The Future is Bright

But in the meantime Arsenal are procrastinating

The Future is Bright

Usmanov: More ambitious than current directors

I have found recent developments around the top end of the Premier League most interesting. If we take a look around at our nearest rivals in recent weeks what do we see?

At Man Utd we see a club that has just won the League Title for a record breaking 19th time. We see a manager in Sir Alex who is heading towards the end of his career with every passing year but does he look at things as all well and rosy in his back garden after yet another title triumph? Or does he take the more aggressive stance of stating openly his desire to improve his squad and actually backing those words up with investment in his playing staff early on in the summer months? United have just won the league for the 19th time and they have splashed over £30m on two of the best young English talents around today. You can say what you like about the talents of Mr Jones and Mr Young but you can’t hide from the fact that United and Sir Alex have shown great powers of ambition and aggressiveness in what they have done in recent weeks. Both of these recent signings manage to break our record transfer fee paid as a club yet for United they are medium cost regulation type signings. They have in effect laid down a marker as a club and said ‘come beat us now’ and I for one would love to see that if I were a United fan.

Over at our London rivals Chelsea we see a club that managed to finish second in the Premier League last season and who also reached the semi-finals of the Champions League. This was considered as a complete failure, so much so that the manager lost his job on the same day that the season ended. They have scoured around the top end of European football for their replacement and in all likelihood have now installed an out and out winner as their new number one. A guy that took a relegation threatened club to the safety of 11th and a cup semi-final in his first season as a professional manager and then in his second season won the league going unbeaten and also managed to lift a European trophy. Not bad for a 33 year old eh? The message as a club is clear. Finishing second is unacceptable. It is a failure we will not stand for. You either win or you are out as we expect to be winners. Is this really such a bad message to be sending out to the club’s fans, the media and potential new signings?

In comparison to these messages being sent out by Chelsea and United we managed to finish fourth last season and got knocked out in the second round of the Champions League. We also managed to get well beaten by a mainly reserve United team in the FA Cup and we ended up hailing the season as one of ‘progress being made’. We amassed fewer points in the League than the previous campaign and finished in a lower position yet we hail the season as a ‘success’. We come out as a club and state that finishing second would be acceptable for the next 20 seasons as we recognise finishing second as having a successful season. At Chelsea finishing second once is deemed failure enough to lose your job.

For me you can say what you like about the negative impact that Roman’s millions has had on the game in this country but if I was a Chelsea fan I would be delighted to hear that message coming out loud and clear from the club I support. Second is not acceptable. We as a club expect to win. What is wrong in that? What message do we want to hear coming out of our own club? If we had just won the League and spent £30m + on two new players would we be complaining about the so called ‘risks’ associated with showing this level of ambition?

I fail to see how success as a club can in any way shape or form be a negative thing and to all those people that see it as such I challenge you to make a valid point that changes my mind. If you are successful as a football club it widens your appeal across the world, it opens up new marketing opportunities that currently do not exist. It increases your income and it makes you more profitable as a club. If we won trophies we may not have even needed to increase the ticket prices at the ground due to the larger levels of marketing sales across the globe. You spend some money and you get some money back in at the other end, this is how things work in businesses all over the world. If you don’t spend any money and all you do is sit on your fingers waiting for the phone to ring, it doesn’t just happen to ring. In business you have to make it ring. Otherwise all you end up doing is procrastinating and that in my eyes is what we are now doing as a club. We are merely putting off the inevitable that will need to happen at some point in the future.

I can therefore predict a scenario developing within our club where the fan base levels of discontent grow bigger and more vocal over the coming few years. During this time Usmanov’s position will get stronger and stronger and at some stage in the future (maybe 3-4 years maximum) the pressure will get too hot for the Americans to handle. They will then decide to sell up to Usmanov and let him splash a little of his fortune on turning Arsenal into a club that once again regards finishing second as a failure. This is why Usmanov hasn’t run away and cashed in on his share percentage. He is playing a longer term wait and see type game that in the long run will see him gain full control of the club as was his original aim when he bought shares in Arsenal in the first place. The truth is the current hierarchy at the club we all support didn’t want to sell there shares to Usmanov. The real reason for this being true boils down to the fact that he is - in the opinion of the current board - ‘overly ambitious’ and doesn’t fit in to this self-sustaining model that the current board talk up as gospel. Usmanov is too ambitious for the current crop of directors at our club. I know for a fact that their has been much disagreement in recent months regarding the best way forward for the club and some top names within the ranks do not agree with Kroenke as the choice to improve on matters. This discontent will only grow and grow over time as nothing major will change at the club until someone takes control who has the money and the ambition to genuinely turn a corner.

