Fans support worries Wenger

Manager defends commitment of his players

Fans support worries Wenger

Are we to blame for the team’s decline?

The comments below are from the article, Fans support worries Wenger.

“I am worried our fans are not behind the team," explained Wenger. "The players deserve it.
"It is important there is a love between the fans and the players and the players have shown their commitment which deserves the support of our fans.
"In 15 years at the club I look at the quality of the players I have brought in and you will see I have not done too badly.
"Sometimes the credit players get is linked with the amount of money you paid for them.
"It is frustrating sometimes because it looks like players are judged just through the money they cost."

So, are we, the supporters, now going to take the blame for the continued and managed decline of our club? If Monsieur Wenger believes there should be “love between the fans and the players”, he needs to look closer to home, where he actively encourages the players to be so insulated from their “fans” that there is now little or no interaction, and most people simply cannot relate to the players or feel the empathy that was there less than a decade ago. One very simple example: at Highbury, fans would queue for hours to witness the coach arrival and, from close up, to see their idols disembark and walk up the stairs into the marble halls, and also to get a chance to snatch a few autographs and words. Today, it’s a rapid descent into the bowels of the bowl and out of sight. All of which was envisaged at the building and planning stages of the Emirates, for which le Boss takes a fair amount of credit. Hence he was an active participant in creating the circumstance of his own complaint.

He continues with the statement “the players have shown their commitment, which deserves the support of our fans”: oh please!! Samir wants out now that he’s got a better offer and we’ve all known it for yonks when he wouldn’t sign a new contract, so committed was he. Other players displayed relegation form in the latter stages of last season and trotted out the same tired old excuses of identifying the problem of not working hard enough against the “lesser” teams and telling us that “we’ve learnt our lesson” only to repeat it the same week (Aston Villa towards end of last season anyone? Needing to win to keep ahead of the “Citeh” to stay in third place, and we go for a walk-around in the sun and find ourselves 2–0 down!!).

Week in, week out last season, unless playing a “big” team, the same pattern emerged. Then we have Denilson and his words of wisdom before having to backtrack as no one wanted to buy him. The fact is that our players can mostly be divided into two groups: those who are simply not good enough today, but who were previously identified as potential and tied to long-term contracts and stupid money which, despite their having achieved absolutely nothing trophy-wise, nevertheless kept them “loyal” and whom we cannot subsequently get rid of. They themselves are generally “happy” to stay for the good money that they won’t get elsewhere. Why did Traore stay rather than go to Benfica last year and get first team football? Answer: the money he is on with us, despite no chance of first team football (at that stage). Yes, our players, as with all other teams, are indeed committed at least to something, the money.

Then there is the second group, who start in a similar manner, or are already established at a lesser club and are developed into stars with us or at least are seen as such, e.g. Hleb, Flamini and Nasri. These guys were brought in on the same basis but did have what it takes, or took, and got noticed for at least a season. They see there is no real chance of Project Youth giving them the trophies they now desire in a short career. Having already got the money, aspiration means that, unlike their lesser blessed team mates around them, they can now go further and actually win something as well because they now they are “good enough” for the big/bigger teams to want them, and they are far more convinced that these teams will actually win trophies (regardless of whether the player concerned actually turns out to be successful once he gets there).

Finally, yes, there are a few who are committed - until they lose faith. In the recent past, Fab clearly wanted to win things at Arsenal rather than be a sub at Barça, but in the end, over the last season and a half, was so disillusioned with yet more vague or unfulfilled promises to address our weaknesses that he was not only prepared to sit on the bench in Catalonia, he was reported to have been prepared to take a pay cut to make it happen.

RvP is into his penultimate year of contract and I have no doubt that red and white blood runs through him and I do not question his commitment. On the contrary, as this season wears down (and I fear a very weary season this term) and we face a repeat of the Nasri situation, I wouldn’t blame him if he feels he is being let down and taken for a ride, all for the glorification of one man’s stubborn dream. It’s not his commitment to the club I would question; on the contrary, it’s his manager’s commitment to making Arsenal a footballing success if that means he has to change to do it, i.e. address the areas both we as fans and even he has identified, and bring in some (not necessarily £50 million) experienced players - players who are established, have experience at the top level, and who are not callow youths whom he can shape and control like the father figure he appears to want to be.

