Adiós Cesc y gracias mucho para las memorias

This time, it looks like he’s off

Adiós Cesc y gracias mucho para las memorias

When you’ve got to go, you’ve…

Sorry for my Del Boy-esque Spanish, Gooners, but what's more important is our upcoming Premier League home match with Aston Villa because, as you all know only too well, it puts us all in a bit of a pickle, doesn't it?

Gooners everywhere are feeling as if they have been caught between a financial rock and an emotional hard place, and that is never much fun in any set of circumstances, especially when it concerns our beloved football club. The rock is our wanting to display our dissatisfaction at the lack of transfer spending, not feeling valued as fans anymore and the lack of even a Carling Cup to store in the still-empty Ashburton Grove trophy cabinet despite all of our emotional and financial investment. The emotional hard place is our wanting to support our whole team as much as humanly possible and say farewell and thanks for the memories to the much loved Cesc Fabregas in the manner he so deserves. The good news is that we can do both of these things on the same day and the two things do not have to be mutually exclusive, despite what some people will have you believe.

In order to understand our current dilemma in full, we have to look at the reasons why Cesc wants to leave us and realise that he has every right to be disillusioned with the results of the Professor's grand experiment. And oh, how we should all be feeling stung by the irony of the fact that the poster child of project Wenger now wants out of Le Laboratoire du Professeur Wenger! Le Laboratoire Wenger (or London Colney as we all know it) has become about as successful at producing successful football teams as is Laboratoire Garnier.

We have all seen the results of the extensive experimentation with our own eyes for several years now. Without the aid of microscopes or white coats, we can all see just how far we have fallen since 2004. We are now slumped over, exhausted and emotionally drained at the end of yet another long hard season without silverware. We can't hold a lead to save our lives and we are now completely defensively naive! Wenger even finally admitted it after the Stoke game, albeit in his typically Inspector Clouseau-style, bungling manner. He dropped clanger after hilarious clanger in this classic Wenger interview.

Shall we sneak a look what old Clouseau had deduced for himself just after the Stoke game? Without the help of a pesky Dr. Watson, and with only his very own eagle-eyed, not-impaired-at-all, 20/20 vision he gave a review of his team that many Gooners could have written for him a few years ago now. It sounds like I can hear a penny falling softly, somewhere just up the road. Shhhh! Can you hear it too?

Listen to what Inspector Clouseu said: “Yes, it was a disappointing performance. The competitive level of Stoke was higher than ours. I think we lost the game because Stoke defended much better than we did and with much more purpose. That’s the Premier League. If you do not turn up with the same competitive spirit in every game you can lose games everywhere."

So Inspector, you have deduced that we lack team effort and spirit and cannot expect just to turn up and win? Hmmm interesting, do go on... "Stoke defend well and make it difficult for you. The most important thing here is not to be 1-0 down and with the first free kick we were 1-0 down. In a game like that, we did not penetrate enough. At the end of the day we were not dangerous enough."

So, you're telling me that it's important not to go 1-0 down away from home? Really? Yeah. We shall remember that one, Oh my! How insightful you are, Inspector!

It's interesting to hear you finally say that Arsenal look like they lack penetration and do not look dangerous enough. Might be an idea to fix that then, eh Inspector?

You're saying that Arsenal really shouldn't have let Stoke score a very soft goal from "the first free kick" of the game? I agree 100% with you on that, if you are saying that. Well, we both know how slippery you can be, with your choice of words don't we? Please do continue...

“We have conceded, I think, 21 from set-pieces and only 17 in open play. Less than anybody else in open play but we have been caught on set-pieces. Today, Kenwyne Jones didn’t even need to jump to head the ball in. That is something we have to correct. It is the easiest thing to correct in the game but you still must understand the flight of the ball and want to be first to the ball. I feel we are sometimes a bit naïve."

Can you hear yourself when you speak? Let's hope that Arsene Wenger can too then. Yes Arsene, it's not good news at all when you are saying we cannot rectify the recurring errors that should be relatively easy to correct.

