Top Four Aim Ruining Top Four Chances

Lack of ambition could see Gunners finish fifth or sixth

Top Four Aim Ruining Top Four Chances

Europa League: Keep those Thursday nights free?

For me, the Champions League Final highlighted just how poor a season Arsenal have had. We ended the Premier League campaign a whopping 12 points behind a team that were simply outplayed in every department of the game by a Barcelona side who virtually dominated from start to finish. How poor did they manage to make United look? Was it really that much of a surprise to realise that United currently have a very mediocre side?

I wrote an article on this website some time ago, when there were nine league games remaining. I stated the facts at that time that we had 58 points from 29 matches played and if we maintained our current levels of points taken per game we would end the league campaign with a total of 76 points. I then asked the current playing squad to show us whether they were a bunch of winners or losers by either increasing or decreasing this points per game ratio in the title run-in.

I stated my own pre-conceived opinion and stated with confidence that the points tally next to the word Arsenal would read a lower number than 76 come the end of the season and as sure as eggs are eggs, we ended the season with a tally of 68. We got a total of 10 points from our remaining nine league matches, with a points per game ratio of 1.11. This was down from the earlier season average of 2.00.

So what does all this tell us? The answer is, sadly, nothing we didn’t already know, and herein lies the problem. We haven’t just become a team of losers; we have already been this for some time now, and this is the reason why we clearly need a change of personnel from the top down at our club. We have grown a culture that breeds the very thing we all do not want at our club in recent years. It has all become about simply being in the top four and getting the money rolling in all over again for the next season.

There are two problems with this approach. The first is that if you set this up as the Holy Grail season after season, you will never ever finish any higher than this and there is a fundamental reason for this. As soon as Champions League qualification is in the bag the players feel like they are already on holiday and it shows, not only in their personal performances on the pitch, but also in the results column. The last game Arsenal were competitive in this season was Spurs away. Was this the result of it being an important game for the fans as it is a North London derby? Or was it simply that if we had lost this game fourth spot at the time would not have been the certainty it was after we avoided defeat? As soon as a top four spot was assured we stopped playing in the same way, the tempo went from our game and the results went down the plughole as a result.

The performances against the likes of Villa, Stoke and Fulham were not a surprise as we have got used to this type of performance at the end of the season as it happens every year now. The players feel that their job is done and they all back off. The drive is no longer there and that is because it has been made clear to them what the club’s expectations are at the beginning of the season. This level of expectation is ‘get us back in the Champions League for the new campaign and we’ll make sure your weekly wage reflects this ‘success’.

The second more baffling aspect of this mentality is the simple fact that if you set your sights very low, you then run the real risk of putting in jeopardy the very target you aim for come August every year. The fact that we only aim at being fourth makes it more likely that in the long run we will fail to reach this aim. Next season for example we will come up against the usual suspects United, Chelsea and City who in reality will all be stronger next time around than they were this season and they all ended this campaign above us. I can confidently predict that all three of these teams will finish the season above us in the final standings next time round just as they did this season. That only leaves you with fourth to play for and we will face tough opposition from Spurs and Liverpool for this one final Champions League place. Spurs will run us closer than ever next season, you can be sure of that. They are not in the Champions League and will not concentrate much effort on the Europa League, making it more likely that they will improve in the Premier League. The other obstacle to us finishing fourth does not even have the Europa League to worry about, as Liverpool are not in Europe at all next season.

Bearing these facts in mind and the likelihood of Kenny and Harry splashing a bit more cash during the summer months are any of us confident that we will even finish fourth next season? I am not, and would even go as far as saying I would not be surprised in the slightest if we fail to finish above our North London rivals for the first time in what feels like a lifetime next season. This is not being a doom merchant. It is facing facts as to how far we have been allowed to fall in recent years and I strongly feel we need to wake up and smell the coffee before it is all too late.

