The Madness of King Arsene V?

or ‘The Courage of his Convictions’?

The Madness of King Arsene V?

Not going anywhere soon

Having read the spate of close-season articles which, in the main, are "doom and gloom"/"Arsène out' v. "f*** off down the Lane"/"Arsène still knows best", I have, as an analytical person, tried to take the middle ground. I have been mildly critical of OGL in previous pieces, while trying to see behind some of his on-the-face-of-it unfathomable decisions, pointing firmly towards the old Etonian fart and his pals. However, this summer - and I am sure I am not alone - I have been driven to distraction by events or non-events as they could be described, but, if you analyse anything too much without reaching a conclusion, you are liable to go mad, for example, taxation, the financial meltdown or the London riots. So, following this article, I have promised myself that I will no longer attempt to understand the workings of Arsène's mind.

One conclusion I have reached is that AW is not like other managers, who identify a weakness in their squad and then try to fill it. What he does is try to acquire good players at what he sees as good value at any time, in order to create a pool of young talent ready to step in and replace leavers or fill holes at any juncture. While we question the value of signing more attacking players such as Gervinho and Oxlade-Chamberlain, I am sure we would agree that they are good players, at good value, which - in his terms - means players who will have a greater sell-on value than their purchase price and who will be adaptable to the AW way of playing.

The problem, as identified by every other human being on earth, is that this strategy can lead to a glut of players of a certain type, which in Arsène's case are forwards who can also play wide, left or right. It can also lead to prolonged periods of weakness in other areas such as centre-back or goalkeeper, as the right players have, in Arsène's mind, not been available at the right price. This is best illustrated by his proclamations of weakness in these positions over the past two close seasons, which have been followed by a failure to fill the gaps successfully and strengthen the weaker areas. While most of us, including me at times, have declared this as madness, AW would differ and merely say he was following what he thought was the correct strategy and maintaining the courage of his convictions.

At close inspection the comments of Gazidis when addressing the AST are telling. While admitting to problems defending set pieces, he stated that he had one of the best defences from open play, as I have also heard AW say. While I would say that, in fact, for the team who without doubt have the highest level of possession, we should have the lowest goals conceded, AW would say by playing such attacking football we must sacrifice a certain level of solidity. We would say that it is madness to pay £12 million for a 17 year old when we have an abundance of riches in his position , while refusing to pay similar sums for a proven and experienced centre back and standing back and watching Spurs and Villa sign proven, experienced keepers for nominal fees. Again, no doubt he would have some plausible counter-argument.

I have resigned myself finally that no matter how much we moan and hope, “The madness of King Arsène” will never make sense to us. We may long for a change and a manager who actually wants to spend the funds at his disposal by saying “I need a centre-back and have the funds, so I will buy one”. However, for the foreseeable future, AW will remain as our manager. In my opinion, paying the relatively vast sums we do to watch our team entitles us to an opinion despite what some others may say. We will all continue to analyse, praise and criticise, as football and life is about differences, views and opinions. For the sake of your sanity, if you are not Arsène Wenger, do not try to understand or justify his decision making process or madness may only be a short step away!

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  1. WestUpperRed

    Aug 12, 2011, 13:26 #11102

    AW quoted in the Standard from a press conference today: "There are 350 players in England who have no job and we have a massive squad so we are not in a position where we are short of players." Madness is right Fozzy!

  2. Ronster

    Aug 12, 2011, 6:45 #11077

    Ms Dodd.Harry has won a trophy in the last six years. Fair play to you for your unflinching support of Wenger,but what will your opinion be should AFC suffer another trophyless campaign?Is your faith indefinite or do you have a perceived cut off point?

  3. Mandy Dodd

    Aug 11, 2011, 22:06 #11066

    Upset nobody came on to challenge me on harry redknapps managerial abilities? Seems there are a few fans of his on here?