For the last three close seasons, he has begun the transfer window apparently re-stating and accepting what we all know (talking about the need to strengthen the defence) but he ends up weakening it. We then get told we need top-quality before we bring someone in and have ended up in recent seasons with the likes of Silvestre, Squillaci and now, this term, Jenkinson, who, whilst I agree he looks useful, is nevertheless hardly the top quality to strengthen us with experience but is yet again young potential from a lower league. Only Vermaelen has looked the business with any degree of consistency out of the last three seasons’ purchases and six transfer windows.

If we take the comment “in 15 years at the club I look at the quality of the players I have brought in and you will see I have not done too badly”, we can all agree. Who will forget the debut and consistent form of PV4, or the pace and joie de vivre of Henri in full flight. There are plenty more: Pires, Gilberto, Fab, RvP, Overmars, Petit etc. However, this is the good AW of old, who could and did get hold of both established and youthful players and develop both. The above examples come from what may well come to be known as the successful half of his reign. Then there is plain old deceptive bad AW, who managed to bring in the likes of Eboué, Denilson, Traore, Silvestre, Squillaci, yet (insultingly to the above-named) talk about them as being part of “the best squad ever” So whilst it’s true that he hasn’t done too badly, he has also brought in some real duffers to account for and, unfortunately, he seems unwilling to go seriously for experience of any sort in the Premier League - the bid for Jagielka at a level similar to our previous one was a joke and makes our club hypocritical when complaining about Barça’s bid for Fab earlier this summer.

It seems that, first of all, AW wanted to blame the media for turning the fans against the club, and, now that their evil little “campaign” appears to be working (after all, clearly we are all so stupid we can’t think for ourselves ), we are told that we are not behind the team. So here it is from me in one (ok, very long) statement: I have been behind the team since I was 7 and will still be behind it should I live to be 107, a mere 18 years shy of this “125th” anniversary season. I detest the rampant self-interest, commercialism-beyond-all-else and self-serving rubbish that is spouted by those in and around our club. Nevertheless, I (stupidly, no doubt, from their point of view, given the previous comments) renewed my season ticket and will continue to do so whilst I have breath left to get to the ground with.

However, I believe that AW is now only interested in doing things his way, to the detriment of all else (as ultimately happened at Monaco) and this method is simply not possible in today’s game if you actually want to win trophies, which, after all, is one of the main raisons d’être of a football club with aspirations. He will no more change his modus operandi than the proverbial leopard changes its spots, and continues to demonstrate ever more frequently by his utterances that he is unable and/or unwilling to adapt to this reality. Hence the comments about getting into the Champions League being the equivalent of a trophy, and his “sudden” realisation that the fair play rules are not really going to be enforced nor even things out.

Did anyone really believe that Uefa would ever ban its box office teams such as the Barças, Man Utds, Real Madrids etc, the very type of big-name draw that they need to make their competition sufficiently appealing to the broadcasters and sponsors so that they continue to invest the amounts of money that they do? If they did, then the recent £400m+ that Man City just received for naming rights from …their owner, with only mealy-mouthed comments of no real consequence emanating from UEFA, has well and truly put paid to that, and AW knows it. As things begin to fall apart ever more obviously on the pitch, and sections of the paying public disappear - as we have already seen - AW will cut ever more pronouncedly the forlorn grey figure on the touchline.

Already looking tired and out of ideas towards the end of last season, things are quite likely to implode over the next 12 months and, as the pressure mounts, the observations that we will hear will become ever more detached from reality, and it will be a question of will the board act or will AW move aside. I fear he is quite content to continue as he likes and with the freedom granted him at a big club on a good salary, whilst the board will procrastinate as long as they can. (I believe his contract is worth some £20 million, not something that our board would like to have to pay off). I do so much hope I am wrong, but it feels like groundhog day every time I hear the man speak now. Odds for the first game after which we hear “our mental strength” speech anyone? What I cannot accept is his comment that we are not behind the team. It’s his method and refusal to adapt to today’s circumstances to which I and many others are no longer committed. I have, in years past, written eulogies to the man and what he had achieved: it is truly terrible to witness his demise in this way, going on and on, treading an identical path year after year, well past its shelf life and out of ideas when it could have been so much better by just making a few small concessions and getting things back on the right track during last season.

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  1. H

    Aug 19, 2011, 21:23 #11462

    AW= Ass Winger

  2. Gooner Sam

    Aug 17, 2011, 17:48 #11369

    Well said!! You have summed up my feelings perfectly. Time to go Mr Wenger, I'd rather remmeber you as the legend you were than the joke you have become.

