Wenger in Cesc Cover Up

And Samba’s on his way to Arsenal

Wenger in Cesc Cover Up

Samba: Expect to see him in August

Recently I wrote an article for this website that announced that the sale of our captain Cesc Fabregas had already been agreed with Real Madrid being his set destination for the sum of £45m. I got mixed responses at the time and obviously some people doubted the truth behind this article for obvious reasons. I mentioned the fact that the club would hold the news of this sale back until after the deadline passes for season ticket renewals for next season.

I personally feel that this fact pretty much sums up the club we all support as things stand but in recent days the club’s manager has gone even further than simply holding back the announcement. AW himself has said that he ‘will fight hard to keep Cesc at Arsenal for next season’. This for me is taking things too far as he is 100% lying about this fact to cover up the sale until after people have paid out their hard earned money for next season’s renewals. I find this unacceptable and for this reason will outline how and why I know this to be a lie.

My mother used to work with a relative of someone in a senior position at the club (who I cannot compromise by revealing the identity of). Because of this my family has been close friends with this individual and his immediate family for well over 20 years. In the week after the Bolton away game he came round to my parents' house where I happened to be at the time and he spoke at length to myself and my father about what was going on at the club. During this conversation it was confirmed to me that the Cesc deal was done that week with Real Madrid for £45m and it is certain that AW knows this to be a fact. During the conversation with myself it was also confirmed to me by him that the club would be signing Christopher Samba from Blackburn Rovers early in the summer as this deal was agreed during the January transfer window.

How does this go hand in hand with a manager that will ‘fight to keep Cesc at the club’? To all those that doubt this information to be true all I can say is wait and see if these two transfers go through and then once they both have ask yourselves how much you can take our current manager’s words to be truthful?

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  1. Pep from Sweden

    May 30, 2011, 15:38 #7942

    Best fellow gooners, Hearsaying, true or false.It is a shame if we loose # 4 but i agree with Ian, it is better to have players who really wants to play for our club Arsenal FC. Players come, players go, only real supporters stays! /Pep

  2. GoonerGangstaAli

    May 28, 2011, 19:43 #7878

    I knew a pizza man, whom use to work at arsenal he also told me were benezema and selling van persie aswell, as for samba he said he aint he was close to leaving in january but hes going to sign a new contract

  3. Nick

    May 28, 2011, 14:33 #7859

    And your point is? How do you think the transfer market works for goodness sake? Beckham to Madrid was agreed months in advance, and forgive me but I remember the same old stories and rumor mill when Vieira was beasting the midfield for us, & how he was already tied up to a Madrid contract. If Cesc is going to Madrid good luck to him..I doubt very much your story has any weight purely because Cesc would get butchered in Barca if he signs for Madrid! And as for Wenger lying, somewhat of a childish view point don't you think? he has the interests of the player to consider first & ultimately the club before the interests of the fans & how they might react. If it was announced during the season that Cesc was going how do you think the fans would react whilst he was on the pitch..not favourably one would guess?! Finally over the season tickets, again forgive me but are real Arsenal fans going to not buy their season tickets because injury prone, home sick Cesc isn't in the squad and that, OMG, Mr Wenger kept his tranfer in house & didn't tell us!! Look every player is replaceable, trust Wenger and see in 2-3 years when this UEFA rule on club finance comes into action where we stand compared the debt ridden clubs like Man U, Barca, Chelski, Man City, Liverpool..and so on and so on. Keep the faith and thank your lucky stars your not a Spurs fans!!

  4. Chabbz

    May 27, 2011, 11:51 #7707

    Mate are you Arsene's Assistent? to know that we already sold him to Real. Listen. 1st of all Real is not interested in Cesc. If real buy him, it's to keep him like segio canales so that barca cant use him. Cesc obviously knows the grudge between Barca and Real. He will not join Real, and Arsene do not want to sell him either. He wants Cesc to stay. He would obviously say I rather stay with Arsenal. Then Arsen is obvioulsy going to say, oh well then you need to extedn the contract, or I would have to sell you to Real no matter how much I dislike it for the club sake, because we cannot let you go on a free transfer. There you go signature taken as simple as that. He has no choice. Yet I believe Cesc will leave next season whether we win a trophy or not. This season he won't leave, and he is a position where he definetely need to sign a extention if not he would have to be in the Real bench. There is another issue though. Barca is loosing hope on Cesc..or better put, they prefer other players like Mario Gotze rather than Cesc. So would they still want Cesc next season, I'm not so sure. However one thing stands for sure, Next season you will see Cesc in a Gunners Outfit, and if Barca is still interested in him he will leave gunners next season for a high price allowing us to buy a good AM. Simple as that. On a special note all people who has commented on it, this idiot with the post is surely not a gunners fan. if not he wouldn't be atacking the fan base not to buy season tickets. 1stly Arsenal is not Cesc Fabregas. He is a player in Arsenal. Who knows maybe he is the reason why we cant win. Since he is dominating the midfield. just maybe. You never know. What we can do is show the support to win trophies. 2ndly it's a team effort. Nasri, Jack and Robin has been more entertaining than Cesc this season. So what about them? Just get your season tickets and back our young guns to win trophies. Don't listen to this imposter :D

