Hook, Line and Sinker

Have Gooners been led down the path by the fourth estate?

Hook, Line and Sinker

Will we be coming to blows once more at the Swansea game?

(Ed’s note, this one submitted on the Monday between the Liverpool defeat and the win at Udinese. Still clearing the backlog at Gooner Towers, see…)

I’ve been a Gooner for more than 40 years now, and have seen the Bad (No! I Mean BAD Times). I say this because I might be accused of being a JCL/AKB for some of the things I am about to say.

Firstly, I believe Arsene Wenger needs to buy players, at least one CB (two would be heaven) a (proper) holding/ defensive midfielder and a truly world class striker… I would have said a goalie, but if we did buy a goalie, it would need to be someone who would be willing to be number 2 to Shez, but good enough to challenge him and keep him on his toes… at least till Shez is finished article. We still need a capable No 2 and Fabianski has yet to come close. I also want to see some of our players played in their best positions… maybe then Arshavin and Walcott can indeed fulfil their potential.

Like you, all I have heard and read these past couple of months in the sports news etc, is the media criticising, attacking, insulting (basically doing all they can to destroy) Wenger, and at present they are on target to achieving that aim.

Already they have succeeded in whipping up such a feeding frenzy, that even when reporting or discussing other teams’ managers etc – Wenger is brought into the ‘discussion’ at some point. In doing so they have succeeded in widening the gap that exists between Arsenal fans. At the Liverpool game, I witnessed arguments between fellow Gooners that threatened to boil over into violence… WTF!!?

For every single Arsenal fan you will find a different and unique opinion (on the present situation). There may be similarities, but this polarising is something else, and the reason for that IMO is that the media have done a real hatchet job, not just on Wenger but on everyone and anyone connected with Arsenal FC.

We need to remember the long standing tradition of the British Press: They build someone up – so they can sell papers – make headlines… the bigger and more sensational the better… so they can then ‘bring them down and destroy them’ the lower and more nasty the better… to make even bigger headlines and sell more papers. There are plenty of hacks/journos who have an axe to grind with Wenger/Arsenal for a million reasons, and now they see their chance to do some damage, but they are not just damaging Wenger and the club & team, but Arsenal supporters. And it is not (simply) Wenger’s fault… if any are to blame it is the board – who have constantly misinformed (I think some people call it lying!?) us while Wenger has carried the can.

And we fellow Gooners have not only fallen for it ‘hook line and sinker’ – but we have now become total participants in destroying someone who does NOT deserve it. Of course we can and should voice our opinions! Protest if need be, BUT the things I have heard Gooners say, that I have read on OnlineGooner’ on other websites and in the papers has caused me to re-evaluate this whole scenario. Surely it would be more effective to contact the club, write to Wenger and the Board, rather than just sit on my behind and whinge, moan and throw insult after insult. Okay, some might say ‘fat chance of my letter actually getting through him’, but that surely has got to be worth a try, if I care as I say I do, and better than allowing myself to be a (passive) part of the hatchet job that is being done on Wenger, the club and Arsenal supporters.

It’s even got to the point where ex-manager George Graham is going out of his way to criticise Wenger in public. Why does he feel the need to do so ‘publicly’ – surely he has access to Wenger and can do so privately, perhaps he’s doing so because he too is caught up in this feeding frenzy. Mind you criticism from someone found guilty of taking backhanders… my how low can you get!?... perhaps managing Sp**s!???

Every Gooner/Arsenal Fan has a right to their opinion and to voice it to the manager, club, players etc… BUT that is “WE” – what right do the media have, and why do you think they’re doing this? It isn’t because they care, or because they have the best interests of the fans at heart – No! they are doing this because it makes headlines, and sells papers. How many times have we witnessed the public execution of a celebrity by the media!? Exactly!

No matter what, we need to remember that Arsene Wenger has been a “Hero” for us…a “Legend”, why should we be ‘cajoled and coerced’ into (publicly) turning on one of our own. HE is Arsenal – WE are Arsenal, and for me it is like seeing a family member being attacked. And that truly makes me angry and sad – we all know it is okay for families to argue amongst themselves, but it is NOT acceptable for outsiders (the scum media especially) to interfere.