  4. Xnedu

    Aug 11, 2011, 13:38 #11036

    Nice attempt at trying to analyse the inner workings of Monsieur Clueless.You must be a psychologist.

  5. Greybeard the Gooner

    Aug 11, 2011, 12:11 #11035

    My first match at Highbury was in 1969 and this is the worst preseason feeling I've had since the dawn of the internet.AFC have handled the whole Nasri/Cesc (surnames only for Nasri from now on)situation terribly. Would David Dein allow such a weak response from the club ? I'm sure we will sign a defender or two before the window shuts but this should have been done before pre season training. I can't see us finishing any higher than 5th this season and when you see how Man U continually improve their squad , season on season it is very disheartening. And we seem to be turning into Man. City's feeder club. The only positive at the moment I can take is that if we lower our expectations we may get a nice surprise. Make sure you get to the Udinese game, it could be our last CL game for some time

  6. AFC

    Aug 11, 2011, 10:20 #11032

    Jono - In a PLC the majority shareholder has no say over the running of the business, if he/she/they are not happy with how the management is running things then they can call an EGM (or wait for the AGM) and have a vote of no confidence and try to remove the management.

  7. Arsenal Pockets

    Aug 11, 2011, 10:06 #11031

    One word sums up Arsenal at the moment: WEAK! FFS Arsene, sort this mess out.

  8. Indi-gooner

    Aug 11, 2011, 7:34 #11030

    I am amazed at so many varied views/ explanations being posted on numerous websites/ discussed about the transfer startegy of Arsenal this summer window. While the problem was a fairly simple one ..all we needed was a goal keeper, 2 CB and one quality striker. We are at the close of the window and all the talks of huge sums being available to AW, this being a real busy summer etc seems to go down the drain. If Arsenal wanted to be serious about next season they should have completed the required squad middle of July and then train properly with the new guys. With playesr coming in now, they would take their own sweet time to settle in. It seems this is going to be one real painful season for us, where we will get hammered by big teams and would scrape a late late draw with the mid and bottom table teams.

  9. Joe S

    Aug 11, 2011, 7:32 #11029

    I guess Fozzie's Mate's piece is designed to focus attention on the fact that the new season is set to kick off and Arsene's logic will prevail in obtaining that requisite fourth spot, hovever as much as I wanted to believe in Arsene logic the gloom continues to pr****. It has even intensified since watching the Community Shield final and inevitably comparing the approaches taken by Man U. and our beloved Gunners. Where one club immediately took care of business, clearing the "deadwood" and strenghening key positions Arsenal managed to frustrate the hell out of everone with their indecision. Watching the pride with which the United staff and players celebrated winning such a useless piece of silverware made me green with envy at the amateurishness now engulfing our club. It's not as if United spent a great deal of money. Also where Fereuson has a coaching team with which to plan stategy we are only left with images of a solitary manager kicking water bottles after yet again being let down by his players. Until this changes I can't see 2011 - 2012 being a good one, however I'm planning to enjoy it because with lowered expectations it's going to be interesting in terms of what the future holds.

  10. Rocco

    Aug 11, 2011, 2:16 #11028

    I would doubt anyone visiting or writing for this site would profess to having the same level of knowledge and understanding of both the business and game of football as Arsene. In fact there's probably only a few people on the planet that match up with his level. It's important to keep that in mind when trying to understand the 'Genius' of King Arsene. So as much as we can play armchair managers and second guess his decisions when we only have a small portion of the information he has at his disposal and none of the pressure, we have a self sustaining club that easily conforms to the fairplay rules that also consistently ranks at the top of the league. In the end there is no other manager capable of taking his place. Careful what you wish for or you may go back to chanting Boring.. Boring.. Arsenal...

  11. JJ

    Aug 11, 2011, 0:24 #11027

    Nice attempt at trying to be diplomatic but two words ends your defense of Wenger... Silvestre and Squillaci. "Super-quality" my fat ass.