  5. Dave

    May 26, 2011, 17:31 #7627

    As feasible as this actually sounds I would be very surprised due to the fact that this would pretty much scupper Cesc's chances of his dream move and he would be better off waiting a couple of years until Xavi retires and then moving to Barca where he can replace him.

  6. Gooners Know Best

    May 26, 2011, 14:05 #7583

    Very big call...if this is true, i'll find out what my hat tastes like!

  7. Jack H

    May 26, 2011, 12:14 #7531

    Not sure what I find more amusing. That you have made up a rumour to try and imply that you have some sort of association with the club that gives you inside info, or that there are "fans" on here who actually believe you and give you credit for writing this tabloid rubbish! This site is just going down the pan with fools like you contributing, do us a favour and follow through on your promise.....dont write another article again.......PLEASE!

  8. BryanW

    May 26, 2011, 5:58 #7525

    Can't believe this is a gooner site. Everything on here sounds like it's written by a Spurs fan. The negativity on here is ridiculous and infantile at best. Somehow, I get the feeling that even if the writers on this site get everything they want they'll still have a moan. If Cesc goes, it won't be to Real Madrid. Anyone with half a brain can tell you that, doesn't matter what your 'source' heard.

  9. East End Gooner

    May 26, 2011, 1:19 #7523

    I can't believe it because it is too far fetched. Cesc is Catalan, adored by the Catalonians and, as he has lead us to believe, a Gooner to boot. If he really needed to get away, surely he wouldn't want or need to burn his bridges. He could go to any club, Chelsea or City especially, unless we are to believe he'd rather upset Barca fans than us. And if he still had any dreams of playing for Barcelona, why would he commit to a new 5 year contract somewhere else? Also, the Samba deal (already done) makes no sense. If we have such a big transfer budget (£45m for Cesc, plus whoever else we sell, plus whatever budget we had anyway), wouldn't Sakho be a better target? 21, strong, no nonsense, French and available. Or Cahill, a little more expensive than Samba but young and English. If Wenger needed a act of appeasement, signing a promising English player would certainly go along way. Unless Barcelona have told Cesc they have no intention of ever signing him and why would they do that, I can't see him even thinking of Real Madrid. Big up if you have called this correct but I just can't see it happening.

  10. Sparky

    May 25, 2011, 20:48 #7519

    Cesc has every right to leave, I bet he's had enough of been surrounded by cheap no hopers who he carries. His heart isn,t in it anymore. AW needs to stop being the bloody club accountant & get back to Coaching. I want dein back!

  11. markb

    May 25, 2011, 15:14 #7509

    why would I be worried about players being sold, how would that affect my decision on whether to renew or not? I support the club, individuals have come and gone all through my 40 yrs of supporting the club and will continue to do so. I am quite sure Arsene will continue to fight to keep cesc even if the deal has been agreed. Therein lies the key in that the deal may have been 'agreed' but you can rest assured that the paperwork still needs to be completed. Thinking about it my main concern would be if the Samba story is true.

  12. DJADBMc

    May 25, 2011, 14:11 #7506

    This is getting a bit silly. If there are rumours about Cesc going to Madrid they have been generated with the sole intent of inflating Cescs valuation. It could be argued that Arsenal started this themselves for obvious reasons. Lets put things in perspective. If Mr Evans is indeed correct and Cesc signs for Real Madrid, he will be the first Catalan born footballer to have played for Barcelona and moved to Madrid in post war history. The likes of Figo and Laudrup have crossed the divide over the years but never a Catalonia born player. The rivalry and animosity between the two regions (never mind the clubs) is such that he could not return home to Catalonia to see his family and friends in safety. If Cesc is to leave Arsenal it will certainly not be Real Madrid he joins.

