It was the fans of le Arse who were being Bent over and diddled...

...While the attendance figures were busy being fiddled

It was the fans of le Arse who were being Bent over and diddled...

Inept buffoon?

Firstly I have to come clean and say that I didn't attend the game and no, I didn't go on the black scarf march, in case you were wondering. It took a lot of soul searching and contemplation to arrive at the decision not to attend either event but I don't regret that decision, as I correctly predicted that Arsenal were going to lose against Aston Villa and that Arsenal fans were going to end up booing their own players again. It was therefore guaranteed that I was not going to enjoy myself in any case if I did choose to attend either event.

After a long conversation with some friends of mine who are West Ham fans on Saturday night and hearing in detail how they were preparing to head up to Wigan on a jolly (to see their team relegated) it put everything into a bit of perspective for me and I just felt very, very silly indeed when I was trying to communicate my frustrations with Arsenal to them. Things got heated. Words were exchanged. Many of them being "ungrateful" and the C word. There they are, way down below us, a team getting relegated and still they put on a united front and get behind their team, I can't help but admire them for it.

They are not walking around with black scarves on or moaning, they are too busy getting boozed up and blowing bubbles to be doing any of that business! They also explained to me that if the TV cameras did pick it up I was going to look like a "Plastic Manc W***er with a novelty scarf" or a "cry baby who has spat his dummy out". Maybe I'm too self-conscious or easily influenced? I just don't know anymore but I still COMPLETELY understand why those people went on that black scarf march and I sympathise with their goals. Even if you don't agree with their methods or choice of scarf you have to concede that they have a point when they say that Arsenal did have a f***ing cheek putting up the f***ing price of the f***ing tickets! And at least they are putting their money where their mouths are, unlike this mug sitting here, writing this.

For some unknown reason after speaking to my West Ham mates I had a moment of clarity as I found it very difficult to explain to my other half that I was planning on leaving her alone indoors, so I could go and walk around with a sour puss on my face, a black scarf around my neck and very possibly end up booing my own players, something I swore I would never ever do again. I thought to myself... "Why waste a lovely Sunday afternoon off from work on those bunch of muppets that are masquerading as professional footballers and their inept buffoon of a manager, when I have a beautiful woman at home and no pesky kids to get in our way?" So Instead I decided to give my two season tickets to some younger family members who rarely get to attend matches and my father, a Gooner with over 40 years of going to games, did the same with his two club level seats.

We thought... "Why not let the young boys and girls go to the game? They'll enjoy it much more than we will." It was the only home match that we failed to attend all season, but I'm sorry Gooners, I'm not a masochist, I saw what was coming and I couldn't put myself through the ordeal of watching yet another lacklustre display all over again. I truly and honestly felt that if I attended I could not trust myself not to boo my own players, such is the disappointment, sadness, anger and frustration I feel at our annual end of season collapse. It just gets worse for me every year and I'm sure that it was no picnic for any of you either to hear the news that Arsenal F.C. were putting up the cost a season ticket. But, I ask you, was booing our own team off of the field at half time really the right thing to do? And how did it make us look?

The dilemma that all Gooners are now facing is a very worrying one indeed. Our decision to send our very own (or our sister’s) children to go and watch Arsenal at home could actually traumatise them, or could even see us all given a written warning by child protection services for exposing them to such horrifying displays every week.

Darren Bent was wonderful while Arsenal on the other hand were woeful. I know this because I am still enough of a masochist for the Arsenal to have sat down and watched the entire 90 minute horror show, which I now cannot wait to delete from both my hard drive and my own memory.

Two goals down at home, within 15 minutes of kick off against a side that has been struggling all year made for a nightmarish start to the final home game of the season. Darren Bent must have thought that all of his birthdays and Christmases had come at once against an Arsenal side that looked bereft of desire, energy, commitment and ideas. Yes, I admit that Bent took his goals exceptionally well but Arsenal defended very poorly indeed. The hapless Squillaci played Bent onside for his first goal while a Vermaelen slip and poor positional play from Sagna opened the door for Bent to help himself to a second. As good as Villa and Bent were at times, you couldn't help but think that Arsenal should not be 2-0 down at home inside a quarter of an hour against a mid-table team. If Arsenal could just keep more clean sheets they would be looking at all the goals that Van Persie keeps managing to score as winning goals rather than consolation ones.

