The Black Scarf March

Great idea but clearer strategy needed

The Black Scarf March

BSM: Well meaning but misguided?

I was at the march last Sunday, and while I enjoyed being among kindred spirits a quick glance round suggested there were probably no more than about a couple of hundred or so, which is hardly going to register more than a shrug of the shoulder from the powers that be at Arsenal.

If we are to stand a chance of being a force for change we have to move the argument beyond vague statements about "getting greed out of football". That ship has sailed. It started to sail long before the E******s was a twinkle in Danny Fiszman's eye. The beginning of the end was when the social engineers at Arsenal (led by David Dein) rode eagerly on the coat-tails of the post-Hillsborough Taylor Report, knocked down the North Bank and introduced a Bond Scheme to finance the soulless all-seater that replaced it.

What we loved and treasured about football was well on the way to going before the move to the new stadium, but it was largely masked by the wonderful achievements of the last great Arsenal teams from 1997-2004. Although Arsenal was more than compliant with the changes to the fabric of football which slowly but surely alienated so much of its loyal fanbase, in terms of where we are today the board could legitimately claim that these are now wider issues which it is unable to influence. King Canute cannot turn back the tide, even assuming he wanted to.

Where we can legitimately hold our club to account is that, in this new climate where money is king, they are charging wholly unreasonable ticket prices for what they are providing in return. The second part of that clause is absolutely crucial and the Where Has Our Arsenal Gone movement need to grasp it, and grasp it quickly. If we had invested properly in the team, if we had continued to win our share of trophies alongside Man United and Chelsea over the past six seasons, the increases we are now being asked to pay would be more palatable. And what is now beyond question to all except the current manager is that, whether we like it or not, we can only become successful in the world of football today by spending money – serious money - on established top-class players. No more spin about being 'only a couple of players away' - we are short of at least six or seven top quality players to compete with the best.

So, in conclusion, you may not like the game as it has become any more than I do. I would much prefer the days of terraces, real atmosphere before and during the match, regular Saturday 3pm kick-offs, players who cared for the club, first-choice teams fielded in every competition, etc, etc. But we won't get those elements of 'our Arsenal' back, because those ingredients were lost when the game at its highest level sold its soul to television.

The best we can hope for is to get back the Arsenal who are hard-nosed winners, not everybody’s lovable losers. But that can only happen if we are prepared to revolutionalize our approach to building a squad. The bottom line is that the current manager can't, or won't, drive forward that revolution. It is completely alien to his principles. So, to the organisers of the black scarf march, that's the challenge - to focus on what we can achieve through change at our Club, or to continue to punch thin air in opposing what is beyond Arsenal’s control. Let's go for it.

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  1. Big Dave

    May 22, 2011, 21:39 #7331

    And what did the Gooner do ?

  2. Nugs

    May 20, 2011, 18:51 #7269

    @jjb the only ignorance being shown on this thread is from you pal, if you dont agree with the march or what the bsm stand for dont join in simple, and trust me plenty of fans of opposing fans understand what the bsm stand for, only at arsenal would we have fans with your attitude and bob read my last post was not calling you middle class.

  3. Harold

    May 20, 2011, 15:19 #7260

    JJB judging by your attitude and your spelling you must work in the box office!

  4. James

    May 20, 2011, 14:16 #7258

    I agree, the march was poorly executed. Just sounded like a load of braying idiots singing dumb football songs. Needs some brains behind it, and the focus should have been "Wenger Out" - as he's the real problem. The board wouldn't need to sponge of the fans if our idiot manager hadn't ruined the club with this hideously expensive wage bill full of crap players that nobody can afford to take off our hands.

  5. Harold

    May 20, 2011, 9:35 #7238

    JJB you must work for the club to come on here and just slag the march with nothing constructive to say. I thought the numbers were fine for a first try, it got a lot of publicity and as has been said elsewhere they will grow once people see that there are Arsenal fans actually willing to get off their arses and speak out about what has been lost from our club.

  6. JJB

    May 20, 2011, 9:31 #7235

    @nugs - sadly you come across as anoher mindless and ignorant "fan" who is using the march as a why of expressing their dissatisfaction at a poor season. This march is just completely misguided! All teams are putting up their prices, if we had fallen out of the top 4, if the club was in crisis then maybe there are grounds for this type of nonsense but frankly the manager (if you like him or not) has earned another season, as much as you claim its not about the manager! If we are in the same place next season then Ill join your march myself but this "black scarf" movement is not widely supported, it could be 1000 fans and its still a tiny amount! The reason its not well supported is that only a minority of fans agree with you!!! When you want to being a proteset or march is usually a good idea to ensure you have decent support, which is why you actually end up looking foolish and ill supported! The new owner need ot establish his madate for the club and wenger needs to spend, we havnt even finished the season yet! You should read what opposition fans are saying about your little rebellion! "only Arsenal fans" I think is the verbatim at the moment and they are right, our fans are rubbish in the stadium and equally bad at protests!

  7. What was the point in Leaving Highbury?

    May 20, 2011, 9:10 #7233

    The BSM must be starting to make a point as the club have met with them which can only be a good thing. First demo without much publicity at a game a lot of regulars stayed away from I dont think 200 is a bad start. Unfortuantly our club has far too many pricks like JJB who have started watching football instead of going to the theatre. It's about time the true supporters started holding the shambles of a board to account. They are royally taking the piss. Only idiots believe the lies that Wenger and Co now spout.

  8. HowardL

    May 19, 2011, 23:32 #7224

    Bob - I stood on the North Bank and like you opposed the Bond Scheme on principle and refused to buy one. I had a letter printed in The Times about it - so I guess I am middle class. Is that important? I don't think so, more relevant is that AFC's pricing policy seems to risk excluding loyal supporters, so will prove financially non-viable, especially if we start to slip down the table - as looks increasingly likely under the current regime.

