The inexorable slump continues…

Online Ed: All back in August for a Champions League qualifier then?

The inexorable slump continues…

There’s a lot of money in the bank... and they want more

There were some people that seriously believed Arsenal could win the league this season. There were others who believe that until obvious lessons from past failures are addressed, then the same mistakes are destined to be repeated. Although I believe fans will see some major purchases this summer, if only because of the amount of money received for Fabregas, Nasri and Clichy (what significance that none of these players were even on the bench yesterday? Don’t expect to see them against Fulham either), ultimately the manager’s refusal to work on the defensive side of the game will continue to cost the team honours.

The crest for next season has the word ‘Forward’ running underneath. A while back, the club badge featured a motto that translated as ‘victory through harmony’. There’s not much harmony at Arsenal these days. When I heard Pat Rice was staying on for a further year, the new crest came to mind. A much-needed chance to shake things up, to actually do something in a positive direction has been put on hold for a further 12 months. And why? Because the manager persuaded Rice to stay on. It is a demonstration that he has too much power and that an employee has his bosses – who decided to pay him £6.5 million a year until the summer of 2014 – by the short and curlies.

A friend saw Ivan Gazidis after the game yesterday and said he looked despondent, really low. I don’t think there is any illusion about the gravity of the situation for the CEO, but he feels powerless to do anything about it. Actually Mr Gazidis you are not. I have written before that the board need to force changes on the manager by insistence on alterations in the way the team are prepared and on the shopping habits of Wenger. For starters, they can tell him he has to recruit a specialist defensive coach and said coach must be given regular training time to work on the team. When Arsenal do not have the ball they are found wanting.

Additionally, decisions about the playing budget need to be removed from the manager. He should identify the players he wants (and be told in no uncertain terms that he needs to get in players with experience and leadership qualities) and the board should then tell him to p*ss off back to his office and leave them to deal with transfer and wage negotiations. Additionally, the existing contracts need to be looked at and some imaginative dealings done. Some players are not going to move because of the fat wages they are on which no other mug on earth would be foolish enough to pay them. So the club must arrange loans (and swallow paying a percentage of the players’ earnings) or free transfers to get them off the wage bill. What is the purpose of Tomas Rosicky going to be in 2011/12. Denilson? Sebastien Squillaci? These players positively handicap the team’s chances of success. Basically, the manager has to be usurped with some strategic instruction to him as an employee. Then he might jump ship and go manage Real Madrid.

Of course it’s going to be ugly. The chain mail divide in club level with Wenger’s giant face has Big Brother echoes about it and now the celebrations of his achievements make compromising him awkward. The club is now starting to go backwards and the manager is already getting his excuses in for a finish outside the top four this time next year. He knows next season is going to be a struggle. It is difficult to replace Fabregas and Nasri and improve.

So the board must pretty much insist on the changes so that the club can get through the next two seasons – they can afford to give Wenger the boot in 2013 and swallow the cost – and halt the decline we will witness if they simply leave Wenger to continue to indulge himself in his vanity project to show what a great manager he is.

The facts are these. The team that won the trophies under him was built on the bedrock of an experienced defence, with the addition of Sol Campbell. It was the defence that sorted out the midfield of Petit and Vieira to give them the protection they needed. A defence Wenger inherited. Trophies followed as Vieira developed into the player a winning team needs. Wenger also had David Seaman in goal and then made an inspired signing in Jens Lehmann. Yes, going forward he signed some marvelous players (although more experienced than history sometimes makes out, Pires and Henry had World Cup winners’ medals before they arrived at Highbury), but we have some marvelous players going forward now – real talent like Van Persie, Nasri, Arshavin and Fabregas. The problem since Campbell left the club in 2006 is the goals conceded. Through the failure to recruit enough quality, experience and leadership at the back, and the ridiculous farce at the start of the season that meant Almunia and Fabianski had to confirm by dropping league points what everyone knew - they are not good enough – the club has wasted a season. A season in which a fantastic opportunity to win the title has been spurned.