Once genuine change happens at the top end of the club and we begin to sail in a new direction which will have to happen at some point we will then begin to see a shift in the culture and the expectation levels within the club we support. We might then get into a position ourselves where if we did win the League we would still go out and splash £30m on two new signings to make sure we stay there or we might find ourselves finishing second and condemning it as a complete failure. Then we would know that we are a big club again and being a big club again for me can only be a positive thing.

(Ed’s note – Just to let those of you who are following the Gooner Gambling Scheme that with England’s elimination from the Euro Under 21s last weekend, we are looking around at other options to use the freebet from Scotbet, with a possibility we might look at one of Stan Kroenke’s teams in the States to cash in. What we will do is give 48 hours’ notice before the event the next bet is on, and the words ‘Gooner Gambling Scheme’ will be in the title of the piece trumpeting it. For those that fear they might miss the boat, we can send out an email to notify you that the details of the next bet are online. If you wish to be notified in this way, just send an email to [email protected] with ‘Gooner Gambling Guide’ in the subject line and we’ll do the honours. Don’t use this address for anything else though).

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  1. AndoverGooner

    Jun 30, 2011, 13:00 #9296

    What is the point in Usmanov's millions when we have a manager that won't spend 20m never mind 50-60m?

  2. clockendpaul

    Jun 28, 2011, 22:39 #9247

    Greg.. I want to spend every penny thats availiable, the whole amount thats in the arsenal account for transfers, not to borrow or spend whats not there. It might not mean we'll win anything but i want to see AMBITION season after season, its people like you and your french god that are the reason we're in the mess we're in, AMBITION google it.

  3. clockendpaul

    Jun 28, 2011, 22:25 #9245

    Jack straw... if you're a bank manager,doctor,goat herder or even a football manager and you kept making the same obvious crass insulting inept mistakes you would be SACKED, i don't have to be educated in football to know that.

  4. Jack Straw

    Jun 28, 2011, 16:26 #9236

    Greg - really well said, completely agree. Watching football, regardless of how long, does not make one educated in running a football club or managing a football team any more than it makes you capable of playing.

  5. Terry

    Jun 28, 2011, 15:36 #9234

    When we have fans writing this type of tabloid rubbish its no wonder we are in such trouble right now! I dont mean just the club, I mean the civil war thats broken out! This article serves to highlight the problems we have always had with our fans, too many of them have joined in the last 10-15years despite proclaiming otherise and the others like this author just dont understand about most things football related

  6. HowardL

    Jun 27, 2011, 20:06 #9200

    The was a report in the Sunday Times that Cesc is so determined to leave, he is prepared to top up the transfer fee. what does that say about his expectations for Arsenal next season?

  7. Brigham

    Jun 26, 2011, 20:25 #9173

    @Mark 10093 - well said my man and oh so very true in every way. We (Arsenal) continue to stagnate and will do with Wenger at the helm. He has lost his way, simple as. I love Arsenal, always have and always will and will continue to support them through thick and thin, but Wenger is no longer capable of taking us forward.

  8. French Bafoon

    Jun 26, 2011, 20:18 #9172

    AW is so busy avoiding clichy, nasri departure and getting £40m+ for Cesc, that my bet he has not spent enough time actually planning and securing the players for what we ALL know were major changes needed. Its all about the profit and loss columns yet again. No passion, no transfer market splashes as thats left for football clubs who still believe in letting their fans get excited. our lot have let the facts and figures get in the way of a good story, some good media and some fan excitement. they do not give a toss about the fans at arsenal they care about their bonus and salaries and arsenal share price. its like a bloody bank. chelsk and spurs have more passion as well as city, manu and liverpool. weve really lost the heart and soul of our club

  9. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 26, 2011, 14:50 #9170

    Nugs...I believe you're right. I'm one of those you speak of. In a funny kind of way, I'm sort of pleased I'm on the other side of the world while all this is going on...can only imagine how it must be to deal with the smugness of other club's consumers - sorry, I meant to say "fans" of course - first hand, trying to defend something that we know is crap, much like we did during the 80's pre - GG...not to mention the British media mostly lapping it up...

