Get these two and we’re done

Time to pay over the odds

Get these two and we’re done

Eden Hazard – Would be useful

(Ed’s note. I am going through the backlog of contributions that have been submitted and posting those with something at least slightly different to say. I have a number of pieces that are simply repeating well established ideas that I would run if they had gone into slightly greater depth, but to avoid pieces on the website becoming more samey than they are already likely to be given current events, we are going to try and lean slightly more on quality that quantity as far as possible. I will get in touch with anyone who has submitted pieces we won’t utilise to explain more fully. The following piece was submitted on the day of the defeat to Liverpool.)

You have the money Arsene. We want to trust you, but, you don’t have magical powers. Buy these two players to boost our confidence, our hope, that things will improve now and not another six years later. We want you to do well Arsene, we all want to win, trophies, not just 4th place. Yes, Champions League qualification is great and all, but, it certainly is no trophy, not real glory. I would rather qualify once every five or six years and win, than 14 years straight and exit at the semis or earlier.

So, keeping it simple, here’s the solution. Buy Hazard and one of Jagielka, Samba, or Cahill. Don’t tell us 19 year olds will come of age in one season and win us trophies. Don’t tell us to back the team no matter what. Don’t tell us to trust you. The last six years have eroded all that. We want a serious attempt at results and now, this season.

Hazard can replace Fabregas, to build for the future, yes, but, he is also ready, now. He looks to be top class. When was the last time Lille won Ligue One? (1954?) From what I have read, he seems to be a combination of Nasri and Cesc. Can pass and dribble. I loved Fabregas, yet, you have to say he never won the league, did he? One of the other defenders to bolster the defence, to not have to rely on Squillaci as a first choice sub, and bring in some steel. These would not be signings like City’s, or United’s, or Liverpool’s: excessive and overpriced players. And Hazard would be potentially in my opinion, the signing of the season.

Now, if you really want us to love you again and trust you again, buy one more. You pick this one, but, he must be “super quality”, over 21, experienced, and respected by many in the know as true quality. Without these improvements to our squad, we will struggle, no doubt. I have never believed the pundits about us falling out of the top four, until this season. They are making me and many others doubt. So, convince us Arsene. Do what we all know needs to be done. Pay over the odds, for once. I think you have to this time. There is too much at stake. Your reputation, and more importantly, the club’s. We will wait and we will see.

P.S. One thing I can’t help but mention. As regards to Nasri, I was one of his biggest fans. Yet, his greed, there can be no other explanation if he goes to City (Hello Adebayor part deux!), deserves no respect or sympathy. (As stated, this piece received on the day of the Liverpool game) – Ed) Read Arsene’s comments about his selection for the Liverpool game on the club website. If he does leave this transfer window, Arsene must be called out on his comments. There have been too many to stomach. If Nasri goes, Arsene is beyond ridiculous. He might be already anyway with his comments even just this summer. Is it something to do with the nuances of the English language? Why play Nasri, when someone like Lansbury, a loyal player, gets next to nothing? The only way Nasri gains back the fans’ respect is to sign his Arsenal contract and help us win the league this year with a Player of the Year type season, for a full season this time! If not, p*ss off to City!

HAZA! HAZA! HAZA! Come on Arsene, splash the cash! Come on you Reds!

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  1. Clueless

    Aug 31, 2011, 14:25 #12238

    you are all nuts - wenger has gone for 2nd tier players who will not have a big impact in the EPL.

  2. Objective

    Aug 31, 2011, 14:07 #12237

    Lille will not sell Hazard after we shafted them on Park, and they sold us Gervinho. They need their best players domestically and in champions league

  3. m kop

    Aug 31, 2011, 12:38 #12236

    If Wenger really lost any chance to get Hazard by getting Park than he is an idiot. Park is slightly above average player in France, he will be very average in England, if he can last. Hazard is very good player with great future ahead. I dont see the way how anyone could stop him from becoming great but I think Wenger knew he didn't have a chance to get him that's why he opted to get Park. It's not even greed anymore why people are leaving you for City. With Adebayor that was maybe the case, but with Clichy and Nasri it's chance to compete. In Arsenal they would start for sure but in City they must perform in order to start games, and ultimately players need competition within their own team to play better.

  4. Joe45

    Aug 31, 2011, 6:18 #12231

    Love Bob3's comments The team on Sunday was inexperienced and lets face it ManU scored some amazing goals. Nasri, Clicy and Fab have gone but the bulk of the team is still around, and TV is back after a year out. Santos and Mertersaker are good signings and with our injured back and our suspended players we may yet surprise some teams this year. I have to admit that maybe life will imitate fiction this year and Arsenal written off for anything but mediocrity by most of the media win something this season. May sound far fetched from where all sit today but sometimes players need a cause to give their best.