  3. Vinnie

    Aug 17, 2011, 13:44 #11347

    I think the people who turn up to home games ("supporters" would be stretching it a bit) do need to shoulder some of the blame. We had the worst home record of the top four last season, but the best away record of the entire division. Home and away, it's the same squad, manager, backroom. The pitch is a carpet, the facilities state of the art, the team doesn't have to travel any distance. What else is left apart from the people in the stands?

  4. Mark

    Aug 16, 2011, 22:24 #11316

    face facts we were lucky tonight. weve played newcastle and udinese so keep it in perspective. if we do not add to the squad we are in serious trouble this season. young legs wont be half as effective come February.

  5. Joe S.

    Aug 16, 2011, 22:01 #11315

    In light of tonight's result to Udinese - One nil to the Arsenal, was it a matter of gutsing it out, or are we in deep Sh*t, constantly cut to pieces by a good side lacking a killer punch. I shudder at what the top flight teams will do to us. What to make of Rosinsky, Charmak and Song. They really were ineffective and give one little hope. Wegner needs to look beyond these three and find a top flght leader. Dear Oh Dear! At least the fans did get behind the team. What about giving them something to cheer for.

  6. jjetplane

    Aug 16, 2011, 19:00 #11314

    What does he really know about football. He may appeal to the well heeled Jcumlatelys who know nothing about true spirit and thought here was an easy banker to success. Well wrong you were and now you reap the distortion that has made Arsenal a characterless farce. Recovery will be long. Look at liverpool - still wheezing after all these years.

  7. GHGooner

    Aug 16, 2011, 18:59 #11313

    Excellent piece.Echoes my sentiments about where Wenger is taking our beloved Arsenal to the letter.God Save Arsenal from this stubborn man!!!!.It really is gut-wrenching to say the least.

  8. Alan

    Aug 16, 2011, 17:51 #11312

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again ( or season after season) and expecting a different result.(Or league position)!

  9. The Ghost of Tommy Caton

    Aug 16, 2011, 17:30 #11311

    Good article, of which mirrors the sentiment of most fans. Cesc's farewell comments about the manager and the club during his welcome to Barca press conference were heart felt and I am genuinely sorry to see our captain leave. I accepted the commentary with an element of resignation and relief. Unfortunately, one point that he made has infuriated me. "This has been going on for 2 1/2 months now and Arsenal would not let me say anything?". I totally understand that the manager was trying to talk him around. During Friday's prematch dialogue, Wenger informed the worlds media and most insultingly the supporters that nobody was leaving. Cesc was already having paella with Xavi & Co. Arsenal have always taken plaudits for it's integrity as a club, that is quickly being eroded.

  10. the beast

    Aug 16, 2011, 16:42 #11310

    AW's chronic lack of proper investment in the defence and goalkeeping areas of our first team in recent years is destroying everything he ever built at the Club. I find it very sad. His public utterances over the last couple of years and especially this summer have often bordered on the completely delusional. No wonder Cesc wanted to go – sure a lot of it was to do with his desire to go home – but wasn't a large part of it also due to having to play the majority of the last four seasons in front of a defence more often containing the likes of Silvestre, Squillaci, Almunia, Fabianski (although to be fair to him he improved a bit last season), Eboue as well as other players simply not good enough for a club like Arsenal? Do you remember Cesc’s interview after we lost 2 – 1 away to Porto in 2010? He was almost speechless at the shambles he had seen. And apart from the rise of Sczezny, has anything really improved since then? Why not? It’s been such a problem in recent years and next to bugger all has been done about it, almost like Arsene is determined to prove everyone wrong in the end. He also has failed to take up opportunities in bring in world class players such as Xabi Alonso, who Arsene didn’t want to spend “over the odds” for, when he refused to go raise his bid £2m to match Liverpool’s asking price. This was dressed up as not wanting to “kill” some of the young players, in this case Denilson, and look how that has turned out. I hope for his and the Club’s sake that he manages to turn it round this season, but I am less optimistic about our chances of any tangible success this season than at any point since Bruce Rioch was in charge. It goes without saying I hope we go through the CL qualifier, but if we don’t the atmosphere around the Club will turn poisonous towards Arsene and that would be a real shame after all the good times we had before.