  10. JOHN

    Jun 26, 2011, 13:25 #9169

    There are people posting on this and other sites who call themselves Arsenal fans who are now saying we are a medium club and always were and not to expect too much and be grateful for what we have. Others say give AW a chance as we are still paying for the souless bowl. These and many other akbs accept the crap coming from AW and Ivan. How can any true Arsenal fan except loss of ambition from board down to players. Top players wanting to leave, no immediate sign of deadwood going and top quality coming in. Some fans will say wait until july and see what happens. I will, and i wont go and support the spuds or chelski. The main reason why we have mediocrity, no leadership, no winning mentality , losers on over 50k a week is because we have fans who have the same mentality as denilson, eboue, bendter etc etc etc. LOSERS who think they are GREAT. Arsene and CO only listen to these so called fans who are still buying the tickets, the commercial products that keep Arsenal plc finances stable. Am i too overambitious too expect major change. Unless AW has a road to damascus or leaves, then i probably am .

  11. Mark

    Jun 26, 2011, 0:03 #9165

    domafc, its not about their starting 11 is it ?? you dont get it do you ? its about manu NEVER let the grass grow under their feet. losing players through age, then always making the smart moves year in year out, if you cannot see that then you simply do not understand football mate and your blind and being blind wont help us get any better will it

  12. DomAfc

    Jun 25, 2011, 21:53 #9163

    I'm sorry, but United have just spent £30m on two players who won't get in. They've lost Van Der Sar, so their starting eleven won't be stronger than last seasons.

  13. You English Knig-its

    Jun 25, 2011, 13:27 #9161

    Arsene has lost his way and needs to be shown La Porte. its not the end of the world just do that and move forward. He is stale, past sell by date, worn out, mostly negative, unable to inspire anymore, fresh out of ideas, too introverted. it is over give the man the exit he needs

  14. Nugs

    Jun 25, 2011, 13:19 #9160

    i do not believe anyone has a negative mandate against the arsenal more the people who run it, i have followed this club over land and sea for over 30 years, i love this club but detest the crooks who run it and i feel more and more long standing fans are starting to feel this way.

  15. Mr Villas Boas

    Jun 25, 2011, 12:34 #9159

    Chelsea's new boss is not yet a proven winner. Yes he has done well in 2 short years, but the Portuguese league is a weak league where only 5 clubs have ever won it and the Europa League is effectively Europe's second tier. It's a promising start, however Ruud Gullit and Gianluca Vialli were roughly the same age when they started out and won trophies in their first two seasons - where are they now. Like a few Arsenal players, he has promise but he's not a 'proven winner'.

  16. JJB

    Jun 25, 2011, 11:00 #9158

    John you are an angry fan who despite your best efforts to prove you somehow know more than the rest of us has spectacularly backfired! Your articles have no value to them, you may have a few friends on here to perpetuate the continued rubbish that you promote but I am tired of your way of thinking! You don’t get it do you? There is no point to anything you say! You talk about wanting success and ambition but you employ your own twisted logic and use strange bits of info to try and back up your points and what you say about Usmanov is just stupid! The fact is that if Wenger deserved to be sacked he would! He is on a fine line, we all know he won’t be sacked so why not continue to support him? If we were in Aug with no signings then I will be calling for his head...but you don’t understand most of what you talk about. Just because your passionate (life all of us friend) doesn’t mean your intelligent, and your previous articles and comments have sadly proven that. I am embarrassed that you support the same club as me and I’m shocked that you continue to promote your ignorant and negative mandate against OUR club! From what I have read recently you don’t have the capacity for a discussion and debate, I see from your recent comments you have toned down your aggression to those who disagree with you, no doubt a word has been said to you....and rightly so!