Sometimes in life things have to get worse before they can get better and from what I have seen it may well be the case at Arsenal that we need to be dealt the blow of not making the Champions League for real change to occur. The one thing that hurts the club we all follow is a lack of money coming through the bank account so what else can be done to force change? The answer in real terms is nothing. As sure as a few of us might stop renewing season tickets etc, there will always be another mug behind us in the queue to take our place who happens to have a few extra quid for the club to gobble up in some way or another. We can boycott the club’s merchandise outlets but, for the same reason as above, this is futile.

The strange reality of the state we find ourselves in as a club is that you could find some supporters actually wanting the club to suffer the indignity of seeing a lack of Champions League football for a season or two. This situation could then be the point in time where we as a club are forced to change tact and up our ambition levels all over again to try and reach the same heights we used to climb on a fairly regular basis in the past. Obviously some of you will now come back and ask how can you call yourself a fan if you want us to not make the top four? In response, ask yourselves this question. Who is the real fan when all you want to see and accept is simply never going to be good enough to see the club you claim to support win any silverware?

I used to have a season ticket at the old Clock End at Highbury and we used to taunt visiting Chelsea fans with a chant about them not having any silverware. It went to their tune of flying high and we changed the words to ‘silverware, no silverware you still haven’t got no silverware’. How times have changed. The even sadder change that has happened in this same period of time is that the cost of that same season ticket has trebled just at the same time as our aims as a club have been slashed.

In summary we have not improved one jot over the past five seasons. The closest season in terms of points gained compared to the last one was 2006-07 when we ended that campaign on 68 points with a similar goal difference to that of last season. If we do not improve on this next season then the likely outcome will be a season with no Champions League football to come in the following campaign. I personally feel this outcome may not be a bad thing in the long run.

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  1. HowardL

    Jun 06, 2011, 23:28 #8329

    If we continue the end of season form, Cesc and Samir leave and the usual suspects remain, then dropping out of the Premier League, whilst very very unlikely, isn't completely impossible as it used to be a few years back

  2. Tom

    Jun 05, 2011, 15:38 #8271

    Well at the start of last season Wenger was quoted as saying that this is "my best squad ever". ignore the insult to the 2004 invincibles squad. then that becomes "we can win all 4 trophies" and at the end of the season after we've crashed out of all the competitions and failed miserably he says "now you know how hard it is to finish in the top 4". exactly which one is that he wants? He changes his mind when it suits him and does nothing more than try to deceive all Arsenal supporters. It's nothing more than spin designed to placate the majority of arsenal fans who seem to still treat him as a demi-god despite the fact that season after season we fail miserably. 2 wins from the last 11 games is totally unacceptable, anyone who thinks that those last 2 months was acceptable is a deluded fool.

  3. Exiled-Gooner

    Jun 05, 2011, 8:28 #8250

    Of course we have a winning mentality...winning a C/L place and jumping on the gravy train of euro football.When you have Wenger constantly spewing that a top 4 finish is success and other excuses for failure then it's going instil itself in the squad,you only have to look at the past 3/4 seasons when it comes to the run in, the others step up a gear while we stall and go through the motions in just doing enough to clinch a top 4 spot!!!!.Take this seasons run from March,we played 11 games and won 2..just f*****g 2 while Man C played 10 and won 7,Chav's played 12 and won 8 and Manure played 11 and won 6..not title winning form is it?but because of Wenger's attitude that what we get .It also reflects in who we buy,when we nearly lost that golden egg place in 2008/09 season Wenger splashed the cash on a panic buy with Arshavin in JANUARY and from March that season we won 8 out of 11 games to clinch 4th!and we haven't done that since.The only quality he's brought since then has been TV because we got the C/L spot with points in the bag and i don't expect Wenger to change for next season unless by January our C/L spot is threatened and we see another Arshavin brought in JUST to get that top 4 finish.

  4. bunch

    Jun 05, 2011, 2:26 #8246

    An unfortunately depressingly accurate piece. Hope is still there though - "you never know" is a phrase we can comfort ourselves as we trudge into the red bowl next season. But the honest assessment of how next season is likely to pan is written clear by John above.