  13. Jibbers

    May 25, 2011, 13:09 #7499

    Comment by BA -by saing that Cesc is definately going to Madrid just underpins that you obviously know nothing about football. -------------------------------- I would suggest mate that, whilst I still think Barca is Cesc's most likely destination, it is you that knows nothing about football. Real Madrid are in the top 3 clubs in terms of 'size' in the game and would always be interested if someone like Cesc was up for sale, Arsenal would probabaly love to sell to ANYONE than Barca due to the way they have conducted themselves over Cesc and the majority of footballers supported someone else as a kid but never, ever play for them. I've been going to football week in week out for 29 of my 36 years and if its taught me anything it's to never, ever be shocked and stunned at anything! (Sol to Arsenal anyone?!)

  14. Larsenal

    May 25, 2011, 10:59 #7487

    I don't like to go in transfer speculation and I'm not an 100% AKB or AMG, but let's say there's a deal with madrid, wouldn't it be in Arsenal's favour to hide the deal? You can say AW is lying, but when this deal is unknown, AW would have a better position in the transfer market. If it's known, other clubs know we have the money and we have to buy, so they raise there prices. If you believe they hide it for season ticket renewal, I think you overestimate yourself and other season ticketholders. How many people would not renew if Cesc, one player, would leave? Personally, those people can stay home. We all know he's gonna leave sometime, so if that means your love for the club leaves at the same time, how much did you love Arsenal exactly? So, I think he will leave, but I don't expect to here the news before we have replacement(s). I think AW has learned from the past, after he sold TH, PV, EA and KT, prices for other players raised.

  15. BA

    May 25, 2011, 10:02 #7483

    Not sure why some of the posts on here are giving you any tye of credit what so ever. You have invented a story and then made up how you came across the news! Your the worst type of fan, and by saing that Cesc is definately going to Madrid just underpins that you obviously know nothing about football, therefore why are you bothering? Did you know we are about to sign Messi for 5million and a lion bar? Yeah, I spoke to his dad's first cousins goat and he confirmed it! If im wrong I will never post on here again!

  16. gd

    May 25, 2011, 9:45 #7478

    When was the last time he was on any ads on the official website? Its all RVP, this is the same approach when Henry left.

  17. Big Dunc

    May 25, 2011, 8:43 #7473

    I have to agree with Joe Fitzp... and Ian's point about no player being bigger than the club. Interesting question from Jamie though - will you publicly apologise if you're wrong? I can see the story being good leverage against Barca to raise their price though... £35M is laughable. I just hope that AW see's sense and suppliments his obviously talented aquad with the experience it needs!

  18. MGJ

    May 25, 2011, 8:16 #7472

    Did your mum also help in the prediction of "The Rapture"? Honestly what a load of rubbish about Cesc. Samba may well be on the right track, but that's not exactly ground breaking news.

  19. Tom

    May 25, 2011, 0:57 #7471

    If Cesc does go, would much rather he went to Real than Barca. what a kick in the teeth that would be for them, after all the hassle they have given us over the last few years! Maybe it would be better if he went, his body language clearly says that he can't be bothered.

  20. georgia

    May 25, 2011, 0:43 #7470

    I am very reluctant to believe Fabregas would go to Real Madrid. Catalans like Cesc consider themselves independent of Spain where as Real Madrians are (generally speaking) very loyal to the monarchy. Note Casillas's close relationship with the King/Queen and Puyol's unease around them. Everyone knows Fabregas is closemwith Pique & Puyol. I just cannot see Cesc agreeing a move to Real, nevermind Arsenal.

  21. GoonerLaf

    May 24, 2011, 23:58 #7468

    You sure it's not ruse to get more £ from Barca.Would Cesc ever be able to set foot in Barca after the treachery of it?Xavi can't go on forever playing virtually every game. someone will need to help share the workload. Crack understands and will bide his time,could be this summer or next...

  22. Jade

    May 24, 2011, 23:24 #7466

    Honestly, are you like "The Onion" of Arsenal blogs?

  23. SuperMalt

    May 24, 2011, 22:28 #7464

    Putting your head on the line here with your statement of fact. Good luck Rafa.

  24. PhilyO'B

    May 24, 2011, 21:21 #7463

    All I can say is let him go. For every Arsenal player who wanted to leave the club how many of them have done better at a different Team Hleb NO! Vieira NO! Henry at the end of his carer when he left but sat on the barca bench. All im tryin to say is let him go his hart just isnt in arsenal any more and we dont want players who ant 110% to the Gunners.

  25. Goonerjag

    May 24, 2011, 20:58 #7462

    I've never read such **** in my entire life. If I had a subscription to the Gooner, consider it cancelled!!

  26. MCGoonie

    May 24, 2011, 20:56 #7461

    For all those claiming Cesc would never go to Real Madrid ... arent you forgetting he has already been there? Remember when Wenger allowed him to go and talk to them a few summers back? He had a good look around and he came back and said how impressed he was. I will be surprised if the above does happen but not at all surprised if Wenger is shown to be a liar. We already have plenty of proof of that.

