Dear AKBs

The case for the prosecution

Dear AKBs

Rosicky: Should not be allowed to wear the shirt

So the end of the season has mercifully arrived.

Wenger has led us to another trophyless season. I know we are not entitled to win a trophy. We all know that. However that does not change the fact that this has been the worst season many of us can remember. So please have a look at the below and then Dear AKB's come out of your hiding places and tell us why your beloved Arsene should not be fired. Here’s your chance as you have been hiding for weeks. I'm guessing most of you want to stay in hiding till next season, wait till we win, say, three games on the bounce, and then remind us Arsene knows. Sorry not good enough, we want to hear from you now. Be brave step up to the plate. Try and defend even some of the following.

• Two wins in the last eleven games. One of the most shameful ends to the season of any top club in history. Going for the title and finishing 4th

• Losing a Cup Final to a now relegated team, a team that scored the fewest goals in the Premiership, around 20 less than Blackpool, a team that Man Utd and Chelsea would NEVER lose to under similar circumstances

• Becoming the first team in Premiership history to lose a 4 goal lead and with only 20 minutes left.

• Throwing away a 2 goal lead against our biggest rivals twice in a season. The home game was a shambles and a complete disgrace

• Persisting with a goalkeeper totally out of his depth and only putting the guy in who should have been in from the start when all the others were injured

• Not buying cover at Centre back. AGAIN

• Making no signings of any note in the summer

• Throwing away point after point because we can't defend

• Insulting the fans by saying we don't know what we are talking about because most of us haven't had half a day in football

• Announcing he would be happy to finish 2nd for the next 20 years

• Playing the likes of Denilson and Rosicky who quite simply should not be allowed to wear the famous shirt

• Droaning on about mental strength and team spirit which everyone can see we don't have.

• Telling everyone this is the best squad he has ever had. AN ABSOLUTE INSULT TO THE INVINCIBLES

• Not getting a defensive and goalkeeping coach who has a clue. I mean David Seaman or Jens Lehmann. No let’s keep Gerry Peyton.

• Ten games to go and only the title to play for and we win TWO games. Abysmal doesn't begin to describe it

Ancelotti has tonight been fired by Chelsea. A double last year and 2nd this year is not enough.

Meanwhile over in cloud cuckoo land our manager keeps his job despite being at the helm when the club he manages have managed to throw away the chance to win the title three of the last four years.

This current squad is simply not good enough. Get rid of the rubbish and start again. Build the team round young Jack and the simply fantastic RVP. By the way just to remind you the great man has 18 goals since Christmas in the PL. Where would we be without his brilliant efforts?

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  1. John

    May 31, 2011, 12:41 #7985

    @CD - I notice that you continually fail to provide a direct answer anytime someone disgaree's with you? The previous posts simply raise an alternative position to your won and then you tran and take some moral high ground? That guy is simply stating why he doesnt agree with you and you dont seem to have read his point? I dont like Wenger, his personality irritates me, he is churlish and a very bad loser, but I dont agree we should sack him. Are you going to get angry at me too?

  2. irfan

    May 30, 2011, 20:49 #7957

    greetings from Indonesia.....i can understand AMG's point of view, but let me remind you, that the problems is not on wenger, but on our tranfer policy, remember the Invicibles? remember henry, viera, lauren, pires...they all a living proof what wenger could do, so just relax, have faith....

  3. JJB

    May 30, 2011, 12:52 #7937

    @CD – That last comment was highly amusing. Whilst you are peddling hard to reach that high ground that you obviously love to inhabit to cast down your aspersions. You my friend have obviously not read any of my comment. As always you have chosen to ignore anything put to you as a counter argument, my words were not an angry tirade just a staunch defence of my beliefs, but you have obviously have no sense of irony as your words as laced with it, you learn your type of discussion in school. Please don’t lecture anyone about democracy, you have shown by your words to be another angry “fan” who is desperate to push their mandate for change without actually looking at it ****ively, you claim to want to engage in a fair debate, yet you start by dividing fans into “AKB” & “GWO”...which is the thought process of a 5yr old. If you think an argument for Wenger to stay is because we don’t have a better option then you simply just don’t understand, as that isn’t the reason why most fans are opposed to the idea of sacking him. You are caught up in your own petty sensibilities that you haven’t even engaged, by reading what you have said I can sense a very basic understanding of how football works, but its probably not your fault. Short-termism is rife in may tribal fans like yourself, you talk about temper tantrums but what I see you are clearly the one who cannot just debate and has to resort to the insults, but based on your “argument” I can see why you feel the need to resort to this. Every time a fan voices an opinion that is not the same as you, you shoot them down then espouse your sanctimonious drivel. Fact is (as I have said before) we have differing opinions, we are entitled to them, you seem to have a huge problem accepting anybody else’s and you dare to patronise me about open mindness, my point is simple...let me explain it again. AW has earned one more season, he must change his ideas, he must buy experience or he will be out the door and rightly so....I understand you POV but I don’t agree, but I see no sense in trying to get you to understand mine as your own narrow mindness will deny you that, but that’s your problem.

  4. Jeff

    May 30, 2011, 12:38 #7936

    I refer to Dan's comments below. Well said mate. It seems to me that there are quite a number of Arsenal fans who are almost happy to be wallowing in misery and thus have the opportunity to direct such vitriol against Wenger supporters. No matter which side of this divide you sit, surely we all want what's best for the club, don't we?I must add though that we can't all be wrong. Whether you're pro or anti Wenger, every fan seems to agree on what is needed. If I could ask Wenger one question, it would be, why the hell did he stop using Keown as defensive coach? After all, with his coaching, we went ten games without conceding on the way to the CL final in 2006. When something was so succesful, why on earth would you stop doing it? Madness.

  5. Spectrum

    May 30, 2011, 7:01 #7928

    CD - Your posts articulate very well what I think and feel.The A.K.B.'S have been flushed out.And the latest mantra of theirs is "Who would we replace him with ?" As has been pointed out, ( but conveniently ignored ) what would happen if Wenger fell under a bus, or more realistically, had a heart attack ? We would HAVE to replace him then. And what happens when ( heaven forbid ) the day comes when he RETIRES ? Horrible as that thought is for the A.K.B.'s it WILL happen one day ! All this talk of no successor being available is based on a fear of CHANGE.That's at the root of it.How did any great manager become that way ? By starting out as a complete unknown quantity, and somebody willing to take a chance, and give him a go. Or a youngish manager with some success already under his belt, with clear potential for more.Demonstrating their ignorance, the A.K.B.'s refuse to believe that there is ANYONE who even MIGHT, do an equal or better, job than the incumbent.That's how indoctrinated they've become under Wenger. Just for the record, here's my choices as a replacement - Hiddink, Villas Boas, Guardiola, Owen Coyle,or maybe even Martin O' Neill. Not all may agree, but you asked for names. "In Arsene we rust."

  6. wenger out

    May 27, 2011, 23:29 #7758

    @PPP said "It's fair to say anyone who uses the term AKB should just be ignored. They have no idea, they're not even Arsenal fans.". Typical arrogance of an AKB'er. Blind faith in a fallen idol. I assume the PPP stands for piss poor post. Loser like your manager.

