Another Wasted Chance

Sleepwalking towards mediocrity

Another Wasted Chance

Time for a change of staff?

I have two daughters. The eldest one has a decent brain, but she also has an intense drive which has made her a straight A student. My younger daughter has an excellent brain, but only wants to do just enough. She also gets A's, but only when she can be bothered.

Unfortunately, Arsenal are now like my younger daughter - achieving occasional A's, but lacking the drive to push on to be top of the class. In three of the last four seasons, we have come up short at the business end of the season and I cannot see this changing unless players with the experience and a winning mentality are brought in to the club.

I am expecting another disappointing summer after I heard Arsene say that we do not require major changes to the squad. That would be true if finishing third or fourth were our only concern, but it is way short of what is required if we are to return to winning trophies. The biggest change has to come in the attitude and belief, but I don't believe that will happen without a change to the back room staff. We are crying out for a dedicated defensive coach to drill the team, so that the basics become second nature to them. We cannot continue to concede goals like the ones we did at Stoke where schoolboy defending once again contributed to our downfall. Also, 56% of the goals we have conceded this season have come from set pieces - the highest percentage in the Premier League. That really isn't good enough!

Under George Graham, the team believed that if we went one up that the game was over. I cannot imagine the current team have that belief even when we are two or three up. I certainly don't! Arsene has got to wake up and admit that it is our defence that is costing us every time. His blind spot for goalkeepers has become laughable. Goalkeeping errors have cost us several points again this season, points that could have seen us still challenging for the title now. Szczesny has done a decent job but even he has made mistakes, most notably the one at Wembley. We need to sign an experienced keeper like Buffon, who is out of contract this summer and play for the next two seasons with Szczesny as understudy. This will give Szczesny time to mature.

Another failing this season was Arsene not following through with his vow to get central defensive cover in the January window. The bottom line is that our central defenders have just not performed well enough this season. Each one of them has put in an occasional good performance, but the mistake ratio is far too high as witnessed again this weekend. The first goal was another disaster from a set piece. The second saw Pennant run without challenge from the half way line and only being closed down when it was too late. Djourou's contribution to the third was an embarrassment.

We are seriously lacking height in the squad and I don't think our weakness at set pieces is a coincidence. Organisation is also very important and there seems to be very little of that. It's great news that TV is now fit, but we must invest in a top quality partner for him with a big ball winning monster a priority. Djourou and Koscielny would then be warming the bench, which given their performance levels this year is about right.

Midfield is another area where we appear to have an abundance of riches, but the players have again failed to see their good early season carried on to the end of the season: Nasri had an excellent season up until the new year where he has hit the buffers. Cesc has been his brilliant best far less often this season and has missed far too many games. Alex Song has been hit and miss, but this is probably because he has been playing with an injury. Arshavin has done little to appease the fans and I'm not sure many will shed many tears if he leaves. Diaby continues to frustrate, he has obvious ability, but is one of the main culprits who disappears when the going gets tough. Theo is the one that frustrates me the most. At times he looks like a world beater, but too often his good work is ruined by his lack of end product. A special mention has to go to Jack Wilshere, who has been immense this season. He has played with a passion that shames the rest of the team. If his commitment were matched by the rest of the team, we would be home and hosed in the league by now.

As for the rest: Denilson and Eboue should be gone but with Arsene's loyalty probably won't be. Ramsey will be an asset next season with a full summer under his belt and I am sure Frimpong will play a major part in the squad next season.

We also appear to be short up front. We only have one top quality striker and he is injured far too easily. Chamakh faded badly after a good start. Vela is not strong enough to succeed in the PL and Bendtner is nowhere near good enough, but to be fair to him, he is also not a right winger which is where he has played most of this season. I think Gilles Sunu will become a regular first teamer next season, but we will need to off load the dead wood and bring in a proven goal scorer.

My guess would be that Arsene will look to shift Rosicky, Almunia, and Vela with two or three new faces that none of us have ever heard of coming in. This will not be sufficient to take us the final step next season. I would like to see the aforementioned three joined by Eboue, Bendtner, and Denilson through the exit door. Then we would have the funds for the addition of four experienced players right through the spine of the team (i.e. - a keeper, a centre half, a central midfielder and a 20 goal a season striker). With those additions, I think we could finally end our trophy drought. Anything short of this will almost certainly involve me having the same arduous task of dissecting another fruitless season next year.