No! I am not a Rosetinter, or one of those blinkered JCL’s who thinks AKB. But I am aware of the truly sublime times he has brought me/us, and maybe he can again. But not if we let the media machine ‘persuade’ us to change what’s in our hearts – because that is what they do best – divide and rule – and so sell even more papers! Of course they’re going to ‘report’ on it no matter what we do, but we don’t have to contribute to their feeding frenzy. Then maybe, just maybe “we” all can get through this most challenging and difficult of times…WE ARE THE ARSENAL… nothing else matters.

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  1. nugs

    Sep 02, 2011, 3:21 #12392

    Bollox m8 I dont need the press to tell me that aw is a clown, I suppose we only think sunday was a bad result cos the press said so! No tatics no organisation no spirit and no belief .

  2. Richard Ansell

    Aug 31, 2011, 8:30 #12234

    Mandy - you say let's wait to see what Wenger does this transfer window. He has had the whole of the summer, with plenty of notice that his creative midfielders wanted out and ample evidence last season and before that we are a defensive shambles. Here we are on 31/8 and he has done NOTHING and even if he does sign one or two last minute deals it is too little too late for me and a scandal that we are in this mess. He deserves all the stick that is coming his way and more.

  3. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 31, 2011, 6:37 #12232

    I stopped reading opinion pieces in the media, British or otherwise, a decade ago. Try it, it's really good for you.

  4. bunch

    Aug 31, 2011, 4:12 #12230

    I've been an Arsenal fan for just as long as you, but I see it completely differently. I want Wenger out because of the crap he has served up over the last 6 years, culminating in the humiliation at Old Trafford on the back of the disastrous collapse last season, not anything in the media. I don't tend to read the papers, but football pundits on MoTD and Sky are if anything way too lenient on Wenger. But they are supporters funding his failed experiment! I support Arsenal which is why I want Wenger out of our club because we won't win anything until he goes.

  5. Bob3

    Aug 30, 2011, 23:39 #12228

    Good article! Think of the mileage the media are getting out of this Wenger Circus at the moment. Wenger getting sacked or resigning is a sports writer's wet dream, they can analyse where it all went wrong, where he's going next and who's going to replace him. All you demanding serious silverware lets be real..Champions League with Barcas team of the century..no chance, Premier League with City and their 2 first teams..no chance, FA Cup - Maybe, Carling Cup - maybe. At least Wenger's been up there despite all these years with odds stacked against him. God give the guy a break, let him try and sort it out. If all these moaners were as vociferous at the Emirates the stadium would have a decent atmosphere. Get behindthe boys!

  6. Hawk

    Aug 30, 2011, 21:27 #12225

    Chaps, I think you need to ask yourself what is Arsenal. It is a football club which will be around after you, me and wenger snuffs it. Wenger is not Arsenal. Fact. He is a paid employee.....he is not doing it for free ! I support Arsenal and if the hotdog seller was selling peanuts for 5 years I'd sack him for not doing his job. Has Arsene, the paid employee done his ?

  7. ArsenalMouse

    Aug 30, 2011, 19:34 #12221

    Yanto makes a few good points but how can he justify his ludicrous idea that the media is on a Anti-Wenger hunt and trying to destroy him?? The media loves Arsene, for crying out loud, did he not see the full page article on page 2 of the Times/Telegraph (forget which one it was) in which the journalist said Arsene was the ideal manager in terms of financial management? Was it the journo's who have been chanting "Spend some f***ing money?" at the away games? The pundits who are ex-arsenal players (Wright, Merson, Dixon ,to name but a few) are the ones who have been calling for Arsene's head! Research your articles before you submit them Yanto. You turned what could have been an insightful article into just another rant. And lets be honest, ALL of us Gooners are fed up of ranting now. We're after contructive critisism, not blind anger.

  8. Greybeard the Gooner

    Aug 30, 2011, 19:21 #12220

    I wrote to Bertie Mee once about the terrible state of the team in 1976. And I got a reply. I still have the letter signed by Bert himself ( well I think it's Bert but can be 100% sure)

  9. kenneth omera

    Aug 30, 2011, 19:10 #12218

    i think the board is to be blame for arsenal's problems,i feel for wenger,i realised he is stubborn,but i will prefer dein and usmannov,i don't understand silent stan.