  27. Confidence Moseki

    May 24, 2011, 20:33 #7460

    This is ABSURD,I do not know whether this is true or not. I just don't Cescy to leave us. He does not belong at RM, cause his home is Barca although he rightfully belongs with Arsenal. CESC PLEASE DON'T LEAVE, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF MY SOCCER LIFE. ...TE QUEIRO...

  28. The Happening

    May 24, 2011, 19:53 #7459

    2 be honest, won't surprise me really if it all turns out to be true? Good point from @Kev G regarding Samba's pace, has Wenger lost it that much he's just going for the biggest and scariest (and cheapest!) bloke he can find? Campbell in his best days was an awsome reader of the game, Samba? Mmmmm! I honestly thought that Wenger might have left this year, i thought he would have the humility to fall on his sword, hold his hands up and let us move on amicably, maybe next year he'll f--- off hopefully! Would you blame Fabregas? No! Wenger is an economics graduate, that should tell all of us where his motivation is! And whatever kind of f---ing pub environment Arsene grew up in, i'm sure they must have discussed defending? Non?

  29. dan

    May 24, 2011, 19:33 #7458

    all these people crying about signing cahill,samba etc... wenger signed koscielny f.f.s and vermaelen id take them 2 over the clowns wnger has signed that are complete pony

  30. Ian B

    May 24, 2011, 19:23 #7457

    I wish Cesc good luck and fortune if this is true. He has given a huge amount to this club, is one of the finest midfielders we have seen, but has been taken for a ride by Wenger who hasn't built the squad around him. Cesc should be in a club challenging for everything. His talent is going to waste with Wengers losers.

  31. Breadman 84

    May 24, 2011, 19:14 #7456

    initially I was going to pick up on your misuse of the term "fact" as you are stating something which has not happened yet, but obviously it can be said that something will happen as a matter of "fact" that has certain inevitiability, such as death for example. what I will pick up on is your "inside information" which, reliable or not, seems rather a moot point because a) why havent mainstream media picked up on this info, as often fanzines like the gooner are used as secondary sources by journalists and b) so what if it does happen how you've described, while there may be a certain suspiciousness to this behaviour, the possibility of reducing season ticket revenue by revealing cesc's exit, makes perfect sense to avoid from a business point of view, though in footballing terms losing your best player can be damaging, but you simply cant ignore other factors, such as transfer fee, selling to particular clubs, the benefit from the exit of a particular personality if it enables others to bloom. what really bothers me though is all the speculation, not just by you but by all media, who seem to have forgotten their duty to "report" the news, be it sport or any other kind. I see the gooner as a place to gauge feeling following events, share information and communicate with fellow arsenal fans, not to cynically second guess the clubs or its personnels every move.

  32. Mark

    May 24, 2011, 18:18 #7454

    john i wrote in my note over easter i met a close friend to darren dein over easter in italy who was an arsenal fan who lived in madrid and at easter he told me clearly confidantly while chatting in the pool that Cesc was gone the deal was done. i wrote it at the time he said but as usual we have too man fans in total denial about how our club is being run and what aw is really about which is ensuring club makes money first and foremost

  33. Highbury Boy

    May 24, 2011, 17:06 #7453

    Are you sure the name they heard being signed from Blackburn was Samba? More likely Phil Jones.

  34. Ron

    May 24, 2011, 17:03 #7452

    Take your point but if its a cert i.e Fabregas's sale (and many have said the same since August)why should delaying the news of it bother anyone renewing season tickets? I say this on the basis that there are many who said we should have sold and replaced him last Summer (im one of them) and have assumed it was a 'one year longer' agreement between the Club and Fabs aka Ronaldo's at Utd. As for Samba, im not so sure. Is he a CL quality player? Doubt it and i doubt Wenger will recognise him as being so, unless hes a panic buy to pacify media and fan demand. Whatever, AW himself will go next Summer anyway so hes in the papering over the immediate cracks stage of his career anyway.

  35. jjetplane

    May 24, 2011, 16:55 #7451

    Soon as I saw AW giving the big 'we will fight' line, it was obvious the opposite was the truth. The shame of Wenger is that he is just like the rest. He might end up taking football backwards, not forwards, in this country. Of all the clubs to line up with! ..... Nice one Fab! Least he will end up with a fighting manager! Fighting mad!