It's not a pretty sight to see Arsenal not being able to defend set pieces, to see them lacking in effort and team spirit and attacking flair and cutting edge? Erm, isn't it - you know - your job, Arsene, to just f***ing well sort all this out!?!?

Cesc has had to watch along with all of us fans as the quality of player at Arsenal has deteriorated rapidly around him since he joined the club. He used to be training with Pires, Bergkamp and Henry for f***’s sake! The poor lad! So let's for a moment try to put ourselves into the very comfortable-looking boots of Cesc Fabregas and at least try to understand his position for a minute. I wanted to try to come up with some reasons why Cesc should stay at the Grove rather than move back home to Barcelona but, to be perfectly honest I'm really struggling, ladies and gents. Barcelona have just won the Spanish title and are in the final of the Champions League and I can honestly see why he would like to be with his mates back home. What would you honestly tell me if I offered any of you even more money to play for the best team in the world, to play in your home city, for the team you support yourself and that just happens to be being managed by your boyhood idol? You'd snap my hand off, wouldn't you? And Cesc must be wondering why Arsenal haven't secured more top quality signings these last few years if they are truly serious about winning trophies while teams like Barca have. He has been quoted as saying as much.

Some of you reading this attend both home and away matches regularly and Arsene Wenger, Stan Kroenke and the players should realise just what a huge commitment that is - financially, mentally and emotionally. I'm sure that Cesc knows how you feel, but I don't think we can keep him without spending a huge amount of money on players and even then, I'm forced to admit, it'd still be difficult to convince him.

I'm sure that Cesc would have loved to have won at least one trophy for us but it won't be his fault if that never happens. He has been amazing at times for us. His head has been turned because Arsenal have failed to put enough players of the same quality around him and are now losing the poster child of Project Wenger. I don't blame him for wanting to leave, and all we should ask of him is to please try to help us get the right fee for his services. When I say the right fee, I mean £50m. After all we've done for him, it's the right thing for him to do.

Before the Villa match there will be a black scarf march that I find interesting, because it allows supporters a platform and opportunity to voice their dissatisfaction at Arsenal F.C.'s lack of transfer spending without sullying the memory of the final appearance of Cesc Fabregas at Ashburton Grove as an Arsenal player, albeit with him watching the action from afar. We don't want him to hear us boo his team-mates in the middle of the game, do we? Hopefully, we can all wish him well for his move back home, ask him to help us get a huge sum of money for him and realise that he is leaving for reasons that are very similar to the reasons that a lot of fans will be attending the black scarf march. He'll probably smile a wry little smile if we chant "show us the money!" or "spend some f***ing money" or "Wenger! Sort it out! Wenger, Wenger, Sort it out!" during the game. Obviously, there will be a lot of ironic "We had Cesc Fabregas" too I'm sure.

Here's to hoping that the rest of the squad can give us a performance against Aston Villa and make us all believe in life after Cesc. I'll be attending both the black scarf march and the game, but I won't be boo-ing any more of our own players. I've learned my lesson and I want to relay my thoughts to Wenger and Kroenke in a more organised and directed manner, peacefully with other like minded people - maybe with a funny chant during the match? You know - just like real football fans.

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  1. Paul

    May 15, 2011, 22:20 #6909

    Anyone who thinks we're a better team without cesc should hide in a compound in pakistan, pretend they're Bin Landen and wait to get shot. Ramsey is brilliant but the Fab is class apart. He's worked his socks off for us and we have gone batty cheering for him so it needs to be graceful, the whole saga. An for god's sake 'Joker' shut up. Henry was an unknown french guy, so was Pires and Viera and several others. Wenger brought them in and today we fans look up to them. You idiots need to understand that Arsene Wenger changed this league, he is the one who set the bar so high with those master dribblers and our immortals and we will live up to that sooner rather than later. A season ticket holder for the past 7 years, I know how good or bad things have been and I also know no matter which player we want or which manager rather, the only thing we should do is ROAR. Our atmosphere at the grove isnt hostile enough for the opponents. And I dont mean chanting that load of bullsh*t the Black Scarf people chant, sitting at home passing judgements is well and easy, but it takes balls be a true fan. Fight on Wenger, Fight on Gunners.

