laugh at Wengers arrogance. There are many managers in world football and we need to start looking for fresh blood as Wenger has not got Fergusons guile or want to win ethic. You may not agree but I for one hate watching deja vu seasons. Same old problems everyone can see except Wenger. Until we address this these seasons will continue to happen.

  7. nugs

    May 14, 2011, 17:16 #6880

    @leepitt he also signed almunia,denilson,squillaci,eboue,clichy etc everyone knows what wenger done in his 1st 6-7 yrs its what he is doing now and imo he is not doing a good job, as for the way the club operates off the pitch, the clubs dealings might not be as good as you think regarding sponsorship deals etc add to that wengers massive wages and players like eboue and denilson getting new and improved deals i find the price hikes hard to take especiallly when we pay the highest prices anyway! this is just my opinion and the opinion of many, i believe im right does not mean i am. as for backing the team ive followed the arsenal for over 30 years went to my 1st game in 78 and didnt miss many games home or away up to the late 90's, i will always back us on the pitch always have always will ,i am just one of the many working class fans who have followed the club for decades who feel the club have turned their back on us but i guess thats just the way football is these days.

  8. LeePitt

    May 14, 2011, 15:11 #6878

    @nugs so AW early success was down to GG now I've heard it all...... GG didn't have the knowledge to bring in Anelka, Overmars, Veira, Petit and Bergkamp cos it was he who told Dien to get him before he signed..... Yes he got a great defence but did GG get Jens, Lauren, Cole, Campbell, toure and that defence went unbeaten them 5 costing a totol 8m yet our whole squad of 35 players cost 83m in total check wiki for 03'-04' team 1st team less than 25m - yet Chelsea came along 3 season spent 500m - we had the best scouting system in the world ppl leaving in brazil, Africa etc now every team does what we do..... We got the best training ground and Henry from the sale of Anelka..... Now every tram has state of the art training..... We move stadium now everyone wants to follow suit like WHU, Spuds, Liverpool and Everton etc etc football is becoming about money and Arsenal haven't got cos we pay our debt..... Look we had over 450m debt in 2006 we have less than 80m now and by start of the season depending on how we done this year might be a lot less..... Man Utd had 800m debt in 2005 they still have 800m debt if they were to fall out of CL how would they survive by selling to another billionaire??? Is that how u want arsenal run???? If and it's a big if had Vermarlern fit all season I feel we would have won the league..... I think we are that close rather than that far away... His tried to use money wisely and I think the players have let him down again by chocking..... We should have the bottle by march to beat Newcastle, sunderland, Blackburn, WBA, Spuds and Bolton that's 13 points dropped and I only make us 9pts behind.... And let's not get started on Spuds home Sunderland away and wigan away etc we had this league and blew it..... That's the team bottling it not AW choices!!!! I'll make the same point I always make his the 2nd most successful perm manager to fergie and 2nd most manager of the month awards yet who would do better???? Maybe Bruce Rioch, Stuart Houston??? Show Support and get the team believing they can win......

  9. Wombledin

    May 14, 2011, 11:25 #6875

    You make a good point, but unlike you, I certainly don't want us to finish outside the top four but I agree with you that it is the only thing that will get rid of Wenger.

  10. nugs

    May 14, 2011, 0:45 #6869

    no one has denied what wenger done in the past but the fact is the basis of his early sucess was built on a defence that gg put together, thankfully because we can all see were wenger sits when it comes to the defensive side of our play, and at the end of the day his past sucess has nothing to do with what he is doing now. so you honestly believe he is still doing a good then fair play to yer, and to answer your question on who would do a better job well unfortunately i am not an expert on coaches and managers in world football but i am sure we could find someone who could no worse for proberbly half of aw salary. just my opinion of course.

  11. LeePitt

    May 13, 2011, 22:49 #6863

    @nugs Wenger under achieving with a squad that cost less than Sunderlands and has 1 player from 2004 squad and only 1 player who started in 2006 cup v Barca???? His built and re built and stayed in top 4 on a shoe string whilst making Arsenal a global brand and still competing for trophies cos since we won in 2005 I've been 3 cup finals and watch us come close to the league on 2 or 3 occasions yet he under achieves!!!! He built a side that would have dominated English football in 2004 only to see Chelsea spend 450m in 2 yrs and change the face of footie in the perm what did Man u win in those 3 yrs??? But they had the foundations of a global brand that Arsenal were missing and they could slowly start competing with 30m Rooney etc etc we chose to move stadiums knew it would hit us in the pocket yet we made massive strides!!!! You moan about AW and yes has his faults and stubbon but is Arsenals most successful manager we had Bertie mee how many cup finals did he lose against Swindon and Leeds yet then won the double..... Graham won 2 leagues in 9yrs but was against a Chelsea man city or and man Utd then??? Tell me who would do a better job????

  12. nugs

    May 13, 2011, 18:30 #6853

    @Leepitt imo we will fall out of the top 4 WITH wenger sooner rather than later! i would never question anyones passion for our club no matter where they stand but i find it hard believe that not only are people prepared to put up with the board and wengers clear under peformance they actually believe they are doing a good job?????