There was a demonstration against the board before the game yesterday. Next week at Fulham there will apparently be an anti-Wenger demonstration. The club moved stadium so it could keep up with the big spenders, but there has been £40 million in the player trading account since the sale of Toure and Adebayor two years ago. It has not been used to improve the team on the pitch, but just look at all that lovely money. And the club want more! For what exactly?

If there’s one thing Ivan Gazidis should do it is insist that every penny used for player sales (circa £90 million if Fabregas, Nasri, Clichy, Bendtner and Arshavin all go) plus the £40 million in the kitty is all used. £130 million can buy two Vidic style defenders, a quality holding midfielder (giving Alex Song something to think about and ideally learn from) and a striker to work alongside Robin van Persie. Next season’s team will look very different and it is important there is genuine competition for places. Forget trying to protect the likes of Song and Abou Diaby and make them play out of their skins to keep their places.

Wenger said recently, “I have been asked if I will change my principles and if you can convince me that my principles are wrong, then I am ready to change. But I feel we try to play football the proper way. When you don't win, your principles are questioned.” But Arsene, if your principles are that what you do with the ball is more important than what you do without it, then they are wrong. They are of equal importance as the great teams have shown, including your own. Wenger again: “I think if something is wrong in our team, it is not the principle of playing our football the way we do.” So paying so little attention to the defensive side of the game is not wrong, is it?

Two more years of this…

To finish, a text that made me smile in the aftermath of the defeat against Villa, a team that had nothing to play for and every reason to have been ‘on the beach’. It’s from occasional contributor Doktor Schneide – Could not stay for the lap of ‘appreciation’. Am more disappointed than Arshavin being led into an all you can eat salad bar

The current issue of The Gooner will be on sale outside Fulham next Sunday and can be bought online here.

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  1. Bonehead

    May 18, 2011, 16:35 #7136

    Agree totally Kevin. Arsenal have been my life since the age of 11, following in the footseps of my ancestors dating back to the move to Islington in 1913. I can honestly say, hand on heart, I have never felt so disconnected from the club before. The rubbish on the pitch, combined with the appalling treatment of us fans off it, is an insult of the highest order. I've watched poorer (technically) Arsenal teams than this through years. But what gets me is the lack of passion. I can accept a poor team with passion. But a poor team with no passion is the worst possible scenario. Throughout the club, change is needed, starting with the meorons entrusted with its custodianship right through to the mercenaries who turn up (not perform) on matchdays.

  2. Big Dave

    May 17, 2011, 17:43 #7087

    Ok maybe calling you coward is a tad over the top but you should be organinzing and getting together fans to show some sort of protest instead of writing articles on website or to directors. And once again the march was not wenger out but about the price increase and the alienated supporters. You have a voice use it to galvanize fans to get together boycott the club shop, don't buy match day programme etc. You could do so much more then just write and moan on you website.

  3. Pires' Goatee

    May 17, 2011, 10:23 #7020

    Be careful what you wish for fellow Gooners...

  4. Website Editor

    May 17, 2011, 9:51 #7017

    CD (7653) - Thanks for the defence, and you are right. I was indeed committed to organising the sales of the mag that subsidises the existence of this very website. In fairness, I publicised the march last week with a link and have not been critical of it. I would have actually joined the protest if I were able to. I think the fans had every right to protest about the price rises. Anyway, I've taken so much abuse since we started a comments section that i've built up a nice collection of tin hats. however, i do have to say that i despair when comments resort to abuse rather than counter argument. still, we all have different ways of expressing ourselves. there seems to be an element of hubris at the club since sunday. let's hope that will lead to a change in methods and philosophy so there is no need to protest next season. wenger announcing the appointment of some fresh coaching staff to address the weaknesses and buying some leaders might be a start.

  5. Dave E

    May 17, 2011, 9:22 #7016

    Stevus - nice to know I'm not the only one who still feels bitterness at the fact Wenger effectively threw a treble that was there for the taking back in 2004. And let's not forget that, had it not been for Henry's virtuoso second half v Liverpool in the 4-2 over Easter, we might have ended up with nothing that season with what was, as you say, a peerless squad. Would Ferguson have won the treble with the same side? I think we all know the answer to that one.