  11. Irishrobbie

    Aug 16, 2011, 16:37 #11309

    I think the board are more to blame than Wenger. Yes they have said the money is there but they have also said that they will not be going nuts in the transfer market as it (and i agree here) unsustainable. I do think that we will spend before the window ends but admit that its taking the usual length of time. Get behind Wenger and the boys, be patient for the new signings to come. my prediction tonight? Arsenal 2 Udinese 0

  12. Pete

    Aug 16, 2011, 16:24 #11308

    Tonight's game, along with the return leg, is crucially important. If we fail here we certainly will have a miserable season with severe financial consequences. So lets all put aside our differences and get behind the team and support them for the 90 minutes - make it like the Barca or Chelsea games last season. We can then get back to the disagreements afterwards...

  13. Mark

    Aug 16, 2011, 16:21 #11307

    David Dein knew when to let wenger get on with it, when to push him, when to support him, when to overrule him. i have not been blaming wenger alone, i blame the board at least as much as it seems to be they contribute absolutely f all to the bottom line and none of them have a clue about the players or the team. they learned this from the hill woods of course, those pompous arseholes were never true football people

  14. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 16, 2011, 15:47 #11306

    This is a great piece Mark, and I only have one question for debate....of the multitude of fantastic players signed between 1995 - 2006, how many of those signatures should be credited to David Dein, and how many do we think would have been signed if it was left to Wenger?

  15. GoonerRon

    Aug 16, 2011, 15:04 #11305

    Yes this is a worrying time, but only comparatively speaking. 15 years ago we celebrated getting into UEFA's second competition on the last day of the season against Bolton as if all our Christmas' had come at once. Yet these days, because of the prolific success Wenger had so soon, we admonish him for delivering a superbly consistent performance that we were craving back then. I see many people suggesting we need a manager like George Graham, who when things went really wrong, delivered a 12th place finish in the league with under 50 goals scored. I know he did great things for us but Wenger's 'lean times' are no where near that level. Back then we weren't up against teams with the unlimited spending power of Man C and Chelsea either. I'm not saying Wenger is not without fault - far from it in actual fact - but I prefer to focus on the positives. Compared to this time last season Szczesny has emerged as the undisputed commanding number one, Vermaelen and Ramsey are fully fit (touch wood), Koscielny, Gibbs and Wilshere will get better and better with regular playing time and experience and RVP is in the middle of the best scoring run of any EPL striker. We definitely need to replace Cesc and add to the defensive & midfield strength but we are not in as bad a shape as everyone will make you believe. In terms of getting behind the team I think it's a two way street for us and the players, but the hope always is that if the team aren't playing well the support will lift them through it, and vice versa. I just get the impression that some people want Arsenal to lose game after game and fail miserably so Wenger will go / be sacked, which I simply cannot get my head around.

  16. Avenell Rd

    Aug 16, 2011, 15:04 #11304

    Love is a two way steert mr Wenger. It took you 6 years to remember that. I'm afraid it's a little bit too late. You stuck with your project, ignoring fans concerns for years, ignoring obvious shortcomings in team. You said it yourself mr Wenger, you would be happy to see this club finishing second for next 20 years. You showed fans no respect, yet you're asking for love. Too late, mate.

  17. Objective

    Aug 16, 2011, 14:46 #11303

    What Arsene and all gooners can agree on is that the crowd can be the 12th man. A raucous home crowd can lift a team performance 10% and can drive them to a win. Similarly crowd negativity towards home players can turn what's supposed to YOUR home venue into a hostile place. Players are human. The manager was stating the obvious. Curiously the author seems to disagree with him!

  18. Bergkamp10(Simon)

    Aug 16, 2011, 14:33 #11302

    An extremely well written article. I have watched Arsenal since the mid 70's and seen many good and bad times. Your comments are absolutely brilliant and certainly hit the nail on the head!! Some learn to overcome whatever their weekness may be, yet for some the flaw proves fatal. Even in the most successful. I think AW stubbornness runs a little too deep, but it's sadly a case where I seriously think now that agents wouldn't consider Arsenal any longer within the 'TOP TIER'of clubs to their players. This season sadly could be his last, however the fans should and certainly can say exactly what they like. Ulimately they do pay the wages of the players & staff!!