  13. Matty

    May 13, 2011, 9:18 #6815

    You actually sound like a Spurs fan!!!!

  14. LeePitt

    May 13, 2011, 7:32 #6811

    Haha... @all AW haters and Arsenal moaners! Fan, support surely means we all want the same thing and whether we have AW or another manager surely we all want Arsenal to WIN! But just by supporting and thinking we derseve more doesn't mean we get it!! I feel we were unlucky this year with injuries and decisions but I'm a firm believer of it all ways out in the end..... We saw our club compete for 4 trophies and right now we could be looking at 1 or more trophies? We got to a cup final and be honest we all thought we'd won by turning up but that's a final for you and players choked that's not AW 9 times out of 10 he sends the same team out against Birmingham and we hammer them! Then we go out to Barca who for me are best team on the planet then we go out to Man Utd but didn't they just win our league and in CL final so all in all not a bad season? I feel we compete every year we are not finishing 10th or 11th like 93' 95' cos I'm sure if we won league and FA cup double like 93' but finished 11th we would be pulling our hair out!!!!! The job is tough and people who think u can buy buy buy all the best players are crazy cos surely Man Utd would have them??? But they have to sell Ronaldo cos wait they are not big enough??? They play with fletcher, andeson, O'Shea, Gibbson, brown, carrick.......surely Ramsey, song, Diaby, Denilson, Rosicky are better???? Yet still have Cesc, Nasri, Wiltshire, Arshavin etc etc my point is only ONE team can we the league Chelsea spent 100m again this season and 750m since 2004 we can't compete with that yet what did they win this year???? Man City spent 400m in 2yrs to lift FA cup will spend another 200m so surely they should walk the league??? All I'm saying is I believe without AW we would fall outside top 4 cos we can not compete on that level.... Who would replace him??? Villa Bora @ Porto??? Every manager wins that league and Jose where ever he goes he spends 200m plus yet did Madrid win the league with Ronaldo 80m, Kaka 56m, Benzema 35m plus Ozil, Kedheria, Alonso etc etc or maybe we go for Owen Coyle, Big Sam? Maybe hiddink who's 60odd cos that's building a team around a guy who will retire in a year? Adams? Seriously who would you have Rafa?? Ruined Livdrpool and Inter and walked away with 20m in his pocket!!!! AW has Arsenal's best interest all the time he could have left how many times??? Why do Madrid want him and take Cesc with him to replace Jose??? You think Jose would take a job like ours and say you got 30m hahaha NO! Other names Viera, Platt, Adams, Dragon etc etc all might be good coaching staff or number 2 but you really think they can win us the league???

  15. Tiger Keown

    May 12, 2011, 20:25 #6805

    I'm getting to the stage where I hate AKB more than the scum up the Seven Sisters Road. The complacency of the AKB means that my beloved club has become a laughing stock with other fans. Utd and Chelsea fans constantly mock me with 'Keep Wenger' messages. Our club has become a bunch of chokers and that is the fault of these AKB scum. I want MY club back and you Wenger supporters can all f**k off to where ever Wenger ends up next. AKB have let this club down, they are traitors, bottlers and losers.

  16. wenger out

    May 12, 2011, 19:23 #6803

    @Arsenal Fan said: "Without Arsene, there's no Arsenal". Perhaps it would be more approriate if you called yourself an 'Arsene Fan'. Let me tell you something you disgrace, there was an Arsenal Football Club long before Wenger came along and there will be an Arsenal Football Club long after he has gone. You are the one that should 'go and support the Spuds' (a typical refrain from the AKB drongos). No Arsenal fan would ever make a statement like that. Wenger Out!

  17. Crawley gooner

    May 12, 2011, 16:10 #6793

    Spot on could not agree more. Im only going to the villa game to say goodbye to csce & sammi . Good luck to the pair of them !

  18. CD

    May 12, 2011, 15:34 #6791

    All of you commenting that it's crazy to even suggest you want your team to fail I dont disagree with you, but the reason I have suggested this is because I can see no other way of getting rid of AW. As I have already stated in a previous reply I would much prefer we all protested and he left but this is unlikely to happen. The thought of another 3 years of AW inept tactical abilities or defensive blindspots his dross squad players etc etc fills me with dread, which is why I came up with this idea simply because I can see no other way of ousting him. If you are all content to put up with and moan like hell for the next 3 years then fine, I just want to draw a line under AW's regime asap and get someone new in with fresh ideas. Put forward your suggestions about how to oust him as I am merely trying to open up a debate, and those of you who are still AKB's please put forward more articles as to why AW should remain.

  19. rob

    May 12, 2011, 15:03 #6788

    i understand where you are coming from, and feel your sheer desperation of supporting a team where the outlook of the people in charge is so far removed from the feelings of so many fans. i would not want us to drop of the top 4, but agree something needs to be done to change the direction the club is heading. obviously balance sheets and a healthy finacial position is needed, but when that becomes the sole measure of success for a football club something has gone wrong. the fans that swear blind loyalty to wenger i would like to ask how many more seasons and chances do you give him? another 1, 2, 3 or lets get to liverpool where it has been 20 years since they won the league? a demise does not happen overnight, but is a slow gradual process that goes unchecked and that is what is happening with arsenal at the moment. since the invincibles season we have gotten worse in 10 out of 11 positions. that is not coincendence, it is bad management!! to all the AKB, when he signed for the club, people asked who the hell he was, hardly anyone had heard of him. i think unless next season he changes its time for him to go and see that life and arsenal do carry on without him.