  7. CD

    May 27, 2011, 18:51 #7749

    @JJB You clearly did not read my comment, as most of your angry tirade against me, I did not even mention. All profesional organisations have back up plans, if you are too naive to think this is the case then we will have to agree to disagree. Only a couple of weeks ago David Gill spoke about Jose Mourinho having blotted his CV as a possible future replacement for Fergie re his oubursts after the Champ League semi first leg, which shows they like everyone else has a contingency plan. The point I was trying to make is that you should judge someone on their pros and cons and NOT based on who could or could not possibly replace them. Using your criteria we would still have Bruce Rioch in charge! Their are hundreds of other managers out there and I am sure someone could do a better job than Wenger currently is. I say currently as otherwise no doubt you will get on your high horse again. I am not disputing his previous success, but to continue making the same mistakes and never learning from them, for at least 4 years on the trot, to me shows he is beyond his sell by date. That is merely my opinion, and as I said if you had read my article, put forward your own clear concise case to counter this article, and in your case my comment, but please dont resort to childish temper tantrum reactions with anyone you happen to disagree with! We should all be able to voice an opinion and I for one will not abuse anyone who happens to have one different to mine. It's called democracy, and debate is a good thing and I for one do analyse and consider other peoples views especially when they dont mirror mine! Perhaps you should give it a try you might find all the anger within you mellows when preparing to be open minded.

  8. ppp

    May 27, 2011, 18:21 #7747

    It's fair to say anyone who uses the term AKB should just be ignored. They have no idea, they're not even Arsenal fans and they certainly don't count in any meaningful way.

  9. JJB

    May 27, 2011, 16:06 #7741

    @cd - How is it irrelevant?? It is extremely relevant but I notice how yet again you have nothing to offer in terms of an answer? You talk about contingency.....but I don’t think you understand your own words, so you think the club has a backup manager do you?? You might notice normally that the no2 is made caretaker until a new manager can be put in place, you honestly think O'Neill or Hiddink would do better? Maybe...but with no guarantee, and this is the point! Sacking Wenger at the moment cannot guarantee a change in fortunes and that is the crux of it, the insults about him "losing it" are beyond disrespectful and if I were you I would send some of your benign venom towards the board rather than at the manager. If he doesn’t spend and if we are here next season then 100% his time is up, but only a minority believe he should go now! If his time was really up it would be a majority and please stop insulting the fans who don’t want him sacked by dividing loyal fans into two camps just to try and justify your points, we can all think for ourselves and we are all frustrated but he has earned another year of our loyalty and this is the end of it! Your war mongering and belligerence is not helping and is pointless right now, AKB is just rubbish espoused by angry tribal fans who are interested in short termism. I have disagreed with many of his decisions this year and the players he has continued to stick with, but I believe he is still the best man to drive us forward.All you fans wanting him out think you have got it sussed, you think you know the best way forward but the fact is none of us do, we are fans and our opinions are exactly that! I still have a little faith left, it’s been dissipating for some time but he has enough of it for another season

  10. goonergerry

    May 27, 2011, 14:32 #7737

    I do not think Wenger is all he seems.He does well with young and developing players. Has he successfully managed star players for any length of time? they like him but no. I see him as as a manager with many contradictions- developing players that out grow him is one. He is like a kind farmer who fattens up his promising stock then sells them on before they reach their full potential for a profit- then buys some more Heffers with the profit. Every close season since Wenger has been at Arsenal- there has been a fiasco regarding our best players agents hawking themselves around europe. A top club doesn't lose its best players but Arsenal do. But Arsenal FC does not regard itself as a top club. The AKB are irrelevant tossers who only choose to see see one side of the story. Wenger's strengths but not his weaknesses. If Arsenal really have no money- more likely than not- then Roy Hodgson is a better manager than Wenger. Remember AKB- he will keep you in the black and look what he has done for Fulham and West Brom? He will at least teach the team how to defend.

  11. Arsene Walter Mitty

    May 27, 2011, 13:03 #7722

    Chas, we sold our history when we moved from Highbury. We were told it was vital in order to compete with the world's best. Six years on the the only things we are world beaters at, are the wages we pay to lazy, passionless losers and ticket prices. Wenger has had money to spend but has bought rubbish like Koscienly, Chamakh and Squillaci, he's also extended and increased the contracts of total crap like Denilson, Diaby, Almunia, Bender, Rosicky, Song, Eboue etc. The bottom line is the only people to benefit from the move are the board, Wenger himself (who is on 1.5 mill pa MORE than Alex Ferguson) and the dross we employ. They sold our history so don't lecture me.

  12. Graham Yates

    May 27, 2011, 13:01 #7721

    Nick is full of anger to which vein this is written in. Nonetheless they are the standard points that we can all relate to whether we are for sacking or keeping Wenger. IMO he has been given way too much power based on the trophies he has won and how he has won them. We have been in awe of what he has done and because of his Arsenal history it is unthinkable that we are now not properly competing on the same level as the top clubs in Europe whether it be financially (self inflicted?)or tactically. However if you really want to know whether Wenger will change his ways, then you only have to look at his final Monaco days in '94. It resonates to where he is now but unlike Monaco he will be given more time. He can only realistically resign.

  13. musa

    May 27, 2011, 12:15 #7709

    hi I don't know who you are and I don't give a **** now who are you to talk about some legend like rosicky arsene wenger did not give him a chance in this season and that mean he playing well cause after all the lion will be lion even the dog dancing over his body after he die

  14. AugustusCaesar

    May 27, 2011, 10:59 #7700

    Ditto to what Dan and GoonerDave said. And some others. Heh, I love this: "Losing a Cup Final to a now relegated team, a team that scored the fewest goals in the Premiership, around 20 less than Blackpool, a team that Man Utd and Chelsea would NEVER lose to under similar circumstances". Ignoring the cliched football-as-an-exact science drivel of this point - Man u lost a Carling Cup final to Sheffield Wednesday in the 90s who were outside the top division. So stick that in yer pipe Nick Bowler.

  15. Arselicked

    May 27, 2011, 7:43 #7650

    Why shouldn't AKBs ask AMGs to show their alternative for Wenger? It seems a relevant and valid request for me. To say that Arsene must go and then go on and say don't ask me for a replacement is really sad. Its cowardice. I think this is why most of the people believe that those who are calling for Arsene to go are not actually Arsenal fans. Everything that goes up eventually comes down, its a matter of how low we will go. At the moment we are 4th and competing well with teams with lots of money and proven world class players, and with room for improvement. All because of Arsene Wenger.

  16. CD

    May 27, 2011, 7:27 #7649

    Why do so many of you AW supporters always say the same thing "who would you replace him with". That is completely irrelevant. If you have someone in your organisation who has consistently made the same mistakes for 6 years, the first thought is not "who will we replace him with". The first thought is to warn him and encourage him to change his ways, and if he refuses the sack usually follows. A club the size of Arsenal should always have a contingency plan anyway, because what would they do if AW was run over by a bus tomorrow? Believe me they would find someone, be it the current Porto boss, Gus Hiddink, Martin O'Neil or whoever. You can not base an argument purely on "well who would we get instead", as that completly misses the point, which is has AW's project failed to deliver? My answer to that is a resounding yes, and hence I feel change at the helm is needed simply because AW has demonstrated his inability to change when things are clearly not working. Please remember we are one of the bigest clubs in the world and as such his performances should be taken in that context. If his record of the last 6 years had been achieved by say Wigan of course you would not want the manager sacked, as they would have been punching way above their weight. We however are a big club and are now treading water at best, and I fear we will now be going backwards whilst the most stubborn football manager I have ever known anywhere remains in charge. That is an argument for getting rid of AW, which is also highlighted in the article as opposed to that old chestnut "who would you replace him with" which is not even an argument, as you could repeat that sentence after each further season of choking capitulations which we will probably have to look forward to at best, if AW remains in charge. Dont be frightened of change, because if you are, nothing will ever change, and then those of you who say this would have missed out on AW succesful period, as all of you would have said back in 95/96 "who would we change GG or Bruce Rioch with". If you want to defend Wenger that's fine, but at least put forward a proper case to explain why.

