The Doors of Perception

Open your mind real wide now

The Doors of Perception

Riding out the storm?

Aldous Huxley penned "The doors of perception" in 1954 wherein he explores the use of mind altering substances including his very first experiences with Mescaline and the potential for drugs to be used as a consciousness raising device in the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. Huxley was inspired by the English poet William Blake's "The marriage of heaven and hell" in which Blake muses "If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern."

Huxley was widely known and respected as a leading intellectual and author so it should come as little surprise to any of you that thousands of people around the world quickly took to his ideas on drugs and how they could be applied to spirituality, art and religion then used them to varying degrees of success as the starting point for various counterculture movements of the 1960's. Jim Morrison named his band "The Doors" such was the influence that Huxley's "The Doors Of Perception" had upon his creative genius.

If football is like a religion to many of us, just as music was a religion to the late, great visionary Jim Morrison, perhaps we should take a leaf out of old Jimbo's book and look at ways to alter our perspective on the true nature of our reality?

Some of us are natural optimists while some of us are naturally pessimistic and that is mostly due to our genetics and resulting brain chemistry. We are all Arsenal fans who love the club dearly but our perception of reality seems to differ much beyond the classical parameters of the glass half full or glass half empty syndrome. It is my opinion that the most cost effective way for Arsenal FC. of bringing all of the negative doom mongers into line is to chemically alter their natural disposition with the careful scientific application of mind bending substances. How else can we convince all of these negative Nancies that our current defence and goalkeepers are good enough to win the Premier League? How else can we convince them that all of our players are truly committed to the cause and actually want to wear the beloved red and white shirt? How can we convince them that our manager is a tactical genius and doesn't need to spend any serious money on improving his playing squad?

The truth is fellow Gooners, is that we can't. We can't convince them without slipping mescaline into their beer because of pesky little inconvenient things called facts.

The facts are that Gazidis has said that we have money to spend on new players but we have only spent around £5million when you consider that we reportedly sold Clichy for £7million, signed Gervinho for £11million and bought Jenkinson for £1million. That is a paltry spend for the most well supported team in our nation’s capital, with our revenue streams, even when you take into consideration the stadium debt.

The facts are that the two areas that most rational Arsenal fans agreed needed strengthening were the defensive and goalkeeping positions. We have failed to sign a goalkeeper and we have actually weakened our defence by selling our most experienced left back.

The facts are that we are holding on to players who clearly don't want to play for us anymore because we as a club have refused to match their ambition by investing in the playing squad.

I write this on the 25th of July and many other clubs completed the bulk of their transfer business weeks ago. We have signed one decent looking player and a terribly inexperienced defender, anyone else who signs for us even next week will not have had the benefit of a full pre-season and be fully assimilated into the squad in time for the start of the campaign ahead.

I really don't want to be so negative but, apart from the potential of Wilshere, Ramsey and Walcott coupled with our much beloved Sagna, TV5 and RVP10 I can't get excited about any of our squad's other players yet, as in my opinion they lack experience, talent, heart, commitment, leadership and loyalty to varying degrees.

That is all just my perception of course but, I would still say that if anybody out there still thinks that our current squad can realistically challenge for the league title or Champions League trophy this season without at least three more additions... they must be on some sort of drugs.

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  1. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 29, 2011, 14:18 #10418

    Ronster- too easy mate, It's Bruce Rioch hands down every single time.

  2. Ronster

    Jul 29, 2011, 11:08 #10412 article for you to get your teeth into...'Who is Arsenal's greatest ever manager'....just add a foot note that neither myself or Mr David are allowed to comment!!

  3. Ronster

    Jul 29, 2011, 10:53 #10410

    Mr David...I'm calling it a day as neither of us is going to budge on this issue and quite frankly we're boring the pants off the Gooner readership...kiss Wenger night night for me won't you!

  4. David

    Jul 29, 2011, 10:35 #10408

    Ronster – your argument is painfully worrying. As I understand it, Martin Keown had a training position at Arsenal in 2006 which was on the periphery the main coaching set-up. To credit Keown with Arsenal’s 2006 Champions League achievement seems somewhat excessive to me. If I am wrong on that, please correct me – but only if you have some solid proof of his integral role and not the speculative guesswork that normally underpins the foundations for your argument. Please, please tell me you are not comparing the Cup Winners Cup competition on par with the Champions League. In terms of quality the two competitions are worlds apart. Oh dear, I think you really are comparing the two…. I certainly can remember the Galatasary deafeat in 2000 and no doubt you wanted Wenger sacked then too. Campbell had so much “mileage left in him” in 2007 that that he had his pick of all the top clubs and chose……Portsmouth…..and then Notts County. Was he our best performer in 2010. That’s very subjective, but if you forget Fabregas, Vermaelen, RVP, Song etc etc you may well be right. I clearly recall how skilfully Ferguson addressed the Rooney situation. He had accepted that Rooney was leaving only to discover that when he buckled and offered Rooney ludicrous sums of money he had a radical change of heart and never really wanted to leave United. Very skilful handling. And you think Ashley Cole represents the Arsenal “old guard ethos”. You have a warped view of Arsenal’s old guard mentality. Tell me which of our old guard jumped ship to a rival London club for an extra few grand. There’s a reason Arsenal fans call him “Cashley” you know. Glad I’m not your granny.