The only positive to have come out of the Villa game apart from Van Persie's continuing hot streak in front of goal was when the fans started to jeer and laugh as the clearly fiddled "attendance” figures were announced over the P.A. system while the television cameras panned over rows and rows of empty seats. I know that we all know that it's not really the attendance figure and it's actually "sold seats" but it still was funny, wasn't it? That's when I had a tiny little bit of regret that I didn't bother my Arse to turn up. When the chants of "Six per cent? You're having a laugh" started to ring around the stadium I really regretted not making the effort. That was hilarious and conveyed the feelings of the fans perfectly so I take my hat off to you boys and girls for that one. Well done to you all.

If Wenger thinks that his current squad will finish in the top four next season without major surgery he is mistaken and if Kroenke thinks that Ashburton Grove will still be hosting 60,000 guests without Champions League football he could be mistaken too.

Villa beat us fair and square, as did Stoke last week and there is very little point in my going over Arsenal's well publicised problems. As Lee Dixon said on MOTD2, "Ignore the Arsenal defending as I'm not going to go into it anymore than I already have for the last few weeks!" and Mark Lawrenson really hit the nail on the head when he said "I think that one or two players were already on the beach. Listen, it's not a secret, everybody knows what Arsenal need. Absolutely everybody knows. Until the manager addresses that in the summer it's going to be the same old, same old, same old". Not just my opinion this time folks, it's the professional diagnoses of two men with doctorates in defending from the school of hard knocks.

Darren, Darren, Darren. You have the cheek to call yourself a Gooner? Funny way you have of showing it there pal. Do you think that you could find it in your heart to maybe, just maybe, you know... STOP SCORING AGAINST US!? Every time this man plays against us he seems to find a way to score and our manager should be thinking of making a bid for either him or someone like him. We can't just keep depending on our reliant Robin to score all of our goals because, as fantastic as he is, he has a terrible accident history and service record.

It has really come to something when Arsenal fans are looking at Stoke defenders and Aston Villa strikers and saying how we'd love to have them in our squad - like it's some far off pipe dream for us to have Robert Huth or Darren Bent in our squad! Have we really fallen that far?

Time to splash the cash then Mr. Kroenke or you might find your stadium profits dwindle while the attendance figures become harder to fiddle as the Arsenal fans slowly wake up to the fact that they are being diddled.

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  1. nugs

    May 18, 2011, 20:04 #7148

    @mark got to agree about getting everyone onside so we can move forward but i know its hard to believe but there is still a large chunk of our support who actually believe wenger is doing a great job???????????????, hopefully they will start pulling their heads out of their arses sooner rather than later.

  2. Ronster

    May 18, 2011, 18:25 #7143

    Villan...of course you'll be a far better judge of O'Neill's managerial nous.His name does stand out however from the others mentioned in the previous post.He's achieved some degree of success wherever he's managed. Villa threatened to break into the top four and your defence at one stage was a clean sheet machine something we have desperately lacked.We were used to George Graham latterly grinding out 1-0 scorelines and delivering the silverware,although admittedly now redundant as far as winning trophies is concerned unless you have a squad like the grinder Mourinho assembled at Inter.Also remember we have had centre forward Bendtner playing on the wing! I said worth a punt...would certainly kick some ass as Wenger's number two but we know that would never happen. His Villa teams did run out of steam....was that a lack of ambition on the board's part...was he as miserly as Wenger with the transfer funds? It's a name I threw into the pot and despite not having followed him closely a name that could threaten to come good given the right circumstances. Regards for next season and wish we had your European Cup!