  2. Moscow Gooner

    May 14, 2011, 12:02 #6876

    Sim - I didn t see many Liverpool fans cheering the team on when they were under Hodgson - only 17 000 turned up to see them play Northampton - nor Chelski fans when Grant was in charge. Bertie Mee in the dressing room to the (subsequent double-winning) team as they were celebrating at the end of the 68/69 season: 'This is the Arsenal: 4th is not good enough' Chapman in the 30s would never have settled for 4th either. Enough said.

  3. Daniella

    May 14, 2011, 1:41 #6870

    The reason Chelsea fans will be cheering their team and showing no discntent this weekend is because they won the double last year, will finish 2nd this year when there were real fears they would finish outside the top 4 and they know there will be change in the summer so they will win Trophies again next year. Because the manager will be sacked and top quality players will be signed en masse. Abramovich is investing his cash in the club because he's in it for the glory NOT the profits unlike the Arsenal board and owner!!!

  4. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 13, 2011, 23:33 #6866

    @ Fozzys mate and CD- I feel like a cult member who has been deprogrammed by an exit counsellor. My eyes have been opened due to the intelligent debate that the onlinegooner generates by providing a platform for ALL opinions to be heard. Thanks for all of your informative and thought provoking articles and comments on my two pence worth. We ALL want Arsenal to be successful and healthy debate should be encouraged. Oh and Garyfootscray Australia- Cheers mate! Try to use your Aussie connections and find us the next Tim Cahill would ya? A battler, a fighter, a winner. Someone who can score with his nut!!

  5. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 13, 2011, 23:18 #6865

    Ah! MandyDodd! A worthy and noble adversary you are, and a likeable one too. (God loves a grafter) thankyou for your kind words and I will agree with you that Wenger could have one final year if he does 3 things. 1. Defensive coach 2. Major signings. 3. Develop a Plan B and utilize it better!

  6. Mandy Dodd

    May 13, 2011, 21:06 #6861

    and that lastpost was not aimed at you Joe, on the whole I disagree with some of what you say but read your atricles with interest. Of course there is nothing wrong with protesting but what gets me down is the negativity surrounding this team, everywhere you look. They have a bad end of season and things need changing but they are not that bad! The players that are hated are also the ones that get the least games so are expected to cover without games under their belt - not easy at this level, especially if confidence is low. As for the protest - season ticket prices, yes very unfortunate timing. But on club spending - we do not yet know Kroenkes game. You may feel it unlikely but you could be protesting against a guy who has told Wenger he wants to enhance the brand, wnats trophies, has had enough of the youth policy - heres the money now FFS for once go out and spend! Maybe unlikely but if I had just spent several hundred million aquiring this club, I would be pissed off with the goals we have leaked from set pieces for starters. Any maybe, just maybe Wenger is now going to strengthen proberly and work on defence, or bring someone in to do so. My point - we do not know - by all means passionate Gooners let your voices be heard but not to the point of a protest against the players, as some,on some sites are suggesting. The likes of Denilson and Almunia have punched above their weight even being in this team. It is not their fault they are picking up £50g a week or whatever. Yes Wenger has made mistakes but give him the chance to put it right this summer, even if for some it will be a last chance. New owner, plenty of money, reason to change a few things - lets see what he does then judge.

  7. Gandalf the Great

    May 13, 2011, 20:19 #6859

    Mr. Fitz! You are truly a passionate fan and I get your point that Cesc might not be leaving if we would have spent more on players around him. His hamstrings would have thanked us for it! As you rightly point out, he is a Barca fan, Barca are the best team in the world and He did train with Bergkamp, Pires and Henry at one time! But no Mr. Fitz, you are wrong he is gonna stay with us and win sweet F.A. Why would he want to move to Barca, Joe, I just don't get it.... Don't worry about the haters son, you keep on telling it how you see it.

