Change needed…

…and not just the players

Change needed…

Turpin: New face in Arsenal box office?

I wrote an article article for the Online Gooner fairly recently, arguing that the case for a change of management at the top was now overwhelming. In light of the recent confirmation of Arsenal’s now comical annual implosion, I would simply like to reaffirm that case, and highlight a few further thoughts which have become much clearer since Arsenal’s season was confirmed as an unmitigated failure.

The first talking point that needs investigation is the quite frankly disgraceful 6.5% Turpin-esque hike on season tickets, reinforced by the even more abhorrent increase on red and silver memberships. What Arsenal fans need to challenge here is the increasingly futile Ivan Gazidis, whose actual positive impact on Arsenal FC becomes less clear with each passing day. The handsomely-paid Gazidis, one of the three highest-paid sports directors in the UK, attempted to justify the price hike by claiming that it was required in order for Arsenal to ‘remain competitive in an ever-spiralling transfer market’. Those Arsenal fans out there with the blinkers firmly off will instantly see through this mendacious statement and seek to challenge it on several points.

The first, most obvious point, is the fact that Arsenal are less active in the transfer market than even Bolton Wanderers: whereas Gary Megson splashed out almost £12 million on Bolton’s record striker acquisition, Arsenal’s record in a commensurate five-year period remains the £9 million paid for Eduardo Da Silva. In fact, Ivan Gazidis has often gone out of his way to stress that Arsenal will never pay the sort of fees the transfer market dictates as the requirement for top-class talent. Hence, the first of Gazidis’ evident falsehoods is pretty easy to challenge.

The second point on which Gazidis needs to be challenged is that his clearly absurd statement is diametrically opposed to what he has long declared that Arsenal were about. Allegedly, our ‘self-sustainability model’ was based upon Arsenal’s getting to the stage where our quality supply of youth players and shrewd investments meant never having to become active major participants in the transfer market. Oh dear Mr Gazidis, your contradictory statement about needing a price hike to become more active in the transfer market can now be further exposed as the antithesis of what our ‘self-sustainability’ model is supposed to be about. With Gazidis’ doublespeak now exposed as fraudulent and insulting to those of minimal intelligence, what of the state of Arsenal Football Club?

Arsène Wenger’s faults have been done to death by myself and by every other individual who has seen the array of shortcomings prevalent in this club over the years. Hence, for me to go over set-piece deficiencies, sub-standard players, injuries, a suspect medical department, the total lack of leadership, the need for a strong number two and the total lack of tactical acumen would merely read as a repeat of any article or submission you may have read from 2005 onwards. However, a couple of points on Arsène Wenger that I feel need to be challenged are as follows: the first is the chill-out culture of complacency that Wenger has helped instil at the club. One of the best ways of highlighting this can be through empirical study of Arsenal’s wage bill, and the attitude and behaviour of the Arsenal players.

Irrespective of what the AKB brigade may say, Arsène Wenger is 100% responsible for the culture of laxness and complacency that abounds at Arsenal. Through his plethora of unacceptable statements – ranging from ‘I would take second for the next twenty years’, to ‘the Carling Cup is not an actual trophy’, Wenger has attempted to redefine the meaning of failure. When your players are told that finishing 3rd or 4th is an achievement, do not expect them to give everything to come first. It is a scandalous mindset, and this in turn has made average players believe that they deserve far more than their actual worth. Some of the ludicrous statements I have read from Arsenal players have been indicative of this culture of over-permissiveness. Wenger should be tearing strips off these players; many of them should consider themselves incredibly fortunate to play for Arsenal. However, reading the dirge that some of these players come out with, one would think that Arsenal owed these players everything. Some of these highlights include:

• Nick Bendtner threatening to leave, and then declaring Barcelona as his ‘free choice’

• Denilson claiming that Arsenal cannot satisfy his desire to win trophies, and that, as a consequence, he will seek solace elsewhere

• Abou Diaby telling L’Equipe that he is ‘frustrated’ at Arsenal’s lack of silverware and may have to look elsewhere to find a club more amenable to his means. He even mentioned Barcelona as being his preferred destination

• Samir Nasri allegedly demanding to be paid in the region of £120k a week for bothering to show six months of form (preceded by two years of mediocrity).

Quite who this indescribable band of players, who between them have zero trophies, think they are is beyond this author: the disgraceful ‘performance’ at home to Aston Villa failed to come as a surprise and we then saw the players living it up at their ‘end of season party’, with assorted mediocre players filing in and out of swanky Mayfair eateries, with some players even being caught with cigarette packets in hand, grimacing at the assorted paps. Nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of one’s labour of course, but when you take the scandalous lack of effort against Villa into context, as the fans are being asked to fork out even more, for less, it sticks in the throat.

There seems to be a group of Arsenal fans who are living in the hope that fan discontent will definitely make Wenger change his ways this summer. Memo to these people: Arsène Wenger has shown his contempt for the fans who pay his exorbitant, ill-deserved salary. None of you have ‘worked half a day in football’. All of the noises Wenger has been making are those of a man completely oblivious to any failings and determined to remain entrenched in his unsuccessful philosophy: ‘There will be no massive changes’ he asserts. ‘I want to keep this squad together’. Surely he should be looking to break it up as much as possible? ‘We were the closest we have been to the title’. Oh, does that explain the failure to finish in the top two for over five years now?

