Of self-awareness and what booing the players achieves

Thoughts before and after the Villa game

Of self-awareness and what booing the players achieves

Some stayed to boo the ‘lap of appreciation’

(Ed’s note. I’ve compiled a couple of emails received before and after the Villa game from a Gooner who regularly emails me because, as a man who loyally loves Wenger but gets frustrated as hell by him and some of his players, I am always interested in his take on things. Here goes…)


Isn't it ironic - doncha think… unlike the song on the topic - which ironically has no irony in the lyrics. Le Boss seems to have developed rational thought - late in the day though.

I really hope we win against Villa or things may get nasty on that lap of "honour". Last thing I want to see is Arsenal fans knocking lumps out of each other. Le Boss is a stubborn French git at times - but he is "our" stubborn French git!

How ironic after my email you ran on the height of the squad that we get... an extract from Arsene where it has taken the best part of 37 games to realise that little people have been the shortcoming where some 50% of goals let in have come from set pieces.

"I feel certainly a little bit, but I feel it is more about the size of our whole team in some games like Stoke," he said.

"When you go out of the back three, after that we are quite short, especially when Abou Diaby wasn't there for big games. When you have the defence plus Diaby and Alex Song, and you go to places like that, you can of course fight.”

"Sometimes we're one or two men short." (or should that read short of one or two big men?)

Finally, before the penultimate game, Le Boss becomes self-aware!



I was arguing with my mate who stayed just to boo them off! You just can’t boo your team, leave or turn your back but no boos!

I just couldn’t do that. The whole “stick your 6%” chant whilst we were two nil down was understandable but badly timed. The players could get back at that stage, there was a stone cold penalty and a goal disallowed that looked fine to me.

Sammy is in his last year, so has to be sold if he won’t sign (one of the few I would want to keep). Nice to see Vermaelen back and growling again. I think Clichy will be off (good!) as hopefully will the lazy little Russian Knt. Fabregas not playing out the last games tells its own story! (as did his tweets at his disappointment not to play against Birmingham in the Cup)

I could give you a list of midfield candidates for transfer – and expect nothing less than wholesale change in the off season.

What I wonder about is who else will want to stay? I was clapping and shouting at our Dutch man of glass on the lap of appreciation (irony again?), mainly as with his young daughter on his shoulder and his kid by his side… having the boos must have fried his head. Luckily the few people left started to chant his name, after his best season so far, he must be thinking what the ****?

Kenny at Liverpool showed the way, take the bloody shirt off them, saying not sure I want to see you wearing this I don’t think you deserve this… time for you to earn the right to wear it.

Le Boss won’t go that route, can’t wait for his manager’s email on the Villa game, should be pure bloody comedy (only I for one will not be laughing). Fourth spot anyone?

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  1. clockendpaul

    May 22, 2011, 0:04 #7302

    I was on holiday for the villa game but would have stayed to boo the inept pussy losers, as for wenger he deserves everything he gets, was hoping to see him gone to be honest, another season of bull**** looms

  2. johnnyh

    May 21, 2011, 12:18 #7280

    fair play to anyone who booed. fans are entitled to make their feelings known to the players and the manager after their latest end of season collapse. where was the mental strength that our deluded manager talks about following the defeat in the carling cup final? sure,we were all dissapointed by that loss but the team still had three trophies to play for. as for wenger,it was his job to motivate the team and remind then of this fact but he failed miserably. can anyone imagine ferguson letting man utd players get away with some of the pathetic performances that our players have put in? no, me neither, he would be handing out bollockings to anyone not putting in a shift,which probably explains why they win so many trophies.

  3. lee armitt

    May 20, 2011, 14:04 #7257

    I stayed and I did not boo so don't tar us all with the same brush

  4. Bob

    May 20, 2011, 13:39 #7256

    There's nothing wrong with booing some of our overpaid and inept players.