  8. Mandy Dodd

    May 13, 2011, 18:59 #6856

    Not sure who is worse, the obviously fake Gooner trolls on here or the damp squib, sorry - black scarf brigade?

  9. TBONE

    May 13, 2011, 18:40 #6855

    At this point I feel the only way to reverse the deeply rooted problems with AFC is for Wenger to make a statement of intent in the transfer window. Van Bommel, M’Vila, Sakho, Cahill Vertonghen and Stekelenberg. That would require about 60-80 million and the release of Denilson, Squi, Fabianski, Rosicky, Bendtner or Chamakh, and about five of the loan players. But it would send a message to the players that things are going to be different and if you can't cut it you are OUT. It would send a message to Fab that Wenger is actually trying to win NOW instead of in fairy tale tippy tappy future land and given Barca's money problems we might get one or two more good years out of him. It would get the fans back on his side. It would show he has realized that project youth can't get over the line and is doing something to correct it. There are no guarantees that we would win but with those players coming in you can bet Arsenal would be feared and respected once again, esp with Van Bommel roaming the midfield. He has done quite a job for Milan. If we see the same old same old and he gets Gameiro no one will care. I've been watching Ligue 1 for years and Gameiro is crap. Worse than Chamakh. Did anyone notice that there was nary a word about the Stoke capitulation in either the Guardian or the Telegraph? That's because it's not news that we are weak except to Wenger. This MUST change. We are The Arsenal ffs

  10. fozzy's mate

    May 13, 2011, 18:37 #6854

    Sim Wenger lemmings and drones like you are all that is wrong with todays Arsenal in my opinion. So far up you need to be surgically removed, no brain of your own to pass comment or debate. Swallow everything the club pump out. Unlike me Joe has defended our glorious leader on these pages for a long time. Like most of us paying a fortune that the club trouser his patience has snapped. The facts are we have 40 million untouched in our transfer account, we pay the highest prices in world football, the two blokes who own 90% of the shares have a combined fortune reported at 15 billion. Yet we scrape around for 2nd rate players while having to fight to keep our few class performers from leaving as we show no ambition to compete in the transfer market which is the very reason we were told we left Highbury for. But forgetting all this football is a game of opinion despite the graceless and arrogant Wenger rearing up at any opinion contrary to his own.

  11. Graham Yates

    May 13, 2011, 17:08 #6851

    @Joe, Ignore Sim, sounds like an Arsene fan than an Arsenal fan to me. Team isn't developing or improving as I am sure we have finshed 2nd in the past but I think we are now 3rd and maybe even 4th by the end of this season. Sim also thinks you are a professional footballer too though not quite as good as Cesc. I am not sure that in the leaner times all Chelsea & Liverpool fans cheered their team or even turned up. Sim is loving paying the new hiked prices with no real grounds for the prices being increased that I can think of. Black Scarf march on.........we ain't happy but the march is not about Wenger or the squad, its about how it is being run and its not being run with supporters in mind any more. Joe don't go to Barca, we need you mate!

  12. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 13, 2011, 16:20 #6848

    Blimey Sim, doesn't take much to get you going, does it? I think you'll find that a couple of tablespoons of satire have been stirred into Joe's it again with the blinkers off.

  13. HowardL

    May 13, 2011, 16:11 #6847

    Obviously Wenger does not bother with the Gooner or most of the media to come out with such insightful revelations - about 3 years too late. However, I've not seen anything definite about Cesc leaving and agree not sensible to encourage him but I cannot believe he will stay for all the reasons put foward. I also feel he has been let down by Wenger but also that we need to express our dissatisfaction in a positive way - if that's possible.

  14. CD

    May 13, 2011, 15:40 #6846

    @Dave Like you I doubt the dross players will leave, as who would pay them what we pay them? But I do agree with Joe and think Fabregas is off, and who can seriously blame him. If I was you Dave I would protect your nether regions, cos they are likely to be hurting very soon!