  17. chas

    May 27, 2011, 7:07 #7648

    @Arsene W Mitty, surely it's the persistently negative brigade of supporters who know very little of Arsenal's rich history? Those with a more balanced perspective have lived through good and bad times for the club and therefore know how to deal with it. Turning one derogatory term into another just about sums up the level of debate from some quarters.

  18. BryanW

    May 27, 2011, 1:49 #7646

    Okay, I’ll bite... • Anyone can lose a cup final as it’s a one-off. Birmingham are always a hard team to break down at the best of times, doesn’t matter their goal-scoring rate. And how do you know for sure Man Utd or Chelsea would lose under similar circumstances? • The Newcastle game was a great example of corrupt officiating. Those penalties Newcastle got would never have been given on any other day. • The North London derby matches were terrible but both teams are almost evenly matched now so it’s always going to be tough from now on. • Can’t explain the faith Arsene had in Almunia. • Throwing away point after point because we can't defend: True • Announcing he would be happy to finish 2nd for the next 20 years: Not true. • Why shouldn’t he encourage his team in the press? Should he berate them and make them play worse? • Yes, we need a defensive coach. It’s fairly obvious to me that with the players we have now, we are overachieving. And while we are paying off our stadium debts I am glad for Arsene to be at the helm keeping the club stable. On the field we have been underperforming at times but I don’t doubt for a minute that Arsene intentionally goes out there to lose or not win anything. It sounds like you would rather a McLeish in there? Win Carling Cup and get Arsenal relegated? This site is a joke.

  19. i hate

    May 26, 2011, 23:28 #7644

    ROSICKY SUCKS...squillachi, diaby, song, clichy, bendtner, denilson, nasri, cesc, johan, flapianski, almunia, gibbs, rosicky, arhsavin + more i cant think of can go. and we rebuild with a wholelot of money around, vermaltor, whileshere and rvp.

  20. Arsene Walter Mitty

    May 26, 2011, 21:48 #7641

    chas 17:52pm 26th May 2011 So funny how the person that wrote this has been blown out of the water by virtually everyone for using that cretinous term AKB ---------------- Chas, try AKnoB on for size then pal. Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the greatest day in the club's history. I doubt many of the AKBs even know what I'm taking about.

  21. Mandy Dodd

    May 26, 2011, 21:46 #7640

    BTW hope the real Gooners on here are not taken in by a fair number of fakes and trolls that frequent. BTW just who would you have in place of Wenger on the budget we have existed on over the years? me a favour...

  22. Gooner S

    May 26, 2011, 21:45 #7639

    Oh look another sack Wenger post! "The worst season that many of us can remember?" No, sorry. 1974 was pretty bad. 1975 was bad as well. Arsenal didn't have a sniff of the title bewteen 1973 and the late 80s. In fact most of the 80s, until George Graham took over, was a let down. Come to think of it the last days of Geroge Graham's reign or indeed football under Bruce Rioch was pretty bad. Who was it that said "you've never had it so good"? And another thing just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me an AKB. Do you think I'm not frustrated? Do I think we could have and should have done better...oh yes. Do I think Wenger has made mistakes? Oh yes, he has. Certainly. The difference is that I think he can put it right. Why? Because he's done it before, on more than one occasion. Do you recall that? Arsene might not Know Best but he knows that this season wasn't good enough. Look around you who do you think can do better at Arsenal? Do you really want the Arsenal board to behave like Chelsea? Do you really think Ancelotti should have been sacked? What made me laugh about your post was the line "when the club he manages have managed to throw away the chance to win the title three of the last four years." So we've challenged for the the league 3 out of the the 4 seasons! Pretty good I would say. Frustrating that we didn't win it, for sure but I really don't want a succesion of managers coming in every two or three years. The club will have no identity and will not challenge for major trophies that way.....just ask a Spurs fan.

  23. Mandy Dodd

    May 26, 2011, 21:18 #7638

    Polarisation of fans - just what the club needs. Still, glad to see I have a fan / stalker. But Dandy Modd, you should spend your time and effort following the club rahter than worrying about me, you know I am right!

  24. clockendpaul

    May 26, 2011, 20:45 #7635

    When the time comes that mr wenger decides to call it a day, arsenal football club would have to cease trading, there's no one else out there after all!

  25. AKB Hater

    May 26, 2011, 20:16 #7634

    So the AKB have a voice after all, its shame we dont hear them during the matches at their beloved bowl!!!! But hey their opinion is worth more then anyone else as ater all just like arsene they know best. AKB is quite a bad name for them really, the new name should be hhwhroc. Hoorah henrys who have ruined our club. It makes me ill going to home games now. Being given dorty looks or singing. You arseholes have ruined my club. Now do all of us a favour and **** of, you werent their when we were churning out nil nil bore draws under George Graham and you wont be their when we do it in the future. But those games meant more because i was surrounded by proper fans. AFC will never be the same again and I blame Wenger the board and you so called AKans!

  26. fozzy's mate

    May 26, 2011, 18:51 #7630

    Too much emphasis on OGL and his failings and not enough on the dough trousering board. Their policies are implemented by AW who is their stooge and takes the flack. He has made major mistakes but the structure created by the board where there is nobody for him to bounce off and is all powerful suits those above who care only about dough. The vitriol employed by those this article stereotypes as akbs against anyone casting doubt on the methods of OGL until recently has inevitably led to a backlash of "I told you sos". Nobody behind AW and AFC has enjoyed this season but I think the penny has finally dropped. If things do not improve this stubborn and obstinate yet intelligent man will go of his own accord and sadly will not be thought of as fondly as he should. Those I hold contempt for are Hillwood and co who show utter disdain for the fans. However Arsene has not helped himself with the arrogance he has shown although I do applaud his recent recognition of the fans right to show their displeasure at yet another collapse. I feel things will improve and if not a tipping point will follow.

  27. chas

    May 26, 2011, 17:52 #7629

    Great comments. So funny how the person that wrote this has been blown out of the water by virtually everyone for using that cretinous term AKB.

  28. Ramgun

    May 26, 2011, 17:23 #7624

    Wenger said that he would sign up for 2nd place for the next 20 years. He said it in a press conference which was shown on Arsenal tv! As we haven't been as high as second for 6 years perhaps he is craving for the glory of being runners-up.

  29. Mandy Dodd

    May 26, 2011, 16:59 #7623

    Some want Wenger to stay, some want him to go, most Gooners I know are angry but ultimately just want him to change a few things as undoubtedly he will. A lot of Spurs fans want him to go, along with most of the English media - lets not be taken in by people with those sort of agendas. We do not know what goes on behind the scenes, for all we know the end of season was as unacceptable to Wenger and the board as it was to the fans. I think he has been let down by both the board in the past and some players presently. Why should you have to drill the basics of defence to internationals? Is it Wengers coaching, players concentration levels, confidence, bad signings, a culture of complacency? Like it or lump it, Wenger is staying - lets see what he does. Everything I have heard and read suggests he has lost patience with some, and will go back to more basic, ,maybe realistic footballing principles for the EPL, this means changes in formation, coaching and personnel. Lets see what he does.For all we know, Stan may have a ticking clock and Wenger will be forced into action. Whatever, for all he has done for this club, he deserves a chance to make a real go.

