
Wenger in the dock?


Arsenal fans divided

J'accuse Arsene Wenger of dividing Arsenal fans against each other by ho mismanagement of Arsenal FC.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of turning Arsenal FC into a complete and utter laughing stock in the eyes of the football world.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of arrogant experimentation simply to prove that he is wiser and cleverer than everybody else.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of failing to act to ensure the quality of our squad is maintained by his dithering prevarication and his reluctance to bring in experience.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of putting the sensibilities of his younger players before the needs of the more experienced players, the needs of the team, or the desires of Arsenal supporters.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of failing to bring in the 2 or 3 players in January 2011 that could have pushed us across the line last season.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of failing to bring in additional required players during the close season to make up for the expected loss of Clichy, Fabregas, Eboue, Nasri, and probably more to follow…

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of believing that the club’s finances are in fact his finances.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger off not living in the “real” football world with his constant moralising about financial-doping, and his belief that UEFA rules would make a difference.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of surrounding himself with ineptness amongst his coaching and medical staff, all much too ready to simply nod in agreement with him at ensure continued employment.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of continued failure to resolve our legendary defensive frailties in the past four years.

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of failing to cure the costly ill-discipline problems that has infected very squad he ever had.

And finally…

J’accuse Arsene Wenger of winning only 2 of the last 16 Premier League matches, which any way you look at it is pure relegation form, usually followed by managerial resignation or dismissal.

(Ed’s note – Farcically busy day here at Gooner Towers. I need at least an hour (which I don’t frankly have today) to get my thoughts down on yesterday’s match and what it says about where Arsenal are at the moment. Will post an online editorial on Monday for those fools mad enough to actually seek the thing out the day after a game. Other Arsenal websites are available!)

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  1. ppp

    Aug 22, 2011, 17:38 #11627

    Oh do shut up you moaning minnie!! Get behind the team there are plenty of great players in there plus everything still to play for.

  2. Brian Dawes

    Aug 22, 2011, 12:37 #11589

    Congratulations on adding more drivel to the ever growing pile. J'accuse you of being a waste of space.

  3. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Aug 22, 2011, 11:43 #11586

    This reminds me of an episode of South Park where the main plot revolves around the cartoon 'Family Guy' threatening to show an episode with an image of the Prophet Muhammad. This, of course, is considered sacrilege by people of that faith. The citizens of the USA are therefore conflicted because on the one had they believe in freedom of speech and are against censorship - yet on the other they are afraid that Muslims will take offence and start bombing them. The course of action they decide to take is to literally bury their heads in the sand so they can't be held responsible for the decision. Now I can see the obvious analogy with what's happening at Arsenal. I'll leave you guys to make your own mind up as to which side is which.

  4. mark from aylesbury

    Aug 22, 2011, 11:27 #11585

    There is a lot of chatter today about board room stand-offs. Plus all the support he is getting from unusual quarters i.e neville, dalglishplus Dein speaking up. Suggests that rumours may becoming fact. Best say time is up, stop eroding the legacy and get a young ambitious manager in who is keen to buy players. I'd give Coyle the rest of the season to show what he can do.

  5. Mike

    Aug 22, 2011, 11:11 #11584

    As usual critisism without the answers - how easy it is to be the protester rather than the politician. Names like Zola, Ancelotti, and Huddink are being suggested as succesors - give me a break - at least Wenger can speak English. Big signings...give me a break... Look at the big signings made by Liverpool. How much did they pay for Carrol? He would be considered a waste of money by now had Wenger bought him to Arsenal. The same could be said Of Torres. Compare them to the Fabregas deal and see who got value for money.Go through all the big signings this summer and ask if they are really worth what was paid for them. You will tick them off one by one saying no. Injuries are playing a major part at the moment. I felt that Arsenal held their own agianst a very expensive Liverpool side until the sending off. Things then changed for the worse, but one would expect that. The first goal was unlucky by the manner in which it was conceded as well as being offsides (debatable). The second came well into stoppage time. As an example of my thoughts - please replace Arshavin a 30 year old respected seasoned international with one of the new untested youngsters - they can only do better.

  6. Jon

    Aug 22, 2011, 9:51 #11583

    So the great Arsenal Football Club is now a "friend that can't afford a pint"? Twat.