  5. Ronster

    Jul 28, 2011, 16:48 #10386

    David...appears to be suffering a bout of Wenger blindness...or should that be blind faith.4th best is a failure in my book and as SLG put to you..''Wenger has won zero trophys in the last 24''.FAILURE.Keown was around and his influence immense...WHY DID WENGER LET HIM GO AFTER HE COACHED THE SIDE THAT REACHED THE CL FINAL?.Why did the Invincibles fail to win back to back titles,FA Cups,League Cups.That side GOT NOWHERE NEAR A CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL WHICH IS AN UTTER DISGRACE.I recall a pathetic away defeat to Bayern Munich that we were unable to rectify in the second leg! Don't you think the likes of Ferguson or Mourinho would have got that side to the final at least once.I can just hear David now...''speculation,speculation..I need facts..'' Well here is a fact for you David.GG got a team packed full of journeyman midfielders to a European final against Parma and that squad almost made it a Cup Winners' Cup Double.With an outstanding squad at his disposal Wenger failed to win a trophy in '09.'00,'01.Remember the abject performance against Galatasary in '00? You write '' I'm afraid we're not going to have the tightest defence every single season.'' I suggest Wenger makes you his warm up man in the dressing room.Smacks of pathetic defeatism like Wenger.Cole? I would rather have shot my granny in the back than hand him over on a plate to Mourinho.Look how Ferguson skillfully addressed the Rooney situation last season.You do not sell one of your best players who also happened to have the old guard ethos to one of your rivals...and to beggars belief!Campbell had plenty of mileage left in him,was not replaced and had that steel that would have influenced those around him.Wasn't he our best performer when he returned in 2010!? If Mourinho took over today and won the league with the 2010-11 squad it would show what a bit of defensive organisation and steel can do for your trophy cabinet...and it's a FACT that Mourinho does organisation and steel.David...come back to me when Wenger has won the title again from scratch.

  6. jackthegooner

    Jul 28, 2011, 11:29 #10366

    really good piece. however, is selling clichy really weakening our defense when he has been distinctly below average over the last two years as he has found that his pace can not always save him from fundamental positioning problem he has.

  7. Brigham

    Jul 28, 2011, 10:39 #10364

    We are all entitled to our opinions and can argue as much as we so wish, but it all boils down to the fact that Wenger has NOT strengthened the squad in the last 6 years. He has done nothing about replacing the likes of Pires, Flamini, Cole, Gilberto, Henry, Lehmann et al. He is blind to the obvious weakness in the current squad, despite it hitting him square in the face. Just about any football fan, media mogul and more importantly, any Gooner is able to observe it, but ONLY HE can actually go about replacing those deficiencies. He has not achieved that for the last 6 years, so why should any of us expect him to do it this year. As many have alluded to on this thread and others, allegedly we moved from Highbury to the Grove to enable us to compete with other top clubs, purchase top players. Well Mr Wenger, I and many other Gooners are still waiting for this to happen. Finishing FOURTH is NOT competing for those of us who are winners - IMHO, it is obviously all about satisfying the board and keeping them happy in a purely monetary fashion.

  8. David

    Jul 27, 2011, 21:18 #10357

    Ronster - Oh dear oh dear. Ok, you seem to have conveniently overlooked my earlier replies but here goes once agin....The invincible defence in 2003/04 was Wenger's creation - Lehamnn, Lauren, Campbell, Toure & Cole. If that is too old for you take a look at the current incumbants, they have the 4th best record last season despite throwing away the final quarter of the season and despite Arsenal's overtly offensive style of play. Yes, there is room for improvement but that is still a credible achievement in itself. I'm afriad we are not going to have the tightest defence every single season and you may discover that some day. Do you really not know why Cole left? Every other Arsenal fan seems to know. It was money and Cole virtually admits as much himself. Read his comic book. Campbell was past his best. Seaman, Dixon, Adams, Bould & Keown were retained because they were bloody good players obviously (and for the record only two of them retired whilst at Arsenal). With regards to Billy Wright winning the double in 71, Don Howe winning the league in 89 & 91 and GG winning it in 98 & 02 we really are going to have to disagree on that. Tell me if Wenger leaves today and the replacement wins the League in 2012, will you credit that to Arsene Wenger?

  9. edeusi

    Jul 27, 2011, 20:08 #10355

    I agree - and those who still believe on present set-up are on prossac.But wait, we will re-enforce the squad when the rigth player is born or when the preschool players are available. In Arsene we trust.

  10. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 27, 2011, 19:23 #10353

    Ivorygoonz- obviously the article sailed straight over your head then... Maybe you should read it again?

  11. IvoryGoonz

    Jul 27, 2011, 18:25 #10351

    add Eboue to that list, and Denilson's wages off the book, that's close to net £0 spent. also, I don't follow your logic, you go on a rant against 'negative doom mongers' saying you'd use drugs to 'chemically alter their natural disposition' to 'convince all of these negative Nancies that our current defence and goalkeepers are good enough to win the Premier League?" then you go on financial issue, defense and goalkeeping issue, wantaway players issue, signings issue, no major title issue, add yourself 'I really don't want to be so negative ...,' what are you saying? that you are a negative doom monger called Nancy and want drugs?

