This Old Fan Wants a Dustman

Arsenal need a different kind of centre back

This Old Fan Wants a Dustman

Huth: Cost Stoke £5 million

They say the Brits, in comparison to the French, have always had a suspicious adversity to intellectualism that almost borders on hostility. In his 1963 book ‘A State of England’ Anthony Hartley claimed that “no people has ever distrusted and despised the intellect and intellectuals more than the British”. In some ways this very British attitude to the intellectuals even afflicts the British intellectuals themselves, for example the author George Orwell once stated that ‘there are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them’. The poet W.H. Auden also too once quipped with a tinge of Francophobia that ‘To the man in the street, who I’m sorry to say is a keen observer of life; the word ‘Intellectual’ suggests straight away a man who’s untrue to his wife’ (Disclaimer: any resemblance to a real person in either Auden and Orwell’s examples, whether their reputation as footballing genius is living or dead, is purely coincidental)

European political and social commentator Dr Roderick Parkes on the other hand, disputes that we Brits do actually have such a mistrust of intellectualism per se, but rather intellectual arrogance. He states with regard to British political life that ‘all intellectual exercises are necessarily abstract and far removed from the complex realities of life. This in itself is not a problem. But if politicians are so arrogant as to impose their grand thinking on British society, it can only end in disaster’. Many say that this very British attitude was born from our nervous reaction to the French Revolution as it was happening just across the water in 1789, the most noted of which came from Whig politician Edmund Burke. Burke had criticised the intellectual basis of France’s revolution, which centred on the then leftfield ideas of liberty and the rights of man, for their over-idealism and ignoring the complexities of human nature and society. Burke had stated ‘‘what is the use of discussing a man's abstract right to food or to medicine? The question is upon the method of procuring and administering them. In this deliberation I shall always advise to call in the aid of the farmer and the physician, rather than the professor’.

A lot of the British antipathy to intellectualism has probably shaped the attitudes of many in the game toward French Economics Graduate Arsene Wenger. This is particularly the case among that little club of British managers who, conventionally speaking, are among the category of the least intellectually refined and on the whole, un-academic of us Brits. This club that Wenger has had numerous run-ins with include Tony Pulis, Sam Allardyce, Alan Pardew, Alex McLeish, Phil Brown and of course the daddy of them all - the old Govan shop steward son of toil himself, Alex Ferguson. Back in 2003, Fergie, dismissing the notion that Wenger was more intelligent, said of his rival, ‘Speaks five languages! I’ve got a 15 year old boy from the Ivory Coast who speaks five languages!’

Sadly the arrogance of intellectualism, which every reactionary Brit since 1789 has pleaded in mitigation, seems to be increasingly embodied in Arsene Wenger. As a natural intellectual, Wenger loves his football to be articulate, being of course the man that helped to mould the skills of Henry, Van Persie, Cesc Fabregas, Samir Nasri, Ashley Cole, Freddie Ljungberg and Patrick Vieira as well as giving a new lease of life to the existing skills of Bergkamp, Pires, Silvynho and Overmars. But let’s not be under any illusions – a team made up entirely of footballing articulacy is no more functional than a society composed of nothing but intellectuals. A society doesn’t need its bin men to have a PHD. However, in order to meet a society’s most immediate basic needs, society requires its dustmen long before it requires its cultured intellectuals. Let’s be entirely straight about this, Stoke are on the whole, the dustmen of the Premiership – you know, the Paul Calf-esque figure who hates the students. With the lumpen attributes of the Rory Delap long throw and Ryan Shawcross’s thuggery, the nearest they get to get to articulacy is Arsenal reject Jermaine Pennant. To those of us who have spent a considerable amount of time in semi-skilled/unskilled employment, you would recognise Pennant as the equivalent of one of those who often shows a flair for things far above the station of a bin man, but is where he is through natural laziness or spending too many nights in the student union bar on the beer when he should have been working on his dissertation.