  17. The Iceman

    Jun 25, 2011, 10:40 #9156

    Ron your defence of Evans is commendable and your lengthy riposte proved more balanced and interesting than any of Evans recent articles. You both however show real naivety regarding Usmanov and your points about the prem & the intentions of Man City. The conspiracy theories about the board and manager are ridiculous but the current plight of the club is of huge concern to ALL fans not just John Evans! He lost his credibility with that Cesc story which was a poor attempt to intimate that he is in the know more than the rest of us, anyone who knows football blew that fable out of the water straight away and with it his respect. If you read his recent articles there is a poisonous negative tone throughout and his opinions are all driven by his desire to get the manager out whilst shooting down anyone who disagrees. Can fans please stop regaling how old they are when they started supporting the club? The fact that Evans has to do this shows his insecurities as a true gooner, we aren’t even a month into the transfer window and he and others are already resigning us to another season of failure. The split in the fans is not between AKB and AWO but the real fans who will support the team and those who are interested in short term success to appease their idiocy with no interest in the future of our club or enough intelligence to understand how football operates. Ironically John talks about differing views, but all his previous comments have been tinged with aggression and arrogance; in my eyes (and many others) he doesn’t know what he is talking about! I love a good debate, I’m just sad that this “fan” is unable to present one, thankfully he is in the minority and his articles will be ridiculed due to his tabloid sensationalist Cesc piece! Hung by your own petard Evans.........btw I had an Arsenal kit on about 2 weeks after birth so according to you I am more of a fan.....that’s how you think right?

  18. John Evans

    Jun 25, 2011, 9:15 #9155

    William - Don't be fooled by what you read in the papers. The reported low Barcelona offers are nothing but a smokescreen for the truth behind closed doors. Take my word for it that Barcelona failed to come up with the required money for Cesc long ago my friend and as reported the only club that a) had the money to buy him and b) Arsenal were interested in selling him to was Real Madrid. Take it from me all those that have abused my words will be left feeling a little bit silly when the deal does get announced. For me it is clear that the club are waiting to announce one or two signings first to get the fans in a more forgiving mood for announcing that the captain is leaving. I get why the doubters are doubting me but have a little patience and then come back and see me after Cesc goes to Madrid and Samba signs from Blackburn. It will be 2/2 very shortly mark my words

  19. William

    Jun 25, 2011, 0:08 #9153

    I wish John would stay true to his word and never post anything on this site again following Cesc's non-transfer to Madrid. Or in fact, maybe his excessive posting these days is due to him realising that he should post as much as he can before the summer ends (as Cesc will most definitely not be sold to Madrid this summer (or ever)).

  20. Brigham

    Jun 24, 2011, 22:46 #9151

    The one thing I am sick of seeing on this site is the so called 'Gooners' who keep slagging off this guy and other posters who dare to question the clubs current lack of ambition. "Go and support Chelsea." "Eff off to Spuds" etc, etc. FFS, this guy is entitled to his opinion, as are we all, but I firmly believe most of us who have been supporting the club for longer than since 1998 understand how poor a state the current squad is. United are growing stronger and we continue to stagnate in a pool of kelp and will never again challenge the tops boys with our current lack of ambition. In business you need to speculate to accumulate, simple ethos really.

  21. Mariano

    Jun 24, 2011, 20:28 #9149

    There is a lack of ambition ,and they always say to protect the club form going into debt ,well bayern munich challange every thing every year and they balance there books ,so we got no excuse !

  22. PaulVH

    Jun 24, 2011, 19:33 #9148

    Well well. Yet another negative gooner post that doesnt give wenger any credit, slags him off (before it must be said the majority of teams have spent) and is aligning himself with the fat oligarch Usmanov that would be dangerous for the club. You would be happy with us up the hock debt wise (like united and liverpool before them) spending millions on unproven talent and paying them shedloads (ashley young, 130k per week) All i can say is go and be happy at barnet, dont want to see the likes of you at the grove thanks. Pants

  23. fozzy's mate

    Jun 24, 2011, 18:00 #9144

    John - I agree with some of what you say but don't see the ownership as the issue. It is clear the old guard wanted an extremely cash rich business as it forced the share price up so they could sell up. If the club is to progress OGL also needs to wake up and realise that his methods must jumped forward from 2004 where they are stuck. The level of negativity is such that only bold steps to modernise and show intent ambition will be enough to turn the wheel. A slight comfort is that as an intelligent if incredibly stubborn man AW must know some new ready to hit the ground running players are required. With our tough start to the season sandwiched between CL qualifiers he cannot wait until the 11th hour again. We must be ready to go by the time we attempt to exorcise our ST james park demons or as Ivan the terrible said, he is answerable to the fans ultimately and we do not want a return to the abyss of the last home game v Villa. This is a major crossroads for the club either the boss refinds himself and his former powers or in my opinion he will have to fade away with a whimper.