  10. Ronster

    Aug 30, 2011, 17:44 #12217

    Wenger deserves all the flak he's getting at the moment...apparently he'll be abroad for several days commentating on France's Euro 2012 qualifiers for French TV. The club have just suffered a historic defeat,civil war is breaking out amongst the Gooner nation and the youngsters not called up for international duty need to see they have not been abandoned by 'Le Prof.' TV commitments can be broken.Wenger is handsomely rewarded and should be seen to be busting a gut 24/7 to rectify the humiliation we all witnessed at OT.

  11. Mandy Dodd

    Aug 30, 2011, 17:09 #12214

    An excellent post. The British media have had it in for Wenger since he made a fool of them from day 1, as explained so well in this sites editor's excellent book. Contrast the treatment Wenger gets, to someone like Arry. Worldwide, Wenger and the club are generally reported in a much more positive light. Wenger at times has been a hero, at times he has made mistakes but in noway does he deserve some of the stick he gets. Remember the afore mentioned Arry has spent significantly more but has dropped out of the CL with Spurs. Arsenal fans need to wait and see what he does in this window - today, the signs are encouraging. Arsenal fans have a right to make up their own opinions of the club / board / manager, hopefully on mature reflection. But nobody should be swayed by those who have an exceedingly anti Arsenal agenda, as have many in the media and on various forums, under whatever their guise

  12. Theo's Underpants Designer

    Aug 30, 2011, 17:05 #12212

    You must think your fellow fan hasn't got a brain to be able to make his own mind up on the evidence they've seen with their own eyes over the past few years. Whilst the part about the media hatred of Arsenal is true, there can be no disputing that Wenger has brought most of this upon himself with his stubbornness and refusal to admit - and more importantly rectify - he's made mistakes. As for Graham and other ex-gooners in the media, rather than being too critical if anything they've given Wenger too soft of a ride for far too long, such has been their reluctance to be seen having a go at Wenger. Finally, experience has shown that writing a letter or sending an e-mail to the club is likely to get you no more than a standard letter made up of old quotes, if that. The brutal truth is that they don't care about our opinions as long as the money continues rolling in.

  13. Daniel

    Aug 30, 2011, 16:55 #12211

    Yep Arsenal fans are completely incapable of thinking for themselves. No ability to critically analyse their club's situation other than bleet like sheep what they've been told by the media. Totally agree. For shame.

  14. bergy

    Aug 30, 2011, 16:14 #12210

    Why do you (and wenger) say that the media are destroying the club when even ex players and managers are criticising Aw? As far as ive read in the press theyve actually been rather mild worded compared to the language used in the blogs written by ARSENAL FANS and not by journalists. At worse they are merely reflecting the mood amongst the fans that has been created by wenger and the board - both share blame, we cannot excuse wenger from fault by any means.

  15. Sandra White

    Aug 30, 2011, 16:03 #12208

    AT LAST!Someone who is talking a bit of sense. I have been watching the boys for a long long long time and have seen worse. People need to support the team and the manager.

  16. win AFC

    Aug 30, 2011, 13:55 #12197

    Your so right about WE ARE THE ARSENAL, But we want the best for our club we want results on the pitch i.e. winning silverware, seeing history made and not end up 4th in the league every other year. ARSENAL ARE A BIG CLUB and we deserve answers. I would like to see Wenger getting players who play in the premiership it may be a good thing it may not. Your all thinking same old remarks. And yes Yanto i do care about ARSENAL F.C.. to get success, dont you think as fans we deseve

  17. Ramgun

    Aug 30, 2011, 13:53 #12196

    What utter piffle. It's all the media's fault and those of us who want Wenger sacked because he is doing immense damage to our club are not as bright as you because, unlike you, we are easily led is the crux of your arrogant diatribe. The media have given Wenger the easiest of rides for the last six years and have consistently failed to ask pertinent questions. If you were to say that you had a low opinion of the media then I would agree, but the notion that people like me, and before any dim-wit comes on here saying go and support Spurs/Man City(expletives deleted) I have been a supporter for longer than the writer and am still a season-ticket holder, can only hold an anti-Wenger opinion because of the media is insulting and stupid. The media did not have Almunia for 7 years, have not subjected me to Diaby and Denilson and Eboue and Squillaci etc etc. The media have not been responsible for ignoring the art of defending and having zero tactical intelligence (see our last game). The media are not responible for the constant lies told by the Board AND Wenger. The media are not leading anything, in fact, the useless bunch are just beginning to catch up!