Nothing will change.

Wenger’s ability to persuade Pat Rice to continue in his capacity as assistant statue is evidence of this. Sure, Pat Rice is a club legend. However, how anyone can absolve him of blame, when he is a main component of the coaching staff, is beyond me. If there are tactical failings within the team, if there are failures of management, then the management team must bear maximum responsibility for this, and that includes Pat Rice. Also, please do not accept the ‘Youth policy’ misnomer that gets bandied about by Wenger and board members. It is a money-making policy; just as the move to the Emirates was. The Emirates was supposed to enable Arsenal to ‘compete with the biggest clubs in the world in the transfer market’. Quite who we were competing with for Squillaci, Silvestre or Chamakh is unknown to me. Quite why Jérémie Aliadière, who has had his chance, is at the club playing in reserve team matches (hence potentially taking the place of an actual youth player) is also unknown to me.

The ‘youth policy’ is a suitable wall for Wenger to hide behind. If a player ends up succeeding like Cesc Fabregas or Ashley Cole, he will be sold for a gigantic profit. No matter the situations surrounding the departure of Cole, it remains a fact that this ‘youth policy’ is unsustainable as it continues to reward under-performing players, and frustrates the best players. Cesc Fabregas is now desperate to leave Arsenal as a result of this ‘youth policy’ – it drives the best talents out. For the ones not good enough, who arrive to great fanfare (Rui Fonte, Havard Nordveit, Quincy Owusu-Abeyie), they will also be sold on for small profits to a decent Championship club. Wenger’s recent response to Fabregas wanting to leave was typically myopic: ‘He has no guarantee of winning any trophies at Barcelona’ was his reply. True. However one thing that is guaranteed, as evidenced by a simple trophy count, is that Cesc has zero chance of winning a single trophy of note if he remains at Arsenal.

Arsène Wenger is not entirely a fiscally-responsible manager. This is a myth peddled by Wengerites, unable to put down a factually creditable argument. When one observes that Wenger has ratified and overseen a wage bill that has rocketed to almost £111 million and then one considers the lack of success, there is no case to be made for an appreciating wage bill being proportional to decreasing on-field success. Arsenal is a very well-run club of course, with one of the best wage/turnover ratios in the league – however this does not excuse some of the absurd amounts of money being paid out to many players.

I am always brought back to the example of Armand Traoré (remember him?). In the summer of 2010, Benfica made Traoré an offer to join their club. He would have had a chance of European football and the opportunity to get regular first-team football with a big European club. Traoré’s agent however, rejected the offer, based on the fact that Traoré would stand to gain almost three times as much financially by chilling on the Arsenal bench. Is that the kind of mentality that the ‘Arsenal way’ is supposed to foster?

The culture of complacency at Arsenal is rampant and it needs to be done away with. There is a bust of Arsène Wenger in the club – an absurd state of affairs when one considers that there are no guarantees that he will leave Arsenal with an untainted legacy, and more pointedly, given the fact that he is still in the job. Better managers, such as Alex Ferguson, do not have this honour bestowed upon them whilst in active management. The so-called ‘custodians’ of our club, whom the AKBs insisted for so long were responsible for keeping our traditional club safe from the clutches of foreign speculators (‘We don’t want his sort’: ring any bells?), used the Emirates stadium move as an excellent buffer for their profitability scheme. Not one of them put their hand into their pocket: they stood idly by and watched the cash reserves swell. Arsenal have a transfer facility of £41 million from the sales of Touré and Adebayor and, at any big club, a manager starting each season with Almunia in goal and no serious central defensive partnership would have been forced to dip into this. Not at Arsenal.

When the moment was ripe, the board were too happy to sell out their shares for massively-inflated profits. The plan all along appears quite clearly to anyone wishing to see the facts. And so we return to the culture of complacency: we now find out that the bridge at the Emirates has been renamed ‘Ken Friar’ bridge: another self-congratulatory pat on the back for a living Arsenal employee. Every major player involved in the Emirates stadium move has profited enormously: Wenger in the summer of 2010, when most people would have thought the pressure would reach a crescendo, was offered a contract extension until 2014, with increased freedom to ‘experiment’ on his ‘project’, all at a cost of £6.5 million. The board members were all rewarded handsomely. The players, almost all of whom continue to disappoint every year, have never been more handsomely rewarded for repeated failure.

Contemporary economic theory dictates that, in a market economy, there must be winner and losers. Who, then, are the losers in this capitalist fanfare of success? Answer: the Arsenal fans, who want success on the pitch for their club. That would be the same ones asked to pay an extra 6.5%, the ones asked to fork out even more for their memberships. Take the money equation out of the Arsène Wenger question, and there are too many facets of his management that have become unacceptable: lack of set-piece coaching, lack of discipline, lack of tactical acumen, a refusal to show grace in defeat, inability not to insult the intelligence of supporters with absurd statements, a refusal to address obvious deficiencies within the team.