  7. Joe S.

    Aug 22, 2011, 8:04 #11579

    Not going for the title at the tranfer window last January and the two out of sixteen wins are probablw two of the most damning indictments against Arsene Wegner which would raise eyebrows even at Man. U. if their team were in a similar predicament. In Wegner's defense though I think the board needs to really explain what their long term goals are. I don't have any proof but I think the silent Yank is a suspicious customer. Let's face it none of the other sports fanchises he owns are famous for their spectacular successes. Most chairmen aquire control of their football to fullfil some boyhood dream as in Silvio Belusconi, or the directors of Real madrid and Barcelona. Our man however appears to have a very detached coldly business like model of where he wants the club to be, which at present appears to be limbo.

  8. rob

    Aug 22, 2011, 8:04 #11578

    spot on article, based on facts that no sane minded person can deny. how can the AKB fans still argue give him time (another 6 years??), that he has a master plan ( now every position weaker than the unbeaten season) and we have been unlucky with injuries ( every team can claim to be unlucky with injuries). if Arsene maybe spoke honestly to all us fans (and not come out with "strongest side ever" bull****) we will have abit more faith in him. continually coming out with drivel in press conferences means i have lost the faith, to put it mildly. to all those fans who would follow arsene over the top and get shot down in a hail of long balls and set pieces that we still cant cope with, 1 question- how much longer do you want to give him before we can win the league again????

  9. Gervinho's Forehead

    Aug 22, 2011, 5:56 #11577

    Dude... seriously.... stop swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool. If you tried using your grey matter, you would see the direct connection between the dividends paid out to the greedy board and the lack of money being spent on players. The board has been happy to suckle on the tit and let wenger take all the crap. Silent Stan is worse and looking to latch onto both titties... I fear this is fast mirroring the Gillete/Hicks vs Rafa situation in the scouse house. The board has to make a statement of intent... make funds (transfer fees + player wages) available so that Wenger can compete in the market and allow Arsenal to stay in the top tier... or i'm afraid we are gonna have to get used to the europa cup. I know i'm not alone and there are many that feel this way... It's time to organise lads... let the board know there will be consequences... before it's too late.

  10. Exiled-Gooner

    Aug 22, 2011, 1:29 #11576

    He is guilty of all charges M'lud,but you must add the following charges...J'accuse of instilling a attitude that getting a C/L spot is more successful than winning a title, J'accuse of failing to motivate the team for the last 5 end of seasons to in fact prevent us from snatching the title TWICE,J'accuse of rewarding average players who at best really squad players with long lucrative contracts for FAILURE,J'accuse for regarding the FA and League cup as irritable distractions and not a chance of success,J'accuse of failing and disregarding the need to bring in the 3 quality and experienced players needed after the 2007/08 season so bolster and help then squad to which we might have had success since and not be in the predicament we find ourselves in.I appreciate some posters loyalty to wenger but memories and what has been doesn't win titles...quality and investment does and just because i object of wenger's way of running our club it doesn't mean i not a Arsenal fan.

  11. Simon

    Aug 21, 2011, 23:45 #11575

    What if instead of 'Wenger out' or 'spend some f***ing money'the crowd chanted loudly USMANOV- USMANOV. That would start the board thinking.

  12. Kevin Kong

    Aug 21, 2011, 21:27 #11573

    I think once frimpong and wishere get into a groove and if ramsey gets out of this bad form thingsll start to improve-things can change very quickly-look at liverpool last season-as soon as they got into gear they quickly went up the league. i honestly think things will be a lot better come Jan /feb. But considering the lack of results up front-surely walcott up front with Van Persie in the bergkamp roll is a no brainer--when is he going to give this a try- walcott is dying on the wing

  13. Danny

    Aug 21, 2011, 20:36 #11572

    there will a parting of ways comming soon. wenger has to go. he is stubborn and the board not willing to spend big. it could have be good , but i see us been screwed by men who have no vision and balls.

  14. win AFC

    Aug 21, 2011, 20:27 #11571

    Everyone on this website loves ARSENAL FC,But Arsene must understand,We are a big club and we must compete we must sign established players, I Dont want to see AFC as just another football club, MR WENGER Get the right players now otherwise your reputation as a fantastic manager will go out the door with you,At this moment of time we need a new manager. Please understand ARSENAL FOREVER.

