This is a m****rf***ing invitation... to spend some dough!!

Arsenal certainly in need of hard rock (in central defence might be a good place to start)

This is a m****rf***ing invitation... to spend some dough!!

Lamb of God – Unlikely source of advice!

Whilst rehearsing with my band just now I was introduced to a song called "Redneck" by an American band called Lamb of God that my drummer wanted to cover. Not a bad tune if you like really heavy rock music but what struck me was how easily the songs lyrics can be applied to the cult of Arsene Wenger and the groundswell of opinion that is steadily growing against his and Arsenal's miserly transfer policy.

So goddamn easy to write this
You make it spill on the page
So drunk on your self, self-righteous
The laughing stock of your own f***ing stage

But I ain't one to call names
Or throw stones in a house of glass.
You try me...

This is a m****rf***ing invitation
The only one you could ever need
This is a m****rf***ing invitation.
You try me...

Just one time, you got a reason
Heard you had nothing to lose
A blind preacher for the pin-eyed congregation.
It must be easy to lose...

But I ain't one to call names
Or throw stones in a house of glass
You try me...

This is a m****rf***ing invitation
The only one you could ever need
This is a m****rf***ing invitation.
You try me...

You can tell the same lie a thousand times
But it never gets any more true
So close your eyes once more and once more believe
that they all still believe in you, just one more time

This is a m****rf***ing invitation
The only one you could ever need
This is a m****rf***ing invitation
Just one time
This is a m****rf***ing invitation
You try me...

Just one time, you try me
Just one time, you try me
You try me...

This song is of course not really about Arsene Wenger or Arsenal F.C. But I would still much prefer to hear it blasting over the P.A. System instead of "The Wonder Of You", it would certainly scare the sh*t out of the opposition and maybe even fire up our terminally laid back players!

Just like the cult leaders and charlatans that this song is aimed at Arsene Wenger lives in "a house of glass" and has become a "blind preacher for the pin eyed congregation" he never seems to see anything and really should think about spend some of his £6,000,000 a year wages on laser eye surgery but knowing him, he'll probably only spring for just the one eye.

He has become so drunk on his "self, self-righteous" that he won't spend, purely on principle regardless of the true financial situation at the club and had indeed become “the laughing stock of your his own f***ing stage.”

It has become "so easy to write this" because with your refusal to stop the groundhog day experimenting Mr. Wenger "you make it spill on the page".

So Arsene, please RSVP this m****rf***ing invitation from us to spend some of our hard earned dough or alternatively...

You can tell the same lie a thousand times
But it never gets any more true
So close your eyes once more and once more believe
that they all still believe in you, just one more time

But be warned that I and other disgruntled fans are the type to call names and throw stones at your house made of glass if you continue to try us. Because we don't find it "easy to lose" and we will not ever be willing to accept "finishing second for the next 20 years" You try us.

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  1. HowardL

    May 20, 2011, 17:30 #7264

    I'm tempted to say anything would be better than the 'Wonder of You' but in fact the lyrics seem spot on. There might be some furious texting however from the Corporate Boxes that we'd upset their 'guests'...

  2. The Happening

    May 20, 2011, 13:07 #7255

    Can always count on you Joe to remind me of the absurdity of it all! Excellent stuff, I can hear the heavyweight mighty E chord, make sure you crank up the distortion too!

  3. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 20, 2011, 12:50 #7254

    GoonerSef- sorry for not reaching the dizzy heights of your well known literary excellence. Excuse me for trying to inject a bit of dark humour while choosing to vent my frustrations in an imaginative way! If you don't like the piece then fine... but why insult all the American Gooners who might be reading?

  4. Clockenders

    May 20, 2011, 12:46 #7252

    That video was awesome! Weird how the words can be applied to Wenger though..

  5. Guitar Hero

    May 20, 2011, 12:12 #7249

    That tune Rocked!! would love to hear that at the new home of football

  6. GoonerSef

    May 20, 2011, 9:41 #7239

    Are you American? Because this article is atrociously written.