  19. SilverGooner

    Aug 16, 2011, 14:10 #11301

    Great article Mark. Has anyone else noticed the lack of responses from the AKB brigade? How can any true Arsenal fan disagree with this piece? I am utterly astonished at what is going on at the club. Sad to say that I hve decided to take out a Sky Sports package rather than pay rip-off prices to watch a second rate team at the Emirates. Time to wise-up Arsene and Ivan, there are an increasing number of long-standing supporters like me who are running out of patience. Listen to your customers! Interesting comment from SPARKSY - Wenger is clearly unable to handle the increasing pressure and is becoming more embarrasing with every press and post-match conference. But that's what happens when you are arrogant and fail to take notice of what others are saying. And farewell Cesc, you deserved better from Wenger.

  20. Mike

    Aug 16, 2011, 14:07 #11300

    The big worry is that the Board is waiting to see if we qualify for the CL before spending the Cesc money. They may be planning to plug the 25m shortfall with the sale proceeds rather than strengthen the squad.

  21. dan

    Aug 16, 2011, 13:55 #11299

    no we are not,all the problems come from one man,wenger,in arsene we have rusted....

  22. Brigham

    Aug 16, 2011, 13:24 #11297

    @ Pacey, I can see where you are coming from and in all honesty, I agree with a few of your points raised. However, it cannot be disputed that we have at best stagnated or in my opinion, gone backwards the last few years. It is easy to say that we have qualified for the Champions League for 13 years running, but aside from getting to final in 2006 and the semi in 2009 we have not exactly set the competition alight have we? One point I do totally agree on with you is that we should get behind the team, whoever is wearing the glorious Red and White jersey. I will support The Arsenal tonight, on Saturday and every game I attend, both home and away. Sing loud, sing proud and lets put these Italians to the sword tonight, big time.

  23. Pacey

    Aug 16, 2011, 12:41 #11296

    During the media emphasised '6 years with no trophy' we have been in three finals and have consistently qualified for the champions league on a budget that is a fraction of our English competitors. I'm sick of people consistently berating Wenger, whatever way you look at it he is our most successful manager and has raised the profile of our club into one that is well respected and admired throughout the world. Each and every single Arsenal fan that goes to a game home or away has a responsibility to sing up and show some support! We have to put the last six years to bed and get behind every single player this season, I thoroughly believe that we will surprise a lot of people. Yes these are bad times, but it is now that our support is needed more than ever. When Wenger does leave a lot of people will realise that you don't know what you've got till it’s gone!

  24. Unbeaten 03/04

    Aug 16, 2011, 12:07 #11295

    Totally agree with the article! Although, I wouldlike to add that I am an Arsenal but I'm not supposrting the team at the moment! Just spend some effing money Arsene!!!

  25. Brigham

    Aug 16, 2011, 11:39 #11294

    A good article and one which fully explains just how bad things have become in the last few years at a once proud club. We have moved backwards and will continue to do so until we bring in some quality to replace the players we have lost. There has been a steady trickle of class and quality depart - Petit, Vieria, Overmars, Anelka, Cole, Henry, Flamini, Gilberto and Cesc, to name just a few. Who have we repalced them with? The likes of Dennilson, Diaby, Walcott, Bendtner, Gibbs, Eboue, Chamakh and ??? (probably another 17 year old African) It is disgusting to witness a fantastic team/squad slowly dismantled over the years and allowed to become a club with very little direction. The constant spin and lies eminating from the Emirates is totally pathetic and the fact that Wenger blames us, the fans, is even worse. I think he is working his ticket! @ Andreas, yes, Wenger moved us forward, but he is now moving us back the other way, as are the board. Can you not see that us loyal and older fans are the ones who are complaining? The ones who have seen this happen to our club before (Post Bertie Mee) All clubs can have peaks and troughs, but this should never have happened to The Arsenal, especially following the great initial success under Wenger. Something is not right at the club, that is for sure.

  26. Kinyomi

    Aug 16, 2011, 11:30 #11293

    Wenger should read this! perhaps he would learn.

  27. Ron

    Aug 16, 2011, 11:12 #11291

    Sound comments. The pattern is set. Its only poor fitness that has kept RVP at the Club up to now. If he gets a good season in i.e 25 games and 16 goals or thereabouts which is good for him, he ll be off. The Club will say he s at the right age to go by then and he ll say he needs a new challenge but 'loves' Arsenal! More worryingly, Wilshere (being English) is likely to be attracted by such as Utd or City next Summer. Id guess the Board are already looking and salivating at the fat fee for him. Wenger has become a slave to the frugality that was imposed on him 6-7 years ago due to the ground move and now refuses to budge from its constraints even when the shackles have been relaxed somewhat. Arsenal are the best testimony there is to the fact that football is truly 'business' only these days. Its a business that caters no more for the fans thirst for glory, passion, tribalism and identity. As fans we have to learn that, particularly us older fans who lived through an era when football epitomised those things. Arsenal as i knew and loved it dissapeared quite some years before we left Highbury. I now sadly have real doubts about why they actually bothered.

