Let’s Wait and See… Just a little while longer

Thoughts on where Arsenal are at the beginning of 2011/12

Let’s Wait and See… Just a little while longer

Arsene: In the last chance saloon?

(Ed’s note – This article was submitted last week before the confirmed transfers of Fabregas and Eboue)

I am a new Arsenal fan, with an old soul. I love history in general and Arsenal’s in particular, not just as a football club. It is grand, with exceptional memories of unmatched quality. I have followed them religiously since the 07-08 season, but, really fell in love as a fan when watching the highlights video of the Invincibles season. My passion for the Gunners was cemented watching the goal Henry scores against Liverpool that year, toying with at least three Liverpool defenders including Carragher (whom I respect a lot as a player). It was amazing. I have since immersed my free-time in Arsenal. Being a schoolteacher allows me time off in the summer to watch the transfer news. With recent technology I can access the internet almost anywhere and see what the next new story is. Yet, this summer all the hours I spent reading blogs and news websites has left me feeling down and depressed about the season to come.

We aren’t the same team anymore, and we need to get over it. We have no one like Bergkamp or Henry or Pires or Vieira. All were truly world class winners, proven in major competitions and the league. Yes Fabregas is great, I love him as a player, but in no way is he a leader. He always seems to have the drive to win, but compare him when with Flamini in 07-08 to the last few seasons. No way is he the same player, at least his heart is elsewhere. Nasri, also world class. How would we have done last season had he remained the focal point last year and Cesc had remained injured? Don’t get me wrong, both players in the team make us better, yet, Nasri lost something toward the season’s end. Now we should let both go unless they fully commit both publicly and privately. They are with Arsenal for the long term. If not, goodbye and thank you. Replace them as best we can, move on.

In my short time invested as a supporter of Arsenal, I have been patient with Wenger. He has frustrated me in many areas to the point where I have wanted him out. However, upon clear-cool-headed reflection, I see what he has done with Arsenal over the years and I think he needs and deserves just a tad bit more time. His ideas to develop a youthful team over 5 years or so into champions is idealistic, a dream maybe. He should have achieved it in 07-08 and probably again last year. We all know what was lacking: a balance with experienced players. No doubt, he has made many mistakes, key ones, which I will list later. And don’t misunderstand me. No man, including Wenger, is bigger than the club. He has given us so much, but it may be time for him to stand down.

His players again and again have let him down. Key instances: Gibbs and Almunia in the Champions League Semi-final vs. Man United. Szczesney and Koscielny in last year’s Carling Cup Final. Fabregas with his arm versus Tottenham last year. Henry, Lehmann, and Almunia in the 2006 Champions League final. You can all think of many more poor performances and mistakes, major and minor, that illustrate Arsenal were not yet winners, again. Can you imagine Wenger’s mindset - being so close, yet losing on each and every occasion where potential glory is there for the taking! He led a team to an undefeated season and now he has his best ever squad? You’re having a laugh, Arsene.

I believe he loves his job, players, and club. But, get real. It must get old, being let down these past six years, right? He must be frustrated the most as his brainchild has come up short so many times. So how does he fix it? Read any decent Arsenal blog and you will spot the problems if you don’t know already. We fans are sharp, even the ones who rant and rave simply want to win and want the best for the club. And that’s what this year should only be about, the club, the Arsenal, and rebuilding, for the fans. Let’s look at his main faults:

1) No proven world class keeper since Lehman. All other top clubs have one. Sticking with Almunia so long is really unfathomable given who we could have brought in recently to replace him (Given, Swarzer, etc). No other keeper is really proven, yet.

2) No depth at the back, especially at CB recently. Last January failing to buy Samba looks very wrong indeed. Could he have made the difference? Wenger too often relies on his players coming back or staying healthy and it doesn’t happen. Coincidence? Maybe. But, it takes a coach time to get new players acclimated to the team and its culture. Is he afraid he can’t do this with outside, experienced players coming in from other clubs? Could he not handle a Sneijder or Ronaldo?

3) A seemingly over-extreme emphasis on style over substance. Style is great, but where are the consistent results? I love our play, second only to Barca (sometimes equal) in its enjoyment to watch. Yet, you still have to battle it out for wins at times and forgo the pretty play, the tippy-tappy. More players need to be able to get stuck in and be stronger on the ball. He must make this attitude a central point this year and remind the team constantly!

4) Sticking it out too long with the so called “deadwood” players. I think Diaby, given time and an injury free season could be great. He has the talent, but how does Wenger coach this individual? How is he motivated and challenged as a player? Look at his own goal against Man United or his reaction in the Newcastle game--both terrible decisions/mistakes. These type of players must come of age and mature sometime, right?

