I worry about the state of Arsene’s health

Much needed changes to alter the prognosis

I worry about the state of Arsene’s health

Ivan Gazidis: Hopefully not planning much of a holiday

The fact that we will be seeded in the qualification round of the Champions League may prevent a serious early season setback but we have been severely punished as a team in the last few months for our managers failure to drive a hard and resilient backbone into the team.

Next season will, in my opinion, leave us competing for the two domestic cups and fourth spot. The top three will be Man U, City and Chelsea in what order I am not sure but City and Chelsea will spend big and the Mancs will spend but will have Ferguson to drive them on in his inimitable paternal style.

Fourth place will be contested by Spurs, Liverpool, Arsenal and perhaps one other. Our last big chance to win a major honour was this season and we blew it! City got better as the season went on, their performance in the final against Stoke was tactically spot on. They matched Stoke's aggression and should have won by more but what impressed me was the way they closed out the game and took the single goal victory.

Huge signings will be brought into the Eastlands and Chelsea will try hard to match them, leaving Fergie with an even greater challenge that he will certainly relish and he will already be planning to counter these twin threats.

All Wenger's trust and belief in his philosophy and some of our underperforming players coupled with the neglect in the defensive areas, the failure to combat our physical weaknesses and lack of a real leader on the pitch will come back and bite him hard. Unless he has the mother of all close seasons, spending wisely and appointing bravely, next season could be his watershed!

Now the very scary bit, because Wenger runs everything at the E******s and the board have admitted that they have no plan B, should AW fail so badly that he decides that it is time to go - we are in serious trouble. Make no mistake the board are never going to sack Wenger but AW could leave for other reasons - judging by his look and demeanour recently, I genuinely worry about his state of health.

Wenger leaving would mean that the current board would have to make a footballing decision - would any fan trust the result of a board meeting one Monday afternoon with our esteemed chairman deciding who the “right sort of person" is to manage our team? I thought not.

The facts are that our club, with a turnover of over £300 million, has no plan, contingency or otherwise to cover for the loss of the person who actually runs the club.

In any other business this would be viewed as an extreme weakness and banks and financial institutions connected to the business would demand that this anomaly was rectified and an active deputy appointed immediately. A proper footballing No 2 should be recruited this summer and the candidate should be someone who can tell Arsene when his philosophy is not working. If Gazidis is any kind of CEO he will make this his top priority and the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust should start probing the board about its preferred direction should we find ourselves without AW’s services.

I have followed Arsenal since 1960 and I have a "sixth sense" when it comes to the state of my team and I smell the last days of poor George Swindon and Terry Neill's reign, mixed in with those awful mid-seventies years. Action must be taken and quickly - we need new staff, three major, plus a few minor signings and the biggest ugliest centre back on the planet.

Also a much needed are a new coach who will install some proper discipline and last but not least a captain who wants to play for Arsenal and would need to be shot before he would hand the armband over to any other human being!

Get going Mr Gazidis. The clock is ticking and it is later than you think!

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  1. Gib Gooner

    May 23, 2011, 19:14 #7374

    spot on! great article! and although I think Vermaelen has the character and ability to be our captain, more players like him would not go amiss...

  2. Adrian Wagenaar

    May 21, 2011, 11:19 #7278

    Pez :I really thought I was "down with the kids" when you called me "a dude" However looking again with my 60 odd year old eyes, I see you called me a dud! Oh well I take it you were watching Tom Watt on Arsenal.com when you sent your comments. Now Tom really does like things just as they are, so I presume you are a big fan of Arsenal's celebrity spin doctor.

  3. danalovafcxi

    May 21, 2011, 8:41 #7276

    Totally agree its good news denilson is off, what pissed me off was the I'm a winner statemenr. I'm a recovering akb and I have little sympathy for wenger these days, but denilson showed what little respect some of these players wenger nutures have. Denilson actually believes he is going to fit into the top teams its laughable and deeply concerning that some of our current players are that deluded. Wenger clearly hadn't given this kid a wake up call about his performances and that shows how bad things are on the coaching side.

  4. Ronster

    May 21, 2011, 8:10 #7273

    Pez...the only duds round here are Wenger and AKB merchants like yourself.Here are the Almighty's latest offerings at yesterday's press conference:''It will be difficult to find a coach who teaches me how to manage a football team.''(When asked whether he would consider bringing in a fresh no 2).What about this beauty:''We cannot think that,say at Coventry we will find a player who will save Arsenal.''(Would love to lock him in a room with Georgie Graham.) Pez..why don't YOU do one!