  20. Aaron

    May 12, 2011, 12:51 #6773

    @Lee Pitt. You make some very valid points, Wenger is performing well for the money he has spent. However, there are grave deficiencies in the team that have been obvious for years and Wenger chooses not to address them despite clearly having money available. There is no progress being made and the youth that faith was put in have shown they will never be good enough to win trophies on a consistent basis. The reason for the move was to compete with the top clubs in Europe in the transfer market yet Wenger spends excessively on wages for players who have a sense of entitlement and do not give two hoots about the club or their professional integrity, not willing to put in maximum effort, the lack of discipline which allows this comes directly from Wenger. If your ****ive is a top 4 finish every year and swell the coffers for the board then Wenger is doing an unbelievable job, unrivalled in world football. If you want to challenge for major trophies then he is clearly failing.

  21. no. 1 is perry groves....

    May 12, 2011, 12:38 #6771

    so you actually want the team you support to do badly!!!! heard it all now.

  22. nugs

    May 12, 2011, 11:22 #6762

    @leepitt well you carry on giving them your money then thats your choice, but as long as people do nothing will change. if you honestly think we moved to the bowl to improve our chances of winning things then you need to wake up this clubs priority is to make money not to win trophies and as long as we finish top 4 and fill that souless bowl every game nothing will change.

  23. Rocky RIP

    May 12, 2011, 11:18 #6759

    Good grief. This is the most abysmal, illogical & nonsensical solution to our current 'predicament.' The ramifications of dropping out of the top 4 are massive. Returning to the elite is not guaranteed as we're up against stiff opposition with some heavy spenders entering the running. Prior to AW we all went potty when Dennis scored late on to send us into the Uefa Cup. AW arrives & gives us CL football every f'ing season, the cheeky cnut. How dare he? We ALL agree things have to change, but this is atrocious.

  24. David Sheppard

    May 12, 2011, 10:21 #6748

    You want us to drop out the top four and become like Liverpool, Spurs, Villa, Newcastle etc? Look at the changes those clubs have gone through trying to make it INTO the top four! Sorry but no real Arsenal fan can want that. Sounds like you have lost your faith and need to attend the Emirates for worship.

  25. CD

    May 12, 2011, 10:13 #6745

    @LeePitt. Your a touch sensative here, and clearly I have hit a raw nerve with you re my "prawn sandwich" comment. I was merely highlighting the clubs ruthless pursuit of our wallets. Apart from season ticket prices being amongst the highest in world football it's everything else that the club want to charge silly prices for. This includes on site catering, membership cards having to be renewed every season, please explain why other than to grab more money from us. The offer to have your name inscribed on your seat, which has got be the most ridiculous scam ever. They want us to pay for the worst football club TV channel, which quite frankly is an embarrasing joke with no real debate allowed as everything is always rosy. It was never this bad before the move, and yes I accept they needed to increase revenue to fund the new stadium. I could put up with all of this if I could see the direction we are heading towards, but we have simply stood still at best, and no wonder when players like Denilson, Bendtner, Eboue etc remain on our books with ridiculous wages that they would never ever achieve anywhere else let alone get into squads of our main rivals. I do agree with you that no team deserves success, and buying in players does not guarantee you success either, but likewise sticking with the same players who have consistently proved they will always bottle it come business end of season time, will also guarantee failure and it's this that AW has refused to recognise and do something about for over 3 years now. He may indeed finally have seen the error of his ways, but it's going to be a lot tougher now, because our best players want out and who can blame them, which in turn will now make his task much harder and it need not have been had he been more ruthless like Fergie always has been as he has proved to be an out and out winner whereas AW is an idealist dreamer.

  26. LeePitt

    May 12, 2011, 7:37 #6740

    @nugs, Mark, CD - I'm 31 been going nearly every home game since I was 8, go away most go all over Europe that make me prawn sandwich does it???? I go to support through thick and thin, we have 1st pay hike in 6yrs yet we move into a stadium that cost us 350m how do we pay for stuff??? A wage bill well over 100m but I'm sure you think clubs run on empty??? Man u announce £1 increase for every game yet we announce 6.5% every club does it!!!! We need to get money or they won't be a club? You say you want to challenage but with what fresh air??? While man Utd will prob spend 50m Liverpool said they will spend 100m Chelsea and City will no doubt double that in efforts to win the league...... Is that what u want us to do??? Yet with no billionaire backer who doesn't mind throwing his money away!, I'm not part of the AKB brigade I'm just a real fan who sees the same problems for every team and is not stuck in 1989 when I got my 1st season ticket! Every club this season put prices up and it's to do with satisfying the fans with big singings etc etc etc you think West Ham or Spuds wouldn't move into the olimpic stadium and put prices up to compete???? I'm not an Arsene knows best but his one of Arsenal greatest managers everrrr not just trophies but where he has taken the club we haven't finish outside top 4 maybe u wanna win a league every 10 yrs but in-between finish 10th? I feel we need to strengthen and I'm sure like us Arsene can see exactly where but without funds and off loading unwanted players we can't buy! I'm sure u all play ur football manager and win the league every year cos when you want to offload bendtner, eboue etc you just offer to clubs but what if no one wants???? Wenger is stuck with certain members why do u thing so many leave on a free because no one wanted to sign them!!!!! Maybe tear up contracts and lose millions and replace with kaka, pato, messi be realistic!!!! We are the 2nd most successful side since perm started and we are 3rd most successful side ever!!! Now show support and get on with the team before we turn into a birmingham, villa or man Utd and sing for the board to be sacked rather than supporting!!!! I'm fed up of sitting with ppl who slag the team and realise that only ONE team can win every year and we deserve it as much as united, Chelsea, city etc etc

