Hello and welcome to AKB-aholics Anonymous...

We'll just be needing your name for season ticket renewal purposes

Hello and welcome to AKB-aholics Anonymous...

That sums it all up…

The scene begins as our plucky young AKB-aholic Joe Bloggs attends his first ever recovery meeting…

Hi! How are you today, Sir? Thanks for coming on down to AKB-aholics Anonymous. Would you like to take a free personality test today as well?

And your name, please? We know it says ‘Anonymous’ on the door, we just need your name for season ticket renewal purposes. Why don't you introduce yourself to the group?

"Hello, My name is Joe Blogs and I'm a recovering AKB-aholic. I realised I had a serious problem with Wenger Abuse about three months ago...The problem was that I just couldn't understand why people would want to abuse Wenger...He was a God. He was... infallible”.

"I used to read articles written by many different authors on this humble Fanzine of ours and think that they were the Devil Incarnate. How could they criticise the Great One? The stupid, ignorant fools! Don't they know that Wenger is not only a footballing colossus, but he is also infallible as well? He is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. He went a whole season unbeaten, didn't he? He is a genius, isn't he? But wait! He's never had money to spend! Or did he?

Oh I'm just sooo confused!"

Come on Mr. Bloggs, get it all out…

"You see, Ladies and Gentlemen, I was so brainwashed by thoughts such as these that I was deceived and drawn into the devoted, twisted cult of the AKB and became drunk on my very first ever pint of their sweet, sweet AKB-ahol. Mmmmmm... AKB- ahol. I still have memories of how it tasted, of the way it made me feel so safe and warm in my soft furry Wenger bubble...Oh, erm, ahem! I'm sorry! I know the stuff is no good for me, mind you. I know, I know, I know.

It makes me sick to see that their cult is still strong and they are still pushing that dirty, disgusting filthy AKB-ahol all round Highbury, Holloway, Hackney and Islington. The kids are calling it AK-47, for crying out loud! Who do they think they are? Tempting our kids and telling them lies! Who do they think they are anyway? *hiccup* Shhome kinda big shhhots? *Hiccup* or schhummthing?"

Thank you Mr. Bloggs. You see, Ladies and Gentlmen, recovering AKB- aholics such as Joe Bloggs here are so deeply hooked on AKB-ahol and the deep, full, tranquil liquid high that it brings them, that they are willing to wait forever for their next fix. They will literally wait for all eternity. Their loyalty is blind and their allegiance to their Napoleonic dictator is eternal. They are terribly prone to acute memory loss and the relapse rate is extremely high, especially amongst the younger generation.

The Cult leader, Monsignor Arsene "The Professor" Wenger hatched a cunning plan and set out to get as many people hooked on AKB-ahol as he possibly could back in the late nineties and early noughties. The evil genius lured everybody into his trap with some of the best football the world has ever seen (also known as AKB-ahol or AK-47 on the kids on the street). But then The Nutty Professor slowly but surely started to withdraw the supply. He cruelly demanded that his former followers continue to worship him as the effects of their earlier intoxication started to eventually wear off in a cruel, tortuous game of emotional blackmail.

In dribs, drabs and eventually droves, AKB cult members started to wake up as their reserves of AKB-ahol depleted at various speeds according to the personal threshold for TDS or Trophy Deficiency Syndrome of the individual.

Sure, some of us have gotten sober quicker than others, but the good thing is that they made it! Rejoice, my brothers and sisters! They too are now free, delivered from this sinister cult with its temple built upon a foundation of filthy lies!

This whole AKB debate has been going on for what seems like far too long now. I am really starting to worry for some of you. (I'm thinking of calling the in the Cult Deprogrammers). I am wondering why you are not calling for Arsene Wenger to be held to account for his own stupid lies, false prophecies and broken promises?

Arsene Wenger is the manager of Arsenal F.C. and we should set the record set straight on just what we, as fans, consider to have been the targets set for him by the board, and what they should be.

But wait a minute...

