More Ambition Needed

Have we been taking it up Le Arsenal?

More Ambition Needed

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It has been a very tough time to be an Arsenal fan over the past few months. We have seen disappointment after disappointment and there wouldn’t be many amongst us who are not looking forward to this current campaign coming to an end sooner rather than later. It is fair to say that we have not moved on as a club this season. Some may argue the toss on whether or not we have moved backwards and there could indeed be a case made for this to be true, but in reality we are pretty much where we were 12 months ago as far as the on- field element of our club lies.

As a football fan you have to accept that at certain times of the season your team will leave you feeling let down and disappointed as losses are as much a part of being a football fan as wins are. In my opinion, the real reason why so many Arsenal fans have got so fed up this season is not because of the lack of trophies. We have now gone six years without a major trophy arriving, so there isn’t anything new with us coming to May and ending up empty-handed. The real source of frustration has been the realisation of just how far we, as fans, currently feel from the club that we have supported for so long.

How can we get excited about watching the likes of Fabregas and Nasri when you know that within a year or two they will no longer be at the club? How can we get excited about watching certain players pull on the shirt on a regular basis that we all know are well short of the required level to make us successful? How can we get excited about our team scoring a goal when we know from previous experience that one will go in at the other end normally by the time we have re-taken our seats? How do we feel when many of us are struggling to pay our bills as it is and we get asked to pay another 6.5% for our season tickets? Or another 50% to renew our silver memberships? How can this be fair when we know our best player has already been sold and that the money gained from this sale will not be re-invested in full?

As Arsenal fans we are told to pay the highest ticket prices in the country yet at the same time we are being told not to expect trophies as other clubs spend more money on players than us. This is the root cause of all the recent frustrations within our fan base. It is not that people are spitting their dummies out at the fact that we haven’t lifted a trophy for six years. It is the realisation that we are being lied to and basically having the pi*s taken out of us by the very club we all support. Dare to question the way the club is being run and you are written off as silly by the chairman of the club. Where else does this happen? Some articles on this very website have recently suggested that we should put it all in perspective and look at clubs like West Ham to realise that our problems are not all that bad in comparison. To be fair, we don’t start off the season with the same ambitions as the Hammers, do we? If they avoid relegation, it has been a good season. What constitutes a good season for us as a club? Champions League qualification? If that is all the club aim for every season then that is fine, but would we then feel the need to pay out an average of £1200 on our season tickets every season if that is as far as we are ever going to go as a club?

When I was a youngster, I hoped for titles to come our way. After the League Cup success of 1987, the Championship was finally ours in 1989 and 1991. We won a domestic cup double in 1993 and the Cup Winners Cup in 1994. We also got to the final of the League Cup in 1988 and the final of the Cup Winners Cup in 1995. We are not a small time club and haven’t been for as long as you could care to remember. A long time before AW took over, we were winning trophies and were competitive virtually every season. Why should we now accept less ambition from the club we support just at the very time when we need to be showing greater ambition than we ever have done previously?

We are now being told by no less than our clubs manager that second is not a failure and we should, as a club, accept this level of ‘success’ for the next 20 years. Instead of looking to teams like United, Chelsea and City and aiming high, we are told to count ourselves lucky and to look at teams like Wigan and West Ham etc. I am sorry, but that is just not good enough when you support a club with the history and traditions of Arsenal Football Club.

The new motto for next season is ‘Forward’. How much of a contradiction is that term when you look at the recent quotes coming out of our club? We are fooled into celebrating a 125th anniversary, but in reality it is just an excuse to bring out yet another ‘new’ home strip for next season when we have just bought the latest ‘new’ one last August. Season ticket prices go up by 6.5% just at the time when you would have questioned renewing them at the old prices. Membership renewals go up by around 50% for next season - why? What is the reasoning behind these increases considering the current economic state that the country is in? The truth is we as fans are getting royally ripped off and we are just starting to wake up to this fact.