  15. Mark

    May 13, 2011, 15:14 #6845

    Dave, i was in italy easter and met darren dein who is cesc agent and he confirmed it was a done deal madrid or barca, cesc wants to return to spain. trust me its done. for me it is great great shame he is a wonderful player as we will all see in the future again but for someone else. what he needed and deserved was a good GK, back 4 and defensive midfielder behind him and since he's been 1st team he has never properly had that

  16. Gavin

    May 13, 2011, 14:55 #6842

    If you are so sure Cesc is off, why dont you share your reliable insider knowledge and add some weight to your claims. "This time, it looks like he is off". Any proof to back up this statements or is all just your opinion.

  17. PeterScribe

    May 13, 2011, 14:51 #6841

    Excellent article. Made me smile. And think. What else could one ask for?

  18. L Andreou

    May 13, 2011, 14:39 #6840

    Once again, an article indicting Wenger of gross incompetence, and of dereliction of duty, and absolutely unequivocally correct. This 'backline' has no backbone/spine. Don't enjoy defending, just stroking pretty passes, frequently astray, like Walters' third. Look, I will not forgive Wenger ever, for turning Arsenal from a side that were historically robust and not for turning, to a team that are NOW ALWAYS THERE FOR THE TAKING. Banners should be flown to show how grevious our feelings are. In Arsene we rust.

  19. Guy in Jersey

    May 13, 2011, 14:34 #6839

    I am sick and tired of morons like Sim (see first comment) having a go. Did you even read the article, Sim? Because you certainly don't appear to have understood it. And while we're at it, why don't you contribute something rather than bashing people who express their opinions in a balanced, humorous and intelligent fashion. Or is that beyond you as well? I don't agree with everything Joe Fitzpatrick writes, but I'd rather read his thoughts than put up with comments from ignorant cretins like you.

  20. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 13, 2011, 14:33 #6838

    Dave- I believe that Cesc is leaving because of all the quotes from him recently RE: you must choose to either develop players as your priority or make trophies your priority. I also state quite clearly that it's a dream move for him as it would be for any of us. Sim- ok so you disagree with me but, I can't just keep on paying through the nose while money sits in the player trading account unused. The money that we have spent has been misspent and Diaby and Denilsons etc wages are far too high for what they are, average players.

  21. Noodle

    May 13, 2011, 14:19 #6837

    Agree with Sim...sick of all you fantasy football managers.

  22. Gerardo

    May 13, 2011, 14:18 #6836

    Don't agree will all you posted, and there's some based on your suppositions rather than clear fact. However interesting stuff nevertheless and I can feel the emotion. Also sounds like your a regular. Like the idea of a song: how about something to the old Sham 69 song "Hurry up Harry". "Hurry up Gunners [Gooners] we're going down the Grove". Could even have a lite hearted dig with "we never win anything" instead of "we never do anything" - tho that works too. The "Arsenal have nt won anything in X years" is a media tag ... nick it and turn it around .. if we'd won the Carling/Milk/League Cup, it'd would have changed to have nt won a major/European trophy / the League since the Arseblogger drank his first pint of Guiness. Keep it positive .. there's nothing like encouraging the team. If you just want to get on their backs, then don't be surprised when they feel the extra weight + stumble. Ciao.

  23. Fraser

    May 13, 2011, 14:06 #6835

    There is nothing like an unsuccesful season to draw the morons from the safety of their keyboards is there? Your pathetic attempts at ridiculing Wenger by pointing out his words and slating them as obvious are more than undermined by you falling head first into the same trap. Yet somehow you know what Cesc is thinking. Are you a friend of his? No, I didn't think so. You're making it all up aren't you. Putting two and two together and that pea- brain of yours has come up with seven. You really are a dickhead, or in your own parlance, un Tosser.

  24. michael konzon

    May 13, 2011, 13:49 #6832

    really not an insightful piece of journalism

  25. NV

    May 13, 2011, 13:45 #6831

    What a total load of crap - Seriously we really have some idiotic fans....sad really I'm not AKB but I'm not thick either and can see the bigger picture. Yes we need some change but that does not mean resorting to chanting that crap. I love cesc and would only ever support him - he's done nothing but good for the club - why chant "we had cesc fabregas" when he is still with us??? We will all regret it if he leaves - Cesc and Sagna are our 2 best players period.