  27. nugs

    May 12, 2011, 0:57 #6739

    @arsenal fan, you post without arsene theres no arsenal! you only prove my point about the sort of people who follow our club these days, maybe you should check out your clubs history before posting such comments. more like without arsenal theres no arsene.

  28. SF Gooner

    May 12, 2011, 0:15 #6737

    Don't ever, ever waste our times with this nonsense again. If you don't like it don't go. Simple as. If you're a supporter then it's simple support.

  29. Nos89

    May 12, 2011, 0:13 #6736

    If things are as bad as you make out don't you think we would've dropped out the top 4 already??

  30. Theo's Underpants Designer

    May 11, 2011, 23:06 #6734

    Comedy, if that post was an example of your work, then it's no wonder your article wasn't published!! lol.

  31. Rich

    May 11, 2011, 22:30 #6733

    This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever seen. Where to start? JollyMike and the song pretty much sum it up. I won't be buying the gooner again !

  32. Mark

    May 11, 2011, 21:29 #6731

    You can always rely on the AKBs to come out with the same old ****"If you dont like it **** off down the Spurs" or "Do you want us to become another Leeds" "Arsenal only became a real club when Wenger joined us" These muppets would jump over a cliff if their leader told them to.They cant see the reason why we are no longer a succesful team is Wenger.Fergie is at home in Cheshire with a glass of wine and a big cigar laughing his head off.This season United as well as Chelsea said we are fed up with winning the league go on Arsenal you win it.And what did Wenger do he refused their offer.Well next season the offer wont be there its a race for 4th place for us.But as Wenger says 4th place is the same as a trophy.Same Cesc doesnt agree with the old fool

  33. CD

    May 11, 2011, 20:27 #6730

    @nugs You make a very valid observation as the club do indeed value the size of your wallet above your historical support. A lot of Gooners have been priced out of going to watch Arsenal play, and I find that very sad and for me simply reiterates my point that the club are now only interested in money. As Roy Keane correctly highlighted the "prawn sandwich" brigade are what the club are now after, which explains why the atmosphere is crap at home games and likewise excellent at away games because they dont ever attend any of those fixtures. The whole football world now boils down to money, and in our case we are expected to pay the highest prices in the world, announce the biggest profits, and yet have the lowest reinvestment in players being brought in, and this equation for me is completly out of sinc. As one writer regularly signs himself "What was the point in leaving Highbury", very good question. Answer-MONEY.

  34. comedy

    May 11, 2011, 20:23 #6729

    I posted a similar comment to this one previously and you refused to publish it. I find it interesting that you will publish comments which have no substance other than calling people foul names, but you wouldn't publish my comment which doesn't contain any expletives. I'm not an arsenal supporter. I don't support any club in particular. I follow arsenal because I get alot of comedy entertainment out of it on multiple levels. I think arsene is a big joke. everything he says and does is laughable and ridiculous. He embarasses himself constantly and it's really entertaining to laugh at him and mock him. Not to mention how easy it is. He makes it absolutely effortless for any right-thinking person to utterly take the piss out him and everything he says and does. So in that sense, I hope he stays and continues to do exactly what he has been doing because I find it very entertaining to laugh at him. Then you have the whole situation where arsene and Ivan and the board have been conspiring for quite some time to line their own pockets by taking arsenal supporters for fools. I myself have not given a penny of my own money to their scheming scam, but I get alot of entertainment from seeing arsenal supporters like some of the commenters on this post. I get a big kick out of seeing people passionately defend arsene, Ivan and the board. In fact, these supporters of arsene defend him and the board with more committment than arsene's players defend the arsenal goal. but I think the funniest part is it's just so deliciously comical to see people defending someone who's scamming them. So therefore, I want nothing to change with arsenal. I want arsene to continue lying and looking utterly ridiculous. I want the board to continue to scam the arsenal supporters out of money. And I want these passionate defenders of arsene to keep passionately defending arsene while they continue to be scammed out of money. I think the ticket prices should be raised by 65% instead of 6.5% I also think that the "silly" arsenal supporters are so far beneath the dignity of arsene, ivan and the board that these arsenal supporters should give them all their money and all their worldly possessions and become the personal domestic servants of arsene, ivan and the board. these arsenal supporters should also serve arsene's players as well, waiting on them hand and foot. but I think that would be too much comedy entertainment to hope for.