  24. John Evans

    Jun 24, 2011, 17:29 #9143

    The Iceman - I personally feel to liken the article's I write to a turd that can't be flushed away is a little harsh. You either need to stop reading the articles or get a better quality toilet my friend. I feel that we are seeing a large split in opinion from arsenal fans around the world and comment on that differing of opinion can only be a good thing in my eyes as it is always good to see someone elses point of view even if it differs to your own viewpoint. If you feel that strong on my view points Iceman why don't you come up with some constructive criticism on how you feel we can improve on things going forward?

  25. Inspector Clouseau is screwing things up

    Jun 24, 2011, 16:31 #9142

    the fact is to be a manu, chels or man city fan is exciting and now liverpool same. why ? because things are happening they are dynamic clubs and fans want to be excited and hopeful. Arsenal do not care about their fans, do not care we are the laughing stock. our repuation is not good and just like employment, people dont join clubs or companies when they dont know what the future holds

  26. Me myself and I

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:58 #9140

    I would rather Jack Warner in charge then him

  27. Dave

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:49 #9139

    This is pretty much spot on, any Gooner who thinks the last 6 years have been 'ok' need their head examined, we'll be battling with Spuds and Liverpool next season for 4th and this is a disaster considering where we were pre 2004. We're a club going backwards and the only solution is for change and this needs to happen at board or manager level now and fast before we all start thinking a Europa League place is 'good enough'.

  28. The Iceman

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:28 #9138

    The articles from Evans are a waste of our time, he used to provide a good read and no his words read like some insane crazy man playing the same broken record. It’s more interesting to see the comments on this board....some of them restore my faith in Arsenal fans, with level headed points of view but then you see some where "fans" are promising to give up on the club and walk away. I think this is a great opportunity to lose so many of the ignoramus morans that populate 80% of the blogs and radio phone ins but account for about 20% of the real support. I would ask you to follow through on your promises, the club doesn’t need you and the real fans don’t need you either. Please follow Preacher Evans into the sunset with his mind-numbing tedium that won’t flush like a bad will not be missed

  29. ppp

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:26 #9137

    The majority of ridiculous negative comments on this website and many others (not to mention in the national media) can be traced to usmanov's "long game". These people are at best niave and at worst liars. ignore them - support your club.

  30. GoonerEris

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:15 #9135

    I feel we have to put things in perspective as it is not as if either Chelsea or United have bought any player of significance. Even City is quiet these days. United took all of weeks of negotiation to land Jones and we know how the Young talks dragged. Yes, Arsenal did not win a trophy last season and some urgency may be demanded but it is the same everywhere! Slow negotiations. At least Arsenal have put in bids for players last week- the fruition of which will take a few weeks as well. Note that the actual window only opens July 1st; most of our purchases are likely to be in Europe and South America. Gervinho looks to be a done deal except for some loose ends, as usual. Fans have to be more patient, i feel.

  31. sad gooner

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:05 #9132

    I have said it before and i will say it again, To sort out a problem you must first admit that you have it(the problem) but you guys are in so much denial that you are not even willing to take the first step of admitting it. This is why we are where we are right now and will remain there until we see changes starting with the manager and the board and then the bubbleheaded fans like yourselves.

  32. AKB

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:04 #9131

    What are you wittering on about, are you part of the Usmanov paropaganda machine, either that or your on his payroll?! You'd rather have a corrupt and shady Uzbeki Man Utd supporter own the club than silent Stan?! I can think of a million reasons why Mr. Uzbek shouldn't own 0.1% of the club let alone 30%! Stan has yet to layout his vision for the club and until he does so you shouldn't be pre-empting him. Having sat on the board now for a number of years i'm sure he knows exactly what is expected of the club over the coming seasons and i'm sure a statement of intent will be made in the next 6 weeks. Likewise on the subject of signings, if you want £30million + signings i suggest you jog on and and go and find yourself a seat at Stamfordbridge or the city of Manchester, the reality is that we are not in that financial league along with 90% of the other PL clubs. You need to wake up and smell the coffee my deluded friend.

  33. Loyal since 1980

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:02 #9130

    Why would Stan change things, he is making money, all the old previuos shareholders made millions, why? because we fans are loyal and paid our hard earned cash to watch our team, were not going to watch QPR or barnet just because Arsenal don't do well on the pitch and the board know this, as far as they are concerned as long as we in the top 4 every years that will do them. Lets get a few things straight here, at this moment in time, the club couldn't give a **** about us, as long as they get their money. Now the only way we will make them listen is if no one attends the homes games and I mean no one, zero crowds, but this will never happen, and board know it. Football has changed my friends, it is all about them and how much money they can make, we don't matter any more.