  26. Joker

    May 13, 2011, 13:42 #6830

    Ha ha ha poor Sim! An AKB who is angry, it's all crumbling apart for the AKBs now!!! Heh. Hey Joe! How dare you abuse Arsene! He is paid £6.5 mil a year so he OBVIOUSLY knows far more than you! Just look at some of his inspired decisions, like playing Bendtner on the wing, subbing on Eboue for Walcott every time at the 75th minute, starting Almunia in goal every year and every season since 2006/7, giving Diaby and Denilson new contracts on £50k a week (!!), refusing to work on set-pieces! You have not 'worked half a day in football'! So shut up! Also, it's funny to hear you say Cesc has been let down by the quality of player around him. Did you not SEE the world-class talents our Dear Leader signed last summer to convince Cesc of our ambition! Marouane Chamakh (he waited 2 years to get him free) and Kockielny! Now, there are two players Barca would KILL to have in their squads! And this summer, Arsene has even bigger plans to stack the squad with quality that is not: a) French b) Sh*t KEVIN GAMEIRO and the other kid from Lorient! Same club that mugged us off for Kocielny! I am soooo excited by more super-super class, French, barely international players! We NEED more French players! They are fighters are winners. All the French and French-speaking players we have are warriors: Diaby, Chamakh, Eboue, Clichy, Alex Thong (world class, unless playing v Stoke!) Also, Cesc can go. We don't need him. Wilshere and Ramsey can easily do the job he does, did you see the amazing way Ramsey and Wilshere just destroyed Stoke last Sunday? Hmmm? Oh sorry what's that you say? I shall also be going on the Black Scarf march. The AKBs are sweating it! They think this is China and that you shouldn't be allowed to express your angst in a democracy! I will also be joining in the ironic chants 'We had Cesc Fabregas'! And when we start next season without him, I will also chant 'We've got Cesc Fabregas'! The poster child of project Youth = GONE. Wenger has, literally, no purpose. He is a joke, a sore, useless to Arsenal. Oh I forgot....crap manager, but he makes a profit in the transfer market. Might as well hire an accountant as manager then, maybe he might do a better job of tactics and motivating accountasnt surely wouldn't pay waste like Eboue and Walcott £60k a week?

  27. Dave

    May 13, 2011, 13:41 #6829

    Unless I missed it you don't give any reason why you are sure Cesc is leaving. Is it based on gut feel, signs in the tea leaves or what? I doub't Cesc will go. I doubt half the players bloggers are calling for will go. Putting up the ticket prices and selling out best players would be a kick in the nuts.

  28. Sim

    May 13, 2011, 13:18 #6826

    I hope they take your ticket off you. If you join in chants making fun of Fabregas leaving you are a complete cretin. The lad is still an Arsenal player and could well be one next season. However, any final decision on his movements over the summer will only be strengthened by arrogant, arsey chants from morons who want unrealistic perfection from a team that is still developing and improving where it finishes each season. Support your team, encourage them, don't sneer down your nose at players who are better than you could ever dream of being. Chelsea fans will cheer their lads tomorrow and they saw £75million investments achieve the same amount of silverware as us. Liverpool fans have won nothing for years and don't even make the champions league places and they will cheer their team in the worst and the best times. What the hell is wrong with you and the other idiots who will go on the Black scarf march. Grow up or sod off.

  29. Jekyll

    May 13, 2011, 13:17 #6825

    I don't think Wenger thinks it is his job to sort all this stuff out. He's hands off, leaves it to the 'intelligence' of the players to work out for themselves. Fine with the pros he had during the first half of his AFC career, certainly not with this lot. He's been exposed as half a coach.

  30. Oxy-Moron

    May 13, 2011, 13:16 #6824

    Another deluded gooner who thinks we will get £50m for Cesc! £20m at the absolute best, and deep down you know it to be true!