  30. Northbank1969

    May 26, 2011, 16:54 #7621

    So I've read through all the replies to this blog, and as far as I can see, AKB's don't exist except in the petty warped minds like this blogger. Come on Nick Bowler, you called them out, now it's time to reply! :0))

  31. GoonerRon

    May 26, 2011, 16:45 #7620

    GoonerDave - a superb riposte and you mirror my thoughts 100%. The pigeon-holing of our fans is ridiculous, devisive and adds no value whatsoever.

  32. Rocky RIP

    May 26, 2011, 16:25 #7619

    This is such tiresome material. I can't be bothered with most of it, it's so obvious my daughter could recognise half the stuff you point out. • Persisting with a goalkeeper totally out of his depth and only putting the guy in who should have been in from the start when all the others were injured - eh? Fabianski quietened a lot of people who didn't give him a chance & Almunia was 3rd choice & AW had to resort to him because we had a freakish injury crisis. Were you shouting from the rooftops last August for Sir Chesney to be played? Were you calling for Mark Swarszer (sp) as the answer to our problems? MS really isn't that good or he would have signed for a top club by now. MS or Sir C? I know who I'd rather. That said, we do need better back up. We all know that. • Not buying cover at Centre back. AGAIN - he bought 2 centre halves most people would deem as cover, we may not like them, but he DID buy cover at centre back. Get your facts straight. Can we stop all this tedious your an AKB or an AMG? It's bulls8it & is dividing us as fans. Most intelligent fans sit in the middle ground & have some perspective. Just because a person doesn't want our best manager ever sacked with immediate effect (leaving us where exactly?), doesn't mean they are blind to his flaws. I couldn't be bothered reading most of the article, it's all re-hashed from previous blogs.

  33. Ben

    May 26, 2011, 16:15 #7617

    Can anyone tell me if we got rid of Wenger, who would we realistically (this word should be underlined and in bold) get to replace him? I agree with a lot of the comments below. I support Wenger, but I am not blinkered to think there needs to be some major changes. AW has changed this football club for the better over the past 15 years. I think he deserves better than a volley of abuse. I agree he should be criticised but at the same time let him try and change. So all those that want AW out, please can you tell me who you would like to replace him with? Who will change this team with limited funds, produce the football you want and more importantly the silverware.

  34. Naren

    May 26, 2011, 16:11 #7616

    Bowler: Should not be allowed to write an article

  35. bunch

    May 26, 2011, 16:06 #7615

    Much as I agree with all Nick's bullet points, much as my strongly held view is that we will not win another trophy with Wenger as manager, and as clear as it is that whatever it is that led to success in his early years has now gone, we should all start adjusting ourselves to the fact that he will be there next season. Some will do that by no longer show up at the Grove, others will trudge through the turnstiles with no hope (me) because whatever we feel about Wenger, Arsenal is in our blood and then there are others genuinely believe Arsene will turn it around and win something. And the funny thing is we would probably all hope they are right. There's little to be gained from slagging off fellow gooners just because they have a different view about the manager that you do. We all want Arsenal to win. Wenger is staying. Deal with it in wahtever way you see fit.

  36. Gaius

    May 26, 2011, 16:04 #7614

    Unfortunately Wenger brought this kind of glory hunting turf when he started winning things, and now we're stuck with their impatient drivel.

  37. laughing at arsenal and it's supporters

    May 26, 2011, 16:02 #7613

    I don't support any club. I "follow" arsenal and it's supporters because I find it to be such entertaining comedy. I personally hope Monsieur Merde stays on for another 20 years so that arsenal and it's supporters will continue to provide me with top drawer comedy with plenty to laugh at, mock, deride and ridicule. Each and every one of you makes his or her contribution to the hilarity. Carry on, and long may it continue!

  38. Kevin

    May 26, 2011, 15:37 #7612

    REALLY NOW NICK. Rosicky is a top lad with a lot of heart and there should be no blame put to him on the last 11 games because he quite simply hasnt been playing in those 11 games and when he has done its been for the last ten minutes. He had a decent season and has done great at clearing up. You cant blame him. anyway he needs to be there to bring the younger players through

  39. Cesctastic

    May 26, 2011, 15:29 #7611

    same old same old, its easy to criticise arsene and ask for his removal. However there is no credible alternative. Arsene simply needs to change, not be ousted, he has the talent to bring trophies to the Arsenal once again.

  40. Ike

    May 26, 2011, 15:25 #7610

    Top article. Wenger must Go asap! AKBs crack me up. The author quite CLEARLY asked for a FACTUAL DEFENCE of Wenger. The best the AKBs could come up with? "Eho would you replace him with" "Go support Spuds" "He has made mistakes" I think the author has proved his point: there is NO factual defence for the clown. Wenger OUT

  41. Raymondo

    May 26, 2011, 15:01 #7607

    I'm not an AKB or a Doomer and Gloomer, I get pissed off with Arsenal like every normal fan does and beside myself with delight when things are going our way, I’m just a Gooner. I'd love a trophy and I’d love Arsenal to dominate European club football. Could another manager, that we could of realistically hired at the beginning of the season do a better job with our current group of players? Probably not, but i couldn’t say for sure, nobody could. Another manager would probably fire a few of the players after their performances this season, Wenger may not have to, they appear to be leaving on their own accord 'to win trophies!', yeah right, who you ****en kidding Denilson. We might have more money to spend in this transfer window than in previous years but once again, we don't know and for Arsenal’s benefit, neither should the fans or any other club. There is still a draw to Arsenal for young talented footballers as they know Wenger will let them play if they are good enough, you always hear of players wanting to play for Arsene Wenger, if we do have money to spend this summer it may well be something we miss if he goes. Arsenal are a world class football club, consistently competing at the top and a feared club to play against all over Europe. We have one of the best stadiums and training facilities in the country and we are in a financially stable situation that it should keep us at the top for years to come. We have the club management and Arsene Wenger to thank for that. The talent coming through the ranks other teams would kill for, Wilshere stood up to the plate and Wenger gave him his chance, he wouldn't have got that chance at certain other teams as they would have went out and blew 25 million on a big named player and spiralled their club further into debt, Wenger didn’t. I'd have Wilshere over Ramires and Yaya Toure any day, he's a great addition to the team and we should build on that for next season, not around him. And where was the mention of Cesc Fabregas in the above article? You ****en done with him as well? Prick. Wenger created the way Arsenal play based on his philosophy of football and it would be a shame to lose that. It’s frustrating when the players don’t perform and we drop points, you would get that no matter which way you play. But when we are on form and ****en having it there is nothing better in the EPL to watch and I would hate for that to go. If Wenger packs his bags and leaves it just might. The only thing we are missing is a trophy, it’s not all bad. Wenger should stay.

  42. Well said sir

    May 26, 2011, 14:58 #7606

    Ahh the AKB's have decided to make a showing after all! And you know that because that old chestnut rears its head again: "who would you replace him with". I'd replace him with anyone who wont let his pathetic ego and laughable "philosphy" get in the way of winning things for the club that pays him an astronomical amount. It's either his way or it's nothing isnt it? Besides Ivan is paid nearly £2m a year so shouldnt he be the one deciding who we should replace the loser with?