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  1. Ronster

    May 19, 2011, 20:22 #7212

    Fair play to you Mandy....if the Arsenal back four were as unflinching as you we would have walked the league this year!

  2. Mandy dodd

    May 19, 2011, 17:33 #7199

    Theos I am not blind to the faults and failings of this team, things need addressing however a full analysis of the season would suggest we are not on a level playing field with some because of this bias. This must play on the minds of players. Yes I think a bit more experience and a streetwise attitude could help. I am not sure the likes of kos were too aware of dealing with say a Howard Webb at ot, or dowd at Newcastle. Many suggested we need a vieira type player fine by me but can you imagine many of these refs leaving him on the pitch if the likes of song cannot get through the first few mins without a booking? Perhaps we need vidic! Wenger needs to sort a few things, we need more experience and some need to toughen up but do not ignore what has been going on with the officiating, it happens to this team far too often just to say that some go for you and some against.

  3. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 19, 2011, 16:20 #7195

    "Sh*tner"...classic. Very puerile and juvenile but made me laugh out loud all the same...

  4. Theo's Underpants Designer

    May 19, 2011, 15:09 #7193

    Mandy, it's simple: some decisions go for you and some go against. That's human nature However, as others have already pointed out, how comes this apparent 'anti-Arsenal' bias by refs never stopped previous teams winning? Perhaps it's down to the fact that those older guys were men and weren't as lacking in spirit and mental strength as the current bunch of imposters? And maybe the reason these boys don't have those characteristics is down to how much Wenger pampers and makes excuses for them - much like you and the other AKB's? Sorry but this 'conspiracy theory' of yours is slowly resembling a Carry On Films: "Infamy!! Infamy!! They've all got it in for me!"

  5. Mandy Dodd

    May 19, 2011, 12:53 #7183

    Never mind me, what are your opinions on the biased officiating that exists in the EPL Theos Undergarment Designer?

  6. jjetplane

    May 19, 2011, 12:05 #7179

    If the economics prof watches fussball 24/7 - whats he looking for? certainly not what George Graham used to keep his eyes on. Why dont they just give Wenger a financial bit part and be done with it! maybe we could get back to our original purpose - trying to bury the opposition. Mind you, the shock might just be too euphoric for some!

  7. Theo's Underpants Designer

    May 19, 2011, 11:31 #7176

    "You all know I'm correct on this matter." Was that an Arsene Wenger comment? No, but one could understand why it might be presumed so. Mandy Dodd - learning from the master, I see.

  8. Sheriff

    May 19, 2011, 9:09 #7161

    I agree with everything apart from the Roger Chesney part..Hes only made one mistake which was at Wembley but apart from that, hes been solid, so no need for an experienced number 1, what we need is a very vocal GK coach like Lehman. Also to me Vela need to stay only if we give up our 4-3-3 or at least play him on the right of the front 3 ahead of sh*tner...

  9. HowardL

    May 19, 2011, 8:37 #7159

    I agree with Mandy in that biased refereeing decisions cannot be left out of the mix but whilst the lack of team spirit might reflect this our previous teams overcame such adversity. The 50 red cards - many for retaliation to bullying - didn't stop us. But going from the bottom of the Fair Play League to the top to me reflects a lack of fight. If this team had sufficient 'spirit' and 'mental strength' the anti-Arsenal refereeing bias would ensure we were bottom of any such 'Fair Play' initiatives.

  10. Mick Appleton

    May 19, 2011, 7:32 #7156

    John, I agree that our midfield do not help the defence but 56% of our goals come from set pieces the blame for that is with the defence. As I stated the diminutive statue of our team does not help but it is also not helped by the midfield getting too far ahead of the ball. I agree that Theo doesn't often have anyone to cross to but he still runs down blind alleys & rarely hits the target when the chances presents itself. If we play 4-4-2 Theo might be the best player to put with RVP as his pace would give us a ball over the top option. I would rather have Cesc than Jack in that role as his goal scoring is far better but we may not have the choice come next season. I don't think Vela will ever make it in this country, I think regardless of the Mexico situation most people would say Hernadez was a better player.After watching the Huddersfield game last night I also think Benik Afobe is a better bet, he's strong, has a good touch & is a good header of the ball, only time will tell.

  11. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 19, 2011, 7:27 #7155

    nice piece. Where did you find that picture? it's quality!!!