  5. NUGS

    Jun 04, 2011, 16:36 #8204

    @stan the atmosphere at the emirates is ****e yes but the club reap what they sow, they want the ground full of corporate bods and middle class jcl's so of course the atmosphere will be affected. and if wenger recognises what needs changing why has it taken him 5-6 years to do so? we qualified for the cl again and as of yet are still selling out most games so he will change nothing imo, and the only reason he is making rumblings of small changes is because he has realised that he can't fool the majority of us anymore with his bull**** comments and claims.

  6. Kevin Kong

    Jun 04, 2011, 15:28 #8202

    Whats all this `Articles like this dont help` stuff. I`ll tell you what articles dont help. Its articles like Samir Nasri in the Sun talking about how "We can smell the Premiership, and we have got United running scared" just prior to them dumping the team out of the FA Cup (I imagine that was an article that didnt help that was posted up in the United dressing room). Or maybe the article where Walcott spoke about how because Utd drew the same day we capitulated against Newcastle and his verdict was "its looking really good." Or articles where Wenger talks about how good it is that the "pressure is off" now that the team is out of all competitions but the title race, and "a relaxed player is a happy player" when he has stated clearly several times in the past that its essential to keep fighting on all fronts.The writing was on the wall after that one. Oh well, sorry for being negative. Ill try to end it on a high note- Ive just been informed by my sources within the club that 5 potential summer signings from the Belgian and J leagues have been spotted at the club and will be unveiled just as soon as they have passed the final `Snood Factor` Tests, whereby a panel will judge if they come up to scratch modelling next seasons `Sunderland Away` range of Gloves, Tights and Snoods for the Club Catalogue.

  7. Mark

    Jun 04, 2011, 13:46 #8200

    Clichy - our titanic struggles with Barca. do me a favour please. we done them 2-1 at the emirates solely as we held our ground better defensively and we caught them on the break when they had 8 men in and around our box. 8 men ! we actually used to do this alot but ive seen it about once this season. otherwise they would have wiped the floor with us at the emirates as they did at the Nou.

  8. Adams

    Jun 04, 2011, 13:17 #8199

    There was clearly something wrong with the team at the end of the season - whether it was lack of passion, lack of ability, wrong tactics but probably a combination of these. The core of the team - Cesc, Wilshire - are desperate to win something, perhaps too desperate. We need some of the directness we had 10 years ago, get rid of the journeymen, and sort out our setpiece defending. We are not far off a winning team but I am not sure the current personnel, on and off the pitch, can take us there.

  9. John

    Jun 04, 2011, 13:02 #8198

    @ stan. You need to take a reality pill. Arsene recognises damn all after 6 years of failure. This failure has transferred to the emirates where the fans watch Arsenal bottle it, collapse for nearly all the the last 3rd of the league. 2 wins from 12 matches. And you want us to cheer them on. As i and others have said before, when Arsene accepted top 4 as success, the players knew their target and the last 3rd of this season bears this out. Bunch of losers and bottlers. Get Wenger out.

  10. fozzys mate

    Jun 04, 2011, 10:37 #8197

    John - I began questioning the clubs ambition since OGL began to break up the invincibles the season after. My question then and now is why is it the ambition of the team that finished in the top 2 for such a sustained period and went a season unbeaten to finish fourth. But I do agree with some of the comments below. Despite what OGL said about it being in terms of attitude and quality being the best season for a long time for me it was the worst. Apart from a very few games poor performances at home and in the last third of the season collapse away. I feel no matter how stubborn that deckchair rice and OGL and our new majority shareholder realise this was the end of project Wenger and the start of a new dawn. Dawn comes after the darkest hour and I feel that in some way Villa at home was our darkest hour for 25 years. Weng will now either reshape the squad or be forced out, either way and new dawn will emerge sooner rather than later. I feel Cesc will go and what is done with funds may well shape how the mood for the new season starts.

  11. Stan

    Jun 04, 2011, 9:36 #8196

    I disagree with this John. Wenger has recognised where the problems are in the team and there will be widespread changes coming in and out of the club. As some people have said, the fans need to get behind the team. The atmosphere at the ground is ridiculous at the best of times and articles like this don't help.