  36. john sanders

    May 24, 2011, 16:45 #7449

    what a load of rubbish , gunnersauras rung me last nigh tand said we were signing ronaldo for £100 million !!1

  37. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    May 24, 2011, 15:57 #7446

    6 years back, I would have believed that Whinger is not right to reveal transfer fees. I lost that belief because for a LONG time we hoped and prayed that that was true, that Whinger had his world class targets sewn up for undisclosed amounts to beat off competition Then, I started seeing french twats like Silvestre and Squilacci arriving on a regular basis as well as toddlers, foetuses and 16 year olds who no one, apart from Whinger and Grimandi, had heard of. Sorta like after making 40M over Ade and Toure, he was supposed to have been hiding the figure so we don't get ripped off. Who did we get after this tremendous bout of secrecy? That's right. Haven't been proven wrong in about 4 years now. Sorry, but this last excuse that AKB's have left, that Whinger is right not to reveal money, is another hogwash - just like all the other tried and failed excuses they had for their puppeteer

  38. Gavin

    May 24, 2011, 15:47 #7445

    You sound like one of those crazy conspiracy theorists. If Cesc goes, so be it. I want him to stay but no player is bigger than the club. The main reason I don't believe a word of the Cesc to Madrid story is because it would be in every tabloid right now, there is no way the club could cover it up for this long. If your right I will hold my hands up and say I was wrong, If your wrong I hope you keep your original promise to stop blogging.

  39. Oxy-Moron

    May 24, 2011, 15:44 #7444

    My worry with Samba (and indeed Cahill for that matter) is that they look good defensively in a team that is set up in a defensive way. If (and I'm not convinced we will) we sign Samba, He will look a completely different player once he is exposed by our lack of defensive cohesion. As for the Fabregas theory - Cobblers! - Do you really think Cesc would be so stupid as to sign for the deadly rivals of his dearly beloved Barca? That would be him dead to the Catalunians forever and any future move equally dead in the water. Plus, I'm sure the Real fans would warm to him, given that they know where his heart really lies. It's the equivalent of player X stating how much he loves Arsenal and wants to play here one day, then signing for that lot up the road!

  40. WTF

    May 24, 2011, 15:31 #7443

    Cesc himself said the only club he will go to is Barcelona how the hell is he going to Madrid your like the doomsday predictor.

  41. gooner93

    May 24, 2011, 14:47 #7442

    Not sure what all the shock about Cesc is about. It was clear he wouldn't stay at Arsenal forever. However, going to Real does surprise me. I always thought it would be Barca or perhaps Man City. As for Samba, he's just what we need. But why didn't they get him in January if the deal was done then? He wouldn't have let us slide like this and would have been a great asset.

  42. Jens M

    May 24, 2011, 14:24 #7441

    "How does this go hand in hand with a manager that will ‘fight to keep Cesc at the club’?" But it's not true!! Come the end of the summer, Fabregas will NOT have been sold to Real Madrid. How will your statements stand then? This is a pointless and completely worthless article. Don't you feel like you're not doing anything of any worth sometimes? I mean, at the end of the day, what is it worth to you, to just put up lies and false rumours all the time? Is it that amusing to you? This article is a complete waste of time. You must see this.

  43. Andythegooner

    May 24, 2011, 14:13 #7440

    Utter nonsense. Fabregas has never made it a secret that he will "return" to Barcelona. He is a Catalan. He would never go to Real for a number of reasons including the opportunity to again play with players he grew up with at the Barcelona Academy and to play in a team that excel at the style of football he plays. One can criticise AW of overly protecting his players and often being economical with the truth but downright underhanded and dishonest he is not. Nonsense misinformation from this article aside, we will await the inevitable transfer to the Camp Nou...

  44. Scary Roger

    May 24, 2011, 14:10 #7439

    Great article, I particularly liked the reliability of the source- someone your mum used to work with. What a joke. Please stop writing in with your ludicrous theories.

  45. GoonerRon

    May 24, 2011, 13:56 #7438

    If the deal has been agreed (for the avoidance of doubt I tend to think it's utter bollocks) then we need to sign a replacement - it stands to reason that if other clubs know we have £45m that prices will go up, so I don't blame him one bit for keeping it to himself. For those of you holding off on renewing your memberships on the back of this hearsay, more fool you. For those of you asking for wengers resignation if this is true, presumably the poster should never be allowed in emirates if it turns out to bull ****?

  46. Cesctastic

    May 24, 2011, 13:19 #7435

    Don't believe it i'm afraid. If your worried about compromising your mothers friend at the club why would your write an article including information on them? Also we all know Cesc wouldn't sign for any other club apart from Barcelona.

