The Fantastic Voyage: travel deep into the centre of... the mind of Abou Diaby

What passes for footballing thoughts in Diaby’s head?

The Fantastic Voyage: travel deep into the centre of... the mind of Abou Diaby

Abou-tiful mind?

What do you think goes through Abou Diaby’s head in the morning when he wakes up in his ridiculously comfortable bed next to his exceptionally good looking lady friend?

Is he thinking about why he hasn't improved very much over the last few years? Does he think that the injuries he has suffered have hampered his progress as a footballer? Is he formulating the master plan to transform himself into a truly world class player? Is he working out the tactical weaknesses of our next opponents? Is he thinking of new ways to look the absolute business on a football pitch without actually being much good at all? Is he feeling guilty about never actually looking like he’s trying very hard or cares about the result? Is he thinking about maybe trying not to get himself sent off every time a well known idiot thug is obviously trying to get you sent off? Is he thinking about trying to stop hogging the ball and slowing down our attacks? Is he thinking about maybe heading the ball into the opposition net, rather than his own, or making a decent tackle, or even shooting?

Is he wondering if he's really an attacking midfielder trapped inside the body of a defensive midfielder?

Is he thinking about trying to form some kind of understanding on the pitch with his team mates rather than going on random meandering dribbles down cul-de-sacs?

Or is he just thinking of what to spend your hard earned money on next?

That's right. That is YOUR hard earned money that bought his car.

YOUR hard earned money that bought his luxury pad.

YOUR hard earned money that pays for whatever wish or whim he so bloody well desires.

Despite having the size and physique of a tough tackling defensive midfielder he and his manager obviously see him in a more attacking role, The only problem is that he isn't much good at that either; he rarely shoots, he rarely scores and he rarely creates a chance either. He loses the ball way too often and doesn't seem to have many ideas at all when he does have it.

He just dribbles and runs with his head down. He is not good enough for the Arsenal and he is the ultimate jack of all trades but master of none.

I could have said the same about Eboue but, I didn't, as we already booed him years ago and now we have to pretend he's a saint because we all feel guilty. He has almost exactly the same flaws as Abou Diaby anyway so this article could have just have well been called " Fantastic Voyage: travel deep into the centre of ...the mind of Emmanuel Eboue." Eboue is not great defensively, not great offensively and doesn't look to be too bothered about being second best anymore anyway.

I could have critiqued Denilson but to be quite honest I'm sure that there is absolutely nothing in that boy’s mind and how he ever captained Brazil at any level I'll never know. Statistically a fantastic midfield maestro but in reality he is about as much use to us as a chocolate teapot.

Then there is Manuel Almunia, the goalkeeper who puts into his own net and creates goals for the opposition. And who could forget Nicklas Bendtner? The striker who cannot score. It’s too easy. Indeed it shouldn't be this easy to rip the piss out of your own players but the point has got to be made, unfortunately.

These players all earn a fortune playing for our beloved club and we are paying top whack to come and watch them. We wouldn't mind so much that they are so obviously terrible if they appeared to fight more, try a little harder or even, heaven forbid, show that they care about the result of the match.

Jack Wilshere has embarrassed many of his mediocre team-mates this season because not only is he infinitely more talented, he's also infinitely more passionate and determined to win and I believe Aaron Ramsey will also rise up and embarrass some of the current Arsenal squad one day soon. That is of course if he hasn't already.

There are too many below-average underachieving players in our current squad and they have all been in the comfort zone for way, way too long now. It is time to let Wilshere and Ramsey push them out of the squad and for Wenger to sign better quality players to provide actual competition for places.

If players are not worried about losing their place in the team how can we expect them to be motivated enough to fight for trophies? If your name is Cesc Fabregas, Samir Nasri, Alex Song or Robin Van Persie you would not be worried about losing your place in this current Arsenal starting XI because of the lack of quality in the squad behind you.

Might make you fancy a move to Barcelona mightn't it?

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  1. Graham Yates

    May 27, 2011, 14:12 #7734

    When Diaby 1st joined from Auxerre I thought a possible replacement for PV4. I can think of only 2 performances by him v. fenerbahce (a) when we won 5-2 & the 2-1 defeat to man U (a) when he scored that o.g. where he was brilliant. It seems that the change from 442 to 433 2 seasons back has completely thrown him which shows that there is no football brain in his head or boots.