  35. nugs

    May 11, 2011, 19:24 #6727

    funny how certain people on here think backing the club and wenger no matter what or even going to games regulary makes them real fans and everyone else plastic fans who only support the club thru good times, ive supported this club through some ****tier times than we are having now the difference then was it didnt cost an arm and a leg to watch the team and our support and loyalty was not taken for granted. i personally think the majority of akbs are the new middle class types that have swamped the emirates of late. trust me go to most pubs around finsbury park and holloway on match day after ko and you will find plenty of real fans people who have followed this club for decades inside, and its because the club have decided that their loyalty and support is not wanted anymore.

  36. LeePitt

    May 11, 2011, 19:11 #6726

    This is ridiculous, I'm sure every team wants to win stuff.... We (Arsenal) made a decision to move grounds and grow the stature of the club, which was always going to come at a cost and for us it was important we don't become a Leeds Utd and drop out of top four lose our players can't cover wages and bills cos we went after every top player. Look Leeds got in CL spent stupidly 3yrs later played league1 footie. AW aim was to challenge whilst building for the future..... best ground, best training facilities these attract big players along with CL footie.... Yes we hav been very unlucky but only ONE team can win the league... Spuds spent over 250m on players since 2005 Man City spent 500m and Chelsea spent 750m shouldn't these teams win the league every year???? Some fans talk so much Sh1te thinking we deserve to be top four on a shoe string and some very average players and no money..... Yet other clubs like Sunderland spending 60m yet get F4ck all!!!! I'm sure every fan deserves or wants to win..... I pay for my season ticket I go most away games and Europe but so do villa, WBA and Newcastle fans does that mean they derseve it!!!! We should look at where we have come since 1996? Cos man Utd went from 1968 till 1993 to win a league and transforming their club some say they lost a load of players in a aeroplane crash..... Look at our starting 11 from 2004 till 2006 hardly any..... From 2006 final CL only Cesc survives yet Man Utd still got players from 1991,93,95 etc etc in there team we had to rebuild while clearing debt.... We ain't a Chelsea or Man City.... Look what happened to Liverpool when they tried to spend massive on crap and fell outside Top 4 and they are one of the greats!!!! We were close same as last few years on a shoe string..... If we make 3 additions we would be very good.... It's easy to say get rid of him him and him but whose buying??? I don't see many ppl knocking on the door?? That's y man Utd still have Wes Brown, O'Shea etc cos no one is buying them!!!! Remember one team can win then league!!!!! And my question is if another manager takes over and we fall away what do we do turn into spurs 20managers in 20yrs spend massive and win nothing??? We love Arsenal and should appreciate what AW has done!!!!

  37. Carlos

    May 11, 2011, 18:49 #6724

    Down with the AKB fools.

  38. Pimp

    May 11, 2011, 17:14 #6720

    This guy's a fool a bitter fool, not a real fan.

  39. Loyal since 1980

    May 11, 2011, 15:48 #6717

    That's just silly, wanting your own team to fail, but if next season we finish out of the top four, then maybe, just maybe, the board and AW may just wake up and smell the f**king coffee! To the contributor 'Arsenal Fan - 'Go and support the Spuds. Without Arsene, there's no Arsenal. - Post No. 7282' Listen my friend, there was an Arsenal before AW, an arsenal who won 10 league titles, how many has AW won for us in 15 years? AW was a great manager at the moment he is good manager. Arsenal will survive after him, so my advice to you is to take your head out of his backside!

  40. Raskymono

    May 11, 2011, 15:08 #6714

    You are to be commended for writing this article as an astute AFC fan. This is fantastic, AW, The Board and I called him Employee with no 'clout' Chief Executive Ivan... should read this and listen because AFC fans are getting fed up. My only issue is to drop down top 4...i do understand the argument, but we don't want to give the likes of spuds opportunity to get there again! Please Arsene listen to the fans and resolve the solution. Arsenal is begger than Arsene now and always!

  41. GunnerZim

    May 11, 2011, 13:41 #6709

    Excellent observation Aaron! They will certainly say the 'self sustaining'model has budgeted for lack of Champs League football. My point once again people is we are suffering due to a lack of true, proud, die-hard Arsenal fans at board and management level at the club.

  42. CD

    May 11, 2011, 13:22 #6708

    @Arsene Wengers Red & White Army, JJB & realGooner. Please read the penultimate paragraph again in the main article for my response to AKB's like you! I look forward to reading your contributions to the debate soon, when you submit your articles in defence of AW.