  5. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 21, 2011, 5:52 #7271

    After reading the replies here, I looked up the Denilson stories...and laughed my head off. Sling it son, you're not needed....

  6. Pez

    May 20, 2011, 18:27 #7268

    Here is my sixth sense... You should look in the mirror and see a spoilt unrealistic supporter who thinks he knows and understands football but yet clearly DOESNT!!!!.......and if you have been going since the 60s.....that makes you a real dud!! Good Luck with supporting whoever you do. xx

  7. Adrian Wagenaar

    May 20, 2011, 18:08 #7266

    Matthew : I do not bleat when we don't win the league! I bleat when faults that have been with us for 5 years are not rectified, I bleat when we let in goals from set pieces because we cannot defend set pieces due to a lack of proper coaching. I bleat when players who are meant to be defenders cannot hold a line and I bleat because our form since Christmas if repeated throughout the whole season would see us in mid table come May. We do not need to spend big money we just need some players who are psychically strong enough to play Premier League football. More than anything our team must first compete and we cannot compete if things remain the same!

  8. 6ooner Pete

    May 20, 2011, 17:30 #7263

    I'm worried about the state of MY health the way my club is being run at the moment! I already know Wenger's lost the plot. Most of his decisions/indecisions have been loopy for the last few years. Anyone got a spare straight jacket?

  9. Matthew

    May 20, 2011, 17:21 #7262

    Well thanks for that enlightening portrayal of what will happen next season saves me the bother of watching how the season pans out myself...sounds strangely familiar to the bleak outlook spurted out by people like you last summer. The most boring thing about being an Arsenal supporter is having to endure fans bleating every summer about how we will slipp into the abyss because we can't compete financially with other teams and then whinging at the end of the season because we didn't win the league.

  10. Someone shoot !

    May 20, 2011, 15:57 #7261

    @ danalovAFCXI...Angry at Denilson's comments?Hahaha..are you kidding me?He made my morning.What a joke!This kid is a clown.

  11. Alastair Kerr

    May 20, 2011, 14:43 #7259

    danalovAFCX1: I'm not angry about Denilson's comments, when I read the article I was just overjoyed at the prospect of getting rid of the useless little *****. Now I'm wondering, will anyone be daft enough to pay us a fee?

  12. BNG

    May 20, 2011, 10:53 #7246

    'our esteemed chairman' only knows his own name because people call him it, I wouldn't trust him to run a bath let alone find a new manager, any success over the years has been despite him and the board and certainly not because of them, I would go further and say that ' he and his sort ' have never even had a plan A, unless trousering millions of filthy lucre and playing the fans like a fiddle counts as one !

  13. dan

    May 20, 2011, 10:51 #7245

    Why,it's all of his own doing.

  14. Sam

    May 20, 2011, 10:30 #7244

    Love the optimism of your post.

  15. chris dee

    May 20, 2011, 9:57 #7242

    I don't know about Arsene's health ,but I am in a real bad state. My tears are flooding my keyboard as I write this. I have just heard the news that Denilson wants to leave Arsenal. Yep,lion hearted,battling,belligerent Denilison the scourge of the Premiership is gonna leave us. Cesc,Robin,Verma,Jack ,Aaron would be acceptable but Denilson? We will never recover from this blow,unless we can get Messi as a replacement.

  16. Gydy

    May 20, 2011, 9:54 #7241

    He should resign once and for all. one thing i know is that he will not be willing to abandon his philosophy of attractive football. We should get someone like Guus Hiddink or Mark van Basten or Luis Van Gaal

  17. danalovAFCXI

    May 20, 2011, 9:32 #7236

    Your right there is a nasty down turn happening for us, if we get overtaken by spuds next year we can expect a few years in the wilderness. Anyone as angry as i am about Denilson's comments in the papers today? what a ****

  18. charlie

    May 20, 2011, 7:34 #7227

    My take is that MC won't send big this summer. My reasoning is that the ongoing "Arab Awakening" may spread UAE too, if those guys are not too careful. They had recently reported to have engeged the services of mercenaries in case trouble spreads to them. Hence, they would not invite unneccessary attention by splashing crazy money this summer at MC.