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  1. singapore

    Jun 03, 2011, 5:34 #8148

    great article, hopefully wenger reads this and breaks his bulging piggybank to get proper footballers

  2. gooner777

    Jun 02, 2011, 8:25 #8082

    Great article, on the whole sums up how a season ticket holder who has supported arsenal since 1974 feels, i.e, disillusioned. Unfortunately, I feel the "change needed" may be me moving my money and support to Barnet. My biggest gripe? Abou Diaby being paid a packet not to do what my son would crawl backwards over broken glass to do - play with pride in an Arsenal shirt.

  3. Drew

    Jun 02, 2011, 1:00 #8080

    Great article, I agree with every word, maybe a bit short tho :/ I just completely fail to see how for all this 'youth policy' BS, AW has a 100% failure to jettison those youth players who have proven to be failures, and who are now keeping other young players out of the team. Even the 'promising' players will stop wanting to join because they know AW has his favorites and there is no hope of making the team on merit. From a Mail article written a year ago, If Barcas team policy is "50 per cent of our team should be from La Cantera and then 35 per cent should be the best players from Spain or Europe and then 15 per cent from the top ten players in the world", what's ours? 50% poor to average players from France, 25% average players from Africa, 10% youth academy players, 10% average to good from Europe, and then rely on RvP, Sagna, Fab and Jack, hope Nasri and Theo show up and cross our fingers that no ones gets hurt. What Arsenal has now is a complete failure of half the team, and the entire coaching and management staff. And the frustrating part, the thing that kills me, is that they could decide to fix it so damn easily. Sell the failures, buy the three players we need, and let new youth players on realistic wages compete for the back up spots.

  4. marc

    Jun 02, 2011, 0:50 #8079

    Arsenal has been top 4 for the last 13 yrs. It never happened before. You are all prawn sandwich eaters. Get real. Also carling cup final apart ... No shame in being beaten by barca...

  5. a new horizon

    Jun 01, 2011, 19:59 #8073

    we are doomed, we are doomed, we are doomed. Better look for a high cliff to throw us all off after reading this darkest of darkest thoughts. Nothing will change is the main thing expressed in this article. Well let me give you one thought: nothing in live is forever, nothing.

  6. The Noise

    Jun 01, 2011, 19:11 #8069

    The best article I have read in months... Agree with every single word! I'm glad I'm not the only one who expects absolutely NOTHING to change this summer! Wenger says he'll spend... He's said that the past 5 windows! The players have said they need to man up... Something they were saying 3 years ago! Players say they will learn... Something they've been saying every month for the past 4 seasons! I used to live breath sleep sh*t Arsenal... It was the first thing I thought about in the morning, the last thing at night... Now, I've gone beyond caring! I've sold my ST to a mate, for the first time in 14 years... And when nothing changes next summer too and he wakes up, I'll hand it back into the club! PHW, Wenger & co. have made our club a laughing stock... And I will no longer give them my hard earned cash!

  7. Do people GENUINELY think Wenger is happy to finish 2nd?!

    Jun 01, 2011, 19:03 #8068

    Let's get one thing very straight - Arsene Wenger craves winning the title as much as all of us, probably more so. Look at the state of him! He doesn't feel content with 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. People should stop misquoting him & understand the context of his comments. Like they should have done when he was asked if we could go the entire season unbeaten. He didn't say we would, he said it's possible, having been asked. Read the actual quotes & appreciate the context. Misguided indeed knowing how people twist your words, but it was a dig at the likes of Harry R who claimed it was Spurs's 'best season', despite dropping out of the top 4. “Let’s hope that in the whole history we will never be more disappointed than that and that, in the next 20 years, they will be exactly as disappointed as they are at the moment. “If the situation remains like that, it is not too dramatic. As long as you are second in the league, I am ready to sign for the next 20 years and stand up for that. We’ve done well for our age and we are second in the league. Is that a disaster? There are teams who invest 10 times more than us – one player cost more than the whole team and they’re behind us.” “At every game I find people complaining. I don’t understand why. Do you judge this season or the last four? Some of the clubs behind us have done nothing for 20 years, yet suddenly get a lot of praise. Not exactly what anyone wants to hear, but we don't surely think he's happy merely with a top 4 finish? That's the minimum requirement he sets himself.

  8. Rocky RIP

    Jun 01, 2011, 18:22 #8067

    Am I the only one that thought naming the bridges after the 2 people that worked tirelessly to make the move to the grove showed a touch of class from the club? (Actually, one very popular blog was of a similar opinion.) I can't speak for Ken Friar, but I hear he's very much an Arsenal man, so what's your problem? As for Danny Fiszman, do you not think naming a bridge after him was a classy acknowledgement of his sterling efforts? To quote yet another blog at the time of his death.. ''Danny Fiszman was first and foremost an Arsenal fan who became a director, his contribution to Arsenal was largely behind the scenes, but his impact was immense. It was his vision and commitment that ensured we moved into the Emirates not only on time but on budget. There would be no Emirates stadium and Arsenal would not have the opportunity to compete with Europe's top clubs without Danny. A true Arsenal Gentleman, our thoughts are with his family.''