  12. Ronster

    Jul 27, 2011, 17:50 #10347

    David.FACT-Norris joined the club in 1910.FACT-Arsenal only began turning the corner after Chapman joined in 1925.FACT-James was the centre forward signed by Chapman.Present your case to the Gooner readership how Wenger has an eye for a good defender and is able to put together a tight defensive unit.You haven't answered my question...why did Wenger sell Cole to Mourinho? And while we're at it why did he ship out the experienced Campbell? Why did Wenger keep Seaman,Dixon,Adams,Bould and Keown until they had no option but to retire thru injury/old age? David,you are losing the my last post...I've acknowledged GG inherited fantastic youngsters and I love Don Howe for it.Hey while we're here Billy Wright was the architect of the '71 Double Team as he nurtured the likes of Armstrong,Wilson,Radford, Simpson and Rice.In my book winners are the likes of Chapman,Clough,Ferguson and Mourinho who have reached the pinnacle at all the clubs they have managed.Come back to me when Wenger has won the title again FROM SCRATCH.

  13. SLG

    Jul 27, 2011, 17:25 #10345

    Here is the most important statistic just for you David. Wenger has won zero competitions in the last 24 Arsenal have entered! My idea of success is completely different to yours my friend. Finishing top 4 just to make up the numbers in the following seasons champions league and making extra revenue that we never spend any way is what Arsenal are about these days.

  14. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 27, 2011, 17:13 #10344

    Gentleman! While your knowledge of Arsenal history is quite impressive, let us not forget the elephants in the room.... The rubbish players that we have in the squad at the present time! The most extreme examples of which are Squillaci, Almunia, Diaby and Bendtner. would ANY top manager put up with their poor performances for quite SO LONG?

  15. David

    Jul 27, 2011, 14:59 #10336

    Ronster - you are right, I don't get your flimsy case. Chapman transformed the Club, what about Norris or even James? You speculate that Arsene could not have won silverware without GG's defence. You speculate what Keown's role in the dressing room was in 2003/04. If Cole was inherited by Wenger, you must accept the players mentioned in my earlier posting were inherited by GG plus Quinn & Hayes and that it was actually Don Howe who won the League in 89 & 91. Stupid isn't it! Sure Parlour had defensive duties but be was not a defender and once again you are stretching all credibility to claim he was a part of the defence in the invincible side. Finally, to claim Chapman is Arsenal's greatest manager 'cos he won 3 back-to-back titles at Huddersfield, is ridiculous. Stick to what he won at Arsenal.

  16. Dan h

    Jul 27, 2011, 14:22 #10332

    AW has a great eye for attacking players but i can't really think of a title winning side that wasn't constucted on a solid back four & keeper.This league more than any other in the world you do need a dominant cb.How many points have we lost over recent seasons not just off set pieces but in the last minutes of games to not dealing with high balls into the box?I agree that i don't want to see us spending vast amounts we cannot afford im sure we won't!But having £35m in the player trading account we can have no excuses if injuries occur again & poor squad players used when the money available has not been spent on what it is allocated for to strengthen the team.

  17. Ron

    Jul 27, 2011, 13:53 #10330

    I feel that comparing coaches in different era 's is a bit daft guys to be honest. The game and its conditions has changed (and still does change) from decade to decade. Mandy makes great points, but Wenger has neglected our defence, Keeper and midfield ever since the invincibles were broken up. Reasonable priced players have been left to go to other Clubs who would have been better than the dross clique (we all know who they are) that has been tolerated by AW for so long. I dont think anybody expects Arsenal to spend over 20 Million on any one player, but nobody expects a perenniel tolerance of players who achived one thing only either i.e consistent failure.Wenger has also disregarded a vital aspect about Arsenal, that in my view is unique amongst London football Clubs historically and that is the abilty to scrap, fight and battle and earn the right to play football.Wenger tolerates gutless, bottlers than no other boss in our history would have done and its shameful that he does and for so long too! The guys of 71 and GGs boys must cringe quite frankly. Wenger - Football in the UK needs a good combination of physical power and skill plus heart and bottle. If you think you can depart from this very basic aspect of the game GO and go today, because your sadly wrong. Take your pipe dreams, your lightweight bottlers who you seem to have nigh on 'adopted' and ideals to PSG where nobody cares what happens.

  18. Ronster

    Jul 27, 2011, 13:53 #10329 just don't get it do you? I've clearly stated on here that before Chapman arrived Arsenal had won NOTHING in their 44 year history and totally transformed the club both on and off the field.Wenger has no history of being able to spot,buy and coach defenders and without GG's legacy would almost certainly have struggled to secure any silverware(witness the current drought).To cast doubt that Keown would have had no influence on the way that team drove onto the title is laughable(CL campaign 2006!?).Cole was at the club as a kid well before Wenger arrived so would have been coached the 'Arsenal Way'(tell me why Wenger sold him to Mourinho!?).Parlour helped to protect the back four..a colossus Wenger is currently lacking.Graham absolutely inherited some outstanding youngsters and that's why Chapman is the greatest Arsenal manager of all time as he had to work from scratch.Don't recall Wenger winning three titles in a row at Monaco a la Chapman's Huddersfield!