  12. Gare Kekeke

    Jun 03, 2011, 19:13 #8192

    Good article. The lack of ambition from the board is clear for everyone not wearing blinkers to see. I blame them as much I blame Wenger. @ Colin - do you honestly think our players love the game and want trophies for our club? Bendtner only speaks of his personal goals (Golden Boot winner and world superstar) and very rarely does he speak of winning trophies. Denilson, Arshavin & Walcott are more motivated in playing in a World Cup for their respective countries rather than win trophies for The Arsenal, and funny how none of that trio were involved in South Africa last year for a variety of reasons. Don't forget that we have lost players in recent years because they can also maximise their earnings elsewhere (Cole, Adebayor, Flamini). Whose to say that some of players might think 'I fancy some of that myself'. I'm not expecting any significant changes this summer so another season of empty promises await. Guardiola or Villas-Boas to be our manager from 2012/13 onwards please.

  13. John Evans

    Jun 03, 2011, 18:47 #8191

    Jack - You clearly can not read as I stated the Samba transfer was done in January weeks ago in a previous article. What is all this catalan rubbish you keep spouting off? If Cesc was so in love with Barcelona why did he leave them to come and join us in the first place? He left to further his career as his own career is more important to him than any loyalty to all things catalan. This is the same reason why he has left to go to Madrid this time round. He is furthering his own career. It has nothing to do with religion or where he comes from just as the Sol Campbell move had nothing to do with where he came from when he signed for us all those years ago from our friends down the road. Catalan splatalan he will be at Madrid by the end of the month you mark my words!

  14. GhGooner

    Jun 03, 2011, 16:57 #8188

    I'm inclined to agree with you John,I interestingly feel that the whole psyche of the playing body is dictated by the mind- set of the Wenger-Rice managerial axis,which somehow allows mediocre standards and a losing mentality to prevail within the Club we all so dearly love.I reckon it's squeaky bum time for M.Wenger and Paddy Rice next season.No More Excuses.It doesnt take an Astro Physisct to work out what is needed at AFC to obviate the current unacceptable crisis.End Of.

  15. RealArsenal

    Jun 03, 2011, 16:22 #8185

    Another article highlighting why fans are fans and fortunately are not responsible for making any decisions to do with the club. Your arguments are flawed and your inability to be dispassionate means that you are simply trying to push your mandate onto others. Any fan who wants us to not qualify for the CL should pack up their belongings and take a walk down the seven sisters! Some may say they understand the point but I would argue you have forgotten the point of being a fan! Quite a few of us have been discussing the content on here, which has always been its one negative article after another.......were all frustrated but you are consumed by yours...

  16. NLS

    Jun 03, 2011, 16:01 #8184

    OMG- All lot do is moan. call yourself supporters its a joke! i feel a bit of blue and navy coming into the picture. Well at least they done moan all the time.

  17. Mark

    Jun 03, 2011, 15:22 #8183

    John i also said at Easter that Cesc was a done deal and most on this space just did not believe it. i got it from a v close friend of Darren Dein who is cesc's agent and he said it had all been agreed that he would go in March - perhaps that was linked to CL qualification i.e. get that done and you can go. its all pretty depressing to be honest. i have 3 club seats and i love the emirates stadium but i didnt enjoy this season much at all as i could see a real lack of passion in the players and a manager who had totally run out of ideas. the aura around the place was not good from Feb onwards because the crowd gradually realised we simply werent good enough. i am intrigued to see how Wenger handles this close season because if he gets in wrong then i agree we are staring at 5th/6th place next year

  18. Sarah

    Jun 03, 2011, 15:01 #8181

    Dave- i have told you this for years. Until the Rain-mac leaves the club all is lost, there is no building a team for the future! Move on- think about bowls. The time is now

  19. Croker

    Jun 03, 2011, 14:55 #8180

    @John Evans - all credit will be passed on when & to where it is due but Cesc off to Madrid? How can that be reconciled with his ties to Barca?

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 03, 2011, 14:35 #8178

    @colin have to agree with everything colin said perfect sense.