  12. SLG

    Aug 10, 2011, 23:50 #11025

    When all is said and done we as Arsenal fans have to accept that the best we can hope for is a top four finish. The days of winning championships and playing in champions league finals are a distant memory. The targets and aspirations of the club are what they are and we will just have to take it. I would sign up for fourth and a domestic trophy next season .

  13. Clueless

    Aug 10, 2011, 23:42 #11024

    once some of you start to see beyond the PR that comes out of arsenal these days, their manipulation of timing to suit their ticket sales, you will all realise what i said since FEB, that we are a club on a downward spiral with this board and management

  14. Viking

    Aug 10, 2011, 23:21 #11023

    Fellas, don't vent your fury and frustrations out on Alex. It aint his fauly Wenger bought him. This boy will be an awesome player, better than Theo and Bale. Obviously he will need time to bed in and get used to life in the top league. But we should all get behind him and make him feel wanted. Imagine if he was reading this, and all the negativity against him. As for Wenger, everyone can clearly see the error of his ways, it's been analysed and said a thousand times. How can someone like Seb Squillachi be allowed to wear the shirt defies logic. We still have Nic B, Almunia and Eboue on the books, no one wants them. Denillson is out on loan, Vela is still hanging around, I can't see a lot of transfer activity until we get rid of these players, and that once again is Le Boss's fault.... It's a mess. And finally, if Cesc and Nasri want to go, let em go, they're doing more harm than good with their negativity.

  15. Mandy Dodd

    Aug 10, 2011, 22:56 #11022

    Harry redknapps fantastic managerial abilities? That team including under his tenure spend far more than us on signings and finish below us every year. In the light of this why do you praise him and damn wenger? Makes no sense to me

  16. chrisy boy

    Aug 10, 2011, 22:34 #11021

    if we are to believe the reports coming out today, cesc will be sold by the weekend, didnt wenger say the deadline on this on - off transfer will be August 1st !! could not see fergie putting up with this, so we get 35 million in the bank with no time to spend it before newcastle and udinese on tuesday, great bit of buisiness Arsenal !!! Nasri will be next and with injuries to jack, theo, tv and rvp, what kind of team are we going to put out in these early games, i attended my first arsenal game in 1980 and have always looked forward to the start of a new season, but for the first time im actualy dreading the start of whats going to be i fear a season of lows ( i do hope im wrong ) is it just me or do other gooners feel that the club is being pulled away from the love of the real fans, its hurtful and sad to see our club being run like this. Lets hope we as fans can make our voices heard, bringing back david dein might not be a bad start.

  17. tpm

    Aug 10, 2011, 21:15 #11019

    jono, if there is no money avaialble, why spend what is on an unproven 17 year old in an area your already strong, when there is far greater need of strengthining in other areas, surely this is wilful neglect...or perhaps there is money available yet he wont spend it.....explain that.

  18. JackL

    Aug 10, 2011, 20:52 #11018

    GoonerGoal, I agree with much of what you say, but why include the box office staff, who do a good job and are on basic wage? Anyway (been going to see AFC for 40 years, most games home and away), I think we will surprise a few people and finish in the top 3 (we are underdogs this year), but certainly need a t least 1 centre back.

  19. Gooner1711

    Aug 10, 2011, 20:02 #11017

    You piece echoes what I have believed Arsee now stands for. If he was bothered about winning trophies, he'd sign what was needed. As he is not then just getting into the top 4 (which is procarious this season) is all he cares about. His legacy has gone and all we to look forward to, after being in a position of great strength, is a maximum top 4 and the Europa League. Even a cup run may be out of the question. It is a season of great transition ahead. Anxious times.