  15. Shropshire Lad

    Aug 21, 2011, 20:25 #11570

    J'accuse Goonergoal of being a complete c....t. What are you, ten years old? Examine the Board and their motivation, tosser, before you accuse the best thing that has ever happened to the Club of things you clearly do not understand. Frimpong was outstanding yesterday and just needs to curb his over enthusiasm in order to be our midfield power house. Tommy Vermaelen also magnificent. It's not all doom and gloom. Walcott remains a total frustration but I have to say the defence looked it's best for two seasons despite all the changes, the youngsters and the playing out of position. Would you be happy GoonerGoal if we had made the Liverpool signings and given their performance yesterday? Idiot.

  16. Scooby1

    Aug 21, 2011, 19:44 #11568

    The bottom line is we have to get behind the players and wenger whole heartedly for the next two decisive games. At the end of the day even if a new manager came in i cant see him getting bundles to spend on putting his own stamp on the squad. The gripe i have with wenger is that he did not identify his targets early doors and get them bedded in ready for the start of the new season.

  17. Colonel Mustard

    Aug 21, 2011, 19:41 #11567

    J'accuse you of being a moaning mary...

  18. Danny

    Aug 21, 2011, 19:28 #11566

    wenger simply has to go, plus the stupid board. the wrong owner took over , should have been te russian someone in the public eye with respect like bergkamp has to say in public, spend the money chest. he is supposed to be a coach not a finiance minister of the bank of england.

  19. Aj

    Aug 21, 2011, 19:22 #11565

    What about the total lack of understanding in either box.They can make all the excuses for Wenger they like but there is no excuse for not putting the correct work in on the training ground.It's not a game of five a side.When did we last have any expectation from a corner or free kick?

  20. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 21, 2011, 18:43 #11564

    In 7 days time we are likely to be staring down the barrel of a Champions League exit and slaughter by Manchester United. The statistic of 2 wins in 16 is significant. It shows we are a losing team and it is proof that Mr Wenger's inherent weaknesses have finally caught up with him. He will not reform. He will not seek help. Has anyone contemplated what a prolonged Europa Cup campaign is going to do to a depleted squad and the Manager's sanity? He has to go and he will be sacked, because he no longer has the sense or even the sense of self preservation to go peacefully and with dignity. Those who want him to stay are not his friends.

  21. Gooner_Bob

    Aug 21, 2011, 18:27 #11563

    Indeed hard times we are facing, we're not having any luck whatsoever, injuries, ref decisions and the failure of the sun to come out! Whatever is going on behind the scenes at The Emirates, and something must be, we must all stand by the team and that includes the manager! Yes we need strengthening with experienced quality players, yes we need to sort out how we get so many injuries and so often but we must try to keep the faith. It's very easy to jump on the relentless bandwagon that seems to pop up in the media whenever we hit a bad spot but that doesn't help the team on the pitch, especially the younger players.

  22. Sean, Cork, Ireland

    Aug 21, 2011, 17:42 #11561

    Ok smartypants, WHO do you think will do a better job. Your rant does'nt appear to include any solutions or constructive criticism? Idiot.

  23. Unbeaten 03/04

    Aug 21, 2011, 17:06 #11560

    Like your article BUT is it Wenger's fault for us not to bring in quality players that only the fans seems to be able to see??? Why aren't the board saying anything? Why isn't Gazidis saying anything??? I am the only one who believe in 'I believe it when I see it' when it come to bring in quality players??????? Because when it come to quality and if the new recent players are unproven quality is that what is Quality players???? I am a detached fan is is detaching more and more day after day!!!!

  24. Two cheeks of the same Arse

    Aug 21, 2011, 16:53 #11559

    J’accuse the author of writing a repetitatively tedious article that gives little in the way of insight or writing ability - stick to the forum.

  25. Simon

    Aug 21, 2011, 15:05 #11557

    2 out of 16 says it all really. Our team is a listless boat floating in an ocean of Wenger's vanity.