A starker realisation on Sunday however was watching Robert Huth, who is very much an imposing ‘immovable object’ figure in the mould of the central defence which Wenger had inherited in 1996. The uncultured, un-articulate, meat and drink, old fashioned centre halves are the bin men of football – they do an unglamorous job, but as long as someone clears the mess up who cares, right? Robert Huth is of the exact breed we require at the back and have long missed since the likes of Keown, Adams and Bould hung up their boots. Also, he’s spent a lot of the season as Stoke’s top scorer from a batch of goals mainly from headers, set pieces and long range shots – three departments where Arsenal have been utterly useless for too long. Also, he only cost Stoke £5 million when he signed for them in 2009 from Middlesbrough. Wenger’s apologists may whinge about how people fail to understand the financial constraints the man is under, but Robert Huth for £5million is exactly the kind of bargain central defender that Wenger’s footballing ‘intellectualism’ would have been utterly blind to. In the defenders we do have – Vermaelen, Kosielny and Djourou – they are decent footballers, but none of them can defend for toffee. In fact, let’s be honest, they’re far too reminiscent of a batch of job seeking Philosophy graduates going for a bin man job they’ve spotted at the local job centre plus, in that their collective schooling holds no relevance for the job at hand, where practically and a willingness to get your hands dirty is everything.

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  1. Goone S

    May 15, 2011, 9:47 #6893

    Sorry I switched off half way through. What a lot of words just to say "we need a top quality defender". I agree. I also think we need a better left back. Vermaelen can't defend? Are you sure about that comment?

  2. Joe

    May 14, 2011, 17:48 #6884

    Watching the mediocrity of Stoke's dustmen in today's cup final, sends out mied feeling's about the above. Sure we want an astute manager who doesn't buy randomly out of desperation because the price is right and you have to be seen to be doing somerthing, thus Squillaci and co. And how could an Arsenal team have been so bad to have lost so meekly to Stoke's bunch of plodders, but please we don't need dustmen, we need a Roy Keane, Tony Adams, or someone with a heart and footballing passion as big as Barcellon's Puyol. Players who hate losing, but also will know that there is more to playing football than kicking a ball out of the park.

  3. Ronster

    May 14, 2011, 17:44 #6883

    Good to see Huth,Shawcross,Pulis,Delap,Pennant and the rest of that rabble walk off the Wembley turf as losers today...!

  4. Mark

    May 14, 2011, 16:06 #6879

    i wish AW would just stop whining about this, that and the other. he's mentally a beaten man blurting out same old rhetoric and we desperately need new fresh energy at our club

  5. Seven Kings Gunner

    May 14, 2011, 10:10 #6874

    I distrust this piece! As for our defenders, I am coming to the conclusion that they are good enough, however when you abandon proper defensive coaching, which includes the whole team, you end up with the kind of results that have littered our previous 5 seasons.

  6. Robert Exley

    May 14, 2011, 9:49 #6873

    I'll have to clear the Vermaelen thing up, I'll admit that the 'can't defend for toffee' was probably an overstatement in hindsight. Though as much as I was impressed with him as a skilled footballer and his early season goal run in 2009, I think he was lacking something of a defensive element to his game - he was given the run around by Drogba a bit too often when we played Chelsea in 2009 in a way an Adams type player probably wouldn't have. I think you can accomodate one of his mold in central defence, but not two. Our first three choices of Centre Half are of this mold and we have none of the Adams/Bould/Keown type at all. I don't necessarily think that Huth himself is the answer to our prayers - but he fits a mold of defender we're missing and if we spent £10 million plus we'll get a better player than Huth. I think though he would be an improvement on what we've got at present especially if say paired with Vermaelen. And HowardL - I think the quote 'in order to meet a society’s most immediate basic needs, society requires its dustmen long before it requires its cultured intellectuals' proves I'm not being unnecessarily derogatory to bin men. As much as I admire a poet or someone who writes a symphony, if they went on strike for a month I wouldn't notice. If the bin men went on strike I'd have a rat infested street.