  3. Villan

    May 18, 2011, 15:16 #7132

    Ronster - Post 7771. First of all Villa finished 2nd in the Premier League in 1993. Secondly, ARE YOU SERIOUS, Martin O'Neill! You must be crazy. Do you like the way Villa played under him? Using the same eleven players every week to grind your way to wins then collapsing in February because the players are knackered. Do you like seeing midfield players at full-back and centre forwards on the wing? Set piece goals, and very few others, are what you enjoy are they? Get real, going from Wenger to O'Neill would be like trading in your Rolls Royce for a Rover. Snap out of it.

  4. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 18, 2011, 14:20 #7129

    Mandydodd- you are not alone in thinking that Arsenal do get a lot of decisions that go against them in comparison to Man utd. As I wrote in my piece back in march called question time there should be an independent investigation into the matter. In the meantime Arsenal must change the things that they have the power to change, like their defending and goal threat! We can't hide behind excuses because even back when we had points deducted and the world was against us we still won trophies! It is not impossible to overtake Man utd even if they do appear to get some great help at times from Referees. Sharaxixi- thanks for the comment. We should all try to tell it like it is. Not how we would like it to be!

  5. SharaXlxl

    May 18, 2011, 10:12 #7110

    Loved the honesty of this piece.

  6. Ronster

    May 18, 2011, 9:35 #7108 you script Wenger's post match comments? Notwithstanding poor decisions made by referees and linesmen,I don't need to remind the Gooner faithful why we really dropped points in the games you mention. Martin O'Neill? He'd be worth a punt...he'd jump at the chance and I recall Villa being serious title contenders a couple of seasons back and that has only happened once (under Graham Taylor)since they won the old first division in 1980. Mandy....only losers make excuses.

  7. Graham Yates

    May 18, 2011, 9:16 #7107

    The common denominator with us & the Irons is the boards of each club. Both dragging their fans to new lows.

  8. Fozzy's mate

    May 18, 2011, 9:13 #7106

    Mandy Dodd - 11 points from 10 league games in what OGL described as the eaisest run in for years a few weeks ago. This and our dire defending and turgid "attacking" during this period speaks for itself. Yes we have been on the end of some dodgy decisions but like some of us did 3 years ago and the majority have now, open your eyes. You cannot balme everything on somebody else. That is one of the reasons why the attack on wenger has been so sustained, the ridiculous excuses and pronouncements of spirit and mental strength, when the oopposite is clear. Time for us all to move on from this putrid period and our "white hanky moment" of Sunday.

  9. GunnerZim

    May 18, 2011, 7:23 #7105

    You make good points Mandy Dodd. I think at times in our eagerness to attack Wenger and the players we ignore the fact that we are regularly on the receiving end of some pretty poor refering decisions. Those type of decisions that would never go against ManU.In that respect I think our players are way too soft with the officials. We need more of them in the ref's face!

  10. nugs

    May 18, 2011, 1:48 #7103

    @mandy dodd i wonder what the table would look like if wenger had instilled some mental strength in the players or more importantly actually worked with our defensive players on the training pitch. yes the refs have been dodgy but not near as dodgy as our defending!

  11. Mandy dodd

    May 17, 2011, 23:52 #7102

    All this is all very well but why is there never anything on this site about the points lost to dodgy refs Sunderland twice , spurs, Newcastle, Wigan, Liverpool, villa last weekend, barca away, to name but a few. Yes you can blame wenger, the defence or whatever but does nobody on this site realise something else going on here? Compare the decisions we get with those of utd, especially the likes of Teflon vidic. Does nobody question this or is it just too easy to blame eboue, denilson, wenger. This team have their faults but they have not been helped by ref decisions. I wonder what the table would look like if correct decisions had been applied to arsenal and utd? As for the anti wenger brigade, maybe all this abuse could make wenger walk. You may get your wish, wenger replaced by martin oneil, motes, coyle, o Leary Adams. Guess that is what you want as Jose and pepe are not in the equation?

  12. Theo's Underpants Designer

    May 17, 2011, 20:46 #7097

    Talk about living up to the stereo-type!!! You just won't admit it, will you Mandy Dodd? No matter how bad the players and team perform, there's always someone else to blame eh? Arsene, Ivan and Stan must love you.