  6. CD

    May 16, 2011, 20:29 #7005

    @Big Dave to call our Ed a coward, simply because he did not go on the march is grossly unfair. I suspect like on most match days he would have been tied up distributing the Gooner mag. The fact is he has been highlighting AW's faults long before most did, and has had plenty of stick for doing so for at least a couple of years does by definition not make him a coward! Save your anger and frustrations for those few remaining AKB's who still think the sun shines out of AW's arse, and who would jump off a cliff if the lord almighty Wenger asked them to do so.

  7. stevus

    May 16, 2011, 20:24 #7004

    4th place means an unwanted £3m non-game on your next season ticket, plus bonus TV rights money for both that and the away leg. 3rd place = £800k. No contest for our cashflow obsessed football club. The master economist of "the franchise" will make sure his charges are up for that one, though. He's probably carpeted himself for finishing above 4th last season. Can we start a campaign please for a bronze bust of Georgie Graham. Whatever he did wrong...and wherever he has gone must admit that his 6 trophy haul in just a 9 year stint looks better with each fading year. His biggest legacy - that Back 4/5/6 - still revered today...more than the 49 game run during which a peerless squad Bridged away the CL and Aliadiered away the FA Cup!

  8. Ash

    May 16, 2011, 18:37 #6996

    Nicely summed up. As you pointed Pires, Henry and Vieira had all won major honours with France. Gilberto was also a world cup winner. Unlike Fergie, Wenger just can't produce winners.

  9. PerryG

    May 16, 2011, 18:35 #6995

    Talking alot of sense as usual Kevin. Id love to think that Wenger would go all guns blazing into the Transfer market and spend that 100m+ but its not going to happen. I've a horrible, depressing feeling that the frustrations of the last few years will continue as long as Wenger remains in charge. Another point i find interesting is our addition of Sol Campbell in 2001. Would we have stumped up a fee for him? I seriously doubt it and the invincibles may never have happened without him

  10. Big Dave

    May 16, 2011, 17:58 #6992

    Proud to have gone on the march we might have been small in number but from small acorns, Not that any of you gutless lot came along you how you have the nerve to use the name Gooner is beyond me. Kevnin Whitcher=Coward

  11. Andreas

    May 16, 2011, 16:19 #6986

    My main concern about the whole Arsene stay or go scenario really depends on the players that stay and go. At Chelski the manager goes the spine of the team stays, at Utd the manager stays the players go. Both scenarios give a certain degree of stability. It is expected that the talent match winners go in the summer, then to get rid of the manager will leave us in a very unstable position. It has to be either the players or manager that goes not both, unless you've just been relegated. Next season is lining up to be Wenger's equivalent of Graham's 1994/95 season.

  12. Bauge14

    May 16, 2011, 16:03 #6984

    Your right Kev G..getting a tough draw in the CL qualifier and the nightmare is completed.

  13. Junior Footy 87

    May 16, 2011, 15:54 #6982

    I agree 100% i just hope Arsenae can be pushed into the direction we need him to be because we are headed the wrong way rigth now

  14. Mr B

    May 16, 2011, 15:41 #6979

    Someone at the club should be forced to read Kevin's article's, then they'd understand why so many gooners are pissed off with the malaise at our once great club. Yesterday was another joke of a performance. I wonder what the Directors box thought when "6% you're having a laugh" was echoing round the ground? Pat Rice has been persuaded to stay on for another year. Why? So he can spend all game screaming "go to the ball" at our clueless back four. As for Wenger and his "we showed great mental strength" the only mental thing I can see is Wenger if he seriously thinks we are able to win the league or the champions league.