How many times have we watched Denilson jog back on defence to cost us something? Take the Tottenham game last year. Having a DVD allows us fans to replay situations in a game and analyze. If you watch his run/jog back I think on Bale’s goal, it is staggering to think he was played at all after this result. Not the first time he was found lacking. This is perhaps Wenger’s greatest fault with the last few seasons and the type of thing that has cost him the most points and titles. He has to see these things as he reviews games, doesn’t he?

Almunia. Ok. Probably a good fellow, loyal to the club. Yet, he has made so many important errors its shocking. As a backup, I don’t mind him. But, to start last season with him as our #1 was a crucial error in judgment. Again, Wenger, we understand your faith in the players, but, they must live up to it as well, no?

Eboue. Ever have a word about his diving, Arsene? And all his other antics? I actually think he is a decent player when focused. But does Wenger have too much tolerance for these kinds of things/players?

As a coach, a key to your ability to get the best from your team is to make them fully aware of their failings or weaknesses as individuals and as a team. Ferguson seems to have that ability-to bring the best out of his teams. Does Wenger have that anymore? Did he ever? Can he take that rough diamond and remove the impurities? Does he try this too often? Maybe some ready to use diamonds is what we have needed. Experienced, quality players he doesn’t have to hone. Discipline is a habit that breeds results, in all areas of life. Without it, failure emerges. Does Arsene require of his team the necessary discipline and good habits that are required of champions?

5) Arsene needs other team coaches who question him and he will listen to. It seems obvious he has no one at the club who seems to challenge him. At least on transfers this would be a great help. Name who he wants and let Gadzidis get them. Is his age catching up with him? Does he know how to relate to these young stars who make insane money? Maybe he needs to give the team a day at a soup kitchen working for the poor to remind them how good they have it. Living like princes doesn’t provide the experiences and character of working like a soldier. Where is that fight when we go down a goal or two early in a game or to hold a lead with 5 minutes left at the end?

Ok, now the solutions. Give him a little more time. I see two scenarios:

1) No matter what happens this season, barring losing a top four place and Champions League qualification against Udinese, give him this year and next to get it right. I keep dreaming of another double, or head in the clouds, a treble or quadruple? I know, get real, right? But with the right squad and depth, we could at least see another double. At the very least one trophy is a must!

2) Give him until early/mid September. See how August goes. If we do not get some good results and he keeps making the same excuses, it may be time for change. Good results means beating Udinese and getting at least 5 to 7 of nine possible points.

We have no more patience for “judge me in May” or “this team deserves more credit”. More credit for what? 4th place? When you should have at least had second wrapped up? No more patience for “he’s like a new signing” or “we just couldn’t find the right player” when the whole world knows what type of players we need to be champions again. We all fear change, at least a little bit. Yet, I have a feeling, Arsenal are still destined for greater things, despite who is the man in charge.

UPDATE: You want to trust him, like your dog who has bit you too many times to remember when you go to pet him. Look at these ludicrous recent comments:

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  1. Mike

    Aug 19, 2011, 17:54 #11459

    Just out of interest - does anyone know which team had the youngest average age fielded in the EPL last Saturday...... Manchester United.......

  2. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 19, 2011, 14:54 #11457

    I love the photo...looks like Wenger's trying to slip out a fart without attracting attention, and failed miserably. Mind you, that fart was probably stronger than the bench will be for the Liverpool match...

  3. Ron

    Aug 19, 2011, 11:59 #11454

    Mark - Youre right of course but only to a point. A business needs investment in its product however. No investment means sterilty and an ultimate lack of demand for what it produces allowing competitors to overtake the business. Invetsment is an on going exercize. Sticking with one declining product and just banking the take from it while its there is a recipe for disaster. If you want an example - The British Car Industry provides the best one.At the present Arsenal are Austin Rover and Kronke and Co are in the throes of taking the 'pot' while the product lurches to obsoletion, pretty much like their management did.Take a look. Who have done extraordinarily well out of the ground move in recent years? Yes, youve got it. The Boardroom and its major shareholders.Its unadulterated greed at the expense of the product and the customers and nothing less and its this that kills many an indusrty in the UK.