We were told we would be able to compete with the very best teams in Europe after moving to the new stadium. We were told we had a young team full of players that would blossom over the coming years given the chance to prove themselves every week. We have waited and we have waited and we have waited even longer still. Now six years on, we are just beginning to realise what a complete load of bollocks it has all been. The people that fed us these lies have sold their shares in the club for massive profits and fu*ked off over the horizon whilst we the fans are left behind to pay even more money in to the coffers of the club safe in the knowledge that none of it will be used to strengthen the playing squad. I, for one, do not have any interest in paying around £60 a game to watch the likes of Barry Bendtner smirk when they miss yet another glaring opportunity in front of goal. I have had enough of seeing the likes of Clichy slip up at a crucial time to concede yet another glaringly avoidable goal. We waited with baited breath to see who the club would sign to replace Adebayor and Toure. After nearly two years, they come up with Chamakh on a free and Squillaci for around £6m. That in my eyes is a complete pi*s take when you are being asked to pay the highest season ticket prices in the country, if not the world. It just isn’t good enough to keep the interest levels going and that is where we are currently at.

I feel like there are two core areas in which we need to improve on regardless of all the above. We currently have far too many players that are being asked to regularly play out of their favoured position. Bendtner on the wing is beyond a joke. Theo, as a right winger, just does not work as his delivery has improved, but it is still nowhere near consistent enough. Both of the above mentioned players need to either be played upfront as strikers or sold. Samir would prefer to play in Cesc’s role, but even in his absence he does not get the chance to play there. The same can be said of Arshavin. Yes - he is a lazy so-and-so, but when you look at the guy’s stats, he outperforms virtually every other Arsenal player time and time again even with 25% effort. Jack surely needs to play in a more forward role to be seen at his very best over the coming years. RVP for me is not an out and out striker. He needs a target man to feed off - ideally someone with the pace to get in behind the opposing back four (Theo anyone?).

The other core area where we are going wrong besides the obvious much needed change of personnel is the style of play we adopt. It simply is far too intricate and all of our main men need to be somewhere near the very top of their games for it to have any chance of coming off. This is what is contributing to us dropping silly points on a regular basis against teams of vastly inferior footballing abilities. We pass and we pass and we pass the ball some more - one touch and two touch and we move and we move and we end up where we started off from after 30 passes on a regular basis. We need to pass through the eye of a needle to get an opportunity to shoot at goal where as the opposition simply play for free-kicks against us and bang we are 1-0 down. It isn’t bad luck, guys. It is inept tactics and the manager needs to realise this very quickly now or leave. It only takes one or two of our main men to be 10-20% down on their top ‘A games’ and we are in trouble. Don’t get me wrong, it does look great when it comes off as it did against Barcelona at home and in the second half against Chelsea at home and to be fair even in the 0-0 at home to City. But how often does it work? How often does it leave us feeling so frustrated? If we adopted a slightly more direct and efficient style of play than what we currently use then we would certainly win more matches as a result of the change and is that not the real aim of any football team?

I hope we see a marked improvement in the overriding ambition we show as a club although to be honest I can’t see it happening until our current manager has packed his bags for good and has left the club. Maybe then we will get someone that would more resemble the 1996 version of AW rather than the 2011 version we currently have in charge of our club.

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  1. AKB

    May 24, 2011, 9:19 #7413

    You made up a load of rubbish about Cesc "definately" going to Madrid, which shows you know nothing! If you knew anything, you would know the difference between a catalan and spanish you mug!

  2. Richard Ansell

    May 23, 2011, 12:36 #7352

    I have never felt so detached from the club I love and have supported for more years than I care to remember. Wenger and the board have driven a huge wedge between loyal fans and the club and it is getting wider and wider with every passing year. Wenger has got to be forced out somehow and the board need to repair the damage they have caused to the relationship between fans and club - and I have reached the stage where I will suffer anything to make this happen.

  3. Graham Yates

    May 23, 2011, 10:48 #7349

    The best defending all season is when Wenger opens his mouth!