  15. Gare Kekeke

    May 16, 2011, 14:55 #6976

    Excellent editorial as usual Kevin. I'm in 100% agreement with you. Telling as it is. You've hit the nail on the head and speak for Gooners like myself. I will be at Fulham and look forward to the anti-Wenger demo. The board now know how we feel about the imminent price rises (music to my ears at The Grove) so now it's time for Wenger to know that a lot of us who aren't stuck up in his backside have lost patience with his so-called 'best ever squad'. Gazidis & Kronke should travel to Barcelona next May and get on their hands and knees to Guardiola. He will leave Barca and wants to manage in the Premier League and we are taylor made for him. Supreme coaching talent like his will be wasted at any other club bar Manchester United, Liverpool or ourselves. Fergie & Dalglish are parked at the former two clubs so it has to be us.

  16. Alex

    May 16, 2011, 14:28 #6973

    It's nice to dream, but ultimately it's the reality that counts. And the reality is that Wenger will not chance. He as Djourou who lost the Stoke game singlehandedly, and who plays crappy. But every time Djourou has a good game, which is once a year, he is hailed by Wenger, who says "this is why i believe in young players". But one good game a month is not good enough. There are a lot of players that need to go. Denilson, Diaby, Squillaci, Rosicky and Almunia are all players that are no use to Arsenal in any way. And players like Fabianski, Walcott, Bendtner, Arshavin, Song, Djourou, Eboue and maybe others have to be asked if they have a future. They are getting older, but no wiser. There is no consistency. Look at Walcott. If he doesn't have space top run in, he is totally useless. He can't win the ball, can't pass it, can't cross, can't finish properly, and he can't even move properly off the ball to at least drag defenders in different directions in order to create space for his teammates. And once every 6 months, he has a good game, and the papers are all over his undoubtet potencial. But what good is that if the other 20 games, he performs like a useless piece of wasted shirt. So what Arsenal needs is someone who knows the job and doesn't need to learn it like Koscielny, Djourou or Song. I bet De Rossi would boss the midfield so hard, Song would seem like a child in comparison. And now that Vermaelen is back, give him a good partner who he can rely on. It's simple squillaci, if your fellow CB goes to clos down, you cover at the back and scream at fullbacks or DM and point where to cover. It's simple, just scream "Gael, cover center!! Song, follow the run!!" etc!

  17. George

    May 16, 2011, 13:54 #6970

    Sorry, but hardly can agree with anything. But I notice that it is not anylonger about a balaced analysis (on the one hand /on the other hand), its all about fighting the manager. But I can agree with afcian: one truly alarming thing the pace of our game (except during counter attacks). There is much less one-touch-football

  18. dartford gooner

    May 16, 2011, 13:37 #6965

    Left at the final whistle, did arshavin manage to do a whole lap of the pitch?.Did rosicky or diaby pull anything on the way round? Did walcott throw his shirt into the crowd, it wont need washing.Defeat is all part of the game but so is fighting for the badge,this just cant go on. And to all the half wits i love the club and they will be getting my £2148 for my two season tickets so i wont be making my way to the lane.

  19. GunnerZim

    May 16, 2011, 13:35 #6963

    Sad times indeed for Arsenal football club.I have felt anger and disappointment in the last 6 trophy-free seasons but today the greatest feeling overcoming me is fear. I really fear for the club with the extremely stubborn and unbelievably arrogant Arsene Wenger at the helm. The Arsenal board have done a sterling job moving the club from Highbury to the Emirates, but it seems they fooled each other into believing that trophies would not matter. Fans are disgusted, angry and sick and tired of the same old nonsense. We talk of Nasri and Cesc leaving, why not push the likes of Risicky, Ebuoe and Denilson out? Why do we always have to lose our best players? I am a sad man today because I know that more likely than not, we will be in exactly the same position next year!

  20. Jimmy

    May 16, 2011, 13:28 #6962

    Here's a thought to really depress you. If we do finish fourth, then the club will use that as an excuse not to spend money during the summer because they won't be able to budget for next season until we have qualified for the group stages of the CL. The £40m transfer kitty (plus whatever is raised from the sale of Cesc and others) will be needed to carry on paying the inflated ocntracts to Diaby, Bendtner, etc. Oh joy!

  21. jjetplane

    May 16, 2011, 13:18 #6958

    Why do I keep going back to the day at Highbury when the 'invincibles' clapped out Bobby Pires on crutches while Wenger believed this was the moment of all moments. He should have gone then!