  26. Dom from Sydney

    Aug 21, 2011, 14:51 #11556

    Arsene I love you for what you did... But it's over buddy... His plan failed, we can all see what he tried doing, and he came ever so close.. But Now it's over and it all began when the emirates began it's fortification.. The game against Liverpool was poor.. Rubbish.. We fielded a bunch of kids, kids that if well nurtured with experience would have thrived in arsenal Colours... But once plans to build a new stadium began we just we just never financially backed ourselves and lost key players and never replaced them...

  27. Christian

    Aug 21, 2011, 14:07 #11554

    '' Those fools mad enough'' pretty strong words don't you think?

  28. Any Old Iron

    Aug 21, 2011, 14:03 #11553

    Mate, guilty, guilty, guilty as charged...! Can I add: clawing defeats from the jaws of victories generally - making crass erroneous decisions in at least three Champions league groups in the seasons just past, where Arsenal topped the groups comfortably only to just qualify and therefore face tougher opponents. Buying nearly always from Ligue one sides making it appear like he's some benevolent ex-pat uncle type, oh and for the constant spin. Wenger out all year long.....!

  29. simon f

    Aug 21, 2011, 13:50 #11552

    Just saddened and dismayed with whats happened to our club. I know we have injuries and have had bad luck but looking at the players on the field and bench yesterday we are clearly and simply not good enough!!!! With considerable funds available We have ten days to buy a serious number of top players. Unfortunately i can't see that happening.

  30. Ayodeji Isujeh

    Aug 21, 2011, 13:46 #11551

    Somebody wake Wenger up from his sleep. He can use his babies gunners to get silverware in this era and if he cannot change his policy let the board show him the exit door. The board should take action now before this situation gets worsen.

  31. wenger out

    Aug 21, 2011, 13:37 #11550

    When was that sign put up (shown in pic)? Wonderful. Well dont to those responsible. Get Wenger out!

  32. Redwith Whitesleeves

    Aug 21, 2011, 13:19 #11549

    Guilty as charged. Send him down.

  33. Grassy Knoll

    Aug 21, 2011, 13:17 #11548

    Guus Hiddink or Carlo Ancelloti?

  34. rocky89

    Aug 21, 2011, 13:12 #11547

    Wenger has done alot wrong over the past couple of seasons, but he is the scapegoat for the clubs spending policies. He is taking all the flack. I am even starting to feel sorry for him as he becomes more isolated from the fans the club and even his players.

  35. wolfgang

    Aug 21, 2011, 12:42 #11546

    Are you suggesting we should go for "Zola"(joke).

  36. HowardL

    Aug 21, 2011, 12:13 #11545

    Whilst the overall situation is complex, parts of it, like the need to rebuild the squad and ring in some experience are not. And 2 wins in 16 League games (relegated Blackpool and a disinterested Man Utd) is undeniably relegation form. I do feel sorry for Arsene - yesterday he looked quite ill and the money-driven football world is against him - yet another two offside goals yesterday - but should we lose on Wednesday (as looks sadly only too likely) I feel his position will have become untenable. Oh, Come on Arsenal!

  37. richard morgan

    Aug 21, 2011, 12:12 #11544

    you fool, anyone with a miniscual amount of brain and who actually watched the game yesterday will know that until frimpongs moment of madness we had dealt comfortably with liverpool the only problems coming in a twenty minute period when miguel replaced the injured koscelny once he settled in though we regained composure. When frimpong went off and we substitued lansbury for arshavin we were short of real experience in the middle of the park. If we consider that until frimpong went off liverpool did not look like scoring even though they had a few good chances.things are not that bad

  38. Spectrum

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:57 #11542

    The verdict m'lud ? Guilty as charged, on all counts. I hereby pronounce sentence on Mr. Wenger. You are to be relieved of all duties immediately, and taken from this place to a rehabilitation centre, where you may be treated for your mental affliction, and allowed time to reflect on the damage you have done to your, and Arsenal's, image.May the lord have mercy on your soul. " In Arsene we rust."