  47. Kev G

    May 24, 2011, 13:04 #7434

    It is the system we play that is flawed. Samba will look like a total donk in our back line that stand on the hlafway line as he has zero pace If we are going to change and actually defend properly then he'll be a good buy but I don't see that happening

  48. Gambon

    May 24, 2011, 12:47 #7433

    You have made some F***ing big claims here. I really cant see Cesc joining Madrid, it makes no sense. I also think the Samba boat has passe. Time will tell, but I hope you dont disappear after none of this happens.

  49. Fwu

    May 24, 2011, 11:30 #7430

    If this is true... why not get Benzema + cash for Cesc as I've always been saying if we can get Benzema and a player like Hazard for Cesc, i'll be happy esp. if we keep Nasri. Wenger will get 2 great world class quality players and use his transfer kitty to get Samba, Cahill and Parker or Matuidi or some other DM who can challenge Song. This together with the freen transfer of Alvarez and that guy from Lorient, I feel will give us enough depth to challenge next season and minimise the impact of the loss of Fabregas.

  50. Yanto

    May 24, 2011, 11:20 #7429

    I remember the 'mixed reactions' to your initial post, personally I thought - well let's wait and see what happens, which is all any of us can do. However, I sincerely hope what you say is true. Cesc played well in the first part of the season, but as time went on he seemed to become a shadow of the 'genius and passionate player' we all know he can be. So we should sell and get as much money for him as we can - even if that means selling him to ****eh...we need the wonga!...and I'd love to see Christopher Samba in our back line - he would show some of the other 'shrinking violets' in our squad what it means to defend. He may not be the most 'graceful' of players, but he sure is 'Effective'.

  51. MurpR

    May 24, 2011, 10:47 #7427

    fabregas isnt as good as you think! how well have arsenal done when he hasnt played? i belive hes going to madrid, because deep down cesc knows hes not good enough to get in barca team!! With 45mill, if wenger spends it, easliy get 2 replacements as good as or better than him!

  52. steve gorac

    May 24, 2011, 10:40 #7426

    Remind me not to impart any information to you in the future. Something tells me that this guy didn't want you to write all of this stuff over the internet.

  53. Bergkamp10

    May 24, 2011, 10:31 #7424

    My dads dogs friends cousinn used to clean cesc's mums brothers cat and he said that it isnt happening! really, do we have to listen to these poitnless rumours/posts on this site???!?!

  54. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 24, 2011, 10:13 #7422

    Gunnersaurus probably WAS there... he'd know more about what really goes on at the club behind closed doors than any of us ever will...

  55. Mandy Dodd

    May 24, 2011, 10:03 #7421

    I find it very hard to believe but if you are correct , fair play to you. Maybe Canales coming the other way ?- that is another one I have heard recently. Surely we would not actually sell him to Citeh even at a good price? He has clearly stated he just wants to go home, it is not about the money and he has no interest in another English club. Although hopefully their claims will inflate his value. If Wenger is keeping things quiet i am sure he has his reasons and they might not all to be season ticket related. If owners of our current targets know the price we were getting for Cecs, if could affect transfers of players we want to bring in. My money is still on Cesc Barca - haven't they just done a sponsorship deal with some Quataris? Unlike Wenger, these teams can and will flout the EUFA FFP thing with inpunity, so if Barca want him, they will have to pay as I am sure they can. And they are about to win the CL. Their MF need cover, Iniesta / Xavi seem to have to play in a lot of games.

  56. Sparksy

    May 24, 2011, 9:47 #7419

    It does seem that Cesc is on his way but we all knew that last summer. Just a case of keeping him one more season while Wilshere and Ramsey got the experience they needed. He doesn't want to be at the club so let him go and you can't really blame him, he's been carrying the team for a good part of the last 6 seasons with nothing to show for it. Samba? I like that signing. Hope that one goes through as he's just the sort of hard, put your head in where it hurts, sort of playre we are crying out for. What a lovely change that would be after watching a load of pansies for the last few years.

  57. Karlitos Way

    May 24, 2011, 9:33 #7418

    The likelihood is that Cesc will go this season, ideally as Arsenal fans we'd like to hold on to him further but if he doesn't want to be at Arsenal then it'd be better that he goes as his influence especially as captain would be more detrimental to the team. Regarding the sale to Real Madrid as opposed to Barcelona this is pure fantasy and I'd even go as far to say it is complete garbage! Cesc is a Barcelona fan, remember "it's in his DNA", if he goes to another Spanish club other than Barcelona I will humbly apologies but for now I feel your website is complete un-newsworthy and I can't wait until you have to concoct another story explaining why Cesc wasn't sold to Real Madrid and why Samba hasn't signed for Arsenal.