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 24, 2011, 14:48 #9129

    my replys to the letters are always short and to the point idont do drawn out replys.So i agree with every thing you said.

  35. Chris

    Jun 24, 2011, 14:37 #9128

    Greg - absolutely spot on.

  36. Ron

    Jun 24, 2011, 14:23 #9127

    Forwhatever reason some of you seem to want to put the knife into the poster (J Evans) for reasons of your own.Why? His comments are an appraisal about, not an endorsment of Chelsea or how they treat bosses with contempt. It isnt an endorsement of the players Utd have brought. Its a view on that Clubs mentality.Thats all. The ones that tell anyone to 'clear off and support Chelsea' etc etc etc are the ones lobbing onto here the inane posts. Its the 1st time in 15 years that Wenger or the Club have been put under fan scrutiny. Its the bottling, the collapsing, the 2nd/3rd gear performances, the 'disappearing players' in big games, the tolerance of balsa wood players, the time and games that clearly inadequate performers have been given by Wenger over the years, topped off by last years schoolboy football team's evaporation that has led to the critics coming out in force. Theyve (the Club and AW) had a good run i d say!They deserve it too. Any critic who slams things about the Club and Wenger are no lesser fan than the type who blindly take whats offered and smile it off hoping for better the next time out. Grow up some of you please! If the Club was accustomed to long term mediocrity like Villa Spurs Everton etc (all great Clubs by the way, but who know where their line is drawn)not many would complain about where we are, nor about the collapses that we re all now so used to. What grates is Arsenal talking the talk, smokesceening the fans all of the time and creating an impression that titles and CL are realistic ambitions. We arent daft and can see that the Club is light years behind the top echelons of the game so why flannel the fans? If theres really no cash or little cash. Fine. Say so. If AW is seeing out time so to give the Club another year of steady but not spectacular competitiveness. Fine. Say so. If the deadwood thats clearly there, have to remain due to cash constraints. Fine. Say so. They ll be supported. Some like me recall backing far worse players than the present deadwood in the 60s and mid 80s. If the stadium move has had implications that the Club never envisaged. Tell us. We re fine with it. If the Board feel that top trophies are there to partake in but that to actuually win them, would need favourable circumstanmces and factors beyond our control to occur to allow us to win them. Say so. The truth is fine. The Wenger years have created an illusion and he gets massive credit for it. Its an illusion that Arsenal can challenge for the top pots each year. Be honest, when has the Club ever done that since the 30s? Its a Club that has little cycles of success that die and we go into relative obscurity till we rise again. Do your history lessos some of you please. What the Club has hardly ever done is pretend its something its not. This is what the ground move from Highbury has created. Arsenal arent that good at pretending to be a massive Club because theyve never been one and still arent.To become one could take 20 years from here. It for sure needs new custodians to try and make it happen (if ever), but Arsenal, if youre not that bothered with raising the bar to heady heights. Tell us. Its fine.Yes, you ll lose a few fans and some corporates, but even the latter want surroundings more than silverware and theyve got that win or lose so you might be surprised. Im trying to say here that Wenger and Arsenal for the 1st time in my years as a supporter have become spin doctors and bullsh------s and its fogging up the way they run the Club. Grow up Arsenal and show us a bit of respect please.

  37. John Evans

    Jun 24, 2011, 14:14 #9124

    How can people claim that someone is un-educated as a football fan when the person that they are referring too has supported the club with passion since being six years of age? Does wanting the club you support to show true ambition and heaven forbid actually challenge for honours on a genuine level mean that you are un-educated? I don't see how that equation works out. Asking for ambition to be shown as a football club is not reckless my friends. Anyone that thinks it is clearly has a mental problem that they need to address with their local GP.

  38. Gbolade

    Jun 24, 2011, 13:51 #9123

    This is a well written article, the club has defined its mission and vision which do not align with the thoughts and expectations of the fans. The big question for arsenal football club is now 'How well do they value fans?' when the question is answered in all sincerity 'ignore gadizi's response to shareholders' then we can all understand where we stand as fans and the path we would follow.

  39. Jonboy

    Jun 24, 2011, 13:48 #9122

    I refuse to believe that John Evans is the only contributor on this blog? I dont have a problem with someone with his anti-arsenal views as long as they can be balanced with contrasting pieces. Can we not hear from some of the more sane fans?