  9. GhGooner

    Jun 01, 2011, 16:19 #8063

    Absolutely spot on.I have maintained for quite a while now that Wenger has consistently cultivated a losing mentality among the players and his unbelievable stubbornness and misplaced loyalties in mediocre players has been the bane of Arsenal Fc's recent failures.Simply put,He is not going to change,the fans need to be shown some respect ergo Wenger,Rice and Co must Go!!!!!

  10. JT

    Jun 01, 2011, 14:24 #8057

    Perfectly articulated. Wenger always misrepresents his critics like when he said: 'you get people who know nothing about football saying 'sell Vermaelen''- even though we argue that he needs a partner (he has a winning mentality after all) not that he should be sold! The thing is the calls the fans have made (like a new GK when Almunia was no1) reflect the pundits' criticisms to the letter. There's just no democracy at arsenal- when Carroll got sold the newcastle fans were allayed only by the promise of reinvestment, but when we lose Toure and Adebayor we just have to be happy with mediocre replacements. I think the best thing we could do would be to have Usmanov (an actual fan) become owner and David Moyes be manager. One thing you missed out though was that based on post-Hodgson results Liverpool would be second and Spurs are better in matches against us- that's the elephant in the room for me, I reckon we'll finish 6th next season

  11. Mark2

    Jun 01, 2011, 12:49 #8052

    Andrew yes thank i did mean Louis XIV and i do think AW has been given far far too much power, does NOT feel as if he has to deliver at all, does NOT feel that his board is ambitious so he is automatically under pressure and i think that this is in large part responsible for the downbeat, passionless, loser mentality/aura that has infected our club

  12. Phil Olivetti

    Jun 01, 2011, 11:55 #8048

    Good article, with well-formed arguments, but on one hand you argue that as fans of the club we should trust the club's ability to appoint a successor to AW, but on the other hand pillory the club's current appointment. Excellent points on the culture of complacency at the club engendered by the current coaching staff, and on the myth of AW's financial prudence when seen in context of a spiraling wage bill.

  13. Stevo

    Jun 01, 2011, 11:49 #8046

    A brilliant article which sums up the state of our club. Us fans are mere pawns as the board, Wenger enrich themselves at our expense. Didn't Fabregas go to the Spanish Grand Prix when we were playing Fulham? An absolute disgrace given he is only our captain. Too may players seem to prefer to be at home playing computer games than fighting for the club and fans on the pitch. A total disgrace!!!

  14. Malcolm Andrews

    Jun 01, 2011, 9:18 #8035

    Bravo Emmanuel I am AFC since 1956, albeit now long-time resident in Australia. Your summation is absolutely spot-on. My sense of frustration and disillusionment exceeds anything that has gone before How do you break through to those apparently in "charge" is the real challenge. Some serious AW must go activity is ****ount. I also suggest letters en masse to be sent to Ivan &/or Stan so that they can see the depth of despair. E-mails can easily be wiped but sacks of letters cannot so simply be ignored Well said...pity it has come to this though

  15. Exiled-Gooner

    Jun 01, 2011, 2:29 #8029

    A fantastic article and spot on,you rightly point out that the board have to take some of the blame with there stupid statements and treatment of the fans but also with allowing Wenger to have total control of the footballing side and pursue his fantasy but also not demanding changes to bring success on the field. I believe change is needed not only with the manager but backroom staff because i think while Wenger continues The Arsenal will win sweet FA.Teams adjust to play against us but we don't and that shows Wenger's tactical inability combine that with the ''timed'' subs and constantly playing players out of position it's farcical.Wenger doesn't seem to be able to motivate the players as it shown for the last 3 seasons when we had chances to snatch the league but have instead of being a side challenging for a title it's more like a mid-table side on the last day of the season!!!but then again what do you expect when he constantly states that getting a C/L spot is success?rewards average players with lucrative contracts for failure but worst still keeps playing the players who constantly fail!!. I like to know which transfer market Gazidis is on about?is it the one involving Real,Barca or Manure or the more likely one ,if our recent acquisitions are to go by,involving Wolves,Everton and Blackburn or why else did Wenger pay a combined £15mil on 2 french Willy Young's.Take Jan2010 all our strikers injured(usual for RVP)he lost faith in Eduardo so instead of getting loanee (Huntelaar Available at time)or buying he uses Arshavin up front so to wait to get Chamakh on a free a average striker from a average league!!it's just laughable and disgusting.At the start of his reign Wenger got rid the dross yet now he seems to buy a majority of dross.I can't helping thinking about the board stating that the Grove would put us a financial footing with the elite yet all Wenger's success came when we was at Highbury with less crowds and less money!.I also thought the name of the game was WINNING TROPHIES and the financial rewards would follow but i must be out of date as i follow The Arsenal not the manager and The Arsenal will still be there when Wengers gone. For''who would you get if wenger goes'' well...Marco Van Basten wouldn't be bad choice.

  16. HowardL

    May 31, 2011, 23:18 #8027

    The only point I challenge is that Wenger inherited a team. He rejuvenated a group of ageing stars - something spoken about often by the likes of Dixon, Keown and Parlour. But everything else is spot on - I also used to be an AKB but his utterly deflating '2nd for 20 years' quote should have led to his instant dismissal. In business it would be classed as a Career Limiting Move.