  21. Alan

    Jun 03, 2011, 14:35 #8177

    The real element that concerns me is how we start next season! If we don't get off to a decent start the discontent will carry over and that will heap huge pressure on everyone. The press will hammer AW, and the players and us fans will end up bickering with each other. We need to forget last season, we can't change what went wrong - we can only hope we improve if not 5th or 6th might not be as realistic as we think.

  22. Jack

    Jun 03, 2011, 13:52 #8176

    Ahh so now its Samba and Cesc! Even though your original article doesnt mention Samba and anyone following the tranfer rumours since Jan would have known about our interest in Samba, so perhaps you need to look up the word "exclusive". As for the Cesc to Madrid story, a 10 yr old who watches football know why they are interested in him, purely to spite barca, but the same 10yr old would understand the difference between a Catalan and a Spaniard!

  23. Kentgooner

    Jun 03, 2011, 12:50 #8174

    People and fans have been saying that we will not finish in the top four for a few years now but we always end up doing it so i think we will again next year. I do not settle for that though as i believe that as a club our targets should be higher than that. I truly think that this is judgement time for Arsene and if we do not purchase good players for the right positions then this time next year he will have to go, even though i have supported him through the last few years things must now change and if they dont they never will. Arsenal Forever!

  24. Tom

    Jun 03, 2011, 12:38 #8173

    Since we left Highbury the target every season has been 4th place.If it wasnt Wenger would have been long given his P45 like Ancelotti.But the club is all based around finishing 4th and that is looked on as success by the old board and now Kroenke.To them unlike the fans its all about profits and the money from a CL campaign not trophies.A succesful season at Arsenal is now judged by the balance sheet not the trophy cabinet(have we got one at the E*******?)Wenger is the luckiest manager in the world he is in a job where he will never be sacked.How can our great club be in a position where we are now run by a dictator who answers to no one?.And how have the fans let this happen? You can blame the board and Wenger and rightly so.But the fans who turn up every week and get screwed without a word of protest are only backing the Wenger regime.Wenger needs to be overthrown by the people who pay his wages.Us the fans.

  25. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 03, 2011, 12:35 #8172

    Speaking of lack of ambition, I notice that the Spurts have nipped in and signed Friedel from Villa... presumably AW doesn't feel the need to acquire an experienced keeper to mentor Woj Chesney. Blimey, Friedel was even the right price for AW i.e. free, and yet The Arsenal have missed out again. All I can say to Friedel is, it's your own fault for not speaking French or you'd be with The Arsenal by now...

  26. Ron

    Jun 03, 2011, 11:49 #8169

    Some very good points made there. Its a case of seeing if the Club is to address its malaise come August, but if they dont i agree,they'll be 5th or below next time out. On your point of fans reaching the point of wanting to miss out on the CL, there are quite a few who ive spoken too who already feel that way and who see it as being the only hard lesson to jolt Wenger and the Club to try and raise its own bar.Seems a bit extreme but its a well made theory.

  27. Colin

    Jun 03, 2011, 11:28 #8168

    I have to disagree with almost everything in this aticle. Even if the powers that be within the club feel that getting in the Champions League is a success there is no way the players would feel the same. The vast majority of these players love the game and want to win trophies so they can look back at their career and have something to show for it. Everyone on the playing side of the club wants success and it will hurt to see Man Utd or Chelsea win every year. The players have been trying but there are so many that are simply not good enough no matter how hard they try. Eboue, Diaby, Bendtner, Denilson, Almunia, Squillaci, Vela and Rosicky are the players I'm referring to. There is no point in having quantity, we need some quality. Wenger might say being in the Champions League every year is essential but he would not set that as the sole target at the start of the season. Players like Fabregas, Nasri and Van Persie would not have stuck around for as long as they have if Wenger only had the goal of finishing 4th, they would not accept it because they could walk into any winning team in Europe. They must believe they can win at Arsenal. Our transfer policy, training methods, tactics and lack of a leader on the picth to give underperfoming players a kick up the arse are the areas we fall down on.