  5. Matty S

    Aug 30, 2011, 23:45 #12229

    Ummm Hazard is a 20 something winger, and we have enough wing talent. We need a Centre Mid. We have a world class striker in RVP, but he isnt getting service from our midfield.

  6. Bob3

    Aug 30, 2011, 23:18 #12227

    Lets be realistic, Eden Hazard is not coming, not after pissing off Lille over Park. Make no mistake, Park is a shrewd purchase by Wenger and I believe he will suprise many and be a fans favourite. His goal to game ratio last season was 12 in 33, better than 1 every 3 games - and considering he was in a relegated team with a poor midfield that is not bad. Mertersacker is another good buy and I'd have him over Cahill, he's strong, disciplined, good with set pieces and most importantly, like all good Germans a great organiser - hence why he was Werder Bremen captain...note they need to sell him because they are in serious debt, does this sound familiar? Bolton and others along with the entire banking system are in the same situation so all those banging on about throwing big bucks for big name players need a reality check. Arsenal can't compete on the wages or transfer fee front with Man City and Chelsea and to a lesser extent United. I don't know why some Arsenal fans haven't come to accept this yet, t's reality not Championship Manager. The media circus rounds on one team every year, and this year it's Arsenal, people get whipped into a frenzy and their opinions mirror those of the press. Last year it was Liverpool, I remember a few seasons back Fergie was under the cosh and Wenger had to defend him. It's crazy. It's ironic how people spout off about who we should or shouldn't sign only once the media have mentioned would be talking about Hazard had it not been for the papers and their speculation. A much better acquisition in midfield would be Kiesuke Honda I wouldn't be suprised if Wenger pulled him out the hat tomorrow! The press have been completely eluded by Wenger this transfer window. Lets stop bitching and get behind the boys. Remember it was only last February when we were in all 4 competitions and had just beaten Barcelona and now people are calling for Wenger's head! We've consistently competed for the title having been written off year after year, only to fade at the end of the season, yes it's frustrating, but look at Spuds!

  7. DW Thomas

    Aug 30, 2011, 22:57 #12226

    Yes, I think Champions League places are important and I understand the finances behind it all. However, I think many Arsenal fans would trade the last 5 or 6 years of Champion's League games for a win in 2006 or since, if you had to choose. How many times have Arsenal won it? And isn't the ultimate goal of any sport to win? I think Hazard is that good, and, yes I too watch a ton of games including many in Ligue 1. He was young player of the year the two years before last in France, and this past season's player of the year. Lille hadn't won the league since 1954 I believe. What do you call a winner? Sure, Fab is the better player now, but, this guy could become the next Fab for Arsenal, with better dribbling skills. I bet if you ask the Arsenal players who they would like to come in to fill the gaps of Nasri and Fabregas, he would be at the top of that list. He is small, but look at Messi or Maradona. One beauty of football is size doesn't always matter. Whoever gets him after Lille will get one of, if not the, best young players out there. And he is a winner. Chu-Young, Mertesacker, and Santos seem ok signings, but nothing to get excited about. I would have at least gotten Cahill to please the English fans instead of Mertesacker, admittedly I might eat those words later. JUST KEEP SPENDING, we still need one or two more at least, and no, not any of Chelsea's old players. How about that M'Vila chap?

  8. humilia8ion

    Aug 30, 2011, 20:35 #12224

    ashley young. an arsenal fan as a boy. we didnt even try for him. we could have offloaded arshavin (who ate all the pies) and taken ashley. i have zero faith in wenger anymore

  9. ate too much

    Aug 30, 2011, 19:14 #12219

    i think wenger has got it wrong to have not secured cahill and parker. 2 english backbone players who are full of common sense and fight. Hargraves also would have been worth the risk City are taking on him as hes fired up and ready to prove people wrong. i welcome the signings but i still do not think the blend is at all right and i think Wiltshire would have absolutely loved Parker and Cahill behind him. i still say we are 6th place at very best and we wont get out of the CL group

  10. Xnedu

    Aug 30, 2011, 17:39 #12216

    You're spouting utter rubbish.Fabregas didn't win the league with us because Wenger refused to buy the quality,the experience needed to make that a reality.Next you'll be telling me Hazard is a better player than Fabregas because he won the league with Lille. You're talking trash.