  2. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 26, 2011, 11:05 #7530

    Fozzys mate- No, I'm not alright mate. I feel cheated and upset that my loyalty and patience were abused by the old board (that Kroenke was a part of) and Wenger. I feel that it is important for people like me to admit that we were wrong to defend and rationalise the goings on at Arsenal for so long, out of a sense of blind loyalty to Arsene and swallowing the propaganda put out by the club. If a staunch Wenger fan like me can be brave enough to admit that I was wrong, ask the difficult questions and demand change , it might just inspire others to do the same. I just couldn't bring myself to doubt Wenger entirely before this terrible season of ours. But don't worry too much about me, this is just a hobby that I enjoy. I've got plenty of other good things going on in my life to be too miserable!

  3. fozzy's mate

    May 26, 2011, 9:03 #7528

    Joe - in a similar vein to the article with someone fearing for Wengers mental health, is yours okay mate? Your torrent of anti Wenger and his pathetic mentally weak team is now a flood, which shows no sign of reducing in vigour or frequency. A large number of us have felt the way you do for 3-5 years and personally I have been bemused at OGL's persistence with "the usual suspects", putting it down to his love of the comfort zone and keeping his lack of spending get out of jail free card in his back pocket. All the while you ferociously defended OGL and his collapsing pack of cards to the hilt as if being mesmorised by some snake charmer. I don't care what goes through Diabys mind or that of his under performing choking colleagues. It is not the fault of the usual suspects and the other "stars" who also go missing when it counts that OGL has persisted with them for 5 long and painful seasons. The drones who blindly followed OGL and believed and lived for his every word and attacked those who disssented or politely challenged are to blame along with OGL himself. You also know of my contempt for the old etonion and his dough trousering chronies. No other "giant" of the world game sells its best players and does not replace them for fear of killing the likes of Diaby and Denilson and instead waits five years to see if they are good enough. If you are good enough you come through and become irresistable like JW19 or Cashley. The papers are touting Nasri for Manure, whilst I don't see it happening it signifies what we have become.

  4. HowardL

    May 26, 2011, 7:14 #7526

    Joe- as I don't have to suffer these guys you describe so well for a few months - hopefully never again, but that's unlikely - I can smile at your article - especially Almunia's pre-buttered gloves (you might have also mentioned his broken Sat Nav) and I think your observations are spot on. More complex is why Wenger persists with them - it is an unattainable ideal of how football should be or is he just 'following orders' to create money for the shareholders? Either way, the team is broken and needs fixing. What to do about it? It needs sorting over the summer. And I hope you are going to continue to keep up the entertainment during that time. Thanks.

  5. Terry

    May 25, 2011, 19:43 #7517

    This article could have been written about Eboue Denil**** Song Rosicky and Bender as well as Diaby.But there is one common denominator Wenger the fool.He is the person who gave this collection of usless tossers new long term contracts.Whenever i hear an AKB mention Wenger is still a great manager i ask them how these 6 clowns still get games for our great club.No doubt some will go this summer but you can bet some will still be at the club next season.

  6. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 25, 2011, 17:36 #7514

    TC- I'm Sure that it was Wenger's bright idea to tell Song to bomb forward more so We can't blame the player for being unable to fulfil a role that does not come naturally to him. I think that a lot of the problems with Song crept into the rest of his game because there was not enough competition/cover for his place resulting in fatigue as the season progressed and I believe, a bit of complacency too.

  7. Danny

    May 25, 2011, 16:42 #7511

    At last! Been saying this for ages but Duaby is actually the biggest c*** in a Gooner jersey. Rubbish at defending, useless attacking, awful in the air. Yet every time there's a big game, his loving daddy Wenger finds a way of shoe-horning him in!! What a joke. Been at the club since 2006 and zero improvement. Oh but never mind as he got a new contract on £52k a week! I want him gone before Eboue.

  8. TC

    May 25, 2011, 15:42 #7510

    The same could be said about Song regarding giving the ball away. He developed into a reasonable defensive midfield player last season. He kept things simple by following a basic routine of breaking up the opposition's play, steal the ball and make a simple pass to Cesc. This season, he took it upon himself to become an attacking midfielder. Unfortunately, he lacked the necessary skill and vision to be one! I don't have the stats but the number of times he gave away possession this season must be shocking.

  9. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 25, 2011, 14:19 #7507

    Personally, I wouldn't waste any of my own time wondering what sails in one ear and straight out the other of Diaby, Eboue, or Denilson...

  10. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 25, 2011, 13:31 #7502

    Richard Ansell- you are 100% correct, can Wenger not see the difference between our current squad and the invincibles? I'd like to think that he can and will sort it out this summer but I think I know in my heart that i'm dreaming. Ron- nah, Diaby is a big strong lad. He really is! pure muscle, a natural athlete..... he just is too stupid and lazy to use what God gave him!!