  58. Tabloid Tittle Tattle!

    May 24, 2011, 9:30 #7417

    Mate, Guillem Balague has said that there is no way Cesc is going to Madrid. You are just a complete liar looking for some attention, even if your "mum" used to work with someone in the club, do you think AW discusses his transfer dealings out in the open!! The papers pay people to find out gossip, if there was a suggestion of truth in it, it would be all over the press. Now do us a favour and do what you promised, which was never to write anther article again! How did this site turn into a gossip column???

  59. chris dee

    May 24, 2011, 9:25 #7416

    Blimey!Your mother used to work with a relative of the bloke who serves the overpriced hotdogs at the Emirates eh? Must all be true then.

  60. danalovAFCXI

    May 24, 2011, 9:21 #7415

    My sisters, friends, cousin in law once shared a room with a man who a guy who once shared a taxi with a steward at the grove who overheard a board member saying that the club will sell Cesc for some magic beans which will grow into a defender a striker and a goalkeeper. Also Samba signed a deal at the moment of his conception which i heard from a travelling salesmen who works in north london near the ground was all true to bits.

  61. Mick Mahoney

    May 24, 2011, 9:19 #7414

    Oh! He told a lie! Miss! Miss! Arsene told a lie!

  62. Martyn

    May 24, 2011, 8:57 #7412

    Not surprising. Cesc has been on the way out for some time now and the Real Madrid connection is plausible because sitting on his backside at Barcelona as a sub would not be, I guess, what he ideally wants to do with his career.

  63. Sheriff

    May 24, 2011, 8:57 #7411

    I wont be surprised as over the last 4years, Wenger has lied season after season...so why dont he now?? I knew he was lying about Vermaleen coming back in January as I knew he wasnt goin to buy any DF in the january window..HE lied about buying a striker when he siad he would in Jan 2 seasons ago, he lies every season about keeping hold of the squad and then selling 5 and bringing in 2 more frenchies..He lies about saying Fans want him to buy £50M players, he lies when he says Alumina is a top top GK, he lies when he says the team has mental strength, He lies when he says hes only going to buy players who are of exceptional talent,...instead we got Silvestre, Koscielny, Campbell..People smell the coffee ARSENE Is a f*cking LIAR

  64. Tom

    May 24, 2011, 8:52 #7410

    i knew a guy who spoke with someone who knew someone who babysat the daughter of someone else who had been in the company of someone else who had managed to spend time with the person who looked after the dog that belonged to the guy who told that person that youre a massive twat!

  65. Wenger lies all the time

    May 24, 2011, 8:50 #7409

    In Cole's last season he said Cole is a future arsenal captain blah blah and he will stay e.t.c. After Cole left he revealed that wenger had already agreed with him back in january that he will be allowed to leave and sold to Chelsea as long as they pay the correct price. Yet Wenger carried on lying to the fans, This man has 0 respect for the intelligence of the fans.

  66. Richard Ansell

    May 24, 2011, 8:49 #7408

    Right or not John my distrust of Wenger could not get any deeper. It certainly has the ring of truth about it as Cesc obviously has had enough of Wenger's jam tomorrow stories (havn't we all)and I can't blame him for wanting out. I just wish I could join him and swap allegiances to a more ambitious club with a manager that I respect.

  67. Andrew

    May 24, 2011, 8:37 #7407

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is true but we'll see. To all season ticket holders - I'd hold back from renewing til we see what happens in the summer. I'm not renewing my red membership til I see big changes and some big money spent.

  68. CD

    May 24, 2011, 8:07 #7404

    Wenger could teach Alistair Campbell a thing or two about subterfuge! He is a spin doctor who genuinely thinks we are all gullible imbeciles, which is why he always turns questions round to suit his agenda, rather than answering the actual question. I have no reason to doubt what you are saying John is true, and if as you say these two transfers do transpire, then indeed we must all open our eyes to the fact that Wenger is an out and out liar, who simply does not deserve to remain in charge. The tiny slither of trust that remains with the fans and Wenger will have gone completly, and in my view would make his position completly untenable, as from that moment onwards every Wenger statement would have to be viewed as an outright lie. The only way the club however will get the message is via money, or hopefully the lack of it, and I would implore you all to not renew your season tickets if you want Wenger out, as it's the only language this club now understands (renew silver memberships only to enable you to pick and choose which games to attend) and would force them to analyse how and why they have alienated the vast majority of previously loyal, patient, devoted fans.

  69. Insider

    May 24, 2011, 8:07 #7403

    My information is that a much, much higher fee has been 'agreed/accepted' with/from Manchester City. This will be set as a 'benchmark' for any other clubs to match if Cesc decides that he wishes to move elsewhere.