  19. David

    Jul 27, 2011, 13:05 #10323

    CD - I'm not 100% convinced we will beat all-comers, but I am 100% convinced Arsenal will mount a credible challenge to the League title. Ronster - You state "Wenger could not hold a candle to Chapman" and go on to support that by using the record of Chapman, Allison & Whittaker combined.I simply respond to show this is incorrect. Whilst I agree Chapman was a great manager, I disagree entirely that "Wenger cannot hold a candle.." based on their respective records. Yes, Keown did make 10 appearances in 03-04 but 7 were as a last minute or injury time substitute and you, or I, can only speculate as to his dressing room influance. To argue that Wenger inherited Ashley Cole is stretching any reasonable persons definition of inherit. Cole debuted in 1999, 3 years after Wenger arrived in 1996. By that logic Graham inherited Keown, Merson, Rocastle, Parlour, Thomas, Campbell etc. Ray Parlour was of course a midfielder not a defender. The fact is the invicible defence was Arsene's creation. All other stuff about "disrespect" and "giving it large" is a nonsense.

  20. Ronster

    Jul 27, 2011, 10:48 #10302

    David...I've quoted Arsenal's not Chapman's trophy record from 1930 to 1939(5 league titles and 2 FA Cups) to argue against your claim that Wenger is delivering the most consistent period of success.Yes,we all know Allison took over in 1934,but the credit goes to Chapman hands down.In 2004 Martin Keown made 10 league appearances,although most from the subs bench you cannot underestimate his influence in the dressing room as demonstrated when he coached the defence up to the Champions League final.Wenger inherited Cole who made 32 league appearances in that title winning team and don't overlook the contribution made by Raymond Parlour,another of GG's lieutenants who terrorised league opposition 26 times that season.David,Wenger doesn't think twice about giving it large to the fans...yes he has done tremendous things at Arsenal Football Club and if he'd shown a little more humility and appreciation of the ethos of the club and its fanbase,he wouldn't be getting such a rough ride on these pages now.Come back to me David when Wenger has built a title winning team from scratch a la Chapman.

  21. CD

    Jul 27, 2011, 10:42 #10301

    @David I am curious how you remain so loyal and convinced that it will all eventually come good with Wenger at the helm. Most fans usually have a gut feeling that their team is either there or there abouts, or simply know they don't have a cat in hells chance. I must admit I like many fellow Gooners are in the latter camp, because all the evidence available points in that direction. During the 87-93 period I knew deep down we would be succesful sooner or later as I did in the 97-05 period. Today I don't even have the faintest glimmer of hope, simply because our manager in my view has lost the plot in so many areas I won't list them all as we are all familiar with the long list of current shortcomings, which I and many other Gooners have written about recently. How do you remain so convinced Wenger knows what he is doing, despite the mounting evidence stacking up against him, let alone the proof of the last 6 years that this is not a winning squad for various reasons? If I thought that Wenger would be able to see the major fault lines in his teams post 2005 which is defence and do something about it then maybe that gut feeling would return. The problem is Wenger does not want to address this aspect, and only continues to buy more slender attacking midfield type players, which is what he has predominantly done for the past 6 years. Were every purchase to be only defensive players (CB, HM, LB & GK) and we are talking at least 3-4 with proven quality (as well as shipping out all the overpaid dross) then yes I would have hope again, provided we spent as much time on the training pitch working on defence, and in particular set piece defending ideally with someone like Keown as Wenger's new number two. Do you agree with any of my thoughts, or are you 100% convinced we will beat all comers this season and end up being Champions or runners up with only say 1 or 2 points in it?

  22. Brigham

    Jul 27, 2011, 10:41 #10300

    David - that is where our opinions differ considerably as I do not believe 'challenging' is a word I would use. I mean, Birmingham were challenging for the League Cup and won it. For other teams, the challenge is to finish mid table, not be relagated etc. Is that where you see Arsenal these days? For me personally, I was brought up to be a winner, rightly or wrongly, maybe Mr Blair has tainted your winners mentality with his 'its the taking part' party line, but you get nothing for coming second in this world (except maybe a happy wife or girlfriend!) I respect your opinion, but I strongly disagree with it.

  23. David

    Jul 27, 2011, 10:30 #10299

    Brigham - I consider consistantly challenging for top-end trophies to be a success. Under Wenger's reign (which includes the last 6 seasons) Arsenal have continuosly won or challenged for trophies and this is an achievement no other single Arsenal manager can claim. To maintain such a standard over 15 years is a true achievement, in my opinion.

  24. Mandy Dodd

    Jul 27, 2011, 10:06 #10298

    The thing is, if we were a F1 team on our relative finances, we would be nowhere near 3rd or 4th, nor would we be beating the Red Bulls or Ferraris from time to time. Wenger has the ability to frustrate at times but in reality he is punching above his weight. We are competing against teams that are in effect owned by states, have access to friendly regional banks, teams run on petrodollars, a team deep in debt but with a huge worldwide commercial revenue that allows them to financially compete with the aforementioned. Very few of these teams would be viable as a business. The majority of these teams have spent 25-30m plus on complete flops, we cannot afford to do that. We can spend maybe 12m on a player and risk him not making it or leaving on a Bosman, not 30-40m. Yes we have not won anything since...well Liverpool last won something but we have built a stadium and stayed in the top 4 on a budget considerably less than the transfer budget of Sunderland, let alone Chelsea. Spurs are witness to how hard it is to stay in the top 4, and they are full of so called British steel and have a shopaholic manager. I am not saying we should use Spurs as a barometer for success before anyone has a go. As someone who broadly backs Wenger, yes I get frustrated with the defence, with some of our transfer activity and with our poor player retention. I also wish we could just go out and buy Benzema or a top defender without thinking about it. But the thing is Wenger has his methods. The clubs consistantly more successful than us - we are just not on a level playing field with them, and that is a fact, like it or not. Wenger may make a useful scapegoat for some but he is just doing his best with the financial constraints he faces. In addition, maybe he recognises buying expensive players is not his forte, he has other strengths