  4. Block G Gooner

    May 22, 2011, 23:55 #7336

    Great post! Totally agree with everything that has been said here. The club and Wenger is treating its fans with total contempt and it will be the same old story next season. Wenger has already started back tracking on the need to spend and preaching that we need to be 'sensible' with our finances, that didn't take him long did it. We now follow a corporation not a football club!!!!

  5. chris treacy

    May 22, 2011, 14:30 #7321

    spot on hate 2 admit sir alex gets it right any doughts u r out would he put up with almunia eboue denilson 4 so long

  6. crazygooner

    May 22, 2011, 10:34 #7304

    Everybody and their dog knows whats needed at the Arsenal apart from AW.This is a quote from from a piece titled Wenger'open minded about coaching additions' 22-5-11 "The problem when you don't win is to always raise the right questions. Those who win the games are those on the football pitch and not those who talk in the stands. "I have enough experience to know what is important and what is less than important. It will be difficult to find a coach who teaches me how to manage a football team." Thats really cheered me up reading that,looks like AKB after all.WENGER OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!

  7. john

    May 21, 2011, 23:33 #7301

    Well said John. absolutely SPOT ON. But I do agree with babatunde that Arsene has failed now for 6 years and its time for him to go, no more chances.

  8. Joe S

    May 21, 2011, 23:30 #7300

    Definitive stuff. Wegner has to go and the next manager has to make demands on the board to chop and change as he sees fit This season was your worst ever at Arsenal - Arsene we are all relieved that it's ending but your purile comments leave even the most optimistic fans like myself with a sinking feeling that next season nothing is going to change and that it's all going to end badly. Thee is nothing worse than stagnation.

  9. USMartin

    May 21, 2011, 23:02 #7299

    Excellent Piece up until you try and suggest and managerial change will address this adequately. As your own words suggest nothing will change until the people running the club realize they can't continue to decieve and mis-lead us and cash inm on our loyalty indfinitely. A managerial change may well be needed but only with assurances the any manger be it Arsene Wenger or a new man will be given a more competitive trnasfer budget supported by a more realistic wage structure allowing us both to buy and to sign the kind of players we did until the Board decided to borrow 120 million pounds to re-develop Highbury rather than selling it for 65-70 million as originally planned. Had they not followed the advice of a Board Member - Keith Edelman - and sold Highbury we might never have had to go throught the transition we did starting in earnest in the summer of 2005. Of course the Board might never have been able to cash in at 12K a share then so I think we know why we re-developed Highbury now and it wasn't because it was best for Arsenal Football Club. We have to focus on the fact that the Board have misled and cheated the supporters or abused our trust of them and that alone will get them to spend now because they don't want to be remembered for what they actually have done - and they want to be remembered. We have to use that now.

  10. son of rudolf hess

    May 21, 2011, 21:54 #7298

    Well said young man,the football we loved died with the old First division RIP.

  11. Gare Kekeke

    May 21, 2011, 19:46 #7296

    @ El Cid, couldn't agree with you any more mate. Although I have renewed my memberships (Gold & Silver), I won't be putting any more money into the club knwoing it will either be spent on topping up the wages of Eboue, Bendtner et al or not being spent at all. I started my own mini boycott after the home match against Sunderland by not buying programmes, shirts etc.. Am I daft for doing such a thing? Maybe so but I want The Arsenal to be a successful football club with a desire to add to the many trophies we have won in the past and not put a healthy balance as top priority. 2011/12 is going to be very long season for us.

  12. Hughsey24

    May 21, 2011, 17:33 #7292

    Your comments are absolutely spot on! If your article is nearly word for word from my weekly rants about arsenal and lots of other fans with precision detail then i cannot fathom how arsenal and AW cannot and will not listen and change!

  13. Bob

    May 21, 2011, 17:27 #7291

    An excellent article which gets to the root of the supporters' legitimate beef with the club - that they are not providing an adequate return for the sky-high season ticket prices which were already sky-high before the six-and-a-half percent increase, nor for the increases in the cost of other membership categories (silvers and reds). It also rightly highlights thahat the manager is trying to manage our expectations downward when he should be modelling real hunger and ambition and sending out the sort of signals that will attract the most talented, ambitious players to join us - would Dennis Bergkamp, Marc Overmars or Robert Pires even give us a second thought if they were in their prime and playing for other clubs now? Is qualifying to play Champions' League football simply to be regarded as an end in itself year on year?