  43. 1979gooner

    May 26, 2011, 14:58 #7605

    Stupid article that starts with a stupid premise. If you put a turd in you get turd out. You start out by asking why arsene should not be sacked, you start with a clear bias, hence your conclusions are bound to be faulty. So, say arsene us sacked, who is there around who is better and who would take the job on? You have to propose a better practical solution, not just indulge in slack angry rambles.

  44. BNG

    May 26, 2011, 14:56 #7603

    the truth hurts

  45. John1

    May 26, 2011, 14:55 #7602

    The actual comment was that he would (and I'm paraphrasing here) be 'happy to finish 2nd for the next twenty years,if that's as bad as it gets'. A very different context to that which you give it.

  46. Bobby

    May 26, 2011, 14:53 #7601

    Firstly, I totally agree with Dan and Nicosia. Arsenal are better off with "support" like this. Not one constructive word in the whole post, just another Johnny come Lately who believes what he reads in the Mirror/Sun. Whether AW is the man or not is irrevevant, what is relevant is that this post is clearly designed to divide fans. We are Gooners,. We are family. Bull**** like the above denigrates us. Perhaps he is right that AW is no longer the man for the job, but at least show some respect for someone who has been not just a good manager but a fantastic one. This is the man who was voted manager of the Decade in 2010 by foreign managers, not some Fat Sam clone, and yes, that included Ancelloti, SAF, Mourinho etc etc.. Should AWstay? IMO yes but with proviso's. Should he leave, I will wish him Godspeed and thank him for some of the best football ever played on English pitches.

  47. Freddie08

    May 26, 2011, 14:48 #7599

    in response at first to what Dazzled said - While I agree with some of what you said, There is one glaring point - Yes, we beat Man U and Barca, but we also lost at home to the likes of West Brom, Newcastle, Villa, Spurs, and drew at home with Blackburn and Sunderland. That is unforgivable. Could you hand on heart say that Chelsea or Man U would have that kind of home form? Yes, I'm annoyed that no-one was signed in January or anyone worth mentioning last Summer, but I'm prepared to give him one last season. If I'm honest, (and I know a lot of you will think otherwise) but I think if we have a repeat of this year next season, I think he'll realise he has done all he can for us and consider his options (unless he is pushed before he jumps). Everyone's got their own opinion, and everyone has valid points. The best thing to do is at least get behind the players we have and hope for the best (and possibly hope that a new defensive coach can be brought in!)

  48. antsky

    May 26, 2011, 14:48 #7598

    Arsene Must Stay but Arsene Doesn't Know Best, he knows quite a lot of things better than us. Only he knows the truth about how much he has had to spend over the last few seasons and I think that's close to f*ck all. So does he go public, rail against the board and create havoc. No he does his best with limited resources and talks up the abilities of some pretty average players ( and utter ****e ones - Mr Denilson). Yes he has screwed up, particularly in the defence ... and has made some very dubious tactical decisions. He has frustrated the hell out of me and I've never been so depressed as leaving the Emirates after losing 3-2 to the Scum .. but neither have I been more exhilarated then watching the victory over Barcelona. The life of a fan. We want more, we feel we deserve more and because we have tasted success we demand it ... quite right. But I say we must give him one more season. If he buys right and moulds the new arrivals with Jack, Rambo, Theo, RVP, Verminator, Chezzer then we will have a decent crack at silverware.

  49. Hughsey24

    May 26, 2011, 14:47 #7597

    I am now of the conclusion that sacking Wenger will be a mistake unless there is someone to come in of great background !! But Wenger must get in coaches such as Seaman/lehmann and buy a few players this term such as benzema/samba and try and keep nasri/cesc !! If we get the same as last summer then a new Manager cannot do worse as we will no way be near the top 6 !!

  50. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 26, 2011, 14:39 #7595 anyway, I tried to foresee the situation where Arsene picks his successor based on the board knowing jack all about football....but I didn't recognise any of the names I found on the list of current French Second Division managers, so I gave it up...

  51. Gman

    May 26, 2011, 14:35 #7593

    Yes Nick, exactly how I see it. With the exception of the laughable attendance figures as seen at the last home game of the season, you’re spot on. It was announced that day that there were 60,063 attending that game, my arse, there must have been at least 10,000 empty seats. And as for a replacement for Wenger, I would rather have Paul Lambert in charge, at least he’s got some pedigree as a player, he’s got a lot of potential as a manager and he wouldn’t delude himself or his players with bull**** about how good they are and how hard done they’ve been done by match officials.

  52. Ron

    May 26, 2011, 14:34 #7592

    Wengers main reason for staying is that there is no real and available prospective boss to take his place yet. I think hes got 12 months and then he'll just not renew his Contract. The Board shdt and wont sack him so close to the end of his contract. Anyway, faults, warts and all, its his 1st really lousy season and he deserves the chance to rectify things. PS I am not an AKB signed up member. Hes pushed everybodys patience this last 2 seasons.

  53. tpm

    May 26, 2011, 14:25 #7591

    none of the wenger supporters have offered any form of defence apart from those he trot out the usual "who would you rplace him with?" well perhaps they have forgotten, but remember when he was ppointed...Arsene who...? realistically there are many decent mangagers out there who could do a fine job with our resources. as for the buffoon who says wenger is a master tactician, has he ever watched an arsenal game!!!

  54. Exiled-Gooner

    May 26, 2011, 14:20 #7588

    I wouldn't say it was the worst season we've had i remember the mid 70's with relegation battles for 2/3 seasons but this time it's different scenario.From 2004's invincibles all he had to do was improve the team by replacing like for like BUT instead replaced them with players with half the talent and half the desire.

  55. A Gooner

    May 26, 2011, 14:15 #7587

    BOOM! Lots of people forget we were a football club before Arsene Wenger. What other 'big' club would put up with SIX seasons of winning nothing whilst the manager claims qualifying for the CL is 'like a trophy'? What other top managaer has gone SIX seasons without a trophy and then suddenly become a winner again?

  56. Mark

    May 26, 2011, 14:12 #7586

    Rosicky is an east european surfing bum who has never done a hard days work in his life and has been 1 of the worst signings ever made by our football club. he doesnt sweat, he doesnt try, he doesnt care. Ian Wright, Martin Keown, Tony Adams would have punched him out by now. its embarassing having him with our shirt on

  57. Ronster

    May 26, 2011, 14:06 #7584

    So where's the cut off long do we give Wenger? Yes,brilliant at spotting magicians in midfield and attack,yet woeful when putting together a defensive unit(now obvious to most who have not worked half a day in football). It is no coincidence that our defence has been pants since the last of Graham's boys departed.The post 2005 teams have been totally his..a joy to watch for the neutral but lacking tactical nous and bottle to get over the line(the Brum final defeat being the straw that broke the camel's back for many Gooners).The legendary Brian Clough was left alone and Forest were relegated.Yet he was still a God at The City Ground having taken them from mid table obscurity in the old Division Two to champions of England and consecutive European Cups winners within the space of three years..YES THREE YEARS...Hey guys, no bust of Cloughie until after his death!Wenger won't get us's not in the club's DNA...yet he sure as hell doesn't deserve that bust that sits somewhere in the stadium until he has shown he can build a title winning team from scratch!