  11. Ron

    May 25, 2011, 12:26 #7493

    Joe The truth is that your comments (save for Fabregas, JW and Ramsey) could be aimed at any of the midfielders in the entire sqaud. Journeymen all at best, lacking bottle, drive or character. Size and physique though? He just look s like a skinny, lanky beanpole to me. Not quite Crouchesque, ill looking freakishness, but hes got nothing that will ever steamroller any opponents or remotely worry them. The time since when we had a player to do that escapes me now, its been so long.

  12. Richard Ansell

    May 25, 2011, 12:21 #7492

    Joe, I wish someone could tell me what the devil is going on at our club these days. Is Wenger really enjoying watching the likes of the players you have mentioned, and does he really believe all the daft comments he comes out with in their defence? Is he really happy coming second, third or fourth, but a country mile behind actually having a real team of winners. Surely the answer to these questions has to be no but still he persists with his daft ideas. After all he once presided over one of the best teams we have ever had so how can he, in all seriousness, be happy with this lot? Nothing at Arsenal makes any sense to me any more - I don't see where we are going (apart from more failure) and yet Wenger is allowed to continue as if we still had a team like we had in 2004.

  13. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 25, 2011, 11:38 #7488

    danalovAFCXI- I just wanted to drive home the point that these players are on ridiculous wages in return for very little effort and passion on their part. I don't resent my season ticket money, beer money or mercandise money going to players like Cesc or RVP and i don't resent their lifestyle at all. After all, if I had made it as a professional footballer (God knows I tried!) I would love to be on that sort of dough! I resent that OUR MONEY is being pissed down the drain on substandard players. We used to have squad players like Wiltord, Kanu and Edu etc who I liked and didn't resent contributing to their wages but, I don't want to contribute to another pair of pink boots for Bendtner or Pre-buttered gloves for Almunia or Flappyhandski for example.

  14. Gare Kekeke

    May 25, 2011, 10:58 #7486

    He does have the attributes to be a top quality box-to-box midfielder but injuries, incosistency and arrogance will prevent him from ever being that top quality box-to-box midfielder. Wenger does see him as mixture of the attacking & defensive in the way he did with Vieira but Diaby seems to think he's a great attacking player because he has as he's put it 'likes to go forward'. He has no football intelligence whatsoever. He dwells on the ball far to long, his basic passing is poor let alone having the vision of Fabregas, his shooting is erratic and he won't track back when he has too. Wenger should tell to stay back and leave the attacking to better players such as Nasri, Fabregas et al. But of course Wenger won't because he dosen't want to 'kill him'. It's a joke that we have missed otu on signing top quality defensive midfielders in the last three years because of inconsistent/limited players like Diaby. Remember that well AKB's. And to think he thinks he's good enough for Barcelona. Oh dear.

  15. andy

    May 25, 2011, 10:53 #7485

    dont forget Bacary Sanga...a very good season at right back however lacked support from quality centre backs

  16. Martin

    May 25, 2011, 9:57 #7482

    Diaby is a pile of ****e with a terrible injury record.Fergie would not have him anywhere near Utd.But as we all know Wenger isnt Fergie.The likes of Diaby Denilson and Song was the reason we didnt sign Alonso because Wenger didnt want to kill them.He didnt but plenty of Gooners do

  17. danalovAFCXI

    May 25, 2011, 9:50 #7480

    Not sure why Diaby's real or supposed home life needs to be dragged into this or reflect his form. I would agree that he needs to earn his pay, but childish jealousy of the riches of the modern premiership players is just a waste of time. I don’t begrudge any of these kids earning (and I mean playing well) top dollar. Simply because most of them came from less well off backgrounds and managed to make use of the skills they had, good luck to them sure they behave like spoilt brats but I have seen worse in the media and in major corporations. I would rather a football player makes the cash than some horrible **** banker or share holder at RBS or British Gas. Yes Diaby has fallen short on form as have many others in this squad but can you blame him for being lax about his play, when you have a manager who won’t drop him or bollock him when he’s ****. I would agree though Diaby is gash he should have gone ages ago but he didn’t I can only blame Wenger for that.

  18. SilverGooner

    May 25, 2011, 9:25 #7475

    Despite being a light-hearted read, Joe does make a serious point here - particularly in the last 3 paragraphs. It is painfully obvious that we have too many average and below-average players in our squad. Yes, as an ‘average’ squad we probably did well to finish fourth but until we have a squad full of above-average and outstanding players (and who do possess mental strength!) we are unlikely to win any silverware. Over to you Arsene to sort this mess out.