  28. dando

    Aug 16, 2011, 11:12 #11290

    we will always be behind the team, we are no longer behind the manager

  29. awesome

    Aug 16, 2011, 11:00 #11289

    this is a great piece and you should be proud of articulating it so well. It seems that we all love Arsenal and the club (we all have those great memories) but have given up on many of the players and Arsene Wenger now- it just feels like a dictatorial business nowadays.

  30. Seven Kings Gunner

    Aug 16, 2011, 10:27 #11288

    Tonight's game and the return leg will be a defining phase in the coming years. If we can get through the board must spend really big and sign at least 2 world class players in midfield and defence just to keep up with the the top three, if we go out I cannot see Wenger surviving the backlash.

  31. Gooner1711

    Aug 16, 2011, 10:20 #11287

    g clarke again! Anything positive to say yourself or you are underpinning the current regime? Explain how this summer or close season can be seen as taking this club forward? Are you paying 1,075 for a season ticket? We want some competition for trophies for that money.

  32. Mark

    Aug 16, 2011, 10:08 #11286

    Mark this is a good piece, i am pleased to see someone else is getting what is actually going on and is not blind as Board and AW would like us to be. the club always gets our undying support but players need to earn respect and so many of arsenal players do not deserve that respect. how many of them did you see absolutely bust a gut for the fans against Birmingham 5 months ago..? we have to now ALL be very wary of our manager. He is french. He is cunning as a fox and he is NOT a man to take things on the chin, he WILL blame everything else around him except himself and his players. As some of us said 6 months ago to watch out for a massive increase in SPIN. well now it has well and truly started and alot of fans wont know what to believe unless they can think it through for themselves or read some of the enlightened stuff finally appearing more often here

  33. Andreas

    Aug 16, 2011, 10:04 #11285

    Frankly. I am ashamed to be an Arsenal fan. These so called fans that boo, moan, groan & complain. Chelsea spent £70 million in January and got nothing. Man city spent half a billion and won the FA cup. It simp disgusts me that we have become so self delusional. Wenger is infuriating but he is the only man to move the club forward. Remember Charlton fans with Curbishly? Look at Tottenham? Unstable management and bitter for years. Be very careful what you wish for. I am at a point where I want Wenger to go simply to punish those fans that want Wenger out. So they can see what crap we get. Unfortunately I will suffer because of those delusional, irrational, arrogant prats that have poisoned our club.

  34. Joe S.

    Aug 16, 2011, 10:02 #11284

    Sad that even Joey Barton, and the comments of his blindly parochial manager hasn't succeeded in bringing the fan factions together, but the reality is unavoidable at New Castle Arsenal looked like a mid table team. We didn't conceed, but that only means that we were on parr with the opposition. As someone who has loved the free flowing football of the Wegner years it's sad to admit that the man is either a pathological Con artist or self deluded. You can not structure your season around Wiltshire and Ramsey, firstly because they are too young and need support from more experienced and wiser heads, and also because at this stage they are still players with potential with a lot to prove. ( as well as being injury prone ). The manager is placing too much presure on them to carry the load for him and his bosses. Were Beckham, Ronaldo or Rooney ever asked to carry winning United teams on their own? As for Fabegrasse and Nasri leaving they are either greedy opportunists or have had unresolvable issues with their manager. It's time for both parties to move on and hopefully lessons will have been learnt for the future administration of the club and a new era. It is amazing to ponder how important the Liverpool game is for both teams. Any loser in this game will be in one hell of a predicament. Finally I hope that there will be some fine tuning of the squad in the next two weeks with one or two first class signings but whatever happens please don't tell us of getting behind the team or how much characrer your players have. Very few Arsenal fans believe this tripe and in any case we want to see it demonstrated on the field.