  4. Munitionsman

    Aug 19, 2011, 8:59 #11446

    No More patience. Its over. Wenger out

  5. ed enough

    Aug 19, 2011, 6:04 #11444

    Stick to school teaching and not football preaching.....mug

  6. Exiled-Gooner

    Aug 19, 2011, 0:16 #11443

    You mentioned the ''The Invincibles'' and quality of there play(personally i think the 2002 winners played better football,but that's me)and the feat of their achievement but us Gooners and the whole footballing fraternity expected us to continue that success,not on the same level,and win a few more titles in the proceeding years of that astonishing season.Instead,bar the FA cup winner and C/L runners up,we witness that squad sold off in a short space of time and to replace them Wenger brought players which were of a FAR lower standard with a few exceptions but not enough to win titles.Since we have seen a healthy increase in profits and share prices but a rapid decline in competitiveness on the football pitch and this is due to the quality of players wenger has brought in add to that a lack of tactic's and motivation and the installed attitude of a C/L place is success not to mention the increase of a already high ticket price.We have waited 8 yrs for a title and 7 yrs for a cup but as a old gooner i have been through bare times before BUT this time we should have built on that 2004 success and we should have 2/3 more titles on our honours list and won the C/L but instead Wenger has been given full control for his project to build a winning team based on ''yoof'' and on the cheap and it's constantly failed,we witness for the past 4/5 seasons the usual fading away in April/March ,in which twice we threw away the title,were we looked like a mid table team on the last day of the season,we are now not even mentioned as challengers for the P/L and we cannot attract the top quality players which we need.I don't expect Wenger will spend any of the transfer monies from the Cesc or soon to be Nasri transfers which are rumoured to be a combined £60mil plus a saving of approx £150,000 pw wages but will sprout the usual excuses of how there wasn't anyone available,this squad is good enough to win etc and all the other bull****!!and again another transfer window gone begging which he has refused to address our blatant weaknesses but paid for MORE yoof and another average player!!.No,i think we waited long enough considering the circumstances and all Wenger is doing by continuing his fantasy is slowly destroying the respect and reputation he gained in the first 7years with us.Time for change..NOW.

  7. Rich Rich

    Aug 18, 2011, 23:08 #11441

    Last night was a shambles although we scraped a victory, in truth they probably deserved a draw. His team selection as usual left us with a loan striker with no pace who does not get into the box in fact Chamakh looked like he was going through the motions. I know Wenger was not on the bench but when we needed more drive up front he brought on Frimpong what was the sense in that ?? As soon as Djourou came on he looked fragile would Jenkinson not have been a better choice playing in his preferred position as right back with Sagna moving to the left he has done that before to accommodate Eboue. It cost us two substitutions. There were so many empty seats and apparently 9000 people did not renew it says a lot about the optimism. I know I am a whinger but I have supported this club for 50 years, and I have rarely been more frustrated because success should be a given taking into account the cost of supporting this club. I really do not feel Wenger has nothing more to offer the board are draconian and dated. Even if they are holding him back financially, his team selection and substitutions often leave much to be desired.

  8. Mark

    Aug 18, 2011, 20:14 #11436

    you have all got to start looking at things from the other end of the telescope. Pretend you are a shareholder. you want your company to make money every year. Arsenal is run by shareholders and company men and not by football fans. the money will not be spent this year. it will be saved. the balance sheet will strengthen. they may pay down some of the debt on the stadium. they will ONLY ever buy players who they KNOW wenger can sell on at a profit. thats why scott parker aint coming, not because if aint good enough for 2 more seaons but because after that he will be worth nothing and thats not good business. more ''promising'' players will arrive and more teenagers because these are the types that wenger can train up enough to be able to sell on at a profit. Van Der Vaat at 28yrs old was bad business for Arsenal. good for spurs as they need success more than we do now as they need to widen their support, increase their marketing/merchandise income, to be able to get to a new stadium so that they can also do what Arsenal are doing today. the game has changed. it is now big business. Glazier, Kronke, Learner, john moore all want the same thing. profits. sustainable business. Liverpool are in same position as spurs. short term they need success in order to widen support to people who spend more / increase their marketing and do something about a stadium and become like Arsenal. its sad for the die hards but trust me its reality

  9. Mike

    Aug 18, 2011, 19:47 #11435

    I think that Arsene is too much of the Professor and not enough of the schoolmaster.

  10. cam

    Aug 18, 2011, 19:41 #11434

    Question for the author - how did you become an Arsenal fan? I've never known someone someone suddenly become a football fan after the age of about 14 but it sounds like you were a bit older (you mention you're married)! Just curious - not critical. What was the catalyst? Was it a moment of epiphany?