  7. mahesh

    May 14, 2011, 5:53 #6872

    well written article with a lot of apt references to history. its a breath of fresh air after all the articles on Gooner seem to bash wenger . i would agree with a few posts bout vermaelen not being a decent CB. although vermaelen's positioning is very bad , he is good in the air. also agree that we need a few "bin men " to do set right our frailties .

  8. nugs

    May 14, 2011, 0:28 #6868

    even if we did sign a defender that could actually defend a season or two under wenger would soon change that.

  9. Andrew Cohen

    May 13, 2011, 23:43 #6867

    I enjoyed the piece and the comment about Huth not being able to fit in with the way we play. The way we play is fundamentally insecure. There is a team which has no tradition of defensive competence as an absolute first priority, and that team is Tottenham Hotspur. "Arsenal" from Herbert Chapman, through Tom Whittaker, Bertie Mee and George Graham has come to mean "a solid defence". An Arsenal is a place where we stockpile the means of our defence. Wenger has abandoned the raison d'etre of the club and he is wrong to have done so.

  10. CHGooner

    May 13, 2011, 23:01 #6864

    Another analogy I heard in The George 'all fxxxing decorations but no fxxxing tree'. About the size of it.

  11. Gman

    May 13, 2011, 22:01 #6862

    A Song for Europe (Trouble at the Grove) Not only is our manager in denial about the state of our once glorious and proud team, but most fans won’t get out of their comfort zone and show their despair and frustratrations. It’s a bit like supporting students against tuition fees, cuts in public spending and privatising the NHS but not turning up for the protests. Towards the latter days Highbury was nick- named ‘The Library’ by away supporters for obvious reasons. If you’re not prepared to chant WENGER OUT, OUT, OUT, then from the depths of despair we need an anthem to galvanise and steady our support. The only joy I get these days are at away games when at least we sing together against those hordes of barbarians deprived of the beautiful game where hoofing is king and putting one over the Arse is the B - all of their weekend. Home supporters are as much to blame for the malaise of the team making them think they’re the best team in the world!. Never mind other teams dirge anthems such as “You’ll never walk alone” or “Keep right on to the end of the road”, “Why, why, why Delilah” or “Blue moon”, the mood we’re in we should adopt Captain Sensible’s : Happy talkin', talkin Happy talk Talk about things you'd like to do You've got to have a dream If you don't have a dream How you gonna have a dream come true Happy talkin' talkin Happy talk Talk about things you'd like to do You've got to have a dream If you don't have a dream How you gonna have a dream come true We’ve only got one Song!, have we?

  12. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 13, 2011, 20:58 #6860

    Ok! So Robert did drop a bit of a clanger regarding Tommy V but that shouldn't detract from a very well written piece with a fair number of good points in there. Don't attack the man for having an opinion!! The same thing happened when he did that communist china thing a while back. I think some people are obviously intimidated by your wit and intelligence Robert and they should try writing their own piece to counter yours rather than attack you for one mistake. Thankyou for all your inspirational Gooner articles.

  13. Sarf Lunden

    May 13, 2011, 19:41 #6858

    The Online Gooner version of an Arsenal set piece. A long run up to a totally predictable result. Straight into the wall of "heard it all before".

  14. nugs

    May 13, 2011, 19:00 #6857

    @Rocky rip, he proberbly wouldn't do any worse then our current manager! will agree on tv tho, he can still defo defend even tho i believe we could sign the best defenders in the world but once wengers had em for a while you would soon see em making the same old errors week in week out.

  15. HowardL

    May 13, 2011, 16:28 #6849

    Another very clever analogy Robert which I enjoyed reading for its literary style and educational content if nothing else. It reminded me of the Monty Python sketch with the Philosophers Team spending so much time debating what to do that the ball never left the centre spot. Oh happy days when we could laugh at that! Your treatment also illustrates how many ways there are to say what's wrong with Wenger's handling of Arsenal - perhaps Joe's Inspector Clouseau persona of AW would actually understand your version? However, much as your analogy adds another welcome dimension I think it's unecessarily derogatory to bin men (and Keown and Adams et al for that matter) - we all know what you really mean but I think there must be a better way of putting it. And we've missed Vermaelen.