  22. Clay

    May 16, 2011, 12:41 #6941

    The team failed because of the manager and the players that played (Clichy, Fabregas, Nasri, Walcott, Wilshere, Song etc) not the people on the bench (Rosicky, Denilson or Eboue. Those players let us down simple!!

  23. fozzy's mate

    May 16, 2011, 12:40 #6940

    Like a broken record - I will repeat myself, arrogance, complacency, a total lack of grace and humility and refusal to accept and outrage at any criticism, by board and manager have led us to the putrid state we are now in. I feared for us when watching those car crash shareholders meetings on arsenal tv. Anyone asking anything other than "oh Arsene how can I be as perfect as you?" Was told to f off in a polite manner. The club have longed pushed out the "how dare you question the wonderful Arsene" message and many swallowed it. Even now any show of dissent no matter how bad things get and how much we pay, is where I set subject to AKB vitriol, albeit vastly reduced in recent weeks. Sun lounger Rice staying sends the wrong message and if every penny of the inevitable summer sales fees plus is not reinvested yesterdays "protests" may appear mild. Clueless, confused and spineless, I won't go on anymore. If this summer does not see a change and Fabregas does go, mid table may not be too far away. This summer will show us whether as we fear we have turned into a money making machine rather than a football club, overtly rather than covertly.

  24. Gooner S

    May 16, 2011, 12:16 #6934

    Wenger inherited a brilliant defence and goalkeeper but he also signed Lauren, Campbell and Toure that formed the invincibles side (26 league goals conceeded in 38 matches) so he needs to sign players of that calibre and experience again. The problem is that we will win the qualifier and Wenger will say 'well we have qualified for the group stages of the European Cup for the 13th year in a row so I don't need to make more than two signings' and we will just paper over the cracks again.

  25. Kev G

    May 16, 2011, 12:10 #6933

    Imagine, getting a tough side in the CL qualifier? Someone like Bayern would beat us comfortably over 2 legs and then it is EUropa League football and half empty stadium... Wenger is untouchable so long as he delivers CL football every year and do not expect any wholesale changes for next term. People listing about 8 players who they want cleaned out will not happen. At most I'd expect 3 to go and 2/3 to come in and not major names either

  26. Mick Dvbris P

    May 16, 2011, 12:02 #6931

    This is without doubt the most balanced and accurate assessment of everything that is wrong with the club. I am sure you will be slagged by some of the 'JCL's' and 'soccer watchers' but they are the deluded ones. Make no mistake if things continue unabated the way they are then the folly of a stadium will only have us die hards left in 5 or 6 years. I make that about 20000 or 40000 for the bigger games. My figures are based in the realities of what we saw in the 70's and 80's with adjustments made due to the increased costs. Well done Kevin, once again, an excellent article

  27. ARC

    May 16, 2011, 11:38 #6925

    So, so frustating! Hopefully the majority of the money available will be spent but another problem has always been that we are never able to keep our best players. During Wenger's reign the players that have left that ultimately be didn't want to sell: Petit, Overmars, Henry, Hleb, Flamini, this summer: Fabregas, Nasri (most likely). Look at Man U's squad, ten of the players were bought for fees greater than our record transfer fee. Going back twenty years ago, Cottee, Keane, Sutton, even Andy Sinton! weren't bought because we weren't prepared to pay the transfer fee/wages. Even when we bought Bergkamp, Hill-Wood came out and said we couldn't afford it! The entire club needs a new philosophy, to be a big club you need to act like a big club! Finally, the next time a fan of another club tells you they wish their club was 3rd in the table tell them you wish you had their season ticket prices!

  28. D "Gonner"

    May 16, 2011, 11:36 #6924

    I think the only way change can be bought is by hurting where they can be hurt most..Following the old adage that to take a step forward,sometime you have to take 2 steps back.If there is a mass exodus of fans giving up on season tickets then that is what is going to get a business minded(esp American) board think !!