  43. Aaron

    May 11, 2011, 13:07 #6706

    As tempting as the scenario is it would not work. A few years back when 4th place was in doubt Wenger already rolled out excuses such as "AC Milan haven't qualified for the Champions League, the club will not end" when they didn't a couple of years ago. Hill Wood at the time backed him up that we have budgeted for such a scenario. Therefore if we finish 5th Wenger will actually pat himself on the back for 13 consecutive years of CL qualification as only a handful of clubs have achieved this and the board will pat themselves and Wenger on the back for their prudence and recent non-spending has been vindicated. You should know the Arsenal machine now and the spin that goes with it

  44. realGooner

    May 11, 2011, 12:31 #6703

    Are you tottenham in disguise? In the same breath you criticise Wenger for lack of success and then state your hope that we don't even play CL football. Frankly your a disgrace to the club

  45. What was the point in leaving Highbury

    May 11, 2011, 12:27 #6701

    What sort of complete idiot writes "without Arsene there is no Arsenal". Twat. That could be a wind up post and I've fallen for it but what worries me is that there are plenty of divs like that poster who follow us now and the club love them. Thats how Wenger gets away with it. I understand where CD is coming from and the last paragraph sums things up perfectly. I have to say I wouldn't want us to fall out of the top 4 purely becuase trying to re build a team without CL football is tough and costs silly money, like City pay for no better than decent/good players. I also can fully understand why people won't give up their ST as they are precious to them and risk not getting them back for years to come. My idea would be to boycott the stadium (no hardship as its shocking watching a game there now) and all club merchandise. Also protest outside the ground.

  46. Arsene Wengers Red & White Army

    May 11, 2011, 12:09 #6699

    i don't usually comment on stuff like this, but reading just the 1st line of this article made me feel i had to. What an absolute idiot, what sort of supporter would want us to fail? I'm just gobsmackedd by this statement, the clue is in the word, SUPPORT, through thick and thin, yes even when things don't go our way, i feel as much pain as anyone at Arsenal failing to win trophies, but why does that entitle a prat like u to slag off the greatest manager we've ever had. Yes he has his faults, but look at what we are now compared to what we were in 1996 when AW took over, consistently challenging for the top honours, always in the champs league (look how happy the scum were to get there last season, and what a suprise they haven't made it this season). Quite frankly we don't need people like you at any Arsenal games, that is if you even go to games! start being a real fan and back the team rather than slagging them at every possible opportunity!! i think the reason people are so fed up is that we are so close to getting there, but we need to back the boys ALL THE TIME. Be supporters! up the Arse!!

  47. in memory of the good arsene

    May 11, 2011, 11:29 #6697

    I get what your point is in this article, but I think pressing self destruct and not qualifying for the made up champions league would leave the club very very vunerable to mid table obscurity for years. In a sense its better the devil you know at the moment. It is very clear wenger is not able to push us on any further than we have achieved now. It is also obvious that we have become tactical pigmys a fresh approach is needed.

  48. Nick

    May 11, 2011, 11:28 #6696

    To the man who wrote "support the spuds without arsene there is no arsenal" you are a MUPPET of the 1st deg i might not agree with the whole of the article but the man has a RIGHT to write it 41 yrs a gooner he said, ive been one since 1964, and he says what he says because he CARES!! what you said however is utter BOLLOCKS there was an ARSENAL long before mr wenger and there WILL be an ARSENAL long after he and WE are gone im not going to tell you to go and support someone else just to grow up or stick your head down a kazi you MUPPET

  49. Graham Yates

    May 11, 2011, 10:55 #6694

    We can guarantee that the other top 5 clubs will look to strengthen in the Summer. So by default if we don't we will fall out of the CL places sooner or later if the current club policy remains. I am not a AKB nor a AWR but it's not huge investment we need though players are required to reinvigorate competition. IMO it is a reversion back to the 4-4-2 days of 3 seasons back before AW had this idea that 4-3-3 was the way forward. A few departures would also get the players thinking their spot is no longer safe. It will make one hell of a difference, as will a fully fit TV5. @ so called "Arsenal Fan" (or should I say just an AKB) WITH OR WITHOUT ARSENE THERE WILL ALWAYS BE AN ARSENAL.

  50. Brian

    May 11, 2011, 10:51 #6693

    to the people who denouce this article i ask you to read it again and realise that what is said here is in all intents and purposes true. No one wants us to drop out of the top 4 or the CL, CB included but its maybe the kick up the Arse we need and the only way forward..Please dont say our best players will leave if we do cus to be honest you could replace most of the squad tomorrow with players just as mediocre as most of them are. peeps argue you need support in the tough times, well thats all well and good but it cuts both ways and raising ticket prices isn't supporting you in the tough times of a recession. Lots wont agree and lots will, but sticking your head in the sand and keeping the status quo helps nobody except those around you striving for better things...

  51. JJB

    May 11, 2011, 10:48 #6691

    Call yourself a fan! You selfhating piece of ****, no supoorter of any sports team should ever wilfully wish for there team to fail! Sp*ds scum!

  52. Ramgun

    May 11, 2011, 10:40 #6690

    You will not have to wait long because, with Wenger still in charge, we will finish below Man Utd, Chelsea, Man City and Liverpool next season. We could still finish below three of them this season! I hope that the vile unmentionables from the wrong end of the Seven Sisters Road don't make the right signings or we will be below them as well. My first match at Highbury was in August 1955 and I have been a season ticket holder for thirty-odd of the following years and, although we have had worse teams than the current one (albeit in totally different circumstances) I have never felt such a lack of hope that feel right now. I just can't see that anything will change as long as The Great Dictator remains in charge and, unfortunately you are correct, only falling out of the Champions League, probably for two season running, will get Arsenal to remove Wenger. Money is all people like Ivan-The-Mouthpiece understand.