  25. David

    Jul 27, 2011, 9:44 #10297

    Ronster - I concur that Chapman was an Arsenal legend, however the facts you provide are inaccurate. Between Chapman's appointment in 1925 and his death in 1934, Arsenal finished 2nd, 11, 10, 9, 14, 1, 2, 1, 1. That equates to 2 full league titles plus another in 1934 where he died mid-season. He won one FA Cup (1930). George Allison was manager in 1936. Yes, Arsene was fortuitous to inherit GG's defensive unit, but he still won 2 league titles and it is churlish to deny crediting that success to Arsene Wenger. By the invincible season of 2004, it was Arsene's own defence (Keown only started 2-3 games). As for John's comment - come with some intelligent input rather than being mouthy from behind the safety of your computer screen.

  26. Brigham

    Jul 27, 2011, 9:00 #10296

    @David - so YOU consider finishing in the top four and not winning any trophies for the last 6 seasons as being Arsenal's most consistent period? After reading that, I have come to the conclusion that you are really Arsene Wenger in disguise!

  27. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jul 27, 2011, 7:49 #10295

    David, the 4th strongest defensive record is nothing to crow about...unless the team are scoring 100 goals a season, it usually means you end up finishing 4th. The '91 title will always be my favourite. 1 match lost, best defensive record, 2 points taken away, champions. The football may have been more stone age than space age sometimes that season, but still they won the thing by a mile with heart, courage and guts. As for the current squad, there's more courage behind the pub bar these days. THIS is what irks me most. I don't care how much cash is or isn't spent, I simply want to see players at the club who are committed to representing The Arsenal in the manner to which we all reasonably expect.

  28. Ronster

    Jul 26, 2011, 22:48 #10292

    David..the Wenger years couldn't hold a candle to the genius Herbert Chapman who transformed Arsenal Football Club from a mid table team who had won nothing in its entire 44 year history to a world famous trophy winning machine.He had also previously won a hatrick of league titles with Huddersfield Town.Arsenal's league record from 1931 reads:1st,2nd,1st,1st,1st,6th,3rd,1st,5th.Throw in 2 FA Cups in 1930 and 1936 and runners up in 1932.Wenger secretly offers a prayer at night to Georgie Graham for bequeathing him that defence,has never won back to back titles and has yet to win a European trophy.In 15 years Wenger has only won trophies in '98,'02,'03,'04,'05 then f**k all since GG's boys retired and he stupidly shipped out Cole and Campbell before their time.Wenger's teams have bottled it in each of the last six seasons and having the 4th best defensive record last season can be put into perspective when you consider Arsenal are masters at holding onto the ball (credit to Wenger there!!) yet invariably concede when that first ball is pumped into their box.

  29. Clueless

    Jul 26, 2011, 22:36 #10291

    people need to realise transfers arent taking so much time because of some grand plan - they are taking so much time generally at arsenal these days because we are bloody crap at handling it properly. i dont know who does what in the process but it is clearly not as smooth as any of the other big clubs and i imagine we are difficult to deal with, nitpicking over this and that and in the end losing lots of time and even getting to the point where the player in question doesnt want to play for us anymore. it is an absolute shambles at the emirates these days. no doubt as a masterful piece of PR the club will announce on Friday just before the emirates cup that they have sold our captain for £38m - as if that in itself is meant to make the fans happy....

  30. john

    Jul 26, 2011, 22:23 #10290

    David, get your head out of the sand, you clown.

  31. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jul 26, 2011, 21:17 #10289

    Whatever it is....wait until 2 weeks before the end of August etc.... there's no excuse to wait that long for a central Defender!!! This is where we need the most as defence has been our major weakness so what would most people do?? Well most people would go and buy a defender of whom or the type we have been missing but no we go and get a striker. This kind of business seems logic to Arsenal!!! I can tell you now that we won't win the league as there's too much of stubborness in Arsenal like not selling Nasri now and take the money if he really do not want to renew hi contract....! What happen to JET!!!! He's gone, sold to Ipswich!!!

  32. David

    Jul 26, 2011, 20:16 #10288

    Brigham - This has been the most consistantly successful period in the club's history so I fail to see how the club is being "dragged down". I am not sure what you are alluding to by being "lied to" but hope you can differentiate between what Arsene says and what is reported in the press. As for "no chance of finishing in the top 4" that's something we've heard for the last 6 years and hasn't happened. Martin - Yes, 6 years without a trophy is indeed a fact. It is also a fact that we have mounted a credible challenge to win a trophy in each of those 6 years. No, it is not a fact that we can't defend - that is an opinion. Despite throwing away the final quarter of last season, we still finished with the 4th strongest defensive record - and that is a fact.

  33. Shropshire Lad

    Jul 26, 2011, 19:38 #10287

    Spot on Joe but they ain't gunna change! Exactly the same smoke and mirrors game they play every transfer window I'm afraid. The difference for thecoming season is the belief amongst the players and most fans (those not blinded by their 'over he top' mentality) is at an all time low in Wengers reign.