  20. Shropshire Lad

    Aug 10, 2011, 20:02 #11016

    I see Stoke tied up a deal for Upson in about 48 hours (a player we were allegedly interested in last year) and Arsene and Gazidis continue to fanny about running the rule over players last weekend (can you believe that!) that they must have huge dossiers on. You are right, he has no intention of signing any experienced relatively expensive player especially as they are likely stand up to his tippy tappy approach. If ever we needed someone like Parker to steady the ship as Cesc and Nasri go out the door it is this week.. Smoke and mirrors and bloody frustrating.

  21. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 10, 2011, 19:39 #11015

    A - all thanks for the comments and debate. It is amazing how after universal approval Arsene now polarises opinion so much. Jono - just because you disgaree with me, why does that make me sound like a 6 year old? Now it appears senior club sources are brieifng that Cesc will be gone by Friday and that the funs will be re-invested lets all hope it is a turning point for the psoitive with much needed defensive reinforcements to follow.

  22. Ray

    Aug 10, 2011, 19:22 #11014

    I dont care anymore.I am just waiting for 2014 when Wenger finally leaves.The next 3 seasons we will be in the wilderness.Our best players leaving before the season starts and not replaced, no CB.But wait we have signed our saviour a 17 year old who has never kicked a ball in the top 2 divisions.Only 3 more seasons to go

  23. Paul

    Aug 10, 2011, 18:56 #11012

    You know what, I don't care about anything anymore. I'm fed up furstrated everything I just don't know. Just tell this guy to go. We Need Change. We Need Change NOW.

  24. Any Old Iron aka Das Boot

    Aug 10, 2011, 18:42 #11011

    I can envisage more keystone cop defending, coupled with tippy-tappy tripe. This 'formulae' will only succeed if the football gods decree so. Of course we are owed a trophy won on luck. We have lost so many that way. Arsenal under Wenger-will never be the architects of their advancement, but, rather the proponents of their own self-inflicted downfall; when we have the ball we're good, when we don't we're awful. Be prepared for further 'banana skin' kamikaze displays-as patented by Wenger. When will it end......?

  25. GoonerGoal

    Aug 10, 2011, 18:14 #11009

    Kid yourselves not, the bad times have already begun. 10,000 seasson tickets are available, just name how much you want to pay, and Red members can finally get a ticket to a category A match (Liverpool), and it will get much worse before it gets better. The mad Emperor fiddles as Rome burns, and he is allowed to by members of a "Senate" concerned chiefly with maintaining the value of their property. Unless some serious signings are made very quickly, I see mostly grey days ahead. Our Champions League efforts could easily be over before they begin, and even if we prevail at the first hurdle, prepare to feast your eyes on some torturous performances in a Premier League season which I predict will barely bring us 60 points. I hope I'm wrong, but I've been around the block enough times since the days of Billy Wright to recognise the stale stench of mediocrity when it invades my nostrils, and believe me, right now our club stinks from the Boardroom to the Manager, to the Coaching and Medical staff, to the vast majority of Players, and from our new kit to the Box Office staff. Right now, there is not one single part of our club that is looking good.

  26. Aaron

    Aug 10, 2011, 18:11 #11008

    I've said it since 2006 Arsene building plans are based on 5-a-side not 11-a-side. Think how much we'd dominate a 5 a side league with our technical passers. Problem is we don't play in a 5-a-side league and everyone else plays by 11-a-side rules.

  27. TrueGooner

    Aug 10, 2011, 17:42 #11007

    Good Read. I have come to similar conclusion and decided not to even hurt my head or worry about what's going on. I will simply support whatever we are left with come 8-31-2011. However I am beginning to suspect we might be putting all the blame on the wrong man. The fact the club/board is the one that run the club and not Arsene should know the team needs. If they have been linked with Mata, and some other CBs tells me Wenger probably give them his list and they can meet some of the valuations. Maybe it's the club policy that killing us and not Arsene's policy. How is it that David Dien bought good players in while Arsene was coach, but had to leave due to clash with the board and not Arsene? Arsene being a man with class and intelligent choose not to slag off his employers.