  53. David

    May 11, 2011, 10:26 #6688

    Interesting article as I know how you feel. You don't actually want Arsenal to fail but you do want change and the only way at the moment for the board to be affected by anything at all is via the pocket which means no Champs League for a season. Now I've been a fanatical Fan for 40 years this year ( and yes I go to every home game regardless) and I believe their is another way and it might seem a little old fashion but the French seem to respond well to it. It's called Protest.... A few protests outside the ground , a few T'shirts sold with Change Required or something like that printed on them is whats required. We are Arsenal after all so we don't need to start burning stuff or anything like that but we do need to voice our concerns in a way that will be heard. The ANB brigade have their viewpoint and if I am honest I don't think anyone anywhere could have done the Job that Wenger did up until 2006, but Since The Emirates move we have lost our way and we all know what absolute power does to people... especially Arsene.

  54. Richard Ansell

    May 11, 2011, 10:12 #6686

    Fishbar - we will lose top players anyway as they seek other clubs with more ambition. The only ones that will stay are the overpaid youth / bargain bucket types that know when they are well off.

  55. Andy

    May 11, 2011, 9:57 #6683

    Bolloks to this - For me, those players have some nerve at questioning Wenger and the club. I believe in personal responsibility. Yes, Wenger needs to change something about how he has been managing this team. I honestly believe he will. Why? Because when we lost to Bolton, I could see it on his face. His face was that of a man who finally realized that there was something very, very wrong with this team he has stood up for and defended for so long. His players have let him down and it was like cold water to the face and I swear I could see it. You can even tell with some of his post match comments these last couple of weeks where he has been more critical of the players. It’s been a long, hard season, everyone. I understand the frustration, the disappointment, the anger. There are two games left. It’s not enough to just show up. If Manchester City beat Tottenham today, they will be two points behind us. It is crucial that we win our last two games. If you ask me, some of our players are playing for their futures. As for the ones who are ready to leave? There’s the door. But if you stay, then I want to see some humility and a bit of gratitude because you have it pretty freaking sweet here at Arsenal. If you’re sad about not winning, maybe you should consider if you have done anything to help us in that regard. Rant over.

  56. Fozzy's mate

    May 11, 2011, 9:38 #6682

    I have long said the same to my mates. In 2008/9 pre the Arsenal style collapse by Villa I almost longed for it. But with this man stil in charge I don't think it would make a difference. The problem is the tedium and predictability of it all on both a match by match basis and accross a season/seasons. Anything to to be the catlyst for the desparately needed change in attitude and personnel. Greed, arrogance and complacency in abundance by bothe Wenger and the board.

  57. CD

    May 11, 2011, 9:31 #6681

    @matlee & one or two other commenters You are right my solution is a little desperate, but that's because I can see no light at the end of the tunnel. After the first 3-4 years post the 2005 FA Cup win I was willing and prepared to be patient with AW, but now that patience has simply snapped. When you see the same mistakes repeated year after year after year, and know the board have no intention of changing the manager for at least another 3 years then something drastic needs to happen to force change. I would still prefer my first option where fans protest and that AW leaves, but he is so thick skinned that I simply can't see this happening hence my suggestion about finishing outside the top 4 purely because we all know that money is now priority number one at the club, as opposed to being number one and hence that would force the change needed by the board upon AW or because a new manager would be sought. In an ideal world of course I dont want Arsenal to fall out the top 4, I want them to win the league, but I am simply fed up with AW excuses and the only way he will be forced to acknowledge that his project has failed is to finish out of the Champ league positions. Regretably it's a chicken and egg situation.

  58. Gooner

    May 11, 2011, 8:58 #6676

    Finish out of the top 4, and you seriously expect us to believe your a fan? How can someone be a "fan" if they're not going to be supporting the team? Seems to me like your cutting of your nose to spite your face. Can't wait for derby time, everyone's urging arsenal on and you'll be willing tottenham forward. Whatever decent players we have will all leave then. Great writing, you have noone fooled spurs fan

  59. matlee

    May 11, 2011, 8:46 #6674

    your frustration is shared by many but your solution is rash and a little desperate. there was a time when Wengers replacement was a real concern for me but now i am kind of intrigued as to what comes next? for better or worse! and that change in my mindset is down to Arsene himself. i dont expect to win the title or champions league but think we have as good a chance as any and should be doing everything possible to maximise our opportunities. what i cannot accept is winning 1 game out of the last 9 and a similar record over the last few years. there have been reasons for our end of season collapses such as the eduardo incident but we really are running out of excuses now. Wenger still has my backing as i give him the benefit of failing due to circumstances. next season will be the last he has my support if he continues to make the same mistakes ie - playing Cesc and RVP 50% fit against Barca 2 years in a row because we dont have proper backup replacements for them. lack of defensive tactics and repeated errors game after game. i want to see a team that looks like they are well drilled in defence and familier with shooting practice from outside the box. our problems wont be solved by dropping out the top 4 just ask Liverpool 3 yrs in the wilderness, Spurs and Man City who are desperate to be in our position. its like saying you would like to be relegated, its not certain you will get back to where you want to be and the list is long of those who have failed to do so. keep the faith! the thing about faith is you need to have it through the difficult times how ever long that may be - anyone can have it when things are going well and the most you face is the odd sticky patch.