  28. Jack

    Jun 03, 2011, 11:19 #8166

    Why are you still writing articles when you promised that you would stop after your fabricated the "Cesc to Madrid" nonsense, where you had an "inside source". This is just more drivel from someone who loves the look of their own written word, surely a career at one of the tabloids beckons?

  29. John Evans

    Jun 03, 2011, 11:08 #8165

    PS. The Cesc sale to Madrid and Samba buy will be announced within the next fortnight so I wouldn't mind some apologies when both transfers are made public. All you guys heard the Cesc 'world exclusive' here first and as I would have been slated if neither transfer materialised I will expect to be carried around the pitch at The Grove on all of your shoulders when they both do!

  30. Dave

    Jun 03, 2011, 10:28 #8162

    Spot on, when are the sheep going to stop accepting the mediocre football played in front of them? Not renewed my season ticket and even cancelled sky sports as I feel there is not much to get excited about these days in following the club we all love sadly. Something has to break the circle and as much as I hate to admit it maybe a season in the europa league will wake everyone up that this isnt good enough. 4th is the best we can hope for next year unless BIG changes happen which unfortunately I can't see for a while to come. I used to get excited by going to Highbury but I just dont get that buzz anymore with this 'set-up'.

  31. Fronton

    Jun 03, 2011, 10:00 #8158

    I was thnking the same thng. The best thng to happen is not qualifying for the champions league!

  32. MR RUE

    Jun 03, 2011, 9:51 #8157

    To be frank I agree with you and the below comment to a degree. The CURRENT Arsenal squad play with what looks to be the mentality of "if we do whats expected of us then at least we're not letting anyone down" which actually does lead to let down quite often. I do think that if we finished outside the top 4 and didnt make Europe it would go 1 of 2 ways. A few years mediocrity or a squad overhaul and a complete change in mentality. Sadly though i'm leaning towards the mediocre

  33. Oxy-Moron

    Jun 03, 2011, 9:31 #8156

    It will all hang on what transfers take place in the summer - and this gooner 'aint holding his breath! Even as squads stand at the moment, Manure and Chelsea are capable of 80 points, Citeh a comfortable 75, Spurs probably 70. Only Liverpool remain an unknown. So that's 4 teams capable of amassing more points that we have this year. Do we really think this team of proven bottlers are capable of amassing 70+ points? If they are it will mean trying to the final whistle in game 38 - a big ask for the boys from the Colney Creche.

  34. Southerngooner

    Jun 03, 2011, 8:35 #8153

    I read the first 2 paragraphs and wonder who the real losers are. The players who are mentally weak or the fans who boos his own players off the pitch.

  35. The Happening

    Jun 03, 2011, 8:27 #8151

    Good read John, thanks! Quote "cost of that same season ticket has trebled just at the same time as our aims as a club have been slashed" Sums it all up really for me!

  36. Brigham

    Jun 03, 2011, 8:26 #8150

    No doubt you will get the usual comments of "Go to Spurs" or "Call yourself a fan", I am not one of those John. You have pointed out some good home truths about the current state of the club. Yes we have little debt, yes we have a fine shiney stadium, yes we have once again qualified for the Champions League. However, that is all the club seem to want, as you stated. Our lack of decent signings is hurting us every season and I fully expect Wenger to buy cheap and from the enclaves of France and Africa once again. If you buy cheap goods, you get cheap results. The old addage of 'you get what you pay for' often rings very true. If you buy a cheap shirt, it will not last long before it becomes damaged, threadbare etc and that is the same with some members of our squad - IMHO. I have renewed my ST again, but am more than fully aware I will probably be watching very similar performances at the Grove as I have the past few seasons. I go away as well and for some reason it is much better to watch, although the Fulham game was awful and I really think the majority of us Gooners there were on the lash and having fun rather than worrying about the result. Again, just my opinion. It will be interesting to see who we get for the CL pre-qualifying match.

  37. Andy

    Jun 03, 2011, 8:16 #8149

    Easy mate...steady on. Wait until the season starts, when we know what kind of squad we have. Your predictions are based on last season's squad. I would urge you to take a deep breath, relax, go on holiday and review the squad (and your predictions) when the season start.