  11. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 30, 2011, 17:07 #12213

    It seems Arsene Wenger’s final throw of the dice is upon us. Per Mertesacker and André Santos at least make some sense, but even considering two 31-year-old Chelsea rejects in the form of has-been Florent Malouda and permanent sick-note carrier Yossi Benayoun, alongside bargain basement signing Park Chu-Young, reeks of Wenger shouting “DON’T PANIC!” as he releases the dice from his sweaty palm. The AKBs trust in Arsene Wenger is about to be ultimately tested…

  12. win AFC

    Aug 30, 2011, 16:10 #12209

    Thank god Wenger is now thinking like the man we used to know he as spent money on players which have quality and skill, May be just may be this might be a good season but i personnaly would like to see another manager at Arsenal

  13. Ian

    Aug 30, 2011, 15:43 #12207

    What the powers that be dont seem to realize is the impact that an exciting flair player brings - not just to improve the morale of the team but also the entertainment it brings to the fans. Nasri did this in every game that he played and I have no doubts that Miyaichi will provide this in time. The more players like Hazard that we can impliment into the team the better.

  14. Gooner82

    Aug 30, 2011, 15:40 #12206

    Why do you say come on you Reds at the end? The Reds being Liverpool ?

  15. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 30, 2011, 15:13 #12203

    I'm not being funny but a lot of people are saying Hazrd is this and that and what a good signing he would be but at the risk of being shot down possibly by the author of this peice who happens to live in bloody Lille or something, but how many times have you seen him play? He may be great, what i'm saying is I watch a lot of football but couldnt tell you anything baout the lad apart from he's a miget

  16. Peter

    Aug 30, 2011, 14:16 #12198

    Thank God we can at least move on from Fabregas saga. Barca was always his spiritual home, and maybe players are really only destined to win things when they are playing in the team they were born to play for. The fact of the matter is that Arsenal and Wenger developed one of the best midfielders in the world and football is all the better for it. In this context, to turn around and say Arsene or the club can't coach. Better days ahead hopefully.

  17. Nick

    Aug 30, 2011, 13:42 #12193

    Eden Hazard has "said" why would anyone believe anything any "proffesional " "footballer" come mercernary says? if the moneys right then their pricipals go out the window if they had any in the first place the likes of bergkamp adams and indeed stephen gerrard are very hard to find these days, loyalty seems to be a dirty word i just hope we can get some quality mercenarys to help us out for this season

  18. Dhilip

    Aug 30, 2011, 13:22 #12191

    A pretty senseless article. If you really believe that you would rather qualify for the CL once every 5 or 6 years and win rather than qualify 14 years in a row and not win, you don't understand the CL and why clubs are desperate to be in it at all. It is money. While it is awesome to win the CL, reaching the QF or SF and losing or winning it is just a difference of 5-6M. Whereas the difference between qualifying and not qualifying is about 25-30M per season. Makes all the difference between a profitable club and a loss making club. A difference between a club which can afford the Hazards and Cahills of the world and one which can't.

  19. Abbz

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:54 #12187

    From what you have read??? You clearly have not seen Hazard play. He is more Ronaldo than Cesc. Still onyl 20 and some what unproven. Granted he did well in Ligue 1 but if he was THAT GOOD then why is no one else in for him?!? Agreed a CB is essential and I would like Hazard but we still need a creative midfielder. Mertesaker seems to be likely (can not argue with a German international). New LB also immenant. Signs are positive. Better late than never I guess. 2 more Arsne and I will be happy.

  20. Zed Gun

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:39 #12183

    Sorry, it's just wishful thinking at the moment. If we still had fabregas and nasri, we could probably talk hazard and Cahill into joining us. Now I doubt any world class additions at the moment. We need to get our act together, prove we are still a strong team without fab and nasri. With a rising force like Liverpool circling around Hazard, we may not stand a chance, unless hopefully we do strongly in the league. Even then we won't get him in the next few days, earliest only in January. That still have to depend on whether Wenger is willing to dive into an inflated Jan market.

  21. m kop

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:34 #12182

    News flash, Arsenal is not favorite destination any more. Why would Hazard move to a team that currently plays as relegation battlers or worse. He can wait a year for well established top clubs to go for him like Real Madrid. Arsenal made terrible mistakes, firstly by letting their defence become as bad as it is, then by loosing midfield before getting anyone. They dont have goalscorer on top form. Yes van Persie is good but 30 goals a season, no way. No goalkeeper. They did have midfield but it only helped not to expose other shortcomings I've stated here. Now best midfielders are gone too, and even defence has lost their most experienced player with Clichy leaving. If I was Wenger, I'd quit.

  22. BrianC

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:28 #12179

    Eden Hazard, has already stated, he wants to stay at Lille for this seasson

  23. Jonas Andersen

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:27 #12178

    "Don’t tell us 19 year olds will come of age in one season and win us trophies". But Eden is 20?! Love him to death but he wont come, sorry. Jagielka, Samba, or Cahill won't sign either now Peer Mertersaker is comming...