  34. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 26, 2011, 18:51 #10286

    A mixed reception as always... Which I welcome with open arms of course. Let's look at what the club does between now and deadline day and hopefully we will all be pleasantly surprised. I doubt it. Like I said in my article, it looks like we will be relying on Jack, Aaron, Robin, Sagna, Theo, Robin and the Verminator to carry us through the season. Let's hope that we don't pick up the usual glut of injuries this season.

  35. Ronster

    Jul 26, 2011, 17:40 #10285

    David(post 11326).'Facts'.Wenger's ''personal opinion'': saying there isn't a player at Coventry who could be part of our squad.Wenger's ''speculative guesswork'':signing an unproven Koscielny when we desperately needed an experienced centre half able to handle the rigours of the english game.Wenger's ''childish insults'':dismissing anyone who hasn't worked half a day in football. If Wenger wants to live by the sword,then he should expect to die by it......

  36. abeloa

    Jul 26, 2011, 15:05 #10284

    i love yr article,simply sarcastic.

  37. South London Gooner

    Jul 26, 2011, 15:03 #10283

    I read all these articles week in week out and its beginning to bore me. With the current regime in place nothing will ever change so why waste your time writing these posts. Wenger has no motivation to make Arsenal the best anymore, he has damaged his once good name for me. We are in dire need of some fresh ideas!

  38. Dan h

    Jul 26, 2011, 14:53 #10282

    The pessimism comes from the fact we have the same problems in the team this year as we have had to suffer in recent seasons.The team is crying out for a dominant centre back,left back & another midfielder two if Cesc & Nasri depart.IMO at least the best goalkeeper at the club is now being given a run & that only came about by having to suffer more Almunia howlers & a Fabianski injury too much to ask for an experienced PL keeper to be purchased.Sometimes it works out cheaper to spend a little more on quality in the long run rather than fattening the squad & wage bill with Squillaci etc. & then being found out as not good enough.You can't move them on & the vicious circle begins we always look for the cheap solution it never works out.

  39. Martin

    Jul 26, 2011, 14:51 #10281

    David the facts are 6 years without a trophy,our best players want to leave,we cant defend,we dont spend money on quality players just potential.

  40. Ron

    Jul 26, 2011, 14:31 #10280

    Its spot on to say Arsenal try and rip off every Club on a purchase. Wenger always says he 'has a value on players' that he wont break, when he actually means 'i want cheap and cheerful so to protect my image as a great bargain hunter'. The Club has no guts or bottle and its hardly surprising the players lack it too. They should have said to Fabregas that hes up for auction if he wants out and blow it if Chelsea had have stepped in. It would have soon loosened Barcelona's piggy bank or better still made them pull out, in which case their image in the eyes of Fabregas would have been a truly tainted one. Indeed, even he might have got his dozy head out of the clouds as a result.Instead Wenger and Arsenal act like his foster carers. Its pathetic and they'll lose the Club 10-15 Million so they can say they did right by the little mite.

  41. Brigham

    Jul 26, 2011, 14:19 #10279

    @David - I assume you are quite happy with our club being dragged down by the current board and manager? I am not and neither are many other Gooners with the exception of the 'In Arsene We Trust' brigade. Every pre season for the past 6 years we (Fans) have been lied to. Not sure what you mean by 'speculative guesswork' either, as no speculation is required to realize our team is being weakened season by season. If quality replacements are not purchased, then it is going to be a long season indeed. With the current squad in place and I do not include Cesc and Nasri, we have no chance of finishing in the top four, let alone challenging for the league. Wenger has dismantled any winning mentality and his constant use of the 'mental strength' last season was pathetic. We also have the small matter of a CL Qualyifing match to get through yet as well.

  42. David

    Jul 26, 2011, 13:37 #10277

    Greg - you are correct with your observations. How many times do those that want Arsene out claim the 'facts' support their case only to rely on either 1) personal opinion, 2) speculative guesswork or 3) childish insults. And to 'Arsene is a Fraudster', I would take a 2-1 victory over Norwich. Is such a victory unacceptable to you?

  43. What was the point in Leaving Highbury?

    Jul 26, 2011, 13:30 #10276

    At the end of the day nothing will change whilst Wenger and the Yanks are in charge. As usually, Ivan spouted what everyone wanted to hear at the end of the season, and coincidently when ST renewals where due, but then suprise suprise same old. Trying to do everything on the cheap to make money for Stan. Ludicrous bids for Jones and Downing when they had already signed for other clubs and bidding less money for Jagielka than last year shows to me that the club aren't serious about signing players. I honestly think Wenger has lost his bottle with trying to sign defenders so wastes as little money as possible here and also doesn't want to spend big because then the board might actually ask some challenging questions like how do you justify £6.6M per year for continued failure? At the minute he can hide behind balancing the books and all that tosh. Man City have already shown the financial fair play rules for what they are. Like Rugby Union players didn't used to get paid either!! Captain doesn't want to be here, neither does one of our few quality players. We treat other clubs like mugs when preaching about our valuation of their players and how we wont pay more. Ok then sod off. Traditions and values of The Arsenal being eroded by people who have no interest in being proud of Arsenal. Our board remind me of the do gooders that make you feel bad for being English and how we can't show any passion for our flag in case we upset someone. All of this whilst happyily paying the highest ticket prices in the world. Seems fair to me. Role on August.