  40. Adam

    Jun 24, 2011, 13:41 #9121

    Good article. More pain before any gain and we are still paying for it.

  41. Oh to be a...

    Jun 24, 2011, 13:36 #9120

    You are typical of he uneducated footy fan. Trawling online to try and make cobble together any old rubbish to back up your continued negativity. Kev is spot on that you have ruined your rep, Im bored of what you have to say fella as its always the same cr*p with a slightly different spin except you are becoming more and more reckless with what you say

  42. Croker

    Jun 24, 2011, 13:33 #9119

    Sir Fergusmoan also overhauls his backroom staff every 2 or 3 years. Much as this pains me to admit it, the United way of total commitment to winning by rebuilding the side and improving upon current players is a better method to follow, rather than the Chelski way of doing things. Interesting appointment by them for a new bossman though. Chelski might just have got that one right. We should all find out next season just how great a manager AW really is. He can't keep going forever, sustained on long past glories.

  43. simon

    Jun 24, 2011, 13:10 #9117

    I think one of the sad things to read is the level of disenchantment that the fans feel at the moment. One problem is that if the ethos in the club remains the same the pressure on the team to perform at home will be intense and in all probability lead them to under perform. I wouldn't want to be a player bought on the basis of promise. If such a player doesn't hit the ground running, which is an unrealistic expectation, their performances will come under intense scrutiny and criticism. What price new players getting booed towards the start of the season?? A shake up in approach is required; although there is no evidence that this is going to happen. The club are apparently sleepwalking towards widespread discontent.

  44. Richard Ansell

    Jun 24, 2011, 12:55 #9116

    I agree totally with what you are saying. This lame excuse for a top club that we all support has lost all credibility since the move from Highbury. Fans are treated with contempt and I do not know who I despise more, the manager or the board. I can not switch to another club after such a long time supporting, but I am a fag paper away from not even bothering about Arsenal next season. I would dearly love to see Usmanov and Dein in control, but until then we are condemned to more of the same - second rate players thinking they are Messi, Wenger / Gazidis falling over themselves for the part of Scrooge in the next Arsenal Christmas panto and a club that is going nowhere fast.

  45. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Jun 24, 2011, 12:50 #9115

    Your dead right.The one thing United do better than everyone is to evolve. They know they need to freshen things up every year to add competition to their squad, to strive to improve, to send out a message we're still ambitous and if you don't make it your out. What we have at Arsenal is a massive confort zone. We lost today, dont worry the manager will blame the pitch, the ref everything else apart from the players. This group of players have failed miserably for 6 years patheticaly falling apart at tough moments year in year out. Their reward? New contracts becuase failuer is alright at Arsenal becuase the people at the top are making a fortune. Just don't finish 5th!! I honestly believe our massivly overated manager has lost his bottle in the transfer market. For two reason. Firstly, the majority of his signings have been terrible since trying to rebuild the 2004 team. Hleb for Pires to start with. Secondly, if he hides behind the self substaining policy bringing kids in that aren't good enough and paying peanuts for monkeys, then he can use other clubs spending money as an excuse whilst coming across as the saviour of football. If however he went out and spent the money the club has then the pressure would really be on him from above. If he goes and spends £60M this summer and ends up with out a trophy for the 8th year then someone might start asking hard questions of him. And we can't have that at Arsenal.

  46. JJB

    Jun 24, 2011, 12:24 #9112

    Interesting article, but like many of your pieces John you seem to write from the perspective of a layman with very simplistic views of how our club operates and how we do business. I do not want Usmanov in charge of the club, if I were you I would take a little time to research him on the web first........he is ethically and morally questionable and we do not need or want him in charge of Arsenal.


    Jun 24, 2011, 12:24 #9111

    I really hate this blog site, every article is the Anti Arsenal gibberish we see written by plastic gooners all over the world. My advice is to go support Chelsea if you like their model we really don;t need prats like you stating their opinion. This isn't Football Manager and you cannot just whack 50 million in your transfer kitty and go out and spank it on on two/three palyers. Say what you like but 20 million pounds is far too much for Ashley Young or Phil Jones. We do not know what is happening in the background, you know full well we made a bid for Phil Jones that rivalled Man Utd's bid so we are working on making deals happen and they haven't pulled off yet. We do not want the fat russian anywhere near our club. Also learn your facts in three/fours time as you predict Usmanov to be coming into power he will NOT be allowed by UEFA rulings to pump his money into the club and we won;t be allowed into the champions league if he does. The club is shining light on how to run a club and with a bit of strengthening at the back we can do great things. If Vermalean was playing last year we may have been able to hold out till the end in some of the games we threw away at the end and you would be sitting here writing a blog about how great Arsene Wenger is and how great a club we are and you would say (don't deny this cos you know it's true) how amazing it was that we managed to do it without splashing money all over the place!!!!!!!