  39. GunnerPete

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:56 #11541

    Having now been a real Gunner for 62 of my 69 years, I can happily take your rant apart. But, like most arogant extrememists you do not deserve my time. I have seen stuff from the past as a Gunner that would make 'fans' like you become Spud supporters. I KNOW, how low a club can get, ask Fergie when he took over Manure and Kenny when he took over the Pool. Right now, the greatest manager in our history, and I go back to Whittaker, is being crucified by so called supporters of AFC.. That is something you are not my son! After esterday,If there is one thing I would demand 'if' I was part of the Arsenal hiarachy it would be ‘ An investigation into the refs decisions against the club’. I would also demand that top refs (in title only) should be made to watch the Newcastle Sunderland match ( it was foul in every way, and so many over the top tackles I could not count them) and then the our kids against Liverpool. They should be made to explain how young Frimpong gets a yellow for basically demanding the ball for a throw in and Henderson who raised his hands for a push got nothing. Because of that appalling decision and Kossy’s injury we lost a game that our 8 hero’s deserved to win. My eight hero’s were everyone except .Theo, Arsharvin, and Ramsey. Theo begs to be a centre forward..well he aint no winger or fighter is he.When your mates are fighting for breath at the back being short handed, you dont stay out wide to get run past by the opposition…he did that all day…he was crap. Arsharvin again for the 1oth or 12th time that Ive seen him in 12 months was a disgrace to the shirt and someone has to demand an answer from Arsene as to why he was on the pitch after 30 minutes…( this is my only crticism of Arsene) he was worse than Theo. I would aslo say that AFC should fine both for taking money,big money, under false pretences. As for Ramsey, he was just lost . He wandered about the middle being constantly caught out of position…in fact his lack of awareness re - position, cost us both goals…..MIND YOU A COUPLE OF BENT DECISIONS BY BOTH OFFICIALS HELPED TOO!. Right now I have no worries about our club after yesterday. A team of inexperienced kids kept the very expensive and overpaid Liverpool at bay until the officials robbed us. The ref had tried his best to cripple our spirit all game but the kids would not surrender. Its up to Arsene to go out on a limb and do a Fergie ie - say that this ref should never ref any of our games again. Just think, when we have ALL out players back and another two signings, which will come this week, what a team we will have….sadly we could be out of the Champions League by then…..wont that please the Spuds, the Chavs and the bent officials we keep getting? As for you sunshine..you can stick your hatred of Arsene Wenger where the sun dont shine.

  40. OOKed

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:55 #11540

    The fan who put up the (£ + Quality) banner did one thing wrong .. Arsene will now use the excuse that the £ is for making a profit rather than bringing proper reinforcements on time ! ..

  41. Tooks

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:37 #11538

    The gradual decline as we replace experience with youth meant that yesterday's result and in fact the present health of the club are of totally no surprise whatsoever. It was so utterly plain even five years ago that today's Arsenal is the result of the actions and inactions of manager, board and as importantly the fanbase. The fans are as responsible for the Arsenal becoming a joke because they have been compacent, gullible and weak. At long last at least the fans seem to be waking up.

  42. Antony Armstrong

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:35 #11537

    J’accuse Online Gooner for making absurd assumptions based on thin air.

  43. Sy4

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:33 #11536

    j'accuse you of being a Spurs fan and not understanding what is going on. Support the club and stop driving a wedge between AW the players and the fans. Wait and see what happens. AW is a winner and has delivered world class players, without him would Henry, Vierra, Pires, Freddie, TV5, Sagna, Ade, Overmars, Cesc, Jack, RVP etc have graced our team and played such great football? Spend your time getting behind the team or supporting another club. I hear Man City are looking for new money fans

  44. Sarge

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:27 #11535

    The team has the biggest hangover that I have ever seen. That last point - only 2 wins in the last 16 PL games is a telling stat and should not be glossed over or ignored just because it is the start of the new season and the slate should be wiped clean. Us fans are often accused of not seeing the bigger picture, but all of the points above show that it is management who have lost sight of the bigger picture. We need a more circumspect view from the board because Wenger is suffering from a blindness that if not checked has the potential to cause long term damage.

  45. Richard

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:27 #11534

    Stop moaning and get behind the team, what kind of Arsenal fan are you?? Would you hate your friend if he could not afford a pint?

  46. I support Arsenal not Arsene

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:25 #11533

    Come back George Graham! We true Arsenal supporters should not have to put up with this trash.