Wenger promised us a trophy this year, didn't he? No, he most certainly did not. Arsene Wenger is always very careful to make good use of phrases such as "We have a good chance", "I believe we can do it", "the team will be another year older this year", "he is like a new signing" and "if I sign a player...you must remember, I kill a player too, also".

Well Arsene, I'll let you in on a little secret. No one would even try to stop you if you dragged certain members of your squad into the centre circle and blew their f***ing brains out.

Can we all agree that it is now time, fellow Gooners, for the new owner Mr. E. Stanley Kroenke to demand that either Wenger starts to win silverware (not including the Emirates Cup) or he will be out of one very highly paid f***ing Job! He should be aiming to win at least the FA Cup, if not the League title. However, Champions League qualification was obviously the target the old board set for him for the last few seasons, hence him still having a job! We, as fans, must tell the new owner that we expect him to invest in the playing squad, and he in turn must sit Wenger down and explain it to him that his targets have now been reviewed.

Simply put, his job as Manager of Arsenal FC should be to win trophies for the club and the fans. Not to increase the share price of Arsenal plc with a miserly approach to its transfer policy. It should be people in the commercial department, the shareholders and the boys and girls in accounting who worry about the profit and loss accounts, NOT the manager or head coach!

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  1. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 23, 2011, 9:08 #7342

    HowardL- Cheers for the comment mate, Glad you liked my stuff. To answer your question, Birmingham getting relegated is equally funny and depressing to me. We really should have won that final against relegation fodder and it will go down as a dark moment in AFC, more for the hangover that went on for so long afterwards

  2. Monkeymonkey

    May 22, 2011, 23:14 #7334

    One more time Brilliant!

  3. HowardL

    May 22, 2011, 21:10 #7329

    Thank goodness this excruciating season has ended and we know now where we stand - though 4th pace was predictable for some time as the team imploded. Luckily, the Spuds did not overtake us. Joe, you have come up with so many clever analogies to express AFC's problems during these difficult times. Thank you for your articles have kept me going during as difficult a period as I can remember in all the time I have supported Arsenal - they have kept me, and doubtless may others, on the right side of sanity - so thanks for that. Are you considering publishing them as a book? Are we pleased Birmingham have been relegated - or does that make it even more embarassing that we lost to them in the way we did?

  4. AvenellRD

    May 22, 2011, 20:08 #7325

    Personally I find our new kit rather ludicrous. Not vintage one by any chance. And perhaps these set of players and manager should be busy writing history of the club, not celebrating it.

  5. Judge Me in May

    May 22, 2011, 16:07 #7322

    Hey Joe, great article. But wait!! The AKBs will tell you to 'judge Arsene in ten years'!!! And when he's still trophyless they'll think up a new excuse! Laughable it is, they are brainwashed the AKBs, there is NO defence of Wenger anymore. It's done. Joe I have no idea why you are not more excited about this transfer window? Personally i am, have you seen the class of players who have confirmed that we have entered into negotiations with them??! We are battling Newcastle and West Brom for Kevin Gameiro of Lorient! Papa Diakate has said he's willing to shun the advances of Sunderland for us!!! Aaaah yes i remember when we beat Sunderland to the signature of Chamakh! What a top signing! And now Moussa Sow will provide us maybe with that amazing attacking prowess we need!!! More French-African success stories! Look at how amazing Wenger's signings last summer were: Chamakh (tut tut. £80k a week and not trusted before Bendtner) Squillaci (makes Silvestre look ok) Kockielny (cost more than Kompany and Vidic, not as good as Cahill or Samba) It's quite pathetic and i would not trust AW with a penny in the transfer market. Quite simply, he HAS TO GO! I will leave you with THIS quote that Wenger came out with before the start of this season.... *********************** He was asked directly if he thought this would be Arsenal’s trophy-winning season. “Yes but it depends as well what you consider a trophy,” he said. “For me a trophy is the championship or the Champions League. Would you like to finish 10th in the League and win the League Cup and say you’ve won a trophy? Certainly not. “After every season you think about where are we, because the main target is always to get the maximum out of the team. “I believe last year we were not that far off – with all the injuries we had, with all the problems we had, to finish third in the league and go out in the quarter-final against Barcelona, was not shameful.” “It’s always like that in my head. Maybe more than ever. My concern is that the policy we have chosen delivers trophies. “In the last four, five years we have gone for a young team, to bring them up, and we try to be more of a team than the others. We know how to play together but we need to deliver trophies now. “You just say to me now Manchester City invests over £100 million, we £8m, and if we do not win it it’s a scandal. That’s the question you ask me. “And I think that you are right, because if we don’t win the championship it is an absolute disgrace' *****************************