  35. sparksy

    Aug 16, 2011, 10:00 #11283

    Good article china. This morning on radio there was an interview with a close (French)friend of Wenger. His own opinion was that Wenger will go this season or at the end of. He says he is witnessing a rapid decline in the man whereby he is becoming more and more stressed, as can be seen in his bizarre press conferences. Reporters asking simple straight forward questions that mean no harm to him and he responds with crazy answers. I think we are seeing the end of Wengers term but a lot he has brought on himself.

  36. bunch

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:59 #11282

    Good article. Lot of Gooners feeling the same as you. Love the players? Most of them I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. Maybe I'd give Diaby a little cuddle if he's wearing his Spurs shirt. That fecker is in for the booing to end all booings if he ever appears at the Grove again (and I hope he doesn't)

  37. Dan h

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:53 #11281

    The one thing any football club does not want to do is take it's support for granted this club does in so many ways.The beauty or addiction of following your club is it's in your blood something that becomes part of you can't just turn it off & on like a tap.In the modern game more than ever the players,management & clubs want it all one way the true fan will always show emotion towards their team which can be positive or negative!If a couple of negative chant's are getting to them i suggest trying to ply there trade in Turkey,Greece or South America believe me Arsenal fans are by & large very patient!The club with it's price rises lack of investment & total spin on everything have done a great job already in dividing fan opinion. I suggest if ambition was shown we wouldn't need for AW to issue rallying cries to our fanbase after 1 game as the expectation would be there sadly it currently isn't!

  38. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:43 #11280

    Agree totally, a very well written article which pretty much resonates with me and I imagine many others. Cesc, nobody can blame him for wanting to go as the manager surrounded him with utter garbage for 6 years. The connection the players have with fans in non existent. Garbage tippy tappy with no end product. Ivan the spin doctor spouting crap just to protect his deity. Large swaths of fans at the sporting white elephant who are utter johnny come lately's who have no idea who Rocky is or thinking that Herbert Chapman is a range of shoe polish have been welcomed in with open arms by our board and priced out the proper support. So for them to complain about the fans not getting behind the team is rather rich me thinks. So much wrong at The Arsenal at the mo it breaks my heart

  39. Sven

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:40 #11279

    Superb article! Thank you very much. I completely agree with every written word!

  40. CD

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:32 #11278

    Great accurate article Mark, and I concur with your conclusions. Wenger clearly thinks we are all stupid sheep, and anything he says we will all automatically swallow. Unfortunatly for him, the few die hard Wenger worshippers who do indeed swallow every line he and the club sends out are dwindling by the day. If anything things have got so bad that we are all more likely to automatically think the opposite of whatever comes out of Wenger's mouth, and that can't be a good thing for any club. This is what happens when you lose touch with your own fan base, you lose the supporters trust. Arsenal are now going backwards at a rapid speed, and it requires someone above Wenger to grow a pair of balls and get rid of him for the good of the club, and for the good of Arsene Wenger himself. He has already damaged his legacy and is probably damaging his own health and should never ever have been offered that new contract, as it was already blatantly obvious to all and sundry that the road Wenger had taken us down was a dead end cul de sac. The reason why he received his huge financial contract was because of the wealth he had generated (by penny pinching) for the supposed "custodians" and it was his reward for making them rich, and not for actual success on the football pitch (which all other big club nanagers are rightly judged on) these last few seasons!! Watching Wenger today makes me squirm, with his bizare and ridiculous pronouncements, which vary from outright lies to delusional observations that you wonder why is nobody above him ending it now, because it looks more and more likely that the men in white coats will be acting to put him and us out of our misery, long before our board does.

  41. GunnerZim

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:26 #11277

    This is an excellent post Mark which sums up the current issues with Wenger quite neatly. The man clearly is extremely arrogant and has a very low opinion of the fans. We have seen our top players being shipped out season after season with no sufficient reinvestment in the team. We have been assured at the beginning of every summer that problem areas have been identified and will be resolved yet this never happens. We are told that we will only go for players of 'super super quality' who are better than we currently have and are sold the argument that such players do not exist. Are there no players better than Eboue, Squillaci, Traore, Almunia, Chamakh??? Arsenal is losing the fans because the same mistakes and lies are repeated over and over again. Fans who have invested a lot of time and money into supporting Arsenal are on a ride through hell which never ends. If Wenger wants the booing to stop he simply has to look in the mirror, admit he has failed and take the obvious simple steps that will restore past glories. If he fails to do this he must be prepared for the most vile last season of his Arsenal career. The fans have had more than enough and will certainly make this known very very loudly!