  12. Mike Somen

    May 19, 2011, 5:56 #7153

    The solution lies with the Board. Arsene Wenger has been a wonderful Manager but,sadly, has now reached his sell by date. He cant or wont chane, the fans and the players cannot influence him. Only the Board can and the Board, rightly or wrongly, seems to be frightened of him. Their duty however is to the whole club, not the individual and until they realise this we will continue to play beautiful football, field players who dont seem to care, and continue to slide into mediocrity.

  13. Mandy dodd

    May 19, 2011, 0:55 #7152

    Aided by at the very best biased officials. Refs have cost arsenal many points this season, and gained utd a few as well. Yes our defence can be ****e but they do not have the Teflon qualities of vidic and they know it. By all means, voice frustration at this teams failings but just do the same with the officials that deal with our matches, you all know I am correct on this matter. This team have their faults but more should be made on the decisions against them. If utd or Chelsea were on the end of such consistently bad decisions I am sure their club and fans would be a bit more vocal than arsenal fans seem to be. Refereeing bias in the premier league, the elephant in the room even with those on the receiving end?

  14. frenchchloe

    May 19, 2011, 0:12 #7151

    Character, experience, leadership ... spine. i cant be bothered to look back, but its possible that our spine in a game this season would have been ; Chesney, Kos, Song, Chamakh. Plenty of talent, but very low on the 3 characteristics mentioned earlier .. dont throw all our players out, just add some backbone - and a new captain then lets see where we are

  15. muzzlejuice

    May 18, 2011, 20:09 #7149

    O you hit the nail right on the head ,this summer just like previous we will wait fingers crossed for the blue ribbon preimum signings to arrive deadline will pass and the under performing dross ,i wont bother to name we all know who they are,we still be here not prepared to put any extra effort whatsoever safe in the knowledge that they are safe to continue riding the easiest gravy train going that is arsenal football club.I dont know what the chances are of the boss having a complete rethink of team and tactics during the summer and starting to address the problems that all apart from himself can see but i have to continue to believe that there is some hope because if you take hope away then things really do become pointless.

  16. Ando

    May 18, 2011, 19:24 #7146

    Small opinion about the theo/winger comments below/above. Wengerball does not promote the traditional properties of wing play.I am as frustrated as anyone by the boy as all I want to see is him knocking the ball past a defender and him taking him on, on the outside, and delivering a cross afterwards. But whats the point of him delivering a cross to one of the opponents defenders? we won't have anyone looking to get on the end of it!!! if we did it would be a midget with no chance of getting his head on it. When he is not in the team, its the same result from the flanks, what particularly sticks in my mind is the Manure away game in the league.They were there for the taking, we all know that, but my lasting memory is that of Samir nasri (who I really do not want to criticise)always (and I mean always) coming inside of Patrice Evra and NEVER taking the hard option of the outside. For the full back this is easy to defend and so always predictable, like the tippy tappy crap we have been forcefed this season, opponents are wise to our shortcomings offensively, with our defence, the result is all to plain to see.Mediocrity. We are fortunate to end up 4Th this year, from what I have seen since the cup final, we will be lucky to qualify for next seasons CL. The only saving grace is that we will be seeded for the play off game, make the most of your good fortune Mr Wenger.

  17. John

    May 18, 2011, 18:29 #7144

    Pennants run without challenge from the half way line is clearly not a fault with the defence rather the midfield, who are the real reason our defence is so crap. No one tracks back, or shields, and they pretty much leave the defending down to the defence, which doesn't work. This defiecency isn't even balanced out with more goals, our midfield is completely unbalanced with players who are all naturally inclined to play on the edge of the opposition box, with none comfortable either playing outside ours or inside theirs. this could be helped with a 442 but it also needs new players, in my opinion some one to replace Song is a must, and also i think Fabregas(if he stays) must play deeper with Wilshere further forward as he's a better dribbler in a 433. In a 442, i don't see why Vela could play, he does play that way for Mexico with Hernandez on the bench or Walcott. Any thoughts?

  18. O

    May 18, 2011, 18:22 #7142

    The added complication now is that even if AW does decide to buy it certainly won't happen til we've qualified for the CL. Who's left at that point and for how much, combined with not bedding them in are real issues.