  6. GoonerDave

    May 22, 2011, 14:23 #7320

    Personally, I dont believe there is any such thing as an AKB. Are there really fans out there who believe a manager can actually do no wrong at all? Never make a mistake? I doubt it. Its a nice riposte on a blog, calling someone an AKB member, and its usually because they praise our manager for something. Its as ludicrous as the assumption that any fans who want Arsene to leave are unable to see the good things he has done for us too. Frankly, this notion seems to just make us look stupid. There are fans who want Arsene to leave. That he has taken the club as far as he can. Then there are fans who have more patience, can possibly see a wider picture, and also believe Arsene deserves a chance to finish what he worked so hard to achieve. But neither side are blinkered idiots, unable to see both good and bad points of the manager. About time we all got back on the same side. We expect our team to show unity and togetherness, yet we resort to stupid stereotyping between ourselves. We have become a pack of bitches.

  7. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 22, 2011, 14:11 #7319

    Herbsoverum- I'd kill to hear the voice of the Special one tearing into our 'boys' from the dugout. Someone has to force them to grow up eventually. Got a feeling I might need a bit of peng AK-47 for the Fulham game, I'm almost scared to watch us stone cold sober!

  8. Dan

    May 22, 2011, 13:58 #7318

    Wenger depresses me every season but i still think he's a top manager. If only he'd change his ways this summer... I still believe in Arsene Wenger, at least for one more season, but patience is running very thin. It's the last year for Arsene to deliver some happiness to the supporters. He's happy to negotiate a HUGE salary for himself (not much cost consideration there we notice), so give some of that love back to the gooners please Arsene, for christ sake, PLEASE sign some winners and ship out the losers.

  9. Ando

    May 22, 2011, 13:29 #7312

    when does the 20 year period of signing up to second place start? should we ask the hot dog seller.

  10. Arsenal Fan

    May 22, 2011, 12:00 #7309

    Arsene is the best thing since sliced bread. Without him we'd be nothing and playing in the Europa. The AMGS will ruin this club if they drive Arsene out. CL qualification is like a trophy.AW is the big reason why this club is where it is today.If you don't like it go and support Man City where money is no ****ion. In Arsene the true Arsenal fans trust!

  11. charliegeorge

    May 22, 2011, 11:53 #7308

    Nice and funny article, Joe. It's so pleasing to see that you have banished that filthy addictive drink. I can sense by your increasing hostility towards Gaddafi that you have indeed awoken, and that tiger within you has been let out. No more ifs, buts and maybes. No more fourth and fifth chances. Congratulations on becoming the complete and polar opposite of what the AKB cult demands of its followers: ignorance (an IQ of below zero is best), blind and slavish devotion to the cause, unmitigated and undivided loyalty to its founder (Gaddafi) and disciples (Eboue, Denilson, Rosicky, Diaby et al), sacrifice without spiritual or worldly reward.

  12. IDk

    May 22, 2011, 11:39 #7306

    I am not an AKB follower, but I can assure you that no manager promises trophies. They just get it. The rest I agree on

  13. herbzoverrum

    May 22, 2011, 11:36 #7305

    spot on...let us now see what happens in the summer. there is no point in trying to work out the AKB cult members they were not around before the accountant came to highbury.they believe he is the be all & end all of our club. i have lost all faith in wenger & his flawed philosophy