  17. RJ

    May 31, 2011, 22:47 #8025

    @nugs - I am not Gazidis in disguise - wish I was. If I were my manifesto would have been: * don't give Wenger a five year deal - we are now in a position where to get rid of him will cost £18m. No man is bigger than the club. * I would tell Wenger he has to ship out the deadwood - Almunia, Denilson, Bendtner, Rosick-note, Diaby, Eboue - you are the weakest links good bye * I would tell Wenger he has to bring through home grown British talent * I would have told Wenger to buy Schwarzer last Summer and stop mucking about on price - a decent goalie from day one would have made all the difference to our season, and also get Chesney to a better place than he is now- it would also have organised our defence * I would have told Wenger to get the team playing long balls for Walcott to run onto more often (not all the time, but more often) - and either shoot or cross for Chamakh - the way we have wasted Chamakh's talent is poor this season * I would tell Wenger to bring in a central defender, a holding midfielder and a 20-goal a season striker. With experience to mould the team * I would have given Arshavin kick up the arse - man up or get out - you are a talent, but look like you care, please * I would have, with a touch of regret let Pat Rice go and brough in a strong number 2. Roy Keane anyone? Maybe not. I would have done all of that last Summer and this season - and I would probably have still put the ticket prices up. Sorry, it's economics - we the fans want a better product - we are the only people who can pay for it. FYI - I understand we have been offered a player and cash deal for Almunia - Villareal will take him if we give them £3m.

  18. andrew cohen

    May 31, 2011, 20:55 #8022

    Mark 2, I don't think you mean Louis IV (920-954) but Louis XIV, King of France in the late 1600's and early 1700's, an egomaniac who sought european domination. He was eventually thwarted in his plans and humiliated on the battlefield by John Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough, a man whose tactical genius and attention to detail ensured that in 10 years of campaigning between 1702 and 1712 he never lost a battle or failed in a seige. An organisation seeking success in any competition needs someone in charge who is actually competent, not someone whose obvious flaws have been repeatedly exposed, and who is incapable of remedying his acceleratedly worsening performance.

  19. LeoGooner

    May 31, 2011, 20:52 #8021

    GoonerRon, not even Wenger is claiming we are in a "transitional period" - he has been saying that this squad is ready to deliver. For he past two seasons he has said "judge me in May" and remember how he talked us up before all the big games that we then lost? I don't agree with everything Emmanuel says but the analysis is broadly correct. Even by this own standards Wenger has failed so what he does do? He changes the definition of success! The man is now a deluded fraud and I can't see how he deserves credit given that so many of our players have failed or gone backwards, yet are rewarded. This is a basic failure of management and anywhere else would have cost him his job.

  20. john

    May 31, 2011, 20:45 #8020

    Absoultely Brilliant Article Emmanuel !! You have put into words what thousands of Arsenal fans are crying out for. As you said, "A complete change of mentality is required, not just personnel. And this can only come with a new manager " Good on you mate.

  21. nugs

    May 31, 2011, 20:31 #8019

    @rj are you gazidis in disguise? how any real football fan can try and justify hiking up what are already the highest ticket prices is beyond me! and to the person who reckons we are only a moderate size club no mate the arsenal is known and supported worldwide always has always will be.

  22. Vee

    May 31, 2011, 20:13 #8018

    Wenger is reminding me slowly of Sven Goran-Eriksson whilst with England but only at a club level.

  23. Mark2

    May 31, 2011, 19:39 #8017

    Wenger is actually on holiday now which reconfirms he remains in place for next season. the stress he showed last 3 months of the season would have exhausted him and as we all know stress as in being totally over challenged, out of ones depth or just not having the answer is the worst kind of stress and best relieved by holding ones hands up and admitting defeat but when you are getting £6.5mpa package you tend to just keep coming back for more until your boss or your employeers or your supporters ask you not to come back. definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result so i expect to see plenty of madness again next season from Louis IV.

  24. Jack B

    May 31, 2011, 19:11 #8016

    A very well written piece like most of the articles on this site, however you also fall into the trap of having questionable content and essentially pandering to the still minor chorus of the fans who want wengers head immediately. You raise valid points but essentially much of what you say is hyperbole and over reaction, which in my view has taken grip of some normally sane fans. I think the comments from RON are very well balanced and I would agree with his POV. Personally I believe that all of this frustration is pointless, we all know Le Boss will be here next season, there is nothing to be done about it for the moment so why not just allow him the chance to change direction and invest, most of us know his body language by now and you can see he has run out of patience with his project and some players. Conversely if he doesnt change his spots then he wont last too long if we continue where next season where we left the last one. I have had enough of this AKB nonsense, its a vain effort to dispariage fans who dont think he should be sacked immediately, the fans are split for sure but civil war is futile.....