  18. Big Dunk

    Aug 30, 2011, 13:44 #12194

    At last - a voice of reason! Too many people think you have to be pro-AW or anti-AW - why not somewhere in the middle?! I hate some sections of the media and the damage they do (not just to our club but to wider society, they have proven how low they will go with phone-hacking!). IMO AW has until Wednesday eve to replace the people who have gone, and then get them and the team tactically prepared for the season. Judge him at the end. I agree that our squad should not have been so thin on Sunday to be pummelled like it was but you have to give the board the chance to make its signings once money is in the bank. A top 4 finish is very achievable again, look how slowly Man U have started previous seasons... and remember that WE are The Arsenal!

  19. Mo

    Aug 30, 2011, 13:04 #12189

    Ok the hacks are trying to sell papers, but people like George are speaking up because they care about Arsenal, always has been, always will be. This article is derogatory to the fans, we're not a bunch of morons, we can see what's happening. I've been Arsenal for more than 40 years too and I am not going along with the media frenzy, I can see for myself what is happening, I can see that the pursuit of the current philosophy is fatally flawed. Arsene has been great, but he needs to change, he needs to overhaul the whole squad, radically change the coaching techniques, but he won't because he has stopped listening. I was at Old Trafford on Sunday, it was a horror show. We weren't just poor, we were an embarrassment, the fundamentals of the game were missing and Arsene is responsible for this. I don't care what the media say, I care about Arsenal and we are in trouble.

  20. Richard Ansell

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:57 #12188

    Sorry Yanto I just can not agree with you. Wenger and the whole set up at Arsenal deserve all the flak coming their way. The fact that we are just hours away from the end of the transfer window in this mess is by itself a complete disgrace. Fabregas and Nasri gave plenty of notice about their intentions to leave the club and yet NOTHING appears to have been done to line up replacements. How long have we been witnessing the team's defensive shambles and yet still Wenger has done NOTHING to try and sort it out. I am past caring about what he did over 6 years ago and am totally focused on the here and now where he is a disgrace and a total liability. I don't care whether it is Wenger's fault alone, the Board, or a combination of the two but the way we as fans have been lied to about 'competing with the best' is shocking. Even if we do sign any defenders at the last minute it should never have come to this and that is what I will find hard to forgive. Wenger and the Board have made us a laughing stock and are taking us all for mugs.

  21. Nick

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:49 #12186

    Wenger's been a big part of the lying and misinformation that have been fed to Arsenal fans for the last 5 years.

  22. Ste (Liverpool Fan)

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:46 #12184

    I feel sorry for Wenger, the press carried out a similar persuction of Benitez portraying him as a mad rambling fool (Fergie Rant!!) and the divisions appeared quickly amongst our fans, hiding the issues in the boardroom and threatening to destroy our club. Whilst I don't particularly like Wenger, the sight of seeing his current antics (mad head rubbing etc...) is quite distressing as he obviously cares passionately, and his hurt is plain to see (something every fans wants to know lives within the patrons at the club), and having seen Houllier (twice) suffer heart attacks due to the pressures of the game / press / supporters et al, you have to have concern for Wengers health / sanity. Unfortunately unless you Arsenal fans collectively focus you're attention on the board there will be 2 casualties... Arsenal FC and Arsene Wenger. Ultimately I fear Arsenal are where LFC were 2 years ago, and change is inevitable...so back Wenger, focus opinions on the board and force improvement!! The board with no doubt knne-jerk and replace Wenger, just pray you don't get a Hodgson!!

  23. Old Tuimer

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:32 #12181

    An excellent write up top article. Its one of the best written so far. The tripe written by children and part time fans hurts, because the Club the Arsenal are a part of football history and IMO will always be. But like you my time is slowly coming to an end and if things continue the way they are going so will this great club.

  24. emma unongo (Nigeria)

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:31 #12180

    reacting to a post today I took this same line.If we take a look back we would see that the Arsenal Board is the architect of what has be-fallen our dear team.No matter what your opinion I don't think dein-usmanov would av allowed tings 2 g8 this bad.But all I can say is Lets keep the Faith.ARSENAL FOREVER