  44. Richard Ansell

    Jul 26, 2011, 12:34 #10274

    I think most die-hard football supporters are pessimists when it comes to their teams chances. I know I am because if you expect nowt than you can not be disappointed. Wenger has done nothing (as usual) to convince me that next season will any better than the last, and if no decent defensive players / goal keeper are signed, it will probably be a great deal worse. Doom and gloom I know but under Wenger that is the reality we are facing.

  45. Gee

    Jul 26, 2011, 12:21 #10273

    I am not going to get too excited until we reach the final week of August. If he hasn't signed the solid CB we need that has character and leadership qualities then I'm sorry to say we will see the same mistales happening gain and again. I'll give him until deadline day, even though in an ideal world we should have everything sorted for Kick off v Newcastle or even 2 weeks ago!

  46. Theo's Underpants Designer

    Jul 26, 2011, 12:20 #10272

    So where do I stand on this Joe? I take drugs and despite that can still see all the same old weaknesses!! lol.

  47. Mark

    Jul 26, 2011, 12:16 #10271

    Jenkinson you ask who we would have wanted that was signed by other clubs we wanted Jones but he chose Utd and we wanted Dowling.As for a new keeper of course we need one,yes Szczesny is number 1 but if he gets injured we are relying on Flappy the clown what a joke that would be

  48. Greg

    Jul 26, 2011, 12:03 #10270

    You talk about perceptions vs facts. All the "facts" you give are either irrelevant (we haven't spent very much money yet), demonstrably untrue (most other clubs finished their transfer business weeks ago) or just assertions (defence, keeper, players' desire). Firstly, where is there a written rule that Arsenal have to conduct their transfer business according to your personal deadlines? Secondly, Liverpool are still going on their transfers, and Chelsea, Man City, Spurs, Everton etc, etc haven't even really got started. Thirdly, that our defence is weak is an assertion, as is that we need a new keeper, or that we are holding on to players who don't want to play for us. None of them are assertions I strongly agree with. You say we need new players. Arsenal say they are looking to buy new players. So what "facts" do you actually have to complain about? Very little, that I can see. Just another self-righteous gust of hot air.

  49. Yanto

    Jul 26, 2011, 11:51 #10269

    I have tried and tried to make sense of Wenger's lack of buying and selling(Leting go). We have some truly dire players still rakiing in their £35 - £55k a week (Almunia, Diaby, Squillaci and Almunia to name but four) ten there's Rosicky - who although Once a very good players - now (sadly)seems well past his sell by date, then there's Arshavin - Huge Ability...yet again sadly) see's to only be able to **** at his best for 30 -35 minutes of a game.... And then we have those all too galring weaknesses in defence CB, G.Keeper and now LB (Gibbs has a year or two yet before he could compete week in week out), midfield where we need a Gilberto/Flamini type holder/ play breaker...and of course Cesc will soon be gone and what of Nasri - who some consider a mercenary for wanting out....then we need a top TOP level strikewr....rum ours are abounding in Arsenal that this season will see Walcott moved inside....and if that's Wenger's Cheapskate answer to all our pleading to strengthen the squad...well we are well and truly F**kED... I so wanted Wenger to turn this all around - to get all Gooners back on his side..for the criticisms to stop and for us to get back to Winning Ways...Wenger has the knowledge ..the network of scouts...the necessary what is stopping him from taking the appropriate action.....??? I really do NOT understand. :O(

  50. Tom

    Jul 26, 2011, 10:58 #10267

    I'm baffled by what Wenger is trying achieve. While our defensive problems are well documented, our deficiencies in midfield have been overlooked. If/when Fabregas leaves, we're down to the bare bones and relying on young, inexperienced players (plus Diaby) yet again. I'm fed up with Wenger to be honest. It won't be long before Wilshere and Ramsay get fed up and ask to leave either.

  51. matthew

    Jul 26, 2011, 10:56 #10266

    perhaps one of the best blog i've read in recent times. I can pardon wenger for behaving true to type but what is suppose to be the job of the board if not to oversee, overule and ensure that the interest of the loyal fans who spent thier hard earned money to watch their darling team loose or play barren draw with a mid-table team. As Fizman said the board should first be sacked then wenger followed, or else even if a new manager comes it will be business as usual.

  52. Joe S

    Jul 26, 2011, 10:55 #10265

    Come off it Joe - the current squad challenge for the league title. Beyond your wildest dreams. As has been mentioned the facts are undisputable,and only Don Quiote would believe that this current team can regroup and develop the character and mental toughness to overcome the odds.

  53. Andrew Cohen

    Jul 26, 2011, 10:29 #10264

    A well crafted piece. One phrase is particularly interesting. "apart from the potential of Wilshere, Ramsey and Walcott". Such forlorn hope as there is rests upon the fire and detremination of Wilshire and Ramsey. They will be broken on the wheel of a long hard season, exhausted by being overplayed, and unprotected by the type of player that we used to have for as long as I can remember and during the early part of Wengers reign. Vieira, Petit, Gilberto, Flamini, were or became, midfield enforcers, ensuring that there were consequences to inflicting violence on our talented players. The failure to employ such players is simple and deliberate negligence and Mr Wenger is, in my opinion, more responsible for the injuries which will befall our talented youngsters this season than the morons that certain managers send out to inflict that harm. It is my hope that Fabregas, still here despite several years of uncritical and loyal service, having his time and career wasted, will come out and do something unusual. Denounce the manager publicly. Arsene Wengers dismissal would come as a breath of fresh air, and we could then face a difficult future with some hope and enthusiasm. Our days in the sun may be over, but at least we wouldn't be in some sort of kafkaesque nightmare anymore.