  11. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 18, 2011, 18:17 #11430

    Terence - your riposte although a bit harsh does strike a chord. I remember after going every game home and away in 89 season and being told to move by some glory hunters outside the town hall. A few similar devotees jumped to my defence with a similar view to yours to DW Thomas. The problem is the club wants those who think OGL invented Arsenal and the name by modifying his own. They want us to believe without lord god Wenger the club would never have existed. Despite being a self confessed JCL this blogger still questions the sanity of OGL. Project youth has now become project associate schoolboy, for those of us who can remember that term! I can't help reflecting back to a comment from a few weeks ago about paying to go into a lap dancing club and Pat Butcher taking to the stage! It is all very well selling players be they quality such as Cesc and Nasri or average such as Eboue, Denilson and Vela but you have to replace them if only for numbers sake. I note nobody will pay a fee for Vela or Denilson 2 of the players OGL used as an excuse not to buy players when implored to do so 3 summers ago. Does anyone actually believe the required quality will be added in the next 2 weeks. Money is wasted on us as we refuse to strengthen no matter what resources are available. Even Everton who say they are so skint the banks won't allow them to spend say they won't sell their to players.

  12. RED FRED

    Aug 18, 2011, 17:37 #11425

    How on earth can you mention Diaby and great in the same sentence?, the prat is injured once again, 2 games into the season and Djourou,Gibbs,Traore,Wilshere injured and Gervinho and Song have 3 match bans. Fab gone and spoilt snidey Nasri going,the club are in **** street and are becoming a joke, get some decent signings in and a medical team, is fast becoming a joke..........

  13. PerryG

    Aug 18, 2011, 17:29 #11424

    Nothing Original in this post, its like a school project when you've been asked to summarise all thats been said about the club in the last few years. Also, in the same paragraph, you say Wenger deserves more time but then its 'may be time for him to stand down'??

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 18, 2011, 14:40 #11418

    the same comments were made last season and the season before that but your a new arsenal fan so wouldn't know that try telling us something we dont already know.

  15. Nick

    Aug 18, 2011, 14:15 #11414

    Someone should remind le boss of the old saying tomorrow never comes reading through your article it seems that you have little faith that arsene will ever find his magic hat again and if as you suggest he needs help in the areas of coaching you spoke of ie defense ,motivation then perhaps he isnt the man for the job anymore, the fear once was that if he went so would our best players, but the latter have gone or are getting ready to leave anyway, maybe he should go now before his legacy is tarnished even further his comments of late have ben ridiculous and contradicting we are embarking on this season with perhaps the weakest ,youngest squad ever we were promised a busy transfer window and so it has proved with most going out of the door rather than in i will continue to support the team whomever is on the pitch and shout encouragement untill im hoarse but with the least conviction ive had since the mid seventies and eighties i fear he will buy no one else of consquence and we will struggle like never before under his stewardship please arsene go now before our memories of you are spoilt forever.

  16. Limerickjack

    Aug 18, 2011, 14:12 #11413

    Our Mr Historian, look up Chapman, Lee not Herbert & Ceasar, Gus not Julius. Arsene knows.

  17. Gee

    Aug 18, 2011, 13:05 #11409

    Good post. the thing that gets me the most is the constant mantra both he and Gazidis use comparing our average of squad to those more successful. After the Barca tie he said our av age was 23 and theirs was 27. Ok I accept this but I do not see a point where we will have a squad of average 27. This close season he has bought in 3 teenagers of the 4 signings he's made. Cesc, Nasri and Clichy are all 24 or older. Eboue is 28. My point is they continue to sell us the future but in fact we never progress. How an earth he thinks he can alomst "start again" this project youth with the likes of Chamberlain, Jenkinson, Campbell, Frimpong and Miyaichi is beyond me. Nothing against these players I'm sure they are talented however I find Wenger to be irresponsible with the way he bloods youngsters nowadays. He literally chucks them into the pressure cooker all at the same time. If anything it has the reverse effect. We need to remember this when one of the above make an error in a game, to not get on their back. It is Wengers fault that they have to develop on their own with no experienced players around them. If he doesn't spend a significant portion of the funds available to him on some experienced quality, then his days are numbered in my opinion. Gazidis and Stan want ££ but if the product on the pitch is total tripe they will lose the biggest they have of all the revenue streams in Gate receipts. Just look at Tuesday nights attendance as a guide....

  18. Terence McGovern

    Aug 18, 2011, 11:18 #11403

    Plastic nouveau-Emirates fan with plastic nouveau-Emirates attitute who gets his best experience from watching DVD highlights and has the gall to spew whinging on a blog preaching to supporters who have stood in the rain for decades before the premiership was even a word. This is a dreadful blog.