  29. LU2 Gooner

    May 16, 2011, 11:36 #6923

    The club wants to grow 'the brand' all over the world. The brand, to them, is attacking football. This is why the word 'FORWARD' appears on the 125 years anniversary crest. This is why we attack and go forward at every opportunity, even when we should be closing teams out. With this in mind - what is the point in defending? You couldn't have grown the George Graham brand of Arsenal around the world could you? The money men have well and truly taken over the club. We fans need to remind ourselves that Arsenal is bigger than Arsene Wenger.

  30. HowardL

    May 16, 2011, 11:23 #6922

    Kev - I think you have put your finger on a major point. We're going backwards. At least Wenger didn't blame the ref yesterday but I watched it for confirmation and he had good cause: Ramsey's legs removed as he was about to shoot - penalty! RVP's brilliant dummy penalised despite no contact - open goal opportunity - Chamakh denied a much-needed motivation for a minuscule push and yet Petrov not getting a second yellow (admitted even on Football First). And the continuation of our bad luck with RVP rattling the post again. However, none of this excuses the appalling defence and lack of planning which has cost us so dearly, and for the Manager there is no hiding from that - and he maybe has at last accepted that. Time will tell - Fulham could be interesting, especially if Citeh fail to beat Stoke tomorrow.

  31. CD

    May 16, 2011, 11:06 #6920

    Two more weeks of this would be too much for me, let alone two more years! Gazidis will be much better of by biting the bullet, and hopefully coming to an amicable solution re the remainder of Wenger's contract. In the long run it will be more expensive keeping him, because he will do untold further damage to our club if he is left in charge, as we are now on a slippery slope where our best players want to leave, and the dross ones dont because of their ridiculous wages that Wenger gave them. It's a complete and utter shambles, and those board members the supposed custodians need shooting for giving Wenger this new contract, when anybody with any sense could and should have seen the road we were heading towards, and it's not a very bright one. I simply despair right now.

  32. afcian

    May 16, 2011, 11:05 #6919

    'When Arsenal do not have the ball they are found wanting.' Very true Kev. But over the last few seasons our play with the ball has deteriorated. It is so predictable that every team knows exactly how to play against us, it's not rocket science. It is much slower than it used to be, more sideways and backward passes and naivety from immature and inexperienced players who have no-one to look up to. In addition, our set pieces are embarrassing and clueless. Has anyone seen the form guide for the last 6 games? We are 3rd bottom with only WHU(relegated) and Brum below us, disgraceful. The only good performance and result since CC Final was Manure at home.

  33. dan h

    May 16, 2011, 11:05 #6918

    looks like we will come 4th when it was a two horse race only weeks ago shocking but not surprised in the end.If Wenger cannot now see that major surgery on the squad is required i really fear for us next season.He has already talked about keeping the squad together as his main priority im sorry but time to move a few on. The board are happy allowing things to drift along & for Arsenal fans to voice their frustrations as they did yesterday at least shows how we feel to them.If the summer ends with no serious investment in the squad i would expect yesterday to be the start of a very long hangover which will drift into 2011/12 season.

  34. martin gooner

    May 16, 2011, 10:44 #6915

    I agree entirely with all the points in yr article but there are still so many fans who think all the fault lies with the players - not Wenger or the board. Until the stadium is half empty on a regular basis and there are no fans on the waiting list for season tickets - nothing will change!!

  35. Peter

    May 16, 2011, 10:37 #6914

    Couldn't agree more. Excellent article.

  36. Symonwestlondon

    Dec 28, 2010, 17:59 #513

    Spot on! Nothing I can fault about this article other than the centre defensive comments. Long term, I'm not sure about either of them. TV's injury seems to be lasting an age, very woppying. Using Nasri out wide was an absolute waste of an immense talent, why AW, why? Made no sense at all. The speed of our breaks is something very few seem to have pickked up on....we are extremely ponderous now, mostly due to having no one up top. Chamakh is brought back, righly so, to defend corners so when we do break, there is no one to use as the point for attack, so we appear to bumble forward waiting for support. If Walcott was on the pitch, working the half way line, the opposition would be forced to be more defensive, if only, because of Theo's pace. On to Theo, I'm not his biggest fan nor his harshest critic, but what is AW doing with him? Arsene just seems to have decided, despite what he has recently said, that Theo is solely an 'impact sub'. Obviously a DVD needs to go in the post showing the goals that Theo has scored this season. Some of these are totally instinctive....the kind of finishes that you can't teach someone - they either have it, or they don't. How would Ferdinand and Vidic have coped with his pace throughout the 90 mins? We will never know but surely it's time to give it a try?