  9. JW17

    May 19, 2011, 22:26 #7220

    Ridiculous. My favorite part was the people chanting near the directors box entrance. They were shouting at the people above the entrance, who happened to be club level members enjoying an overpriced buffet. If they took the tour of the stadium, they'd know the directors face in to the pitch. Tools.

  10. nicoman

    May 19, 2011, 22:25 #7219

    Some present gooners do not have the Arsenal way in their blood and do not understand the values and principles that have been compromised in recent years. Its not just about winning its about having the right mentality when you represent the Arsenal.The quality is not there and nor is the mentality so Mr frozenpeas if you think diaby denilson song clichy sagna chamak squillacci to name a few are good enough then there is no hope for you as it is at least these 7 who need replacing......and in case you didnt realise they are proven losers.Oh and try and consider how many other teams have beat manu and chelsea moreover consider how many times have beaten them in the past four years. You just wouldnt nderstand!

  11. Bob

    May 19, 2011, 21:02 #7217

    Nugs Call me wrong if you like, but please don't call me middle class. If you read my article you will see how much I dislike the changes to the game which have alienated the traditional fan. I stood on the Clock End from the age of 10, opposed the Bond Scheme and refused to buy one on principle. I would fully support a return to safe terracing. It is because I very much want the protest movement to be effective that I am urging them to be realistic about what they can achieve where Arsenal are concerned, and to focus their efforts accordingly.

  12. HighburyJD

    May 19, 2011, 20:41 #7215

    So greed should be kicked out of football (maybe the club should subsidise ticket prices to socially re-engineer our fanbase?) AND we should sign six or seven top quality players costing money – serious money - because they are established top-class players and you think somebody ELSE needs a clearer strategy...?

  13. HowardL

    May 19, 2011, 19:56 #7210

    Very much in agreement with the post. Like Bob I dislike the changes in football generally, a world where first Chelski then Citeh can just buy a Champions League place but we won't change that now, so we just need to adopt tactics to counter it with a few sensible buys otherwise we will have a mid-table team - albeit a very expensive one and the jokes will continue at our expense and our Arsenal will be lost for generations.

  14. nugs

    May 19, 2011, 19:49 #7209

    @jjb yeah you would like to think that wouldnt you but its quite clear this movement has a lot more support than were at the march. let face it what they propose would benefit every clear thinking gooner, you come across like one of the many selfish middle class tarquins who plague our club with your im alright jack attitude. i think you will find there will be a hell of a lot more people in attendance at their next meeting.

  15. Aj

    May 19, 2011, 19:44 #7208

    I think this is just the beginning.It might have been only 200 this time but it was a success.One minute 200 are marching and two hours later the whole stadium is chanting against this complacent board.Anything that generates some passion back into the club seems like a good idea to me.

  16. geezypeas

    May 19, 2011, 19:34 #7207

    What a load of rubbish. 6 or 7 players? We beat Chelsea, Man Utd & Barca this season...all three CL semi finalists, 1 2nd and the other 2 champs of their league. We are close and without a large number of injuries to 'key' players and an incredible amount of outragously bad refereeing decisions, I have no doubt we'd have been champs this year. As for ticket prices being linked to sucess, the dumbest notion I've ever come across. Whether you like it or not, you pay for a product and the product is football, for which we are a world reference point of QUALITY. Results and trophies are tangibles that no matter what money you spend on new recruits, the club, manager and players could never guarentee. Youre acting like spoilt brats, be thankful you support a team that has won and will win, countless trophies in your lifetime...and even more thankful that in the years that were not, that you get to watch some of the best football anywhere on the planet...Afterall and like I said earlier, this the only product you pay for.

  17. John Evans

    May 19, 2011, 18:56 #7204

    I couldn't agree more with this article. Concentrate on what you can make a difference on. I personally can only see this movement getting bigger and bigger. People that belittle 200 or so on day one are being very short sighted as 200 on day one can easily grow to 2000 in a years time and 10,000 in 5 years time. Who's to say that this sort of movement will not one day lead to a break away club being formed that could be our version of AFC Wimbledon who by the way are gearing up for professional football possibly as soon as next season. F*ck the money and the greed and to be honest f*ck stupid tippy tappy tactics that get you bullied by the likes of Stoke, Bolton and Chelsea. Time to grow some balls people and to stand up for what you believe in!

  18. nicoman

    May 19, 2011, 18:53 #7203

    Very good post but lets not detract from the effort put in by the bsm if only more gooners voiced their disapproval rather than moaning in private. Yes we want our Arsenal back but i fear wenger is not in tune with us real gooners.Yes we do need to bring in six or seven players at least and the thought of watching sagna squillachi clichy song diaby denilson and chamak in the red and white next season makes me cringe. If Wenger does not replace these terrible players with real Arsenal material the gloves are going to have to come off as soon as the new season kicks off. We have had enough of your bull**** Mr Wenger and you have repaid our loyalty with empty promises and deceit.Enough spin and double standards start being honest with us and put The Arsenal back into Arsenal if you want to regain our respect

  19. danalovafcxi

    May 19, 2011, 17:50 #7202

    Brilliant article points well made. Summarizes the change in the football culture over the years. I am all for ridding ourselves of the management but quite agree that won't happen as the board and the manager are well and truly of one mind. The arsenal we see now is what we are stuck with for the long term.

  20. JJB

    May 19, 2011, 17:03 #7198

    Bad idea, poorley executed and to be honest it just ended up being a joke, just like the black scarf movement! 200 fans is pathetic and it shows how little support this benign "movement" really has