  70. avr

    May 24, 2011, 8:07 #7402

    Real signed Nuri Sahin and Altintop recently. Theres no place to play last years signings like Sergio Canales,Diarra and dont even seems to have place for Kaka. Real midfield now have.. Ronaldo,Khedira,Sahin,Ozil,Xabi Alonso,Angel DiMaria,Canales,Kaka,L.Diarra,M Diarra,Gago,Pedro Leon,Altintop Where would Cec play?...int the galleries... Apply mimimum logic before spreading false rumours. Wat a Joke..Cesc to Real..my ass

  71. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 24, 2011, 8:03 #7401

    I'll be very suprised if Fabregas goes to Real Madrid as he is supposedly a die hard Barca fan, as is his entire family. It might be a clever ploy by Arsenal to try and convince Barca to up their bid to a realistic level (50m) because 30m for Cesc would be a joke in todays market. I'd like to see Samba come in also as he is a commanding physical presence, strong in the air and is a talker/leader, not a world beater but better than what we currently have, For these reasons I hope you are right John!!

  72. The Trap

    May 24, 2011, 8:01 #7400

    Funny how I have heard RMad for Cesc also, but not Chris Samba, a source from Hitchin (where JW19 is from hint hint) said the deal for Cahill was already done. JW knowing Cahill well after a loan. As far as the manager lying, everyone knows that you never show your hand in the transfer market, imagine if everyone knew we had £45m from the Cesc sale, as soon as we enquire about a player you can guarantee it is upped by 50%, come on guys, Wenger is right NOT to reveal this...

  73. 971style

    May 24, 2011, 7:54 #7399

    He will not go to another spanish club than barcelona. Your mum's friend is just wrong.

  74. Secret Insider

    May 24, 2011, 7:53 #7398

    i also have some inside information. arshavin is a KGB agent and played for us as cover in order to spy on english citizens. this is the truth. of course i cant go into detail as i would compromise the identity of my imformant. your just going to take everything i say on my word. of course you dont know me and i cant prove what i say using facts. just assumptions on mystery insiders that may or may not exist.

  75. Goonerman

    May 24, 2011, 7:44 #7395

    If true, Wenger has played his cards close to his chest and I have not got a problem with that. There are millions of pounds at stake with ST sales so I ain't got a problem. In any event, I think we'd still sell all STs.

  76. Flanders

    May 24, 2011, 7:39 #7393

    Was it gunnersaurus you had tea with?

  77. nedhez

    May 24, 2011, 7:39 #7392

    45mil is gd money, hp he goes. I knw he's world class bt nt settled.

  78. Alan Thraves

    May 24, 2011, 7:38 #7391

    I hope you are wrong mate because the implications for Wenger with us fans would make life intolerable for him at the Emirates - Keeping the deal quite, fair enough, blatantly lying, not fair enough

  79. Richie

    May 24, 2011, 7:34 #7390

    Someone your Mum knows, knows someone who has a relative who knows someone who used to work........ and you are 100% sure Arsene is a liar?????? Take a deep breath, and after your brain has re-engaged, then think again about printing stuff like this!

  80. RedDevil

    May 24, 2011, 7:30 #7389

    So all your saying is Wenger is a liar who is covering up for AFC! Something everyone else apart from gooners already new

  81. Jamie

    May 24, 2011, 7:29 #7388

    will you shut your site down if Cesc doesn't go to Madrid? You write about Arsenal Board the same way Fox News talks about Democrats in the US.

  82. Ian

    May 24, 2011, 7:26 #7387

    In 31 years of being an Arsenal fan I've always held the opinion that if a player doesn't want to be at our club he should bugger with all haste, no matter how big he is. The fact is we can cope without Cesc if necessary and his transfer fee would cover the signings we need to strengthen areas that have been weak for several years. So long as our stingy manager uses the cash I say let him go if he wants to go.

  83. Stonroy

    May 24, 2011, 7:26 #7386

    And your friend at the club, how long will he remain friends with your family after this article? Either way Arsenal lost their way a long time ago, am I surprised? Not really, the moment our manager talks about being in the top 4 as a goal then I know as gooners that all we can do is hold our breath and wait for Wenger to leave.

  84. charliegeorge

    May 24, 2011, 7:16 #7385

    John Explosive stuff!! Says it all really. How do we know when the Colonel's lying: when his lips are moving.

  85. HowardL

    May 24, 2011, 7:12 #7384

    I can believe it. There's no room yet for Cesc at Barcelona but he has to get away.