  37. Symonwestlondon

    Dec 21, 2010, 22:06 #430

    Spot on! Nothing I can fault about this article other than the centre defensive comments. Long term, I'm not sure about either of them. TV's injury seems to be lasting an age, very woppying. Using Nasri out wide was an absolute waste of an immense talent, why AW, why? Made no sense at all. The speed of our breaks is something very few seem to have pickked up on....we are extremely ponderous now, mostly due to having no one up top. Chamakh is brought back, righly so, to defend corners so when we do break, there is no one to use as the point for attack, so we appear to bumble forward waiting for support. If Walcott was on the pitch, working the half way line, the opposition would be forced to be more defensive, if only, because of Theo's pace. On to Theo, I'm not his biggest fan nor his harshest critic, but what is AW doing with him? Arsene just seems to have decided, despite what he has recently said, that Theo is solely an 'impact sub'. Obviously a DVD needs to go in the post showing the goals that Theo has scored this season. Some of these are totally instinctive....the kind of finishes that you can't teach someone - they either have it, or they don't. How would Ferdinand and Vidic have coped with his pace throughout the 90 mins? We will never know but surely it's time to give it a try?

  38. Ian McCarthy

    Dec 16, 2010, 22:48 #342

    I like the comment about France 1998, you could be right about that. From the game the other night its obvious why we don't shoot more often from outside the box, the efforts were pathetic. We need to get 1 on 1 with the keeper to score, worrying.

  39. aabbs

    Dec 16, 2010, 19:27 #335

    I make you right!! The thing is on Monday night we did look nervous, I'm not sure if it was, but it seemed to be a case of no one in a yellow shirt wanted the ball, maybe it was the pitch, i dont know. You hit the spot with your comment on too many of the same type players, a team is ultimately made of a collection of individuals all assighned different roles within a team, we have 5 players with the same role in the team, Im not sure if Arsene Wenger will actually change things or carry on, I think hes going to carry on with his experiment, shame, because its not going to happen.

  40. Ian McCarthy

    Dec 16, 2010, 16:48 #329

    I like the comment about France 1998, you could be right about that. From the game the other night its obvious why we don't shoot more often from outside the box, the efforts were pathetic. We need to get 1 on 1 with the keeper to score, worrying.

  41. Ace-enal

    Dec 16, 2010, 10:52 #309

    Very well-written. You should write more often (unless you already do-I'm not a regular on this site). Makes a lot of sense.

  42. Symonwestlondon

    Dec 16, 2010, 10:24 #305

    Spot on! Nothing I can fault about this article other than the centre defensive comments. Long term, I'm not sure about either of them. TV's injury seems to be lasting an age, very woppying. Using Nasri out wide was an absolute waste of an immense talent, why AW, why? Made no sense at all. The speed of our breaks is something very few seem to have pickked up on....we are extremely ponderous now, mostly due to having no one up top. Chamakh is brought back, righly so, to defend corners so when we do break, there is no one to use as the point for attack, so we appear to bumble forward waiting for support. If Walcott was on the pitch, working the half way line, the opposition would be forced to be more defensive, if only, because of Theo's pace. On to Theo, I'm not his biggest fan nor his harshest critic, but what is AW doing with him? Arsene just seems to have decided, despite what he has recently said, that Theo is solely an 'impact sub'. Obviously a DVD needs to go in the post showing the goals that Theo has scored this season. Some of these are totally instinctive....the kind of finishes that you can't teach someone - they either have it, or they don't. How would Ferdinand and Vidic have coped with his pace throughout the 90 mins? We will never know but surely it's time to give it a try?