  13. nugs

    May 17, 2011, 19:23 #7095

    maybe you should explain to your muggy whammer m8s that a lot of the people on that march were the same people that 20/30 yrs ago were travelling to leeds or some other northern outpost to stand on an open terrace in the pissing rain with 300 other loyal fans. Lets see how they react when there paying thru the nose to watch a pile of ****e in their new souless bowl of a ground.

  14. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 17, 2011, 18:18 #7091

    Villan- No disrespect intended but Arsenal have been qualifying for the Champions leaugue for what seems like an eternity and still you have a striker that I can only dream of seeing in an Arsenal shirt! AJ- no i was being deadly serious. Harold- yes, upon reflection I am ashamed of myself that I didn't show enough solidarity with my fellow Gooners and give an hour of my time. you are right.

  15. Mandy dodd

    May 17, 2011, 17:33 #7085

    Interesting piece. No top team should defend like that but no top team should be refereed by a biased muppet like that either, and not for the first time this season. As for any that did boo the players on their lap, were your boos really justified against the likes of jack, vp, chesney?

  16. Villan

    May 17, 2011, 15:54 #7071

    A surprising realistic assessment of the current Arsenal situation. Wenger is a genius but like most genius' (is that genii?) he sometimes has only a nodding acquaintance with reality. Did he really say the present squad is his most talented? As if! Like all (most) Arsenal fans, he and you, think are more than you actually are. The line about not believing you'd actually love to have a Villa striker in your squad sums up your superiority complex. Villa have a great striker because we paid the cash (anyone can do it) for him. Maybe you lot just can't afford him but Wenger is too proud to say? Well, we could afford him and we'll be affording a few more players like him while you lot prove that potential is no match for actual. And by the time Wenger realises his young lads aren't up to it, the clubs you are competing against will have bought and sold better players, had their use out of them and finished better than Arsenal. Next season watch out because Spuds will be back and so will Villa, Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Manure. If you don't buy you won't finish fourth. Which is shame because there is nothing better than watching a Wenger team play football the way it is supposed to be played. I just think all that might be a thing of the past.

  17. AvenellRd

    May 17, 2011, 15:38 #7070

    Perhaps then we shall wait untill Wenger gets us relegated, before we have a moan? Or perhaps writer of this article should go and support West Ham if he thinks it would cheer him up? Or perhaps he should have never considered comparing Arsenal to West Ham.

  18. Chris

    May 17, 2011, 15:17 #7066

    Spot on, particularly in pointing out that Sunday just wasn't fun. It could possibly be the most unenjoyable Arsenal game I've been to. I didn't boo at half time, and my friend and I tried on several occasions in vain to get some noise going in the East stand, but that's not the place for it. (To be fair, from my spot on the half-way line, it looked like the Clock End outsung blocks 4-7. Fair play to them!) I also stayed behind to see the players round, but the looks on their faces, combined with the result, the march and real raw discontent around the place the entire game all combined to make a pretty unpleasant Sunday afternoon, one which I really don't want to experience again. I don't want to sit in the East stand again either - at least not with the up themselves, whinge-from-the-word-go-like-a-6-year-old grown men I had the misfortune of sharing earshot with.

  19. Theo's Underpants Designer

    May 17, 2011, 14:50 #7064

    Next time Joe try telling your West ham mates that if you can't whinge about what's going on at arsenal, there's no point getting them pissed off with relegation to the Coca Cola Championship because they could be Sheff Utd, Sheff. Wednesday or other teams that have had a 'worse' season then even the Hammers!!! The truth is as fans we all look at it from a personal perspective and we care more about our club's woes - even if it's only a sense of 'underachieving' - than we do about the plight of other clubs, despite our fate being worse than theirs only in a partisan and superficial way.