  25. Anon

    May 31, 2011, 18:53 #8015

    Wow. Awesome read. Summs everything up perfectly

  26. GoonerRon

    May 31, 2011, 18:05 #8012

    I disagree with some of what you say. Yes, Bolton did spend £12m on Elmander and he went on to score a whopping 18 goals in 3 seasons and left on a free transfer - this is hardly a transfer policy we should be aspiring to. I would also add that Arshavin and Nasri both cost more than £12m in any case thereby rendering your point irrelevant. You also state that Gazidis is contradicting himself by saying we need a price hike to be active in the transfer market thereby going against our self-sustaining model - well surely the whole point of the model is we spend what we earn – and the last time I looked gate receipts were a sizeable proportion of our income? Whilst I agree that PR wise for Kroenke the price rises were ill advised I find it amusing when I hear pundits say it’s ridiculous to put prices up when we haven’t won a trophy in 6 years – so on that basis Man C fans were paying 50p per ticket from the 70’s before this season? On the wage bill, I think this links into our relative inactivity in new player acquisitions before and since The Emirates move - we have a net profit on player transfers in the last 6 years as we have sought to keep the squad together whilst we fund the stadium. Keeping players for longer means more contract renewals, especially with Bosman and Webster rulings, resulting in spiralling wage costs. Longer term contracts, however, do mean if/when we offload players we can get better money for them and when we want to keep them (i.e. Cesc, last season) we have better control over the transfer. I do agree that a mindset change is required and whether this is driven by new coaching staff and/or new players remains to be seen. I personally think Wenger still has credit in the bank with us (comparing with Spanish teams is comparing apples with pears in my opinion - completely different operating models, mindset) and I believe we will see improvement next season. I actually think Wenger doesn’t get the credit he deserves for overseeing the move to The Emirates and keeping us competitive in cup finals and league run-in’s – yes we have failed to get over the line and win one which is incredibly frustrating, but in reality we knew it was a transitional period and we were written out of the top 4 by just about every so-called expert before each season. Whilst recognising our manager is far from perfect, therefore not part of this ridiculous, fabled 'AKB brigade', I personally still have faith.

  27. clockendpaul

    May 31, 2011, 17:51 #8011

    RJ... you miss the point thet don't spend the money they have (41 million cash reserves) so why should we have to pay even more! Thats what i hate

  28. PerryG

    May 31, 2011, 17:44 #8009

    Take a bow son, great article which stirs up the frustration i feel with the state of our team

  29. Gerry

    May 31, 2011, 17:00 #8008

    Nail on the head my friend, nail on the head!

  30. Jason

    May 31, 2011, 16:40 #8006

    Excellent Post.And Wenger has made our usless players believe they are better than the s**t they really are.Eboue gets £40k a week for being a clown and a cheerleader.Diaby actually said he would win the Ballon Dor.The players at Arsenal have a target of finishing top 4 every season.That accoring to Wenger is success.That would explain the annual collapse when 4th place has been secured.That also explains why our top players want to leave to win trophies.Nasri can see what Cesc has achieved at the club and doesnt want any more.As has been said many times before nothing will ever change till we get knocked out of the top 4.Then Silent Stan may break his silence

  31. Oxy-Moron

    May 31, 2011, 16:39 #8005

    An excellent piece - don't agree with it all, but excellent nontheless. We shall see what the summer brings to us, although I am not holding my breath! Tommorrow is the 1st June - renewal deadline day. Personally, I give it 1 week before the departure of Fabregas is announced. As for signings, you only have to read the transfer talk pages of the usual outlets to see where we stand - it's all about who's going and very little about who's coming. I expect the departure of Fabregas, Denilson and maybe Bendtner, but other than that the usual suspects will return to draw their inflated wages. Also, the fact that AW is about to bugger off to South America for two weeks added to how long and drawn-out his transfer dealings have historically been means that that not much (if anything) will happen until well into July. Plenty of time for potential signings to be "not available" and for Vela to come back from loan and prove "like a new signing".

  32. smasher

    May 31, 2011, 15:57 #8003

    My credit card provider made a security check on the season ticket renewal on the grounds of a possible fraudulent transaction - is this a reasonable enquiry ? possibly they have been reading some of these posts ?

  33. Bob

    May 31, 2011, 15:49 #8002

    Absolutely agree with every word. Complacency is riddled throughout the Club, and they simply don't see why they need to do anything very differently while season tickets continue to sell. That is why, after 40 years, I have reluctantly decided to put my money where my mouth is, and not renew my season ticket. Of course it is a huge risk - in the short term there will not be enough of us to make an impact. But in the long term, if more people follow suit and the fabled 'waiting list' evaporates, the Club will have to sit up and take notice. Sometimes loves means letting go, and I have loved Arsenal too much to allow them to abuse me any more.

  34. Stumpy Den

    May 31, 2011, 15:35 #8001

    Although being an Arsenal fan for the last 44years, I have lived in the North West for the last 24 years. In that time as in this season, we have seen utd go on to win their 19 league trophy, and on the local news this week they commented on the fact that Ferguson will not sit on this and think that's it, he wants the 20th and still has the hunger for it. I ask where is Wengers hunger and passion that we as fans have. We want that success and with it trophy's. We are Arsenal and we deserve it just as much as utd.