  16. Smitty

    May 13, 2011, 15:04 #6844

    Wenger does not do easy he takes great pleasure in frustrating us fans. If Huth was in the second division of French league and nobody had heard of him he would happily stump up the 5 million. Wenger would rather spend 10 million on a possibility than a proven player so they can thank him how he's developed them. Sadly we haven't seen this player in the defence and he will never change his policy. Sad but very true

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 13, 2011, 14:56 #6843

    Why didnt you just write the last seventeen lines for your piece instead of all that rubbish above it.

  18. Dhiren sudra

    May 13, 2011, 14:02 #6834

    Vermaelen cannot defend for toffee? Are you having a laugh he's our leader at the back who is not afraid to crunch someone or win a header from a corner

  19. Rocky RIP

    May 13, 2011, 13:51 #6833

    Let's just get this very clear - you are advocating Robert Huth over Thomas Vermaelen? Can't defend for toffee? You must be joking. Okay, we miss the clenched fist, over my f'ing dead body type of defending that Big Tone, Keown & Uncle Bouldy gave us. (Think Terry Butcher covered in blood & John Terry.) Yes, we all agree with this. It's screamingly obvious, but your ideal solution is Robert Huth? Thank heavens you are not our manager.

  20. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    May 13, 2011, 13:33 #6828

    Robert - like the piece, but a couple of things: as with Joe Fitzpatrick - Vermaelen can't defend for toffee??? Also - 'To those of us who have spent a considerable amount of time in semi-skilled/unskilled employment'. You're not one of the scaffolders in the Harry and Paul show, are you?

  21. Aaron

    May 13, 2011, 13:29 #6827

    Whilst we do need a physical presence at centre half people need to understand how we play. Most teams in the Premiership play with a deep line and midfield protection. This means the Huth's, Hangelaand's, Terry's and Vidic's of the world play 90% of the game with the football in front of them. Arsenal push forward in numbers and leave our CBs near the half way line with space in behind. If we signed a Robert Huth he would look an absolute donkey running back towards his own goal chasing a pacy striker. On the occasions Man Utd have played open football Vidic has been murdered by the likes of Torres, Eto'o, Agbonlahor and most recently Yaya Toure in the FA Cup semi-final (like an oil ship turning). Don't be fooled that at Arsenal Vidic would solve all our problems. Yes he would help at set pieces but would look a complete liability in open play. Other teams cover up these sort of CBs weaknesses, Arsene would not be prepared to alter the way we play. We need a physical CB with pace and mobility like Sol Campbell.

  22. Richard Ansell

    May 13, 2011, 12:51 #6823

    Full agreement with this Robert. AW needs shooting for his failure to rectify our defensive frailties. This could have been achieved without parting with huge amounts of money as your example of Huth suggests. AW's 'total football' ideology is all very well but in the real world in the Premiership every team needs a solid backbone. I want defenders that first and foremost can defend. If they can play a bit too so much the better - with Wenger it seems to be the other way round!

  23. Carlos

    May 13, 2011, 12:47 #6822

    Great article. You forget to mention that 3 Huths could have been bought for the cost of Koscielny and Squillacci. So much for an Economics degree

  24. TD

    May 13, 2011, 12:45 #6821

    spoken like a true intellectual

  25. aj

    May 13, 2011, 12:38 #6819

    Bloody hell!! That was a good read! I take back all I have said about The Gooner. Incidentally, referring to the stories that Osama Bin Laden was once a Gooner, somebody pointed out that his biggest mistake was, when Aaron Ramsey scored against Man Utd, running out into the yard shouting "Come on you Gunners!"

  26. buggleskelly

    May 13, 2011, 12:35 #6818

    I know this is going to reveal how old I am, but at school, I was taught that the definition of an intellectual was somebody who could listen to Rossini's William Tell Overture without thinking of The Lone Ranger.

  27. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 13, 2011, 12:17 #6817

    Robert- I agree that we need to sign a few no nonsense defenders but, Vermaelen can't defend for toffee? really? Or was that just a mistake?