  20. Alfi

    May 17, 2011, 14:43 #7063

    In my opinion, one of the reason that push AW to build his policy is the exemplarity. He wanted to show that a club with a self-subtantional strategy can be successful. As we see now, it's a failure. Personnaly, I thing that no one big club will copy this policy with the risk of winning nothing for some years. Legendary clubs like Real Madrid or AC Milan can't afford to try that in long terms. It's the reality. Anyway, it will be desastrous that Arsenal who fought a lot in the past fifties to transform his game philosophy and being among the eight top contenders in the champions league (even they never won) most of the years to go back like that and be pushed out of the top 4. I'm an Arsenal fan and I wish the best for this club anyway. This club has a lot to prove in the C1 and the league. They're not so far away from Man U in the silverware table and they could reach the dream to be the successful team in homeland (the cesc/wilshere generation among other). They just have to recognize some limitation and problems. The club has to show a little bit humility and compassion to whose supported the past few seasons by paying sometimes very expensive tickets to support the team. So, this significant price increase is disproportionate especially for a club who has no results (trophies is the only one balance). The players choice may be critized also. They're is to much disparity of skills between players. A Chamakh can't be compared with Van Persie. Look at the stats ! It's seems that the economical factor is the main ****eter in the choice of signing. Chamakh, Squillaci and more skills are not in line with the club ambition. It's abvious ! Does Arsenal is an intermediate club to deal with that kind of signing ? I want to believe that AW and the board learnt the lessons of all that frustrations and prepare the future as well as it could be.

  21. Gman

    May 17, 2011, 14:14 #7060

    In Wenger’s weekly email bulletin he says” I believe we gave very cheap goals away and at half time I took off Squillaci because we had to take a gamble, we had to score two goals. Because Villa closed us down we were forced to play out from the back and we needed somebody - a midfielder - at the back” which roughly translates to” I made a total f—k up picking Squillac , in fact I was a stupid c—t in the first place buying him , and I didn’t want us to concede another goal, I completely got my team selection wrong as well as my tactics”

  22. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    May 17, 2011, 14:03 #7056

    Oh for a Lee Dixon and a Mark Lawrenson in our defence - even now as they couldn't be any worse than what we have. I was at the game and resisted the (very strong) urge to boo at the final whistle. I suppose this was because although the entire planet (except one individual, apparently) can see our deficiencies, ultimately the buck stops with the manager and I didn't want any criticism coming from my mouth to be confused with being directed solely towards the players - afterall, it's not totally their fault that although being rubbish, they're still allowed to put on the Arsenal shirt. I for one would happily trouser silly thousands a week for not being asked to do much in return and I guess our 'best squad ever' are not much different. No, I want my ire directed against Wenger only. I don't have a ticket for the Fulham match, but I understand an anti-Wenger march is (or is being) arranged? Now, where did I put that bus timetable for SW6?

  23. Harold

    May 17, 2011, 13:56 #7055

    Difference between West Ham and Arsenal is that their owners actually put money into the club while ours just use the clubs shares to make money for themselves. No-one on the march looked like a plastic manc, just passionate fans who don't like being taken for a ride. Shame on the fans who knew about it but didn't show.

  24. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 17, 2011, 13:17 #7048

    AJ- I was being deadly serious about wanting Huth and Bent. I just find it sad that we wish to have Stoke defenders and aston villa strikers in our team, we should have better players than them! Hughesy24- I know, you're right. I'm just really torn as to wether I can protest against my top 4 side while other teams have it so much worse than us right now. Then again, not sure I'm happy about paying the best part of £2500 to renew the tickets next year either.

  25. Alan

    May 17, 2011, 13:13 #7046

    We have been done 'over' the top all season - without TV we are awful at the back. Need to sign a CENTRAL DEFENDER - not another second rate fanny merchant. I love good football but that includes quality defending. Stepanovs, Cygan, Senderos, Squillaci. These players and there are others have NEVER been good enough! One thing - frustrated yes, angry very and I understand why but we shouldn't no matter what boo our team. So it was tactical at half time to take Squillaci off and put Song into the back four so he could step into midfield and give us an extra man as villa were only playing one up front. I could have told AW that they nwould play one up front the minute Villa signed Darren Bent. Why then did it take AW until half time to work that out. Mourhino would have made that substitution after twenty minutes. Come on Arsene sort it out.