  58. boomer

    May 26, 2011, 14:05 #7582

    Hey, cant defend anything really, not on your list anyway. There are however a lot of things i can defend. Earlier in the season when we were playing very well i thought we would take on all comers. It turned out that we slipped badly, personaly i think from the side being too young, this forced on the manager due to injuries. What i dont get is why you are so angry and want to level blame, i wouldnt consider myself an akb because i believe we have kept onto players that in my opinion wouldnt make it. now there may be a good reason for that, i dont know. But, and its a big but, WEenger has demonstrated he has the ability to make us the best looking team in the prem, p[eople said the same of barca during the days of yohan cruyf, people forget he is the man responsable for barca being the best team in the world, not pep. I think its a shame that people dont have the strength to contain themselves when discussing these matters. Fact is he has made mistakes but has also done more for our club than anyone in our history,(re manager)My hope for the new season is to find a common ground, i know the so called akb refuse to admit obviouse errors but also there are some who refuse to see wengers strengths,both camps will make this team stronger if they just let go and focus on the club rather than the personalities, just my opinion, and just like an arse hole, we all got one.

  59. kenneth.norway

    May 26, 2011, 14:02 #7580

    the man has his flaws, i`ll admit but between 97-06 he won us 3 pl, 4 fa cups and reaching the cl final. it is normal afte such a good period to have a down period, including us transfering to a new stadium it makes logichal sense, the difference is that other team in downperiods (liverpool?) are much shabbier, even losing out on top 4 now and then. after our last pl gold we have been in the title race 4 times to the very end. so i am as frustrated as any but it will open up for us soon, i think some clever signing this summer and a couple of retards to move (denilson, almunia and bendtner) we have a good shot at the title. stop moaning!!!

  60. GoonerX

    May 26, 2011, 14:01 #7579

    @ Ronnie Browning I thought you were serious until I read your "He is a very good tactition" opening argument. Explain how? We play the same formation we make changes on 70mins regardless we bring on the same ineffective personnel (because we have no other options)unless we're bringing on RVP. I've seen him bring on a midfielder when we need goals, he plays Bendtner who is our best aeriel player on the wing. Arsene has proven to be tactically naive and has been owned so many times over, Gary McAllister owned him the other week who have you been watching? Sam Allardyce who was commentating the Stoke match explained how they used to get the better of us when he was at Bolton and that Stoke would adopt the same tactics, it played out like a premonition we lost 3 - 1 the same areas exposed every time like Allardyce said and how long ago was he at Bolton? Nothings changed, were predictable. If you search online you'll find Fabregas saying in 2010 that Spain had better preparation than when he was at Arsenal because Wenger doesn't study the opposition or use videos of the opposition, he focuses only on how he wants Arsenal to play . How arrogant. What kind of tactician is that? Are you surprised our season ended like it did? Don't kid yourself, while I don't want Wenger sacked he is by no means a good tactician.

  61. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    May 26, 2011, 13:56 #7576

    Great article and very funny to read all the responses. Two things stike me whenever AKB's answer back. Firstly, they think they are highly intelligent and anyone that wants the serial underachiver and bull****ter out is thick or as the ever so clever Nicosia puts it an "ignoramus. Secondly, they come back with "who would you get in to replace him?" Is he the only manager on the planet? Did Arsenal FC start live in 1997? Other clubs change managers and do well. For instance Chelsea didn't do bad getting Jose in. United weren't winning anything when they got Fergie in. We weren't winning much until GG came along (thats George Graham who is a former Arsenal manager before Wenger came along. I know its tough for some to read that but there were other succesful managers at Arsenal before the lord arrived). Proper big clubs like Barca, Madrid, AC Milan change their manager all the time. Are they wrong? Their European cup count compared to ours would suggest not and maybe we, as we have never won one, might be going about things the wrong way. Thats said I wouldnt support changing the manger after one trophyless season but possible 7...

  62. Richard Ansell

    May 26, 2011, 13:54 #7575

    OK everyone let's forget labels for now, after all we are all Gooners first and foremost. This is just disguising the issue of whether we think Wenger deserves yet another year to get things right. When you read Nick's list of lamentable failures this season and compare it to the few brighter moments we have enjoyed, to me the 'evidence' is compelling - Wenger has to go. As to who should replace him, that is the £50M dollar question, but I for one would prefer a leap in to the unknown (afterall - Wenger himself was a complete unknown to us all when he arrived) than putting up with more of the same next year, CL qualification or not.

  63. silentstan

    May 26, 2011, 13:53 #7574

    some interesting comments. can i just say 1) wenger DID say people (fans & press?) hadn't been in football. its on vid 2) i refuse to believe the only reason we have a new stadium is due to wengers vision. 3) AW has won trophys 6 years out of 15. one of those was when we committed robbery in the FAC on penalties, and 4 were based on some one elses purchased defense, berkamp and wright 4) alternatives: pep, gus, oneil, gaal, ancelotti 5) AKB dreamt up by blogs? so who is hanging the AKB flags in the stadium 6) he DID say would settle for 2nd for 20 years, its on vid 7) he also said 4th is better than a trophy too many people settling for 2nd best

  64. Zaiky

    May 26, 2011, 13:43 #7572

    Glad this moron has been put in his place.

  65. GLENN

    May 26, 2011, 13:37 #7567

    Everything you have said is correct and exactly what every sane gooner is thinking. However i don't want our master to be sacked or resign(neither will happen). This transfer window is the one that we will all see if our master has still got it in him to change. It's time to get back to being a football manager and not an accountant, hopefully the shackles are off and can buy the QUALITY required for OUR GREAT CLUB. He has kept us sort of competing in the competions knowing full well we haven't got it to complete the job and win something. The squad he has assembled with the deadwood that we all know should not be at the club has got to go and what great news we have received with the likes of the ego and deckchair coming out with their crap. With the money from man city 2 years ago still in the kitty and getting rid of the deadwood and looks like 2 from 3 will go out of fab,nas,clichy we will have more than enough money to get a new spine in the side and replacements that we have been crying out for years. I would love to get keown back to drill our defence like in 06 and if possible get a winning mentality running through the dressing room instead of the zen like atmosphere we currently have.

  66. Malaysian gunner

    May 26, 2011, 13:27 #7565

    Agree completely with the analysis point by point. I believe Wenger has lost the plot. At another club he could have been axed. I hope he utilises the coming season to justify his status but obviously if it were a trepeat of the 2010-11 season,he should go himself instead of being fired.

  67. lol

    May 26, 2011, 13:27 #7564

    wow u cant be serious. amg fans are diludid are just completly ignorant. we cant just go and spend money because 1) we are in debt why becuase we bulit a new stadium. are stadiums free arsenals stadium cost well over £200mill. where do u get 200m arsenal didnt have 200m in thier bank they would have to borrow money from a bank. to bank expect to just 200m back NO they expect more thru interest so arsenal dont have only to pay 200m they would have to pay another huge amount in interest which brings me to point 2) you are arsenal u go to bolton and say i want cahill they will go cahill is worth 10m but because u are arsenal we will add on another 15mill so arsenal will have to pay 25mill for a player no even worth half that price. so u expect arsenal to buy him with all that debt. do u want arsenal to end up like pompey just to get some silverware. look at them they won the fa and a year later they couldnt pay thier players. AMG fans will kill arsenal and they sing we want our arsenal back if they do get it back then it wont last very long

  68. Adam

    May 26, 2011, 13:25 #7562

    Must agree with Dan. I don't know any Arsenal supporters who are happy or any who don't believe that Wenger has made serious mistakes for the past few seasons. But your attitude is just plain dumb and lacks any credibility. You are clearly angry and I get that but you are also mean-spirited, divisive and probably quite stupid. Arsenal owe you nothing. Supporting any club will have highs and lows and you either get behind them or you don't. I think we can all see where you are in that regard. If you feel so bad about it, don't go.