  28. kevin

    Aug 10, 2011, 17:05 #11005

    Sorry but Arsene has signed at least 1 centre back for the past three years running and they have been a mix of experience and youth/young players. As for Friedel and Given, one's 40 and one can't catch a cross, how is that us missing out? There is logic to your article that I have to agree with, it does seem that value is an important factor for Arsene but the point I take issue with is that we were criticized more for not being able to break down a defence, in more than just the previous year, than we have been of shipping too many goals. If you remove Alumnia from the equation (poor guy) then the defence isn't the be all and end all. P.S. this spell checker is awful, defence doesn't have an s in it and centre isn't spelt center.

  29. Jekyll

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:55 #11004

    This is an excellent attempt to make sense of the seemingly senseless decisions of AW, the closest I've seen. I guess he does have his own twisted logic at work and is too long in tooth to let anything change it now, not even the evidence on the pitch. He just reinterprets, for example, an end of season collapse as being 'very, very close' and carries on as he is.

  30. John

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:51 #11003

    @"I support Arsenal not Arsene"; sarcasm, right?

  31. Alan

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:48 #11002

    I have to say I think Wenger's position will be untenable at the end of the season even if he comes 4th. He has become detached from the basic realities of football and lives in this quixotic bubble where he is right and the whole world is wrong. Like Gerard Houllier at the end of his Liverpool days, Wenger is a Frenchman with a gi-normous EGO which becomes more and more about protecting his position than the club's success. His time is coming to a very sad end unless he makes proper signings before the season starts. He and his team appear ever more "lightweight" in the big boys league.

  32. I support Arsenal not Arsene

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:38 #11001

    The AKBS have ruined this club. No world class players,No hope. It is up to the true Arsenal fans to drive this clown out of Arsenal for good.Cheerio AW, you could learn a lot from Harry Redknapp's fantastic managerial abilities. Sack the control freak, Arsene Wenger.

  33. jono

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:37 #11000

    The arguement that Wenger is refusing to spend is well misplaced, you sound like a six year old. The majority share holder ultimately decides how much we can spend, it has never been Wenger. Any new manager will have the same problems that Wenger is facing now. You spend in one area of the team and you will be left with very little funds to stengthen in other areas whilst still having to think about 6/5 rule and financial fair play.

  34. colinc

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:33 #10999

    Mention three names Arsene Wenger, Peter Hill-Wood and Ivan gasidis and what they meant to Arsenal a couple of years ago and think about what they mean now, (absolute rubbish). Can't trust a single word that comes from them, can we not see they are conning us in to believing that they are working hard to sign players. i am sad to say i no longer believe or trust them,after fifty years following them i am disgusted with how the business macine is progressing and will confidently predict a finish outside the top six. Prove me wrong. I have faith in players but not management. STINKS. colinc

  35. moorfire

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:26 #10998

    true that, but it's not like there weren't good keepers or centre backs available for decent value: stekelenburg (ajax to roma) for about 7m zapata (udinese to villarreal) about 8m both of these would have been great signings for the Arse...

  36. Gunnerdawg

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:20 #10997

    I agree with the buying policy outlined above. In addition AW likes a certain type of player....clever, quick, technically skilled. Couple that with his "attacking" style where everyone "goes forward" a rather rag tag pair of center backs are left to "hold the fort". Ball possession is a goal to be striven for but when possession is lost the skilled counter attacking team will always make us pay.

  37. Philip

    Aug 10, 2011, 16:19 #10996

    I read two interesting bits in different places, not sure where exactly: 1. One of the reasons we were not better at home last year is that Emirates is a very wide pitch, but we tended to play narrow and 2. The current preferred formation assumes that Cesc is in the center pulling the strings. Based on all that, I'd say, without contradicting you per say, that AW's purchases will have the benefits of getting us wide, especially at home and creating ways to unlock defenses is Cesc's increasingly probable absence. Thanks for the blogs!