  26. Joe

    May 17, 2011, 13:12 #7045

    I agree with what you say except that i don't believe Villa beat us fair and square the referee played a big part in our defeat, the penalty decision, the disallowed goal, richard dunne should have been sent off , petrov(sp) , should have gone also and what about the free kick given to Villa for the Van Persie brilliance of spinning Dunne.We played atrocious for the first 20 mins but were outstanding the restm with a bit of luck and a competent referee we would ahve won the game and the naysayers would have had nothing to say afterwards. That said, there needs to be something done at the club and soon because like a lot of people my patience is running out with Wenger and if the obvious problems aren't solved over the summer then i think it will be time for him to go and let someone else drive us forward.

  27. Richard Ansell

    May 17, 2011, 12:45 #7039

    I agree with your sentiments Joe. I am sure the AKBs will point to another top four finish and, as you said in your article, that fans of teams like Westham have plenty more to moan about than us. I know this too but it makes no difference to me as I can not stomach any more of Wenger, his half-baked ideas, his ridiculous post match comments, his lack of investment in quality players, his continual backing of players that Fergie would have shipped out ages ago, his insistance on playing Bendtner out wide (I am no fan of his - but give him a chance for christ's sake) and of course the fact that he is happy to be second best for the next 20 years. Apart from all that he is doing a great job! He can not rest on his laurels any longer - but of course our spineless, money grabbing board will ensure he continues to torture us for years to come. I have supported Arsenal through thick and thin over many years and yes of course times have been much, much worse than this. Throughout it all I remained positive until now. Wenger has produced a bunch of powder-puff, overpaid, under-achieving losers and has presided over it all with breath-taking arrogance. This is what I can not stand any longer and am praying something will happen to give this squad of players the shake up they need. Rant over!

  28. Lewis

    May 17, 2011, 12:21 #7034

    West ham pay 1310 for there tickets yeh. Didn't think so

  29. AJ

    May 17, 2011, 12:08 #7030

    I'm not sure if that last bit about Huth and Bent was a dig at them or not. But if Arsenal had those two, players that do their job far better than the current Arsenal equivalent you might well have won the league. The problem is, maybe you look down your nose on those sort of player for some unknown reason. Maybe because the press don't declare them superstars you think you're too good for the likes of them. And that's the problem. Round pegs in round holes!. That's what's needed not fancy players that are all glamour and no gumption.

  30. Mark

    May 17, 2011, 11:53 #7028

    Squillaci didnt just play Bent onside he also stared at the ball as it went over his head leaving Bent about 5 minutes to control it and place it past the keeper - it was hackney marshes standard defending and we made Villa look alot better than they actually are. Our current form is relegation level as is the aura around the club and that is because the penny is dropping one by one with most gooners just how self-indulgent Arsene has been with the great AFC. he has taken it over, ripped up its past culture of ''hard to beat - great defence'' and turned us into a nanby pamby 2nd rate french team hence most teams with some steel in them can knock todays arsenal side for 6 very easily. its sad very sad but until we convince the vast majority of thats actually reality we wont be able to move forward

  31. bunch

    May 17, 2011, 11:51 #7027

    Good post mate. I booed, but my boos were more for the manager than the players, although there are very few of them I have any admiration or hope for.

  32. Jimbo

    May 17, 2011, 11:20 #7025

    Jimbo - the rather obvious difference between Arsenal and West Ham (or at least one of many), is that Avram Grant has paid the price for West Ham's failure. Who pays the price when Arsenal miss their ****ives? The players? Nope - new contracts all round. The manager? Nope. The board? Nope. Apparently, it's just us fans, who get charged that little bit more to watch this ****.

  33. GunnerZim

    May 17, 2011, 11:09 #7024

    Cant disagree with anything you have said here mate.

  34. Hughsey24

    May 17, 2011, 10:57 #7022

    They dont pay 1400 for a season ticket either! 7 quid for a buger and 4 quid a pint!