  69. Mickey

    May 26, 2011, 13:21 #7560

    I'd like to know how the fans who want Wenger to stay are cowards/shy, and those that want him to go are brave? Especially as article like the one above seem to be happy with him just going, without making a single suggestion as to what the next step should be if he goes. I am an Arsenal fan, not a Wenger fan, and I think it's sad to see fans turning on each other over this. If he goes, then so be it, but who do we get in next?

  70. colesy

    May 26, 2011, 13:21 #7559

    good, factual post Nick! GoonerC- regarding the 'Announcing that he'd be happy to finish second for the next 20 years' quote- I've seen this from AW about 3 months ago. I believe (gosh, I starting to sound like the man!!) that he did actually say this- at least it was widely reported at the time, not just in the blogs but sites like BBC etc. TIME FOR CHANGE!!

  71. Asmo

    May 26, 2011, 13:12 #7558

    He should also sign 60,000 supporters to replace customers like these.

  72. Tinyspuds

    May 26, 2011, 13:12 #7557

    I'm not really an AKB. IMO he needs to change things and change things quickly and dramatically but I DO think he's the best option we have. So some answers for you. 1) If you're going to blame him for the last 1/3 of the season where we collapsed then you have to admit it was him that got us in a position where we had a chance of winning the league back in feb. 2) his comment about signing for 20 years if we always finished 2nd was misquoted by The Sun et al. (what a surprise) If you do some digging you'll find what he actually said and meant. 3) We all know that this team (and most Arsenal teams under Wenger have suffered with confidence issues. I'm sure Wenger knows it too but he's hardly going to come out and say "we were lucky today we're about as tough as a 2 day old kitten." is he ? Ancelloti has been fired because Roman dipped his hands into his excessively large pockets yet again and they failed. In the same period Wenger has been effectively transfer neutral in the spending market. Admittedly our wage bill is considerably more similar to Chelsea's but it's still not as much. Your other points concern our defensive issues. And here I agree with you. I think Almunia simply wasn't up to it. One decent season (so long ago now) suggested he might step up again. Instead he went downhill every season but at least he will never play for us again I'm sure. Our defenders are probably not quite good enough either though I would lay the blame more at our overall defensive player rather than individuals. If we defended as a team we would concede less goals. So should Wenger be sacked ? No. I don't think he should. He did a lot of right things this season. Remember how we all felt when we beat Chelsea ? Even when we beat Barcelona ? However he needs to change things. He needs to get in some competition for Song. He needs to get our team to defend as a team. He needs to get rid of some of the dead wood including Denilson and Rosicky though in the case of the latter he has at least worked his socks off when he's played unlike our sideways Brazilian. And he needs to bring in some players who will help drive on the rest of the team.

  73. -dean

    May 26, 2011, 13:12 #7556

    I don't think that it is helpful to divide our supporters with these meaningless labels. There are a few people calling for Wenger to be sacked (still nowhere near a majority though) but very few of you suggest a suitable replacement. It's easy to be negative, especially if you are the type that starts a blog. But you really should temper it a little or you come off like a crank.


    May 26, 2011, 13:11 #7555

    You do raise some good questions, but surely you are simplifying things a tad too much. At Arsenal they try and do things “the right way”, Arsene and the board don't want a rich benefactor if that was the case Usmanov would be in charge of Arsenal, they've decided to take the route of self-sufficiency / living within your means. They do this because if Arsenal didn't, they would indeed need a rich benefactor like Usmanov to keep up with the spending power of Man City and Chelsea, I'm sure Usmanov is a nice fella but why indebt your club to the whims of one person? With the successful introduction of the stadium (Wenger’s vision) he’s decided that he’s going to nurture talent and play an exciting brand of football and make these guys into winners, ultimately he hasn't completed what he’s set out to do but he was close and with a little tinkering WILL get there. The losses they took at the end of the season, even after the pressure was off has to be seen as a blessing in disguise as le Boss can’t have failed to see how abject the teams performances were. I believe that he should be given another chance to mix the remaining players of this current crop with new fresh talent. He's made the club what it is today, surely you must be able to allow him the opportunity to spend the money that he managed to generate and to show why he was voted manager of the decade. Why destabilise the club like a Chelsea or Man City? AKB FOREVER!!

  75. Andrew

    May 26, 2011, 13:10 #7554

    I agree, I've had enough. And the above are just the mistakes he's made this season, that's before we even start on the last 6 years which started by breaking up the Invincibles far too soon.

  76. SLG

    May 26, 2011, 13:09 #7553

    Support the team. I can't imagine how it must affect players form when your own fans are constatnly booing and moaning at you. You don't support the player you support the shirt the player is wearing. So many Arseholes have been going to watch The Arsenal since we move from Highbury. Demanding success every week. Think they have a divine right to win. Don't get me wrong I have had a frustrating season watching the lads as well but I would never boo the shirt off the pitch. I didn't clap the player off I just sat in my seat and clapped the sub on. Some of you people should remember when Don Howe was in charge. God that was awful. I still have the mental scares of all them 0-0 draws. I just hope Wenger has finally realized that he has to invest and will do so this summer. If not perhaps it is time for a change.

  77. GoonerDave

    May 26, 2011, 13:08 #7552

    Is it the case then that anybody who wants Arsene to stay is an AKB? So the fact that Id like Arsene to stay means that I cant see flaws in the man, or in my eyes he can do no wrong? A huge section of the fans are being ignored in all this - AKBs, if they do exist, must be in tiny numbers as few people would believe him incapable of error. That said, few would like things to remain as they are. A change is needed, but I dont agree its the manager. The same team that folded so badly at the end of the season was within touching distance not so long ago. So our problems arent as huge as people think. A change in mentality, a bit of maturity is needed in the squad. So overall, Im gutted at how the season turned out. Im disappointed that our team lacked so much belief and defended so poorly. Im annoyed that Wenger didnt throw in an experienced quality player or two. But given the funds, I think hes the right man to fix the problems which are surely as obvious to him as they are to us. So I dont want Wenger out, nor do I believe he can do no wrong. What category do I (and I suspect many more) fall into? This stereotyping of fans has got to stop. Your points are mostly valid, and I can accept your opinion, but very few fans of AFC are as brainwashed/brainless as some make out. Its just a different perspective, thats all.

  78. JJB

    May 26, 2011, 13:07 #7551

    Agree with Dan, any "fan" that uses the term AKB is just a complete cretin to be honest. If you think football is that black and white then you need to go back to school kiddo, its easy for the doom sayers to split the fans into 2 groups but I don’t know any fan who thinks the sun shines out of Wenger’s a**, it doesn’t! Sack him? Idiot!..who replaces him? All you mugs calling for him to go cannot offer one solution to the future.....and that’s the issue isn’t it? If Wenger really deserved to go then most of the fan base would be calling for it but at the moment it’s a small minority who are as frustrated as the rest of us but feel there voice is the "real" one......There are some good contributors to this site, but you my friend are not one of them, it’s great to have a debate, that’s what most fans love, but your just another fool I’m afraid with nothing relevant to bring to the table....