  35. Gare Kekeke

    May 31, 2011, 15:00 #7999

    Excellent piece Emmanuel. A lot of things said here is what I too have been thinking in the last few years. No doubt, Wenger's supporters or whatever you call them will dismiss this as trash even though recent seasons have suggested that we are in a gradual decline that shows no signs of stopping due to the stubborness of the manager & the money obssessed board. Do I want Wenger to change? Like every other Gooner worldwide, yes. Do I think he will? No, because everytime he has to he has restrained himself from doing so in the false hope/belief that what he has been doing since 2004 will bear fruit. And to those who say, who can replace him? Well, you don't get Liverpool fans claiming that replacing Bill Shankly with Bob Paisley was such a dumb move ditto Milan (that's what they are officially known as not AC) when Arrigo Sacchi left the club in to be replaced by Fabio Capello. Let us not be afraid of change. And before you say, but what about Man Utd when Sir Matt Busby left first time in 1969? And Everton when Howard Kendall left first time in 1987? The answer to the first question is that side was ageing bar Best & Kidd (and maybe Busby saw it) and the answer to the second question is Everton lost too many good players because of the ban on English clubs in Europe. For the record, Kendall too went abroad so he can compete in Europe with Atletico Bilbao, which granted he couldn't bring success there.

  36. Raskolnikov

    May 31, 2011, 14:42 #7997

    Simply top piece. And for the people saying he is wrong about the maximum fee paid, he is quite clear in stating that Arsenal's maximum fee paid FOR A STRIKER IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS is Eduardo! Arshavin ain't a striker, nor is Theo. Quality article.

  37. Gooner 1711

    May 31, 2011, 14:38 #7996

    Message to all people who are criticising this peace. Wake up. We all have different opinions and this is what these sites are for. Yes, we all want AFC to do better, but surely no-one can argue that it is going downhill unless something changes. The details above and mainly accurate, no-one knows the exact story or every detail but surely people can see what has happened. We are a top team only if the board and manage want us to be. Clearly, at the moment, we are pretending whilst the supporters are suffering at the current crop and managers inefficienies and the board/managers contempt for the supporters. In my book, unless the manager and board sort themselves out then this could be a destructive season.

  38. arsene the God

    May 31, 2011, 14:28 #7995

    The fact there is a bust of Wenger in there, while the guy is still managing the club, reeks of sickeningly bad taste.

  39. Richard Ansell

    May 31, 2011, 14:16 #7994

    I could not have summed up the present state of affairs better myself, Emmanuel. We did though pay more than £9M for Arshavin, but that does not detract at all from all the other valid points that you have made. The culture of failure and cossetted, under-performing players with inflated egos is now endemic at Arsenal. Yes I know we made the top four again(yawn)but to what end? Can anybody really see us winning the CL with the squad we have at the moment? Unfortunately we can knash our teeth all we like, Wenger will be going nowhere fast and I will predict right now that next season will be a carbon copy of this one. An influx of quality in the summer? Crap players shipped off to who cares where? Forget it folks - I just do not see it with this blustering buffoon in charge.

  40. Mark2

    May 31, 2011, 14:12 #7993

    great article. spot on. for me its heartbreaking. i was 10 when i was taken to the 1971 cup final and every 5 or 6 years Arsenal has always risen to the challenge. when GG came in in 1986 we werent in good shape but immediately the aura was changed and fight came back in the side/whole club and we went on from there. I am one who maintains AW was lucky on what he inherited in 1996 and the momentum carried us to 2006 where since he has been in 100% control and now today mid 2011, i personally dont like the feel of the club anymore and i have less respect for the team than i think that i ever did.

  41. Raskymono

    May 31, 2011, 13:42 #7992

    Fantastic article, one of the best I have read in a while. Let give him one more season, and if they repeat the same failures as they did this season. I can promise you...the pressure will elevate in ten folds. The 'print media' as well as AFC fans will turn against him and his below par and over paid players. I think he will leave!

  42. Ramgun

    May 31, 2011, 13:22 #7991

    Thank you for a fine article. By the way, does anyone know what Wenger or Ivan-The-Mouthpiece are up to at the moment?

  43. Broken hearted Gooner

    May 31, 2011, 13:21 #7990

    Excellent argument. It's just a shame that the majority of blinkered Gooners will refuse to accept your points despite them being as clear as day for all to see. I have had enough of seeing Wenger rock back an forth in the dug out when things turn for the worse on the pitch. Or complaining to Pat rice instead of adjusting things tactically.

  44. RJ

    May 31, 2011, 12:59 #7988

    There is nothing contradictory in Gazidis's statements - we do not have a sugar daddy to fund us, so the only (feasible, but not guaranteed) way we as fans can get a better product is to pay more for it. End of. It is economics - and football (not just Arsenal) is a business. I hate it too, but it is a fact of life. It is crazy to think that we can have a better product (=trophies) without spending more money on it - and we are the only source.

  45. Winch

    May 31, 2011, 12:54 #7987

    Brilliant article, thank-you... But fear you will have stirred up a hornet's nest of derision...

  46. Sheriff

    May 31, 2011, 12:36 #7984

    AMEN!!! Preach Brother Emmanuel PREACH!!