  48. Jack B

    Jun 24, 2011, 12:07 #9109

    "The future is bright" - because of Usmanov? You plank! Dude, I understand your may find it hard to believe but you’re not the world’s only passionate gooner! Im afraid your analysis is well wide of the mark, we DO NOT want Usmanov in charge of the club, you may think chelski are over the moon with Roman but iv got a good few mates who are blue season ticket holders and although they are happy for the trophies they don’t like what he is doing to their "reputation" and the constant sacking of may think you have spotted some green Russian grass in the future but boy are you wrong! We do not want this man at the helm, and it’s the uneducated fans that are clamoring for this….

  49. Greg

    Jun 24, 2011, 11:55 #9108

    Mate, nobody is arguing that success is bad for a club. What a ridiculous notion. The discussion is about how to get that success, and how you define success in the first place. I don't want a situation where we become complacent about failure, but I also certainly do not want a situation where Arsenal managers are getting fired for not coming first. And if you think Wenger and the players are happy with finishing 4th, you need your head examined. Let's play out a scenario. Suppose Wenger spent 80 mil this summer on big signings, and we still finished second. What would you say then? Would you demand that next summer he spends 100 mil? What about if we won a title? Would you quit making calls for big signings? I doubt it. The type of fan who clamours for big signings will never, ever be satisfied, because there is always some hot player out there apparently better than someone we already have. Because these fans only care about status. They only care about what Arsenal can do for them. They sometimes forget that you have to love your club for free, whether or not you get anything back.

  50. Kev G

    Jun 24, 2011, 11:54 #9107

    Your Cesc to Madrid story has ruined your rep. We will eventually drop out of the top 4 with Wenger as he is not moving with the times. You have to supplement the squad with fresh faces every season and actually spend some money. Inject life into a corpse of a squad. Cut out the dead wood. The only players leaving this summer will be Clichy, Bendtner and Denilson. All the other deadwood players will be here. Almunia, Eboue, Squillaci, Rosicky, Diaby

  51. Uba

    Jun 24, 2011, 11:49 #9106

    You really are delusional Sir..I'd seek for help if I was you. You little trolls go on the internet and say "Wenger Out", and now you think you are in the majority. Every website has run polls about this..sites like le-grove, and arseblog. And the majority have voted for Wenger to stay. You are a spoilt fan. The idea of expecting to win every season is bordering on retardation. You are in the minority. Leave and go support Chelsea with their "winning ambition".

  52. GunnerZim

    Jun 24, 2011, 11:32 #9105

    Can't argue with any of your points friend. Arsenal are a club totally lacking ambition. We have become a laughing stock as is evidenced by the recent insulting behaviour of Barcelona over the Fabregas issue. We have taken many steps backwards in the last 6 years or so. While some of us may have accepted this as the cost of moving to the new stadium in years gone by, the overly cautious approach makes no sense now. As you have rightly pointed out, we may question the Chelsea model, but there is no doubt that they send a clear, unambiguous message that only first place is good enough! What message does Arsenal send?

  53. Mark

    Jun 24, 2011, 11:24 #9104

    i would say the future is potentially bright and potentially exciting BUT NOT if the the board do not do the right thing which currently they are not and if they do not act now then next year our chances of suucess are severely limited

  54. ferdinan

    Jun 24, 2011, 11:15 #9103

    great point of view! we miss the mentality they have..

  55. Ron

    Jun 24, 2011, 11:04 #9102

    Youre right that Usmanov is playing a long game. Dead on right. To be honest about the future, all i see is the Premier League becoming like La Liga. Two Clubs in it to win it, the rest getting weaker. The only thing to change it can only be another Abramovitch pitching up somewhere. I dont really see Man C as a real threat to Chelsea and Utd, for one big reason i.e Man Utd are in the same City and will always prove too big a hurdle for Man C to overcome.City just dont have the aura or presence to challenge them long term, despite the money bag having no limits. They ll ruffle the feathers of the other two from time to time though while the Arabs hang around.