  79. Cheshire Gooner

    May 26, 2011, 13:06 #7550

    Chelsea would NEVER lose to Birmingham. 20th November 2010. Birmingham 1 (Bowyer) Chelsea 0. As soon as you read a statement so factually incorrect you realise that this article is simply a rant and offers no intelligent input to the debate. I don't claim to be an AKB. I'm a Gooner. That's enough of a label for me. Why do we need factions? Simply so people can launch diatribes or have punch ups in the ground? Pathetic. I'd rather celebrate St Thomas' Day remembering that we support a fantastic club, with a great and proud history rather than reading this bilious nonsense.

  80. Drayton Park Gooner

    May 26, 2011, 13:05 #7548

    Ok, so they sack him. Who's the replacement? Exactly. Nothing And also this abhorrent 'AKB' term - purely born from this arsenal 'blogosphere'. I'm from islington and had a season ticket for 11 years so I know many ACTUAL gooners and not one of them thinks we should sack Wenger, nor would any of them ever actually use a phrase such as AKB. Curb your bitterness, rather than doing your utmost to polarise our faithful support with this absolute bile you've written. Grow up

  81. GoonerC

    May 26, 2011, 13:04 #7547

    I'm not part of the AKB, in fact, I'm kind of on the fence - if he leaves, I wont be too unhappy, but if he stays we'll probably be fine too. I do have to say though that a couple of your points are absolutely ridiculous: 'Announcing that he'd be happy to finish second for the next 20 years' - can you please show me that quote? I'm also fairly certain the he never said that the fans don't know what they're talking about, that was Peter Hill Wood. I also don't agree that Chelsea or United would NEVER lose to Birmingham (or a similar team in a cup final), it's totally hypothetical. Don't tell me they always turn up in big games - I saw United totally bottle it against City in the semi-final (I know they're a better team than Birmingham, but the fact is United player's are capable of blowing it on the big stage). It's like when Arsenal fans say 'United would never throw away a two goal lead' - United were 3-1 up against Everton this season after 90 mins and drew 3-3, similar story against Fulham. I think your argument which taken as a whole I wouldn't argue with is weakened by some really idiotic points. How do you know Gerry Peyton hasn't got a clue?! How do you know that Seaman or Lehmann would be better!? YOU DON'T! I'm not saying you're wrong, you could be right, I wouldn't claim to know the coaching credentials of each player, but the fact that Seaman has no coaching badges (he gave up doing them) suggests that maybe he wouldn't be a good choice!

  82. dazzled

    May 26, 2011, 12:59 #7545

    get over your self. yes we are a top club and yes we should be winning things - and we re not. no arsenal fan is happy with this and the increase in tickets etc. get over yourself! look at other teams who win **** year in year out. do they call for peoples heads.... have they moved to a new stadium in one of the most expensive areas in the UK... whilst still in the CL? we will get there - we beat barca and man u this season. thats a step in the right direction. hopefully next season we can improve on that.

  83. Raskymono

    May 26, 2011, 12:59 #7544

    I agreed with most of the points you highlighted above because they are valid. I am not an AKB nor am I AMG fan, but I just want AFC to improve next season. He (AW) has confirmed via his press conference that he will sign new players, just let’s give him the opportunity to and support the team rather than crucify him (AW) - this will only feeds negatives vibes to the team in the coming season. Please support the TEAM and not all this negatives vibes around.

  84. Yawn

    May 26, 2011, 12:53 #7542

    The fact you like to seperate the arsenal supporters in sad in its own way...lets right a piece titled Dear AKB's....sad little man, like most people who right these posts unfortunately

  85. trusta

    May 26, 2011, 12:52 #7541

    Do who should we get in harry rednapp? George graham shabby post

  86. eNVy

    May 26, 2011, 12:51 #7540

    please give up on blogging on many other people we all agree this site is a pile of sh*t

  87. Dandy Modd

    May 26, 2011, 12:50 #7539

    he didn't say which May to judge him in, he could mean may 2012

  88. Fishpie

    May 26, 2011, 12:50 #7538

    Sorry Nick, I am not an AKB. He is completely responsible for the last 6 trophyless seasons and for the shambles that was the second half of last season. But here are three reasons why it could be argued he should stay(if only for one more sesaon): 1)Coming fourth and securing Champion's League income again with players as bad as many of ours have been, is a miracle. 2) He may be a delusional man but he's our delusional man,he is a Gooner, family, he cares. Having been our great hero once, it would be sad and not very classy not to give him one final chance. 3) I don't trust the owners/the board to get a good enough replacement. There isn't one "football" guy there. Just businessmen. We may need Arsene himself to choose his successor.

  89. Ronnie Browning.

    May 26, 2011, 12:50 #7537

    Hi Nick. A few very good few points there you have raised about Arsenals last 10 games... To be honest a few of the facts I didn't know so thanks for updating me..! Now as I stated on another site last week (Linked-in), I personally am very keen for Wenger to stay for the following reasons: - He is a very good tactition - He has created one of the best scouting and training facilities in the country - He has given us a brand new stadium which will be paid off in 2 years (correct me if wrong) - He is loyal - He has the interest of the clubs FUTURE always in his mind Now my point is this, if you had your way, who would you get to replace him who has the above qualities...? Can I please also state that I understand it is the board who are not giving Wenger the money and if this is true then a new manager would still demand money and wouldn't get it... lets not forget in a few seasons this new FIFA Finance rule comes into place and you'll see the top teams suffering heavily... So my question again is, who will replace Wenger if you had your way and would he still be at the club in 10+ years time AND make the club successful..?

  90. peter killick

    May 26, 2011, 12:50 #7536

    He is a great manager and we will be back, i think we were very unlucky in many cases so with a couple of new signings a little better luck Arsenal WILL WIN silverware next season.

  91. Sidthegooner

    May 26, 2011, 12:47 #7535

    Mate, They wont come out as they are cowards...always have been always will be...they're the ones who occupy most seats and stay silent, pricing out the real fans. However, I don't think we should sack wenger this summer...he's made his bed so let's wait until at least the end of next season...otherwise, believe me we will hound him out of our beloved club by ANY MEANS NECESSARY...AND THAT IS A PROMISE!!!!

  92. TasGooner

    May 26, 2011, 12:46 #7534

    Can you suggest anyone better?

  93. Nicosia

    May 26, 2011, 12:45 #7533

    I’m sorry, who are you now? How do you think you are owed an explanation by anyone? Just another jumped up ignoramus who has played champ manager for a couple of times and thinks he knows it all - your arguments are boring and as usual offer no solutions other than "sack wenger", put on your black flag and sit in the corner with the other 199 of you. How do we sack you from the club?

  94. Dan

    May 26, 2011, 12:45 #7532

    Sorry Nick, you lost me at Dear AKBs. I am unfamiliar with this term mate. As far as I can tell, it is a term used by rabid, tabloid headline reading retards who think, just because someone is so constantly angry, rabid and full of bile about the manager as they are, then they must think the sun shines out of Wenger's ass. Sorry to disapoint you, but the vast majority of these "AKBs" are just real Gooners, with some perspective who dont want to join in with the gnashing of teeth and bed wetting that the doomers want us to engage in. Thats right, i think i have it. Those that call other Gooners AKBs are actually just pissed off that everyone else isnt in such a constant negative state. basically mate, your argument is flawed, no one I know is an AKB, the term is meaningless and tedious in the extremem and is designed to antagonise and basically renders any valid points you might have had, null and void. But thats just like you doomers to be like that!!!