  54. jenkinson

    Jul 26, 2011, 10:27 #10263

    Most fans do not believe we need a new goalkeeper. Very few teams 'completed the bulk of their transfer weeks ago' Who has been signed that we would have wanted? You're just yapping on talking to the converted (mainly yourself), repeating well-aired prejudices (described by you as_perceptions).

  55. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jul 26, 2011, 10:23 #10261

    Yes, yes but once the season starts, the plebs at the sporting white elephant will sing his name with pride. After we scrape a 2-1 victory over Norwich the plebs will say I told you so. And of course the plebs will be waving that In Arsene We Trust flag with pride. Everything will be back to normal and the board will breath a sigh of relief knowing that once again, the plebs have gone and spent their hard earned cash on whatever tat the club are trying to sell. It's oh so predictable.

  56. Apanama.

    Jul 26, 2011, 10:13 #10260

    Wenger’s criteria for selection of new player: Must be below 18 years old ( under 12 is welcome if he is from Barca La Masia academy) Must cost below 1 Mil ( free transfer is priority) Can be re-sold for 10 times the amount From France, or ever play in French ligue or at least speak french Can assist in attack or score goals ( Own goals or howler which result in goal is acceptable) Wenger said he's been busy this summer, so how come the best transfer deals so far has been Denilson moving out. And I reserve my jugment for gervinho, in case we forgot chamarkh have a better record in france and good half season, then he became like so many others, just meltdown towards the end.

  57. Jack

    Jul 26, 2011, 9:48 #10259

    Heaven and Hell. If he won't sign a deal Wenger simply cannot let Nasri see out his contract and leave for nothing next year. For a man who is obviously notoriously tight with other people's money this cannot happen. As for Cesc? Who knows at this point. Sell Nasri to City for as much as you can get I say. He is obviously only interested in one thing and we can't give him enough of it.

  58. Wenger Out Now

    Jul 26, 2011, 9:47 #10258

    Arsenal are dictatorship run by one man.No not Kroenke but Wenger.If Kroenke ran the club Wenger would be out the door.No,Wenger has the power to do whatever he likes.No one tells him to bring in a new number 2,A defensive coach,top class players and clear out ALL of the deadwood.There is no other top class team in the world who would pay a manager £6m a year whose return has been four 4th place finishes and two 3rd place finishes in the last 6 seasons.Wenger is taking our club for a ride but there is one way of getting him out.That is fan protest.Not like the Black scarf march which was watered down as a protest against ticket prices when it should have been against our Gaddaffi.The only way you will get change is from the real Arsenal fans who want our club back.

  59. Ron

    Jul 26, 2011, 9:44 #10257

    Without spending too much time on individual examples of it and those who subscribe to it, it's totally correct that much art, literature and music has for many centuries influenced some of the greatest works of art in existence. Wenger lives in a self imposed, closeted world of football as art and to an ever greater extent, hes now welding his own definition of morals into it as well. Whether hes on some thing that none of us will ever know or hear about is another matter entirely, but if he is, its had a serious affect on his eyesight and his perceptions. Arsenal and Ashburton Grove (if not already) is fast becoming a 'Church' of sorts or maybe at least a cult, where visitors are invited to worship at the feet of the Prophet Wenger and in doing so, can be cleansed of their sins of irrational wanton lust for something better and to learn to crave for the his austere edicts. His apostles, when not in the Board room are all to be found in the Diamond Club, gently musing and chanting their undivided and unconditional devotion. Take a reality pill Mr Wenger in substitution for that which you are taking, of which none of us understand or in truth, now want to understand. Your exhortations and ideals of the last 4 years have been recognised and dismissed as the artificial beliefs and ramblings of a tired, tedious old fool.Go and take your devotees with you please.

  60. sparksy

    Jul 26, 2011, 9:38 #10256

    I think Wenger and Gazidis are on drugs. Maybe they could give us some of what they're on. A team that collapsed to 4th, again, last season has only one notable addition to the squad, even though, yet again we are promised a busy summer in teh transfer market. And to top it all off, all bar one of the clowns are still at the club. So why should this season be any different to the others?

  61. Rich

    Jul 26, 2011, 9:34 #10255

    Other clubs completed the bulk of their shopping weeks ago? Sunderland have been busy, Liverpool have wasted millions, Utd have replaced players who have retired, I think we need a mass clear out of fringe players, and that looks like it starting2 happen, I must admit2 being optimistic that 3 players of the highest quality will be arriving before the end of the window, and also that Cesc and Nasri will both be staying

  62. CD

    Jul 26, 2011, 9:34 #10254

    The facts to you and me Joe are undisputable, unfortunatly some still either have their heads in the clouds or in the sand! Wenger has always been good at 50% of this game which is attack. However the other 50% with which the club has always been associated, a solid backbone since I can remember (1970) is defence, until now. Wenger currently is talking about possibly adding one more defender to the squad, but the facts are that simply won't cut it and would guarantee us another season of also ran status. In addition going by Wenger's past statements about adding at least one more player we both know that it's best not to hold your breath on that one!