  14. The BearMan

    May 21, 2011, 17:20 #7288

    What Arsenal lacks is a very technically gifted played that will trigger electricity in their team mates. One that will also raise the bar and force the coaches to strive for excellence. Not long ago we had two Henry & Dennis on the same team and they produced magic. Even our weaker players did things they never thought possible. Nasri is a sleeping giant, he might need an E. Hazard to revive him. We have a beautiful stadium and very passionate fans, worldwide. All we lack is more world class players ready to bring the house down. Why are we waiting?????

  15. no more spin

    May 21, 2011, 16:57 #7287

    wenger is back defending his troops in his latest interview. "we do not play for relegation he says."(daily mail) what a defence from a man who earns 6m and whose bosses continue to fleece the fans. he says arsenal are the only team to beat barcelona and manu. that is only because we are the only ones to play them both this season. I DO NOT in any way undermine those achievements. but what is most disconcerting is how after each good performance we are never able to follow up. how many times does it have to be the same old same old with arsenal. That changes are needed is there for everyone to see, let us hope they do sth about it this time.

  16. Babatunde

    May 21, 2011, 16:44 #7286

    Top stuff, whole heartedly agree with anything. I no longer have love for my club. It has become a faceless corporation but, unlike Man U, it is a faceless corporation with no winning mentality and no interest in ambition. It is sickening to hear a manager on £6.5 mil a year mention 4th place as 'success'. Unacceptable, and if he wants to manage a club where the fans should be grateful to him for 4th place, then perhaps he could p*** off and go manage Villa or Spurs hmmm? And all the AKBs, who are AW fans first and Arsenal fans second, they can p*** off and support Spuds along with Wenger once he manages them. After all. Sperz want a new stadium, they never really win anything but yet the only thing their fans can talk about is their mythical 'beautiful football' while their other fans always talk about 'being two to three players away'. Sound familiar? Only thing in the article I disagree with is when the autho says 'either Wenger reallises this now or leaves'. Errrr sorry. This mug has had SIX YEARS to realise this, and in that period he has conned this club out of over £30 million quid in wages!!! In which serious line of work can someone earn £30 mil, fail every single year, oversee massively dissatisfied clients/customers, and then a. INCREASE the price of their business!!! b. Tell the customers they are 'silly' people who 'have not worked half a day' in the business! c. The main executive in charge is expected to need 'more time' to succeed!!! It's a big fat farce and not one I am willing to pay into. I am renewing NOTHING. I could not care less if i 'miss out' when Arsenal becomes a serious football club again, I will be back. Until then, leave the concrete bowl to the AKBs, who only want sheeps as fans in there. Yer know, brainwashed muppets with no independent thought process!

  17. El Cid

    May 21, 2011, 14:50 #7282

    I agree. The lack of ambition we are showing really really sticks in my throat. I will be renewing my two season tickets this year but only because I have found two people to share the costs with. I can't guarantee that I will renew years from now. I am slowly falling out of love with Arsenal due to the creeping corporatisation of its culture. I am not keen on a man with several other sporting businesses being the man at the helm of our club. We are a football club first, a business second. I couldn't give a toss about his success with lacrosse, basketball, whatever franchises. I urge all Arsenal fans to channel their anger by not buying the new shirt and boycotting other merchandising. What else can we do? Maybe I'll set up a facebook group or something. On a footballing side, I also think that our ticky-tack passing game has been sussed but most teams. I mean how humiliating was it to hear Stoke fans chanting "boring, boring" and deep down thinking they had a point as we continuously Ray Wilkinsed the ball in that area just short of the box?

  18. Moscow Gooner

    May 21, 2011, 14:39 #7281

    In 68/9 - after fifteen years without a trophy and at a time when it cost 50p to stand on the North Bank - Bertie Mee described finishing fourth as 'failure'. Plus ca change - or maybe not...