  60. UnhappyChappy_

    May 11, 2011, 8:39 #6672

    I share your sentiment CD. The irony is that you have to be idealistic in football to achieve and that ideal is to win trophies. Our ideal is to play beautiful football irrespective and maybe we'll win something. Where I come from there is a saying if you don't want to listen then you must feel...Wenger hasn't listened to the fans who are the very reason this club exists (oh the irony) and yet people are critical of people who want to see positive change at our club - they follow blindly because they are scared of change or what might happen. I've only been a Gunner for half the number of years you have but agree with you completely I miss the English Single Mindedness of a bygone era...win first and then add the polish... Keep on stirring, people may just open their eyes to reality...there is no substitute for practicality

  61. GunnerZim

    May 11, 2011, 8:39 #6671

    I understand your frustration and agree that falling outside the top 4 would possibly wake some people up. Unfortunately this will never happen. My frustration lies in the fact that Wenger is actually a very very good manager for about 75% of the season. For 75% of the time gullible fools such as myself believe that this may finally be our year. Remember we were headed for the quadruple a few short weeks ago. Arsene will at the very least always get you a top 4 finish. Nomatter what Dalglish, Mancini or Harry have up their sleeves, Wenger will always be in the top 4. I think the problem at Arsenal at the moment is that there aren't enough football fans in the high echelons of the club. There aren't enough people at those levels feeling our pain, frustration and humiliation as fans. When I look at things practically I realise that nothing will change anytime soon at Arsenal. NOTHING!

  62. Richard Ansell

    May 11, 2011, 8:37 #6670

    As desperate as it sounds Conrad, I have reached the same conclusion. One year of real pain, compared to who knows how many more of Wenger's jam tomorrow seasons. The whole club needs a shake up and falling outside the holy grail of a top four finish is just about the only thing that may force the board to instigate the changes we desperately need. I can put up with Arsenal's usual trophy drought spells, goodness knows there have been enough of them over the years, but the thought of having to put up with more of Wenger and his daft ideas and defensive blindness is appalling. We can do so much better than just aiming for a top four finish. We are Arsenal, not the Spuds, so for Gods sake either wake up Wenger or clear off and let someone else have a go. If it takes a season of real failure then so be it, anything is better than this cycle of just doing enough for the board, and stuff the fans who actually want to see Arsenal back at the very top winning trophies. You did it once Arsene, was that just luck? It is certainly looking like it now as the whole balance of the squad is wrong and you have had money to spend - you just seem to have forgotten what it takes to be a winner.

  63. Andy

    May 11, 2011, 8:17 #6669

    Wenger style of man-management obviously is not working. Its obvious the players fear him or show him respect. Why should they? He makes them millionaires and if they mess up he will clean up after them. Also his tactics are not working. Its now become slow, predictable and one-dimensional. The team has good technical ability but are no longer a real threat. Our defense has been broken for a few years now (even with vermaelen we were leaking in goals) but we would always outscore the opposition. Now we can't even hold on to a lead and struggle to break down defenses. You don't have to worry about not finishing in the top 4...its gonna happen unless Wenger makes some drastic adjustments

  64. Ando

    May 11, 2011, 8:01 #6666

    Time for our own "Waterloo", but who will be our Duke of Wellington? Taxi for Napoleon. Not sure I would wish falure upon us though,change yes.

  65. fishbar

    May 11, 2011, 7:59 #6664

    The word fool doesn't begin to describe you! No CL means losing top players and would be very difficult to attract a new manager. PS Watch us break our transfer ££ more tha once this summer

  66. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 11, 2011, 7:54 #6663

    CD- really good stuff. Not sure I'd want it to come to that But, you might be right when you suggest that we are in for more of the same under Silent Stan Kroenke until he speculates to accumulate and invests in the squad. Passionate and inspiration writings from a true Gooner!

  67. NV

    May 11, 2011, 7:43 #6661

    Are u serious? You would like to see us drop out the top 4 to see change? CHANGE can happen without dropping out the top 4. Plastic arsenal fans pi55 me off - I'm not fro the AKB but support the Arsenal and always want us to finish as high as possible.......waste of time reading this ****e

  68. The Song

    May 11, 2011, 7:42 #6660

    Word for Word - It's like I posted this myself.

  69. Arsenal Fan

    May 11, 2011, 7:28 #6657

    Go and support the Spuds. Without Arsene, there's no Arsenal.

  70. JollyMike

    May 11, 2011, 7:21 #6656

    This is so dumb I don't know where to start. You want the team to fail. Haha. What an Arsenal supporter you are. Incredible. Second, you are what i DDKE (David Dein Knows everything). I would not want Arsenal to lose ground so that we lose out on player's and all the money that comes with CL. I could see all you doomers not going to the stadium saying. Look now Wenger has done us over and we are not part of the elite any more. He can't even get us to the CL. What we need is support, change and CL in every season. If that is achiveble I would love it.

  71. Mark

    May 11, 2011, 7:17 #6655

    To be honest I doubt if it would make any difference if we finished 6th!!