  47. London-Irish Gooner, Ireland

    May 31, 2011, 10:37 #7981

    Well said Emmanuel. Very interesting article and sums up excellently the demise of a once respected manager and well-run club. I for one will NOT be renewing my red membership. Instead Im taking out a year's subscription to the fanzine! Can't say any more than that.

  48. Ron

    May 31, 2011, 10:27 #7980

    Sound comments in many respects, but it ignores the likelihood that Wenger will see out his contract and go next Summer voluntarily. His record of constant top 4 positions alone deems that he shdt be sacked, whatever waning faith we have that he will ever win another major honour (i dont think he will). His role for at least 4 years has been to 'baby sit' the Club (in more ways than one i.e young cheap inexperienced players taking precedence and steering us through choppy financial waters as well) post Stadium move. I said to freinds it would be 10 years before we won another major title back in 2006 and was laughed at. Im not laughing now but still think im right. Your article makes a major error in likening Arsenal to clubs like Madrid and Munich. A 60000 seat ground doesnt bestow such parity on a Club. Arsenal are in truth still a moderate sized Club as they have been for their entire history. Not much has changed other than the surroundings of the Club. For that Wenger deserves credit. The reality is that fans aspirations have altered because of those surroundings and that is illogical. Herein lies the clash of views over Wenger. Reality would say that we are actually still 'punching above our weight'. Wenger shd be credited with that too. I agree on your points regarding players and many being sub standard for even a moderately sized club. In my view Wilshere is the only one who shdt now have a price on his head. The lack of character in that squad has been evident for years and goes back to the so called invincibles. They lost that game at Man U in unfair circumstances and sulked for 6 months. The Manager has to be blamed for that. A guy like Fergie would never have allowed that to happen. Dare i say it, but the Club has been staffed by too many flaky foreigners for too long. Arsenal needs to be returned to its roots and values. Players of 1971 type and pedigree muct cringe as i do at the modern day chokers and bottlers who roam that dressing room. Change will occur at the Club but not this Summer to any great degree. The Boardroom changes have to bed in first at such a traditional establishment as Arsenal. Sudden rupture and change isnt something that happens at Arsenal. Theyve always been for more organic change. We re frustrated, of course we are but i say that its the collapses and choking v the likes of Bham and Newcastle and Tottenham that is the root cause of the frictions more than simply not having won titles and CLs. Theres a sound argument to have that Arsenal will maybe never win a CL. I swear that had we have won the Carling Cup, tin pot Cup or not, that the present gloom and angst wdt be half so severe. We are seeing over reaction in the extreme. Thats not to say that Arsenal dont need to address it. Hopefully they will. As for Wenger, hes keeping a seat warm for his successor as we speak in my view and i'd venture to say that Arsenal already know who it is.

  49. Mike

    May 31, 2011, 10:04 #7979

    Outstanding article. This summer will be a moment when the history books look back at the club and remember it as the time the fans and the club fractured.

  50. Galway Gooner

    May 31, 2011, 10:00 #7978

    First class piece Emmanuel. Sums up all what is wrong with the club at the moment

  51. Bizzle

    May 31, 2011, 9:51 #7977

    Best article of 2011 by far!

  52. The cabbie

    May 31, 2011, 9:49 #7976

    Great article ... If we give up our season tickets in protest we may never get them back . Why not protest by not purchasing a match program

  53. CD

    May 31, 2011, 9:46 #7975

    Good article Emmanuel apart from one small mistake re the most spent on one player in the last five years (Arshavin). However that does not distract from the thrust of your article, with which I concur and share your sense of frustration with the club and Arsene Wenger.

  54. GoonerDave

    May 31, 2011, 9:24 #7974

    Theres no such thing as an AKB brigade, and your musings would be taken more seriously if you didnt refer to it. And if Wenger was even half as bad as you say, we would have finished below the top 10. We are all frustrated, but youre going way over the top. Our situation is not perfect, but nowhere near as bad as you make out. We were actually quite close this time, but not close enough. Some of the criticism smacks of childishness, its irrational and silly. Stop going on about AKBs - pointless. Stop taking any situation you like and twisting it into criticism. Learn to criticise properly and accurately. Above all grow up! This site is going rapidly downhill.

  55. Joe G

    May 31, 2011, 9:21 #7973

    I'm so depressed...

  56. neil s

    May 31, 2011, 9:00 #7971

    Hi Emmanuel, I like your article and several elements ring true (I was an AKB, but saw the light about six months ago), but some things you say I am unsure of. You state that in the last five years our top fee paid was £9 for Ed, but what about Arshavin, Nasri and Walcott? I genuinely don't know how much we paid for these guys nor over what terms and I am simply curious how anyone can establish how much we have paid forr a player? My understanding was that as a PLC the club could effectively withold releasing info on fees paid which were under £10m, but as a PLC everything over £10m had to be released? Do you know anything different? Good article though, keep them coming!

  57. Tom

    May 31, 2011, 8:56 #7970

    Simply brilliant article!! Agree wholeheartedly with every word. Being an Arsenal fan today is like standing down-wind, pretending that the spit hitting your face is actually nothing but rain. Yet I continue to renew my membeship with the hope that I will be part of the club when managerial change finally comes our way.