  19. lee armitt

    May 18, 2011, 15:18 #7133

    Gilles Sunu don't make me laugh

  20. john

    May 18, 2011, 14:55 #7131

    Wenger wont change, neither will the f****** players. Parker, what a joke, hes as injury prone as Diaby. Same every year, this signing , that signing. high expectations and we forget how bad it really was this season, and in August, we are going to win the league and a few trophies. Bollocks. We need AW to go and i dont care what it takes for this to happen.Finishing 5th, losing CL qual… whatever it takes. WENGER OUT. PERIOD

  21. Mark

    May 18, 2011, 14:53 #7130

    dear gooner ron - i do genuinely think our league place for most of the year flattered us. we won at city and we beat chelsea at home. city had 10 men after 5 mins and we caught chelsea at the perfect time but we have never really been consistant from day one and we lost and drew more games this season in all competitions than any other aw season.

  22. CD

    May 18, 2011, 12:45 #7124

    We can all agree on this Mick, as it's what a lot of us have been saying for years now. The problem as ever is with Wenger remaining in charge, little if anything will change. If you want a change of direction be it the make up of players, tactics or new coaching staff (especially defensive) their is only one way to get this. I know it's stating the obvious, but until Wenger is relieved of his duties, we all will continue to suck lemons and pull our collective hair out watching this team! My worst fear is that Wenger does indeed decide to change tact, and spends big money in this tranfer market, because I just know he will simply buy more clones of what we already have in abundance! Then any possible future manager coming in will have his hands tied, by even more players on long term contracts whom are not the type of players required. Better to bite the bullet now, and give the money to someone else with fresh ideas, who is not emotionally attached to this project and will be subjective, rather than maintain loyalty to players whom have shown they dont deserve Wenger's or anybody else's trust. Having said that a new manager could I am sure get more out of these players, by playing them all in their correct positions, and by spending hours on the training pitch working on defensive drills, and to not play sideways tippy tappy dont shoot football!!

  23. Richard Ansell

    May 18, 2011, 12:41 #7123

    Agree with all your points Mick, and hope that Wenger at least addresses some of them. My guess is that again he will not do enough to make a real difference. He will not be spending money on proven quality as that is not fair to his pet project players and we can't go upsetting them can we? I expect we will see one or two more signings from the lower reaches of the French league and no doubt he will keep the excellent Denilson, Eboue and the rest as AW knows so much more than us mere fans. God I sound bitter but AW drives me mad.

  24. GD

    May 18, 2011, 12:32 #7121

    We also need a proper left winger. We have walcott on the right but the left is way too narrow at times because Nasri and Arshavin always want to cut in

  25. GoonerRon

    May 18, 2011, 12:31 #7120

    Mark - I can't agree that we 'scraped 4th place' this year. Now I don't have a league table for every week of the season but I'd imagine we have been in the top 4 for the vast majority of it. As for us being lucky because of Chelsea this, Man City that - it works both ways - surely Chelsea and Man City are lucky to sit in 2nd and 3rd place because of our poor form in the past few months?

  26. Graham Yates

    May 18, 2011, 12:14 #7117

    I am aping Simon Rose's words when I agree that 433 is nonsensical when 442 with our current average squad would reap some return. This of course along with all you have said above Mick would make us a force once more.

  27. Pacman

    May 18, 2011, 12:01 #7116

    We need a winger who is good in the 1 vs 1 as much as we need the CD, CM and the striker.. Theo has to go back to be a sub!

  28. Albert

    May 18, 2011, 11:52 #7115

    chamakh is very good, please let him time, give him more chance to participate. I beleive on him. He could be the best stiker of Arsenal. He has a lot of qualities.

  29. Mark

    May 18, 2011, 11:30 #7114

    i have lost the will to live in terms of following arsenal right now. we are all crazy with anger and cannot believe what has happened to our great club. if the season was 1 month longer we would be mid table and perhaps thats reality. we were lucky this year as chelsea stuttered, man city are still new and liverpool had the wrong manager. we scraped 4th place if we are all honest and the writing was on the wall 1st game away at liverpool where we should have lost 3-0

  30. Danish Gooner

    May 18, 2011, 11:29 #7113

    He needs speed in his team and wingers and complete different tactics when playing against defensive opponents.There is a mountain to climb and he wont do it.We will come 5th or 6th next year.Liverpool will overtake us and maybe God forbid even the spuds.

  31. Dan

    May 18, 2011, 10:50 #7112

    all this speculation is so repeatative, let's hope the club acts swiftly this summer with the new signings and player sales. Until then we'll all drive each other mad talking and debating about it! : )