  42. Mark

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:20 #11276

    I too have supported the club for many, many years as a born and bred Islington boy and man. Views on Wenger have become radically polarized and nastily extreme in some cases. Only a fool wouldn't have realized that he was a very great manager for some years. But, equally, the same eyes cannot fail to recognize that where he has put the club now is a very worrying place. I get no pleasure from pointing out his blatant lies to the fans for the past several seasons and his seeming inability to act when confronted with the blindingly obvious have cost the team at least one championship in my opinion. He has allowed the Fabregas saga and the situation with Nasri to roll on far too long and I fear that the only winners from this will be those two players and not the club. I hope that this hasn't been a deliberate ploy on his part to provide the traditional "We were close to signing a great player" excuse as time is now against him. At the moment every Gooner I know feels very uncertain about this season. They don't really want to feel what they are feeling, despite the clear evidence that Wenger's reign will grind to a rather inglorious end.

  43. Sahoo

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:13 #11275

    Spot On. He will not change. He will keep on lying till the transfer window is closed. Then we'll hear a comment like: "We could not sign anyone of super super quality. I believe in the squad that I have. blah ... blah...". It's high time he goes. Very scared for Arsenal this season.

  44. Pants On? Check

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:11 #11274

    He's right he has done great for Arsenal. But the fans have done well too - selling out the ground every week in this our 6th season of winning nothing but more importantly the club spending next to nothing on the squad... it's looking like a transfer window of net gain. What are the fans paying for? Some of the decisions on not renewing players contracts on long term deals whilst other dross have been tied down on stupid wages forever have been the stuff of playground stupidity. And as for Hill-Wood, that guy is a piece of ****.

  45. t.boyle

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:08 #11273

    great article but its not all bad news wenger will be gone after the game at old trafford bad news is there wont be any new sighnings

  46. g clarke

    Aug 16, 2011, 9:01 #11272

    worse fans in league arsenal boo boys dont know meaning of word supporter

  47. coolcazz

    Aug 16, 2011, 8:53 #11271

    Wow get in the morning open and read (dis)article, nothing but negativity...yes thats right a doom gloom monger. One of those english born and bred who if in the stands would boo players out of the club. Well why does the booing start ..oh thats right Arsenal are not allowed to lose a game. So who gets in the neck foriegn players start the insults about mums fathers etc. Players down the tunnel thinks fk these fans im gonna leave (Nasri) Simple truth the debt tied in with the financial structure of the club wont allow us to bought top drawer players (Benzema, n who's the French geez wi the burn on his face). Now we got some dosh we desperately need to cover centre half in case Verms gets injured and midfield. The only worry is the wing we need some exp there but i do think its positve he letting Gibbs and Traore show what they can do and the other worry is playing players out of position-Walcott Arshavin. Anyway stop being a miserable wanker. The bad element of Arsenal fans are chasing players out of the club you wait Gervinho will geti so will any foriegn player who dosent score six goals every game. Never like Neville but his right no manager could do better than Wenger under such trying n white arrrrmy !!

  48. May2699

    Aug 16, 2011, 8:50 #11270

    An absolutely brilliant piece!!! We are all flawed. Some learn to overcome whatever their weekness may be, yet for some the flaw proves fatal. Even in the most successful. I am also fearful that the decline in the club due to the stubbornness of Wenger runs too deep and that something will have to give. This coming season will most likely not deliver the silverware we all crave but will not be short on drama!!!!

  49. Jerry

    Aug 16, 2011, 8:46 #11269

    I completely agree with this article. How could Wenger cotest the commitment of the fans? As a fan, what i have to show are the trophies and if that is not coming, I re-****uate my commitment. Wenger should only balme himself for these woes, it seems he is the only one right while all the others are wrong or daft. It is either he brings quality to the team or he leaves, we are tired of heartache and hypertension week in week out.

  50. David

    Aug 16, 2011, 8:35 #11267

    We said I have supported the club for 50 years and I want to remember Wenger for the good times but 6 years in the wilderness is too much. We cannot win all the time but we are not competing with this squad. Now loosing Cesc it is hard to figure out why he finds it so difficult to purchase a world class replacement. He is delusional to expect to find another Henry or Viera at bargain prices those days are gone. He wont change so we must change him, but this will not happen until the results are so bad the board have to act so it will be painful to witness.